Kim May, Sr. Pastor April 20, 2014. Easter Sunday “Belief: Genuine or Vain” 1 Corinthians 15:1-6.

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Kim May, Sr. Pastor

April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

“Belief: Genuine or Vain”

1 Corinthians 15:1-6

The Gospel

The Gospel

Jesus died as a substitutionary sacrifice.

The Gospel

Jesus died as a substitutionary sacrifice.

Jesus was buried in a tomb.

The Gospel

Jesus died as a substitutionary sacrifice.

Jesus was buried in a tomb.

Jesus came out of the grave.

The Bad News about the Good News

The Bad News about the Good News

Some have believed in vain.

A parable was a story spontaneously created by Jesus to convey a spiritual truth. It was wrapped in

culturally relevant terms to gain the listeners’ attention

and maximize their understanding.

Person #1

Person #1

Their hearts harden, impenetrable to the truth. Satan

then steals away the message which merely grazed the surface

of their heart.

Person #1

Their hearts harden, impenetrable to the truth. Satan

then steals away the message which merely grazed the surface

of their heart.

“You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that…” (James 2:19)

Intellectual faith is vain. It’s believing like demons believe.

Person #2

Person #2

People who embrace the gospel with great joy, yet soon fall away

spiritually because of times of testing.

Person #2

People who embrace the gospel with great joy, yet soon fall away

spiritually because of times of testing.

“fall away” = SKANDALON = scandal

Person #2

People who embrace the gospel with great joy, yet soon fall away

spiritually because of times of testing.

“fall away” = SKANDALON = scandal

Skandalon = the arm of a trap on which bait was attached

They consider it scandalous that they must go through times of testing. They feel offended by God and therefore fall away.

Person #3

Person #3

Three Thorns

Person #3

Three Thorns


Person #3

Three Thorns



“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also … No one can serve two masters. Either he

will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the

one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and

money.” (Matthew 6:21,24)

Person #3

Three Thorns




Whatever brings us pleasure to the expense of a growing relationship with Christ

Athletics is the major enemy to the faith of teenagers.

Person #4

Person #4

A heart which produces a harvest of righteousness

Person #4

A heart which produces a harvest of righteousness

3 Characteristics

1) Hear

Person #4

A heart which produces a harvest of righteousness

3 Characteristics

1) Hear

2) Retain

Person #4

A heart which produces a harvest of righteousness

3 Characteristics

1) Hear

2) Retain

3) Persevere

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