Lavie Uitgawe 16

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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Junie uitgawe 2012


• Funny one-liners

• Maandprogram

• Laminin - Are you moving

or stagnating?

• Algemene Kerkinligting

God se beeld

Ek het onlangs 'n video op youtube van Eric Ludy, 'n Amerikaanse pastoor, gekyk. Die onderwerp was Rak Chazak Amats. Dit is die “ancient war cry” van Israel. In die Bybel het die Israelse weermag hierdie woorde uitgeskreeu voordat hulle die oorlogsveld toegetree het.

Voordat jy hierdie beskrywings lees, verbeel jou jy is ‘n soldaat in die Israelse weermag net voor julle die oorlogsveld betree. Die soldate skouer teen skouer, reg vir die geveg. Op die horison verskyn die vyand met sy lasterlike uitroepe. Nou is dit jou beurt. Die bevel kom. Soos een man skree duisende soldate. . .Rak Chazak Amats!! Rak Chazak Amats!! Rak Chazak Amats!!

Die eerste deel Chazak is soos die klipharde “oomph” van 'n geestelike hart van ywer (zealous heart). Die game face van 'n sterk man. Volhardingvermoë (tenacity) van die siel. Die geknars van tande van 'n geestelik geinspireerde vegter(warrior) en die geknars gemik op die vyand. Dit is die besit van 'n besliste en grommende vasberadenheid vir die heerlikheid van God, 'n gespoel van geestelike geesdrif, 'n spanning van al die soldaat se spiere.

Amats is hemelse vermetelheid, dit is om hals oor kop in die mees gevaarlikste en onmoontlikste gevegte in te hardloop sonder om die onmoontlikhede te oorweeg. Dit is 'n vertroue in oorwinning selfs voordat die veld geneem word. Dit beteken vlugvoetig, standvastig in geloof, meer as oorwinnaar, heersende geloof in die Heer van die leërskare.

Ek dink dit het vir ons as christene baie maklik geraak om maar net ‘n gerieflike christenskap uit te leef. Ons is oppad hemel toe, so ons is OK, die res kan maar hel toe gaan.

Ons is in 'n oorlog. Die vyand staan op die horison en daag God en sy kinders uit. Miljoene mense is oppad hel toe, hulle word mislei en verlei deur die demoniese magte in die lug. Dit is tyd dat ons, ons slap gewrig christenskap los! Dit beteken niks; dit help niks en wie wil eendag voor God staan en hoor hoe Hy vir jou sê, “Gaan weg! Ek het jou nooit geken nie.”

Ons is nie net gewone mense nie. Ons het die Heilige Gees in ons! Dit is Hy wat vir ons Chazak en Amats gee. Dit is Hy wat vir ons oorwinning gee. Selfs al sou ons doodgaan, wen ons nog steeds.

So kom, Christen! Skop die vyand daar waar hy nie geskop wil wees nie. Wees lief vir hulle wat jou beskinder, spot en vloek. Vergewe hulle wat jou verneder en seermaak. Wees standvastig in die Woord van God en dit wat daar staan. Moenie ander christene veroordeel nie, maar sorg dat jou verhouding met Jesus is waar dit moet wees. Bid sonder ophou. En soos Paulus vir Timotieus gesê het, “verkondig die woord; hou daarmee vol, tydig en ontydig; weerlê, bestraf, bemoedig deur met alle geduld onderrig te gee,” (2 Tim 4:2)

Op ons eie lyk dit miskien onmoontlik of moeillik. Soos ek hierdie stuk skryf word ek getoets op hierdie goed. . .hoe dan anders. Partykeer is dit nie lekker nie, selfs seer, maar Chazak Amats! Die oorwinning is ons s’n. Dit is tyd om die fake, self-gesentreerde-gaan-alles-oor-my-christenskap se kop af te kap en op te staan as God se weermag en die wêreld deur die krag van die Heilige Gees te verander. Of lewe ons miskien nog?(Gal. 2:20)

Deut. 31:6 Be strong and courageous! Chazak Amats!


Tel: 021 872 3437 • Fax: 086 524 • • Vie Mag


Jesus Tweet

Chazak Amats

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes

in me will never be thirsty.John 6:35

deur Anthony Young

Junie 2012


Anthony Young

Denmarié Young


Grafiese OorsigGavin Young

Liaison & Bemarking Quintin Venter


gracebook Jesus Christus

gracebook muur

Skryf iets. . .

Revelation/Openbaring 12:11

Onthou asseblief om julle getuienisse vir ons in te stuur. Dit is slegs vir die heerlikheid van God. Kom ons maak sy naam groot en bemoedig mekaar deur wat Hy vir ons doen.

Lavie skryf. . .

Lig&Lewe skryf. . .

Ons dank die Here vir die dienste saam met Pastoor Deon Hockey. Ons dank God vir al die mense wie hulle harte vir die Here gegee het. Vir die mense wie gevul was met die Heilige Gees. Vir genesings en verlossings. Ons dank God ook dat dit nie net by ‘n week bly nie, maar dat ons elke week God se krag en seëninge kan ervaar en beleef.


Grafiek van begrafnis skema




6 Maande












wat m

oet aansl






Ons doelwit is 500 lede in die skema in 6 maande.Enige iemandkan deel word.

Mei - 3 lede aangesluit by die begrafnis SkemaMei - inkomste vir die kerk R27.60

Erik MaraisTel: 021-872 3103Mobile: 074 101 2279Fax: 086 521 7519

Begrafnis Skema

Naam: Selvyn Mekeur Naam:Sylvia Mekeur

Gebore: 1970-07-02 Gebore: 1972-05-09

Geboorteplek: Bellville Geboorteplek: Robertson

Beroep: Polisie man Beroep: Verpleegster


Liedjie: Die hele Hillsong collection veral “Yaweh” Liedjie: Hillsongs - “Hosanna”

Bybelboek: Markus Bybelboek: Psalms

Seun se naam: Jayden-Lee MekeurGebore: 2010-10-16

Wat beteken Pinksterweek vir julle?Uitstorting van die Heilige Gees. Werking van gawes. Ander tale in die Gees en wonderwerke.


Die grootste getuienis vir ons was toe ons vir Jayden-Lee ontvang het van God. Die dokters het

gesê ons sal nooit kinders kan kry nie. Ons het op God vertrou en ons geloof in aksie gesit. Na 14

jaar is klein Jayden-Lee gebore. Vir 13 jaar het ons aan God se beloftes vasgehou. En ‘n belofte

wat vir ons uitgestaan het en waarop ons gemediteer het was: 1 Johannes 4:4 “Groter is Hy wat in

ons is as wat hy wat in die wêreld is.”

Ons wil mense wat geen kinders het bemoedig met die woord. Hou vas aan God se beloftes en sit

geloof in aksie. Alles is moontlik by God. Wat Hy vir ons gedoen het kan Hy ook vir julle doen.


Selvyn &

Sylvia Mekeur


Only one factor keeps us from moving and reaching our PURPOSE in God and that is ourselves. We want to make our own

plans, we don't want to experience any hardships, we want to get quick fixes to our problems and we want to stay in our comfort

zones without having to make any sacrifices. Another thing is we don't want to do anything that takes too much of our time. This

all comes down to one thing: we are self-centred instead of God-centred and that hurt when I realized it. Where does one start? Spend time in God's word and in prayer in order to receive vision and direction from God in order to move.

Ooh there goes some of my precious time… Revisit the promises and prophesies spoken over your life. Prophesies come with

conditions and God will always fulfil His promises. So if prophesies and promises spoken over your life has not come into

fulfilment yet, just maybe you have not been faithful in what is expected of you. However, prophesies are also given as a hope for

believers for the future or to hold on to in difficult times. If you have been faithful just continue believing in God's promises. What needs to be done is we need to get OURSELVES out of the way and make space for God. We need to literally switch off,

isolate ourselves and listen to His Voice.

Ponder Point:Are you making enough time for God, putting Him first or are you allowing yourself, your needs and wants to get in the way?

John 3:30 “He must become more important and I must become less important” (International Standard Version)

Week 1

Week 2

LamininK E E P I N G U S O G E T H E R___________________________________

1. We don't pray and spend time with God to:

a) be empowered by the Holy spirit that's why we burn out and are unequipped

b) receive vision and direction that's why we try so many things and nothing seems to work

Read Jude 1:20; Acts 1:8; James 1:52. Instead of focussing on God's purpose for our life we compare ourselves to others ending up feeling inferior and putting ourselves down. We need to just do what God wants us to…a garden tool can't do the work that a carpenter's tool does-the work will never get done. Read Galatians 6:3-4

3. We suffer from information overload. Having too much information and knowledge but having no idea how to apply it or where to start. It's also like knowing the Bible but we don't live it, there's no love and we have no fruit to show. Read 1 Corinthians 8:1

4. We want to do everything by ourselves and refuse to accept help from others.Why would one want to struggle scrapping out his own little path which will take much longer instead of accepting help or advice from others who are more experienced? I think it's because these days everything is DIY- do it yourself. We should be careful that it doesn't turn out to be DIY-destroy it yourself. We don't want to share the glory with anyone else and sometimes not even with God and that is dangerous.5. ProcrastinationLeaving things till the last minute and when it gets too much and overwhelming we crack under the pressure, leave it for next time or don't do it at all.

Ponder Points

? If you are stagnating ask yourself and God why you are stagnating and what can you do to start growing and moving in

the right direction?

? If you are moving ask yourself whether you are moving in the right direction meaning in God's will and whether you're

growing as you're moving.

If you look back at the past five months would you be satisfied with your progress? How are those goals, New Year's resolutions, dreams and expectations for 2012 coming along? Most of all, have you been living out God's

purpose/calling for your life?

Only one factor keeps us from moving and reaching our PURPOSE in God and that is ourselves

Here are a few reasons I think we stagnate?



Week 3

Week 4

PASSIVENESS is also one of the reasons why people stagnate-some people might refer to it as laziness.

Circumstances play a role, but how we react in those circumstances is the ultimate challenge. The good thing is

circumstances can change. If you're not pleased with your circumstances you should change it gradually if you can

and accept those things you can't change. We need to quit blaming people for where we are in life and start taking

responsibility for our lives.

Say for instance God called you to be a worship leader or someone prophesied this over you and for 10 years you've

been waiting on Him to release you.

God intended for you to know what He has in store for you but if in 10 years all you know is three chords, you can only

play from one key and you've never attempted to improve your guitar, voice, music, or worked with others in the

music ministry, how can God release you in the music ministry?

Moving requires an action, don't just sit there, do something. Start somewhere and be of service whether it is at

home, the community or at church.

Meditate and pray on James 2:17

“In the same way, faith by it self, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

Are you moving or stagnating?by Alecia Smith



The Bible inspires us to grow and move forward:? “Stir the gift up inside of you…” Practice your skills, improve yourself, develop as a person and leader.2 Timothy 1:6 “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”

? Be consistent, persevere and don't give up1 Thessalonians 5:16 -18 “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus to you-ward”

? Use the mistakes from the past as stepping stones and not as stumbling blocksPhilippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

? We are all in a race, exercise self-control and run the race with certainty to obtain the price. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 “ Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

PRAYERI pray that every child of God will find their purpose in Him and live a life that is well pleasing in God's sight.


Tjokkerland nursery school, is a Christian based nursery school, which is run on the church grounds under the ownership of Pastor Henry Young. In this creative and uplifting environment our children are being taught how to be the leaders of tomorrow!

If you would like to get involved in sowing into the children's lives and making their learning and playing environment even more special and unique YOU CAN! We are looking for sponsors. If you have toys at home or items of furniture that you would like to donate to the school or anything else which you think might be useful and that is in good condition please bring it to the church office or you are welcome to speak to Denmarié or Crystal for more information.

Please contact us:

Tel: (021) 872 8935 | Fax: 086 524

et jy al ooit 'n prediker of 'n vriend hoor sê dat God vir hulle gesê het om iets spesifiek te H

doen of iewers heen te gaan, en gewonder: “Hoe hoor hy God praat?”

Ek glo hierdie is 'n kwessie waarmee die meeste Christene een of ander tyd in hulle lewe sukkel en ongelukkig is daar nie 'n eenwoord antwoord nie. Ek kan tog met sekerheid sê, dat as jy in Hom glo, praat Hy definitief met jou.

'n Versie wat my baie geleer het van hoe God met ons praat, is 1 Konings 19:11-13. “Toe het 'n geweldige sterk wind gewaai wat die berge geskeur en al die rotse uitmekaargebreek het. Die Here was egter nie in die wind nie. Na die wind was daar skielik 'n groot aardbewing, maar die Here was ook nie in die aardbewing nie. Net na die aardbewing was daar 'n verskriklike vuur, maar die Here was ook nie in die vuur nie. Na die vuur was daar 'n groot stilte en iets soos 'n stem wat fluister.”

Die Here se stem is nie altyd 'n harde gedreun nie, dit is soms net 'n sagte fluister. Dit laat my dadelik dink: “Hoe weet ek dit is wel God se stem?

Die antwoord op hierdie vraag is eenvoudig, tog ingewikkeld: Jy sal weet as dit die Here se stem is, solank jy in verhouding met Hom loop. As jy in verhouding met Hom is, sal jy Sy stem kan uitken soos wanneer 'n goeie vriend met jou praat. Jy kan tog sonder om jou oë oop te maak enige van jou

vriende se stem duidelik uitken.

Om dit alles saam te vat: E l k e e n h e t ' n u n i e k e verhouding met die Here, daarom kan niemand vir jou verduidelik hoe die Here veronderstel is om met jou te praat nie. Mense kan vir jou van hulle eie ervarings vertel, maar op die ou einde gaan dit oor jou verhouding met die Here. Hoe

meer jou verhouding met die Here groei, hoe meer sal jy sy stem in jou lewe kan uitken. Soms is dit 'n helder, duidelike stem en ander kere sal dit net 'n sagte wete diep binne jou wees, want sy Gees leef binne in jou.

Onthou Johannes 14:26 in die Boodskap: “Later sal my Vader vir julle julle spesiale Helper, die Heilige Gees, stuur. Hy sal namens My kom en sorg dat julle alles goed sal onthou wat Ek vir julle gesê het.”

Hoe praat God met jou?Naudé van der Merwe

Many of us are unaware of the cruelty which pollutes our world. Hurt and pain which goes unseen and voices which go unheard.

India uses the dowry system, similar to lobola. But instead of men paying

for the women, Indian women have to pay a dowry for the man. This dowry can be so expensive and in a poverty stricken country, it is even more difficult.

That is why it is considered a burden to have a baby girl! Expectant parents get a scan done and if they are expecting a girl, the FETUS IS ABORTED. It's become so bad that the Indian government has banned the scans. Some parents try pay the dowry over a period of time but if they cannot pay anymore the in – laws burn their daughter-in-laws, so they can get a new wife for their son.

Every 21 minutes a woman is burned to death over dowry. Let's pray for this nation, that God will bring an end to this injustice.

PRAY for her LIFE!


The Lig & Lewe family has a few outreach groups (see last months La Vie for Fire Lighters) that are very involved in the community and often go on outreaches. If you have a desire to minister to the lost, work on the streets with the forgotten, visit the ill and dying in hospitals, and even get involved in community projects, please speak to these individuals and see how you can get more involved.

We are here to serve. When Jesus Christ was on earth he was a servant to his Father in heaven. Jesus served the poor, healed the sick and dying and even washed his disciples feet. We are placed on this earth to make a difference in someone else's life. Ministry begins by serving.

This month we have a look at another one of these outreach groups: BIBLEVERSE Ministries, run by Jeremy & Chrischanda Arendse

CHURCH VOLUNTEER WORKDo you have a heart to serve? Do you want to help in the upkeep and maintenance of the church building and its

surroundings but don't know how to get involved?NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!

We are looking for individuals as well as cell groups who are willing to serve as volunteers. If you don't mind getting your

hands a little dirty and spending a few hours on a Saturday at church, this is for you.

Please contact Pastor Rudi Young for more information.

y staan bakhand langs die kar en hoop die vrou Hagter die glas sal die venster afdraai en vir hom geld gee. Enigiets. Hy het 'n vrou en kinders by die huis. Sy is siek, die kinders is jonk. Hy stink, hy weet – hy kon nie geld kry vir seep ook nie, dit was 'n erge week. Dis asof mense in hierdie maand nog minder kans sien om ander se nood in die oë te staar. Die vrou agter die glas hou haar oë stip op die kar voor haar, asof sy bang is die armoede sal haar insluk as sy na hom sou kyk; asof sy haar eie armoede sal moet erken as sy syne raaksien.

Sy staan in die middel van die speelgrond, kyk af op die kleiner meisie voor haar. Die kleiner meisie se skoolrok is oorgroot en haar hare vaal. Sy weet dis in haar mag om hierdie meisie te breek, en die gevoel van oorwinning en krag kom lê warm in die holte van haar honger maag. Sy kies haar woorde goed, en met twee snydende sinne sien sy hoe die meisie breek – hoe haar skouers kromtrek, terwyl die kleur haar gesig verlaat en haar oë nat word.

God het die mens in sy beeld gevorm (Gen 1:27). Hy het elkeen aanmekaar geweef en op 'n wonderbaarlike wyse geskep (Psalm 139:14). God is die pottebakker en ons die klei (Jes 64:8). Elkeen van ons is pragtig gemaak – ons is geskep in die beeld van God. Die God wat hemel en aarde gemaak het. En dit is asemrowend.

As ons regtig verstaan dat alle mense in God se beeld gemaak is, sal dit beïnvloed hoe ons ander sien, en sal dit 'n verskil maak hoe ons ander hanteer. Die bedelaar, die vrou agter die glas, die boelie en die meisie met die vaal hare is almal deur God self aanmekaar geweef; wonderbaarlik gemaak in Sy beeld. Ongeag wat hulle nou doen of waar hulle hulself bevind.

Ek vra dat God my 'n nuwe openbaring sal gee van die feit dat Hy alle mense wonderbaarlik, in Sy beeld gemaak het. Dat ek na die bakhand-bedelaar kyk, en vir God in Hom sien. Hom behandel soos die mens wat God hom gemaak het. Hom hanteer met die potensiaal wat God in Hom gesit het, in gedagte. As ek God prys vir sy werke en sy skepping, prys ek Hom ook vir hierdie mense waarin ek dit nie altyd raaksien nie.

In God se beeldDeur Sanmari Maritz


HOSPITALS: (children wards) - reaching out to patients:word of encouragement, share the love of Jesus, handing out gift packs, prayer and telling them Jesus stories.

FARMS (Boland area) - share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help those in need of food and clothes, reaching out especially to the youth.

SOUP KITCHEN: handing out soup from our house or on the streets to the community, giving out sandwiches on a daily basis.

TENT CRUSADES: assist man of God, Erik Marais (Van Wyksvlei and Eersterivier)

BIBLEVERSE KIDS (Sunday school) ages: 6-10, sharing the gospel of Jesus with the little ones by telling them wonderful Bible stories, praying and watching movies

STREET EVANGELISM: “Open-air” outreaches, sharing the gospel of Jesus, one on one ministering, giving out food, giving out pamphlets and Bibles.

We are based on fulfilling the COMMANDS as in Matt 28:19 -winning souls for Jesus Christ. Its all about building the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and to follow the commands of our Savior Jesus Christ to love God, to love one another and to go out and make disciples of all people. The Lord Jesus has moved our hearts with Isaiah 6:8 “Whom shall I send. And who will go for Us?” Then I said “Here am I! send me.” And He said, “Go, out and tell My people:

JOIN - -

Remember !!

JHey! It's MY turn to sit on the front pew! JI was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went over

time 25 minutes. JPersonally, I find witnessing much more enjoyable than

golf. JI volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the 12-13 year

Sunday School class.JSince we're all here, let's start the worship service early! JPastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the


Three brothers share a family sport:A non-stop marathon

The oldest one is fat and shortAnd trudges slowly on

The middle brother's tall and slimAnd keeps a steady pace

The youngest runs just like the wind,Speeding through the race

“He's young in years, we let him run,"The other brothers say

"'Cause though he's surely number one,He's second, in a way.”

Who are the brothers?

4Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back

4Time is what keeps things from happening all at once

4Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math

4I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian

4Never answer an anonymous letter

4It's lonely at the top; but you do eat better

4I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it

4Always go to other people's funerals, or they won't go to yours

4Few women admit their age; few men act it

4If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made with meat?

4No one is listening until you make a mistake

4Give me ambiguity or give me something else

4We have enough youth How about a fountain of "Smart"?

4He who laughs last thinks slowest

4Campers: Nature's way of feeding mosquitoes

4Always remember that you are unique; just like everyone else

4Consciousness: That annoying time between naps

4There are three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can't

4Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

Funny one-liners

Things you will never hear in church

Family Sport

Answer to riddleThe hands on a clock (hour, minute, and second).

Face or Vase?

16 JUNE 2012Celebrating youth in Christ

Kry ook jou kopie van ons gemeente se eie CD

Luister na uittreksels van die CD op ons

Sounds of Life EP

Met die oog op die nuwe sentrum en toekomsplannewas daar besluit om die sentrum se kenteken (logo)

aan te pas om te pas. Die nuwe kenteken is vereenvoudig,kan op meer plekke aangewend word, is maklik herkenbaar,lyk stylvol en meer professioneel. Hierdie een inkorporeer

ook subtiel die kruis wat vroeer nie deel uit gemaak het vandie kenteken nie. Ons glo dat 2012 die begin van groot

en suksesvolle dinge is, selfs al begin ons by ‘n kenteken.


Besoek gerus ons nuwe webtuiste en sluit aan by ons eie “facebook” genaamd ‘lifebook’ - word deel van ons aanlyn gemeenskap en bly op

hoogte van alles wat gebeur in die sentrum. Laai preke van die webtuiste af of luister dit direk op die webblad. Kyk na fotos, luister na uittreksels van die nuwe Sounds of Life CD, wees ingelig deur die

roterende baniere en ander ‘events’ inligtingstukke op die blad. Jou kommentaar oor die webtuiste sal ook waardeer word - ons wil dit

graag so verbruikervriendelik as moontlik maak - sien hierdie ook as ‘n manier wat gebruik kan word om ons gemeente op te bou en

te bemark. Geniet dit!

Nuwe Webblad

Besoek ons nou by:

Hierdie maand is dit dieFusion Youth Festival

Saterdag die 16de Junie vanaf15:00-21:00 gaan jongmense vanregoor die vallei en omliggende

dele bymekaar kom by PaarlbergNG kerk om God in

unity saam te aanbid

Begin solank bid vir hierdie dag!


23 Junie Tania Knoetze 082 099 933124 Junie Melinda van Rhyn 073 478 442426 Junie Danie Knoetze 081 362 398228 Junie Johan Kellerman 076 644 8133

Past. Henry & Denmarié Young 021 872 4102Past. Rudi & Lee-Ann Young 021 870 1677

Noorder Paarl Hannes Terblanche 076 052 0544Jannie Engelbrecht 082 497 5527Wilhelm Nothnagel 082 448 6608Ronél Richard 082 952 3271

Blommedal Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299

Paarl Sentraal Past. H. Young 083 452 6942Anthony Young (Tienersel) 082 312 6132Hester Bredenhand 073 816 8793Erik Marais 074 101 2279

Denneburg John Smith 084 251 7303Rudi Young 083 415 7834

Klein Parys John Solomons 071 189 3834

Wellington Johannes Botes 083 284 7142

Groenheuwel Dawid Jooste 083 317 8328

Paarl Oos Aubrey Cloete 084 531 3656Jeremy Arendse 082 551 1497Willie October 082 385 5312Triveno Smith 082 484 2416Selvyn Mekeur 073 673 0326Hein Plaatjies 073 323 0807

Jeug Quintin Venter 072 297 6144Kinderkerk Denmarié Young 073 193 2233Crossing Borders Gavin en Crystal Young 083 960 3590True Vine Ministries Erik en Retha Marais 074 101 2279

Geestelike Raad Past. Henry Young 083 452 6942Past. Rudi Young 083 415 7834Erik Marais 074 101 2279Willie Plaatjies 082 405 0299John Smith 084 251 7303Francois v. Schalkwyk 082 577 6799

Kantoor (08:00 - 13:00) 021 872 3437



4 Junie Moses Fredericks 082 975 22518 Junie Johene Abrahams 078 175 66128 Junie Jermaine Trout 078 814 10718 Junie Basil Croukamp 072 428 968610 Junie Martie Lemley 083 653 829710 Junie Denmarié Young 073 193 223312 Junie Samuel Mlambo 082 082 966912 Junie TJ Joseph 082 312 461813 Junie Natasha Jephthah 078 377 200213 Junie Desireé Lubbe 082 825 591215 Junie Antoinette Steenkamp 082 563 597915 Junie Portia Williams 073 550 966716 Junie Audrey Cloete 074 649 211016 Junie George Kellerman 083 500 810318 Junie Saura Fredericks 076 144 782518 Junie JP Terblanche 082 784 548222 Junie Lalie Lombaard 082 377 5007

Verjaardag wense aan:



Gemeente Vis ie

Al ons dienste word op CD opgeneem en is op

bestelling beskikbaar teen R15 elk.

Kry gerus ‘n bestelvorm in die voorportaal en handig in by die inligtingstoonbank.

(MP3 ook beskikbaar)Let daarop dat GEEN

bestelling gemaak sal word sonder betaling nie.

P.P.K.Standard bank

Acc: 072 188 170Branch: 05 02 10

Die Lig en Lewe Sentrum is deur God geroep om deur opleiding die Lig van

God se Woord teversprei en deur restourasie die Lewe

van Christus te leef sodat ons ‘n verskil kan maak in

die areas waar ons daagliks beweeg. Verder is ons in selle betrokke om

mekaar te bedienen om uit te reik na hulle wat nog buite

die Koninkryk van Jesus Christus staan. Ons strewe

om ‘n intieme verhouding met God te hê deurdat ons ten volle leef en optree

soos ons Hemelse vader van ons verwag.

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