

7th March 2014

The Secret To Yahoo's Latest News App: One Teenager's Old School Approach

Robertson (1994)

Yahoo News Digest


Leadbetter (2009)

Enter a new kind of authority in telling the news, one focused not so much on scoops and truth, but the limited ability of the human brain to process information. Nick D’Aloisio - the 18-year-old entrepreneur whosold his summarization app to Yahoo in April 2013 for $30 million — most of it cash which went straight into a trust fund. Since then he’s taken his anti-data-glut approach further by revamping Summly and turning it into Digest.

Gillmor (2004)

Jenkins (2006)

Lull (2006)

Barker (2001)

Key Terms

Technological Determinism

Constructionist View

Liberal Pluralism

Web 3.0


News Aggregation

Prensky (2001)


Dave W_____r (19__) -

"Once the u_____s take c_________, they n_____r give it b____.”

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Examples of media products that conform to

this ideologyDigital Natives (Marc Prensky – 2001)

WHAT is this?

Products that appeal to this demographic?

Media in the Online Age - Video Sharing

Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

Monday 11th May 2015

WHAT is this image an example of?

WHY is this service so popular?

WHAT does it offer audiences?


Aims & Objectives


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression.

• Re-cap prior learning of theory/key terms.

• Investigate the appeal of Video Sharing and it’s cultural significance.

• Review the learning.

Jenkins (2006)

Winer (1994)

Tapscott & Williams (2006)

YOU MUST explain HOW the theories above apply to this video sharing product.

YOU SHOULD research x3 more statistics surrounding the Global (and local) appeal of this product to it’s consumer base.

May 2015

• YouTube processes more than 3 billion searches a month and is the World’s 2nd largest search engine.

$1.6 billion - 2006

YOU MUST read the article above and investigate:

• The History of Youtube• “Smartphones mean that people have got a video device in their hand or pocket

at all times” – Connotations? WHO said this?• WHAT does the year on year growth for year on year digital ad formats denote?

• YouTubers have gone from being teen time-passers, to interviewing the president and scoring major advertising deals.

• Is the rise of Youtubers giving way to a new form of citizen journalism?

YOU SHOULD read the article and establish whether this IS or ISN’T the case.

‘Citizen Journalism’ (G_______ - 20 ___)illmor 04


2005 - Launch

2015 – Over 1 billion users Worldwide

2005 – 3.3 million copies in circulation – UK’s most widely consumed red top tabloid

2010 – 3 million copies in circulation – UK’s most widely consumed red top tabloid

2015 – 1.9 million copies in circulation – UK’s most widely consumed red top tabloid

Joined 2007

2010 –

Just over 1 billion users of the INTERNET Worldwide.

2005 – 2015

42% drop

May 2015

• Visit the Channel

• WHAT does the content consist of on the channel?

• WHAT theories/key terms are applicable to the channel and WHY?

For example – WHAT IS Liberal Pluralism?

Lull (2006)Jenkins (2006)Irvine (2006)Winer (1994)Liberal Pluralism

Jamie Oliver's company says vloggers Zoella and Alfie Deyes must do more to ensure adverts for sugary foods do not appear alongside their YouTube posts

• The chef and healthy food campaigner's company said influential stars should be careful about adverts appearing next to their video posts

• Jamie Oliver's Food Tube channel has a 'firm agreement' with YouTube to stop ads for unhealthy foods running next to his own posts

• The Advertising Standards Authority currently doesn't safeguard against unhealthy ads appearing on online videos, just television programmes


PUBLISHED: 10:13, 7 April 2015 | UPDATED: 11:29, 7 April 2015

• Video blogs - known as Vlogs – popular with children aged 11 to 17 are being hijacked by 30-second adverts for junk food and online gambling sites.

• Matt Wilson, spokesman for the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) told FEMAIL that while 'television-like content' posted on YouTube was not yet subject to the same guidelines, the ASA was 'keeping an eye on the situation’.

Key Points:

1. TV is regulated and controlled by governing bodies more stringently than the Internet.

2. The press are trying to create a ‘moral panic’ (Barker – 2001) around this issue and inject some fear into their readers.


• Refer to the Media Areas (TV, Film, Print News) we have covered so far in your answer

• Use your Key terms/Theory handout and the resources on to complete your answer.

• Look at the exemplar ‘A’ Grade answer(s) for guidance on HOW to structure an answer to this Question.

• P – Make your Point in relation to the Question E – Back it up with evidence (Statistics, Theories) A – Analyse the relevance of the evidence to your Point


COMPLETE the Past Paper based around what we have covered so far.

Due: Monday 18th May – Period 3

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