Learning by teaching approach 3.2

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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This course focuses on how learning theories can be applied in e-learning design and the features of different e-learning environments and e-learning tools. By the end of the course, participants will gain competencies to design a blended or online learning environment and develop modules for different learning content for various target groups.

Learning by Teaching Approach

The teaching/learning spaceWe would like to share with you our thoughts, doubts and challenges with regard to:Learning by teaching approach within e-learning environment context on the content of teaching collaboration skills.

collaboration skills

Learning by teaching



Instructional model

To put it simply…

▪Can we afford to ignore the thoughts of collaboration skills required on learning environments?

▪Is the “learning by teaching approach” effective to teach collaboration skills ?

This Presentation includes:

• What is “The learning by teaching approach”• Collaboration skills [from the literature ]• Challenge : How to teach collaboration skills

through “learning by teaching approach” within e-learning environments ?

• Examples of how to make collaboration possible in eLearning.

• And…the story of collaboration in our group[as an example]

Learning by teaching

• In professional education, learning by teaching (German: Lernen durch Lehren, short LdL) designates currently the method by Jean-Pol Martin that allows pupils and students to prepare and to teach lessons, or parts of lessons. Learning by teaching should not be confused with presentations or lectures by students, as students not only convey a certain content, but also choose their own methods and didactic approaches in teaching classmates that subject. Neither should it be confused with tutoring, because the teacher has intensive control of, and gives support for, the learning process in learning by teaching as against other methods.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_by_teaching

• Learning-by-teaching is a method where students learn as they teach each other. This can be done by forming groups consisting of about 3-5 students. Each group is allocated some concepts to research on, discuss among members and decide on the strategies to use for teaching the concepts to the rest of the class ( Martin,2008; Skinner,2006).

• Findings suggest that simply telling learners that they would later teach another student changes their mindset enough so that they engage in more effective approaches to learning than did their peers who simply expected a test.

Learning by teaching


Well…This approach is very

challenging.I wonder if it can be implemented in the context/content of

teaching collaboration skills

“by teaching, we learn”

Collaborative skills : Definition

Collaborative skills are the behaviors that help two or more people to work together and function well in the process. Teachers can train their students in the skills of collaboration so they will be able to accomplish group tasks.


What we mean by collaboration skills?



Social Skills

▪One of the main target areas of the project is the large-scale assessment of collaborative problem solving which is being trialed with 11-15 year old learners. ATC21S considers how to measure the social skills of▪Participation,▪Perspective taking,▪and Social Regulation.

Participation Skills

What sorts of skills do we expect to observe when we hear that someone is a good participator? It can be helpful to distinguish between three sub-skills of participation - action, interaction, and task completion. • Action – the general level of participation of an individual, irrespective

of whether this action is coordinated with the efforts of others. Problem solvers differ in the level of competence with which they act in a group. While some may be passive, others become active when provided with sufficient prompts and supports, and yet others demonstrate an ability to act independently and from their own initiative.

• Interaction - this refers to the capacity to respond to or coordinate with others, ranging from answering an inquiry, to actively initiating and coordinating efforts, or prompting others to respond.

• Task completion skills - refer to the motivational aspects of participation, including a sense of responsibility for the outcomes of collaborative effort.

Perspective-taking skills

Perspective-taking encompasses the ability to perceive a state of affairs as though from the viewpoint of another, to apply contextual knowledge to interpret information provided by others, and to adapt one’s statements or actions with sensitivity to the needs and presumed understanding of listeners/observers. Within a framework of collaborative problem-solving skills, this can be viewed as two sub-skills – responding skills and audience awareness skills. • Responsiveness – refers to a capacity to integrate contributions

of collaborators into one’s own thoughts and actions. • Audience awareness skills - refer to the ability to tailor one’s

contributions to the resumed or expressed needs of others3, or to make actions visible and comprehensible to collaborators.

Social regulation skills•

One potential benefit of collaboration is the diversity of knowledge and experience that group members bring to a problem-solving challenge. However, diversity best supports collaborative effort when participants know how to deal with different viewpoints and opinions or, in other words, where they have strong social regulation skills.4 We can distinguish between four sub-skills related to social regulation: • Metamemory skills – this refers to the capacity to evaluate one’s own knowledge,

strengths, and weaknesses.5 • Transactive memory skills – this refers to a person’s understanding of the

knowledge, strengths and weaknesses of collaborative partners.6 • Negotiation skills – these become salient if disagreements arise between

collaborators. In such an instance, successful collaborators need to find ways to reconcile different perspectives and opinions and/or accommodate differences.

• Initiative skills - problem solvers may differ in the way they take initiative within a collaborative context. Some focus mainly on their individual tasks, while others work on a shared problem representation, a strategic plan towards a solution, and regular monitoring of the group’s progress.

Indicative behaviours or elements of social domain in

collaborative problem solving.


Rubrics for assessment

it is not sufficient to put students in groups and ask them to work together—students need to be taught the skills they will need to function successfully in this kind of situation.


Placing students in pairs or groups and telling them to work together does not in itself result in collaboration.

Questions and Doubts1. Can collaboration skills [social skills] be taught and evaluate through e-learning environments tools ?

2. To what extent [if at all] is the Learning By Teaching approach appropriate/effective to foster such skills ?

In case the answers above are positive [YES] …3. The challenge is to design an e-learning environment [based on the Learning By Teaching approach] for such skills.

• How to teach collaboration skills [as content] through “learning by teaching approach” [instructiona model] within e-learning environments [context]?

The challenge…

collaboration skills

Learning by teaching



Instructional model

Pros and Cons of Learning by Teaching Approach.

Advantages Disadvantages

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_by_teaching

Student work is more motivated, efficient, active and intensive due to lowered inhibitions and an increased sense of purpose.

By eliminating the class division of authoritative teacher and passive audience, an emotive solidarity is obtained.

Students may perform many routine tasks, otherwise unnecessarily carried out by the instructor

Next to subject-related knowledge students gain important key qualifications liketeamworkplanning abilitiesreliabilitypresentation and moderation skillsself-confidence

The introduction of the method requires a lot of time.

Students and teachers have to work more than usual.

There is a danger of simple duplication, repetition or monotony if the teacher does not provide periodic didactic impetus.

Role of the Instructor..…

The teacher collects all homework and carefully corrects it.

The teacher gives input of new ideas, and makes sure that there is adequate and successful scene-playing by the students.

The teacher observes the communication and intervenes if something is not clear. The teacher continues to let the students clarify what they have said if meaning or content are not completely clear.

The teacher makes sure that each student has the opportunity to participate, and asks questions if something is not clear and needs to be clarified by the class (until the "emergence" has reach the desired quality).

The teacher looks to see if the students really exchange their knowledge.

The teacher looks for absolute quietness and concentration during the explanations by students, so that each student may explain their thoughts without being interrupted and so that other students may ask questions of the student giving the lesson.

The teacher ("the frontal cortex") has to perfectly master the content because he or she must be able to intervene at any time, completing or giving incentives in order to enhance the quality of classroom discussion

7. The third deepening:6. The Second deepening:

5. Introducing the new content:4. First deepening

3. Introduction: 

2. Interaction During the lesson

1. Preparation at home

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_by_teaching

Examples of Collaboration via eLearning

Project-based LearningCase Studies.

Branching ScenariosClosed Social Media GroupsBlogs.

Some guidelines• The best/effective way to Teach collaboration

skills, is through collaboration activities[ learning by doing collaboration]

• E- learning environments and technology tools for communication [wiki, google docs, e-mail, skype, etc…] has the potential to promote collaboration skills.

• “learning by teaching approach” force us to experience collaboration and analyze to what extent we demonstrate collborative / social skills.

The process of collaboration in our group[as an example]

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives of Module 4 are:• Understand the role of collaborative learning

online• Understand how socializing and collaboration

can be achieved online• Be able to design and implement socializing

and collaborative learning activities when designing e-learning

*Reminder of module 4

Choose one topic out of ten:

1. Theoretical foundations of collaborative learning: Lev Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development

2. Learning-by-teaching approach3. Group formation in collaborative learning4. Community of Inquiry collaborative learning model5. Gerry Stahl’s Collaboration Theory6. Linda Harasim’s Online Collaborative Learning Theory7. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning and Second

Language Acquisition8. Collaborative e-learning at school: tools and current state9. Collaborative workplace learning: tools and current state10. Tools for collaborative online learning: an overview (list and

describe at least 10 tools)

*Reminder of module 4

Form groups of 2 or 3 people• Form groups of 2 or 3 people: to do so, a group starter posts "I want to work on topic 5" then one or two

oher students comment and join the group if interested in this topic. Each group decides on which topic they want to work on and it is better to choose a topic that is not yet covered. Now, your group is formed.

• Create a presentation: make a presentation in Prezi/Slideshare with clarifying (narrative) text or preferably make a video lecture, using PowerPoint or Keynote presentation. To collaborate, you can use various means of communication: documents in Google Drive, Skype conferences, Google Hangouts, Facebook - whatever you prefer.

• Assessment: make an assessment test for your group members by using a quiz tool with 8-10 questions in Propofs, Class Marker or other quiz-making tool.

• Share results: you share your results with each other in comments.

• Check and discuss the presentations: after finishing your task you get the opportunity to review the presentations and pass the tests made by the other groups on topics they have worked on. Choose the best one by liking!

*Reminder of module 4

It all start here.…Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

And than I got a respond…Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

Dear SandhyaI appologize for my late respond.I would like to work together with you. looking at your bio, i realize that we share entuasiazm for teaching , althogh we came from different backgrond [ my is technology education]. In order to collaborate on this task we should redefine and agreed upon what we mean by "learning by teaching approach" and as i mentioned in my post, i am not sure....what does it mean.is it using collaboration as a teaching approach ?So, may be a good start might be that we try to use our collaborative skills and suggest a technology tool to collaborate and communicate in order redefine the issue.what do u think ?Dovmy e-mail: dov.kipperman@gmail.com

Forming a group…and trying to redefine the topic Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

the topic...Redefine and clarify Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

Hi SandhyaThank you for the link. it certainly clarify what is Learning By Teaching approach. i must addmit that it took me to a new and a different direction that i was not aware of.I start digging into it and i find it interesting with regard to the issue of teaching/learning collaborative problem solving skiils [focusing on effective social skills for collaboration]. My points and dillemas are :1. Can this skills be taught and evaluate through e-learning tools ?2. To what extent [if at all] does the Learning By Teaching approach appropriate/effective to foster such skills ?In case the answers are YES 3. The challenge is to desin an e-learning environment [based on the Learning By Teaching approach] for such skills. and as for our assignment - creating a presentation. can you clarify what should it include ?from my point of view [ at the moment] it should include:- short introduction/definition of the approach - THE DILLEMMAS ABOVEAND MAY BE.....SOME IDEAS FOR IMPLEMENTSTION Dov• p.sif u feel you want to continue the collaboration between ud on that issu, please go a head a create a folder on google drive to share ideas.

Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

A new member joining…Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

Hi IngridYou are more than welcome to join.At the moment we did not start any collaboration by e-mail or google drive.According to my last post i am waiting for Sandhya to respond, [see my p.s : "if u feel you want to continue the collaboration between us on that issue, please go a head a create a folder on google drive to share ideas."]on the other hand, i am a little bit confused since Daria annouced on new groups and assigned me on a new group with others which i dont know what issues they are choose for this collaborative assignment.Anyway, if you want to collaborate on issue 2 [learning-by-teaching] in context of fostering teamwork skills, or even any other idea u have in mind, please let me know.Any idea what should our presentation include ?you can e-mail me. Dov

welcome…Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

Get the group going …Module 4 Discussion 1: Forming groups

Get the group going on… set up a google drive

Hi Dov,

I am still waiting for Ingrid's email address to include her. So far I have set up a folder in google drive. These topics seems excellent ideas for our presentation.

short introduction/definition of the approach DILEMMASIDEAS FOR IMPLEMENTATION (including software that can be used to implement this approach).Here are my initial questions. Who is going to do which section and do we make the presentation in Powerpoint??I'll include Ingrid as soon as I get her email address.

Creating a power point presentation

Uploaded to google drive

Hi Dov,

What an amazing powerpoint!! I do want to add a few things to it.I plan to add these points to it.

add role of instructor.Advantages and disadvantagesExamples of collaboration via eLearning I'll do it this weekend and have the final ready by Sunday. I haven't heard anything from Ingrid so far.

Hilooking forward for the points you intend to add.I made some slight changes in the presentation [see ver 2.0 ] and already uploaded to our google drive.Please refer to ver 2.0 while u add your points.Dov

Uploading ver 2.0

•Hi Dov,

I have uploaded my slides on the powerpoint. In addition I have also included 2 videos for submission. You'll need Jing to view these videos. I think Daria said she didnt want power point for this assignment, hence the videos.

Let me know your thoughts. I can make changes in the videos if needed.

Uploading ver 3.0

Hi SandhyaGreat job !I watched the videos as well as the slides you added. i like the way you present [you have a very nice voice].

However....Technically, splitting to 2 videos [i guess because the file are too "heavy"] might be kind of burdon for others to watch.in addition, i am not sure others are familiar with jing and therefore, skip watching [start to upload jing...etc ]

May be a better way to do it is through recording a power point presention


by the way, DARIA did not say that did not want presentationShe said:"Create a presentation: make a presentation in Prezi/Slideshare with clarifying (narrative) text or preferably make a video lecture, using PowerPoint or Keynote presentation".

So, i suggest that you submitt our assignment in two forms- the powe point presentation in addition to the two vidoes.which enable others to choose what is right for them to watch.



1. I enjoed very much working with u and appriciate your contribution2. I uploaded ver 3.2 to google docs [ just including the documentation of the last 24 hours interactions between us throgh the e-mail]

Uploading ver 3.2

To be continued.…

Reflection assignment:• Think about your collaboration process in module

4. • Consider what were the conditions that made this

experience successful or unsuccessful for you.• what this tells you about your own preferred ways

to learn collaboration skills.

• Post your answer here


Ranking assignment: Observe and be aware of your social skills

Social Skills Sub skills Low medium high

Participation Action


Task completion

Perspective-taking Responsiveness

Audience awareness skills

Social regulation Metamemory

Transactive memory



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