
Date: Tuesday 11th March 2014

Title: First Day At Camp

LO: To be able to vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect

In your book

Explain your front cover for ‘Holes’.

You must identify features of your cover, e.g. colours, pictures

You should explain how these features link to the story

You could analyse why you have chosen to include these features instead of others

LO: To be able to vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect

Explain what has inspired your design for the front cover of ‘Holes’

Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

To be able to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

Explain what has inspired your design for the front cover of ‘Holes’

In your book

Explain your front cover for ‘Holes’.

You must identify features of your cover, e.g. colours, pictures

You should explain how these features link to the story

You could analyse why you have chosen to include these features instead of others

If chosen, explain your front cover to the class.

If you are listening, try to think of questions that you could ask about

other peoples’ work.

Explain what has inspired your design for the front cover of ‘Holes’

Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

A simple sentence…

A compound sentence…

A complex sentence…

Has one idea (clause)

Has one main clause (idea) and a subordinate clause (an extra

idea) that would not make sense on its own.

Two simple ideas (clauses) joined together using a


Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

A connective is…

Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

A simple sentence…

A compound sentence…

A complex sentence…

Mrs. Large ran a deep, hot bath.

She emptied half a bottle of bath foam into the water, plonked on her bath hat and got in.

She poured herself a cup of tea and she lay back with her eyes closed.

Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

A simple sentence…

A compound sentence…

A complex sentence…

Has one idea (clause)

Has one main idea (idea) and an extra idea

(subordinate clause) that would not make

sense on its own.

Two simple ideas (clauses) joined together using a


Mrs. Large ran a deep, hot bath.

She emptied half a bottle of bath foam into the water, plonked on her bath hat and got in.

She poured herself a cup of tea and she lay back with her eyes closed.



Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex


Can you make a complex sentence with a connective at the beginning?





in order to


The driver crashed into the house.


Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex


Can you make a complex sentence with a connective at the beginning?






The driver crashed into the house.


Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex


Can you make a complex sentence with a connective at the beginning?





in order to


The cat fell asleep.


Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex


Can you make a complex sentence with a connective at the beginning?






The cat fell asleep.


Understand how to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

To be able to use connectives and clauses to vary sentences

Imagine that you are Stanley Yelnats. Write a diary entry about your first day at Camp Green Lake.

• What did you do?• Who did you meet?• How did you feel?

Must (Level 3) Should (Level 4) Could (Level 5)

Use simple sentences

Connect your ideas using words like and,

but, so

Use compound sentences

Use some types of connectives in your

writing e.g. if, when, because

Use simple and complex sentences in

my writing to make my ideas clear.

Use subordinate connectives e.g.

although, on the other hand, meanwhile

ReviewLO: To be able to vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect MUST (LEVEL 3):Use simple sentences Connect your ideas using words like and, but, so SHOULD (LEVEL 4):Use compound sentences Use some types of connectives in your writing e.g. if, when, because COULD (LEVEL 5):Use simple and complex sentences in my writing to make my ideas clear.  Use subordinate connectives e.g. although, on the other hand, meanwhile

Tick the parts of the success criteria that you think you have achieved.

Write the following summary:

I think I have achieved a level ____.

To improve, I could…

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