Lanham Act Revised (1941)

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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This is the 1941 revision of the Lanham Act.For further information on federal education policy, see



'Rre.rìbiu". fo th. Lrr'n!'¡'^ Å..* '"(: l'1¿lÕ

( p r 1l -tîå^7 ) 5s ls'rc'-l . Ìüt ) .],.in*

õ5 Sur.l ?Tt¡r CONG., lsr SESS.-CHS. 259,260-JUNE 2g,Ig41

rcê or violence ¡, Pro-it shall be considerertr

¿B t u'lLl I

Porsons sdvocâttmoverthrow of U. 8lGovornmsnt.



azfred, lhat for the purpodes hereof an¡frima facie evidence thhl úhe person n¿.tlvrtca.ta c.nd ic nnf o lo*h^- ì+ ^^ ^J

empJoyeos at.rreetings or co¡tíentions of memhers of societies or asso-clet¡ons e,qfcernert with tþßîr worlr in not, to oxnnocl thn ¿rmou¡rtS ilrdi-eatect: 5låf:.ce oï the Sçqpefary, $1,000; Grazing Service, $j..000: petro-

fi ffiü"öüål;î#üi :þ $åf i'É "$r#{ kix*?ffi î' $å:333 i

ËS#,iiËäil$"'f ''#¿HinU-'Hf :;B',',??Bi-ryt$'ffil,ÞgfMg:l'-f ÇF"ly:tif p,re"ulion' 1sÌ{bweaí*),'qnpo.ii .-, -

, Sro.-7. þ purt of -an¡i appropfition co"i"írieä1"-tfri. Acú shallx9 us99ló pay the s.alary or qggég of any persgf who advocates, orw!rq.Y! member of 1n, orguglzation that ãdyócates, the overthiowot tfe Governmenú of the pñited states byTforce or violence : pro-u¿ñd, That for the nurnoles h"Ã"Ì

""¡. "L'll r."-^^-"i,toi.o,rærrma lacre _evrdence t$t úhe person ryíking the affidavit døfs noti:::jÌîl_t.fl$,l¡ oXi ytnembæ o{ q,1r t'gopiz¡ä-ion thnt advog&ns, Lheoverrnrow or rhe Gp?ernment of tþlUnited States bv føfte or'vio_lence : Proaid,ed ¡16ther,,äat ïnfi""*;;ñ;d; *ÄË".' * *t o i,a memþer oI t r'-orgùmz¿tion fþ.t advocates, the oydrthíow of úho

^*:l:_y::t "g{ l!?--Vl,ited gtre"s u/ rã,"" ã" ";iø";;d


yåi¿d,ffi "*.ä'ffimd'Ï,'l{ttfË#:{iä#rffiiffi:f iff"1fiifriry#ååi,, j'"x!:lffiyi,:Åif ,:"!åW,,:"!;otÐêr provrsrons oLóxretlnE lnw. / /d;i;,l riîl \M, .^, bã citecl * Y

¡'lnterior D ev a.Áent appro-

Approvod,áune 28, 1g41. ,/


ghort tltlo.

64 gtst. 1126.42 U. g. C. ch, 0


June 28, 1941lE. R.4õ{õl

{Public Lsw rBZ

Natlon¡l dofons6,Dubllc works.

ó1 8t0t. Usõ.12 U. S. O., oh. I

not0.Antc, p, l4l,

To provide for the aceuistion r,niioffi;""t of public ruorks made neces'aryby ühe defense program.Be i't enncted' by th¿. Benate a.nd, Eowe qf_ lepyeserytatiaes of the

{ plt " ( B ú at e s o Í 4rl.*r¿ ç "

ìm o on. g r e s s ^

t r*,u" d,, fttr¿ïtüð illt entiuea_ tT ,il.qf ,to oxpodrtg the provision of housing in connection witñnaron&l gerense' andJo_r _other purposes", apprõved october 1"4. amencrecr. rs amended by inserbing beforè-section 1 ihe foilôwinftitlo heading:

f¡TTTLE I'(DETENsE lroustNc,

Snc. 2. Section f. (þ) apa section B of such Ä.ct are amended bystrikins out ¡this aòr'í whereu." tã.rr"l'g ;h;;;il änäini"*i"g i"lieu thãre,of ((this title".- -$r". 3. such act is amended by insorting after section B thefollowing:


'(oD¡.aNgp puBl,rc woRKg.rsno. 201. rú is hereby cleclared to be the policy of this title toprolide meens by which public works may be^acqtíirea. maì*ai""ä-

and o^ryeratod in tþ areaidescribed in "."1i"ri

zõö. "Ëöd'#'iñi;

fiile, ùhe term (p-ublic workt means anv faciliüv *".r.*ï tä:¡!.ñy-'"x'lir;;Ë;;;iuur"#il"iq"aËytnenítiãnàr"å:T.iååp-Igg.ur1, bui tþe activities aurhdrizeå ut d"" rn"ir ftli",¡äl1 i;; ,ñ;;".1p'ma,'lv to schools, w-aterworks, seìüers,., garbage and refusã* disposal-facilities, puuli. *ouii*ij, t"lìiitres, w,r'rrs for the troatment

Pollcy wlth tcsDecüto _ dofenss publlowor&8.

"Publlo work" do.l¡ed.



Areas whers certainacuto shortages oxlst.

Áutho¡ity ooqfsr¡od.

. Ä.cquisltlooof lands,etc.

WBivor of stâtutotyrequirsments.

10 u. 8. c. ! 1330;41 u.g.c,õõ.

40 U. B. C. I 40a.

40 u, 8. o. ! 34.

40 u. s. c. 6$ 2i57-058 ê, 3'll-380.

Planning ând con-struction.

Wa¡vet 0f iltÂtl¡to¡yr0qul¡enÞnts,

lU u. H. U. ! tit3$;4tU.S.O.[õ.

40 U. S. C. ! 40â.

lrÍ¡nß or r¡ants fofpuhllc wnrkß, gtê.

'¡Privat€ agelroy"delncrì.

Cost-plus, otc,, con-tracts.


Utillratlon of orlst.l¡g facllitlæ,

Malntonûnoo . ofpubllo works by Fsd.orôl pctoonncl, ¡CJtrlO.tion.

PUBLIC I,AWS-CH, 260_JUNIÐ 28, 1941 [55 Srar.

cennet,otherwise be. provided when needod, or could not be þrôvidedwir.hout the impositio¡ of an increa,Éod oicoasivo tox burdðn or â,nunusìral or excessive increase in the debt timit of the taxins orþopoying authority in w.hiqh such shortage exis,ts" the F-ederal ïl¡?"k;.Adrninrsür:¿tor is aüthorized, with the ap:proval óf iLe il;id*n¿; i;ondor to relievc. s¡¡ch shorfn,sÈ-_

tt(u) To acquire, prior tõ the epproyol of titlo bv tho ÂttornevGeneral^if necessflry.(wìthouü regard to sections 11816, as amended,and 3?09 of the Revised Statutes], improved or unimproved landéor intorosts in lands by purchaso, ã'onation, exchanae. t,iae rwiih""lregald to section Bzz of-the.A.ct of June d0, 19gZ\4? Stat.it2¡, asamended, the Act of March g,IB'17 (1g Stat. B?0). àr anv time Íiinito¡ thg availability of funds for the iravment of íeni); oi condemna-Flt, (jlll"¿jlg proceedlqg..lil,*" tlo. Acls of Augdsi 1, lBBg (gõ91*t: ?T?),.^tr{a¡ch 1, ltef[ (aõ Sta.t. 1415), and Fõbluari ZO, rdar(46 Stat. 742L)) ,, for such public works.(((b)

Py cqn!1qc-t or otñerwisg (_without sections 1186, asnrnelclecl, antl B?09 o-[ Lht¡ Rcvisc¡l Sto,l,uleu,-uru;f,ion 113 of the Âciof June 30, 1032 (a? Stat.4L2), or ¿'.y X'ctlúral. Siate. or rnunicinrilaws, ordinances, rules, or regulâtions ielating tó plans'and specifita-tions or forms of contract, tho approval thãreof or the suËmissionof estimates t'herefor), prior to theãpproval of title by the attorneyGeneral if necessary, to plan, desiþ, construct. reinoder. extenrî-repair, or lcase pubfió wo"Lr, á"¿ ø"aämoiiÁtr;;.: Ëïil,Ë;:land improvements, on lands or interests in lands acquireci under tTidprovisions. of subscction (a) hereof or on other lanris of the unitedst¿tes rhlch pay be available. (úra_nsfers of which for this purposoþy -th" Fe{e-ral eggncy having juiisdiction thereof are rre.cby iutiru"-ized notwithstanding.any oúliet pruvisiurrs 'f larv), provide properapproachcs thereto, utilities, and transportation facijiîi'ex, and procuronecessarJ¡. m atefl nl s, suppJ res, articles," equipment, and m achin e^ry, anddo. arJ -thlngs rn connectron therowrth to carry out the purposes ofthis title.

"(") Tp glants. or boùh, to public a,nrl Friv¿lnflgencres t'or puDlrc- worRs ûnct equrpment theretor, and to malre con_tributions to pyblic or. privato-afencies for the'maintenáncc ando-peratìon of public worlrs, upon sulch tcrms and in such amãu"ts asthe adminisúrator may consider to be in the public intercst. as usedin this paragraph, the term (private-

agencyt rñeans any privatcog"rr"vno. parL -of the- nct carnings_ of which inures to tho benefit of anypri vate shareholder or individual.((Snc..203. (a) In carrying out this tiúle.-

"^,,11'), ^"o.::"îi:*::::l pl":^i f -lT"rug" gf cosr, basis shau!v ¡!¡@uû, rrqu_ uvrrùr.uuù ¡¡¡dJ ub .llr¿ltlg utr a UOsl,, f)rlts A nXCd ïegbasis: Proaíd,cd, That the fixecl fee does not exceôd 6 per ccutumof the estimated cost;(((2) wherever practicable, utilization shall be m*rle of esistincqlivatg,and publíc facilit'ies or such facilities shall^be extende{onlarged, or equipped in lieu of constructins new facilitiå".

"-(s) pîtlic wgiks shail be mainrained u"Í ãpi"olðã-tîärÍi"""*ir.nd.cruplo¡'ccs of the united states only if ¿rlrtl-lo the exiient p'hìic ancl private agencies are. in thc npininn

^t tli-




adlninistrator. unabre o'unwiling to maintain or operate suchp^l!l:" wortis idr,ilratruþ, .*it1i.-*rãi, "o*i

pu..ornel and und.erloâns or grants authorizod bv this title:"(4) public works shail 6e. p"oviããh on the basis of need andin rt ererir¡ i n ing need ;; diú"iñi#å; rïi;ñ'l"o

"rîro."än'ää"h,of race, creed.õr color.

:'|!-'.1ß'¡'r&rr.r¡n¡¡r, rrf' r'grr('.y or f,ne unrfcd riüar,es shall excruisg

üffJffiå'å'_Hiiirrrol over ány school with "*p*iø;hi;h.ñt,ì,rw i*m .r¡. .r,.,,.r,,..]:{f:-Tq91dcd prrrsuant tg ptìis- r,iiiï, nãr shalla*v ùerm or condiüior lrr any äg"""*élr ;"'äo; it ig trtii, iåräïi,,g to,

j:iitt,l-'"ä,*ilk,ilïï*"îî',H[*i[:Jî,åîl,i{r*,,,ffi "liperso''et, cuíricülum, iúËo.ii"r,,ì,räù"räsãt i"."tîüäîräì,îi,Àatsriatdfor instruction.

"-1f:lJ-o--9?q?"!t*t,or.asency of rtre United Srares shail sxercisoany superv¡sron or go.n-trqt õvei anv hospital o" ott." pïu"ã fo" tfrucare of the sick rwhich is _n9q o*i.¿ äña

-"p*"ä,i"ïí'itå u"it"ast¿tes) wiúh resùecr to whicrr-""v-d"a."Ë;ä bd,í Ji'*"y t"expended under rhis iirre, ;;;-rh;iï uìfr tu"*-o" äã"ãitior,'of any

iö,.,mi'ïT*;åJiÏ.'"i'irî:'å¡,i:-,.,,xfu txrlil'",-,*+t jnt"i:pjgl::-prace, pres*i¡ã ä" ïFääî ït-äai¡iiîüüi;i iä{.,åh"er, oroperatton.

"Sno. 204. Ths sum..of .$1õ0,000,000, to remain available untilexpended. is herebv aurhoriz'ed ío ¡í dp";p;üä;d'to äi"frIi"t tr,uqurposes- bt tnis fihe ;nd ì;;;d;ñiJí"Lrve expenses rn connection

8""tiffål*',t;'u'lå$;il;::î*it*:Xpþ4"."Tìîtr';'üÅi;i"r;iop.era.rion,-iî¿"ä"irtenañceor-moror-p;#fi;"$"in'åf:;îf îå;vehicles'

.'rrl' rrr(rcnNDRar, pnovlgroNst,

55 Srer.1 ?TrE CONG., 1sr SÐSS._CII. 260_JUNE 28, 1941

F¡lg:4'lu)_$,ecüio3 4.?f such Aqü ip ¿monded to read as foltows:i9:ljg!: yþ"", rhe presidätr.n"r¡ ffi;'ä;il;"å ffii#iffiij

ff ii"å'"']t-iJ*.Ha",1,Ì:åf i#lïilåõåSair_":l':*"'"-:i*Lä)hereof shall terminbb:,::f^pj^yjgiTp":!,úqconrracrso'p"o juãùpi.ï:,i,,i-;¡yîi,iäåä'i'too"lrrrdertaken and courùi¿ilïit'"i-å,:i*.f*il$:Jîf üitî#i"'l:ï'a*rilirutlfr".l¿g#illfl'#:lr*:,T",*"*:y:::1,"tn¡::,*prtv,;;;.E;Ë';ä'åft'#fi;under the circumst¿rices and in *rdpuUlïlütöol;

aùi,r ;.ïì -,î"{"î;î äii,' i åiiÏ: i,ö:,^l-u, ll, 12, 78, and 14 of such Act arefollows i u¡U¡tr,'rrggg:r. cg64:r cIffi :i-icärñ;;"ãliä;iöõ8ii,"""i,í'¡ã"õáïffi td",pjy;:?;'rJrüå#i,irðz'it,ä-fi

i j_ä#,,-,Yr'üuf f Srii

:igïl-:??fl'.,.,i¡s.,, !,sió,,, n"q.,¿ai.i,,, ãlru u, used in such scctronsSi.15i"*ßd"ti;i'ia"a*t,ii:hürì""íii;å,ffi$"|'å';f, ""ff*üi


Det€rmf¡atloD õlneed, súc.


Àppr0þrlrtlon su-thorizsd.

Post, p. ú48.

õ4 Stst. UtI.{2 U.8, C.,ch.g note,

Terminatlon of Bu-ttrorlty.

DISþosltton of ÞtoÞofty.

Ronumbs¡i¡s 6¡soc-tlons.

õ4 Btat. 1I27, 1128.42 U. 8. O.,ch.0 notG


.Powers, duties, otc..wlrh ¡ospoct to prop:erty.

64 Súat. 8?2, 889.

õ4 strt. 112õ.42 U.8. C.,ob.9 ¡ots.


,-- sto. 5' The deparümonts, agencies, or instrumentarities administer-

11å pllp::9{, ulgÏ'."*a ol.con Jrru cte cí u n de r ."ãliã" zti i- ä ää' Sãàã"à

I'i{#iiåi-'i:ï',iä"i*"uil"#f; n"#å3å,"#'31"f i;."1JÍ,lr'ill*g;i,"ip1! t" the managem.enjt,. maintenaìrce, operation, and administra_!l9l rleleor a's ar,e granterr to tha tr'oderai Iüorke

^ár'i'i"úiatår wir,rr

öi'å:i:#"Tä,.råå:dff ËHT$;ff":t;töîïlå*î*:#jlt,'_""1¡r"",1*roperation, and adrírinisfra,rion oi ;i ;h -p"np*ty-oã

ilüi;;l;r rori-structed such title.Appror.od, Junc ?8, 1g41.

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