Keys to Heaven Part 3

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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38 Ca¡y $pire,¡ )'our Keys to ileayen

Demons arc thc opposite ofAngels. Ange¡s are 1'ull oflight- Demonsare li¡ll ofdarkncss, and their nissjon is to spread thc darkness to asnrany people asthcycan, keeping evcryone spiútually darkcncd down_

Sl Pa l wrote flut y'e:

"Sho lrt not let Satan toke a.lvantage of us hy beingignorunt 0f his deric¿s,"

2 Corinlhians 2:l IBible

As youLno$. mostreligions tcach their fbllowers to believe ir'¡ Demonsin one form or another. The morc I work with peoplc, the more I leamabout llemons. We all have them. They come ¡n many differcnt shapes¿rnd sizcs, allwith ditTercnt ftrnctions to causchavoc inyour lifc. Thereale l)cmons that attack us in the physical dimcnsion- -throwing thingsacross the room, sexually assaulting peopie, holding people down, orjust tormenting pcople mentally, emotionally or physically. Demonspossess the minds and bodies ol pcople, making them do horriblethings such as kjlliDg somcone or evcn killing themselves. There ¿reDemons thal attack us in the spiritual diÍrensions causing illness ilour physical bodies. Gcl rid oflhe Demon and you can get rid oftheillness.

"B? stmset, the coa !..rd wasfilled with sick and Demon-possesse¿, broaghllo himfor healing, so Jesus healerl grcatnutubets ot sickfolk that erenifig an.l o lercd n dny Demohslo corhe ouf of iheb eictifis."

Mtrk 1:32-34The Bible

"ln solenú truth I tell you, anlone belierihg in me shall dolhe sa c núracles I have done, .thd eren greater oneshecdas¿ I urn f4oing to he with the Fathe|"

John l4:12The Bihle

.lrrsl lrs -lcslrs cirsl {)u{ I)rnrons li() l l)coflc lrcrrlirrg lhcnt fiontlltLrlillrttss vort:rrrlollre s:rrrrL l{ \r\ l,rr!'l¡r lrii ¡lii¡ inllq l,¡rw

It tlasn t long betbfc the Dc¡t1ons outnumbered thc Angels andbcgan i n te rfc ring rv ith everything I creatcd. My Angcls can onlykillso many: thatt why it's rime I sho.$,cveryone horv to kill Demons.thcmselves, so they can help thc Argels fight this spiritual war Thiswa¡ is for all mankind becausc l)erltons are not prcjudiced. Thcy wantt(, poqjess e\ cryo¡e ¡.n unfh a il k(cp th(m sllrrituall¡ dalkvnerl down.I ne \r|a) roryou In prulert your5alIis roa\\i]kcn )oursFtrin¡al buJ)

and learn to receivc spiritual gilis. l.hcsc gil.ts will keep you satéantJhelpyou gct rid ofDemons. That is.iust the bogirning. órice you Icarnhow to gct rid of Dcmons within, you teach othcrs, and once theyleam, have thcm te¿ich others. pafcnts teach your children and theysh-uuld reach. lhcif chjlJrcn. lr cr¡ g..ncrttion ,houlcl pa., rhis¡nlonnal¡rrn clou n t,' lhc ne\l rnd. one Jr). Dc¡n,,ns u ill n,,r criStanymo¡e and heaven will be on carth.

Q) Cafy: What do Dcmons look lik,,A) God: Demons come in ntany shapcs and sizcs. Somc are os

smallas a single ccll in your body and others arc bigger than thepla¡ct.Dcmons bok similarto the Demons depictcd in art throughout history.{ll Dcrnols ha\ c onc rhing anJ ,,nc go¡l in colltm.,n. llic destru,.r iolrL\l manki¡d. Dn ¡ou rhink thcrc \ ould br ln¡ nars (,n cdrth if lhcDcmons wcrcn'l herc¡ The answe¡ is. No. De¡nons make war, notmankind. Demonsjust possess the minds ofmcn and tum them againstcach other, that's who causes wars. This is why people should leam tosee spiritually so they 0an see the l)cnro[that.s aftéiting thcm and gctrid ofit,

One thing that I know fionr all thc wo¡k I've done $,ith pcople is thalit'sjust as inlportant to kDow about Demons as it is aboutAngels.Growing up as agiflcd child. I lvas always able to sceAngels whichmade for very interesting tines. Bur some ofthe most inter.estingtimcs werc when Dcmons rvould comc info thc pictLrre. Not onl!could I see Angels, I could also see Dc¡.tolrs_ Ihroughout mich¡ldhood ¡nd carly ¡dult lilé. I rloul¡t scc Demons. but I no,crrcally undcNlood thc impact an(lchaos thcy c¡Ltscd on hUntan lif¡.As I efcw ()ldcr en(l bcenlnc ntol.c lrntl Dr()fc ¡\rl -c ol.tDv sl)ifilr¡¡l;rl)ililic\. l (l rrlc(l ¡cr¡lizin! lhc ir,t¡cts l)t.l¡ror¡s hrrrl ¡r¡ crer,"onc.I rL rr silll, rrt.r.,'r tn r,,, ,,,r ,.,,rrtjt,., ..j t\.,,,.,,.r, ,,,r. 1.,i.,, ,,,.r'r. r/r,r rll,.rr.r. rrr,I Ilr:r1,.,.,t \,.$.r\




. ntr,tt JplveY t rrur !rvt_'

u,rr"Ptl*s''u"':::t::'::::r',onZi;'t:;"#::":tnerrlorrs i¡e had instoe l?- i^iiluix."¡n now to rece¡veto cust r)ut l)clll()ll! lf()rll ¡rco¡rlc lrrrtl tlrel prolrlrhl¡' lxlrglll rllillly

¡rc,rplc. lltrr batk tlrcn. vott rvcrc lookctl rl¡t lls il s¡r10cf or s()nlco¡lc

lrg¡;nsr thc rvoÍd ot (;od alld yotl wcf0 pul to dcillh li)r yotlr hcilllng

,riiitir".l. i,.'tii",,o "t what tícv clitl t. JcsLrs l'nr sLrrc thirl Jcsus'

;;':.;;; ;;";; i"^.h evcrvoÁc ¿bout (jod's powcr rml rcvcttl

a'""i ""i

a""a",t,o """ryone

Bttause Dc'nons possessed thc mlnds

.ít"a" ""J,"a¿"

t¡am tot bclieve in Jesus or cveD allow thcm to

U" """.a¿-*i"áJ

*oügh to hcar hirn' lhey scntenced hirrr to dcath'

il1;';-k ;h.-;# the world would be now il thcv lvould

*":j:il:l'i:l:'[]ixll] u,'n* ,o, u n,o,''enr thar r'¡r conparins

rnu."ifil L"rot ¡""áuse I'm not l $as born with the abilities Ihave'

,riJi "ü¡rt",¡" ,¡ility to tcach othcrs and that's what I want to

do."" PI"u." b" opcn-minded cnough to realizc that wc all havg the

power to get rid ol lhc Demons that arc wlm¡n us'

Tustimoniillb) Dian¡ and Kcvin

I iustwanted to wtite and lhank Gary for atl the work'

n"íii dái" itn ,v bovfr¡end' Kevín' and me we had

ti:ie ipportunitv to meet w¡th Gary a lew '2lth: ?s2'*Á.í i" *u"i"'u ¡n M¡nneso¡a Al the lime Kev¡n had'ilái

oáu¡ng "r,un health problems that none of the

a"ioiii ioria díagnose He was very ill and' ¡n most

"á"t", ,r"¡Á tt * rk He was suffer¡ng from asthma

",liiÁ n. never had before) k¡dney problems' actes'áiái"¡ni, *"ut n""s face rash visioll loss headacnes

in"driii,' t"t¡gu"' nu even felt asleep dtiv¡ng a few t¡mes

and crashed his car'We were despente lo find answers and treatment'

o¡ "iur"á,

n" Áany doctors he saw wanted to treat

liÁii, uu"n ¡ra¡,¡¿úat problem and loaded h¡m up w¡th'iiiil¡iii,

drugs Hé refused to take them' and we

wenf fo see Gary, insteadGary explaiied that what Kevin was expenenctng

wai a ío¡r¡tLat cr¡s¡s-he was bas¡catly possessed and-

¿.t*"í i"áñ i¡"e unless he sp¡r¡tually woke up '





42 Qary Spivey

t.he¡r dad get better by openíng up sp¡r¡tually andbecom¡ng a d¡fferent, beüer person and father.

Thank You Gary!We love you!!!!D¡ana and Kev¡n

Your Kqys lo llsaven

k¡ow I don't have Demons." Bclieve mo, we all have thcm Sonc

feople arcjust to¡nented by them more than others, bc it physically,

mentally or emotionally.What I've cornc to realize over yeals of working with people

t'rom allwalks oflil'e is that the pcople who are to¡mcnted thc mosl by

Demons are also the people with the blightcst light or, as I rcfef to it,

God energy-- those with their spititual body naturally aheady

awakened like I was as a child. Wiren I say nalurally awakened I'mtalking about being born with their spúitual body aw¿keDcd, so thc

person didn't have the choice. There are lnany people rvho are bom

wilh tbeir spi tual bodics already awakencd and thesc people are the

ones who get atlacked by Dcmons not becausc something is wrong

with them, but because they arc special and have so müch God energy

withinthem. When the l)cmons recognize someonewith this cnergy,

they realize that this person has thc ability to kill thc Demons that

tormentthenor othels. The only bad thing fbrthatperson is thatthey

are not awarc oftheir spiritual abilities of what's going on becausc

socicty <1oesn't undelstancl what's going on wilhthcm from a spiritual

stand point and how it affects thern mentally, emotiona lly or physically.

As asociety, we call't cxp lain or teach thcse peoplc what's happening'

These people don't undershnd how to protect tllcmselves from thc

Demons rmtil now that isl

There is a baftle ofgood and cvil orAngels and Demons and the

battle is over our soul and our planel. By awakening your spiritual

body, you arcjoining God's team

I will show yoü how to det'end yoursclfand othcrs fiom Demons'

Iwillteachyou how torid allDemons fron you¡lifc, fr¡m thc lives ofthose you love and even stangcrs. We lnusl alljoin together in this

battle. It's not about what your religious beliefs are lt's not about

where you live, it's no1 about what race yoü are, it's about deleating

the Demons thatplague all mankind.

I'\'c been talking ¿bout au'¿ke11ing youl spiritual body al1d I u'illtcach you th¿t sholtly, but I don't want anyonc io fear this and think

they will be attackcd by Dcmons. When you awaken your spifituaL

body, you will stat-t to becomc a\rare ofthe Dernons that are attacking

you and you will bc able to |id yoLrrscll of'thcsc Delnons' Dlaking

your lil¡ bcltcrIl is bcllcf 1o rcltli/c lllrrl t)cnr(nrs (l() cxisl thlrn kr livc irr tlcniltl


Everyone has the ability to hea¡ themselves ofphysical jllness: youjust need to be taught and you need to believe it;s possible. As in thiscase with Kevin, I was able to heal him ofhis physical problems bygetting rid ofthe Demons that possessed him, tuiit *a, op to t irn tákeep the Demons gone.

When | \,\ ork ü ¡lh peoplc. I aln ays become more aware oj.hoüthrn95 all lietogelhcrand.nomancrhou bi,,ane lhe sror) orstludtionsouúds, it always ends up making sense. For instance, r¡ost ofus havesome awareoess ol, when we we¡e children, seeing monsters in ourbedrooms. Ow parents toldus that tlis had to do with being afraid ofthc d¿rk. They-would say something like, '.There,s nothing tñat,s goingltl get you, it's yoür imagination, there,s nothing in there, nñ gábu, k in.¡our room anJ go lo sleep. Well. ¡his nas paflially rnr"e.w lrlc therc t¡a) nol hdve been an)lhing in thc room in thc ph¡sicald¡nlension, there werc probably all kinds ofDemons in the spiritual,lirntnsrons. Mosr.Udsarc able ro secAngels and Demons. aliJ<e. Man¡¡ irnc'. kid. considcr Angels rheir invisible plal mare, and Demon" areconsldercd¡ronste¡s that are usually seen at ¡right when they a¡e goingto slecp andinthe alpha state-this is tlre in_between state áght b-eforiyou fall asleep.

.. As you may remember rcading in my childhood story I would

call Angcls my pals. I had no idea at that time that these guys wouldstay wjth me for the ¡est ofmy life; I never stopped seeing them alldthey werc aiways there fbrme. Besides seeingAngels,I wo.'uld alwayssoo the Dcmons that were hyilg to cause havoc in my life. Most oflhc.timc, as we gct older, our.practical minds take over and we quitsccing ourAngels and the Demons.

,. Tlrr'rc .rrc rnrrr¡ pcoplc u ho rnay nor tht¡rk or ¡ckno$ ledgc lhal| ,( rno s t.x tsts. t,ut r (:l rs it¡rcd rhc) do crisr .rn,l u c ¡ll ltrr I lhcm rnonc lir¡tr or anothcr. .lr¡sl ¡s Angcls cxist, so c1o Dcmons. poople arerrlrvuys s¿ryit)g to ntc. "l'nr vcry spiriltul..'or...l br:licvc i¡ (io<i. so I

45{i,1r}'Spivey \',rrrr Keys lo Heaven 'il"Tcstimonial by Krisly M.

Hi Gary!!!

,,1 must tell you how much better and completetyd¡fferent lfeelfrom the ¡nstant you helped mell!' tweÁtlo your sem¡n¿r jusl out ol cur¡os¡ty lo see whal I couldIearn ¿nd I learned a lol more than I bargd¡ned for. youwere stunn¡ng me at how you were helping people andI felt comfoñable enough to ra¡se my hañ. you camenght over and asked me what was wrong I sa¡d,"Somef¡mes at night I see and hear things., your¡mmed¡ate answer was. .yout

Demon ¡s sexuál riont??"As I gtabbed onlo the lable so I woutdn t fatt ove-r. I gotout the wod, "Yes." I thought I was crazv before iouanswered me because t had been feet¡ng iitense enérgyat n¡ght wh¡ch was angry and forcefui with me. Thényou asked me ¡f I wanted to get ríd of ¡t or d¡d t l¡ke ¡t.Well, after aI the laughter ¡n the room qu¡eted down. tsaid. "Yeah. tm done with him. you began putt¡ng ¡tout. You were hav¡ng a bat e because you said he wasa stubborn one and he d¡dn't want to teave me. He ke)tsay¡ng that I was h¡s g¡rt. you sa¡d, He s h¡ss¡nq a;dcurs¡ng al me-he really doesn t waDt to teave voi. he sbeen w¡th you for awh¡le.'Then you sa¡d. -l aimost golh¡ he ¡sgone. The second you said...Thele, body [elt one-hundred percent tightet I never knewwhat lhaf meanl beforc to have your body teel l¡ghte!.l.felt like I was float¡ng ¡nternaly lor the f¡rst ltme: ever.You also sa¡d that lh¡s was the reason I d¡dn t have aboyfriend because th¡s Demon would push them awavas soon as lhey would get close. lt was the mo;t¡ncted¡ble feel¡ng lve ever had and th¡s proved lhat Iwasn lcra¿y lt¡lerally lhought twas go¡ng nsane hear¡ngvotces and be¡ng louched and motested bv an inv¡s¡bl¿sotnethng.

Yeah. tllat s one to wr¡le home aboLtt. Garv. thankssu t¡ttr^lt ,uxl lm tto

^t to npd . ¡ng.,,,i keep,,,g

Il¡ts i¡w¿ty h1)nl D1e

\s yo!L can see fion1 this story. Kristy thought she was cfilzy bec¿Lrsc

,'l ihis De¡nc,n sexually rnolcsting hcr: but once I got fid of this

t'(||to , 5hc fcll bcrlcr. A. I s:rid htti¡rc. ljlrrllonr cotllc in ntan)

:lrupcs and sizes. Not cveryonc will h¡ve a Dcmon Iikc Krisly s.

l,ul \\c all have them. One thing is lirr sure. wc can all get rid oi,,rf I)emons.

Now I would likc to sharc with you another testimo¡ial'

Tcstimon i¡ l o fTfacY Mc Donald

lhead Gary Sp¡vey onthe rad¡ofor a couple ofyearsnow and Ive alwaysfelt drcwn to h¡m. t have altempledto meditate and connect with God-a h¡gher power' my

h¡gher setf-for longer than lcare lo remember'Everyth¡ng t have ever tr¡ed has failed l thought ¡t was

me: I wasn't g¡v¡ng ¡t my all, not teachable, etc. But a

nagg¡ng t¡ftle vo¡ce started me th¡nk¡ng that maybe I was

be¡ng btocked somehow. Something was keeping me

frcm f¡nd¡ng the peace and seren¡ty I'd been search¡ng

so desperately for.I've heard Gary remove Demonsfrom people on the

rad¡o many t¡mes. F¡nally, t dec¡ded to g¡ve myself a g¡ft

and I called and made an appo¡ntment w¡th Gary. Th¡s

rs my srory.. ...

My read¡ng with Gary stañed with me ask¡ng h¡m to

check my body for Demons or ent¡t¡es. He staftedremov¡ng dark energ¡es from my body and, as they were

removed. I could feel the energy ¡n my body shift¡ng

and chang¡ng, I was feel¡ng lighter and vety hot

throughout my bodY.

Gary sa¡d that lhad many Demons and entit¡es

btock¡ng me from the lightnotjust ¡n th¡s d¡mens¡on, but

¡n f¡ve other dlmensions, as well He sald thaf / was

spír¡lually g¡fted and that iswhy these Demons attacked

me-fo keep me from see¡ng and know¡ng who ltrulyan. I lrive always ktú)wt1tl1.1l lwas g¡fbd bul was nevcl:1bht !t) (lo í¡¡tvlltt¡t(1 wt!lt ¡l I tt.¡vt) lt¡al nlatty (ltffcral


e .lry sP¡v¿Y Y our KeYS lo tieaven

"That is tl I tetl you, Lord that.People,w-!"-t::::,:t:X:' l,fi,' i',iil,iiiliíl^ii," "'proin

o'" t^::.i.::::: :i:::i;,::,",::;;: ;; ;;; ;;ii'¿'i'¡' i' n

" ".¡e¡'.o¡.,:'.iilí ; i!Í,i"


;;: ;;:'T, ¡ii, ii' "t,''' ¡ i

" "' ¡

"v : ::::" ;;á\hoot atfoter tt^t ""! ""'- nnot be secn. ll¡henat a tnrget. hut in this (rse' lhe lsrgel ca-l..-.

t ." th¿ ¿nrknc\s.nt a tüfcc,. out t- ," "-.--.- . , ishes the dÚknc\s.rhe Igñt roncs forth' ':-"":^ .o-ll,l,Tl""^,." ,,,.""-lhe llgnt tutrt.iJ'' "' ,coñe cl¿an"rhenihu¡ eoch l¿tso" hot do::':'l:.'^. .^-,.',-.

^'Thc Secrcl Teaching of lesus

b! Mo\in Merer' I<ín1:;;fr;:;;;, Hotse,lnc'


wavs and modal¡lies n order to feel connecfed to God

"iá t ve atwavs g'ven up feeting det'eated'" " éÁl

"'"i'c"o "tandiing behind me HesañlhatGod

t¡tteá Áv nead back and poured hoty watet down my'iiri"t

á¿or" Gary had uftered fhose words lhe bac^

nf mv throat qol hot and t felt w¿(mth down to my-!¡o,Á'"ii.

coal n¡."elf had given me a heating!!! I then

álx"á é"rv, "who am t?" God answered him and saidié,nl-¡tiná or,,r" " t am st¡lt struggt¡ng to take ¡t a|¡ ¡n- -Wi.i

t ast"¿ Gary about my daughter's health' Gary

fo/d me to c/ose my eyes and look at my daughter wnh my

sD;rifuai eyes. / was ab,e lo see what he was seetng-

áirf "n"*¡.t

swirling over my daughter s head l saw

i,Á Á,reÁ. tne tto* bing¡ng brighl hght inlo it and lhen

t sai it aissipate. I was able to see a huge Demon'"I""i¿¡iq

o"nira n"t and J saw lhe Demon explode as

1",* [iouqnt light to ¡1. I saw h¡m remove a snakeJ¡ke

irtí, tro,i n"rinroal tt too exploded in light

íhenwe looked almy other daughtet whowas tytng

down in her bed. A ciaik Demon was sw¡rling around

f,li, n.'r teA; n"'no, exptodecl as Gary brought ¡n l¡ght'

lwas tolclby twa differenl neurosutgeans that ! needed

two different iurgeries on my neck Gary saw'tiáÁ

áÁ'i ,.Á"í"d them Mv entire bodv was riddted'*itn-aári

"r"tg*"-alltry¡ng to keep me from the


i' ,,ái"t""i Áróar winsi tiuering aga¡nst mv back t

Íeel surrounded by God s love and l¡ght'-- éái r.n me'lhal my struggles to f¡nd and know

aoi'i Lr" are beh¡nd rne now and my future is full of

Ár¡ont tqnt. ett t neeA ¿o do ls seek God s /¡ghl and hnow

th;t tw¡)t f¡nd ¡t. Not doubl ¡t but know ¡t!

Tracy McDonald

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.)ptveyVour Keys l<¡ tlc{ve¡r

-l-he l'fcscnl M()nlcDt Dcn¡nl nrakcs y()L¡ lhrnk ()l things li(rn your

¡rirst and nrakcs yoLr rvorry ¡bout lhc luturc at thc same tific. WhcnI his happcns. you cannlol bc in thc presc¡1 moment cnjoying youl lifc.l¿ disrupts your v¡bration and keeps you confused.

Have you cver bccn somcwhere, büt felt like you should be

somer¡,he¡e else? When you'rc with someone, do you cver feel likeyou should be with someone else doing something besides whatyou're doing? Most peoplc who cheat in a relationship, have thisl)emon.

Here's what's happening to you: This Deúon is possessing the

spiritualbody that is within you;confusing it,making itthink, "I should

have, could have,would have"-making your physical body feelthesesame sensalions. Ifyou get rid of this Demon (and I wil/ teach youhow to gct rid of Demons), you will fecl better and yotfll be in the

moment and able to cnjoy yourself.In the spiritual d¡mension, you will see with your spiritual eyes

(seeing with your spiritual eyes js anothcr spiritual secret I will teachyou.) two Demons stuck back+o-back. One is pulling your thoughts

to tbcpastand one is pulling your thoughts to the future. You willuseyour spiritual gifts to get rid ofthe Demon. (Spiritual gifts is another

spiritual sccret I will teach you.)




^,,'.,.?:tj:ii,tl'.i':J,f : jfl :.,,,,,,;

present Moment Demon

fi*i,.:{üí::lll #Ji;"i:,,[i ;j i:: 1 l:"i;:# i ;lil] ;;aboul rhe future and what wi¡l or couli

:,T i r;r; ili: *J::tiüm1;*m;u[:: *{



5l5tt 6ary Spivey Your Keys lo lrleaven

Whcn thish{ppens, you.mind stals to race and you can't prio¡itizeirnything-mak jng ).ou f¡el sfuck. You think you can't accomplisllrunyrhing. When this Demor is around you. yoLr will feeloverwhelmedby everything that you havc to do and you'11 1¡01 that it's bcttef to dor\)thing than ¡y an),thing.

Allyou have to do is clearyour spiritr,ral dimensions (this is another

spi¡jtual sccret I \\'ili tcach you sho¡tly) and get rid of the Dcmo¡¡ttacking your spiritual body. ln the spiritoal dimension. you will see

rr ith your spiritual eycs an ugly DcmonJike, dragon-looking ofeature

rr ith multiplc heads attacking your spiritual body. E¿ch head ofthel)0non is thinking olsornething different, rvhich makcs your rnind

]i¡r'c ¡nd thi¡rl of¡Dultiflu things al onc lirnc.

Drutrúts br Cot".r |yotdcu, 20A6alt Right: R¿:eN¿¿, as Ln n¿¿ h4,, oja¡. catitú.n¡a

Cannot Accomplish Anything Demon

Have you ever had a day, week. month or even longer when you justthought ofeverything that was go¡ng on in your life all at one timeand youjust staycd confusod and not ablc b do anything'? you felt ormay léel as though you are paralyzcd. Whcn I'm workilg with people,lhis is a vcry corrnron occtrrcncc. 'fhe ¡cason is bcci¡usc ol'¡ Dcmonth¡t nr¡kcs yoU think ol'cvcrything you huvc going on in yoLrr lil.c allrtl (¡rc lintc.





Dftw¡naa br (l,N! 1n|ü 20A6A¡lItkhts R¿le ¿.1,Gs. L¡n1¡t¿¿ kr, Ojd, Caqónja

Scared Demon

Have you ever found yourselfscared for no appare[t reason and youjust couldn't get rid ofthat feeling no matter what you tried? Everyonehas, at some time or another. It's just part oflife. O¡ is it?

This Demon makes you feel scared when there is nothing reallyto be scared of. A couple of examples would be; talking in front ofpeople,job ¡nlervicws, talking to sonrconc you'rc attractcd to. Fcaroll¡cks cvcrvonc Al difl'cr.¡nl li'nos anrl illr.¡!s N.rt .vcrv^r1{r ha. th.

fo ttreavsn

same fear, but everyonewho is feeling fear over sometbing that they

should¡'ifea¡ has ihis Demon standing next to them in the spiritual

dimension infecting them with his.poisonous, dark energy .

In the spiritual dimension' you will see a Demon standlng ne)'t to

you shakin; and tembling so fast it seems like a blü and slightly out

of fo".rr. Ci"u, yo.t .pidtual dimensions and get dd of this Demon

and your fear will go awaY.

(.ridry JPtvey

Confusion Demon

llave you ever had trouble nraking a decision?Many pcople have trouble making dccisions about an¡thing from

what clothes lo wear, what to cook for dinncr, what career path totake or what car to buy, to who to date or marry. Many peoplc suflcr

Your KeYS Io ¡ rcuvsr¡

tinnt in,l*"i"¡u,i*: thcy cun't ¡r¡kc ir dccisio¡¡ ¿lborrr ur¡ything' dnd

-'" fi'lT:l#'-::;s vou confuscd; it makes vou very indccisive

,,0""1';i";i'i;; i;ln"':J' :.:' 1:'l;ll iliJoX;' i:T¡"",T""i;..i|:.;:lfi ilT.l$'J"iTllii#J'",1;; ;;; linow which end is

"p r¡u* tr" '"u*n

io:ff.l|liJH"flL "rthis

Demon and vour

decision-making skills will ge¡ bcrter lnsLanuy'






Dtztntg l,r Coit! tthhlcn, 2lúótllR¡Ehts 1t¿slnttl, GS L¡nt n?]1k, atai, Qtllóh¡nt


Qary $pivey

Jealous, Envy and Greed Demon

Everyone has fcltjeatously, envy or greed at some time in their lives.This is becaüse the Demon ofJealousy, Envy and Greed is a¡ound allofus.

This Demon makes you feel the emotions ofjealousy, enlry andgreed toward other people and their possessions. This is a verycommon Demon.Anytimc you feel the slightest litde bit ofjealousy,envy o¡ greed, you can be guaranteed that this Demon is with you.

As I said before, Demons attack yourspiritual body makingyouf'eel emotions that aren't real. This Demon falls into the category ofwhat Icall, "psycho Demons."These Demons choreograph disasters.They can create such rages ofjealousy withi¡ you that you just gopsycho and even hurt someone else or yourself. Yor-r may cven killsomcone oryourself. Whcn someonc commits suicide,I always see aclüstcr ofthese Demons attacking their spiritual body.

In thc spirifral dimcnsion, you will see a Demon running backand forth betwccn you and the person you f¡cl thesc emotions toward.This Denrolr will be taunting and te¿sing you ancl pounding you in the

A ll yori l)uvu to (l() is clcll your spir'ituul rlinrcnsiorrs uxl gct lirlofth¡s l)crrrrnr. irr(l lhc [.clings rvill go urvu¡.



You¡ KeYs to tlsaven

Communication I)emon

H.' e r ou er cr found il difficult Iu Ialk lo someone and express your

H:''i":li;:'i\iill',|!;;llSi{*l ;lg llm'iJ Ji ilj: :: tT::

I llllriii lii:lll :i:: 1. i ;i:r' * :lll'ilrr:i'::i'.'1i:J""J'l

Draa,ütg by (ir¿, tYtr¿a", 2006,l1t Rtahtr Res.rr¿¿, CS.Iínitut tnc, O¡ai, CtliJirn¡¿

'l his is ¡ vcry c('tnr¡(¡l l)!llxnr. Ml[y |rc(,plc conrc k) rc i¡ndwant to know why thcy l'cel rcstrictcd aro[nd thcir lhroat whcn thcyneed to spcak up. This could be in your prol'cssional or privatc l¡fb. lfthis Demon is around you, you w¡ll¡ot bc able to spcak your mind-eveo thougb you should!

In the spirittral dimension, you will see a Demon holding a ropewith a spiked dog collar a¡ound your throat pulling it tight. TheseDemoris usually travel in groups of two or more.

If som€one bas a Communication Demo¡, the spikcd collar isaround their throat and the other end of the collar is a¡ound theDemon's throat. They will have a da¡k energy in thefu commurúcationchakra located in their n€ck. At the same time, while they may have ahard time comm¡¡nicating in the physical dimension because ofthisDernon, something ev€n more serious may be happening to them.

This Demon may be caus¡lg an illness within the neck area suchas arthritis o¡ even thyroid cancer.




Itt nign n"'"--ia eS t 'o'd"'t

ln' Oi¿¡ l:i|¡tot"io

EmotionallY Numb Demon

Do vou have ordoyou know Someone who has absolutcly rio emotions

i*i.i ""tiÑ"e.

í *eir emolions arc comDletclY mixed uP? Thcv

are sad when thc) shouldbe happy or lnc¡'rc happy whcn they should

f"tlf* eto,lonutty t'tumb Demon affects your ernotions' making

""" ii'Jt

"*"'"*t""t É*.tion at the wrong time or no emotion al all

i;;;;;o'", t;.av be .in

a *:1;"*l:fl.T"Xi::"'"'.H::;absolutely nothing wrong You go on a ¡

lr'ar¡nr l,r Conr 'fiútu"


7tl R¡ths R6¿--¿¿ GS l tflit¿¿ ln' ('¿¡

ól60 Gary $pivey )'Qur K¿ys fo I{eaven

D.d\tinELt Co¡?) tt¡at¿d 200ó

AIR{lhts Res.í¿¿, ri.S Liüte¿ ¡h. Oidi (ul¡,ln ¡¿

Obsessive ComPulsive Demon

[Jo you or someone you know suffer tiom Obsessivc Compulsive

Disorder? This disordcr is actually causcd by Demons

The Obsessive Compulsive Demons gct into your head and make

you think the samc thought over and ovcr and ovcr and ovcr again' or

thcy makc you ¡epeat the same physical act ovcr and ovcr and over

again. uncontrollably.Whcn I sec ihcse Demons with pcople' it's always the same: The

l)cnro¡s ¡rc in thcir hetd and around thcir body. Thc Dcmo s look

likc litllc bl¡ck papcr(kll crll-()r.rts in lhcsh¿¡pcoi-l)cmons Thcy'rc

feeling lovc towad this pc$on, you're fceling not worlhy, or youmay hate orbe i¡ritated with this pcrson forno appa¡ent rcaso¡_ Thisparticular Denton ¡¡akcs you fcel an cmotion that you shouldn't feel.Sone people havc their cnotions mixed up or they mav not haveleeling! al all. I u ork wirh ntany pconlc $ h.r find rh.j don:r have an¡feeljngs toward othcr peoplei üey are complelely devoid ofléelings.This is the casc, especially whcn peoplc are takilg anti-depressants ofother nood altcring drugs.

tn the spirilualdinrensiol.¡s, you willscc a Demon standjng in frontol ¡uu u irh a melitl pl3le tn¡cheJ lo it. .romach. \^ har h¿ppens isIhi. DernoI intbcds jnto your spirirual body carrsinp a black energ¡ rnyour stomach. Cet rid ofthc Demon and you get rid ofthe blackencrgy. Thcn your true fcclings will shinc through.

Your stomach or gut cnergy has to dcal with your emotio¡s. TheDemons put this black encrgy ovcr you¡ stomach to block youremotions o¡sbp you fi om having any fcelings atall-





62 Vour Kcys fr., Fieoven

l-fi¿¡.1 ,iprr r.y

holding hands and thcy wrap arrund the br.airr and the rcst ofthe bod¡rall d1e w¡y down to the ¡ocs.

'l'his Denon is always present in cve¡yonc who has an addictiolt1<l drugs. alcohol, snoLcing, eating. gambling. ser or even co-dcpendency. It is also what I bciieve to bc the core rcasoll thar pcoplecan't stop doing any ol thesc hurtful thiügs evcn thoLrgh thcy tryo!er and over agaii. F or examplc. ifyou're a chain smokel. ).oLl $,illhavc hundreds ofthesc little obscssi\¡e contpulsi',,e Dcmors on youran¡s and ha11ds ntaking ¡,ou ¡each for a cigarctte ovef and o\,eragain tclling yoü to, "smoke. smoke. smokc!'' Final1y, yourconscious nind gi!es in and you snroke a cigarctte again and againand agaill. This is true l¡r anyone $,ho has all addiction to anythjng:This Demon makes you do it over and ovcr antlovcragain ntakingyou bccome ¿rddicted to it.

There arc two things going on (1) spiritually you have these littleObscssire Compuisivc Demons afl'ecting yoll ard (2) rnentally yorLha\,e a habit. Oncc yoLr gct rid ofthc Demous. the habit r.ill be veryeasy to brcak no matter how bad ir is. Usually, rvhen I get rjd ofsomeone-s Obsessivc Compulsive De¡tons, they can break thc habilwithin ¿ few days and never rctum to thcir addiction again.

Thc¡earc othelcases ofObsessivc Compulsive Disorder. A personwho may circlc the block tburtimcs bel'ore hc pulls inro his drivcwayor someone \\'ho has to straighten oLlt al1 of thc objects on hercoünleftop belbre she cán go to sleef at nighr. As I said bcfbre. cLearthe spi tual dinensions and get d ofthese Demons arountl you andin you and thc p¡oblcrn $'ill go ¡l\.ay.

Tcstimonial by Ch stina,\uman

I was out ¡n Cal¡forn¡a ¡n September 2004 wíth mythree chíldren and we went to see Gary w¡th one of myg¡rlfr¡ends who had lost both of her ch¡ldren My fr¡endwas hav¡ng an appo¡ntment w¡th Gary for her ownpersonalreasons and I about mine. One ofthe reasonsI went to see Gary was to see ¡f he could do antth¡ng tohelp me stop smok¡ng because, morc than anyth¡ng' Iwanted to qu¡t. I had tr¡ed everyth¡ng poss¡ble to qu¡t

smok¡ng ¡ncluding havíng most of the s¡de effects ofZyban, wh¡ch could have been fatal. I wanted noth¡ngmorc than to qu¡t by my 3Oh b¡tthday We , today ¡s my30th b¡tthday and today ¡s my fotty-first day w¡thoutsmok¡ng. I just wanted to thank you, from the bottom ofmy heart, for what you d¡d for me by gett¡ng r¡d of myObsesslve Compuls¡ve Demons. I have not had acigarctte s¡nce my meet¡ng w¡th you ¡n September.

May God Bless You.Chr¡st¡na Auman


o!64 üary .5pivey

Sleepy Demon

This Demon will make you fall asleep or gct extremcly drowsy forno apparcnt reason. Many child¡en in school havc this Demon:The Dc¡non causes the child to get very drowsy in class. They tryto stay awake, but since they'rc trying so hard to stay awake, theycan't pay attention to the teacheq and their school work suffers.This Demon also attacks when you're driving trying to causeyo[ to have an accident. tl, for cxample, you have to be up earlyone moming for a teally important mceting, this Demon may causeyou to sleep through you¡ alarm.

ln the spiritual dimensio¡, this Demon always stands next toyou blowing sleepy dust in your face. Thc dust is a grcy color and,whcn it's blown into your facc, it creatcs heaviness within yourwho)e body, especially your eyc Iids.

.lust think, ifteachers would lcam to rid this DeInon fronr theirstr(lcnls. how their schoolrvork rvorrltl inr¡rr-ovc. llorv nuny childrcn,who ¡f0 dii¡gnoscd wilh ¡ttcnlio¡ (lclicil (lisof(icf, nt¡y not havc thisrliso¡dcl ut ¡ll'/

Your Keys lo tieaven

Dntthl( lrr Q)d.r hbtl¿ñ 2l)0ótl Risht\ R.t rre¿, GS Lñ¡t..!tfr. oi¡i c¿til¿tnia

Depression Demon

According to the World Heatth Organizatio¡, l2l million peopleworldwide suffe¡ from depression. l've worked with people taking as

many as two, thrce. fouf of morc anti-depressants a dayjust trying toiccl bcttcr Ifthc mcdical socicty would lcarn to treat depression ftom¿ spifitu¡l stanalpoinl, m¡Dy ol lllcsc pcoflc would ncvcr nccd anynrcdicirli()ll. Il-yoLr rvurrt lo lccl iDslrrrrlly hcllcr. Íhcnjust gc1 fi(l ol lhcl)r'rr()l{irrsir!' tlr. il:rr'li trLr.l,v irr vrrrrllrtrui.



Dru*inE b aor.r tti)¡¿¿k. )NóAtt Riahts Ra¿ne¿, CS. Lin,i¡.¿ l,r. Ojl¡.Qt¡l¡,,¡a



Gary 6pivay

I see thc spiritually-crippling ei]¿ct that anti dcpressant dr!¡gs have

on people. lfyou learn to get rid ofthe Dcmon that is causing yourdepression, you will bc able to gct rid ofthe drugs,

In the spiritual dimension, you will sce a largc Demon standingbchind you with his hands around your head compressing andproiccting dark energy ilto your head. When this happens, it forcesall your God light and happiness out of your head causing yourdeDrcssion.

Testimonial by Keith Cochrane

My name ¡s Ke¡th Cochrane; I'm a 36 year old manw¡th two k¡ds. I was in a very dark place in my l¡fe. I wasat a po¡nt where I just wanted to shoot myself-my m¡ndwas cluftered w¡th dark and depressed thoughts. Thenlheard Gary on a rad¡o show in San Franc¡sco andthought maybe he could help me.

Italked to Gary over the phone. Gary sa¡d that, ¡nthe present, ¡f lwere to cont¡nue as Iwas, he saw mewak¡ng up one day and blow¡ng my head off. He got r¡dof the Demons that were keep¡ng me depressed,mumm¡fíed and try¡ng to k¡ll me. He showed me how toIook ¡nto the sp¡r¡tual d¡mensions and rece¡ve sp¡r¡tualgifts so I could get r¡d of the Demons myseff, ¡f theywere ever to come back.

Atthattime, lwas on 60mg of Prozac a day. lleamedhow to keep the Demons away and, three weeks later,I'm off the Prozac and feel great. From the t¡me I putdown the phone untíl now, my l¡fe has completelychanged. Igotmore help ¡n one phone ca with Garythan allthe shr¡nks combined.

Thank you so much Gary, you really changed my life.Ke¡th Cochrane

Y our KeVs to lleaven

Drut'iry L'r (ú¡'r tr''r¿rü 2t)0ó

1l!ktsh^Rr!r't!¿ Al l"rú¿¿tft Oiti Calt7rüúr

Anger/Rage Demon

Do you havc ¿ bad tcmper or do you lose control for no appalrcnt

rc¡son'l This Dcmon oauses pcoPle to gct mad ancl losc control' I'm

ñol lalking .bout gctting rnad lbr a good re¿sor, fot examplc' ifyor'rr

pursc or\rrllcl is slolcn l'm t¡lkingabotlt lhe pcoplc \rho arc mad at

thc worlci al, trLrt cvcrything. cvcn rvhcn thcy don'1 llil!e a l cason lo bc

nr¡tl.'l_hisl)cntonwill rllitkc yotl gct ma(l o!er nonscnse things thc

\\L.¡lhcr. v()trr lc:lnr lt)sc\- l{x) rllllch lf¡llic- of }otrl-\pousc kx)l(s ¡lyolr thc \\ r)rril \rirY.




6968 Gary Spivey

The Anger/Rage Demon makes you ragc at things you can't control.In thc spiritual dimension, this Dcmonjumps into your physical

body totally possessing and taking control ofyou for a *,hilc. Oncethis Demon gets done with you, it will lcave your body and you x,illstop raging, but it may be too late the damage may alrcady bedonc.You may havc hita loved onc, quityourjob. run somcone offthe roadin a moment ofrage, killcd someonc, or cven killed yourself. Oncethis Demon leaves you, it gocs on to its ncxt victim creating morehavoc, leaving you behi¡d to dcal with the mcss that it creatcd.

In the spiritual dimension, you will scc a Demon that's black incolor with largc fangs. This Det¡on i$ vcry intelligent and o¿nmanipulatc you and othc6 around you all at the same time. {rcatingthe pefect disaster. This Demo¡ has pointed ears, evil eyes, sometúnehoms and fang teeth and it also has claw hands. When thesc clawhands get a hold ofyou. it is hard to shake loose. People, who areaddicted to drugs or alcohol, are many times more susceptible tothese Demons.

I know I must sound rcdundant at this point, bur you must clcaryour spiritual dimensions and use your spiritu¿lgifts (t will teach youhow to.eceive them) to get lid ofthe Demon, in this l)emon's case,before it gets rid ofyou or somcone yo!¡ lovc.

I was doing my ¡egular oncc a week radio show in Las Vegaswhcn we got a call from a listcncr.I sens0d an inpofancc iD the DJ'svoice as hc said, "Gary you've probably heard about this." I hadn'lheard aboutitbecause" sonetimes I'm so bLtsy that I don't pay atrentjonto üe news. This was a horible sitl¡ation that took Dlace in Vesasuhcre a lady ccmc horne ro lhc moir u lhinkablc rrrgecly rhar couldcvcrbe. Her husband, herdaughterancihcr nephew werc allmurdered.That was about all the information I had to go on and, the next thingyou know. we arc live on the air W'th a cry¡ng and shaky voice, shcbcgan to ask mc her questions as if I wcrc an old fr icnd and the onlyone who could kno\¡ the Íue answcfs lo them. She was despcrate lbrlhese answers as hc. husbald, hcr lillle girl and her nephcrv had allbeen ripped away from her in a single bkrw and fbr no apparc¡treason.As I tapped into hfi energy. I fclt a deplh ofpain in nly chcst arld itwas all I could do to kccp from crying.

I tricd nry best to comlofl hcf xn(l 1o rcud sorrr!r sort olsanity intolhis hoffiiyir)f¡ lragcdy thr¡1 h¡d lllllclt olr l( llr t)ic lr)rl Icr loved oncs.l hts ntrttc Lhlrrr hon-ilyinq ll¡gc(ly llilrl otilv l)ll)l)olo(l ir l(.w (llys hclin o

hrn(l. l lris is lrcf sl(n v:

Tcstimoni¿l by Kinrmic Kuivincn

My name is K¡mm¡e Ku¡v¡nen (the mother of Johnna andw¡fe of John). I was dr¡ving on my way home from work on 6-1B-05 and called my husband, John, on the phone, who wass¡tt¡ng at the apañment with my daughter Johnna and h¡sbrother, Carleton, and h¡s son, Kameryn. As we f¡nished ourconversat¡on, he saíd, "1'llcallyou back in a minute." He d¡dn'tcall back, so I called h¡m back. I saíd, "What are you doing?"He said, "Go¡ng crazy, I'll call you back." But he never d¡d. I gotto the apartment about n¡ne m¡nutes after l got off the phonew¡th h¡m. I got out of my car and stafted walking toward thefront door. As I was walk¡ng down the s¡dewalk, my brother-¡n-law (Carleton) was walk¡ng out of the front door. Once he sawme, he turned around and took two steps back toward thefront door (like he forgot someth¡ng), then he turned backaround and walked to the park¡ng lot. I walked ¡n the door tof¡nd my husband on the k¡tchen floor with a shotgun wound.My daughter, Johnna, age,6, and nephew Kameryn, age, 5,

were ¡n the¡r bedroom. They had also been sho¿ I was frant¡cand called 911. W¡th¡n m¡nutes, fhe pol¡ce and emergencyserv¡ces were there.

When I spoke to you a few days after the shoot¡ng, yousaid that Carleton had a mult¡ple personal¡ty and another sp¡r¡t(Demon) entered h¡s body and made h¡m do allofthese horr¡f¡ck¡ll¡ngs, and then left h¡s body. You sa¡d a Psycho Demonentered h¡s body and th¡s ¡s why ¡t happened. You sa¡d thatCarleton d¡dn't even know what he'd done or why he did ¡t. Ascrazy as ¡t sounds, there couldn't have been any other reasonwhy he did th¡s other than a Demon tak¡ng over h¡s body. Formy brother-ínlaw to be the one who d¡d th¡s, is m¡nd blow¡ngto me because he has been noth¡ng but good to us. I havenever seen h¡m and his brother f¡ght or argue at any t¡me, so ¡tmade no sense to me that he had done this horr¡ble th¡ng ofk¡||¡ng h¡s brother, h¡s n¡ece aDd l¡¡s own son.

You sa¡d llnt yau saw oDc of lhe ch¡ldren was eañhboundand Vot bel¡eve(l ¡l was ll\) l¡llh: 1x)y. Yt)u lold nte lo tell KaDtcrytl

YorLrr f{ey: te¡ lleava¡r

7l70 C}ary Spirey

to look up and go w¡th the Angels. You then told me that youwould need my help to coax hím ¡nto the tight w¡th the Angelsso he could ascend to heaven w¡th my husband and daughter.You then told me to call h¡s name out loud. I said, "Kameryn,take the Angel's hand. Go into the light." He then let h¡mself gobecause he recogn¡zed my vo¡ce and trusted me.

When lsaw Carleton outs¡dethe apañment, he was walk¡ngout the front door. He turned around and took two steps backtoward the front door and then turned around and walked backtoward the park¡ng lot. You said thatmy husband, in the spir¡tuald¡mension, got ¡n h¡s way and was screamíng at hím to leaveme alone and leave now as he d¡d ¡nstead of going back intothe house to k¡ll me, too. You then sa¡d that you could see myhusband and my daughter and they were crying tearc of joybecause they were talk¡ng to me. John (my husband) said totell methat Johnna's head was okay and that he (rny husband,John) could breathe. You then sa¡d that they both loved meand they said they were okay. At that time, an Angel took mynephew to them ín heaven and he was also there but veryconfused because he just arr¡ved. You sa¡d an Angel ¡s tak¡ngthem and walk¡ng away now. After I hung up the phone, I wasst¡ll l¡sten¡ng to the rad¡o and I heard you talking to the DJs(Chet and Amy). You stated how the t¡ttte boy (Kameryn)l¡stened to me because he trusted me. When he heard myvoice, he l¡stened and went with the Angets to the l¡ght. yousaíd that he was very scared and freaked because he was thelast one to get shot and he saw everything that happened.That's why he was earthbound.

After I spoke toyou, everyth¡ng that you had sa¡d was exac yr¡ght. You sa¡d, ¡n the reading, that John said to te me,"Johnna's head ¡s okay," and that he coutd breathe. The pañwhere you sa¡d he could breathe made sense to me, becauseno one else knows what I said to John when I saw h¡m shotly¡ng on the floor. l repeatedly kept say¡ng over and over toh¡m, "Baby just bteathel Just brealhe! Im herc." For Vou tosay that he sa¡d, "Tell her lcan brcalhe. I'm now ¡u heaven."w¡ls ¿t¡naz¡Dq lo nc &tt' llte l)a¡1 ll¡ii! you sakl al)oú! Joltnnat s

Your Keys 1o Lleaven

head be¡ng okay, ldid not understand. I had the read¡ng w¡thyau on the rad¡o on Thursday 6-23-05 and d¡d not see myhusband and daughter unt¡l the¡r wake on Fr¡day 6-24-05.When I saw them, they had done my daughter's ha¡r differentthan I normally do ít. Johnna had cut her bangs about s¡xmonths pr¡or to th¡s happen¡ng and her hair was shoñ ín thefront. Over the next s¡x months, het ha¡r had grown out a b¡tand was gett¡ng longer. When the funeral home d¡d her hair,they had layed her ha¡r across her forehead. That wascompletely d¡fferent than the way she normally looks, so Imoved her ha¡r back and d¡scovered a big red bump on herhead. You had told me about her head a day pr¡orto me evensee¡ng them. I was completely amazed and I bel¡eve that Johnknew I was go¡ng to move her ha¡r and he d¡dn't want me tobe surpr¡sed when I saw the bump on her head.

I want to thank you for all of your help with this tragedythat has happened ¡n my life. lcan agree w¡th Kametyn (mynephew). As he joíned my husband and daughter ín heaven,he told you, "Thank you. You are a nice man."

Thank you so much, Gaty, for being there ¡n my time of need.

Sincerely,K¡mm¡e Ku¡v¡nen


1' Oary .Spivey Yoar Ke¡rs lo lleav¿n

this Denron aficcts nrostly young girls starting at thc agc of I l- l3ycafs old. A lelltalc sigu that this Dcnron is present may be that lheyoung girl is writing on hcr hands and a¡ms or cvcn o¡ lhe rtalls ofhcr room. This Denlon is also enp¡thable or contagious as allDemons arc.

This is an eximplcof horv one Denrtx affccts you and then anothcrDemoD joins in thc fur ol deshoyiDg your lil¡.

ln the spir¡tual dinrension. a Mutilation Demon has long knilbbladcs fof finge¡s and a dagger for a tonguc.

Here's a lcttcf t'()m a lady rvho had one of thc most possessed

daughteN that I havc cvcr seen. This child was diagrroscd with manydisordersi she rvas on lots ofdil'Gre¡t mcdications. l'illcthcrcxplaj¡1to you what it r+as likc befbre and at¡cr I used nly spiritual -qifis tohclp her dnLrghter.

I thcn helped hcf to rcceive heL vcrl orvn spiritual gifts so thaL

shc could continue hclping he| claughtcl and get ricl of tl'le I)cflousthat wor¡ld altack hc¡.

Ishould emphasizc thatthis is ¿n ext¡cmccxample.

'Iestilnonial by Susan

This child was born C-sect¡on. She was sf¿/ck Shewasn't com¡ng out e¡ther way and they had to pry herout of my stomach. She was a very qu¡et baby, d¡dn'tcry very much and líked to sleep. At 18 months, shetook off het d¡aper and said, "l'm not wear¡ng th¡sanymore." And she didn't. She was very content; shecould watch D¡sney mov¡es for hours. When she wasabout 2 years old, I was drcss¡ng her lor a bífthdaypañy-l wanted her to wear a cute dress and she d¡dn'twant to. I could not bel¡eve that someone so youngand smallcould become so angry and v¡olent. lthought,at the t¡me, that th¡s ¡s what they meant by the Terr¡bleTwos. When she was 3 to 4 years old, she bumped herhead and needed stitches. When ¡t was t¡me to stítchher up, they could not hold her down. They had to call¡n a male nurse. They put het ¡n a papoose (strappedhct lrcad and bo(ly lo a boañ) and lhe ¡t¿lo ¡t¿lrse a/so


Mutilation Dernun

The Mutilation Demon gives you the urge to cut yourself.

_ _ This Demon has the capability ofjumping insidc ofyour physical

body, gaining conhol ofyourcentral neNous system ancl making yor_rthink that the most important and practical thing in the world to-Á isto slice the top ofyourarms, legs, wrists or chest over and overasain_It makes you bel¡evc lhat jt is anraclive ro cut yoursclll

For example, onc day you may bc sitting around watchin! TVYou go inro rhc kiLchen lo gct sorncthing lo drink an<l ruddcnir theDemon jumps inLo your physic¿l b,d). lelling 1ou to rake our a initcand cut yourself. So you reach into tlre drawer, Dull out a knife andcut yoursclli When this Demon is through u irh yoLr, it \ ill cxit vourbod¡ lear ing ¡ou with rhe hlood). rcarrcd Ine.s ir rnaJe ofyou.

Oncc lhi. Demon is tlnne. o Depre.:ion Dernon ntat la ke hol,lrnak rnF ) ou Fo itltrr tltt. hottulnlc.s pil ,,1 rlcprc.sion u olrderint r_r ht¡¡rrl lr0w )¡'¡r c,rUkl ltr|rtil¡rt(.\¡nrrs.ll. llrclt. ir S rt.l,k.Dcr¡,,n- nl:rv¡rrkcoter Jrrrilt! \,, t,,(\r cU'| rl sIit.¡¡le. lr, ||,¡i,i.Ll ¡lt.rr

Dl1r\¡n! 6 Wada. 2006.1I Righrs R.s"rr¿¿. cS. Lnn¡ h4 ot¿¡, (¿t¡loñnt

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ho, l,ond. lt w,B nol llta "/r;;-out, tt wa s be¡no hat,r,r^,...- ; _"jj,. l,.s Ih al h aa A ad hcr

)'¡rt¡r Keys k) I k,.tv(¿rl



trfiutriiiir3rtr#tiffi'-rffiw:t:;:':;2ffi x*ít::!!!i:f:íi,,"',n:?:::.:i:#í'::;::ái:!i:::.!,#';!:;:X""

it'::!;;i:;,;!;i:;Í::;::;:,y"y,i:?Y",i::;:;,::ocomforf¡ng to her. She will scíeÁy:i: !:."A, y* *,, " li" í"í,!,2', i;,i: f::rr;:,or h:td h.e.r She woutd atways say. Don t touch me.,:

,,,::í#:':;;"?:J,,2':,"XZo.:*,pnotosoi-i',c-1rd (:aveq by ne) *", r;;;;Ti'i!,3'lJí!"i?i,!,n: !:!:? \? fU Mother.s Day. rni" o,otu i,jliá|.i!;:;üü;",r,!,:::""Jy,,:nx::f ,,::gziz!:,nstart,over. Her grades in school have been D.s and F.s?:.:!*: V"3r" S-áe has óeen offered hetp ¡n schoot,

Tffii?:;:::,::l,X?',i,7!^Í,,i,;f lJ!ff :;Xi:liZlr::^-:?:bout inything becausá she *n á¡u. sn"iá"Deen,,see¡ng

.a .therap¡st oÍf and on for the tust árá "iáa na y^ears

,(,she has fhe fherapls¿s sno wed). We have

:::ó.ii:1,::f,:1,,""!Í,!f"""yiJ"n'aiotio,r"iirI nen we called GaN.

^r^When t tatked to Gáry about my daughter, he sa¡d

:::..y:." ,r.,y ansry, very ¿arx. á¡d noi tike hersei, she-was ugly. very angry at herfather and ha[eá

2lL"ifiÍJ;ilí!3!i !!:, a mai- had sprtt personat¡t¡es

^^ Yltlc1O ^?\"d at her ¡n the sp¡r¡tuat dimensiont::_s.a,w alm¡:s of Demons, hundreds of the¡n_niri

man ,he,

had ever seen wilh anyone. He removed allt::..da:kn?ss ald all ot the DeÁons. he sa/d she was

x\i"f¿:.{:ilf ,T,z:;:,{J,:7!:,f::,r:g"x3were removed.

.":!Í^:,?!,, she w-as very qu¡et. we were go¡ns\,nnsmas.shopp¡ng. She picked out a coupte of itemí,ii::^1: 1.*! zomb¡e_t¡ke: sne aianr reauy tari' áiáI::fl',;::;n''i,'::,-il:!:;:':::il:::i:ii:li




Aary S¡zivey77


You¡ KeY¡ lo [1¿¿¡v¿n

go home. The next day, she said she d¡d not feel good(throwing up all day and she had a headache). Shewanted to stay home from school. She often would doth¡s: however, th¡s t¡me was d¡fferent. She said that shewanted to sleep in our bed. Th¡s was very odd for her,

there was a lock on our bedroom door for obv¡ousreasons. I let her sleep there for the day.

The next couple of days were just qu¡et, a hugewelcome rel¡ef for the fam¡ly. She asked me to sleepw¡th her one n¡ght and tellher stor¡es-any stor¡es aboutanyth¡ng, so I d¡d. She sa¡d she felt l¡ke she was dy¡ngbut couldn't expla¡n anyth¡ng other than that. She sa¡d

she felt empty, About two weeks later, she was witñ afr¡end and sa¡d, "l feel very content; l've never felt th¡sway before." I used th¡s oppoñunity to get ¡n a couple ofhugs ftom her.

Th¡ngs were qu¡et for a month or so, then a Demonshowed up. Her father could see ¡t in her eyes. Sfle wasyell¡ng, scream¡ng, swear¡ng and threw a pan at h¡m.

Ihis was caosed because he would not g¡ve her a ride.She calmed down and wentto her roott¡-we found outlatet to cut herself. We sat and prayed to God and theAngels to get rid of the Demons.

Th¡ngs were quietfor a while, but I thinkthe Demonsare creep¡ng back l¡ttle by little. Th¡s past week, shesaid she's gorng fo k¡ll herseff, but fhst she is go¡ng tostab a kn¡fe ¡n my chest because she sa¡d she hatedme. She scared her slsfer so much fhatshe won't sleep¡n her own room. She was scream¡ng and swear¡ng ather father and throw¡ng th¡ngs at him. Dur¡ng this, shetrípped and fell. LateL she sald she d¡slocated helthumb. I don't know ¡f she did ¡t to herself or not,however. she blames her father. She sa¡d "The F'erbroke my thumb." Aftertltat, she sa¡d she was go¡ng tosl¡t her wr¡st.

Gary was ¡n ny hometown aud I needed lo see h¡m.

lDceded Gary to save my ch¡ld íron lhe Denous ancl

herself. When I metw¡th Gary, he sa¡d, "There are st¡ll a

tot of Demons w¡th her'" He was able to work on ner

darkness and remove more Demons; he said they are

verv stronq and d¡d not wdnl to leave her' Gary sa¡d

sh; had a ;plit soul. h alt-wh¡le and half-black Th¡s would

exDlain a loL of her behav¡oL Gary also sa¡d she makes

L¡nda Blai (the child ¡n fhe Exorcist mov¡e) look l¡ke a

cupcake. C¿ry removed the Demons and darkness

t he nextday. once aqa,n she was sick th¡ow¡ng up'

had a nosebteód, and pain and pressure ¡n her head

She tay around the house for a couple of days' bu¡ she

was Áuch calmer-l¡fe d¡d not seem so crazy and it

was almost pleasant. There were lew t¡meswhen I could

sánse the dLrknesswas st¡llthere, butthingswere much'

much bettet.I knew that Gary had an upcoming sp¡r¡tual retreat

and Gary thought it would be a good ¡dea for me to

anend. I'm goiÁg to Gary's retreat to learn all I can to

ietp ny daigntár stay Demon-free My daughter asked

¡t twoit¿ asiAarv ¡t she had any Demonq I sa¡d lwould'

It was retreat t¡me, and, yes, she d¡d have some

Dernons sti// hang¡ng around During the retreat' I

l"Jrn"d no* to ,""á¡vi spiritual gifts: I received a spk¡tual

qíft from God of a huge dagger/sword to k¡ll them and

ieeo *em away At first l coutd nol see my sp¡r¡lual'o¡n,

niw"r., t *Zpt "w¡nging

thal sword unl¡l Cary sa¡d

they were all goneweird stuff has been happen¡ng ¡n my house since

mv return from the retreat. My husband is see/tg

oLmons. out doesn't bel¡eve if; he says lt's hls

imaq¡nation and that I'm messing h¡m up l told h¡m to

k¡ltlhem with the dagger that he can see' but agatn he

ti:hinks it's his imaginat¡on He had us running to a lower

leve! of our house because he saw a huge Demon oll

oL[ bedroonl ceil¡ng; ¡t swooped down and went ¡nto

oI[ bathroon. t asked h¡n ¡f he k¡]led ¡l and he sa¡cl

''No. I ¡ust told yoLt 1o gel oLtl ilttd tllctl followed beh¡¡t't


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