Leadership -off the wall

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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What do leaders post on their office Wall or keep on their desk?

Paul B. Thornton

Author & Trainer Pthornton@stcc.edu

W. Clement Stone

Do It Now


1. Attitude2. Communicati

ng 3. Listening4. Changing the

Status Quo

1. Attitude

“It can be done!”

James Parker, former CEO…

“No Whining.”

“I’m Responsible.”

“The Buck Starts Here!”

•“Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible.”

T. J. Rodgers—founder & CEO Cypress Semiconductor

Jim Stoval, president Narrative Television Network

Carol Leary-President, Baypath College

“Attitude is Everything!”

Attitude Small Group Discussion



•What’s your guiding principle regarding attitude ?

2. Communication


Michael Hyatt, CEO, Thomas Nelson Publishers

…remove the clutter so their big ideas stand out.

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

—Antoine de Saint-Exupery”

Tom Goodrow—Founder NACCE

“Less Data—More Meaning”

Mark Goodman, CEO Twist Image

“Be brief. Be brilliant. Be gone.”

Alden Davis, Consultant

“Start Talking and Get to Work!”

Leslie Aguilar, Author & Trainer

“Speak your mind even if your voice shakes.”

Maggie Kuhn

Ursula Burns—CEO Xerox

“Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your MOM proud.”

Leaders communicate…

What’s Possible (Their Vision)

What’s Important ( Their Priorities)

What’s Right and Wrong ( Their Values)

Small Group Discussion

What is one thing you could do to make your big ideas stand out?

3. Listening

Bill Gates Henry Ford

Michael Dell

Dr. Mitchell Rabkin, former CEO Beth Israel Hospital

Be Curious

Steve Arneson—Capital One

“Leader are known for the questions they ask—not the answers they give.”

“Listen for what’s New.”

Gayle Lantz, Founder and President WorkMatters

Quit Making Stuff Up!

Leaders……… Listen

Open and Curious Don’t Shoot the Messenger Ask Provocative Questions Listen for What’s New

Small Group Discussion

What’s one thing you could do to

-Ask better questions

-Be a better listener

4. Changing the Status Quo

“I will Change One life Today!”

Carol Palody, Project Manager, General Dynamics

Take Risks

Bring Energy!

Maxine Clark—CEB, Build a Bear Workshop

“Prove your Groove.”

Peter H. Reynolds—Founder & CEO, FableVision Enterprises

Norm Larsen

“Give someone a W.O.E., a Word of Encouragement.”

Derrick Hayes, Author & Speaker

Take Risks Have Passion and energy Walk the talk Keep at it Encourage Others

Changing the Status Quo

What’s one thing you have learned about implementing change?

Small group Discussion

1. Target Group2. Secondary Group3. Implementation Team

What I have learned…


Write down your guiding principles.


Post them on your office wall!

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