Latest trends and case to achieve the extended experience AR & Beacon & NUI

Post on 31-May-2015






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Latest trends and case to achieve the extended experience AR(Augmented Reality) & Beacon & NUI


  • 1. Latest trends and case to achieve theextended experience!AR & Beacon & NUI!October 23, 2014 (Etsuji Kameyama)

2. !!AR!AR! 3. Blog6AR50SNSAR20092132009-2-26 AR()Paper.liTwitterfacebookLinkedin 4. ,the Augmented Communication BoutiqueARIT 23 1-3-1 91-3-1 9 2001422200 ()ARWebHP$5:(%1 .'',-6$7 5. ARARBeaconSaaS/BaaSBeaconWebNUI 6. Knowledge Works 7. daub 3D AppStore,GooglePlay daub 60/AR!534,5 2014511 8. AR aug!()AppStore,GooglePlay aug! 9. aug!()VuforiaCloudSNS 10. Beacon + AR iOS 11. ElasticsearchSiba BaaS(Backend as a Service) 12. NUI() 13. '0RWLRQFDSWXUH,the Augmented Communication Boutique 12 14. Sense!us () 15. Smart Screen 16. LiveAR 17. daub Japan IT week 2014 Spring201451416 51011 18. daub AR3D 19. daub daubARWifiPCPCPCWifiOR 20. Table 21. [LEAP mortion]https://www.leapmotion.comYoutube 22. ARBeacon 23. HMD. Ambient Music. Environmental musicMeta Cookie Candy: ResearchDevelopment 24. AR AR! 25. AR()()()() 26. ARARQRcode=GPS/WiFi/NFC/RFID/Beacon() 27. AiRScouterARHMDGoogle GlassVuzixSMART GLASS M100 Telepathy OneJET | ReconInstrumentsOptinvent ORAhttp://optinvent.com's Moverio BT-200MEG45WCastARhttp://technicalillusions.com DK-40Oculus Rift ()http://www.oculusvr.comDAQRI Smart Helmet 28. HMDHUD() 29. metaio() Thermal TouchAR 30. Qualcomm Vuforia 31. Estimote Indoor Location 32. ARBeacon 33. AR 34. AROTTO Japan FABIA( )AppStore,GooglePlay FABIA 35. 36. AR - ARAR(PUSH)AppStore,GooglePlay AR 37. DM()DMSNSAppStore,GooglePlay mue alive DM 38. AR 39. ARAppStore,GooglePlay POPUP CAMERA 40. 41. AR - ARAppStore,GooglePlay 42. AR TVNHK/ - 43. ARSpacecraft 3DNASAAppStore,GooglePlay Spacecraft 44. CDAR CD ayupanARayupan AR ayupan3D AR 13thParty Queen()http://cp.dhsptt.pd:i/s/hntetyp.:c//on.ejpw/csp.lniv/e2d0o1o2rs.ucommm/aert/icle/detail/6397052//article/detail/6397052/ 45. ARBOXMikuDomino AR2013() App feat. 46. AR - / - AppStore,GooglePlay 47. 48. 49. AR(1/2) 50. AR(2/2) 51. 52. (1/2)Cleveland Museumof ArtiPad 53. (2/2) 54. (1/2)3DAR 55. (2/2) 56. 57. Oculus Rift 58. Projection Mapping 59. 60. SAP(1/2)SAPVuzix Bring you Augmented Reality Solutions for the Enterprise glasses from Vuzix provide voice and visual information to helpwarehouse employees work more efficiently and safely. Vizux 61. SAP(2/2) 62. Onevisus AOG Demo - 63. NGRAIN-demo ()( NGRAIN) 64. ARARARweb-integration/column/column012.html?from=fricyber 65. DAQRI AR 66. 67. SKULLY AR-1 ARBluetooth 68. AR Glass OrCam100$2,500 69. Beacon 70. %/(L%HDFRQ 3UR[LPLW0.1m 34m ,the Augmented Communication Boutique%/(L%HDFRQ 3UR[LPLWPDUNHWLQJ141m 71. Estimote - iBeacon 72. macys 73. Meadowhall to use iBeacon technology for shopping eventiBeacon 74. iBeacon applied to classical art in Antwerp MuseumAntwerp: Europes city of diamonds. Now, also a place of brilliant ideas, where culture and art meet technology.There is a museum showcasing the ways in which Estimote Beacons connect art and technology. 75. iBeaconPLUS AR202014611 76. iBeaconiBeaconbeaconnect4402014818930 77. iBeaconiBeaconiBeacon 78. iBeaconiBeaconiBeacon 79. ARBeacon!

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