Laura Mulvey and the Male Gaze

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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To be able to identify the male gaze in music videos (level 2)To be able to explain how the male gaze is created in music videos (level 3)To be able to evaluate the male gaze in music videos (level 4)

In considering the way that films are put together, many feminist film critics have pointed to the "male gaze" that predominates in

classical Hollywood filmmaking.

Laura Mulvey's essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" gave one of the most widely influential versions of this argument.

To be able to identify the male gaze in music videos (level 2)To be able to explain how the male gaze is created in music videos (level 3)To be able to evaluate the male gaze in music videos (level 4)

Janice Winship (1987) argues that “the gaze between cover model and women readers marks the complicity between women seeing themselves

in the image which the masculine culture has defined”

Lady Gaga could be said to be deliberately subverting the accepted notions of femininity.

Powerful notions of gender categories are undermined, diminishing their power.

She does this through… Her fashion Exaggerating notions of female objectification (irony) Placing herself between oppositions (human/non-human, sexy/unappealing)

To be able to identify the male gaze in music videos (level 2)To be able to explain how the male gaze is created in music videos (level 3)To be able to evaluate the male gaze in music videos (level 4)

That the gendered body is performative suggests that it has no ontological status apart from the various acts which constitute its reality.

(Butler, 1990)

How successful do you think Lady Gaga is in subverting the Male Gaze?

Does she redefine femininity through her performances and therefore destroy the patriarchal dominance?

Watch a series of music videos from your chosen genre. Consider the following…

• Do any of the videos present a male view point?

• Does anything in the narrative promote this view?

• What technical elements allow the presentation of this view point?

Supporting the Male Gaze theory?

To be able to identify the male gaze in music videos (level 2)To be able to explain how the male gaze is created in music videos (level 3)To be able to evaluate the male gaze in music videos (level 4)

You will need to write this

up for your blog, including

specific examples.

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