Lab Manual CS4500 Artificial Intelligence Lab Fall Session 2013, 1434 with Lab Session

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Lab Manual CS4500 Artificial Intelligence Lab Fall Session 2013, 1434 with Lab Session


Compiled by: Zafar Iqbal Khan

Lab Manual

CS 4500 Artificial Intelligence

Fall Session 1434, 2013

College of Computer Engineering & Sciences

Compiled by: Zafar Iqbal Khan

Part –I


Compiled by: Zafar Iqbal Khan

A. Description

Course No. CS 4500 Course Name: Artificial Intelligence Course Type: Graduate Level Contact Hours: 1 Pre requisite: CS2300 – Programming II

B. Objectives This lab aims to introduce the basics of fact base programming and decision making. The lab introduces prolog as language and SWI-Prolog as tool for testing routines written during lab sessions.

C. Outcomes 1. Learn Prolog language 2. Gain experience with the installation of Open Source product SWI-Prolog 3. Hands on Experience at factual programming

D. Syllabus

Introduction to fact base programming, Prolog, SWI-Prolog as tool, Fact: Simple facts and facts with arguments, Variables, Unification, simple unification, variable unification, Rules, addition of rules with program, Backtracking, Fail, Cut, not, Recursion: Family Tree, factorial, Operators and Arithmetic, Input and Output: Read & Write.

Compiled by: Zafar Iqbal Khan

E. Schedule

F. Evaluation Method

Students’ understanding of subject and their knowledge of Prolog will be evaluated by a number of Lab exercises & Assignments. One midterm practice session will further help to assess the understanding of students and accordingly shape the course covering. Finally, their overall performance is examined by final lab exam.

G. References

Text Books- 1. Ivan Bratko, “Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley, 4 Ed. ISBN 0321417461, 9780321417466 2. Class Notes and Other stuff given during or before lab sessions

SN Topics Week

1 Preamble Introduction to fact base programming, Prolog, SWI-Prolog as tool, Download and Install


2 Facts: Simple facts and facts with arguments 2

3 Variables & Unifications Simple Unification Variable Unifications


4 Rules Simple Predicates, How to add a rule with program


5 Back tracking Fail, Cut, Not 6-7

6 Recursion Family tree, Factorial 8-10

7 Input & Output Read and Write 11

8 Operators and Arithmetic 12

10 Graph Traversal Depth First Search, Breadth First Search 13-14

Compiled by: Zafar Iqbal Khan

Reference Books- 1. William F. Clocksin, Christopher S. Mellish, “Programming in Prolog”,

Springer, ISBN 3540006788, 9783540006787

Websites, blogs and Wikis-

1. For getting a Copy of SWI-Prolog Compiler

2. A comprehensive treatise to learn Prolog by Paul Brna

3. WikiBook from Wikipedia

4. SWI-Prolog Reference Manual

Compiled by: Zafar Iqbal Khan

Part –II

lab sessIons

Lab Session – 01


A variable is a string of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, digits and underscore characters that starts either with an upper-case letter or with underscore. For example, X, Y, Variable, _tag, X_526, and List, List24, _head, Tail, _input and Output are all Prolog variables.

The variable _ (that is, a single underscore character) is rather special. It's called the anonymous variable.


Real numbers aren't particularly important in typical Prolog applications. So although most Prolog implementations do support floating point numbers or floats (that is, representations of real numbers such as 1657.3087 or ) we are not going to discuss them in this course.

But integers (that is: ... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...) are useful for such tasks as counting the elements of a list, and we'll discuss how to manipulate them in a later lecture. Their Prolog syntax is the obvious one: 23, 1001, 0, -365, and so on.


An atom is either:

1. A string of characters made up of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, digits, and the underscore character, that begins with a lower-case letter. For example: butch, big_cheese_burger, and m_monroe2.

2. An arbitrary sequence of character enclosed in single quotes. For example 'Vincent', 'The Gimp', 'Five_Dollar_Shake', '&^%&#@$ &*', and ' '. The character between the single quotes is called the atom name. Note that we are allowed to use spaces in such atoms --- in fact, a common reason for using single quotes is so we can do precisely that.

3. A string of special characters. For example: @= and ====> and ; and :- are all atoms. As we have seen, some of these atoms, such as ; and :- have a pre-defined meaning.

1. Which of the following sequences of characters are atoms, which are variables, and which are neither?

a. gRACIOUS b. Landmark c. variable123 d. Variable2000 e. ‘big_cheese_burger’ f. big_cheese_sandwitch g. Ali h. _Wali i. ‘_Saud’

2. convert the following into predicates

a. Ali is a man. b. dog barks. c. swan flies. d. human are mortal. e. Muhmmad was boxer. f. wali grows. g. saeed runs. h. pigeon is a bird. i. all birds flies. j. a car has four wheels.

Lab Session – 02


1. Write a program in prolog to check for basic facts related to clause man. /* facts */ man(ali). man(wali). man(saad). man(saud). man(saeed). at prolog prompt check- ?- man(ali). /* prolog answers */ yes ?-man(saud). /* prolog answers */ yes ?-man(naif). /* prolog answers */ no

2. given the following facts about clause drive/2. /* facts */ drive(ali, corolla). drive(wali, camry). drive(saad, ford). drive(saeed, corolla). drive(naif, corolla). drive(hamza, camry). Now answer following queries. a. What car wali drives? b. How many persons drive corolla.

c. Who drives ford? d. List all drivers with their cars.

a. ?- drive(wali, X). X= camry yes

b. ?-drive(X, corolla). X=ali /* press ; */ X=saeed /* press ; */ X=naif /* press ; again */ No

c. ?- drive(X, ford). X= saad yes

d. ?- drive(X, Y).

X= ali Y= corolla /* press ; */ X=wali Y=camry /* press ; */ X=saad Y=ford /* press ; */ X=saeed Y=corolla /* press ; */ X=naif Y=corolla /* press ; */ X=hamza Y=camry

Lab Session -03

Predicates – matching

1. Check the following for matching a. =(abdullah, abdullah). b. =(ali, abdullah). c. ali=ali. d. ali=’ali’. e. 2 = 2. f. ‘2’ = 2. g. saad = X. h. X=Y. i. eat(X,Y) =eat(mango, banana). j. X=ali, X=wali.

2. Write a program in Prolog to test a given pair of points, whether they form a horizontal line or vertical line. horizontal(line(point(X,Y),point(Z,Y))).


at prolog prompt, check following

?- vertical(line(point(1,1),point(1,3))). yes

?- vertical(line(point(1,1),point(3,2))). no

Lab Session- 4

Objective: - Disjunction and Conjugation


1. A person can be assumed happy in either of following conditions. If he is healthy or if he is wealthy or if he has friends. /*facts*/ healthy(ali). wealthy(ahmad). hasfriend(mahmood). /*rule (;) is used for disjunction i.e. logical OR*/ happy(X):- healthy(X); wealthy(X); hasfreind(X).

2. A person gets itminan(contentment ) if he has Iman and he does zikr(remembrance) of Allah SWT. Write program in prolog to check whether a given person has itminan or not.

/*facts */

iman(ali). iman(wali). iman(saad). zikr(ali). zikr(saud). /* rule (,) is used for conjugation i.e. logical AND */

itminan(X):- iman(X), zikr(X).

Lab Session -5

Family Tree

Objective: - To deuce predicate and check it from given clause.

We have only clause father(A,B), e.g. father(ali,wali)

e.g. to deduce grandfather relation we will do as-

grandfather(A,C):- father(A,B), father(B,C).

do following-

1. Deduce and check Uncle Relationship.

2. Deduce and check Cousin Relationship.


Hamza Wali

Sultan Salman Saeed Saud Saad


First we will create fact base to be used in both exercises.

father(ali,wali). father(ali, hamza). father(ali, saad). father (ali, saud). father(ali, saeed). father(hamza,salman). father(hamza, sultan).

1. Uncle relationship uncle(X,Y):- father(A,X), father(A, Z), father(Z,Y). include above fact base into code file and run following query at prolog prompt ?-uncle(wali,salman). yes ?-uncle(wali, saeed). No

2. Cousin relationship cousin(X,Y):-father(A,X), father(B,Y), father(C,A), father(C,B).

include above fact base into code file and run following query at prolog prompt

?-cousin(saeed, salman).


?-cousini(saad, saeed).


Lab Session -6

Algebraic Function

1. Write a prolog program for common algebraic function e.g. +,-,* etc. Addition sum:- A is 10, nl, B is 5, nl, C is a+b, write(‘sum is ‘),write(C). On prolog prompt write, ?- sum. sum is 15 yes

2. Write a prolog program for calculation of area and circumference of a circle. It must take value of radius from user and output value of area and circumference.

circle:- write(‘enter the radius of the circle :’), read(R),nl, A is 3.14*R*R, CF is 2*3.14*R, write(‘Area of Circle is ‘), write(A), nl, write(‘Circumference of Circle is ‘), write(CF).

On prolog prompt write

?-circle. enter the radius of the circle : 10 Area of Circle is 314 Circumference of Circle is 12.56

Lab Session -7


1. Write a program in Prolog to calculate the value of factorial of an integer. fact(0,1). fact(X, Y) :- X is X-1, fact(X1, Z), Y is X*Z,!.

Lab Session -8

assert, asserta, assertz and retract

1. Write a program to show use of assert and retract in prolog. on prolog prompt write- 1 ?- assert(man(ali)). Yes 2 ?- assert(man(wali)). Yes 3 ?- man(ali). Yes 4 ?- man(saud). No 5 ?- retract(man(ali)). Yes 6 ?- man(ali). No 7 ?- retract(man(wali)). Yes 8 ?- man(X). No

2. Write a program in prolog to show use of asserta and assertz. on prolog prompt write- ?- assert(fruit(mango)). Yes ?- assert(fruit(dates)). Yes ?- asserta(fruit(orange)). Yes

?- assertz(fruit(kiwi)). Yes ?- fruit(X). X = orange ; X = mango ; X = dates ; X = kiwi ; No

Lab Session -09

List Basics

1. Validate following list operations a. [a, b, c] = [a, c, b]. b. [X] = [a, b, c]. c. [X|Y] = [I, am, a, Muslim]. d. [X,Y|Z] = [a, b, c, d, e, f]. e. [X|Y] =[]. f. [X|Y] = [[a, [b, c]], d]. g. [X|Y] = [a].

2. Write program in prolog to print elements of a list. printlist([]). printlist([X|Y]):- write(X), nl, printlist(Y).

Lab Session - 10

Breadth First Search Program


Objective: Write and Execute prolog program for BFS.

% BFS program using stacks

breadth_first([[Goal|Path]|_],Goal,[Goal|Path],0). breadth_first([Path|Queue],Goal,FinalPath,N) :- extend(Path,NewPaths), append(Queue,NewPaths,NewQueue), breadth_first(NewQueue,Goal,FinalPath,M), N is M+1. extend([Node|Path],NewPaths) :- findall([NewNode,Node|Path], (arc(Node,NewNode,_), \+ member(NewNode,Path)), % for avoiding loops NewPaths).





50 125

100 5












% data according to the graph (node,node,weight)

arc(1,2,100). arc(1,3,125). arc(1,4,100). arc(2,3,50). arc(2,4,75). arc(2,5,125). arc(3,4,100). arc(3,5,125). arc(4,5,50). arc(5,1,75).

% program ends here

To execute the program do this:

For traversing to node 5 from node 1 by BFS write following command

?- breadth_first([[1]],5,P,N).

** Here N gives the number of node traversed and P returns path traversed

Lab Session - 11

Depth First Search Program


Objective: Write and Execute prolog program for BFS.

% DFS program using stacks

depth_first([[Goal|Path]|_],Goal,[Goal|Path],0). depth_first([Path|Queue],Goal,FinalPath,N) :- extend(Path,NewPaths), append(NewPaths,Queue,NewQueue), depth_first(NewQueue,Goal,FinalPath,M), N is M+1. extend([Node|Path],NewPaths) :- findall([NewNode,Node|Path], (arc(Node,NewNode,_), \+ member(NewNode,Path)), % for avoiding loops NewPaths).





50 125

100 5












% data according to the graph (node,node,weight)

arc(1,2,100). arc(1,3,125). arc(1,4,100). arc(2,3,50). arc(2,4,75). arc(2,5,125). arc(3,4,100). arc(3,5,125). arc(4,5,50). arc(5,1,75).

% program ends here

To execute the program do this:

For traversing to node 5 from node 1 by DFS write following command

?- depth_first([[1]],5,P,N).

** Here N gives the number of node traversed and P returns path traversed

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