Law 7 – Duration of the Match Timing Two equal periods of 20 minutes each –Length changed only prior to start –Referee and teams must agree to change.

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Law 7 – Duration of the Match


• Two equal periods of 20 minutes each– Length changed only prior to start– Referee and teams must agree to change

No changes

• Halftime (not more than 10 minutes)

• Can add additional time at end of each half

• Extend time for a penalty kick

Tie Breaking Procedures

• Determined by league or tournament

– Two equal extra (“overtime”) periods of 5 minutes

• if still tied then go to

– Shots from Penalty Mark

Law 7Comparison with FIFA


Length of half

45 minutes 20 minutes

Allowance for time lost

Includes when major parts fall off chair and when removing non-operable powerchair for repair

“Some minor fine tuning of the chair lift may be in order.”

Law 8 – The Start and Restart of Play

Kick Off

• Winner of coin toss chooses direction of attack– Loser takes kick-off

• Can score directly from kick off

Kick-Off Directions/Distance of Opponents





Ball may be kicked in ANY direction

“Ball is in play when it is kicked and moved”

Can cross half line to kick,but not completely

Set ball is method of restarting match after temporary stoppage,

while ball is in play, for any reason not

mentioned elsewhere in Laws (same as “dropped

ball” for FIFA)

Set Ball


•Chair in danger of tipping over

•Ball bursts

•Outside Interference

•Ball held immobile between 2 or more opponents

Set Ball

Set Ball Procedure(cont’d)

• No players required– 2 players traditional

– No closer than 1 m from ball

– both players must face ball, parallel with touchline until ball is touched

• All other players– 3 m away

• Re-set if:– ball leaves field

before touched

1M in(or where ball

was when game was stopped)

Set Ball ProcedureNear Touchline


Players may be 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 M, etc.,from the ball.

“One player from each team comes no closer than one 1 meter from the ball; both players must face the ball parallel with the touchline until the ball is touched”

Set Ball Procedure

“…both players must face the ball parallel with the touchline until the ball is touched”

Set Ball ProcedureIn Goal Area

Spot whereball was


Set Ball


Law 8Comparison with FIFA


Distance of opponents

10 M (yds) 5 M (16.5 ft)

Restart for any other stoppage

Dropped Ball Set Ball (players 1 M away, all others 3 M away)

Players’ positions

Must face ball, parallel to touchline

Law 9 – The Ball In and Out of Play

Ball is OUT of Play

Only when:

• Whole of ball crosses a boundary line,

• Referee stops play,

• Ball held immobile between 2 opponents for 3 seconds, or

• Ball rises above 50 cm

Ball is in play at all other times!

Airborne Ball

• Powerchair football played in 2-dimensions without vertical aspect – but occasionally ball goes airborne.

• If a ball bounces more than 50.8 cm (20 in) above the surface of the field, stop match and restart with set ball.

< 50.8 cm (20 in)

Similar to FIFA

• Ball in play if hits goalpost or referee(s)

• Lines belong to areas which they surround

• Whole of ball determines in/out of play

Out of PlayIn PlayField of Play

Official’s Area

Immobile Ball

“held immobile

between 2 or more



Law 9Comparison with FIFA


Out of Play

Includes when ball held immobile between 2 opponents for more than 3 seconds

In Play Players may not use hands

Players may not use any part of body; can only use chair/footguard

Law 10 – Method of Scoring

Similar to FIFA

• Method of winning– Definition of a “winner”

• Definition of a goal

• Outside interference (set ball)


Can Score Directly From…

Kick Off

Direct Free Kick (DFK)

Penalty Kick (PK)

Corner Kick

Goal Kick

Set Ball


Can Score Directly From…

Every set play other than an IFK.


• A goal cannot be scored directly from:– An indirect free kick (IFK)

– Any free kick into own goal

No goalGoal

(mark on goal line)

Absence of Goal Post

• “In absence of a goal post, a goal is scored when a majority of the ball passes inside the goal marking and wholly crosses the goal line”


If Goal Post Moved

No goal GOAL!!!!!!!!!

(mark on floor)

• Allow play to continue• If opportunity to replace post, do so

• If ball crosses goal line, referee determines goal/no goal • Decision based on if majority of ball crossed inside or outside mark

• If determination cannot be made, a set ball will be awarded• In accordance with requirements of Law 8 (ball set opposite goal post,

along goal area line parallel to goal line).• If post moved deliberately, may stop play and award an IFK for opponent

• May award a caution (USB) at that time or next stoppage

Law 10Comparison with FIFA


Cannot score directly from a throw-in

Can score directly from a kick-in

Law 13 – Free Kicks

No changes

• 2 types of free kicks:– Direct Free Kick (DFK)– Indirect Free Kick (IFK)

• Restart mechanics– Quick restarts vs ceremonial restarts– Placement of wall

• Free kicks in goal area

Goal Area Requirements




• All opponents must be out of goal area and 5 M from ball• Ball must clear goal area prior to 2nd touch

If given to a team within own goal area,

Goal Area Requirements

Spot whereinfringement was




If IFK given to attacking team in opponent’s goal area:Ball is moved out to the nearest point on the

goal area line parallel to goal line

5 min all


to respectto respectthe requiredthe requireddistance isdistance is

a a cautionablecautionableoffenseoffense

FailureFailureto respectto respect

the requiredthe requireddistance isdistance is

a a cautionablecautionableoffenseoffense


5 M Exception

Goalkeeper5 m radius

• Only goalkeepers will be allowed within 5 M of kicks:– If between own goal posts, and– Behind goal line

Spot of Free Kick

Spot of Free Kick


5 m radius

5 M Exception

5 M Exception

5 M Exception

5 M Exception

5 M Exception(goalkeeper behind goal line)

5 M Exception(goalkeeper NOT behind or beyond goal post)

5 M Exception

5 M Exception

Defenders have right tofirst position…in own goal area

Defenders have right to place themselves in

desired positions before attackers

take position


Defenders have right tofirst position…in own goal area

Once in place, players not allowed to



But outside goal area…no first right

Whoever gets there first has position and is

not allowed to be “jostled”


Law 13Comparison with FIFA


Distance of opponents

10 M (yds) 5 M (16.5 ft)

Defending team kick

Ball must completely leave penalty area to be in play

Ball must completely leave goal area to be in play

Defenders Have right to first position within own goal area

Law 15 – The Kick-In

FIPFA Kick-In = FIFA Throw-In


• Opponents no closer than 5 m

• Can score directly


• Ball placed on touchline at point where it left field.

• Ball must be stationary• Ball can be played in any direction• Ball is in play when kicked and

moved• Can score directly from a kick-in

Referee Technique

• Referee or Assistant Referee (AR) should indicate direction of kick-in– Retrieve ball

• Place ball at spot of kick-in

• AR may support ball for kicker during kick

Can Spin Kick Either Direction

Ball leaves field

Kick-in for other team

If not enough space on touchline…

Can move ball into field 1 M

No Change to Infringements

• Kicker plays ball second time before ball touches another player– “Double touch” - IFK to opponents

• If opponent unfairly distracts or impedes kicker…– CautionCaution for “unsporting behavior”

Simultaneous “out of play”

Kick-in for A (tried to keep ball on field)



Simultaneous “out of play”

Set ball restart

Law 15Comparison with FIFA


Ball out of play on touch line

Throw-in Kick-In

Can score directly?

No, must be touched by another player first

Yes, can score directly

Distance of opponents

2 M (yds) 5 M (16.5 ft)

Law 16 – The Goal Kick

No changes from FIFA

• Definition

• Location

• Ball in Play (wholly leaves goal area)


All attackers must remain 5m away until ball has been moved

Must remain outside until ball clears goal area

Law 16Comparison with FIFA


Distance of opponents

10 M (yds) 5 M (16.5 ft)

Law 17 – Corner Kicks

No changes

• Definition

• Location

• Infringements– Double touch

Must be in contact with some part of the corner area

Which of these are legally placed?






The corner kick is taken from area at nearest corner to where ball crossed goal line.



Opponents shall retire 5m away from the

corner triangle

Sometimes, 5 M is inside goal

Apply goal line exception

Sometimes, 5 M is inside goal

Sometimes, 5 M is inside goal

Difference between Kick-In and Corner Kick Distance

Corner kick distance measured from corner angle.

Kick-In distance measured from touch line.

Law 17Comparison with FIFA


Distance of opponents

10 M (yds) 5 M (16.5 ft)

Law 18Classification

Law 18General

• Two classes of powerchair football (PF) players:– PF1 – highly significant physical difficulty– PF2 – moderate to mild physical difficulty

• A team may have no more than two PF2s on field during play

Law 18Accounting

• This issue still needing clarification from FIPFA:– How are PF1s and PF2s distinguished from one

another by the referee/opposing coach?• Numbering system?

• Arm band?

• Tattoo on forehead?

– Who is responsible for tracking to ensure no more than two PF2s per team on field?

• Referee?

• AR?

• Scorekeeper?

Law 18Infraction

• If team has more than two PF2s on field during play:– Referee stops play– Extra PF2 is removed and ….– Still waiting on guidance and policy from

FIPFA on penalty/misconduct/restart for Law 18 infraction


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