Leadership in the 9-1-1 Center. 2 Notice These materials may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the National Emergency.

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Notice These materials may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the National Emergency Number Association or the Course Instructor. National Emergency Number Association education courses may not be video-or audio-taped without the express written permission of the National Emergency Number Association or the Course Instructor. ©2014 NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER ASSOCIATION - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3


Leadership in the Center 2 Notice These materials may not be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the National Emergency Number Association or the Course Instructor. National Emergency Number Association education courses may not be video-or audio-taped without the express written permission of the National Emergency Number Association or the Course Instructor. 2014 NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER ASSOCIATION - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3 Course Logistics Course Schedule Sign-in/Sign-out Sheet Housekeeping Breaks Cell phones Facilities Evacuation / Shelter-in Place Smoking Evaluations Course & Instructor 4 Introductions Instructor Christopher Blake Carver, MPA, RPL, ENP Deputy Director Fire Dispatch Operations, FDNY Bureau of Communications 7 th Floor 9 Metrotech Center Brooklyn, NY (917) (mobile) NENA CMCP 6 Instructor Brian Tegtmeyer, ENP Executive Director, DU-COMM DuPage Public Safety Communications Glendale Heights, IL (630) (mobile) NENA CMCP 7 Course Objectives To develop an appreciation an appreciation and understanding for the critical need for leadership in the field as it relates to change management; new technologies; personnel issues; and the myriad other challenges facing the public safety communications community. To understand critical leadership building blocks such as from Emotional Intelligence and Self- Awareness, as well as principle leadership styles and the need for leaders to be skilled in recognizing appropriate situations to utilize different leadership approaches. To develop in attendees a realistic appreciation for the challenges that leaders face internally and externally, including resistance and sabotage; strategies to overcome those elements; the essential place of vision in effective leadership; and the differences between leadership and management. --Martin Luther King JR Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO LEADERSHIP Why Leadership? Why Now? What changes have we faced in the world of in the last twenty-five years? What changes will we face in the next twenty-five years? But even if we were not facing intense changes are we happy with where our agencies are? Where our Community is? Todays World From a 1995 GAO Report To Improve govt agencies We need to start Holding managers accountable for achieving results, rather than rigidly making them do things by the book Integrating personnel functions into the organizations planning and policy making decisions activities on all levels by decentralizing and deregulating them. Treating employee development and training as an investment required to keep up with changing citizen needs, to meet new skill requirements, and to build overall organizational capacities. Valuing people as assets to be developed and encouraged, as opposed to costs that should be minimized. It all sounds so easy doesnt it? Because the mechanics of building successful agencies are honestly not impossible or a secret. We can see great examples read great articles but still, thats not the reality in most places WHY? All Leadership is about people and despite what we may think about those we work with, they are not a distinct species So what happens that gets us so off track thinking our problems unsolvable, our future unwinnable: - A LACK OF LEADERSHIP Where does this come from? We have many well intentioned people who care deeply about their centers, but they are too often not given the training to succeed or fail to recognize the problem But they assume the issues are Just the Way it Is How are most promotions made in public safety? How do we find great leaders when we have never hired for them or trained our existing people to achieve that type of skill Thats why we are here today And hopefully why you are here as well. We are at the dawn of our fields emergence as a profession and full member of the public safety community. In 20 years the thought that Dispatchers were considered clerks will seem as outdated and quaint as a Model-T Ford. But that future will not happen by itself! It starts by NEVER accepting Just the way it is How do we get there? Whether we are talking about our own agencies, our own lives, or the public safety communications industry the difference between where we are and where we want to go is found along a journey called LEADERSHIP Whatever you Do Dont assume that this is an impossible journey. Dont assume that you cant make a difference Dont assume that your actions do not matter. Dont assume that problems cant be solved. All change happens on an individual level first it is only later, when others join in that it looks different but it remains about the one person making one choice! You have far more power than you realize How Wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment to change the world --Anne Frank Great Leaders you have known? If you are fortunate your path has likely crossed with at least a few great leaders alreadymaybe a coach or a teacher, or a parent or your first supervisorwhoever that person wastake a moment and think about him or herwhat are the qualities that you think made him or her a great leader? Where Does Leadership Start? Now that we have identified many of the qualities of a leader, there is a bigger question where does leadership begin? Supervisor? Director? Or someplace else? The critical truth is that leadership begins with YOU: no matter what rank or role you have no matter what job title you are bestowed Leadership is a way of living that is internal not a gift from above for passing a test, or from a book it is a conscious choice to live and lead in awareness. A Change in Mindset: And it begins internally with what can only be described as a transformation of mindset. According to Mike Myatt writing in Forbes, the biggest secret about Leadership is, there aren't any real secrets. The best leaders have just learned to make certain transitions that less effective leaders do not. Following are five key transitions great leaders make: The Five Transitions: (Part-1) Find Purpose. Purpose is the one thing all great leaders have in common. The best leaders recognize a common purpose, shared values, and aligned vision are the hallmarks of any great organization. People First. People will make or break you as a leader. You'll either treat them well, earn their trust, respect and loyalty, or you won't. The best leaders don't put people in a box; they free them from boxes. Develop Awareness. Great leaders are self-aware, organizationally aware, culturally aware, contextually aware, and emotionally aware. They value listening, engaging, observing, and learning over pontification. The Five Transitions: (Part-2) Shun Complexity. Complexity is a leader's enemy not their friend. Great leaders live to eliminate or simplify the complex, while average leaders allow themselves and those they lead to be consumed by it. Get Personal. Great leaders understand nothing is more personal than leadership, and they engage accordingly. These are the building blocks to leadership. And they are a choice that you can make. MODULE 2: LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Lets ask you What is the difference between Management and Leadership? Or is there one? Traits of Managers: Traits of Leaders: In our agencies, we are often forced to wear both hats because we simply dont have the resources to do it any other way if thats even realistic. The realities of the World Frequently, as is talked about in the video, we end up over-managing and under-leading in Public Safety Communications. Too much focus on the day to day, by the book and not enough on the big-picture, how do we do this better, grow the organization; etc. John Kotter on Management: Management is a set of well-known processes, like planning, budgeting, structuring jobs, staffing jobs, measuring performance and problem-solving, which help an organization to predictably do what it knows how to do well. Management helps you to produce products and services as you have promised, of consistent quality, on budget, day after day, week after week So, management is crucial but its not leadership. from Harvard Business Review Blog/ John Kotter on Leadership: Leadership is entirely different. It is associated with taking an organization into the future, finding opportunities that are coming at it faster and faster and successfully exploiting those opportunities. Leadership is about vision, about people buying in, about empowerment and, most of all, about producing useful change. Leadership is not about attributes, its about behavior. And in an ever-faster-moving world, leadership is increasingly needed from more and more people, no matter where they are in a hierarchy. The notion that a few extraordinary people at the top can provide all the leadership needed today is ridiculous, and its a recipe for failure. from Harvard Business Review Blog/ Activity Try to come up with five job responsibilities you have that are management related And five that are leadership related. Do you think you get enough time to focus on the leadership related tasks? What are some potential strategies you could undertake to ensure your organization is not: Over- Managed and Under-Led MODULE 3: VISION A Pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who make opportunities of his difficulties --Harry S. Truman What you just wrote down Much of the work of Leaders can be described as related to the Vision of an organization. Its is truly, in many ways, being an optimist in practice. It involves being able to see a better future AND coming up with plans to get there AND enlisting people support and engage with that plan. Vision Exercise Now the class is going to break up into groups of three-four people each. Within those groups Congratulations! You have been appointed the board of directors of our areas newest Center! Here are the details: Pleasantville, Urbantown & Tioga Regional Incident Dispatch A countywide answering and dispatch agency Consolidation of (4) Centers Approximately 100,000 dispatched incidents per year (25,000 fire/ems, 75,000 law) 18 employees 12 quit after the merger was announced The county manager wants this to work and has given you great leeway to make it happen! What is your vision of this centers future? Work in your groups to come up with a vision and supporting goals Five year timeframe Make sure you focus on vision and leadership related issues. And how would you get buy-in from the workforce to go along with your plan to make it better? This is leadership in action. If you think thats unfairly difficult.. Our next topic will highlight one of Americas Greatest Military Leaders who, ironically never led troops in Battle in the War he is credited with helping the Allies Win. MODULE 4: LEADERSHIP IN WAR AND PEACE George C. Marshall Five Star General During World War II Organized the US approach to building up supplies and material to fight a two-front war After the war, a statesman who ideas resulted in the Marshall Plan. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and was largely responsible for the democratization of Japan and Germany and their recovery after the war. Marshall on Initiative (and leadership) Passive inactivity, because you have not been given specific instructions to do this or to do that, is a serious deficiency. George C. Marshall Marshalls Five Principles of Leadership Candor: Speak honestly and responsibly Commitment: Adhere to what is right Courage: Be bold in speech and deed Integrity: Speak and act with honor Selflessness: Service above self-interest Do you think these would work well for you as personal leadership concepts? Lets test whether they work: Everyone here should be able to imagine the worst boss, manager, director, etc. that she or he has worked for in your career. Take a minute and think about them and lets identify what made them the worst where did that person go wrong? Now, how did those traits work against Marshalls Leadership Principles? MODULE 5: LEADERSHIP IN THE AGE OF THE QUICK FIX A Word of Caution Anyone who wishes to advance our species or an institution must possess those qualities which those who have little sense of self will perceive as narcissistic. All this besides the fact that arrogant; headstrong; Narcissistic; and cold will be the terms used against any person who tries to be more himself or herself Edwin H Freidman The Perils of Leadership All leaders who attempt to improve themselves will run into resistance Sometimes this will come from obvious sources, sometimes it will not. Understanding this resistance is one of the keys to leadership success as many people when so faced simply shut down or stop going forward. If you want to be a leader You will have to accept that resistance to change (even change that is beneficial is a natural component of biology and organizations) You can help to mitigate it by building a stronger coalition and better support for your vision but there will always be naysayers. Sound Familiar? The boss that berates you for trying to take classes and learn The coworker who now sees you as uppity because you went to a conference The union leader who says we just do it that way Here The senior dispatcher that says its never going to changeso dont bother trying to fix it This is why leaders need to: Not be afraid of standing out and trying to do better, be better even when it causes resistance Establish a network of other like minded professionals who you can use as a support system Develop strategies and methods to overcome those that would prefer not to see the organization grow. How Important is this? Most theories of leadership recognize the problems of resistance, but there is a deeper systemic phenomenon that occurs when leaders do precisely what they are supposed to do lead. The very presence of differentiation in a leader will stir up an anxious response. Yet staying in touch with the capacity to understand and deal effectively with this system is.. The key to the kingdom -- Edwin H Friedman How? Well-differentiated leadership: Focuses on Strength Is concerned for ones own growth Works with motivated people Matures the system Seeks enduring change Is concerned to take stands Is fed up with the treadmill Looks at ones own stuckness How Continued Is challenged by difficult situations Recognizes that reactivity and sabotage are evidence of ones effectiveness Has a universal prospective Sees problems as the focus of persisting anxiety Adapts towards strength Has a challenging attitude that encourages responsibility Is more likely to create intimate relationships. There are many more components but these offer a start into understanding that no matter how successful your efforts are at being a leader, there will be serious resistance often from people you wouldnt expect. How you handle that resistance will go a long way to determining your success as a leader. The related effort, also focused on your, is held in the realm of what is known as emotional intelligence another critical leadership tool we will discuss soon. SECTION 6: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Know Yourselfdont accept your dogs admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful Ann Landers Creating a Leaders Mindset All great leaders continue and solidify their leadership process on the through a process called Emotional Intelligence. This isnt some new-age crazy talk, but rather a science of understanding what makes us do the things we do and how we interact with the world. The better understanding we have of this process the better we can serve as leaders. An Example Emotional Intelligence is one of the key components to understanding why similar people with perhaps almost identical gifts do not succeed. And it is one of the reasons that people who find rapid success fail to capitalize on it fully and instead Burn Out the same is true for leaders. It is the modern extension of Maslows hierarchy of needs. This section is based on the work of Daniel Goleman, as published in the Harvard Business Review- March 2000. Emotional Intelligence Consists of (4) Fundamental Capabilities: Self Awareness Self Management Social Awareness Social Skill Let us examine the specific sections of each capability As we review each area, make notes of where you feel strong and where you feel you could improve. Social Skill Visionary Leadershipthe ability to take charge and inspire with a compelling vision Influencethe ability to wield a range of persuasive tactics Developing Others- the propensity to bolster the abilities of others through feedback and guidance Communicationskill at listening and at sending clear, convincing, and well-tuned messages Change catalystproficiency in initiating new ideas and leading people in a new direction Conflict managementthe ability to de-escalate disagreements and orchestrate resolutions Building Bondsproficiency at cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships Teamwork and Collaborationcompetence at promoting cooperation and building teams. Social Awareness Empathyskill at sensing other peoples emotions, understanding their perspective, and taking an active interest in their concerns. Organizational Awarenessthe ability to read the currents of organizational life, build decision networks, and navigate politics. Service Orientationthe ability to recognize and meet customers needs Self-Management Self-Controlthe ability to keep disruptive emotions and impulses under control Trustworthinessa consistent display of honesty and integrity Conscientiousnessthe ability to manage yourself and your responsibilities. AdaptabilitySkill at adjusting to changing situations and overcoming obstacles Achievement Orientationthe drive to meet an internal standard of excellence Initiative- a readiness to seize opportunities Self-Awareness Emotional Self-Awarenessthe ability to read and understand your emotions as well as recognize their impact on work performance, relationships, etc. Accurate Self-Assessmenta realistic evaluation of your strengths and limitations Self-ConfidenceA strong and positive sense of self worth So how did you rate yourself? We should all come away with some areas to work on and some areas where we are strong. Also, those traits shouldnt sound very unfamiliar, especially if you have applied for a leadership position. They are the foundations behind many job qualifications and can be found in Center Manager Competency Standards. A word of advice In a little while we will discuss some great leaders, but none of them are perfect. Just like all of us on the path of leadership, we will succeed, sometimes fail, and need to grow. But, so long as we can acknowledge that need to grow and learn and improvethen we can become great leaders. Just be careful to avoid ego traps. SECTION 7: STYLES OF LEADERSHIP Styles of Leadership; but first Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Leadership What does this mean to you? What are the different styles of leadership? Google it, they are 3, 4, 5, 6, and even 10 styles of leadership depending on who you ask. Three (3) Basic Styles: Authoritarian Participative Delegative 66 NENA CMCP The Styles of Leadership Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business Review, March 2000 The Styles There are several main styles of leadership The names may change a bit depending on your source of information but the most important element is this: No one style of leadership will meet all your needs! You need to have at least a couple at your disposal somewhat like a golf club! Leadership Traits Leadership Success Loyal Educated Adaptable Determined Enthusiastic Reliable Selfless Tough Empathetic Assertive Courageous Honorable Leaders teach Leadership Failure Lacks passion Unclear vision Poor communications skills Avoids taking risks Callous Unethical Poor self-management Incompetent Plays the victim Tears others down Micromanages First to take credit Last to take blame NENA CMCP 69 MODULE 8: SERVANT LEADERSHIP A Primer on Servant Leadership The Servant Leader Understands that nothing positive can be accomplished in an organization without the support of those who are to do the hard work James A. Autry Servant Leadership A critical theory of leadership that falls outside the normal chart of styles, Servant Leadership is the ultimate People Focused style of leadership. Three basic principles: 1)Your organization is not different than others- because it depends on people and that dependence on people results in far more similarities than differences. 2) Efficiency is not the same as effectiveness 3) Servant leadership is not Soft or Easy The Internal Component: Be AuthenticBe Who you Areevery time Be Vulnerablebeing honest with your feelings in the context of your worknot being afraid to say you were wrong Be Accepting accept ideas as valid for discussion and reviewfocusing on the ideas themselves, not the person. You also accept and embrace disagreement as a human part of the process of work Be Presenthaving your whole self available at all timesinvolves also remaining centered and grounded in the face of crisis. Be Usefulyou are a resource for your people Servant Leadership in Action 1.Leadership is not about controlling people, its about caring for people and being a useful resource for people 2.Leadership is not about being a boss; its about being present for people and building a community at work. 3.Leadership is not about holding onto territory; its about letting go of ego, bringing your spirit to work; being your best and most authentic self. 4.Leadership is less concerned with pep-talks and more concerned with creating a place in which people can do good work, can find meaning in their work, and can bring their spirits to work 5.Leadership, like life, is largely a matter of paying attention. 6. Leadership Requires Love How applicable do you think It is? Can a servant style approach work In the field of ? Why or Why Not? More information available on this style from: The Servant Leader by James A. Autry The Robert K Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership Two Final Takeaways from James Autry that really apply to all leadership: Parting Words on Servant Leadership The Most Important thing you can do as a servant leader is bring people together, face-to-face, to discuss the differences and the disagreements before they reach a point of conflict or hostility Remember that there is no crisis that justifies the suspension of your servant leadership values and practices, one of which is open and honest communication in an environment of trust MODULE 9: TO CHANGE THE WORLD (OR AT LEAST 9-1-1) Why cant we just leave it alone? Still the Question recursCan we do better? The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew - Abraham Lincoln. Lets talk about the challenges we face: In the world that is 9-1-1, what are the most pressing issues that we must address going forward? What role does leadership play in meeting those challenges? How has a failure of leadership made those challenges more pronounced? Group Activity The Quest for National Minimum Training Requirements for professionals is passionate dream for many in the field. However, few things cause more people to shake their heads and say Theres no way that will ever happen Break into small groups and come up with a plan to prove those people wrong. Going Big As we just showed in our group effort and as we discussed in previous sections today we are capable of much more than we think both as individuals and organizations. But to achieve greatness you must first be able to Dream great things. Our next section is about just that ability. MODULE 10: LEADERSHIP IN ACTION The Power of Dreams We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or the red fire of a long winters evening. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them, nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and the light, which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true Woodrow Wilson What does it really take to Lead? Here are some clues You dont have to be a professional athlete You dont have to do just one thing You Dont Have to be the CEO You dont have to do something glamorous You dont have to have the highest degree You dont have to keep your feet on the ground All of these amazing people have one thing in common In their own ways, they are leaders some of people, some of companies, some of hearts and minds. The accomplished this by refusing to Quit, By doing something never before done; by following their passion; and sharing it with others. They did not take no for an answer They did not let challenge or a temporary setback be the end of their story. They blazed forward and we are all better for it. Leaders in Transition Whether they were aware or not, one of the other critical skills that all of the people we just looked at had was awareness of and ability to be effective in transition. Each person was able to undertake multiple efforts, careers, and passions in their lives and be successful in almost all of them This is a skill that applies to Leaders in as well. What is a transition? Every Successful Career is a series of successful assignments, and every successful assignment is launched with a successful transition Michael D. Watkins in The First 90 Days Transitions in Change Agency Change Shift Change Work Role Change Work Assignment Change Seniority Go from Union to Management All of these and more are examples of transitions that you may make in your career. The Danger: Transition failures happen because new leaders either misunderstand the essential demands of the situation or lack the sill and flexibility to adapt to them Michael D. Watkins As a Leader, this is what you can expect frequent transitionson average every 1.3 years! Or over 14 per leader per career! Transitional Traps You can find success by avoiding the transitional traps: Dont just stick with what you know Dont fall prey to the action imperative Dont set unrealistic expectations Dont Attempt to do too much Dont come in with THE answer Dont engage in the wrong type of learning And dont neglect horizontal relationships SECTION 10: CONCLUSIONS Understand the Environment The STARS method to describe organizations will help you understand the role that you need to play, leadership style you have to use, and approach you have to take: Start-Up exciting, new, fresh Turnaround The Burning Bridge Accelerated Growth Rapidly expanding, takeover Realignment Sustaining Success Your environment may be one, some, or all of the above No Matter What: Effective Leaders Strike the Right Balance between doing (making things happen) and being (observing and reflecting) Michael D. Watkins Conclusions What we have discussed today is truly something amazing and wonderful It is a vision of a better world than what exists today in your agency, in our Community, and the world. By participating in the conversation you are starting to take your place in making things better. It will not be easy, it may not be quick but it can happen. Mark Michelis (7) Leadership Tips for Federal Managers: (looking to make a difference) Have the right team. Allow people to grow and they'll surprise you. Encourage risk taking. Connect everyone to the mission. Pursue a calling, not just a job. Be realistic about government service. Never forget you have the opportunity to change the world. Final Exercise Take a few minutes and write down the following: (3) Reasons why YOU are a leader. Now. Today. (3) Things YOU can do to become a better leader (3) Things you can do to help lead your agency (3) Things You can do to help lead the Community Just in case you still think you cant be a leader Meet another leadership hero and shes still in High School. And the future leader will be: YOU? ! You have unlimited potential to lead. What is your excuse not to be one of our next greatest leaders? Mans Main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. Erich Fromm Questions Further Reading The First Ninety DaysProven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter 2013 Michael D. Watkins People Styles at Work and Beyond 2 nd Ed. 2009 Robert Bolton & Dorothy Grover Bolton Up the OrganizationHow to Stop the Organization from stifling people and Strangling profits 1970 by Robert Townsend Leading Change 1996 by John P. Kotter The Servant Leader 2001 by James Autry Further Reading Pt. 2 Leadership Rules 50 Timeless Lessons For Leaders 2011 by Jo Owen A Failure of Nerve Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix 1999,2007 by Edwin H. Friedman Its Your Ship Leadership Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy 2006 by Michael Abrashoff

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