Laodicea – Iglesia indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church.

Post on 11-Apr-2015






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Laodicea – Iglesia indiferente

Laodicea – Indifferent church

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Apoc. 3:14-22, última de las siete iglesias de Asia – inspeccionadas y juzgadas por Cristo.

Rev. 3:14-22, last of the seven churches of Asia – inspected and judged by Christ.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Había recibido instrucciones, Col. 4:16, recibió carta de Pablo, enseñanzas con-tenidas en las otras cartas.

Had received instructions, Col. 4:16, received a letter from Paul, same teach-ings contained in the other letters.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Cristo, el Amén – Su palabra es final; sus promesas y amenazas garantizadas.

Christ, the Amen – His word is final; His promises and threats are guaranteed.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Cristo, “el testigo fiel y verdadero”, competente, calificado para testificar, completamente confiable.

Christ, “the faithful and true witness”, competent, qualified to testify, com-pletely trustworthy.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Tiene conocimiento perfecto, no puede representar mal a nadie, es imparcial.

Has perfect knowledge, cannot misrep-resent anyone, is impartial.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Cristo, “el principio (Principiador) de la creación de Dios”, Juan 1:3; Col. 1:15-18

Christ, “the beginning (Originator) of the creation of God,” Jn. 1:3; Col. 1:15-18.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Testigos de La Atalaya blasfeman contra Cristo -- dicen Cristo fue el “primer ser creado”.

Watchtower witnesses blaspheme Christ -- they say that Christ was the “first being created.”

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Yo conozco tus obras – así dice a todas las “siete” iglesias. Conoce las obras de la iglesia aquí.

I know your works – He says this to all “seven” churches. He knows the deeds of the church here.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

No eres “frío” – como los inconversos, mundanos, aun opuestos a Cristo.

You are not “cold” – like the unconverted, worldly, even opposed to Christ.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

No eres “caliente” – hirviendo (Rom. 12:11), extremado entusiasmo. Como carismáticos, otros sectarios.

You are not “hot” – boiling (Rom. 12:11), extreme enthusiasm. Like Charismatics, other sectarians.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Ojalá fueses frío o caliente” – hay esperanza de convertir a los inconver-sos “fríos” o sectarios “calientes”.

“I wish that you were cold or hot” – there is hope of converting “cold” unconverted people or “hot” sectarians.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Para el Señor el inconverso es mejor que el miembro medio convertido e indiferente. (No digo “cristiano”).

The Lord thinks the unconverted are better than the half converted indifferent member. (I don’t say “Christian”).

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

¿Por qué? Porque el miembro tibio se engaña solo, creyendo que el Señor acepta su servicio de medio corazón.

Why? Because the lukewarm member deceives himself, believing that the Lord accepts his half-hearted service.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Eres tibio” – Indiferente, actitud negativa hacia el bien y el mal (son neutralizados en su corazón).

“You are lukewarm” – Indifferent, nega-tive attitude toward good and evil (they are neutralized in his heart).

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Los indiferentes tienen corazón “grande” ¡que contiene la iglesia y el mundo al mismo tiempo!

The indifferent have a “big” heart that holds the church and the world at the same time!

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Prov. 18:9, “el que es negligente en su trabajo es hermano del hombre disipador”.

Prov. 18:9, “He who is slothful in his work Is a brother to him who is a great destroyer.”

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Jer. 48:10, “Maldito el que hiciere indolentemente la obra de Jehová”. Indolente: apático, perezoso, desidioso.

Jer. 48:10, “Cursed be the one who does the LORD'S work negligently.” Indolent: apathetic, lazy, disliking work.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

2 Sam. 24:24, “no ofreceré a Jehová mi Dios holocaustos que no me cuesten nada”. Himno, oración, clase, sermón.

2 Sam. 24:24, “I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God which cost me nothing.” Hymn, prayer, class, sermon.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“te vomitaré de mi boca”. Emoción fuerte. Se disgusta con miembros indiferentes, le hacen sentir náuseas.

“I will vomit you out of my mouth.” Strong emotion. Is disgusted with indifferent members, they make Him nauseated (sick at his stomach!)

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Tenían concepto muy alto pero muy equivocado de sí mismos. “De ninguna cosa tengo necesidad”.

They had a very high but mistaken con-cept of themselves. “I have need of nothing.”

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Laodicea era ciudad muy rica. No pidieron ayuda ni siquiera para reconstruir después de un terremoto.

Laodicea was a very rich city. They did not even ask for help to rebuild after an earthquake.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

La iglesia compartía esa actitud de auto-suficiencia, autocomplacencia. “No necesitamos nada de nadie”.

The church shared that attitude of self-sufficiency, self-complacency. “We don’t need anything from anybody.”

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

¿Cómo la vio Cristo? “No sabes que tú eres un desventurado, miserable, pobre, ciego y desnudo”.

How did Christ see them? “You do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.”

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Desventurado, miserable”. 1 Cor. 15:19, “los más dignos de lástima”. “Somos cristianos”; Cristo disgustado.

“Wretched, miserable.” 1 Cor. 15:19, “most to be pitied.” “We’re Christians”; Christ disgusted with them.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Pobre” – Ciudad más rica del área, pero no tenían tesoros en el cielo, Mat. 6:19. No “rico para con Dios” Luc. 12:21.

“Poor” – Richest city of the area, but did not have treasures in heaven, Matt. 6:19, 20. Not “rich toward God,” Luke 12:21.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Ciego” – Escuela médica que especiali-zaba en ungüento para ojos (colirio), pero ciegos a sus responsabilidades.

“Blind” –Medical school that specialized in anointment for eyes (collyrium), but blind to their responsibilities.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Desnudo” -- Centro industrial de ropa, pero desnudo, por no estar vestido del nuevo hombre, Col. 3:12-14.

“Naked” – Industrial center of clothing, but naked, for not having put on the new man, Col. 3:12-14.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Comprar oro de Cristo para ser rico. Centro bancario de Asia Menor, pero pobres. Les faltaron las abundantes riquezas de su gracia.

Buy gold from Christ in order to be rich. Banking center of Asia Minor, but poor. Lacked the abundant riches of His grace

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Vestiduras blancas” – obtener perdón, ser limpios de su culpa (desnudez ver-gonzosa). Apoc. 7:14; 19:7, 8.

“White garments” – obtain forgiveness, be clean of their guilt (shameful naked-ness). Rev. 7:14; 19:7, 8.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“unge los ojos con colirio para que veas” – su condición triste y la necesidad del arrepentimiento.

“anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see” – your sad condition and the need for repentance.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Sé celoso y arrepiéntete” – Dejar de ser tibio, indiferente, negligente. Humillarse, tener cambio de actitud.

“Be zealous and repent” – Cease being lukewarm, indifferent, negligent. Humble yourselves, have change of attitude.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Cristo a la puerta. Estaba afuera. Lo habían excluido de su iglesia. Quiere entrar y tener comunión otra vez.

Christ at the door. He was outside. They had excluded Him from His church. He wants to enter and have fellowship again.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

La indiferencia de los miembros echa fuera a Cristo de su iglesia … y causa que sean vomitados de la boca de El.

The indifference of the members casts Christ out of His church … and causes them to be vomited out of His mouth.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

“Al que venciere” ¿qué? Otras iglesias habían de vencer cuando perseguidos. Esta tuvo que vencer la desidia.

“He that overcomes” what? Other churches had to overcome when persecuted. This one had to overcome neglect.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Bendición: compartir el reinado de Cristo, 2:26, 27; 21:4.

Blessing: share the reign of Christ, 2:26, 27; 21:4.

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente Laodicea – Indifferent church

Laodicea – Iglesia Indiferente

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