LCZH Informant 26

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LCZH Informant


LC Zurich Informant Nr. 26 30.10.12

LC Zurich Informant AIESEC in Zurich Newsletter

Content News of

the week Do It!

Updates - Finance


- Comm

- ER

- CD

Events - Do It 2012

Do It! Dear LC Zurich member,

On October 17th, Benno Marbach joined our LCM and delivered a speech on

networking. He shared his views on building and maintaining networks and

why they can be very important in some situations.

This week you will have the opportunity to do some networking yourself.

Because Do It is right around the corner and there are people from all over

Switzerland coming to this event taking place in beautiful Fiesch. So be sure

to take this chance, do some networking, get to know people, learn

something valuable and most of all – have tons of fun!

All the delegates should have received an Information Booklet with all the

important information regarding the time of departure, what to bring and

what not to bring, etc.. If this is not the case, please contact your VP.

The Comm Team is very much looking forward to seeing all of you next

Thursday. Until then: Have a nice week and get some sleep, because chances

are you won’t get a lot of it at Do It ;)

Your Comm Team

Thu, 01.11.12 – Sun, 04.11.12 Do It

Right now, it’s all about DO IT! One of the biggest national conferences is about to start in a couple of days. We already had the Conference Preparation LCM last Wednesday where the newies had a crash course on ‘how we AIESECers do conferences’ =). They got introduced to the AIESEC culture and they also got the chance to practice our infamous ROLL CALL. Oh, let’s not forget about our shout! Do you

still recall it? Here’s a little reminder:

White and Blue, coming through,

there is nothing you can do Oh – Shout louder!

Zurich’s got the POWER! Oh – Shout louder!

Zurich’s got the – what –what – POOOOOOWER!

AIESEC Ivo @ EuroCo

IBM Training Career Days


LC Zurich Informant


The Finance Team is busy - The Finance Team has been busy creating the

discharge report for KICK OFF 2012 and also creating the feasibility study for DO IT 2013.

Furthermore they had their first operational meeting last Tuesday where they had a

successful implementation of task division. The Finance team is now prepared to start

controlling us while spending the money =)


XPS – The OGX People hold their first XPS yesterday. They had an awesome time and are very

happy to welcome the 10 new EPs who are really excited to go abroad and skip the cold

snow outside. For all of the other AIESECers there's still a chance to join them and

participate at the next XPS on December 1st. Contact the OGX-Team.

They’re waiting for you!

Team meeting – The COMM Team had it’s first Team Meeting last Thursday, where

the newies had the honor to get to know the MCVP COMM in person already: Oana Pascu

stopped by the office and shared some basic AIESEC-knowledge with the newies and also

the more experienced members. This sure was a great preparation for DO IT! In addition

to that, the main tasks were distributed so that each member now knows what kind of

area/project he will be working at/for.



BSCC event – Gwen Jettain, Valentin Degen and our VP ER Julian Osborne have been

invited to a BSCC Event about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The relationship

between BSCC and AIESEC is at a high and the ER Team is looking forward to similar

occasions in the future. At the event they had the chance to meet very interesting people

and to expand their network.


Career Days – The Career Days Team is on fire! There are a lot of things that need to

be done within the next weeks: For now, the team members are busy doing ‘sales’,

meaning contacting companies and trying to win them over so that they participate in

our Career Days. During their 2nd meeting last Tuesday, Nadja Zürcher, former OCP CD,

delivered a Sales Workshop. The team members are highly motivated and working hard

to make CD a success! Furthermore they’re trying to cooperate with other student

organizations to promote CD even more. They also see Do It as a chance to get in contact

with companies and to motivate them to work with us! Good luck guys!


LC Zurich Informant

About us


Rämistrasse 66 8001 Zurich, Switzerland Office: +41 44 252 36 82 Fax: +41 44 262 55 40


We’re on the Web:

Or visit us on Facebook

Editors: Domagoj Belancic, Margaux Aeschimann

Send an email to the Comm Team


Our LCP’s experience at EuroCo 2012:

• Q: Ivo, you spent the last couple of

days in Romania at EuroCo, an

international conference. Can you tell us

what it was about and what did you do


• Ivo: EuroCo is an international conference

for all LCPs of Western-, Central- and

Eastern Europe and North America. It is

facilitated by MCPs and AIESEC

International. In 7 days we discussed and

learned a lot about the bigger picture and

the purpose of AIESEC. We took a look at

our current situation, our goals and what is

needed to get there. Then we went in some

more strategical topics like the positioning

and management of an LC, program

improvement and LC development. We also

had a full day of leadership development

session for our role as LCP and some

workshops from global partners.

• Q: How many people attended the

conference? Were there any awkward

situations when spending time with

people from so many different


Ivo: We were around 200 LCPs from more

than 40 different countries. We talked and

networked with a lot of people from very

different backgrounds and cultures.

It is very interesting to hear about their

situations and culture and to compare the

realities of our LCs, awkward situations


• Q: Tell us about something funny that

happened at EuroCo?

Ivo: One of the funniest moments was, when

the LCPs pushed the President of AIESEC

International to dance the Gangnam style

during a break, because he looks so much like

Psy. Video can be found here:

• Q: What was the most memorable

thing/moment at EuroCo?

Ivo: For me the most memorable session was

about leadership styles and motivation. It was

hold by Dey Dos, who is quite freaky and

looks like a hippy, but he is also former PAI

and a very inspiring speaker. He gave us a lot

to think about and triggered very valuable self-

reflection. At the same way all his crazy

actions and inputs made the sessions very

funny and memorable.

• Q: Are there also roll calls at EuroCo?

Ivo: Hell yeah, there are plenty of roll calls and

shouts on international level. See the brand

new swiss LCP roll call:

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