Key Energy Efficiency Solutions for SME Hotels.

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Please cite this publication as

Hotel Energy Solutions (2011), Key Energy Efficiency Solutions for SME Hotels, Hotel Energy Solutions project publications

First edition: 2010 Revised version, July 2011

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© Hotel Energy Solutions (2011)

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Hotel Energy Solutions (HES) Project Basics

Full name: Excellence in Energy for the Tourism Industry – Accommodation sector: SME hotels (EETI)

Contract N°: IEE/07/468/S12.499390

Hotel Energy Official Partners

Project Supported by

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Table of content


Tourism and the environment 3

An urgent need to reduce energy consumption 4

Promoting energy efficiency solutions to the sector, particularly to SME hotels 4


Classification of energy efficiency solutions into appropriate “solution groups” 6

General information provided for each energy efficiency solution 8

Review of energy efficiency solutions suitable for use in the hotel sector (table format) 10


Overview menu of 20 key energy efficiency solutions suitable for use in SME hotels 24

Criteria used for the selection of the 20 key energy efficiency solutions 26

A solution set to create additional strategies for improving energy efficiency in small hotels


Key to the database on the 20 key energy efficiency solutions 29

General information provided for each energy efficiency solution 29

Example template 30

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EE solutions database



Principle of the “solution provider” 31

Recommendations regarding the solution provider's functions 31

Using the “solution provider”: possible methods to identify priority situations 31


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An urgent need to save energy in the hotel industry

Tourism and the environment

The hotel industry represents one of the most important sectors of the travel and tourism industry and is the world’s largest single employer.

Compared to most other categories of commercial buildings, lodging facilities are unique as regards to operational plans, the types of amenities and services offered, as well as the resulting patterns of natural resource use. Many of the services provided by hotels are resource-intensive, resulting in a significant ecological footprint. Indeed, tourism is one of the three main sectors impacting the environment, after industry and agriculture.

Hotels interact with the environment at every stage of their life cycle. A typical life cycle analysis tends to show that the siting of the hotel and the construction phase represent less than 10 % of the total amount of energy consumption over a 50 year period, thus demonstrating the importance of the environmental impact during the hotel’s operational phase (Despretz, 2001). Therefore, the main environmental impact is most significant during the operational phase of the hotel, which is why efforts have to be made to reduce those environmental impacts.

The following figure illustrates the main environmental elements involved in running a hotel. The “input” describes the material needed for the operation of a hotel; the “output” is the emission or by-product caused by the operation of the hotel.

Hotels have a direct influence on the input and output.

Figure 1. Environmental aspects involved in running a hotel.

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An urgent need to reduce energy consumption

Among the activities that have a major impact on the environment, hotel energy consumption is fundamental. Hotel facilities rank among the top five in terms of energy consumption in the tertiary building sector (only less than food services and sales, health care and certain types of offices) (US EIA, 1998). Although no collective data is available on global energy consumption in the hotel sector, Gössling (2002) estimates that 97.5 TWh of energy was used in hotel facilities worldwide in 2001. Furthermore, European hotels generate nearly half.

The world total of hotel rooms (Eurostat, 2006) was estimated to use a total of 39 TWh (terawatt hours) in 2000 (CHOSE, 2001).

Considering almost 80% of the energy in the world is derived from fossil sources (IEA, 2005), the sector’s contribution to global environmental problems, including global warming and climate change, is not negligible. It is estimated that a typical hotel annually releases between 160 and 200 kg of CO2 per m

2 of room floor area,

depending on the fuel used to generate electricity, heating or cooling (EEO, 1994). Global hotel-based CO2 emissions were assumed to be at the level of 55.7 Mt in 2001 (Gössling, 2002), while Bohdanowicz (2005-a)??? estimates that European hotels emit more than 10 Mt of carbon dioxide annually – given the estimated energy consumption of 39 TWh annually. These figures indicate an urgent need for reducing energy consumption in the hotel industry.

Promoting energy efficiency solutions in the sector, particularly to SME hotels

One way to foster energy efficiency and the reasonable use of energy in the hotel sector in Europe is to promote the most adaptable, practical and cost-effective solutions to SME hotels in order to improve their energy efficiency and use of renewable energy solutions.

SME hotels are an important market to target. Although no specific data has been reported by small businesses, it is assumed that SME hotels account for a large part of energy consumption by the hotel sector, for at least two reasons: the hotel accommodation sector in Europe is dominated by small businesses, which provide around 90% of the total number of rooms, while only 10% are owned by leading European hotel operators; studies show that small independent hotels are less proactive about the environment than large hotel chains, as the majority of the energy efficiency improvements have been implemented by large hotel chains.

Factors such as the challenge to be more competitive, the importance of reducing costs and the growing sensitivity to protecting the environment, all combine to create conditions favourable to the implementation of energy efficiency solutions and the introduction of renewable energy options.

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Why should my hotel care about energy consumption?

Figure 2. Why should my hotel care about energy consumption?

As a small hotel, what can I do to reduce my energy consumption?

Make a first assessment

Involve your guests

Improve equipment efficiency

Protect the building from temperature extremes

Involve your staff


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Energy Efficiency Solutions suitable for use in SME hotels

The aim of this chapter is to provide a review of energy efficiency solutions that are available to SME hotels. It is not intended to be a guide for hotel managers, but rather an overview of 20 solutions which can be selected individually for implementation in a SME hotels.

Classification of energy efficiency solutions into appropriate “solution groups”

The energy efficiency solutions available to SME hotels have been classified into three different groups (see the review of solutions provided below):

the “energy management” solution group compiles the solutions which deal with the hotel’s energy policy as well as staff and guest involvement with the energy conservation measures;

the “reduction of heating and cooling needs of the hotel” solution group contains technical solutions for the renovation of the building’s exterior, in order to reduce the hotel’s heating and cooling needs;

the “equipment efficiency” solution group compiles technical solutions with the aim of improving the hotel’s equipment efficiency, either by a better operational system (through equipment control and regulation) or by replacing equipment.

More details on the classification used for the solutions review are provided in the table below. The link with the solution “domain” (Make a first assessment / Involve your staff / Involve your guests / Protect the building from cold and hot weather / Improve equipment efficiency) – which is more intuitive and more easily understood by a hotel manager – is also illustrated.

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Energy management

► Assess the energy profile of your hotel

► Draw up a simple energy policy

► Adopt good housekeeping practices

► Ensure regular servicing and maintenance of your equipment

► Improve energy management by providing information to staff and guests

Reduction of the hotel’s heating and cooling needs

► Improve the thermal insulation of the building

► Prevent uncontrolled air infiltration

► Improve microclimate & protect the building from the summer heat

Equipment efficiency

► Better operational use of current equipment (through equipment control and regulation)

► Improve heating efficiency (space heating and hot water production)

► Improve space cooling efficiency

► Improve ventilation efficiency

► Improve lighting efficiency

► Improve (other) electric equipment efficiency

Involve your guests

Involve your staff

Make a first assessment

Protect the buildings from temperature


Improve equipment efficiency

Table 1: Classification used to present energy efficiency


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General information for each energy efficiency solution

For each energy efficiency solution, we have tried to provide the information in the following format:

area of the hotel concerned : this indicates whether the solution is for a specific area of the hotel (guest rooms, kitchen…) or if it concerns the building as a whole (in this case, the term “general” is used),

basic requirements / conditions : this provides straightforward information on the conditions which must be found in the hotel in order for the solution to be applicable,

the energy consumption activities (or end-usage) concerned : this indicates which consumption activities are affected by the solution (space heating, space cooling, hot water, lighting, etc.);

potential energy savings: when the information is available, an estimate is provided of the energy savings which can be obtained by implementing this specific activity (%age),

ease of implementation : this scale indicates the level of difficulty for implementing the solution : from easy (*) to moderate (**) and difficult (***),

ideal time to implement the solution : if applicable, an indication is provided on the best time to implement the solution,

return on investment : this is the ratio of cost versus benefit, expressed in terms of number of years; note that :

1. the numbers given are only indicative as the costs of the solutions may vary, as well as the costs of energy (depending on local conditions…). Therefore energy savings and return on investment. are expressed in terms of years (ex: < 5 years) rather than as an exact number of years;

2. the information is provided only to give a idea of whether the energy efficiency solution has a quick return on investment (< 5 years) or a slower return on investment (10-20 years). It is interesting to note that some energy efficiency solutions do not require financial investment (e.g.: good housekeeping practices and other energy management solutions) and therefore have a return on investment of less than one year;

3. information on the return on investment may not be provided, either because the information is not available or because it is not relevant (e.g. when the cost of labour is a large factor, making it difficult to provide an estimate on a European-wide scale; or when the benefits in terms of energy reduction depend greatly on a hotel’s unique situation – for example the benefits that a hotel can obtain from maintenance and regulation of HVAC equipment depends largely on the current equipment and on the maintenance history);

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Link with other energy efficiency solutions

This indicates other possible solutions the implementation of which should considered at the same time.

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Review of energy efficiency solutions suitable for use in the hotel sector (table format)

Energy management

Solution category

# Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic

requirements / conditions

End-usage Potential

energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on investment

Link with other


► Assess the energy profile of your hotel.

1 GENERAL Monitor your energy consumption by keeping track of your energy bills. Prepare a table showing the total annual consumption and cost of each type of energy (electricity, gas, etc), for each year you have the information. Calculate the energy performance index, which is the total energy use normalised over the floor area, and the energy use per guest night sold. Compare performance year-by-year, research changes in consumption. Compare this usage with industry benchmarks. Set objective targets.

There is no energy monitoring in the hotel.

All Immediate corrective actions resulting from energy monitoring can lead to an energy saving of 8 to 10%.

* Before defining and implementing an action plan.

<1 year To be considered together with #2.

2 GENERAL When budget permits, install electricity sub-meters for monitoring the energy used by major building systems or by hotel zone (office, guest rooms, etc.).

--- Usage of electricity (all)

** <1 year To be considered together with #1.

3 GENERAL Conduct a simple energy audit of the hotel.

No energy audit has been carried out for the last 5 years.

All Depends on the resulting action plan.

* Before defining and implementing an action plan.

<1 year Alternative to #4.

4 GENERAL Have an energy audit made by an energy expert. This will usually reveal problems that can be solved through simple and inexpensive actions, identify areas with saving opportunities and help set priorities.

No energy audit has been conducted for the past 5 years.

All Depends on the resulting action plan.

* Before defining and implementing an action plan.

depends on the actions taken after the audit

Preparatory to #6 (action plan).

5 GENERAL Have a carbon emission assessment of your hotel made to evaluate the GHG emissions resulting from each activity (laundry, space conditioning, supplies transportation, etc.).

--- All Depends on the resulting action plan.

Before defining and implementing an action plan.

depends on the actions taken

Complementary to #4 (energy audit).

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Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution

Basic requirements /


End-usage Potential

energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on investmen


Link with other


► Draw up a simple energy policy

6 GENERAL Set up an action plan:

Draw up an energy policy establishing objectives and the means by which the hotel intends to meet them.

Make someone responsible for energy usage in your hotel. Ensure « energy » is a regular agenda item in your routine operational meetings.

Provide a small energy saving investment budget to fund low cost energy saving measures.

There is no explicit action plan to reduce energy consumption of the hotel.

All Depends on the action plan.

* Before undertaking any renovation work.

<1 year To be considered together with #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5.

► Adopt good housekeeping practices


Ensure that temperature for room thermostats are set at the correct level for guest comfort, to reduce the need to open doors and windows while air conditioning or heating is on.

Guest rooms are equipped with individual thermostat controls.

Space heating

Space cooling

* Immediately. <1 year To be considered along with #39, #40 and #43.


Power and lighting switched off: ensure that all power and lighting is switched off in unoccupied room as soon as guests have checked out.

Guest rooms do not have automatic access control system.


Space heating,

Space cooling.

* Immediately. <1 year To be considered together with #44 and #45.


In summer or winter conditions, ensure that curtains, blinds and windows are closed when a room is unoccupied (unless opened for special reasons).

--- Space heating,

Space cooling.

* Immediately. <1 year To be considered together with #40.



Do not switch on kitchen appliances until required, and switch them off when they are no longer in use.

Ensure dishwashers are only run when full – running a partly loaded machine uses as much energy a fully loaded one.

Try and ensure refrigerators and freezers are located away from high temperature cooking areas; a cooler, well-ventilated place will reduce electricity consumption.

Defrost fridges, mini-bars and freezers when necessary.

Ensure cellar cooling equipment

The hotel has a kitchen.


* Immediately.

<1 year

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operates at minimum energy input: - check temperatures are not set

too low, - keep cellar doors closed, - ensure no heat producing

equipment – such as ice maker, freezer, in-line beer cooler – is located in the cooled cellar.

11 LAUNDRY Operate washing machines and dryers with full loads to minimise number of operations.

Ensure that water temperature and amount of water used are in accordance with the washing machine manufacturer’s instructions.

The hotel has a laundry facility.

Laundry * Immediately. <1 year


Ensure that the main entrance door is closed, to avoid air infiltration.

The hotel has no automated doors.

Space heating,

Space cooli.

* Immediately. <1 year

13 GENERAL Lighting switch off: switching lights off when ambient light levels are sufficient or rooms are unoccupied can reduce lighting energy consumption significantly.

--- Lighting * Immediately. <1 year To be considered together with #44 and #45.


Adjust thermostats to suitable temperatures, especially in unoccupied rooms (meeting rooms, offices, restaurant…).

--- Space heating

* Immediately. <1 year To be considered together with #43.



Air conditioning adjustment: - turn off air conditioning systems

in rooms such as the banquet hall, function rooms, restaurants, etc., as soon as the areas are closed.

- adjust thermostats to appropriate temperature and do not set them too low (in summer conditions, room temperature between 22-24°C is acceptable to most people).

The hotel has an air conditioning system.

Space cooling

* Immediately.

<1 year

To be considered together with #43.

16 GENERAL Free cooling: - In summer conditions, disconnect

the air conditioning system when the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature to benefit from a free space cooling system through ventilation.

The hotel is equipped with a ventilation system that is connected to an 'all-air' air conditioning system.

Space cooling

* Immediately. <1 year

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17 GENERAL Electrical system: Turn off electrical equipment when not in use, or not required for any prolonged period. Be aware in particular of the stand-by on hi-fis, televisions, computers, etc.

--- Usage of electricity (all)

* Immediately. <1 year To be considered together with #42.


Ensure a pool cover is used to reduce evaporation in summer and heat loss in winter.

The hotel has a heated swimming pool.

Swimming pool water heating

up to 95% on water heating.

* Immediately. <1 year

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic

requirements / conditions

End-usage Potential

energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on Investme


Link with other


► Ensure regular servicing and maintenance of your equipment

19 GENERAL Have an easy-to-follow regularly updated manual detailing the operating methods, instructions and standard control settings for HVAC services equipment.

--- Space heating

Space cooling.

*/** Immediately. <1 year To be considered together with #20 and #21.

20 GENERAL Ensure regular servicing and maintenance of heating equipment. E.g.:

- Ensure the mixing control valves of the heating/ cooling system are properly activated.

--- Space heating

*/** Immediately. <2-3 years To be considered together with #19 and #21.



Ensure regular servicing and maintenance of ventilation and cooling equipment. E.g.: - Regularly clean air filters located

in guest rooms, public areas and back of the house.

- Check the settings of air conditioning plants.

- Clean fan coil units, air handling units and cooling coils in order to improve cooling efficiency and indoor air quality.

- Clean air ducts to remove dust and dirt accumulated inside so as to improve system efficiency and indoor air quality.

- Check cooled air ducting for air tightness, to avoid air leakage and energy wastage.

The hotel has a ventilation and/or air-conditioning system.

Space cooling / ventilation

*/** Immediately.

<2-3 years

To be considered together with #19 and #20.

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22 GENERAL Ensure regular servicing of steam pipes.

- E.g.: Ensure steam pipes of steam ovens, dryers, washing machines, etc. are properly insulated to maintain the efficiency of equipment.

The hotel has steam piping.

Specific usage of electricity

*/** Immediately. <2-3 years

23 KITCHEN Ensure the correct maintenance and adjustment of cooking appliances.

- E.g.: ensure that a correct ratio of gas and air is maintained in the gas kitchen stove (in accordance with the specification).

The hotel has a kitchen.

Specific usage of electricity

*/** Immediately. <1 year

24 KITCHEN Regularly clean cooking appliances: burners, ignition, pilot light…

The hotel has a kitchen.

Specific usage of electricity

* Immediately. <1 year

25 LAUNDRY Ensure the correct maintenance and adjustment of laundry machines.

The hotel has a laundry.

Specific usage of electricity

*/** Immediately. <1 year

26 LAUNDRY Check and regularly clean the dryers’ filters.

The hotel has a laundry.

Specific usage of electricity

* Immediately. <1 year


Ensure sand inside the backwash chamber is replaced annually to maintain water filtration efficiency.

The hotel has a swimming pool.

Specific usage of electricity

* Immediately. <1 year

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic

requirements / conditions

End-usage Potential

energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on Investme


Link with other


► Improve energy management by providing information to staff and guests

28 GENERAL Inform and train staff on: - importance of energy efficiency, - good housekeeping practices, - preventive maintenance of


There is no staff training or information on energy issues.

All * Immediately. <1 year

29 GENERAL Communicate to guests: - communicate on good practices

for space heating, opening windows, switching off lights …

The guests are not informed on best practices for energy saving.

All * Immediately. <1 year

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Reduction of heating and cooling needs of the hotel

Solution category

# Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic

requirements / conditions

End-usage Potential

energy savings

Ease of implemen


Ideal moment to implement the


Return on Investment

Link with other


► Improve the thermal insulation of the building

30 GENERAL Windows insulation: where windows are to be replaced, double glazed units with high insulation properties should be used, as the additional cost is marginal. The benefits derived include reduced heat losses, reduced condensation, improved thermal comfort and noise reduction.

The hotel has simple glazing windows.

Space heating

up to 20% on space heating


When making a building (façade) renovation or when renovating guest rooms.

<6 years To be considered together with #32 and #35.

Should be considered before #51, #52 and #46 (as it impacts space heating needs and ventilation needs).

31 GENERAL Cavity wall insulation: heat loss through cavity walls can be reduced by about two-thirds by filling the cavity with insulation. This can be either blown mineral wool, polystyrene beads or foam insulation.

The hotel has cavity walls that are not insulated.

Space heating

up to 35% on space heating


<2-6 years Should be considered before #51, #52 and #46.

32 GENERAL External walls insulation: insulation is best placed on the exterior of the wall (when feasible) as this makes it possible to:

- take advantage of the inertia of the walls (and thus reduce the temperature variations),

- eliminate the cold bridges located at the junction with walls, floors and openings (these are responsible for heat loss).

Insulation can also be placed on the interior of the walls, but in this case thermal bridging issues must be carefully considered. Moreover, addition of internal insulation reduces the interior floor area available.

Space heating

up to 20-50% on space heating when associated with roof insulation


When making a building (façade) renovation.

<5-10 years To be considered together with #30.

Should be considered before #51, #52 and #46, (as it impacts space heating needs and ventilation needs).


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Roof thermal insulation

The roof of the hotel has no proper insulation.

Space heating

up to 20-50% on space heating when combined with external walls insulation

When making a building (roof) renovation.

<5-7 years

Solution category

# Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Initial situation

required End-usage

Potential energy savings

Ease of implemen


Ideal time to implement the


Return on Investment

Link with other


► Reduce air infiltration


Install automatic front doors. The hotel has no automated front doors.

Space heating

Space cooling

** Really depends on the initial situation

35 GENERAL Prevent air infiltration at windows and doors: check weather stripping on windows and doors; eliminate all possible paths of uncontrolled air infiltration; replace leaky joints by waterproof joints.

Space heating

Space cooling

** <1-8 years To be considered together with #30.

Solution category

# Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic

requirements / conditions

End-usage Potential

energy saving

Easiness of


Best moment to implement the


Pay back period

Link with other


► Improve microclimate / protect the building from the summer sun

36 GENERAL Install shading devices or external movable sun-shading devices for windows exposed to summer sun. Install interior shading as a last resort (it is less efficient).

The hotel has space cooling needs in summer.

Space cooling

** When making a building (façade) renovation or when renovating the hotel’s rooms.

May be <5 years

To be considered together with #37.


GENERAL Consider planting trees, shrubs or local plants, for solar shading and for wind protection (deciduous trees for solar protection and coniferous trees for wind protection).

The hotel has space cooling needs in summer.

Space cooling

** When doing exterior works.

Varies greatly (good landscaping: may be less than 8 years)

To be considered together with #36.

38 GENERAL Install open pools or fountains for evaporative cooling.

The hotel has space cooling needs in summer.

Space cooling

** When making outside works.

Varies greatly

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Equipment efficiency

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic requirements

/ conditions End-usage

Potential energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on Investment

Link with other


► Better operational use of current equipment

(through proper control & regulation)


Thermostatic controls: install individual thermostatic controls in guest rooms, with proper upper and lower limits for temperature settings.

The hotel has no individual thermostatic control in guest rooms.

Space heating

Space cooling

up to 10-20% on space heating

*/** When carrying out work on the space heating distribution system.

depends on guests’ behaviour

To be considered together with #40.


Automatic control of heating and air conditioning in guest rooms: - Occupancy linked controls –

these enable guest rooms to be isolated or heated to a “set-back” temperature, automatically, as guests enter or leave their rooms, or when they check in at reception.

- Automatic devices may also be used to switch off air conditioning and/or heating when windows or external doors are opened.

The hotel has no automatic control of heating and air conditioning in guest rooms.

Space heating

Space cooling

up to 20-30% on space heating

** When renovating guest rooms.

may be <1-3 years

To be considered together with #39.


Introduce low-flow showerheads in bathrooms to reduce hot water consumption.

Hot water * Immediately Varies


Install key cards systems to switch off electricity when guest rooms are vacated.

The hotel has key card systems for guest rooms.


Usage of electricity

up to 10% on electricity use


When renovating guest rooms.

may be <3 years (the larger the hotel, the shorter the pay back period)

To be considered together with #40.

43 GENERAL Install a zone regulation for heating and regulate the set point and operating temperatures of the heating/cooling systems according to the actual needs (and occupancy) of different zones.

Recommended temperatures: - Normal heating (occupied spaces):

20-22°, - Low heating (unoccupied short

periods): 16-18°C,

The hotel has zones with different heating needs (ex. guest rooms, meeting rooms and offices…)

Space heating

Space cooling

up to 8% on space heating and cooling

** When renovating the heating system.

Varies To be considered together with #51.

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- Stand-by heating (unoccupied long periods): 12-14°C,

- Normal cooling (occupied spaces): 25-26°C,

- Low cooling (unoccupied short periods): 27-29°C,

Stand-by cooling (unoccupied long periods): 30-32°C.

44 GENERAL Lighting control: Automatic devices are available that make switching off easier:

- time control can switch lights on and off at pre-set times, each day,

- occupancy sensors can switch on lights when movement is detected and switch them off after pre-set period of inactivity.

- photocell controls can switch or dim lights when there is adequate daylight available.

The hotel has no lighting controls.

Lighting Varies */** Immediately <1-8 years To be considered together with #42 and #65.

45 GENERAL Lighting zone control should be adopted, where applicable, to optimize electricity use.

Lighting Varies ** Varies



Ventilation control: adjust outdoor air supply to avoid under-ventilation or over-ventilation (over-ventilation is a waste of energy in winter conditions, while under-ventilation may compromise the comfort and health of the occupants). - Outdoor air supply control, such

as the demand control method using CO2 sensors, can be adopted for effective ventilation and energy saving, especially in a large function room or similar spaces.

- Economiser cycle can be adopted, where applicable, to utilise the cool outdoor air to reduce energy consumption for cooling.

The hotel has a ventilation system.

Space cooling,

Usage of electricity (ventilation)



When renovating the ventilation system.


Should be considered after #30, #31, #32 and #33 (as insulation measures impact ventilation needs).

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47 GENERAL Water temperature regulation: water temperature should be limited to 60°C.

Hot water * Immediately <1 year

48 GENERAL Water temperature control: hot water should be time and temperature controlled separately from the central heating system.

Hot water ** Varies

49 GENERAL Adopt an efficiency peak load-management system for electricity consumption to reduce peak demand (automatic regulator and capacitor banks should be installed for power factor improvement; this includes boilers, laundry and kitchen equipment and swimming-pool).

The hotel has no peak load management system.

** Varies


SAUNA Install a sauna timer control. The hotel has a sauna.

* <1 year

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic requirements

/ conditions End-usage

Potential energy savings

Ease of implementa


Best moment to implement the


Return on investment

Link with other


► Improve heating efficiency

(space heating and hot water production)

51 GENERAL Install high efficiency equipment for space heating and/or hot water production and/or space cooling: - either efficiency boilers

(condensing boiler, low temperature burner),

- or efficiency air heat pumps, - or equipment that use partly or

totally renewable energies (ground water or soil heat pumps, equipment using solar energy or biomass…).

The hotel is equipped with a boiler that is not efficient, or with electric radiators.

Space heating

Hot water

up to 25-35% on heating


When renovating the heating system.

<2-5 years Should be considered after #30, #31, #32 and #33 (i.e. after energy conservation measures have been taken, cause they may reduce heating needs).

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52 GENERAL Install a low temperature heating system (e.g.: floor heating with maximum 50°C flow temperature, or low temperature radiator).

Heat for space heating is distributed with water pipes.

Space heating

up to 25-35% on heating


When renovating the heating and distribution system.

Depends on the hotel situation

Should be considered together with #51.

53 GENERAL Ensure thermal insulation of boilers, water systems, domestic hot water tanks and water pipes.

--- Space heating

Hot water

up to 4-9% on water heating

**/*** When renovating the hot water distrib. system.

may be <1 year

Should be considered after #51.

54 GENERAL Consider installing a hot water closed loop to have hot water available close to the taps and to return hot water back to the water heater.

--- Hot water ** The hot water distribution pipes are long

Depends on the hotel situation

Should be considered after #51.

55 GENERAL Local “instant” hot water heaters should be considered if very long pipe runs are currently needed; this will reduce heat loss in the long pipework as well as reducing water usage, by eliminating cold draw-off.

Domestic hot water is distributed through long water pipes.

Hot water ** The hot water distribution pipes are long

Should be considered after #51.

56 GENERAL Heat recovery: heat waste from air conditioning may be used to pre-heat the domestic water.

The hotel is equipped with an air-conditioning system.

Hot water Can lead to 15% saving on hot water production.


<15 years

57 GENERAL Alternative heat supply: if an efficient district heating is available locally, the hotel may consider connecting.

District heating is available.

Space heating

Hot water

**/*** When renovating the heating system.

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic requirements / conditions

End-usage Potential

energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on investment

Link with other


► Improve space cooling efficiency

58 GENERAL Install a high efficiency cooling equipment (which can be a cooling only equipment, or a cooling/ ventilation equipment or heating/cooling equipment): - e.g.: centralized or semi-

centralized cooling system. - e.g.: high efficiency reversible

heat pump.

The hotel has space cooling needs in summer.

Space cooling

Can result in as much as 50% saving on space cooling.

*** When renovating the cooling/ heating system.

<2-5 years

59 GENERAL Ensure thermal insulation of pipes and air ducts of the air conditioning system.

The hotel is equipped with an air-conditioning system.

Space cooling


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60 GENERAL Install mill-type ceiling ventilators. The hotel has space cooling needs in summer.

Space cooling

Depends on guest and staff behavi.

<1 year

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic requirements

/ conditions End-usage

Potential energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on Investment

Link with other


► Improve ventilation efficiency

61 GENERAL Install an exhaust air heat recovery system in the air-handling unit.

The hotel is equipped with a double flux mechanical ventilation system.

Space heating

Can lead up to 10% saving on space heating.

** <10 years

62 GENERAL Install new motors with variable frequency command to activate ventilators, pumps and cooling systems.

Motors used to activate ventilators, pumps and cooling systems have no variable frequency command.

Usage of electricity (HVAC applications)

up to 70% saving on electricity use.

**/*** When replacing the motors of HVAC applications.

<1-4 years

63 GENERAL Ensure thermal insulation of air ducts.

Usage of electricity (ventilation)

**/*** Varies


Consider use of variable-speed extraction systems to reduce the energy waste by adjusting the fan speed to the rate of extraction required.

Usage of electricity (ventilation)

**/*** supply-exhaust system: <12 years

Solution category # Hotel area Energy Efficiency Solution Basic requirements

/ conditions End-usage

Potential energy savings

Ease of implementa


Ideal time to implement the


Return on Investment

Link with other


► Improve lighting efficiency

65 GENERAL Use high efficiency fluorescent tubes and electronic ballasts in areas lit for long hours, where applicable, to improve efficacy (e.g.: in corridors).

Use LED exit signs.

The hotel has no energy saving light bulbs.

Lighting up to 75% * <1-3 years To be considered together with #42 and #44.

► Improve (other) electric equipment efficiency

66 KITCHEN Connect dishwashers to warm water supply.

The hotel has a kitchen.

Specific usage of electricity


67 LAUNDRY Ozone laundry (mostly in the US). The hotel has a laundry.

Hot water production

75% savings on hot water production

<1-2 years

68 LAUNDRY Connect washing machines to warm water supply.

The hotel has a laundry.

Specific usage of electricity


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69 GENERAL Choose electrical appliances with high energy efficiency ratings (catering equipment, refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, laundry and office equipment, etc.).

Some electrical appliances are more than 5 years old.

Specific usage of electricity

* When replacing electrical equipment.

<1-8 years

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20 key energy efficiency solutions for SME hotels

Overview menu of 20 key energy efficiency solutions suitable for use in SME hotels

The following table provides an overview of the solutions which have been identified as key energy efficiency solutions for SME hotels.

Key solutions for better energy efficiency in your hotel

Make a first assessment

- to identify improvement opportunities in your hotel

I. Energy consumption monitoring

II. Energy audit of the hotel

III. Audit for the European Eco-label for tourist accommodation service

Involve your staff

- to ensure maximum energy savings and success of your action plan

IV. Staff training

Involve your guests

- to let them know you care for the environment and to ensure maximum energy savings

V. Information to guests

Protect the building from the cold & hot weather

- to reduce heating & cooling needs and improve comfort

► the building VI. Window insulation

VII. Building insulation

VIII. Prevention of air infiltration and of unnecessary

outdoor air supply

IX. Installation of sun protectors

► the exterior X. Outside works to improve summer comfort

Improve equipment efficiency

- to reduce energy costs and improve the quality of your services

► control of electrical equipment

XI. Key card systems to switch off electricity in guest rooms

XII. Lighting controls

► replacement of electrical equipment

XIII. Energy saving light bulbs

XIV. Energy efficiency rating of electrical appliances

XV. Motors with variable frequency command in HVAC applications

► regulation of space heating and cooling

XVI. Regulation of space heating and cooling

► renovation of heating equipment

XVII. High efficiency boilers

XVIII. Thermal insulation of boilers, water systems, domestic hot water tanks and water pipes

► renovation of space cooling equipment

XIX. Efficiency solutions for active space cooling

► renovation of the ventilation system

XX. Efficiency ventilation systems (regulation & pre-heating)

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Information on what is covered by each individual solution is provided in the table below (the detailed description of the solutions are provided in a separate document called “Energy Efficiency Solutions Database”).

What is it about?

Make a first assessment

I. Energy consumption monitoring

The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the importance of energy monitoring, to provide him with a simple strategy to monitor the hotel energy consumption, and to explain what key questions he should ask regarding the hotel’s energy consumption.

The installation of sub-meters is mentioned as a possible option.

II. Energy audit of the hotel The objective is to encourage the hotelier to have an energy audit made of his hotel and to describe briefly the steps and objectives of an energy audit.

III. Audit for the European Eco-label for tourist accommodation service

The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness about the European Eco-label by providing information on its requirements and on the application procedure.

Information will also be given on energy-related criteria.

Involve your staff

IV. Staff training The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the importance of involving his staff in order to ensure maximum energy savings and the success of the action plan.

The following information/training areas will be suggested:

- awareness of the environmental impact of hotels,

- awareness of the different ways the staff can contribute to energy conservation (examples of good housekeeping practices will be given, importance of preventive equipment maintenance will be underlined).

Involve your guests

V. Information to guests The objective is to provide advice to the hotelier on:

- how to inform guests about the energy policy,

- which good practices he should encourage the guests to follow regarding space heating, window opening, switching lights off, etc..

Protect the building from temperature extremes

► the building VI. Window insulation The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the importance of having properly insulated windows, and to advise him on how to choose appropriate glazing and joinery.

VII. Building insulation The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the importance of having a well-insulated building (roof, exterior walls…), to inform him on the different types of insulation techniques that can be applied (in particular for exterior walls) and on the precautions to take when insulating a building (ventilation, etc.).

VIII. Prevention of air infiltration and of unnecessary outdoor air supply

The objective is to provide simple advice on how to reduce air infiltration at windows and doors.

The installation of an automatic front door and of forced air curtains in loading bays will also be mentioned as possible options.

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IX. Installation of sun protectors

The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the benefits the hotel can draw from installing sun protectors to increase comfort as well as to reduce energy consumption).

The hotelier will be advised on the correct choice of protectors.

► the exterior X. Outside works to improve summer comfort

The objective is to suggest some exterior renovations that can be done to improve summer comfort and reduce the hotel’s cooling needs.

The solutions that will be mentioned include: indigenous shrub, plant and tree planting, installation of open pools or fountains for evaporative cooling.

Improve equipment efficiency

► control of electrical equipment

XI. Key card systems to switch off electricity in guest rooms

The objective is to encourage the hotelier to install key card systems to switch off electricity in guest rooms, and to describe the principle of these systems.

XII. Lighting controls The objective is to encourage the hotelier to install lighting controls where appropriate, and to explain the different systems that are available for lighting controls.

Timers, occupancy sensors and photocell controls will be mentioned as possible options.

Good housekeeping practices (manual switch off/on) will also be mentioned as possible, complementary solutions.

► replacement of electrical equipment

XIII. Energy saving light bulbs The objective is to encourage the hotelier to install efficiency light bulbs (where appropriate) and to show the different energy saving light bulbs that are available on the market.

XIV. Energy efficiency rating of electrical appliances

The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the importance of choosing electrical appliances with high energy efficiency rating.

The types of equipment mentioned will include: catering equipment, refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, laundry and office equipment.

XV. Motors with variable frequency command in HVAC applications

The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the electricity consumption by the motors on ventilators, compressors and pumps and to encourage the hotelier to choose motors with variable frequency command when applicable.

► regulation of space heating and cooling

XVI. Regulation of space heating and cooling

The objective is to raise the hotelier’s awareness of the importance of regulating space heating and air-conditioning, and to suggest different solutions to ensure appropriate regulation.

The solutions mentioned will include: installation of thermostats, installation of individual thermostatic valves, temperature setting for upper and lower limits of thermostats, occupancy linked controls and automatic controls of air conditioning and heating systems.

Good housekeeping practices (manual temperature setting according to the actual occupancy of the different zones) will also be mentioned as a possible, complementary solution.

► renovation of heating equipment

XVII. High efficiency boilers

The objective is to present energy efficiency boilers that can be used for the production of hot water (for space heating and sanitary hot water).

The solutions mentioned will include: high efficiency boilers, condensing boilers, low temperature boilers. Note: Equipment that use renewable energies for heat production (heat pumps, equipment using solar energy or biomass) are renewable energy solutions and will not be mentioned in the present review of energy efficiency solutions.

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XVIII. Thermal insulation of boilers, water systems, domestic hot water tanks and water pipes

The objective is to encourage the hotelier to insulate the hot water distribution and storage systems and thus prevent unnecessary heat losses.

► renovation of space cooling equipment

XIX. Efficiency solutions for active space cooling

The objective is to present equipment that can be used for active space cooling and to encourage the hotelier to choose systems with high energy efficiency rating.

The solutions mentioned will include: individual systems (air-to-air split systems), central or semi-central air conditioning systems and heat pumps.

► renovation of the ventilation system

XX. Efficient ventilation systems (regulation & pre-heating)

The objective is to present ventilation solutions that will reduce heat losses in winter while maintaining good air quality. Improvement of summer comfort will also be mentioned.

Criteria used for the selection of the 20 key energy efficiency solutions

The following criteria have been used for choosing the 20 key energy efficiency solutions:

type of solutions: a mix of technological solutions and energy management methods have been

selected; and, as seen, the technological solutions prevail (numerically) given that energy conservation measures often involve some technical intervention. It should be noted these energy management methods are essential for a successful solution and should not be discounted;

energy consuming activities considered: the focus is on end-usages which consume the most energy

in the hotel sector, mainly:

space air conditioning (heating/cooling, ventilation and air-conditioning): this is the largest single end-user of energy in hotels, accounting for approximately half of total consumption;

lighting: lighting fluctuates between 12-18% and up to 40% of a hotel’s total energy consumption, depending on the category of the establishment;

domestic hot water: domestic hot water accounts for up to 15% of the total energy demand.

benefits provided: we have focused on solutions which have the potential to reduce energy

consumption significantly, and are well known not only for reducing energy consumption, but also for increasing comfort when implemented correctly.

ease of implementation and cost: some of the solutions presented are easily implemented and

require little investment, whereas others require a more significant investment. By choosing solutions that present different levels of difficulty, our intention is to identify solutions with various time frames (some hotels may not be able to invest in or carry out some important renovations in the short term, but may be interested in implementing a few “immediate” actions).

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A solution to create additional strategies for improving energy efficiency in a small hotel

The way in which a hotel’s energy efficiency can be improved over time depends on the particular situation of the hotel, such as the building’s characteristics, the available budget, future renovation plans, etc.). In order to give an hotelier an idea of the incremental strategies which could be adopted to improve the energy efficiency of a SME hotel, we suggest the three following scenarios:

Scenario 1 – “What can my hotel do immediately?”:

The hotelier is invited to identify energy saving opportunities (through energy monitoring and an energy audit) so as to be able to begin considering possible solutions which can be implemented before starting renovations (staff training, information to guests, installation of energy saving light bulbs and of electrical appliances with high energy efficiency rating).

Scenario 2 – “What will my hotel achieve with small renovations?”:

Additional suggestions to improve the hotel’s energy efficiency are: “room controls” (these reduce energy use in guest rooms taking into account the actual occupancy of the rooms), regulation of heating and cooling in the building, installation of motors with variable frequency command in HVAC applications, optimization of lighting throughout the building (through lighting controls), thermal insulation of hot water systems (to improve efficiency of space heating and hot water production) and installation of a hot water closed loop (if appropriate), prevention of unnecessary outdoor air leakage through doors and windows, exterior renovations to improve summer comfort.

Scenario 3 – “What can my hotel include during an extensive renovation?”:

The third scenario includes measures which require important renovations, either on the exterior of the building (thermal insulation of the building, window replacement, installation of shading materials on the outside walls) or on space heating/cooling/ventilation equipment and distribution systems.

This scenario is recommended, for example, when the hotel changes hands and extensive renovations are planned.

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These three scenarios are illustrated in the table below:


Recommended solution for each scenario.

Scenario 1

“What can my hotel do


Scenario 2

“What will my hotel achieve

with small renovations


Scenario 3

“What can my hotel include

during an extensive


Make a first assessment

I. Energy consumption monitoring

II. Energy audit of the hotel

III. Audit for the European Eco-label for tourist accommodation service

Involve your staff

IV. Staff training

Involve your guests

V. Information to guests


► the building VI. Window insulation

VII. Building insulation

VIII. Prevention of air infiltration and of unnecessary outdoor air supply

IX. Installation of sun protectors

► the exterior X. Exterior work to improve summer comfort

Improve equipment efficiency

► control of electrical equipment

XI. Key card systems to switch off electricity in guest rooms

XII. Lighting controls

► replacement of electrical equipment

XIII. Energy saving light bulbs

XIV. Energy efficiency rating of electrical appliances

XV. Motors with variable frequency controls in HVAC applications

► regulation of space heating and cooling

XVI. Regulation of space heating and cooling

► renovation of heating equipment

XVII. High efficiency boilers

XVIII. Thermal insulation of boilers, water systems, domestic hot water tanks and water pipes

► renovation of space cooling equipment

XIX. Efficient solutions for active space cooling

► renovation of the ventilation system

XX. Efficient ventilation systems (regulation & pre-heating)

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Key to the database on the 20 energy efficiency solutions

General information provided for each energy efficiency solution

Each of the 20 energy efficiency solutions will be described in a datasheet containing the following information:

solution category: the solution category (Make a first assessment / Involve your staff / Involve your

guests / Eco-renovate / Improve equipment efficiency) is specified at the beginning so the hotelier quickly identifies the type of solution;

general information on the solution: some “pre-information” will be given before the full description

of the solution – namely:

area of the hotel concerned: this will be indicated should the solution be relevant to a specific area of the hotel (guest rooms, kitchen…) or if it concerns the entire building (in this case, the term “general” is used);

energy consuming activities (or end-usage) concerned: this will indicate which energy consuming activities are impacted by the solution (space heating, space cooling, hot water, lighting, etc.);

related criteria of the EU Eco-label: reference to the criteria of the EU Eco-label will be provided for solutions relating to the criteria;

ease of implementation: this will indicate the level of difficulty for implementing the solution: from easy (*) to moderate (**) and difficult (***);

ideal time to implement the solution: when relevant, an indication will be provided on the best moment to implement the solution;

basic requirements /conditions: this provides basic information on the conditions that must be verified by the hotelier for the solution to be applicable/relevant for the hotel;

indicative cost: the cost of the solution may vary greatly from one country to another, but an indicative cost will be given when such information is available.

return on investment: an indicative time frame of when one might expect a return on investment, expressed in a range of years, whether the solution has a quick return (< 5 years) or a slower longer (10-20 years); it is important to note that the numbers given are only indicative and in some cases it is not possible to give this information (either because it is not available or because it is not applicable).

description of the solution: after the pre-information, the fundamental part of the solution will be

described, together with the main products available (when applicable); recommendations for the implementation of the solution will be provided: in addition, an indication will be given on which other energy efficiency solutions should be considered at the same time.

benefits for the hotel: this will provide information on the benefits of the solution (potential energy

saving, potential reduction of CO2 emissions, improvement of indoor comfort, etc.).

market availability: the maturityof the solution will be indicated and key manufacturers and suppliers


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Example of template

The template used to describe the solutions is presented below.

Hotel Energy Solutions Name of the solution

General Information on the solution Target Related criteria of the EU Eco-label About its implementation Cost Indicative return on investment time Description of the solution Principle Recommendations

Benefits for the hotel Cost reduction Benefits for the environment Carbon emissions reduction Market availability

EE solutions database

The database of energy efficiency solutions (the 20 datasheets) is provided in a separate document.

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Propose priority interventions

In addition to suggesting three possible scenarios for energy efficiency improvements (scenario 1: “What can my hotel do right away?”; scenario 2: “What will my hotel achieve with these small renovations?”: scenario 3: “What can my hotel include during an extensive renovation?”), we suggest a “solution provider” be developed, based on the information contained in the 20 key EE solutions datasheets, to inform SME hotel managers on the energy efficiency solutions available..

Principle of the “solution provider”

The solution provider may also provide access to the descriptions of the 20 key energy efficiency solutions (the 20 datasheets) and offer the hotelier the possibility to research energy efficiency solutions according to relevant criteria, such as ease of implementation, ideal timing to implement the solution, etc.

Recommendations regarding the solution provider’s functionality

For the ‘solution provider’ to be flexible and easy to use for a hotelier, we have carried out a multi-criteria research which is available in the solution provider.

The following possible parameters could be used as entries in the multi-criteria research:

(1) area of the hotel concerned,

(2) energy consuming activities (or end-usage) concerned,

(3) ease of implementation,

(4) cost of solution (when available)

Together with the solution “domain”:

Make a first assessment,

Involve your staff,

Involve your guests,

Protect the building from temperature extremes,

Improve equipment efficiency

These are to be intuitive for an hotelier and will help him select the appropriate solution.

Using the “solution provider”: various possible methods to identify priority situations

In addition to the three possible scenarios (scenario 1: “What can my hotel do right away?”: scenario 2: “What will my hotel achieve with these small renovations?”: scenario 3: “What can my hotel include during extensive renovation?”), the hotelier could make a multi-criteria research of solutions to identify the priority interventions for his hotel.

Below is an illustration of the different ways a hotelier could use the solution provider in order to identify priorities. In the example, it is assumed that the hotelier fills in a simple questionnaire with the hotel’s characteristics before using the solution provider, and that the toolbox can analyse this information to provide an appropriate solution.

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Example 1: An approach which could be followed by the hotelier to identify priorities and obtain information on energy efficiency solutions suitable for his hotel.

1. First filter: end-usage

Figure 1. Breakdown of energy consumption in European hotels. (Source : XENIOS Managers guide, 2001 - from IMPIVA, 1994)

Example: (hotelier): “I want to know which solutions are available to reduce energy used for lighting “ The hotelier appliers a first filter on the end-usage.

The toolbox provides a list of solutions that can reduce the hotel’s energy consumption for lighting. The toolbox takes into account the information provided by the hotelier on the hotel characteristics to know if the solution is applicable/relevant to him (automatic filter on the ‘initial situation required’).

2. Complementary information: feasibility & benefits Example: (hotelier): “I want to know the feasibility of the solution and the benefits that I can

draw from the solution”.

The hotel manager asks for detailed information on the solutions that seem of interest to him. He opens the corresponding datasheets and can read about:

The ease of implementation of the solution,

the estimated benefits (when available),

the best moment to implement the solution (when relevant),

the other solutions that should be considered in the meanwhile to ensure coherence,


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Example 2: An approach that could be used by the hotelier to identify priorities and obtain information on energy efficiency solutions that are suitable for his hotel.

A third way to use the toolbox could consist of selecting the solutions that apply to a specific area of the

hotel (example: guest rooms) should the hotelier be planning to carry out renovation works in a specific area of the hotel.

Ranking solutions by ease of implementation


Example: (hotelier): “I want to know which energy efficiency solutions I can implement:

1. today, with little renovation, 2. tomorrow, together with an extensive hotel renovation.

Moreover, I want to know the benefits I can get from these solutions, and if there is an order of priority to consider to ensure consistency”.

The hotel manager applies a first filter on the ease of implementation

The toolbox provides a list of energy efficiency solutions that can be implemented:

1. today (*): almost all the solutions dealing with energy management and some solutions dealing with equipment regulation and with the replacement of electrical equipment (lighting, laundry, etc.)

2. tomorrow (**/***): almost all the solutions that aim at improving the thermal characteristics of the building and most solutions that deal with the replacement of HVAC equipment (heating, ventilation and air conditioning).

The toolbox takes into account the information provided by the hotelier on the hotel characteristics to know if the solution is applicable/relevant to him (‘basic requirements/ conditions’).

The hotelier asks for detailed information on the solutions that seem of interest to him. He opens the corresponding datasheets and can read about:

relationships to other solutions,

the energy consuming activity (end-usage) that can be improved with the solution (space heating, space cooling, etc.),

the estimated benefits (when available).

What I can do today with Little renovation

What I can do tomorrow together with a hotel renovation

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1. Bohdanowicz P. (2005-a), European hoteliers’ environmental attitudes: Greening the business. The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 46, 188-204.

2. CHOSE (2001), Energy savings by combined heat cooling and power plants (CHCP) in the hotel sector. Stockholm: Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Energy.

3. Despretz H. (2001), Green Flag for greener hotels. Valbonne: European Community, ADEME, ARCS, CRES, ICAEN, IER, SOFTECH.

4. EEO – Energy Efficiency Office (1994), Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Hotels (Garston, UK: Energy Efficiency – Best Practice Programme, Department of the Environment, BRESCU), 5, 24.

5. Eurostat European business (2006), Chapter 19: Hotels and restaurants.

6. Gössling S. (2002), Global environmental consequences of tourism, Global Environmental Change 12, 283-302.

7. IEA (2005), Key world energy statistics 2004. Paris Cedex: International Energy Agency.

8. US DOE/EIA (2002), 1999 commercial buildings energy consumption survey. Washington DC: US Department of Energy and Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and Energy Use.

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