Learn the Easy Way to Make Money with Social Media

Post on 21-Oct-2014



Social Media



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Learn the easy way to make money with Facebook using a simple 3-step system.


Hi there - My name is Veronica Blue and I've got something to share with you that I believe you're

going to be really excited about...

Now, as you pay attention and listen to what I'm about to tell you while you're watching this entire

video, you’ll discover the 3 simple steps you can take to earn $500 and even more in a single day, over the

next 30 days from right now.

I'll be getting to those simple steps in just a moment, but first, let me tell you a little bit about who we are

and WHY we're doing this...

It's because the average American household could have avoided foreclosure if they knew how to earn an additional $500 per month.

And that's just one of the reasons why I'm about to show you how to have your first $500+ day within the next 30 days.

(There are more reasons, and I'll get to them in a moment...)

Before we get into that, I have to show you the obvious here...

Even though there are several of us who have experienced these kinds of results – earning up to $10,000 a month

following these simple steps...

Even though you're going to see proof from people who've done it...people just like you – we can’t guarantee that you'll

make $500+ in a single day, or that you'll make any money at all.


What I realized a two years ago when I started my business online, is that these kinds of results are

possible...but they are not typical.

But that was ok for me, because I got involved in this business to get away from what typical people do.

I wanted the lifestyle that most only dream about and very few are serious enough to take action to achieve.

So what’s my story?

I worked in the hotel industry as a sales & marketing manager for about 15 years. I worked

my way up from sales assistant to director in about 4 years, and at the height of my career I

made about $65,000 a year.

A lot of people might say I was fortunate in my JOB life to have made it to a salary of $65K a year. But the reality is, even though I didn't struggle as much in some areas, the more money I made

working for someone else, the more problems I had.

They owned me. If they wanted me to stay late, I had to – and I didn't get paid any more for working 8am to 10pm than I did for

working a regular 8 to 5 day.

By 2012, I found myself working a minimum of 12 hours a day – every day. Not to mention the hour I

drove in to work and the hour it took me to get home every day in Atlanta traffic.

I was exhausted.


The stress from working around the clock, and still not having enough money to pay my bills and provide for

my daughter without child support was taking a toll on my health.

I started trying to find something to make my life better. I sold jewelry on eBay for a few months - and I made a little money, but that business required me to shop for

the jewelry, and then I had to ship it when it sold – which I usually had to fit in on my lunch break or wait until I had a day off and could actually make it to the

post office.

I always knew I was an entrepreneur, and over the years, I tried all kinds of businesses, but I never had

success. I joined skin care companies, travel companies, energy companies, even a company that sold holographic pain relief stickers. At one point, I spent $1000 for a course on how to buy real estate

with no money down... And then there was the stock options trading course I took for about the same price.

I was failing.

Eventually (after filing bankruptcy and rebuilding my credit – which took years) I did buy a few houses.

And let me tell you...that only added to the stress. I dealt with everything from tenants skipping out on their leases – to having the sink, copper pipes, and

iron hand rails stolen out of a vacant house I owned. I took a complete loss on that one because the

insurance company wouldn't cover me.

I was tired.

And I needed help.

But one thing I learned from a book by Chris Gardner (the guy Will Smith portrayed in the movie “The Pursuit of HappYness”.)

…is that the cavalry is NOT coming. There is no rescue team. No one is coming to save you. If you need a change, YOU have to make the change for yourself.

A tough lesson, but a real one...

So I made a decision.

Because I knew this was not the life that I was destined for.

This is a picture of me and my daughter at our favorite breakfast place in Atlanta.

It seems simple…but I wanted more days like this. Days where I could wake up and go where I wanted, do what I wanted, with who I wanted,

for as long as I wanted.

Something had to give.

So… I did what most people do today when they are looking for answers. I turned to the internet to find a solution.

I started searching…

“How to make money online”“How to make money with a blog.”

“How to make money blogging.”“How to start a business online.”

Whatever I could think of that might lead me to a solution.

I wanted my quality of life back – and I knew there had to be a way to make money without killing myself

in the process... And I was right.

But this was the thing – I was only one person, and I had only so much time and physical reach to generate

extra money.

But I knew that people were literally getting rich online – and my whole point in looking for a solution

was to find some way to leverage my efforts.

I knew that if I could find the right method, the internet would work for me even when I was sleeping.

I didn't want my income to depend on tenants, shipping, or how many people I could get to abandon their families to

hang out with me at a hotel meeting.

That day – when I sat down at my computer I literally said to myself that I was not getting up from that table

until I found the solution...and I did.

I found the simple 3-step system that I’m making available to you right now…

A system that is completely set up for you, and all you have to do is one thing - and one thing only…

Getting interested people to watch this video and begin going through the automated process.

At this point, you may be saying...yeah – this sounds great, but how to I get people to watch this video?

I'm going to get to that in just a moment, but before I do, I

want to show you exactly what we're going to give you when you join our $500 Day Challenge!

Now, pay attention because what you're about to learn is pure gold!

When I first came online, and I tried to build my own system to brand myself... ...it took me 4 months and $5,000 to realize that I had no clue what I was doing.

And then, I had an epiphany, and my business instantly changed, along with my income!

I want to save you that time and money...because if you just follow the simple steps that I have...you too can make

hundreds of dollars online, on auto-pilot…while you live your life doing the things you love

with the people you love…

You'll realize that you never want to go back to being a wage earner again!!

You'll begin to feel a sense of determination that your business will be success. You will actually begin to

believe in your dreams again! ...And that mindset will guarantee your success...

So how am I going to save you time and money?

Like I said before - we've built the marketing system for you.

We've built the capture pages...

We tested them and tweaked them to make sure they work.

And we'll teach you how to easily send people directly to them, so that when they opt in by entering their email address --

they're added to your email list.

Once they're on your list, that email address is automatically “cookied” to you, and when they buy

(…and they WILL buy...)

they buy from the link that is specially programmed to send money directly into your bank account.

We've created sales videos...

We've even created email follow up messages so you can keep in touch with your list.

We've done this to give you leverage, because some people will decide to buy right now, but others won't.

Some people may need a little more encouragement from you, so they’ll watch the video a few times, and

read your follow up emails before they’re ready.

And that’s ok…

Because our system insures that when they watch that video again, and again, and again – and maybe even

attend a live Google hangout

(which we do for you, too)...

They’ll be in a positive, confident space, and that is when you want them to buy from you.

(And they will buy.)

We've created training videos that will show you how to get started, and then guide you through each stage of your business.

And the beauty of this is that the very same training we've made available to you, you'll be able to pass

along to your new team members.

It's set up this way so that you can focus on building your business instead of getting stuck in a cycle of

endless training.

And as you grow and develop your skills, your team develops, too...which means we all grow together.

Earlier, I mentioned the Google Hangouts we do every week. We call it our “Hangout with the Masters” series, and we do it every

Wednesday night.

This is where you can come to learn from the top producers in the online business industry, but you can also invite your

prospects to get a glimpse of what we’re all about.

We've even got an exclusive Facebook mastermind group where you can meet people who have been on the team for months,

years, or even just days.

This is where you'll plug in to our community, find an accountability partner, and begin to build relationships that for

some of us, have truly become life-long friendships.

You get access to everything you've seen above when you get started with our team at any level.

You can choose the level you start with, but whatever level you come in at, you get every product up to and including what comes with that level...

There are five membership levels: 1. $25/month – Fast Start2. $100/month – Inner Circle3. $500/month – Intensive4. $1000 (one time) – $15K Training5. $3500 (one time – Masters Level Business Building Course ***A $19.95/month affiliate membership is required in order to sell the products and earn $25, $100, $500, $1000, and $3500 commissions.

For each sale, you get 100% of the selling price deposited directly into your bank account. The affiliate fee goes to keep our back office operations running, so those deposits can keep flowing into your account.

And remember – we're going to give you all the tools you need to sell successfully.

What you're getting with us is an educational training system, with a funded proposal on the back end, which is what will make you


The training you receive can be applied to any business, so if you choose to buy the products, but not to sell as an affiliate, because

you have an existing business you want to build – that's' ok.

Now - I don't have time to go into exactly what the products are, but I'll tell you this...

Like I said before, my professional background is with a very well-known hotel company. I was a sales and marketing director with

this company for many years, and the marketing folks at our corporate offices in Maryland all came from Ivy League schools.

Those people spent BIG MONEY to learn about internet marketing so they could land a job and promote someone else's business.

What you receive from our system is equally valuable. It’s actually more valuable, because you’re going to learn how to use the same skills to create the life you desire…not merely promote someone

else’s business, while they a life of leisure knowing you’re spending countless hours to fuel their dreams.

I can say this because I’ve applied the exact same steps in my 9 to 5 hotel marketing job, which included

promoting the hotel online using SEO (search engine optimization), paid traffic strategies, social media

marketing, and many other methods that you’ll learn with our simple system.

As a matter of fact – I sometimes had to sit back and laugh at how much the big hotel run by corporate America was missing out on.

Things that I’d learned through our system that the big dogs weren’t even applying in their business.

We also put together a scientific, 3-step process to put anyone on the fast track to having your first $500 day

within 30 days of deciding to get started with us today...

1. Click the button below. 2. Decide what level you'll start at.

If you start at the $25 level, you'll be able to activate the higher level memberships through our back office when you're ready.

If you start at the $3500 level, you're good to go! You have all the tools you need to start earning commissions of up to the $3500. That means you can earn that money back in as little as 30 days...

So how do you get started with us today?

Once you're in, you'll get instant access to our team training site, the exclusive Facebook mastermind group, our weekly Hangout with the Masters Series, and everything else I've described here. And we'll be here for you every step of the way to help you succeed.

Our parent company, Empower Network, is the machine powering all of our success. The reason we've been able to achieve success with Empower Network is because: 1. The products are top notch.2. They revolutionized the industry with the first ever 100% commissions model.3. They spend BIG money on marketing for all affiliates.4. They…WE are committed to your success!


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