Korn Ferry Coach Enablement Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Korn Ferry Coach Enablement Persona Coach’s Toolkit

January 2021


© 2020 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 2

About Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm. We help clients synchronize strategy

and talent to drive superior performance. We work with organizations to design their

structures, roles, and responsibilities. We help them hire the right people to bring their

strategy to life. And we advise them on how to reward, develop, and motivate their people.


High-Impact Questions .................................................................................................... 1

Coaching Conversation Guide ........................................................................................ 5

Participant Preparation by Persona ................................................................................. 6

Initial Coaching Conversations ..................................................................................... 6

Ongoing Coaching Conversations ............................................................................... 8

Peer-to-Peer Development Sessions ........................................................................... 9

Peer-to-Peer Learning Pod Development Instructions ............................................... 10

Peer Conversation Instructions .................................................................................. 11

Pause for Reflection ................................................................................................... 12

Tips for Coaching Participants Most Like this Persona ................................................. 13

Visionary .................................................................................................................... 13

Architect ..................................................................................................................... 14

Facilitator ................................................................................................................... 15

Explorer ...................................................................................................................... 16

Advocate .................................................................................................................... 17

Implementor ............................................................................................................... 18

Connector .................................................................................................................. 19

Stabilizer .................................................................................................................... 20

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 1

High-Impact Questions

The use of careful questions is a powerful tool for fostering dialogue. From the questions on these four pages, select those that will ensure you are coaching to “explore” rather than to “solve” or to challenge a stance or point of view.

INSPIRE: Your ideal self or ideal future state

Describe possibilities, goals, vision, and future self

• What do you want?

• How do you want to be in this situation?

• What are you hoping to achieve?

• What if you had no limits, no constraints – what would your goal be then?

• What if the obstacle in front of you suddenly disappeared, what would then be possible?

• What if you were in charge, what decisions/actions would you make?

• If you could change anything about this, what would it be?

• What’s the mutual benefit for both you and the business?

• What impact do you want to create/have?

• If you were performing at your very best, what would that look/feel like?

• Where do you want to go/be?

• What part of your future do you want more clarity on?

• What does success look like for you? The business?

• What/where would seem like a good investment of energy to you?

• Where/how do you tend to add the most value?

• What’s important to you about that?

• What excites you about this?

• When do you feel your most energetic, confident self?

• What do you feel optimistic or hopeful about?

• What is driving this pursuit? What are you motivated by?

• How would your best self show up here? How is that different from who is showing up now?

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High-Impact Questions

EXPLORE: Your experienced self

Issue, emotions, beliefs, motives, meaning, strengths, gaps

• What part of your goal/plan would you most like to focus on for now?

• What part of your current progress is going well?

• Where are you experiencing difficulty or resistance?

• Which of your strengths can you leverage, and how?

• What/where is the gap? How can you work with that?

• What is the impact that you are currently having on [stakeholder group]? What impact do you want to have?

• In what ways do you contribute to this (positive/negative) outcome? What is the role you currently play? What role do you want to play?

• What aspect of this situation can you influence? Control? What can you not?

• How do others see you or experience you in this situation?

• What is the cost of doing/changing nothing? To you/the business?

• In what way will you need to adapt in order to make this happen?

• When do you tend to give it your all? Hold back?

• What has helped you most in the past with similar situations?

• What is your gut telling you? What about your mind?

• Which emotions appear for you as you pursue that? How do those help or hinder?

• What’s at the core of your frustration? Of your excitement?

• What are you avoiding?

• What has triggered you?

• How does this align with/challenge your values?

• What beliefs or assumptions do you hold about that?

• What’s the perspective you’re currently holding about that? In what ways is that serving you/holding you back?

• What other feedback or perspectives might be useful?

• What competing feelings or commitments might be holding you back?

• Which of your many possible identities will be most useful here?

• What would you need to believe, in order to make this happen?

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High-Impact Questions

CREATE: Your learning agenda

Design your success through ideas, choices, knowledge, skills, resources, and action

• What part of your goal/plan would you most like to focus on for now?

• What would make the biggest difference for you right now?

• What if you could ask an expert; what would they tell you?

• What new skills, knowledge or experience will be most helpful here?

• What knowledge, facts, or information do you need in order to take a next step?

• Who would be really good at this – and what would they do in this situation?

• What do you need to practice more of?

• What are the quick wins?

• What are the top two options available for you?

• How can you add more value with less effort?

• What resources do you have access to? (people, skills, strengths, etc.)

• What will need to have happened, in order to make this outcome a reality?

• What would be different, if you achieved that outcome?

• What past experience can you learn from and leverage?

• What strengths could you pull from your toolkit; past successes that may work now?

• What choice would feel too comfortable? Too challenging? What’s in the middle?

• Which option are you most drawn to? Energized by?

• What might get in the way? How can you plan ahead?

• How will you solicit honest feedback?

• Who can you ask for feedback from today?

• How do you learn at your best?

• How will you sustain your motivation?

• What will you find most difficult? How will you manage that?

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High-Impact Questions

ACTIVATE: Through experimentation, reflection, and practice

Build and strengthen support networks, relationships, and accountability

• What is one thing you can act on today? Tomorrow?

• What is one thing you can stop, start and continue doing?

• How will you manage your key stakeholders?

• Which relationships are key here? Which ones need work?

• What support do you have? What support do you need?

• What will you continue to work towards?

• How will you keep yourself honest? Accountable? What will you put in place?

• How will you know that you’re improving? What will look/feel different?

• What is the request you really want to make?

• Who has a different perspective to offer that might be useful?

• Who can you learn most from?

• Who is the biggest challenge for you, and what can you learn from him/her?

• What insights from past experiences could you apply now?

• What beliefs/actions/habits/strategies will you need to tweak or let go of?

• What adaptation is required of you? How do you feel about that?

• How do you see yourself now, compared to a year ago?

• What’s been most surprising?

• What are you most proud of?

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Ongoing Coaching Conversation Guide

A solid blueprint helps strengthen and sustain a quality coaching conversation. Yet every coaching dialogue is unique and requires its own distinct approach. Enhance the basic guide structure below with the high-impact questions most appropriate for your next coaching conversation.


Ideal self/Ideal future state

• What are your goals? What does success look like?

• At your best, what are you doing, thinking, feeling, achieving?

• What attracts you/motivates you toward that future goal?

• How does it align with your personal values, motives, beliefs, passions?

• What are the payoffs and rewards of achieving it, intrinsic and extrinsic?


Where are you now—your current strengths; your key resources?

• Strengths: talents, traits, experiences, relationships…

• What’s going well, contributing positively toward your goal?

• Gaps: possible challenges with self, others, resources…

• What’s getting in the way?


What are options for moving ahead—building on strengths, closing gaps?

• What new habits will you need to develop/unlearn?

• How might you challenge your limiting beliefs or assumptions?

• What additional perspectives or feedback might be useful?


What action steps can you take that will move you toward your goal?

• What do you need? (i.e. resources, knowledge, skills, experiences, relationships)

• How will you stage actions for today, this week, this month, this quarter? How will you track these?

• Who can support and help as accountability partners for you?

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Participant Preparation by Persona

Based on their assessment results, individuals will be told what persona is most like them and will prepare for their coaching conversations in different ways based on this information.

Ongoing Coaching Preparation

In ongoing conversations participants prepare by reading and reflecting on the questions below.

Visionary | Architect | Facilitator | Explorer

Participants who are most like these personas score above the midpoint on the Agility super trait and often thrive with a journey that includes exploration and high variety. To prepare for this conversation they will reflect on the following questions, record their thoughts and responses, and bring a copy to the conversation.

Your Prep Questions Before your next coaching session, reflect on these questions and consider how they might shape the structure of your conversation.

• What successes have you had since you last met with your coach?

• Have there been roadblocks or significant challenges? If so, have you learned any

lessons from them?

• Have you applied new skills or behaviors in the workplace? Have they closed gaps for

you or enhanced your strengths?

• What resources, knowledge, skills, experiences, or relationships might you need to be

successful on your journey?

• Is there someone who has a different perspective to offer that might be useful?

• Are there things you can stop doing, or do less, that will help you move forward?

Reflect: What themes have you uncovered from these questions? What topics would you like to prioritize in your coaching session? Might you need to change or adapt your learning plan?

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Advocate | Implementor | Connector | Stabilizer

Participants who are most like these personas score below the midpoint on the Agility super trait and often succeed with a prescriptive and consistent development journey. To prepare for this conversation they will complete the steps below and bring a copy to the conversation.

Coaching Session Preparation Each coaching session will follow a productive path that involves reviewing what’s gone well since you last met, what new challenges you’re facing, advice and resources to help you meet these challenges, and making any adjustments to get to where you want to be in your learning journey. Follow the steps below to prepare for your next coaching session.

1. Review your learning plan.

2. Reflect on what you’ve accomplished since the last meeting with your coach.

3. What went well? Note any actions you’ve taken to reach your goals, new skills or behaviors you’ve mastered, or outcomes you’ve achieved.

4. What obstacles are in your way? These might include adverse business conditions, lack of the right resources, difficulty finding time to invest in your learning, imbalanced relationships, or even your own emotions.

What do you need to take the next steps? List any knowledge areas, skills, experiences, relationships, or tools you’ll need to take these steps.

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Ongoing Coaching Agendas

In ongoing conversations you’ll uncover the participant’s progress on their development journey, including what’s working well and what isn’t. You’ll listen, deliver feedback, and examine obstacles and the ways to overcome them, diagnose lessons learned, and recognize successes. This allows you and the participant to course correct the participant’s development plan as necessary.

Facilitator | Explorer | Connector | Stabilizer

Participants who are most like these personas score below the midpoint on the Striving super trait and may benefit from more guidance and direction in their learning efforts. They will use the following structured agenda in their ongoing development plan coaching discussions.

Coaching Session Agenda Your coach is prepared to support and guide you through your learning journey. To make the most productive use of your time, you’ll follow the general agenda below. Feel free to suggest other relevant topics to your coach before your session.


• What has gone well so far?

• What insights you have gained?

Top Tips o Remember to celebrate your wins – the small ones as well as the large ones.


• What has gotten in the way of achieving your goals?

• How much of it can you influence or control?

• What options do you have for getting past these obstacles?

Top Tips o Don’t be afraid to push through tough obstacles. The reward can be that much

sweeter. o If you find it challenging to stay on track with your learning goals, take steps to

hold yourself accountable, like finding a colleague to serve as an accountability partner.


• What are the next steps of the journey?

• What adjustments do you need to make to your learning plan?

• What concrete steps that meet the SMART criteria will you take?

Top Tips o Set aside time each week for learning to ensure you make progress. o Choose larger goals over smaller ones if they move you closer toward your


Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Visionary | Architect | Advocate | Implementor

Participants who are most like these personas score above the midpoint on the Striving super trait and are often more self-directed learners. They will use the following topics as a baseline in their ongoing development plan coaching discussions.

Your Coaching Agenda You and your coach will create your coaching session agenda together. To get started, choose the topics you’d like to include from the Agenda list below.


Progress made toward your goals

Insights gained from successes

Lessons learned from struggles

Maximizing the value of coaching sessions

Stretching further in skill development


Challenging obstacles that require help to overcome

One thing to stop, start, or continue doing

Other useful feedback or perspectives

Getting enough challenge in the learning journey


A new relationship to form or an existing relationship to strengthen

An opportunity to practice new skills or behaviors

Ways to increase or sustain high motivation

Changes to the learning plan

Actions to take before the next coaching session

Ways to stay accountable

Taking more control of the learning journey

Other topics:

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Peer-to-Peer Development Sessions

As part of their journey, participants will attend live virtual sessions with their peers. In these coach-facilitated sessions, they will learn tips and tricks on navigating the journey, share how they’re applying what they’ve learned, hear from others on their successes and challenges, and old each other accountable.

Visionary | Architect | Facilitator | Explorer | Advocate | Implementor | Connector | Stabilizer

Regardless of their persona affiliation, all participants will complete the following guided questions to help them make the most of their time together. You can use these questions to create an agenda for the sessions you facilitate.

INSIGHTS What are 2-3 insights that you would like to discuss with your peers?

SUCCESSES How have you applied what you’ve learned? What have you found to be successful?

CHALLENGES What obstacles have you overcome? What challenges are you facing that you would like feedback from your peers?

Peer-to-Peer Learning Pod Development Instructions

After the peer-to-peer development sessions begin, participants will receive a message to help them prepare for and schedule participation in additional sessions. Although no direct action is required on your part, you may find opportunities to adjust your coaching efforts for participants receiving these messages.

Architect | Explorer | Implementor | Stabilizer

Participants who are most like these personas score below the midpoint on the Presence super trait and may prefer independent learning activities over learning with and from others. This message encourages them to attend additional sessions.

Get More from Your Development Journey Great job on your progress! You’re now encouraged to sign up for two more development sessions where you can collaborate with your peers to:

• Learn tips and tricks on navigating the journey,

• Share how you’re applying what you’ve learned,

• Hear from others on their successes and challenges, and

• Hold one another accountable.

Action: Please contact your Manager or Admin to enroll in an upcoming session.

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

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Visionary | Facilitator | Advocate | Connector

Participants who are most like these personas score above the midpoint on the Presence super trait and may enjoy group activities and learning with others. This message directs them to attend additional sessions.

Share Your Experiences Sharing experiences with your peers enhances your ability to put what you’ve learned into practice. You’ll now sign up for two more development sessions where you can collaborate with your peers to:

• Learn tips and tricks on navigating the journey,

• Hear from others on their successes and challenges, and

• Hold one another accountable.

Action: Please contact your Manager or Admin to enroll in an upcoming session.

Peer Conversation Instructions

Throughout the journey participants are encouraged to reach out to peers in their cohort to discuss progress and challenges in informal conversations. Although no direct action is required on your part, you may find opportunities to adjust your coaching efforts for participants receiving this message.

Architect | Explorer | Implementor | Stabilizer

Participants who are most like these personas score below the midpoint on the Presence super trait and may feel more comfortable with independent learning activities over learning with and from others. This message encourages them to reach out to peers for support.

Collaborate for Success You’re busy completing several development challenge projects on your own. So why should you discuss your progress with a peer? Here are 3 great reasons:

• Preparing to explain your situations helps clarify your own thinking.

• A fresh perspective brings hidden aspects of your challenge to light.

• A colleague may have access to helpful resources unknown to you.

Your peer will also benefit by tapping into your thinking, perspective, and experience.

Action: Schedule a peer discussion soon.

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 12

Pause for Reflection

Upon completion of major milestones of the development journey, participants are encouraged to pause and reflect on their experiences before beginning the next stage of the journey. Although no direct action is required on your part, you may find opportunities to adjust your coaching efforts for participants receiving this message.

Visionary | Architect | Facilitator | Explorer

Participants who are most like these personas score above the midpoint on the Agility super trait and may need encouragement to devote ample time for reflection before moving on to the next learning stage.

Reflect and Reframe You’re to be commended on what you’ve learned and absorbed on your development journey so far. Congratulations!

As you begin to apply your new knowledge and skills, it’s vital to step back and frame your progress within your bigger picture.

• What has gone well?

• Where might you need a course correction?

• Have any of your goals changed because of your progress?

Action: Consider these questions as you prepare for the next steps in your development journey.

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Tips for Coaching Participants Most Like this Persona



Presence: above the midpoint

Striving: above the midpoint

Agility: above the midpoint

Learning Overview

• Tend to set high goals for new behaviors

• Likely to try/apply new behaviors and persist to achieve goals

• Likely to embrace unfamiliar experiences and enjoy variety

• May enjoy group activities and learning with others

Coaching Tips

• Visionaries may favor coaching and group activities over independent learning. Be sure

they devote sufficient time and attention to the independent learning activities and help

them to view these activities as just as vital to success as the group learning activities.

• When learning with others, Visionaries may naturally assume leadership roles. In group

activities be sure that Visionaries don’t dominate group leadership and debriefing roles.

• Visionaries tend to communicate in a way that inspires others, encouraging

engagement and achievement. While this is overall a positive, it may lead to over-

participation. Be sure to keep discussions on track and gently refocus discussions as


• Visionaries tend to be motivated to succeed, and as a result they may move from one

accomplishment to the next without pausing for time to absorb and reflect upon what

they’ve learned, which is a critical component to learning retention and long-term

behavior change.

• Visionaries tend to value variety in their work and in their learning. While many parts of

the journey cater to this preference for variety, you may need to watch for signs that the

participants start to experience parts of the journey as mundane or rote. In these cases,

point to goals and objectives they have yet to reach and celebrate progress made so



• Learning with Others: More coaching and group activities

• Guidance: More self-directed

• Variety: Exploration and high variety

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 14



Presence: below the midpoint

Striving: above the midpoint

Agility: above the midpoint

Learning Overview

• Tend to set high goals for new behaviors

• Likely to try/apply new behaviors and persist to achieve goals

• Likely to embrace unfamiliar experiences and enjoy variety

• May prefer independent learning activities over learning with and from others

Coaching Tips

• Architects may favor independent learning over coaching and group activities.

Encourage them to engage in the group discussion and activities by sharing examples,

stories, and experiences that connect topics back to their own work.

• When learning with others, Architects may defer to others to take the lead. In group

activities, be sure to encourage Architects to assume leadership and debriefing roles

that may be uncomfortable for them.

• When working with others, Architects tend to feel more comfortable if they have a

chance to prepare in advance. Be ready to answer questions from them to help them


• Architects tend to be motivated to succeed, and as a result they may move from one

accomplishment to the next without pausing for time to absorb and reflect upon what

they’ve learned, which is a critical component to learning retention and long-term

behavior change.

• Architects tend to value variety in their work and in their learning. While many parts of

the journey cater to this preference for variety, you may need to watch for signs that

Architects start to experience parts of the journey as mundane or rote. In these cases,

point to goals and objectives they have yet to reach and celebrate progress made so



• Learning with Others: More independent activities

• Guidance: More self-directed

• Variety: Exploration and high variety

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 15



Presence: above the midpoint

Striving: below the midpoint

Agility: above the midpoint

Learning Overview

• May prefer structured suggestions on how to commit to and apply new behaviours

• May feel satisfied after some practice and require encouragement to persist until high

standards have been met

• Likely to embrace unfamiliar experiences and enjoy variety

• May enjoy group activities and learning with others

Coaching Tips

• Facilitators may favor coaching and group activities over independent learning. Be sure

they devote sufficient time and attention to the independent learning activities and help

them to view these activities as just as vital to success as the group learning activities.

• When learning with others, Facilitators are often comfortable taking charge and leading

others. In group activities be sure that Facilitators don’t dominate group leadership and

debriefing roles.

• Sustaining motivation may be a key issue for many Facilitators. This is a lengthy

learning and development journey. You may need to offer additional encouragement

and feedback at each stage to keep Facilitators focused on the long-term objectives of

the journey.

• Facilitators generally focus on near-term, achievable goals before shifting to new

opportunities. You may need to help Facilitators identify and stay committed to working

toward longer-term development goals that span the whole development journey, as

well as their short-term learning journey “to-do’s.”

• Facilitators tend to value variety in their work and in their learning. While many parts of

the journey cater to this preference for variety, you may need to watch for signs that

Facilitators start to experience parts of the journey as mundane or rote. In these cases,

you may need to offer more guidance and direction.


• Learning with Others: More coaching and group activities

• Guidance: More guidance and direction

• Variety: Exploration and high variety

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 16



Presence: below the midpoint

Striving: below the midpoint

Agility: above the midpoint

Learning Overview

• May prefer structured suggestions on how to commit to and apply new behaviours

• May feel satisfied after some practice and require encouragement to persist until high

standards have been met

• Likely to embrace unfamiliar experiences and enjoy variety

• May prefer independent learning activities over learning with and from others

Coaching Tips

• Explorers may favor independent learning over coaching and group activities.

Encourage them to engage in the group discussion and activities by sharing examples,

stories, and experiences that connect topics back to their own work.

• When learning with others, Explorers typically enjoy contributing ideas, while letting

others organize and lead execution. In group activities be sure to encourage Explorers

to use the development journey as an opportunity to try out leading others and

executing plans, if these are part of their roles and relevant to their development goals.

• Enjoying variety, Explorers may focus on near-term, achievable goals before shifting to

new challenges. This can result in Explorers moving from one activity to the next without

pausing for time to absorb and reflect upon what they’ve learned. You may need to

encourage Explorers to pause and perform this critical component to learning retention

and long-term behavior change. They may benefit from being encouraged to continue

working towards longer-term development goals that span the whole development


• Explorers tend to value variety in their work and in their learning. While many parts of

the journey cater to this preference for variety, you may need to watch for signs that

Explorers start to experience parts of the journey as mundane or rote. In these cases,

you may need to offer more guidance and direction.


• Learning with Others: More independent activities

• Guidance: More guidance and direction

• Variety: Exploration and high variety

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 17



Presence: above the midpoint

Striving: above the midpoint

Agility: below the midpoint

Learning Overview

• Tend to set high goals for new behaviours

• Likely to try/apply new behaviours and persist to achieve goals

• Likely to embrace familiar, structured learning experiences

• May enjoy group activities and learning with others

Coaching Tips

• Advocates may favor coaching and group activities over independent learning. Be sure

they devote sufficient time and attention to the independent learning activities and help

them to view these activities as just as vital to success as the group learning activities.

• Advocates tend to focus on achieving well-defined goals. As a coach, you can help

Advocates by helping them establish clear goals. Remember to follow up frequently and

help Advocates with course corrections that maintain a line-of-sight to their goals.

• Advocates typically support established methods over novel, unproven, and more risky

approaches. You may need to help Advocates deal with ambiguity and work on their

flexibility as it concerns those aspects of the learning journey with which they are


• Advocates tend to be self-directed and persistent, even in the face of adversity. You

might be able to benefit Advocates by identifying obstacles and roadblocks and

partnering with them to strategize on ways to overcome these obstacles and



• Learning with Others: More coaching and group activities

• Guidance: More self-directed

• Variety: Structured with consistency

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 18



Presence: below the midpoint

Striving: above the midpoint

Agility: below the midpoint

Learning Overview

• Tend to set high goals for new behaviours

• Likely to try/apply new behaviours and persist to achieve goals

• Likely to embrace familiar, structured learning experiences

• May prefer independent learning activities over learning with and from others

Coaching Tips

• Implementors may favor independent learning over coaching and group activities.

Encourage them to engage in the group discussion and activities by showing how their

active participation benefits the group.

• When learning with others, Implementors tend to prefer specific direction and may press

for details. Be prepared to answer questions and provide the clarity they need to be


• Implementors are comfortable with established best practices and methods. You may

need to help Implementors deal with ambiguity and work on their flexibility as it

concerns those aspects of the learning journey with which they are unfamiliar.

• Implementors tend to be persistent, even when they encounter obstacles. You might be

able to benefit Implementors by identifying ways to establish structure and stability in

their learning journey.

• Many Implementors aspire to get results in areas where they can build on their core

expertise. You can help them by connecting the learning activities in this journey to their

overall career goals.


• Learning with Others: More independent activities

• Guidance: More self-directed

• Variety: Structured with consistency

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 19



Presence: above the midpoint

Striving: below the midpoint

Agility: below the midpoint

Learning Overview

• May prefer structured suggestions on how to commit to and apply new behaviours

• May feel satisfied after some practice and require encouragement to persist until high

standards have been met.

• Likely to embrace familiar, structured learning experiences

• May enjoy group activities and learning with others

Coaching Tips

• Connectors may favor coaching and group activities over independent learning. Be sure

they devote sufficient time and attention to the independent learning activities and help

them to view these activities as just as vital to success as the group learning activities.

• Connectors tend to be sociable and relate well interpersonally. When learning with

others, encourage Connectors to establish and nurture these relationships with their


• Connectors are comfortable with established best practices and methods. You may

need to offer more one-on-one guidance to Connectors as it concerns those aspects of

the learning journey with which they are unfamiliar.

• Connectors tend to be more spontaneous than structured in their pursuit of longer-term

learning objectives. You might need to help Connectors push through obstacles and

setbacks and maintain momentum toward their goals.

• Many Connectors value the kind of work they do. You may find it beneficial to help

Connectors link their learning efforts to their work goals in a tangible way.


• Learning with Others: More coaching and group activities

• Guidance: More guidance and direction

• Variety: Structured with consistency

Persona Coach’s Toolkit

© 2021 Korn Ferry. All rights reserved. 20



Presence: below the midpoint

Striving: below the midpoint

Agility: below the midpoint

Learning Overview

• May prefer structured suggestions on how to commit to and apply new behaviours

• May feel satisfied after some practice and require encouragement to persist until high

standards have been met

• Likely to embrace familiar, structured learning experiences

• May prefer independent learning activities over learning with and from others

Coaching Tips

• Stabilizers may favor independent learning over coaching and group activities.

Encourage them to engage in the group discussion and activities by sharing examples,

stories, and experiences that connect topics back to their own work.

• When learning with others, Stabilizers are usually more comfortable when they are well-

prepared for the experience. Take the time to solicit and answer questions and help

them prepare for their group learning activities.

• Stabilizers are comfortable with standard and familiar ways of doing things. You may

need to offer more one-on-one guidance to Stabilizers as it concerns those aspects of

the learning journey with which they are unfamiliar.

• Stabilizers typically enjoy pursuing goals that they perceive to be within reach. You may

need to be creative and patient in helping help them overcome challenges and



• Learning with Others: More independent activities

• Guidance: More guidance and direction

• Variety: Exploration and high variety

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