Lecture 18 The Church and Politics in Medieval Europe Dr. Ann T. Orlando 14 October 2014 1.

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Lecture 18 The Church and Politics in Medieval Europe

Dr. Ann T. Orlando14 October 2014


Introduction Review 10th-11th C Europe

Holy Roman Empire Church Scandal

Popes Lay Investiture


Review History 600 - 900 Muslim Arab armies conquer much of Eastern Empire,

Southern Mediterranean, North Africa, Spain Expansion into Europe stopped by Charles Martel

(Charlemagne’s grandfather) and Pepin the Short (Charlemagne's father)

Charlemagne United Western Europe Crowned by Pope Leo III in 800

After Charlemagne Kingdom divided between his sons Infighting among them led to fracturing of political unity in

Europe Papal claims to political control in West Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)

Lost its southern Mediterranean territory to Arab armies Increasingly unhappy with Western claims to be the ‘Roman’



Developments in Holy Roman Empire (Germany, Austria, Northern Italy)

Otto I, the Great, (912-973) established a strong kingdom in the center of Europe on the Carolingian model

Conquered northern Italy 951 Defeated Magyar invasions 955 Crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope John XII

Beginning of a concept last until 1806 (or maybe 1918)

Henry III (ruled 1039-1056) powerful enough to control papacy

But his son, Henry IV was not


Pope and Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great, King of East

Franks (Germans), King/Emperor ruled 936-973

Made bishops civil officials within his kingdom

Emperor gives the bishop the civil and religious symbols of his office

Beginning of ‘lay investiture’ controversy

Celibacy of bishops meant Otto did not have to worry about competing families to his own



Holy Roman Empire in 11th C


Papacy 900 - 1050 Century after Charlemagne and his successors

Political power in Europe shifted to Germany (Holy Roman Empire, Otto I)

Papal military and political alliances shaky Popes of 10th C infamous for corruption and scandal

John XII supposedly died while making love to a prostitute Stephen VI strangled Benedict VI smothered

Papacy the instrument of competing aristocratic Roman families

Nepotism Simony

Widespread sexual, fiscal abuse by clergy at all levels Reform will come from monastery


Otto and Pope John XII (Part 1) Pope John XII reigned 955-964

From wealthy Tuscan family Led troops into battle in northern Italy

John established and alliance with Otto, who agreed to send troops to help John John XII crowned Otto Holy Roman Emperor In return agreement that no Pope could be

elected without consent of Holy Roman Emperor


Otto and Pope John XII (Part 2) Otto concerned about John’s persosnal

morality, and seems to have lectured him about this

John concerned that Otto was becoming too powerful in Italy

John sends envoys to Magyars in Hungary and Byzantines suggesting an alliance against Otto

Otto discovers this and deposes John XII, establishes Leo VIII as ‘anti-pope’

John XII dies in bed with prostitute in 964


Pope St. Gregory VII (1020-1085) Entered Cluny as a young man

Known as a reformer in the mold of Peter Damian Elected Pope amid great dissention 1073

Key ecclesial changes in his pontificate Deposition of all clergy who achieved office through

simony Forbade married priests to celebrate Mass

Most famous for encounter with Emperor Henry IV and lay investiture of bishops

Set stage for his successor Urban II Crusades Establishment of Curia and more efficient papal



Pope and HRE (cont.)

Pope Gregory VII assertion of Papal primacy, Dictatus Papae;

Emperor cannot invest bishops with symbols of office, or participate in election of Pope

Henry IV refuses to accept Dictatus Papae

Pope Gregory VII excommunicated Emperor Henry IV;

Henry repents at Canossa and is forgiven


Pope and HRE (cont.) Concordat of Worms (1122) Compromise resolves (temporarily)

issues between Pope and Holy Roman Emperor Agreement between Pope Calixtus II and

Henry V Pope selects bishops and abbots, and

invests them with symbols of spiritual office

Emperor can invest bishops and abbots with lay responsibilities and be present at installation



Pope Gregory VII, Dictatus Papae, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/g7-dictpap.asp

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