Kingsley genealogy - Internet Archive

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Kingsley Genealogy "by Janes Luce Zing

Jonn Kingsley same Jr ora England; probably from the

or Lancashire to Mass, sometime before the year 1536.


county of Tripe (Eife)

In that year Aug.S3,

1635 he was one of seven who constitued the first church in Dorchester. His

name on a church record is spelled Kingesley, but in the handwriting of the

Rev. Richard Mather, the pastor. He wrote his name as appears in an ordinal

letter of his in the office of the Sec. of State; Hartford, Conn, and it is

spelled Kingsley.

Stephen Kingsley came to Mass, about the same time. His descendants have

spelled the name Kinsley. The tradition is that Stephen was the brother of


Elizabeth Kingsley was a member of the church at Dorchester, and was

without doubt the wife of John Kingsley. Eldad, their son, was baptized in

1637 or 1638. A child by the name of Renewal Kingsley was baptized at Dorches¬

ter in 1544. Under this name is written in the handwriting of the Rev. John

Danforth "to Ipswish". John Kingsley had a son named Enoes, who settled in

IT orthamton, Mass, where he was at the time of Phillips war. He died at Rehobe& both in 1679, his age not known.

Eldad, son of John, lived in Rehoboth, where he died Aug. 78,1579; age

about 41. His children were John, Samuel, Jonathan, Mercy and Nathaniel. Of

these, John in the year 1704 moved to Scotland Conn, the East Parish in Wind¬

ham when he was about 40 years old. He took with him his family, consisting

of hiB wife and several children, the eldest of them, Elizabeth, being about

16 years of age, Several of hie children died in Scotland, after maturity. He

lived on the road between Scotland and Windham, a little west of Beaver

Brookon the side hill of the road, about 1 3-4 miles from Scotland meeting

house. When I was a child, part of thr cellar of his house was 3tili to be

seen and 33varalold apple trees standing near it. This John Kingsley died,

sitting in his chair, March 17, 1733 at the age of 63. He was buried in the

old Scotland burying ground, sometimes called the Palmerton burying, and the stone on his grave was in good preservation in Sept. 1344. At nis death, John

Kingsley, son of Eldad, left eignt children. John, Josiah, Amos, Ezra, .aiaad,

Tabitha, Elizabeth, and #nydia. Of John, Iknow nothing. Josiah and Amos were

twins. Josiah lived in Scotland, but in what part I never heard. He had a

large family if I remember correctly.

Amos, son of John, marridd Ruth Adams of Canterbury. The birth of their

son, Isaiah, is recordedin the Windham town records.

Ezra, son of John was born in Swansey, 1693. He lived in Scotland where

he died Apr118,1759 at the age of 61, and was buried near his father KINGSLEY GENEALOGY, by JAM^S LUCE KINGSLEY


Mten cow*? putVic UbtaOf

monument at his grave was standing, uninjured in Sept. 1844. On Dec. si

he married Elizabeth White. Their children were Ezra, Solman, Elizabeth,

Aiary, and he had another son Ezra, by a second marriage who I recollect

to have seen. He had descendants in Montvilie, Conn.

widad, eon or John, married JSilzaoeth Bath and lived in a part or Leb¬

anon now called tnjoiumbia. His descendants are numerous.

Tabitha, tne daughter of Jonn, married a man by t£e name 01 Broughton and removed to Swansey.

Jsiizabetn, aistwr to Tabitha, never married. Sne died in Scotland since

my recollection* about a hundred year old.

Lydia, the other sister was born in 1700 and lived untill about 1800.

She married a man by the name of Hebard.

Solman, bon of Ezra, married Lydia Burgese of Canterbury. Their Child¬

ren were Nathan, Eunice, Ebenezer, Elizabeth, William, Jonathan, Solman,

Lydia, Jerusha, Orin, Stephen, Tryphena. He lived for a number of years in

Scotland then moved to East Windsor and later moving to Granville, Mass,

and in Sept. 1803, moved to Casenovia, N.Y. where he died in 1813, His

wife who was born the same year that he was, died a year before him.

Nathan, son of Solman,(or Salmon) married Eoxanna Loomis of Windsor;

they lived in Wyoming, Penn. Suffered from the Indians and most of the

family were killed by them. William married a widow, Elizabeth Corning; whose maiden name was

Leffingwell. He died in Lomarara, R.I. 1789.

Ebenezer married Frances Bennett of Canterbury and went to Pawlett,¥t.

He had a large family of children.

Salmon (or Solman) married Eleanor Smith of Scotland and moved to Ira,

Vt. They too, had a large family.

Orin married Huldah Coon of Rhode Island and lived in the neighbor hood

of Lake Ontario, near the black river-had ten or twelve children.

Stephen married Rebecca Bidweil of Manchester in 1799. He moved to

Casenovia, N.Y. and in 1811 moved to Urbana where he died Eeb.8,1844 He

left several children.

Eunice married Jonothan Breswter(may he misspelled) of Scotland soon

after the Revolutionary war. They moved to Middleton Vt. They had a large


Jonathan, son of Salmon, married Tillah Luce, widow of James Luce of

Scotland. Her maiden name was Tillah Cary. Their children were James Luce,

Mary Whiting, Martha, Jonathan. Jonathan Sr. and his wife are both buried

in the Scotland burying; south of Scotland meeting house.

, ■


'> • t.



: ■. jl»5 v -r.-r ' >! ■ -• a ;a|ij


® 1 c ‘


Kingsley 3*

m. Jan, 12, 1723, Ruth Adams, dau, Henry

John1 Kld&d John';' Amos'* b.

Cl *

Jan, IS, 1G 96 Re hob o t h , Mass, pr* 25, 17S7 Socket, Mass.

Amos, b. Juno, 1751 m, 1757 Mary Wadsworth Went to Beeket. Mass,, 1752

Isaih, b. June 11, 1725 d. Dec. 29, 1797 rn* 1st Jan, 20, 1747, Abi pail Palmer

d* 1777 m* 2nd Sarah ~~~

Nathaniel, d* Oct* 12, ei* 1st Mar*


b, 1727 1807, an SO 1751, Sarah Walden 16, 1749, eh* rec*

2nd Sarah ---■

Joim, b* abt*

Samuel d* near Ifew Haven

{Sally, b. 1774 (Samuel Bennett (b* 1776 “

(Samuel of New (m» twice

Haven ~ - ~ (Lunico* b. abt. (b* abt* 1745, (1789

d* Nov* 4, (1779 (Hannah* b• 1784

(m. Jan* IS, 1774 Sarah { (ierkins, b. Oc 5t* .7, 1748 ( { (See Jacobus N•Haven Pam .)


Elijah - ~ ~ - ~ ~ m, Sarah Crosby- Moved abt* 1766 to Stockbridge, Mass *

(Some Adonijah of 27*11. b, 1780, za* Levina Hotchkiss

(Oliver {Vine, b* 1766, Windham (Sarah, b* Doe* 51, 1771, Norwich

-(Herd table (Elijah (John (Ruth (Wancy (Flavel .

)(Botkin ?)

Alice, b. 1758 cu "June IS, 1823, ae 85 eu Nathaniel Rudd (Cant.) Nov* 12, 1755 He b. Nov* 2, 1731, Charlemont, Mass d* Nov. 15, 1819, ae 85


(By wife Susanna Barton, some Joseph had dau. Inebe b. April 17, 1740, d. July 23, 1803, m* David Luther b» Jan. 22,1736 cl* Dec* 23, 1802, Son of James & Martha# Prom old Bible record in Transcript Dec. 4, 1931)

Ruth m* Alisha Rudd Nov. 15, 1757







Kingsley 4.

1 Jom

Eldad^ Sa" Res* Scotland# Conn;

East Windsor# Conn; Granville# Mass*; Casencvi


Ezra* b * Se pt* 0*7 1 Opnr r-$ Ca-encvia*N.Y* 1812* m* Lydia Burges s of Canterbury,

SY* Jan* 24* 1744.

Nathan, b* Jan, 23* 1743 m, Roxanna Loomis Most of his family killed by Indians at Wyoming

Eunice, b*. July 9, 1745 yn# ***»*»«+*•«*

Res* Middleton# Vt,

Ebenezer, b. Apr* 26, 1747 Res*' Pallet, Vt* Large far.*

Elizabeth., b* Feb, 7* 1747 in; —— Res* Tirssouth, Vt.

bee D.A.R, 70498 - 172463 - 204020 i * 1 i. ©

lee letter from Olipliant, P; Had Nathan Cr * who had Warum who m* Kiss Terrill and had 3

ns and 1 daughter* The sons were Chester* & Roswell* Dau# m* a Cambell, Boswell Natnan

born 1795 it;* Amelia and 10 grew up*

Tj-v ijlor* Had 11 children

Willlaw, b. Jan. 15* 1751 m. d* West Indies, 1789 (James Luce, b* Aug. 23, 1778 m* wid* Elis* (Leff ingv/ell} Corning{d* Aug * 31, 1852

(£ror* at Yale 1808-1852. Left many Jonathan, b. May 15, 1753- cl#" SeptV 12, 1832 in* Zillah (Caroy) Luce She d, 1815, bur* Scotland# CO-' n *

't m* Aleafchea Smith* Aug* 2t Eres. Ira, Rutland Co* Vt. m* 2nd Betsey (Chubb) Purge


He 1827

{Kingsley notes Cm* Lydia Cc-it, (Mary Whiting, b* Mar. 12# 1781

He t r;as in 9 findhai n Twp* (J«

Salmon, b. Sept* i n "i *L f ? 1 r/rp c - (B; D •

la-4, e

Jul3 JO 178a

vv y 1786

By second wife: (Dennis, 1796-1876 - - - -(Thomas* 1826— {i.vOs * i- Gama» • Y* (18Co* es. (1905*


Lydia, b* Apr* 24, 1760 Kl* —— Re s • C e n t r a 1 H. Y*

Jarusha, b* Sent. m ©*•»*«**

29, 1762

Orin* b* Aug. 21, 1764 - ■ - - - (0 rt ii J. jf 0 Z* « la. Huldah Coan (

Stephen, b* June 3 , 1738 m* 17S9 Rebecca Bidwell Res• Caxenovia, H Several children

-(Galvin, b. Annville (Oneida Co., N. Y* (Sept. 8, 1812 (Methodist Bishop


Trynhena* b. July 16, 1771 p’l ^1*#

d. Ca-enovia, H.Y, 1812


. •

' . .

• I




Kingsley 5,

Jobn~„ John0 Q A

T"! pi D /*3 ^ i >■•’**\ r > T* JTv/.-Vm

Amos3 is* 1757 Mary ads worth, b* Febt 8, 1734, d* 11-8-1822

b* June 5, 1731, d* Beeket, Mass*, .Mar* 23, 1796 from accident in hiscmill.

Joanna, b* Oct, 2, 1760 dV Feb, 6, 1786 in# May 30, 1781 Timothy Snow

Allthea, b* June 4. 1763 d# Jan;' 10, 1832

Davenport, b* Nov# 26, 1765 d. Dec. "17, 1784

Rev* Amos, b# Mar# 7, 1768 - m* 1st Apr* 21, 1791 Elizabeth Snow n, 2nd Did. Polly (Frink) Boss, wid* of Rev# . benezer One of 13 men who founded Colgate University (Amos d* Oct. 25, 18-0')

(Amos Davenport, b# Sept* 26, 1796 - ovor- (tn# 1st Susan Moore (in* 2nd Sophia Leo ( (Laura Betsey, b* Dec, 16, 1791 ( ‘ (Rev. Alva Crapy (b. Tab. 7, 1794 (d» VtXl Fan* 3, 1

- (

(is* April 24, 1814 (Lydia fei* House (Chloe B* Leonard (Martha Jane

(John Milton (m. Axtel* 2nd Golden (Mary Maria m* shirk

(b* Sort. 16, 1799 (Lovilla m. Conger ( {Joanna Maria (twin) (h* Sept# *16, 1799 (m* Rial Hartshorn ( (Susanna Lois, b» Nov# 14, 1803 (in* Elezer Beebe, Jan* 22, 1825 < (Avery Zelotes, b* July 18, 1610 - - over - (m# Polly Gone ( (lucretia Snow, b* Nov, 14, 1805 (m* Dr# Nathan Snow

Jose oh., b# Jan* 12, 1770 - - - d* Dec* 28, 1831 B# Mrs* Sarah (Lester) Williams

(Lucy, b* Nov. 14, 1798 ** Cm# Apr# 13, 1817, Stephen Edgerly

(Bene.jeth Lester (or Benjamin) - - over- - - (b* At.tX1.~~2, I5oi (m# 1st Laura Smith who d# bet# 1, 1839 (m* 2nd Maria Remington# ( (Hannah Cgrey, b* a-rll 14, 1803 Cm# Jan* 13, 1825, AIanson Lafchrop ( (William Ledyard, b, Mar. 6, 1806, d. Get. (16, .1876, m. Nov* 26, 1854 Eliza Clark.

p lev* Sila d* 1852

b* Oct* 24, 1772 - (Silas

iff !

c ? *$•* Sept# 1794 Anna White# m# 2nd Lucy Jones (June 10.

o, She (

2T, 1800 June 5, 1803,

ay r..,. ci# Jui m 25, 1608

1837 (Int* Jan* 14, 1844)

Anne, b* Get. 6, 1805 (Alvstn, b, July 30, 1807 (Sally Selina, b. Dec. 10, 1809 (Mary, b* Oct, 15, 1812 (Electa, b, 1795, d# Aug* 22, 1813


(Kliada,. b. Jan* 13, ISOS, d, Oct.*, 14, 1817 Ellada Kingsley - - - - - (hliada Allen, b, Aug, 12, 1809, d* Get. IS, 1812 FI Sept* 5, 1782 (Russell Eosslter, b# July 28, 1811 Res# Be eke t, Macs* (is* lay l,~i834 Elizabeth Kelson

(Allen lllada, b. Ear# 1, 18IS (billiam Davenport, b, June 18, 1015, d. Feb*22,

• (Fanny Elvira, b. Oct* 30, 1817, d* Feb.22, 1016 (Fanny'1'gliaar b« Feb* 16,- 1819 1819 (Qcorye I'aeninyton, b* Jan# 25, 1323

Avery Zelotos Kingsley - - (william Avery, b# Apr, 12, 1833, i: • Jan. 6,3B53 b. July 10, 1010 . {bary ^TiiaSe^h, b, May 29,1837 Harriet Slierman an, 1st Polly Cone- who d* pi. Oct#- 13, 1868 H* Olmste&d Miles Feb. 22, 1871. m# 2nd Feb.(Charlotte Plana, b. Oct. 10, 1039, &♦ Oct. 5,1868 Mrs, Sarah Smith • (Lucy Maria, bT Feb. 13, 1842, d. Mar. 14, 1854 Be . • Dec, 12# 1094 (John Hyde, h. Feb. 8, 1844, d* June 15, 184.9

(Jessie Downing (Jo rue ha), b# Mar. 3,' 1846' (2mTl^Tf©.of~ Rev. Ethan Curtiss who d# in (Syracuse, h.T. 1917 and she in' July 1931. She (was a local historian, aided these notes, (Harriet Arelia, b. July 26, 1848 0, Hoy. 1C, 1868 Isaac F, Miles (Alice Carey, b. Aug. 15, 1650, d. Sept. 20, 1874 (in* Charles Perkins (Ada Estelle, b. Bov. 21, 1852, m* Mar. 15, 1881 (John Amasa Stanton#

Arcs Davenport Kingsley - (Son, b. 1821, d#y# b# Sept. 26,"T*79§ (.Daughter, b. 1825, d*y* ro. 1st Susan Moore (atos, b# Feb# 5, 1623 m» 2nd Sonhia L@© y(By 2nd nifel Res# Lebanon and Selina, N.Y.(Susan Elisabet. , 8. July 31, 1827

(m# Augustus Eilliams (Martha Sophia, b. Far# 18, 1829, d# July 31,1830 (Martha Sonhia, b. Apr# 10, 1831, r.. John Ford (Alien €., b. Dec* 11, 1830, d. Aug* 30, 1930 (r;. June 2, 1861 Harriet B. Luce.

Benajah (Or Ben amin)Les-ter) (by 1st wife: b* April 2, 1801

1st Laura Bsnifeh who d. Get. 1, 1839* in# 2nd Marie Remington

(Laura Angeline» b# Dec. 12, (Sarah Erneline, by 1839 Tby '2nd? wife: (hector, fb# 1841, d# Apr# (Charles . Osi or, b. 184.3 {Joseph Sifilti:. b. Dec. 1, (Ella, b. 1850, d. 1857 (Etta 3., b. July 5, 1353 (Jose-h, b. Feb, 29, 1856


6, 1857

1848, d. 1849


Lsbbons, b. May ( Ki. 'Sept* 6, 1804

Ellada9 b, Sept. dm Stockbridge, I r.u Fannie Les ter¬

nary, b* Kar* BC, :n# Vassal' White,

Kingsley 5*

i, 1779 Cynthia Coilistor

5, 1782 (see over page 5) lass? Feb, 24, 1840' who d« July 2, 1868

, 1775 Bev, Sol,



Kingsley 6

John1 J chnj Eldad*" Amos ~

Isaiah^ b* June 11, 1725, d, Beeket, m, 1st Jan,. 20, 1747, Dec* 29, 1797 Abigail Palnier, who &• Sent, 1777 r* 2nd Sarah —

isalah, b* Sept, 2, 1747- d." Aug, 2, 1808 si., liar. So * 1 f t 1 Margaret Sloan, b* 1746 d. May 30, 1808

David, b, Jan, 22, 1749 it), 1773 Patience Wood - - Res, Rutland k Sudbury, Vfc then Batavia, S*Y*

TFlavel, b*"Sept* 4, 1773, d* Sept, T, 1777 -(MIXly, b.'Feb* 7, 1775, d. Sept, 9, 1777

(Sarah, b# Mar,■22, 1777, d. Sept, 14, 1777 (bather,b, Apr* 8, 1779, m, Dec* 1, 1803, (Daniel T* Pacy (Isaiah,b* May 22, 1781, m, Apr, 25, 1807 {Arathusa Fuller, Bes* Shithf ielcl, Bradford ( kj c* Pa * (John Flavel, b, Apr* 30, 1783, it., -Apr* IS (1804 Sabrina Gillett, hes* Fowler, .Trumbull (uo,, 0, (Sloan, b, Jan, 18, 1789, Fes, Smlthfield* (Pa,

- ( Phoebe , bT BTFrr”™,. "l^eXTogg"- (Eliza, b, —-— m* Shepherd (Ann, b,-n* —•—-Eggleston (David (Daughter a, Gen* Churchill of war of 1812 (Solomon, b* June 12, 1782, d# Batavia, 1. Y, (in' lcfc4 Esther Sprout - - - over - - - — - {Daughter n, ——heed (Arnos, b, June IS. 1791 - - - over ------

v (Daughter m, Gapt, Lathrop

Phineas, b. Dec, 21, 1751 -(Abigail, b, July 3, 1776 i:# 1st Mar, 20, 1775 Abigail (5* Soft. 1777 Dili pole, d. Sept# 6, 1777 (Abigail, b, Far* 15, 1780 in# 2nd Fob# 11, 1779 Abigail (Hannah* b* Oct* 20, 1781 Woods who d» May 22, 1793* (Lucy, b* Oct* 4, 1783 r* 3rd Feb* 9, 1794 Anna Squler ulunice, b» Aug, 24, 1785 io.m 4th Dec* 1795 Elizabeth (Phineas, b. Mar, 12, 1788 Dewing (SuSreit* b, July 22, 1790

Abigail* b* Nov* 29, 1753 r* —‘—Chapin

Enos*b* Sept, 20, 1757 -(Sarah* b, Arr. 2, 1780 d* in Ohio, Oct. 24, 1856 r, 1st Nov* 26, 1778 Rachel Crane, who d# Jan, 31, 1786 rn. 2nd May 24, 1787 hr ah Wadsworth, who d* ,g;r, 9, 1828 ae 65

(n* Oct* 29, 1800 Robert Smith (John* b* Mar* 4, 1783 (it* Pleiades Brewster Aug* 25, 18C5 (Rachel* b. Oct, 22, 1788, d* Apr. 3, 1805 (Lydia* b. Sett, 2, 1790 d* Aug* 7, 1868

• ■•Mar, 19, 1811 Jonas henry Childs V# 3rd Dec# 22, 1828 Mrs* Cynthia (Enos Doddridge, b* Apr* 27, 1792 - over- Clark who d* in 13.1* 1865 (d* Oct* £3., 1870 in Brainbridge, Ohio

(m* Dec* 27, 1815 Sally Harris, d. - Seth Palmer, b* June 13, 1761(m* 2nd Kiss Mann Went to Otis, Mass• (over)

(«V© nt from Be ekefc, Ma s s •} Enos B. ^Kingsley, b» 1792 - - - - -

«-;;©nt April 1816 to Brainbridge, 0* (Ga# Co.) m* 1st Sally Harris, who

,d„ when "dau. Sally was born* m# 2nd June 16, 1319, Kary Mann of Mentor, 0., who d. June 6, 1875, ae 79, He g. Oct, 21, 1870, ao 79,

(Sally, b, Dec, 1816, m, John M, Fitch (Faber, rc# Thereso Hartshorn (Arvilla, m, James Thompson (Jane * w* Warren S* Fairbanks

Solomon Kingsley, b* Juno 12, 1783 (Willard, b, Apr. 28, 1805 cU (killed by tree fall) July 4, 1836""(ASioron, b# Ayr. 21, 1807

- . (Sonhronla» b, Apr, 27, 1809 (n, -—-Gordon (Lav ini a, b* f,ar. 19, 1811

* £xi# Dennis Churchill (Arson,' b. Ilov, 25, 3.815, d* Castile, (M.Y. 1895, had son Earle (John Carlos, b, Oct. 20, 1815 (m* Clarissa A. Melvin, Oct. 4, 1858 ( Ch, Carlos J., b. Sept. 9, 1840 ( Carlos Kelvin, b. May 12, 1842 (Calvin c., b# July 1, 1818. Lived (Pike, K.Y. (Ann J,, b, Apr. o, 1820 at Attica, M.Y (m* Bernard Alberty (Mary J., b. Jan, 23, 1822, d. Aor. 7,

Amos Kingsley. b. 1790 (son . of David}- (Martin David e* Charlotte Martin (thingas Res, Loekport, K.Y. and Bradford, Pa* ( Miller, Pensioner Jar of 1812 d* Lansing, Mich, May 25, 1878

Seth, palmer Kingsley - - - - - b. Juno 15, 1761 Res. Otis, Mass.

{ (________

(fra, lived near btica, H.Y. (Eraetus, b* June 20, 1788 (r. Fob. 10, 1817 Elizabeth Mercy (Had 7 ch. near homestead* Hrastua (said to be living 1870, with 2nd (wife, at Kdinfooro, Pa. (Daughter (Daughter (Daughter (Daughter ('Daughter

Kingsley 6.(coni.)

(Abigail, b* June 15, 1794 (rr.* Apr, 22, 1818 Wolcott Chaffee (Isaac Watts, b* Aug* 14, 1796 (mm Sarah Depuy (Jonathan. Wadsworth* b« Sept, 1, 1798 (d* PebT 19,.KVUIa Dec, 8, 1824 Zibah

__ _ _ (Hitchcock* Resided Windhar , Ohio ir» Jan* 20, 1798, Septimus Witter (Hebecca, b* July 21, 1801, d* Oct* is

(m, Jan* 30, 1826 Earvey Phelps 1Q< (DevId Brainard, b, June 4, 1804, d. (25, "l£P70* rn* Tull a B, Pitch.

Elizabeth, b. June 24, 1783

Esther, b* .Sept, 12, 1770 i .


By 2nd wife 5 Anna, b* Mar* 17, 1778

Mary, b. Mar.* 12, 1782 - « in cli •

Lucy, b* Maf* 12, 1782 (twin)

• - ,t •


. '

Kingsley 7,


Eldad~ (1751 one rec,) Nathaniel0 m. 1st Mar,' 16, 1749, Windham, Conn.S&rah balden who d. Get. 22, 1772 m, 2nd Sarah «—■—

John0 Agios’^

b, 1727, Beeket,

0,m Oct# Mass,


Jedediah, h# Nov. 15, 1753 Hes. Fowlor, H.Y. k» Mary-

Martin, b, June 1, 1750 - - m, Be them --

Ebeneger, b, Feb. 10, 1758 “171“ m, Sarah Chaplin

(Sabrina, b, May 16, 1787 (bj* Mar, 22, 1810 Ambrose Chapman

" {Chancy, b, May 16, 1789, d« Oct. 1,1825 (Su Feb* 7, 1613 Sally Hunter (Betbsne, b* Mar, 2, 1791, r, Feb. £> (1819, Allen Wilson (Sobhronia, (m, [sec. 28 (Orissa, b« (ri, Feb, 8, (Natlianoll, Uiasa:. <=. (martin, b* (Alien, b. {Join Alien (Hbeneser (Benjamin 1

b». July 6, 1793 , 1817, James II, Abbott Hay 26, 1796 1819 Joseph Picket- b. July

Feb, 19,

Nov. June

b. alien.

9, 1798 1800

Mary Holcomb (Sally Maritta, (as, 1st-Weber (m, 2nd Howe

IS, 1801 28, 1804 Aug, 20, 1806 t, 0 , Aug. sO, . 1808 in,b * Aar. 22, 1811

n, b ^ OC ^ # lOy 1786

, Oct. 20, 1781 3

Hannah, b, Nov, 1, 1760 a. Dec. 11, 1811 ffi* Sept, 21, 1786 John Austin

-Susanna, b • N o v , 1767 m* Oct, 5, 1788 Simeon Luce, Jr.



John- Eldad2

John^ Ari OS ^

Kingsley s.

m* Fab* 19, 1755, Mary Burnap b* 1757 - d* Oct,


29, 1796

b. abt* 1734, d* Feb, 24, 1813

Enoch, b. Dee* 8, 1755 m* “Sent* 29, 1782'Folly Child (An Enoch served in Rufus * Cora a any 5

Asahael, b* Jan* 10, 1758 m* Nov* 26, 1786 Elizabeth Lace (An Asahel Kingsley was in 1700 Census in Windhass t?/p,, Windhair* Co*, Conn* with 1-2-1}

Abel (twin) b* Jan. 10, 1758, u*y.

Uriah, b, Sept* 9, 1760 d. Moira, S,Y, 1852 r* 1st Joanna Bishop vim 2nd Parnell Lathrop Jan. 8, 17SB

(George -(m, Elisabeth Brake

(Daneil (ii. Margaret Argmet (Elizabeth (rhT Jasper Hawkins

Eufus, b* Apr* 12, 1763 - - - - s* Oct. 12, 1786 Lucinda Cutler

Jason, b. Nov* 14, 1785 Pies. Bennington, Ft* r:* Parnell Abell

Adams, b, June 18, 1768 m* Clarissa Redfield

Chloe, b, Dec. 17, 1770 in, David Palmer (Some Chloe is, r.-leaser Calkins Aor* 10, 1794 Lebanon)

Haney, (Mary in \r*K. ) b* May 25, 1773

Mary r* Levi Conant {Perhans r• 2nd .Augustus Sonant, Dec* 31, 1822, Hampden)

Jacob, b* Dec* 19, 1775 m.Dicy Abel, removed to

. ont«, — w»\ •

(Nancy, b. July 15, 1787 (6. AT . 20, 1817 (m, David Morgan (no ch. (John, b* May 9, 1798 - - - belowi (d* Mar, 16, 1869 (a. Edith Case (b. 1785, d* Nov. 20, 1803 {Lucretia Choline (b* July 2£T 1795 \2x* XT.JVX"* 1»:>, J.815 (Robertson Wood

Children of Join Kingsley and Edith Case Kingsley:

(Haney Morgan, n. 1st Sept*£1,1857 4 Pays on Kingsbury* * 2nd Charles (Torrey. (Mary L», m. Dec. 12, 1838, Ira (Rufus jPi3.lucre, b* Jui^^i, {Nichol

Cr: * Francos TtT^Pmwton



. V



Kingsley 8*(cont.

Abigail b. Dee* d* unrr.*

(twin) 10, 1775 Children of John Kingsley and

Ldith Case Kingsley (cont

(Hem^y Martin, b* Apr* 1859 . (d* July 167 1841 (Henrietta* i;> sept* 9, 1845 (Dr* JililaKi Hayden (Sarah Jam, b. Deb* 12, 1851, (Dec7 28, 1012-,

Luther n m Fuller young woman Dxxvia, d*

('? r. ~b~ I vans} (;..llen, b,-d, Dec# 10, 1905 (r~7 Manning Perris© (Hattie A*, b* 1837

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