Learning Objectives Perineum 2 Lecture Male and Female Urogenital Triangle a.Describe the fascial reflections in the urogenital triangle and the relationship.

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Learning Objectives

Perineum 2 Lecture

Male and Female Urogenital Triangle

a. Describe the fascial reflections in the urogenital triangle and the relationship each layer has to the major subdivisions of the triangle (superficial and deep pouches).

b. Understand the relationships between the fascial layers of the anterior abdominal wall with those of the urogenital triangle.

c. Understand the possible routes for spread of fluid which might accumulate in the superficial and deep pouches.

d. Describe the contents of the superficial and deep perineal pouches.

e. Describe the course and distribution of the branches of the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels in the urogenital triangle.

f. Understand the position and importance of the muscles of the urogenital triangle.

g. Describe the fundamental differences and similarities of the male and female urogenital triangles.

h. Describe the role of the autonomic nervous system in sexual arousal.

i. Be able to define vulva, vestibule, prepuce, hymen, episiotomy, circumcision, erection, emission, ejaculation and detumescence.

Plate 356

Vestibule of vagina

Opening of gr. vestibular gland


Labium minus

Glans of clitoris

Prepuce of clitoris

Labium majus

Mons pubis

External orifice of urethra

Plate 377, 4th ed.

Plate 375

Bulbospongiosus m.

Perineal membrane

Superficial transverse perineal m.

External analSphincter m.

Perineal body

Ischiocavernosus m

Plate 358

Ischiocavernosus m.

Bulb of vestibule

Greater vestibular gl.

Superficial transverseperineal m.

Perineal membrane

Bulbospongiosus m.

Bartholin Gland Cyst


Dorsal n. of clitoris

Perineal n.

Inferior rectal nn.

Plate 393

Plate 384

Inferior rectal a.

Internal pudendal a.

Perineal a.

Crus of clitoris

Dorsal a. of clitoris

Deep a. of clitoris

Internal pudendal a.

Plate 358


Deep transverse perineal m.

Sphincter urethrae m.

Perineal membrane (reflected)

Glans of clotoris

Body of clitorisCrus of clitoris

Bulb of vestibule

Perineal membrane

Greater vestibular gland

Plate 350

Colles’ fascia

Ischiocavernosus m.

Crus of clitoris

Bulbospongiosus m

Bulb of vestibule

Perineal membrane

Levator ani m.

Netter 3rd ed.

Plate 342

Perineal body

Perineal membraneLabium majus

Labium minus

Body of clitoris

Deep dorsal vein ofclitoris

Sphincter urethrae m.

External analsphincter m.

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