Lamis HALAK, Prof. r. - AARINENA

Post on 15-Jan-2022






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Lamis CHALAK, Prof. Dr.

Professor, Head of Plant Production Department Faculty of Agronomy, The Lebanese University, Lebanon

Head of the National Committee for Plant Genetic Resources Ministry of Agriculture, Bir Hassan, Beirut

Personal details Lebanese Nationality Married with three children

Languages Arabic, French, English

Address Faculty of Agronomy, The Lebanese University, Dekwaneh, Beirut Phone: 961 (0) 3 211 855 E-mails: ;


1995 PhD in Plant Physiology: “Haplodiploidisation et cultures cellullaires chez le Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa cv. Hayward)”. University of Montpellier - INRA, France. PhD research granted by Commission of European Union.

1991 DEA (MSc) in Microbial and Viral Pathology: "Transformation des Prunus par Agrobacterium rhizogenes et Inoculation in vitro du Plum Pox Virus". University of Bordeaux II - INRA Bordeaux, France.

1990 Certificate of Microbiology: "Micropropagation in vitro du châtaignier et interaction avec Cryphonectria parasitica". University of Bordeaux II - INRA Bordeaux, France.

1989 BSc in Agriculture Engineering - Plant Breeding: "Etude du comportement de différents clones de Reine Claude à la mutagenèse provoquée". ENSA Rennes - INRA Bordeaux, France.

1987 BSc in Biology : Lebanese University, Faculty of Sciences.

Professional Experience

2009-Present, Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy, the Lebanese University.

2019-Present, Head of Plant Production Department, Faculty of Agronomy, The Lebanese University.

2013-2017, Head of Plant Production Department, Faculty of Agronomy, The Lebanese University.

2013-Present, Member in the Council of the Faculty of Agronomy at the Lebanese University. 2014-Present, Head of the National Committee for Plant Genetic Resources, Ministry of Agriculture.

1996-2008, Head of the Department of Plant Biotechnology at Agricultural Research Institute (LARI).

Research Axes and Interests - Characterization, conservation and sustainable utilization of olive genetic resources with emphasis on monumental/centennial olive trees and traditional varieties. - Characterization, conservation and sustainable utilization of agrobiodiversity with emphasis on fruit genetic resources and underutilized /marginalized species. - Identification of agrobiodiversity hotspots for conservation and enhancement of communities’ resilience. - Development of agricultural biotechnology for producing certified seeds and seedlings.


Expertise FAO

2013-Present, Lebanese Focal Point for FAO GM Foods Platform. 2012-Present, Member of the Team of Technical and Legal Experts on Access and Benefit-sharing, FAO Rome. 2010-Present, Member of the International Panel of Experts of the Benefit Sharing Fund for the International

Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, FAO Rome. 2005-2009 Lebanese Focal Point for the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources, FAO. 2005-2016 Lebanese Representative at FAO Commission of Genetic Resources, Rome. 2013 Expert in the Ad Hoc Advisory Technical Committee on the Standard Material Transfer Agreement and

the Multilateral System of PGRFA, FAO Rome. 2007 Preparation of the Second Country Report on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Prepared

to FAO for the Second State of the World on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. 2016 Preparation of Lebanon Country Report on the State of Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. Prepared

to FAO for the State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.

Scientific Committees

2020 Member of the Scientific Committee of the French Lebanese O-LiFE Observatory, CNRS Lebanon.

2014-Present, Head of the National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources, Ministry of Agriculture. 2011-Present, Member of the Scientific Committee for the Evaluation and Graduation of Faculty of Agronomy

members files, the Lebanese University. 2007-Present, Member of the National Committee of Plant Certification, Ministry of Agriculture. 2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Survey of Uses of Plant Genetic

Resources to the Benefit of Local Populations. Antananarivo, 18-22 September 2017. 2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the ISHS Second International Symposium on Fruit Culture along

Silk Road Countries, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2-6 October 2017. 2014 Member of the Scientific Committee of OLIVEBIOTEQ International Conference for Olive Tree and Olive

Products. Amman, Jordan. 3-6 November 2014. 2014 Member of the Scientific Committee of the ISHS Second International Symposium on Wild Relatives of

Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, Baku, Azerbaijan. 7-12 April 2014. 2007 Member of the National Committee of Alternatives for Illicit Crops, CNRS Lebanon.

Membership in Academies and Societies

2013-Present, Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Agronomy, the Lebanese University. 2013-Present, Member in the Managing Board of the Research Center for Environment and Development (RCED) at Beirut Arab University. 2011-Present, Member in the International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS).

International, Regional and National Projects

2020 Coordinator of Bio-LiFE, a priority and strategic theme for research on sustainable Biodiversity Management, within the French Lebanese O-LiFE Observatory, CNRS, Lebanon.

2020-2021 National Coordinator of French Lebanese CEDRE Project (44559PL) «Dendrologie des oliviers monumentaux du Liban pour l’étude des chocs climatiques : approches multi-proxies (DOLCE-CLIM)», executed at the Lebanese University - Faculty of Agronomy and Montpellier University - ISEM, France.

2017-2018 Coordinator of a national project funded by the Lebanese University “Testing for Genetically Modified Organism (GMOs) in agricultural seeds of maize and cucurbits imported to Lebanon”, implemented at LU, Faculty of Agronomy, in collaboration with the ISO17025 accredited laboratories for GMO testing at the American University of Science and Technology (AUST).


2017-2018 Coordinator of a national project funded by the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research “Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of the Lebanese Carob Germplasm (Ceratonia silica L.)”, executed at LU, Faculty of Agronomy and LARI.

2013-Present, Porteur du projet Franco-Libanais “Création d’un Réseau Franco-Libanais sur la Gestion des Ressources Génétiques Fruitières et l’Environnement”, Laboratoire International Associé (LIA) - Observatoire Libano-Français de l’Environnement (O-LiFE), CNRS Liban / Université Montpellier II.

2013-2015 Regional Coordinator of FAO/TCP/SNO/3401 project “Optimizing the Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture for Adaptation to Climate Change”, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran and Egypt.

2012-2014 Coordinator of a national project funded by the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (ref. 3420) “Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of Lebanese Barley Germplasm for Drought Tolerance”, executed at LU, Faculty of Agronomy and LARI.

2010 National Consultant in Seed and Plant Genetic resources for FAO/GCP/LEB/021/ITA Project on Strengthening Production and Marketing of Lebanese Agricultural Products.

2010-2011 National Coordinator of French Lebanese CEDRE Project (09 E F6/L 24) « Structuration et dynamique de la diversité génétique de l’amandier Prunus communis au Liban: facteurs biologiques et anthropiques», executed at LU, Faculty of Agronomy, LARI and CIRAD France.

2009-2011 National Consultant for regional FAO/TCP/RAB/3202 project 'Strengthening capacities towards the establishment of a regional platform for the detection of GMOs".

2007-2008 National Coordinator of International Olive Council Project "Conservation, Characterization, Collection and Utilization of Genetic Resources in Olive (Olea europaea) (RESGEN)".

2006-2007 National Coordinator of FAO Project "Establishment of a national information sharing mechanism on implementation of the Global Plan of Action on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and preparation of a Country Report on the State of PGRFA".

2005-2007 Member in the Consortium of Tempus Project (CD_JEP-31125-2003) "Master Plant Biodiversity and Biotechnology in Lebanon" executed at Saint Esprit de Kaslik University.

2003-2005 National Coordinator for a venture collaborative project with the French Cooperation at the French Embassy in Beirut (nº1999008900) "Promotion of Caper Culture in Lebanon".

2001-2004 National Coordinator of CEDRE Project (nº99 Fb F12/L14) "Morphological & Molecular Characterization of Lebanese and French Prunus", executed at LARI and INRA Bordeaux.

1999-2002 Coordinator of a national project funded by the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research “In vitro propagation of Prunus” executed at LARI.

Articles and Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals

Chalak L, Mba C, Diulgheroff S, Muhammad D (in press). Development of National Strategies for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Some Countries of the Near East and North Africa. Acta Hortic.

Chalak L, Baydoun S, and Tous J (in press). Back to underutilized fruit crops in some East Mediterranean countries along the Silk Roads to cope with future challenges. Acta Hortic.

Abdallah J, Said J, Saad P, Rizk H, Abou-Sleyman G, Chalak L (in press). Towards preliminary testing for GMOs in agricultural seeds imported to Lebanon. Acta Hortic.

Merheb J, Magdalena P, Ferdinando B, Bolibok-Brągoszewska H, Skarzyńska A, Pląder W, Chalak L (in press). Characterization of Lebanese germplasm of snake melon (Cucumis melo subsp. melo L. var. flexuosus) using morphological traits and SSR markers. Agronomy.

Merheb J, Lahoud G, Fahd S, Bou Yehia H, Bou Rached I, Kahwaji J, Berbari C, El Riachy M, As-sadi F, Obrien F, Chalak L (in press). Preliminary assessment of maturity and picking dates of avocado under Lebanese growing conditions.

Baydoun S, Itani L, Naser H, Haidar M, Chalak L, Arnold-Apostolides N (in press). Proximate composition and nutritional attributes of some wild edible leafy plants from Lebanon. Acta Hortic.


Baydoun S, Arnold-Apostolides N, Itani L, Naser H, Haidar M, Chalak L (in press). Preliminary nutritional characterization of some wild edible fruits from Lebanon. Acta Hortic.

Merheb J, Pawełkowicz M, Branca F, Bolibok-Bragoszewska H, Skarzynska A, Plader W and Chalak L (2020) Characterization of Lebanese Germplasm of Snake Melon (Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. flexuosus) Using Morphological Traits and SSR Markers. Agronomy (10) 1293; doi:10.3390/agronomy10091293

Chalak L, Baydoun S and Jaradat AA (2020). Genetic resources of fruit trees in the Fertile Crescent: a hotspot heritage. Acta Hortic 1267: 77-84. ISHS 2020. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1267.13

Baydoun S, Chalak L, Arnold-Apostolides N (2020) Indigenous multipurpose shrubs of Lebanon, a rich resource for benefits and economic development in rural communities. Acta Hortic 1267: 215-222. ISHS 2020. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1267.32

Ghanem H, Baydoun S, Abou Hamdan H, Itani H, Chalak L and Korfali SI (2020) First Investigation on Bioaccumulation Potentiality of Lemna gibba L. For Heavy Metal Pollution in Lebanese Fresh Waters. Pollution Research Vol 39(2): 211–224.

Tabaja N, Siblini M, Chalak L (2020). Current status of registered grapevine saplings in Lebanon. Acta Horticulturae 1276 : 265-269.

Tabaja N, Siblini M, Chalak L (2019) Current status of registered pome fruit saplings in Lebanon. Acta Horticulturae 1242: 505-509.

El Riachy M, Hamadeh A, Ayoub R, Dandachi F and Chalak L (2019) Oil content, fatty acid and phenolic profiles of some olive varieties growing in Lebanon. Frontiers in Nutrition. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00094

Ghanem H, Haddad A, Baydoun S, Abou Hamdan H, Korfali S, Chalak L (2019) In vitro proliferation of Lebanese Lemna minor and Lemna gibba on different nutrient media. Journal of Taibah University for Science (Taylor & Francis group) Vol 13: 497-503.

Ghanem H, Chalak L, and Baydoun S (2019) Phytoremediation of Lebanese polluted waters: a review of current initiatives. MATEC Web of Conferences 281:03007. 6 pp.

Hamadeh B, Chalak L, Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G, Benoit L, and Joly H (2018) Evolution of almond genetic diversity and farmer practices in Lebanon: impacts of the diffusion of a graft-propagated cultivar in a traditional system based on seed-propagation. BMC Plant Biology 18:155

Chami M, Hajj A, Kahwaji J, Youssef H, Ghaith S, Fakih L, Smaha M, Nabbout R, El Riachy M, As-Sadi F, Al Zein M, Ruiz Gomez FJ, Palacios-Rodriguez G, Navarro-Cerillo R, Tous J, and Chalak L (2018) Assessment of Ancient Carob Germplasm of Lebanon by Morphological Traits. Journal of the American Pomological Society 72(4): 260-278.

Chalak L, Youssef A, Hamadeh A, Khadari B, El Riachy M (2018) Preliminary assessment of centennial olive trees in Lebanon indicates a high potential for selection. Acta Hortic. 1199: 33-40.

El Riachy M, Jebbawi G, Hawi G, Chalak L and Massaad R (2018) Quality and fatty acid profiles of monovarietal olive oils produced from irrigated groves in Qaa region, Lebanon. Acta Hortic. 1199: 529-534.

Chalak L (2018) Proposed regulations on access and benefit-sharing for biological and genetic resources of Lebanon.

Dandachi F, Hamadeh B, Youssef H, Chahine H, Chalak L (2017) Diversity assessment of the Lebanese germplasm of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) by morphological and chemical traits. Annals of Agriculture Science 62: 89–98.

Baydoun S, Kanj D, Raafat K, Aboul Ela M, Chalak L and Arnold-Apostolides N (2017) Ethnobotanical and Economic Importance of Wild Plant Species of Jabal Moussa Bioreserve, Lebanon. J Ecosys Ecograph, S7. 10 pp. DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625.S7-001

Al Maamory A.H., Tarang A., and Chalak L. (2017) In vitro callogenesis and screening of local varieties of Vicia faba L. to salt tolerance. Acta Hortic. 1155: 209-214. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1155.

Mzid R, Chibani F, Ben Ayed R, Hanana M, Breidi J, Kabalan R, El-Hajj S, Machlab H, Rebai A and Chalak L (2016) Genetic diversity in barley landraces (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare) originated from Crescent Fertile region as detected by seed storage proteins. Journal of Genetics 95. DOI 10.1007/s12041-016-0683-5


Chalak L, Touma JA, Touma S, Rahme S, Azzi R, Guiberteau F and Boursiquot JM (2016) Assessment of the Lebanese grapevine germplasm reveals a substantial diversity and a high potential for selection. BIO Web of Conferences 7 (01020). DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20160701020

Bazakos C, Khanfir E, Aoun M, Spano T, El Zein Z, Chalak L, El Riachy M, Abou-Sleymane G, Ben Ali S, Grati Kammoun N and Kalaitzis P (2016) The potential of SNP-based PCR-RFLP capillary electrophoresis analysis to authenticate and detect admixtures of Mediterranean olive oils. Electrophoresis 37 (13): 1881-1890.

Chalak L, Haouane H, Essalouh L, Santoni S, Besnard G and Khadari B (2015) Extent of the genetic diversity in Lebanese olive (Olea europaea L.) trees: a mixture of an ancient germplasm with recently introduced varieties. Genet Resour Crop Evol 62 (4): 621-633

Arnold N, Baydoun S, Chalak L, Raus Th (2015) A contribution to the flora and ethnobotanical knowledge of Mount Hermon, Lebanon. Fl. Medit. 25: 13-55.

Chalak L, El-Beaino T, El-Bitar A, Fattal T, Choueiri E (2015) Removal of viruses from Lebanese fig varieties using tissue culture and thermotherapy. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 54(3):531-535.

Chalak L, Mzid R, Rizk W, Hmedeh H, Kabalan K, Breidy J, Hamadeh B, Machlab H, Rizk H, Elhajj S (2015) Performance of 50 Lebanese barley landraces (Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare) in two locations under rainfed conditions. Annals of Agricultural Science 60(2): 325-334.

El-Hajj S, Dib D, Chalak L, Rizk H (2015) Yield Stability and Quality of Durum Wheat Genotypes in Different Environments of Lebanon. Gene Conserve 14 (57): 52-74.

Chalak L, Gebrayel G, Hmedeh H, Kabalan R, Breidy J, Hamadeh B, El Tawm L, Machlab H, Khoury M, Dib H, El-Hajj S (2015) Agronomic Performance and Quality Properties of Malting Barley Genotypes Assessed Rain Fed in Bekaa Province, Lebanon. Gene Conserve 14(55): 18-29.

Baydoun S, Chalak L, Dalleh H, Arnold N (2015) Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine by the communities of Mount Hermon, Lebanon. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 173: 139-156.

Chalak L and Hamadeh B (2015) Almond wild relatives in Lebanon: distribution, uses and main threats. Acta Hort. 1074: 43-48.

Chalak L. and Choueiri E (2015) Contribution to the Production Scheme of Local Certified Propagating Material of Almond: in vitro Sanitation and Micropropagation. Acta Hort. 1083: 163-168.

El Beyrouthy, M., Elian, G., Abou Jaoudeh, C. and Chalak, L. (2015) In vitro Propagation of Origanum syriacum and Origanum ehrenbergii. Acta Hort. 1083: 169-172.

Chalak L., Elkhawand H. and Elbitar A. (2014) In vitro regeneration of centennial olive trees (Olea europaea L.). Acta Hortic. 1057, 737-740. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1057.94

Chalak L., Haouane H., Chehade A., Elbitar A., Hamadeh B., Youssef H., Nabbout R., Smaha M., Haj A.K., Bassal A. and Khadari B (2014) Morphological and molecular characterization for assessment of genetic variation within the "Baladi" olive variety. Acta Hortic. 1057, 741-748.

Chalak L., Haouane H., and Khadari B (2014) Lebanese ancient olive trees and their relatedness with the local variety "Baladi". Acta Hortic. 1057, 749-754.

Chalak, L., Younes, J., Rouphael, S., Hamadeh, B. (2014) Morphological Characterization of Prickly Pears (Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill.) Cultivated in Lebanon. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3 (6): 2541- 2553.

Abou-Hamdan, H., Ismaïl, H., Amacha, N., Chalak, L., Jomaa, R., Kamar, M., Kobaissi, A., Baydoun, S. (2014). Preliminary Assessment of Macrophytic Community in Qaraoun Reservoir, Lebanon. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3 (6): 1132-1141.

Kadri A, Chalak L, El Bitar A, Nicolas N, Mroué S, Grenier De March G (2014) In vitro Plant Regeneration System for Two Middle East Cultivars of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Adv Crop Sci Tech 2: 125. doi: 10.4172/2329-8863.1000125


Chalak L, Noun A, Youssef H and Hamadeh B (2014) Diversity of loquats (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) cultivated in Lebanon as assessed by morphological traits. Scientia Horticulturae 167: 135-144.

Sakr J., Mallah N., Chalak L. and Abou-Sleymane G. (2014) First comprehensive GMOs testing in Lebanon: Screening, identification and quantification of GM soybean imports. Food Control 36: 146-152.

Chalak L. (2014) Almond: Multiple uses of a Mediterranean heritage. Acta Hort. 1032: 29-36.

Hamadeh B., Joly H. and Chalak L. (2014) Molecular characterization for assessment of genetic variation within the Lebanese traditional almond variety “Khachabi”. Acta Hort. 1032: 117-124.

Chalak L., Elbitar A. and Chehade A. (2014) Diversity of wild Prunus in the Bekaa province, Lebanon. Acta Hort. 1032: 207-213.

Chalak L, Elbitar A, Mourad N, Mortada C, Choueiri E (2013) Elimination of Grapevine Bois Noir Phytoplasma by Tissue Culture Coupled or not With Heat Therapy or Hot Water Treatment. Adv Crop Sci Tech 1: 107. doi:10.4172/acst.1000107

Chalak L., Chehade A., Elbitar A., Hamadeh B., Youssef H., Nabbout R., Smaha M., Haj A.K., Awada A., Bouaram G., Selman M., Bassal A., Famiani F., Dubla N. (2011) Morphological Characterization of cultivated olive trees in Lebanon. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Olive Culture, Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products‟ (OLIVEBIOTEQ 2011). Vol. 1: 51-56.

Chalak L., Haouane H., Khadari B., Chehade A., Elbitar A., Hamadeh B., Youssef H., Nabbout R., Smaha M., Haj A.K., Bassal A. (2011) Assessment of the genetic diversity and structure of the Lebanese olive varieties. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Olive Culture, Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products‟ (OLIVEBIOTEQ 2011). Vol 1: 33-38.

Chalak L, Noun J, El Haj S, Rizk H, Assi R, Attieh J, Maalouf F, Abi Antoun M, Sabra N (2011) Current Status of Agro-biodiversity in Lebanon and Future Challenges. Gene Conserve 10 (39): 23-41.

Chalak L, Chehade A, Mattar E, Khadari B (2008) Morphological Characterization of Fig Accessions Cultivated in Lebanon. Acta Horticulturae 798, 49-56.

Chalak L, Chehadé A, Kadri A (2007) Morphological characterization of cultivated almonds in Lebanon. Fruits 62 (3): 177-186.

Chalak L, Elbitar A, Chehade T, El Zammar S, Jreijiri J, Choueiri E (2007) Assainissement de variétés de Prunus infectées par Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus. Lebanese Science Journal 8 (2): 175-181.

Chalak L, Perin A, Elbitar A, Chehade A (2007) Phenotypic diversity and morphological characterization of Capparis spinosa L. in Lebanon. Biologia Tunisie 4 bis: 28-32.

Chalak L, Chehade A, Kadri A, Cosson P, Zanetto A, Dirlewanger E , Laigret F (2006) Preliminary Characterization of Cultivated Almonds (Prunus dulcis L.) in Lebanon by Morphological Traits and Microsatellite Markers. Biologia Tunisie 4: 5-11.

Chalak L, Chehade A, Elbitar A, Cosson P, Zanetto A, Laigret F, Dirlewanger E (2006) Morphological and molecular characterization of peach accessions (Prunus persica L) cultivated in Lebanon. Lebanese Science Journal 7 (2): 23-31.

Chalak L and Elbitar A (2006) Micropropagation of Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris Sibth. & Sm. by nodal cuttings. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 5: 555-558

Chalak L, Elbitar A, Rizk R, Choueiri E, Salar P, Bové JM (2005) Attempts to eliminate Candidatus phytoplasma phoenicium from infected Lebanese almond varieties by tissue culture techniques combined or not with thermotherapy. European Journal of Plant Pathology 112: 85-89.

Chehade A, Chalak L, Elbitar A, Cosson P, Zanetto A, Dirlewanger E (2005) Caractérisation morphologique et moléculaire de clones de cerisier cultivés au Liban. Lebanese Science Journal 6 (1): 29-40.

Tannouri M, Elbitar A, Chehade A, Chalak L (2005) Propagation in vitro de deux variétés hybrides de Lilium asiatique. Lebanese Science Journal 6 (1): 41-47.


Chalak L, Elbitar A, Masaad W, Choueiri E (2004) Assainissement de la pomme de terre infectée par le virus PVYNTN par culture de méristèmes. Lebanese Science Journal 5 (1): 37-43.

Chalak L, Elbitar A (2003) Potentiel d’enracinement in vivo et in vitro de variétés libanaises d’amandier (Prunus dulcis Miller). Lebanese Science Journal 4 (2): 21-29.

Chalak L, Elbitar A, Cordahi N, Hage C, Chehade A (2003) In vitro propagation of Capparis spinosa L. Acta Horticulturae 616: 335-338.

Chehade A, Elbitar A, Chalak L (2001) Caractérisation morphologique de la diversité du genre Prunus dans la plaine de la Békaa. Magon 1: 4-17.

Chat J, Chalak L, Petit RJ (1999) Strict paternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA and maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in intraspecific crosses of kiwifruit. Theor Appl Genet 99 : 314-322.

Chalak L, Legave JM (1997) Effects of pollination by irradiated pollen in Hayward kiwifruit and spontaneous doubling of induced parthenogenetic trihaploids. Scientia Hortiulturae 68: 83-93.

Chalak L, Legave JM (1996) Oryzalin combined with adventitious regeneration for an efficient chromosome doubling of trihaploid kiwifruit. Plant Cell Reports 16: 97-100.

Lansac M, Chalak L, Cardona B, Sorbier A, Bodin-Ferri M, Dosba F, Labonne G, Quiot L, Quiot JB (1998) In vitro inoculation of Prunus species with plum pox potyvirus. Acta Horticulturae 472 (2): 455-459.

Monet R, Chat J, Legave JM, Chalak L, Hirsch AM, Xiao XG, Testolin R (1997) A European research project to improve kiwifruit adaptation to cold climates using breeding methods and biotechnologies. Acta Horticulturae 444: 59-64.

Hirsch AM, Fortune D, Chalak L, Legave JM, Chat J, Monet R (1997) Peroxydase test: a test for sex screening in kiwifruit seedlings. Acta Horticulturae 444: 89-95.

Books and Booklets

Al-Zein. M.S., Baydoun, S., Bou Dagher Kharrat, M., Bou Fakhreddine, S., Chalak, L., ElZein, H., Itani, M, Machaka-Houri, N., Samaha, L., Semaan, M., Stephan, J., Talhouk, SN., Yazbek, M. (2018). 'Status of endangered flora – Lebanon' In: M. Valderrábano, T. Gil, V. Heywood and B. de Montmollin (eds.) Conserving wild plants in the South and East Mediterranean region. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN

Chalak L (2014) Following walnut footprints in Lebanon. In: Following Walnut Footprints (Juglans regia L.): Cultivation and Culture, Folklore and History, Traditions and Uses. A joint publication of ISHS, INC, 235-238.

Chalak L (2012) Following olive footprints in Lebanon. In: Following Olive Footprints Olea europaea L.): Cultivation and Culture, Folklore and History, Traditions and Uses. A joint publication of ISHS, IOC and AARINENA, 209-221.

Hamzé M, Chalak L, Stephan J, Andraos L, Choueiri E (2007) Stone Fruits and Grapevine Cultivars from Lebanon: Clonal and Sanitary Selection survey. Edited by CNRS-L, Beirut, pp. 66.

Communications in National and International Conferences

Chalak L (2018) Development of National Strategies for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Some Countries of the Near East and North Africa. Keynote presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

Chalak (2018) Preliminary assessment of ancient carob trees in Lebanon. Keynote presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.


Baydoun S, Itani L, Naser H, Haidar M, Chalak L, Arnold-Apostolides N (2018). Proximate composition and nutritional attributes of some wild edible leafy plants from Lebanon. Oral presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

El Riachy M, Amany H, Abou Daya S, Jebbawi G, Hawi G, Talej V, Houssein M, Chalak L, El Hajj A (2018) Preliminary oil quality analysis of the traditional olive variety Baladi. Poster presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

Abdallah J, Said J, Saad P, Rizk H, Abou-Sleyman G, Chalak L (2018) Towards preliminary testing for GMOs in agricultural seeds imported to Lebanon. Poster presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

Tabaja N, Siblini M, Chalak L (2018). Current status of registered grapevine saplings in Lebanon. Poster presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

Merheb J, Lahoud G, Fahd S, Bou Yehia H, Bou Rached I, Kahwaji J, Berbari C, El Riachy M, As-sadi F, Obrien F, Chalak L (2018). Preliminary assessment of maturity and picking dates of avocado under Lebanese growing conditions. Poster presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

Baydoun S, Arnold-Apostolides N, Itani L, Naser H, Haidar M, Chalak L (2018). Preliminary nutritional characterization of some wild edible fruits from Lebanon. Poster presentation. 30th International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, 12-16 August 2018.

Chalak L (2018) Proposed regulations on access and benefit-sharing for biological and genetic resources of Lebanon. Oral presentation. International Workshop on Access and Benefit-Sharing for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. FAO, Rome, Italy, 10 - 12 January 2018.

Chalak L, S.A. Baydoun and A.A. Jaradat (2017) Genetic resources of Fruit Trees in the Fertile Crescent: a hotspot heritage. Keynote presentation. ISHS International Symposium on Survey of Uses of Plant Genetic Resources to the Benefit of Local Populations, Antananarivo, Madagascar, 18-22 September 2017.

Baydoun S, Chalak L, Arnold-Apostolides N (2017) Indigenous multipurpose shrubs of Lebanon, a rich resource for benefits and economic development in rural communities. Oral presentation. ISHS International Symposium on Survey of Uses of Plant Genetic Resources to the Benefit of Local Populations, Antananarivo, Madagascar, 18-22 September 2017.

Redwan Z, Baydoun S, Naser H, Chalak L, Arnold-Apostolides N (2017) Socioeconomic importance of some high value wild medicinal plants from Lebanon. Oral presentation. ISHS International Symposium on Survey of Uses of Plant Genetic Resources to the Benefit of Local Populations, Antananarivo, Madagascar, 18-22 September 2017.

Chalak L, Baydoun S, and Tous J (2017) Back to underutilized fruit crops in some East Mediterranean countries along the Silk Roads to cope with future challenges. Keynote presentation. ISHS II International Symposium on Fruit Culture along Silk Road Countries “Fruits for the future”. Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina October, 2-6 2017.

Chalak L (2017) Experiences and outcomes from the country report on biodiversity for food and agriculture in Lebanon. Oral presentation. CGRFA side event, FAO HQs, Rome, Italy, 30 January 2017.

Chalak L, Touma S, Rahme S, Azzi R, Guiberteau F and Touma J.A. (2016) "Assessment of the Lebanese grapevine germplasm reveals a substantial diversity and a high potential for selection". Oral presentation. World Vine and Wine Congress, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil, 24-28 October 2016.

Tabaja N, Siblini M, Chalak L (2016). Current Status of Registered Pome Fruit Seedlings in Lebanon. Poster presentation. October 3rd Symposium on Horticulture in Europe 17-21 2016 Chania-Greece.

Chalak L, Haouane H, Essalouh L, Hamadeh B, El Riachy M, Khadari B (2016) Lebanese olive germplasm at the heart of the Eastern Mediterranean gene pool pointing out the importance to characterize and conserve the ancient olive tree. Oral presentation. VIII International Olive Symposium, Split, October 10-14, 2016

Chalak L, Youssef A, Hamadeh A, Khadari B, El Riachy M (2016) Preliminary assessment of centennial olive trees in Lebanon indicates a high potential for selection. Poster presentation. VIII International Symposium on Olive, Split, Croatia, October 10-14, 2016.


Chalak L (2016) The olive trees of Lebanon: structure of genetic diversity for optimized management and valuation of local genetic resources. Oral presentation in: Use of genomics and phenomics to characterize olive genetic resources for breeding and designing new cultivars for sustainable oliviculture. BeFOre, Perugia, Italy, July 22, 2016.

Chalak L (2016) Towards a regional approach for optimizing the use of plant genetic resources in the Near East for adaptation to climate change. Key note presentation in: Symposium on Role of Plant Genetic Resources on Reclaiming Lands and Environment Deteriorated by Human and Natural Action, Shiraz, Iran, 16-20 May 2016.

Chalak L (2016) Introduction to genetically modified organisms and biosafety, and current status in Lebanon. Key note presentation in: Symposium on Genetically Modified Food in Lebanon, AUST, Ashrafieh, Lebanon, May 6, 2016.

Chedraoui S, Chalak L, Abi-Rizk A, El-Beyrouthy M, Ouaini O (2016) Caractérisation morphologique et diversité génétique et phénotypique de Capparis spinosa L. au Liban. 22ème Conférence Scientifique Internationale LAAS, "Les avenues sociales de la recherche". Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK), 14-15 avril 2016, Kaslik, Liban.

Ghanem H, Korfali S, Baydoun S, Abou Hamdan H, Chalak L (2016) Preliminary assessment of heavy metals uptake by the duckweed Lemna gibba L. growing wild in surface water bodies in Lebanon. Abstract & poster presented at 22nd LAAS International Conference, "The Social Avenues of the Research", 14-15 April 2016, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon.

Ghanem H, Chalak L, Youssef H, Korfali S, Mahmoud S, Abou Hamdan H, Baydoun S (2016) Preliminary assessment of relative in vitro growth of Lebanese duckweeds species (Lemnaceae) for phytoremediation purposes. Abstract & poster presented at 22nd LAAS International Conference, "The Social Avenues of the Research", 14-15 April 2016, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon.

Chalak L, Haouane H, Essalouh L, Hamadeh B, Riachy M, Khadari B (2015) Relations génétiques entre les oliviers centenaires et la variété “Baladi” au Liban: un regard sur le passé pour construire l’avenir d’une oléiculture durable. Résumé et Poster, Les Troisièmes Journées Franco-Libanaises, Beyrouth, 29-30 octobre 2015.

Chalak L, Khalil S, Kfoury K, Madi N, ElBitar A, Chehade A (2015) Première Evaluation de la Diversité Génétique de Variétés Traditionnelles de Raisin de Table. Poster presentation and abstract. 21th LAAS International Science Conference, 15-17 April 2015, Beirut, Lebanon.

Chalak L, Rizk W, Hmedeh H, Kabalan R, Breidy J, El Tawm L, Hamadeh B, Machlab H, Mzid R, Atallah T and Elhajj S (2015) First Assessment of Lebanese Barley Landraces in Bekaa Province. Poster presentation and abstract. 21th LAAS International Science Conference, 15-17 April 2015, Beirut, Lebanon.

Elhajj S, Gebrayel G, Hmedeh H, Kabalan R, Breidy J, El Tawm L, Hamadeh B, Dib H, Machlab H, Mzid and Chalak L (2015) Primary Evaluation of Agronomic Performance of Malting Barley in Bekaa Province. Poster presentation and abstract. 21th LAAS International Science Conference, 15-17 April 2015, Beirut, Lebanon.

Dandachi F, Hamadeh B, Youssef H and Chalak L (2015) Première Evaluation de la Diversité des Grenadiers (Punica granatum L.) Cultivés au Liban. Oral presentation and abstract. 21th LAAS International Science Conference, 15-17 April 2015, Beirut, Lebanon.

Baydoun S, Arnold N, Dalleh H, Halablab O, Sayah M and Chalak L (2015) Flora Biodiversity in Hermon Mountain: Substantial Endemism. Poster and abstract. 21th LAAS International Science Conference, 15-17 April 2015. Beirut, Lebanon.

El Riachy M, Ayoub R, Breidi M and Chalak L (2015) Evaluation préliminaire de la teneur en huile et du profil des acides gras des variétés d’olive cultivées au Liban. Oral presentation and abstract. 21th LAAS International Science Conference, 15-17 April 2015. Beirut, Lebanon.

Al Maamory A.H., Tarang A and Chalak L (2015) In vitro callogenesis and screening of local varieties of Vicia faba L. to salt tolerance. Poster presentation and abstract. 6th International Symposium on Production and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants, ISHS, 19-24 April 2015, Sanremo, Italy.


Chalak L, Malas F, Hamadeh B, Essalouh L and B. Khadari (2014) Centennial Olive Trees in Lebanon: A Substantial Patrimony. Oral presentation and abstract. OLIVEBIOTEQ, 3-6 November, 2014, Amman, Jordan.

Chalak L and Hamadeh B (2014) Distribution of wild almonds in Lebanon and related uses. Oral Presentation. II International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, ISHS, 7-12 April 2014. Baku, Azerbaijan.

Abou-hamdan H, Amasaha N, Chalak L, Delipetrou P, Georghiou K, Kamar M, Al Eter R, Baydoun S (2014) Preliminary Assessment of Macrophytic Community in Qaraoun Reservoir, Lebanon. Oral Presentation. 20th LAAS International Science Conference, 27-29 March 2014. Beirut, Lebanon.

Arnold N, Chalak L, Mhanna M, Dalleh H, Halablab O, Salameh I, Baydoun S (2014) Preliminary Assessment of Flora Biodiversity of Hermon Mountain, Lebanon. 20th LAAS International Science Conference, 27-29 March 2014. Beirut, Lebanon.

Hamadeh B, Joly HI, Maizi P, Chalak L (2014) Traditional Almond Orchards in Lebanon, a Substantial Genetic Variability. Oral Presentation. 20th LAAS International Science Conference, 27-29 March 2014. Beirut, Lebanon.

Sakr J, Mallah N, Chalak L, Abou Sleymane G (2014) First Comprehensive Genetically Modified Organisms Testing in Lebanon: Screening, Identification and Quantification of GM Soybean Imports. Oral Presentation. 20th LAAS International Science Conference, 27-29 March 2014. Beirut, Lebanon.

Chalak L. (2013) Almond: Multiple uses of a Mediterranean heritage. Oral presentation, First International Symposium on Fruit Culture and its Traditional Knowledge along Silk Road Countries, Armenia-Georgia, November 4-8, 2013.

Chalak L., Elbitar A. and Chehade A. (2013) Diversity of wild Prunus in the Bekaa province, Lebanon. Poster, First International Symposium on Fruit Culture and its Traditional Knowledge along Silk Road Countries, Armenia-Georgia, November 4-8, 2013.

Hamadeh B, Joly HI and Chalak L (2013) Molecular characterization for assessment of genetic variation within the Lebanese traditional almond variety “Khachabi”. Oral Presentation, First International Symposium on Fruit Culture and its Traditional Knowledge along Silk Road Countries, Armenia, November 4-8, 2013.

Chalak L and Choueiri E (2013) Contribution to the production scheme of local certified propagating material of almond: in vitro sanitation and micropropagation. Poster, 8th International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2-7, 2013.

El Beyrouthy, M, Elian G, Abou Jaoudeh, C, Chalak L (2013) In vitro Propagation of Origanum syriacum and Origanum ehrenbergii. Poster, 8th International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding, Coimbra, Portugal, June 2-7, 2013

Chalak L (2013) Towards new promising crops in dry areas. Oral presentation, 19th Periodic Conference and 39th session of the General Conference of the Arab Agricultural Engineers Union “Arab investment in the field of development and the development of the countryside and the importance of the contribution of Arab natural pastures in achieving food security’, Beirut, May 29-31, 2013

Hani N., Samaha L., Breidi J., Bassil M., Chalak L. (2013) Le protocole de Nagoya: Contexte Libanais. Présentation orale, Atelier « Accès aux Ressources Phytogénétiques et Partage des Avantages », Alger, Avril 28-30, 2013

Chalak L (2013) Genetically Modified Organisms and Biosafety: Current status in Lebanon. Oral presentation, BBIC-ICLS, Beirut, Lebanon.

Conference on “Biosecurity & Biosafety Strategy in case of a biological chemical or nuclear crisis”, Beirut, January 22-26, 2013.

Chalak L., Haouane H., Chehade A., Elbitar A., Hamadeh B., Youssef H., Nabbout R., Smaha M., Haj A.K., Bassal A.and Khadari B (2012) Morphological and molecular characterization for assessment of genetic variation


within the "Baladi" olive variety. VIIth International Symposium on Olive Growing, September 25-29, 2012, San Juan, Argentina.

Chalak L., Elkhawand H. and Elbitar A. (2012) In vitro regeneration of centennial olive trees (Olea europaea L.). VIIth International Symposium on Olive Growing, September 25-29, 2012, San Juan, Argentina.

Abou Sleymane G. and Chalak L (2012) Status and Experiences Related to the Implementation of GMO Legislation in Lebanon. “1st International Workshop on Harmonisation of GMO Detection and Analysis in MENA Region, Dead Sea, Jordan, June 4 - 5, 2012.

Chalak L., Chehade A., Elbitar A., Hamadeh B., Youssef H., Nabbout R., Smaha M., Haj A.K., Awada A., Bouaram G., Selman M., Bassal A., Famiani F., Dubla N. (2011) Morphological Characterization of cultivated olive trees in Lebanon. Abstract and Poster in: the 4th International Conference on Olive Culture, Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products‟ (OLIVEBIOTEQ 2011), October 31st - November 4th, 2011, Greece.

Chalak L., Haouane H., Khadari B., Chehade A., Elbitar A., Hamadeh B., Youssef H., Nabbout R., Smaha M., Haj A.K., Bassal A. (2011) Assessment of the genetic diversity and structure of the Lebanese olive varieties. Abstract and Oral Presentation in: the 4th International Conference on Olive Culture, Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products‟ (OLIVEBIOTEQ 2011), October 31st - November 4th, 2011, Chania, Greece.

Chalak L (2011) Implementation of the Regional Platform for GMOs Detection. Oral presentation. Regional Workshop for Food and Agricultural Organization, TCP/RAB/3202 (D), 10-11 April, Dubai.

Chalak L & Sattout E (2011) The Technical Requirements for National Laboratories for GMO Detection and the Environment Risk Assessment. Oral presentation. Regional Workshop for Food and Agricultural Organization, TCP/RAB/3202 (D), 24-27 January, Beirut.

Chalak L (2010) Global Status of GMOs and Recent Developments in Agricultural Biotechnology. Oral presentation. Conference on “Genetically Modified Organisms: Current State of Affairs”, American University of Science and Technology, May 26, 2010, Beirut.

El-Hajj S, Chalak L (2010) Current Status of Wheat Science in Lebanon. Oral Presentation. Wheat Science to Text Books Workshop, CIMMYT Texcoco, December 5-11, Mexico.

Chehade A., Chalak L., Elbitar A., Zanetto A., Cosson P. (2010) Characterization of almond diversity in Lebanon by microsatellite markers. Proceedings “Primer Congreso Peruano de Mejoramiento Genética y Biotecnología Agrícola”, La Molina, Lima, Perú, mayo 2010: 27-29.

Chalak L, Elbeaino T, Elbitar A, Fattal T, Hobeika C, Choueiri E (2009) Virus-free Production of Lebanese Varieties by Tissue Culture: Preliminary Results. Oral presentation and Abstract V29. Arab Journal of Plant Protection Vol 27 Special Issue. 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Arab Society for Plant Protection, Beirut.

Chalak L (2009) Genetic structure of Spontaneous and Cultivated figs in Lebanon indicating a local selection. Abstract and oral presentation. Fourth International Symposium on Fig, 29 September – 03 October Meknès, Morocco.

Chalak L (2009) Attempts to Virus-Free Production of Lebanese Fig Varieties by Tissue Culture. Abstract and oral presentation. Fourth International Symposium on Fig, 29 September – 03 October Meknès, Morocco.

Chalak L (2009) Existing National Capacities for Biotechnology and GMOs Detection in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Regional Workshop for Food and Agricultural Organization, TCP/RAB/3202 (D), 28-30 July, Jordan.

Chalak L (2008) Current situation of plant genetic resources in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Workshop on Regional Analysis on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in NENA Region, ICARDA, 29-30 November, Aleppo.

Chalak L, A. Chehade, A Elbitar, H Achtak, S Santoni, & B Khadari (2008) Caractérisation moléculaire et structure génétique du figuier cultivé au Liban. Abstract and Poster. Colloque Biotechnologies Végétales et Gestion Durable des Résistances Face à des Stress Biotiques et Abiotiques, 30 juin - 3 juillet, Rennes, France.


Chalak L, A Elbitar, Chehade A (2008) Caper (Capparis spinosa L.): towards a new promising crop for North Bekaa. Abstract and oral presentation. The 15th Science Meeting "Science in the 21th Century", Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science (LAAS), 14 November, Beirut.

Chalak L (2007) Country Report on Agricultural Biotechnology in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Regional Agricultural Biotechnology Network. AARINENA-ICARDA, 15-16 December 2007, Cairo.

Chalak L (2007) Current Status of Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Regional Consultation on Biotechnology and Biosafety for Agriculture and Environment in the WANA sub-region for preparation of a GEF proposal, ICARDA, 8-10 September 2007, Aleppo, Syria.

Chalak L (2007) Current Situation of Plant Genetic Resources in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Workshop on the International Treaty for the Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), 8-10 May 2007, Damascus.

Chalak L, Sattout E (2007) Current Status of Modified Crops in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Expert Consultation on Genetically Modified Crops, CARDNE, 14-15 May 2007, Jordan.

Chalak L (2007) Current Status of Plant Biotechnologies in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Third Conference for Biotechnology and its applications in Agricultural Investments, Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID), 22-24 May 2007, Jordan.

Chalak L (2007) Seed Banks in Lebanon. Oral presentation. Expert Consultation on the establishment of subregional genebanks, The League of Arab States / Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD), 25-27 June 2007, Damascus.

Chalak L, Elbitar A, Rizk R, Choueiri E, Salar P, Bové JM (2006) Use of tissue culture techniques combined or not with thermotherapy to eliminate Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium from two infected Lebanese almond varieties. Oral presentation. 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 18-23 November 2006, Syria.

Chalak L (2006) Current situation of olive culture in Lebanon. Oral presentation. International Olive Oil Council meeting, 16-17 November 2006, Spain.

Chalak L, Chehade A, Elbitar A, Kadri A, Cosson P, Zanetto A & Dirlewanger E (2005) Biodiversity assessment of cultivated almonds in Lebanon using morphological traits and microsatellites markers. Oral presentation and abstract. International Conference on Promoting Community-driven Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agrobiodiversity, 18-21 April 2005, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Chalak L, Chehade A, Elbitar A, Cosson P, Zanetto A & Dirlewanger E (2005) Preliminary characterization of Culivated Cherries in Lebanon using morphological traits and molecular markers. Poster and abstract. International Conference on Promoting Community-driven Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agrobiodiversity, 18-21 April 2005, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Chehade A, Chalak L & Elbitar A (2005) Phenotypic diversity of peach clones cultivated in Lebanon. Poster and abstract. International Conference on Promoting Community-driven Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agrobiodiversity, 18-21 April 2005, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Sakr N & Chalak L (2005) Potentials for in vitro and in vivo propagation of local varieties of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch). Oral presentation and abstract. International Conference on Promoting Community-driven Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agrobiodiversity, 18-21 April 2005, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.

Chalak L, Chehade A, Mattar E & Khadari B (2005) Morphological characterization of fig accessions cultivated in Lebanon. Oral presentation and abstract. Third International Symposium on Fig, 16-20 May 2005, Villamoura, Portugual.

Chalak L, Elbitar A & Choueiri E (2005) Assainissement de différentes espèces d'intérêt au Liban infectées par des virus ou des phytoplasmes. Présentation et Résumé. Biotechnologies et Maîtrise de la Qualité des Productions Végétales au Moyen-Orient. Animation Scientifique Régionale – AUF Réseau BIOVEG, 7-8 Décembre 2005, USEK, Liban.


Chalak L, A. Chehade, A. Kadri, P. Cosson, A. Zanetto, E. Dirlewanger (2005) Caractérisation préliminaire morphologique et moléculaire d'accessions d'amandier cultivées au Liban (Prunus dulcis L.). Présentation et Résumé. Biotechnologies et Maîtrise de la Qualité des Productions Végétales au Moyen-Orient. Animation Scientifique Régionale – AUF Réseau BIOVEG, 7-8 Décembre 2005, USEK, Liban.

Chalak L (2005) Cartagena Protocol: Education, Capacity Building & Research. Presentation. National Workshop for the Discussion Forum on National Biosafety Policies & Regulations for Lebanon, November 2005, Lebanon.

Chalak L (2003) Fruit Trees in Lebanon: Problems and Perspectives. Professional and Technical Development of Agriculture in Lebanon. 28: 101-111. Oral Presentatition. First National Conference of Lebanese Engineers-Agronomists, 1-2 March 2002, Order of Lebanese Engineers, Beirut, Lebanon.

Chalak L & Carmentran S (2003) Potential of agricultural investment in Metn Aala: restoration of apple and cherry orchards 119-121. 3-10 October 2003, Kernayel, Lebanon.

Chalak L & Elbitar A (2002) In vivo and in vitro rooting potential of lebanese varietes of almond (Prunus dulcis Miller). Abstract and Oral presentation. Syrian and Lebanese Scientific Meeting, July 2002, Damascus, Syria.

Chalak L, Cordahi N, Hage C, Elbitar A & Chehade A (2001) In vitro propagation of Capparis spinosa L. Poster and Abstract. 1st International Symposium on "Acclimatization and establishment of micropropagated plants ", ISHS, 19-22 September 2001, Sani-Halkidiki, Greece.

Chehade A, Chalak L, Elbitar A, Zanetto A & Cosson P (2001) Preliminary results on the characterization of almond diversity in Lebanon by microsatellites markers. Oral presentation. Ain Shams University First Conference on Biotechnology, 22-24 December 2001, Cairo, Egypt.

Chalak L & Elbitar A (2001) Propagation of Capparis spinosa L. via Tissue Culture Techniques. Oral presentation. 41st Week of Science “Biotechnologies”, 3-5 November 2001, Damascus, Syria.

Chalak L, Chamoun W, Chéhadé A, Elbitar A & Choueiri E (2000) Propagation in vitro de l’amandier (Prunus amygdalus L.). Abstract and oral presentation. The 14th Science Meeting. Organized by the National Council for Scientific Research and the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science, 23-25 November 2000, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon.

Chehade A & Chalak L (1999) Characterization of Prunus germplasm in Bekaa valley. Abstract and oral presentation. Syrian and Lebanese Scientific Meeting, 22 May 1999, Damascus, Syria.

Chalak L, Harika G, Elbitar A & Chehade A (1999) Propagation in vitro et tubérisation de la pomme de terre. The 13th Science Meeting. Organized by the National Council for Scientific Research and the Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science, 2-4 November 1999, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon.

Chalak L, Elbitar A & Chehade A (1999) Propagation in vitro du fraisier. Researchers achievements “Exhibition Applied and Theoretical, Natural and Human", 4-6 November 1999, Unesco Palace, Beirut, Lebanon.

Chalak L, Harika G, Elbitar A & Chehade A (1999) Propagation in vitro et tubérisation de la pomme de terre. Researchers achievements “Exhibition Applied and Theoretical, Natural and Human ", 4-6 November 1999, Unesco Palace, Beirut, Lebanon.

Legave JM, Chalak L (1996) Utilisation de la cytométrie en flux pour l'évaluation de la ploїdie chez le kiwi. In: Réunion du groupe de travail “Cytologie et Cytogénétique” INRA Amélioration des plantes, INRA Editions: 47-48.

Chalak L, Ochatt J & Legave JM (1994) Protoplast-to-callus systems from undifferentiated and differentiated tissue sources of Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward. Poster and abstract. The methodology of Plant Genetic Manipulation: Criteria for Decision Making, Eucarpia, 11-14 September 1994, Cork, Irland.

Renaud R, Roy M & Chalak L (1990) Induced mutagenesis on Greengage. First results. The XXIII International Horticultural Congress, Abstracts of contributed papers, 27 August - 1 September 1990, Florence, Italy.


Technical Documents

Chalak L & Sattout E (2011) The Technical Requirements for National Laboratories for GMO Detection and the Environment Risk Assessment, Regional Workshop for Food and Agricultural Organization, TCP/RAB/3202 (D), 24-27 January, Beirut.

Chalak L (2003) Fruit Trees in Lebanon: Problems and Perspectives (Arabic). Professional and Technical Development of Agriculture in Lebanon. 28: 101-111. Order of Lebanese Engineers, Beirut, Lebanon.

Regional Reports

Ahmad Bahi-el-Din Mohamad, Chalak L, Abu Afifeh K, El-Ezzi M (2009) Survey Study of Biotechnology Applications in the Arabic Agricultural Production (Arabic). Regional Study prepared for AOAD. 76 pp. يقات التقانات الحيويةّ في الانتاج الزراعي العربيالدراسة المسحيةّ لتطب

Country Reports and National Strategies

Chalak L et al. (2016) Lebanon country report on the state of biodiversity for food and agriculture. Prepared to FAO for the State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.

Chalak L (2015) National Strategy for conservation and management of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Lebanon (in English). 38 pp.

Chalak L (2015) National Strategy for conservation and management of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Lebanon (in Arabic). 54 pp.

Chalak L (2009) The Current Status of Agricultural Applications of Biotechnology in Lebanon (Arabic). Country Report prepared for AOAD. pp. 22. الوضع الراهن لتطبيقات التقانات الحيويّة الزراعية في لبنان

Chalak L (2009) Assessment of Existing National Capacities for Biotechnology and GMOs Detection in Lebanon. National Consultation and Country Report. Regional FAO TCP/RAB/3202 project 'Strengthening capacities towards the establishment of a regional platform for the detection of GMOs". pp. 24.

Chalak L, Noun J, El Haj S, Rizk H, Assi R, Attieh J, Maalouf F, Abi Antoun M, Sabra N (2007) Lebanon: Country Report on the State of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Prepared for FAO. 61 pp.

Chalak L (2007) Country Report on Agricultural Biotechnology in Lebanon. Regional Agricultural Biotechnology Network. AARINENA-ICARDA, 15-16 December 2007, Cairo.

Chalak L (2007) Current Status of Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety in Lebanon. Regional Consultation on Biotechnology and Biosafety for Agriculture and Environment in the WANA sub-region for preparation of a GEF proposal, ICARDA, 8-10 September 2007, Aleppo, Syria.

Chalak L (2007) Current Situation of Plant Genetic Resources in Lebanon. Workshop on the International Treaty for the Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), 8-10 May 2007, Damascus.

Chalak L, Sattout E (2007) Current Status of Modified Crops in Lebanon. Expert Consultation on Genetically Modified Crops, CARDNE, 14-15 May 2007, Jordan.

Chalak L (2007) Current Status of Plant Biotechnologies in Lebanon. Third Conference for Biotechnology and its applications in Agricultural Investments, Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAAID), 22-24 May 2007, Jordan.



Acta Horticulturae - International Society for Horticultural Sciences. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Survey of Uses of Plant Genetic Resources to the Benefit of Local Populations. Antananarivo, Madgascar. September 28-22, 2017. Acta Horticulturae - International Society for Horticultural Sciences. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops, Baku, Azerbaijan. April 7-12, 2014.

Reviewing in Peer Reviewed Journals

2020, for the ”Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology” (Elsevier). 2019, Scientific reviewer for the “Cogent Food and Agriculture” (Taylor & Francis Group). 2019, Scientific reviewer for the “Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution” (Springer). 2018, Scientific reviewer for the “Phytopathologia Mediterranea” (Frienze University Press). 2015, Scientific reviewer for the refereed International Journal “Plant Genetic Resources” (Cambridge). 2014, Scientific reviewer for the refereed international Journal “Biochemical Systematics Ecology” (Elsevier)”. 2010, Scientific reviewer for the refereed international journal “Drogues, Santé et Société” (Canada). 2010-Present, Scientific reviewer for the refereed “Lebanese Science Journal”. 2008-Present, Scientific reviewer for the “HortScience” (American Society for Horticultural Science).

PhD Theses Supervision

1997-Present, Supervision of 70 MSc Graduation Projects.

2018-Present, Supervision of PhD thesis for Ms Nagham Tabaja at LU/EDST, cotutelle with Montpellier University/GAIA.

2016-2020, Supervision of PhD thesis for Ms Hassana Ghanem with Beirut Arab University.

2013-2018, Supervision of PhD thesis for Ms Bariaa Hamadeh at LU/EDST, cotutelle with Montpellier University/GAIA.

2006-2009, Co-supervision of PhD thesis for Ms Aline Kadri with AgroParisTech France.

Reference Persons

Dr Michel Afram, President and Director General of the Lebanese Agricultural research institute (LARI) ( Dr Maurice Saade, Representative of FAO, Lebanon ( Dr Marina Bufacchi, Director ISAFOM, Italian National Research Council ( Dr Irene Hoffmann, Secretary of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture ( Dr Kakoli Ghosh, FAO, Coordinator of Sustainable Agriculture Management Team, Rome ( Dr Damiano Avanzato, Past chair of PGR ISHS commission, Honorary member of ISHS ( Dr Panagiostis Kalaitizis, Studies and Research Coordinator of the Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology Program of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM MAICh) (

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