Laura Newsletter Number 9

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 Lima Area UFO Research Associates  

Sept/Oct 2011

Issue # 9

Our Sept. 21st

meeting was a special invitation to the area community to discuss any sightings of unexplainable aerial

phenomenon they have witnessed. The meeting was well attended, and we had approximately nine new guests. We

thoroughly enjoyed having them there and hearing of their experiences. Please come back!

The advertisement in the Lima News, along with the sign out front is definitely bringing in new guests.

Budd Hopkins

June 15, 1931 - August 21, 2011

I’m very sad to announce that Budd Hopkins died today, August21, at 1:35 pm. Budd had been under hospice care for about

three weeks, at his home in New York. The combination of liver

cancer and pneumonia led to his death. His daughter GraceHopkins-Lisle and I were with him almost continuously during

these past weeks. He was not in any pain throughout any of theprocess, and he received the best possible care and loving

support from those closest to him. Today he gradually slipped

away, and simply quietly stopped breathing. He died peacefully

and without any struggle, with Grace, Grace’s husband Andrew,and me by his side.

Thanks to all of you for being such strong supporters of this

extraordinary man, who has contributed so much to our lives, inso many different ways. - Leslie Kean

If you are reading this newsletter, chances are that you may have visited our LAURA blog site. If you register

on the blog-site, you can leave comments about newsletters, meeting agenda, or the blog-site in general. Please


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Charles Hickson, famous for claimed Pascagoula UFO abduction, dies at 80

By Cherie Ward - The Mississippi Press

Charles Hickson of Gautier, Miss., famous for a claimed UFO abduction in

1973, has died in Ocean Springs at the age of 80. In this file photograph,

Hickson is seen posing with a drawing depicting a UFO. (Pat Sullivan, file)

PASCAGOULA, Mississippi -- Charles E. Hickson Sr., the eldest of 

two men who made global headlines with their account of being

snatched from the banks of the Pascagoula River in 1973 by spacealiens, died Friday in Ocean Springs. He was 80.

Hickson was still known to occasionally sell his book, "UFO Contact

at Pascagoula," outside local businesses. He reportedly told friends

and family -- and sometimes total strangers -- that aliens continued to

communicate with him via telepathic means.

Hickson, of Gautier, was 42 when he and then-19-year-old CalvinParker, also of Gautier, reported to Jackson County Sheriff Fred

Diamond that they were fishing on Oct. 11, 1973 off a pier at

Shaupeter Shipyard when they heard a buzzing noise behind them. The location is near the former Colle'stowing business. Hickson said they turned and saw a glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front

hovering about 40 feet above the river bank. The object was about 30 feet long and 8 feet high. Frozen with

fright, the two men watched as a door opened and three creatures floated above the river towards them,

according to reports.

"The beings had legs but did not use them," Hickson told The Mississippi Press in 1973. "They were about 5-

feet-tall, had bullet-shaped heads without necks, slits for mouths, and where their noses or ears would be, theyhad thin, conical objects sticking out, like carrots from a snowman's head. They had no eyes, grey, wrinkled

skin, round feet, and claw-like hands." According to Hickson's account, two of the creatures seized him andanother grabbed Parker. "The teenager fainted with fright," Hickson said.

Hickson reported that when the creatures placed their hands under his arms, his body

became numb, and he was floated into a brightly lighted room in the space craft.

According to Hickson, he was subjected to some sort of biological examination bywhat appeared to be a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in

diameter, which seemed to scan his body. Parker said that he could not recall what

had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during sessions of hypnotic

regression he offered some hazy details. The men were released after about 20minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson's feet dragging along the

ground, back to their original positions on the river bank. Expecting only ridicule if 

they were to tell anyone what had happened, Hickson and Parker initially decided tokeep quiet. They then decided the government should be informed and they called

Kessler Air Force Base in Biloxi. A sergeant there told them to contact their local

sheriff. Uncertain about the reception their story might get from local law enforcement, the pair drove to TheMississippi Press on Delmas Avenue to speak to a reporter. When they found the office closed, Hickson and

Parker felt they had no alternative but to talk to Diamond. After listening to their story, sheriff's Capt. Glenn

Ryder put Hickson and Parker in a room wired for sound in the belief that if the two men were left alone they

would reveal their hoax but both men stuck to their story.

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Here is a partial transcript of their conversation:

Parker: "I got to get home and get to bed or get some nerve pills or see the doctor or something. I can't stand it.I'm about to go half crazy."

Hickson: "I tell you, when we're through, I'll get you something to settle you down so you can get some damn


Parker: "I can't sleep yet like it is. I'm just damn near crazy."

Hickson: "Well, Calvin, when they brought you out, when they brought me out of that thing, damn it I like tonever in hell got you straightened out."

His voice rising, Parker said, "My damn arms, my arms, I remember they just froze up and I couldn't move.

Just like I stepped on a damn rattlesnake."

"They didn't do me that way", sighed Hickson.

Now both men were talking as if to themselves.

Parker: "I passed out. I expect I never passed out in my whole life."

Hickson: "I've never seen nothing like that before in my life. You can't make people believe.

Parker: I don't want to keep sitting here. I want to see a doctor."

Hickson: "They better wake up and start believing. They better start believing."

Parker: "You see how that damn door come right up?"

Hickson: "I don't know how it opened, son. I don't know."

Parker: "It just laid up and just like that those son-of-bitches, just like that they come out."

Hickson: "I know. You can't believe it. You can't make people believe it."

Parker: "I paralyzed right then. I couldn't move."

Hickson: "They won't believe it. They going to believe it one of these days. Might be too late. I knew all alongthey was people from other worlds up there. I knew all along. I never thought it would happen to me."

Parker: "You know yourself I don't drink."

Hickson: "I know that, son. When I get to the house I'm going to get me another drink, make me sleep. Look,

what we sitting around for. I got to go tell Blanche. What we waiting for?"

Parker: "I got to go to the house. I'm getting sick. I got to get out of here."

Hickson left the room, and Parker was alone.

Parker: "It's hard to believe. Oh God, it's awful. I know there's a God up there."

Hickson and Parker insisted that they be given polygraph tests. The tests suggested their accounts were truthful,according to reports. Later, Aviation journalist and UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass argued that there was reason toquestion the reliability of Hickson's exam. The polygraph test was given to Hickson by a young operator, just

out of school, who had not completed his formal training, and not certified by his own school or taken a state

licensing examination. Klass also stated in his account, the lawyer for Hickson and Parker -- who also wasacting as their booking agent -- declined to have his clients tested by Capt. Charles Wimberly, chief polygraph

operator from the Mobile Police Department. Instead, according to Klass, the lawyer had had chosen the

operator from New Orleans. A subsequent investigation by Joe Esterhas of Rolling Stone uncovered someadditional information, leading to much skepticism about the abduction claim. The supposed UFO landing and

abduction site was in view of two, 24-hour manned Ingalls Shipyard booths, and neither operator saw anything

that night. Also, the site was in range of the shipyard's security cameras, which showed nothing that night. In

his book, which he co-authored with William Mendez, Hickson wrote that aliens contacted him three times

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following the abduction -- in January 1974 at a local tree farm, in February 1974 at his home and on Mother'sDay in 1974 on Miss. 67.

He said the messages were always the same -- "We mean you no harm. You are the chosen one. Your worldneeds our help."

LAURA welcomes new ideas for meeting agenda and content. Contact any board member to share your ideas. (Some of 

the board members are listed at the bottom of this newsletter.)


From the MUFON report database 

Six lights observed by two retired military personnel in Centerville, OH 9/23/11: “I was pulling up to Subway

when I thought I observed some flares flying in the air directly over my house, which is approximately three

hundred meters down the road. Wright Patterson AFB is near my house but they never drop flares in Dayton,

Ohio, so I immediately parked and stepped out of my car to investigate further.

I witnessed five lights about 40 degrees off the horizon flying from South to North. The lights were about the

size of a baby aspirin and were gold/yellow in appearance - sort of like a dim fire. The lights were flying in a

formation unknown to me. One was in front, the next three followed approximately 10 arc degrees behind the

first light in a diagonal, top left to bottom right. The fifth light followed approx. 10 arc degrees from the fourth

light but was on the same plane as the first light.

I sat back in my car and turned the ignition off so I could listen for their sound. They made no sound. Another

man was standing out front of a Verizon store and also witnessed what I did. As those five flew to the north and

appeared to dim out of sight into a cloud the man and I talked. I told him I was in the Army and never saw

anything like that. He replied he had spent twenty years in the Air Force and had never witnessed lights likethose. He went back in the store and I went back to my car. I picked up the phone and called my wife just down

the street.

Just as she answered I witnessed the sixth light appear over the tree line. I told her to get outside and look up.

Her first words were "Oh my God, it’s round!” I poked my head in the Verizon store and told the man inside

(who was describing it to his family) there was another one. He came back out in time to watch it from about

half way through its visible flight path until it disappeared as the first five did. It just dimmed into a distant

cloud. I asked the other witness about how far off the ground he would've guessed they were and he replied no

more than 5,000 feet.

I have seen military flares, I have seen jets, and I have seen airplanes. This was not any of those. I even

considered parts of that satellite that was due to burn in tonight but that was coming in at a 55 degree angle orsomething and this was moving too slow to be falling from space.

I went home and asked my wife what she saw and she described a round light almost directly above her. She

said when it entered a cloud she saw a distinct round shape around the light as if the light was just the center of 

a much larger round object.

I called the Centerville Police Dept. to see if anyone else had called anything in, the dispatcher replied no. I

described to her exactly what I saw and she said she actually witnessed something very similar to that

description about 15 miles away in Farmersville, OH, on her way into work. She said she would log it in and

we ended our conversation.

I then contacted Wright Patterson AFB Base Operations Desk and asked if they had fired any flares. He replied

no, foreseeing where I was going. I described to him what I had witnessed and said hate to be that guy, but

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there was definitely something in Centerville. He said "No man, we haven't had anything out in that area." -

Thus ended our conversation.”

A Mutual UFO Network of Ohio lecture will be held at the Putnam County District Library 

October 20, 2011, 6:00 pm in Ottawa. 

From “Grimy” by Mike Peters


The LAURA Club News is a publication of the Lima Area UFO Research Associates, in Lima, Ohio. The study group meets on the 3rd  Wednesday of the month at the New Creation Lutheran Church (just west of Tom Ahl auto) in the upstairs church fellowship hall

at 7pm-please join us!

Contacts: President Mike Krick; Secretary: Tom BowmanCo-editors: Robert and Marcia Prater; 

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