Laura Wilson The Right Diet For YouLaura Wilson - Nutritionist & Author The Right Diet For You VIDEO 1: Cutting Through the Diet Hype & Myths to What Works For Weight Loss & Disease

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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Laura Wilson - Nutritionist & Author The Right Diet For You

VIDEO 1: Cutting Through the Diet Hype &

Myths to What Works For Weight Loss & Disease Prevention

If You’re Like Most Women…- You’ve tried many different diets and healthy eating regimes over the years

- You’ve lost a fair bit of weight… - And put it back on again, and more! - You have health goals that you’d love to achieve

- You’re just not sure that you ever will - You’re confused and disillusioned with how to succeed

Your Health & Body Goals- Lose 10lbs - Lose 20lbs - Get into shape and exercise more - Have more energy throughout the day - Alkalize your body - Prevent ill-health and disease - Reverse ill-health or disease - Eat tasty foods you love without restriction or deprivation

- Help your family to eat more

It’s Not You, It’s The Diet

- We can often beat ourselves up about not achieving what we know we can do with our health

- But when I coach people and see what diet they are following, it sets them up to fail

- With the right diet and lifestyle elements, a slim, energised and healthy body becomes an inevitability

How These Videos Will Help You- We will cut through all the noise, hype and misinformation and look at what really works

- No, really! - We will briefly examine 10 of the world’s most popular diets and look at the pros and cons

- We’ll look at the truly optimum way of eating and getting your body into acid-alkaline balance, based on large scientific experiments and day-to-day experience of the 1,000s of people I’ve worked with

Alkaline, Slim & Energised- I am running a new 8-week, group coaching programme called ‘Alkaline, Slim & Energised’ starting very soon, that can help drastically improve your dieting results by taking a few simple, weekly actions.

- Show you how you can join that to kickstart your health this year.

Who Is Laura Wilson?- Nutritionist, researcher, speaker & author of ‘The Alkaline 5 Diet’

- Helped many thousands of people around the world since 2008 through my health websites and books

- Now ultra-marathon

Who Is Laura Wilson?- Used to be overweight, unfit, unhealthy

smoker - Through much research and using myself

as a guinea pig, I learnt the secrets of optimum weight, health, healing, energy & slowing down the ageing process

- Got fit & healthy - Worked as medical research manager &

advanced gym instructor - Left to set up my own website in

Why This Video Series Is Unbiased & Trustworthy

- I am NOT a doctor – not invested in the healthcare system’s agenda (although worked in national health medical research for years)

- I am NOT a big corporate with shareholders - I am NOT a member of the food industry –

retailer, meat or dairy industry lobbyer, shop owner, supplement supplier

- I have worked with and interviewed the world’s leading doctors who are succeeding with curing patients of serious disease

Why This Video Series Is Unbiased & Trustworthy

- I have worked in a variety of health organisations

- I am a Nutritionist BUT my knowledge goes far beyond the misleading basics of government-overseen nutrition courses

- I have YOUR health interest at heart - I have over 15 years experience working with people, putting into action good health practices in my own life and seeing good success,

Why I Wrote The Alkaline 5 Diet

- To create a healthy eating lifestyle that is: 1. Simple 2. Satisfying 3. Super-Healthy 4. Sustainable 5. Systematised

- By eating 5 simple and tasty daily

The Dietary Health Crisis- Serious, preventable, lifestyle-based diseases

are killing more people than ever before - Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity

affect the vast majority of the Western population

- Fast lives, slow bodies - Overfed, undernourished - Too much choice but not making the right

choices - Most people are getting eating and health


Common View On Eating…

“Everyone needs a diet that’s right for them”

Paleo diet, Blood Type diet, Body Type diet, Diabetes diet, Body Building diet


This Clearly Isn’t Working- What if there was a single optimum diet for

humans? - Could we have a species-specific diet like the

rest of the animal kingdom?! - Are we meant to be eating meat & dairy? - Professor Jane Plant – leading cancer

researcher & author: “the same growth factors and hormones as we produce are found in food that comes from animals, providing the very “fertiliser” that cancer cells need. Casein, the main protein in cows’ milk, is considered most dangerous.”

Dairy - Cancer Promoter?- “Cow’s milk [organic or otherwise] has been

shown to contain 35 different hormones and 11 growth factors. High circulating levels of one such growth factor in milk, called IGF-1, is now strongly linked to the development of many cancers. Research has also found that “unbound” IGF levels are lower in vegans than in both meat-eaters and other vegetarians. “This means that a vegan diet is lower in cancer-promoting molecules and higher in the binding proteins that reduce the action of these molecules.”.

- Professor Plant, leading cancer researcher & author

Meat - Highly Dangerous?

- “Meat consumption is just as dangerous to public health as tobacco use... It's time we looked into holding the meat producers and fast-food outlets legally accountable. The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined.”

- Dr Neal Barnard, Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

Is A Plant Based Diet Best?

- This points to a plant-based diet as being best for health and weight loss

- “a vegan [plant-based] diet is lower in cancer-promoting molecules and higher in the binding proteins that reduce the action of these molecules.” - Professor Plant

- Vegan diet ‘turns off your fat genes!’ – Dr Neal Barnard

- Look at this more in video 3, along with the alkaline diet

You Might Be Thinking…

“But I couldn’t go vegan!”

Don’t worry, you don’t have to - you can make some very beneficial

changes by simply cutting down your meat and dairy intake

Video 1 Action…- Write down all the animal-product foods you eat on a fairly regular basis

- Eggs, cheese, milk, cream, ice cream, meat, fish etc.

- Count up how many portions of each you have in a week

- Resolve to reduce these by 1/3 in this next week

Next Video…- Look at the 4 criteria that make up a great diet

- We’ll review the top 10 most popular diets in the world and look at their good and bad points in relation to what we’ve learnt today and the 4 factors

- Could any be the right diet for you?

Leave A Comment Or Question

- What is your number 1 health or body goal for this year and why?

- Stay tuned for the next video :-)

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