
1UC Berkeley, ME DeptKen Youssefi

Concept Generation

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 2

Concept GenerationThe underlying goal of concept generation is to develop as many ideas as possible, the more the better.

The process: Understanding the primary Customer Needs and

Engineering Specifications

Decompose the ProductAccording to Functions

Search for Solutions for each Product Functions

Combine Solutions intoConcept Variants

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 3

Concept Generation – Basic Methods

• Intuitive MethodFocuses on idea generation from within an

individual or group of individuals. The intent is to remove barriers to divergent thinking and promote creative thinking (Brainstorming).

• Directed (Logical) Method

A systematic, step-by-step approach to searching for a solution. It relies on technical information, guidelines and expertise.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 4

Information GatheringKnowledge is Power – it leads to innovation

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 5


• The overall goal is to obtain several concepts that might work.

• All team members are encouraged to be open and uninhabited during the early sessions.

• No need to adhere to product specifications, focus on the functional needs of the product.

• The primary advantage of brainstorming is the ability of set of individuals to collectively build on each other to generate new ideas that would not arise individually.

An intuitive method of generating concepts.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 6


• Select a group leader, to prevent judgments and to encourage participation by all.

• Form the group with 5 to 15 people.• Do not confine the group to experts in the area.• Individuals could come to the session with a set of

ideas.• Limit the brainstorming to 45 minutes.• Do not include bosses, managers or supervisors in

the group.

Some guidelines for brainstorming session;

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 7


Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 8

BrainstormingMemory Map – the group leader is responsible for recording the brainstorming session

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 9

BrainstormingSummarize the results of the brainstorming.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 10

Brainstorming – Idea Generators• Make Analogies

What analogies exist in nature? What analogous products exist? How do these products solve the same product functions?

• Wish and wonder

What if …..?

• Sketch/use physical models

What would an idea look like? How does this model satisfies the function? What can we change?

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 11

Brainstorming – Idea Generators• Eliminate or minimize

Can we remove a feature? What can we use to replace a feature? What if a feature were smaller? Could we divide it into two parts?

• Modify and magnifyWhat can be made larger or extended? What can be exaggerated? What can add extra value? What can be duplicated? Convert a round section to a straight one? Can motion, form, shape, color, sound, odor be changed?

• CombineCan we combine purposes? How about assortments? How about blending?

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 12

Brainstorming – Idea Generators

• Reverse or rearrange Should we turn it around? Up instead of

down?Consider it backwards? What other arrangements might be better? Interchange components? Do the unexpected?

• SubstituteWhat can be substituted?

• AdaptWhat else is like this? What other ideas this

suggest? What could we copy?

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 13

Sketch and 6-3-5 methodBrain-writing

• Team members are arranged around a circular table to provide continuity. Six (6) members are ideal.

• Each member sketches three (3) ideas for the product configuration or functions. Sketches should be the focus of this activity. The top five product functions with respect to the customer needs are considered.

The traditional brainstorming relies on verbal communications. Idea generation may be dominated by a small number of aggressive members.

Guideline for 6-3-5 method

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 14

Sketch and 6-3-5 methodBrain-writing

• The three ideas are passed to the right. A certain time limit is set to add additional ideas and to modify or extend the ideas. This is done for five (5) rounds.

• No verbal communication until a round is completed.

• Traditional brainstorming may be implemented after a few rounds of 6-5-3 sessions.

• The focus of the modifications during the passing of ideas should be on advancing the ideas, not on negative criticism.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 15

Example of a 6-3-5 methodPower screw driver

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 16

Example of a 6-3-5 method

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 17

Concept Generation – Advanced Methods

• Generating ideas from physical principles.

• Generating ideas using classifying schemes.

• Generating concepts by implementing the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS).

Directed-search or logical concept generation methods are used to develop ideas in a step-by-step comprehensive fashion.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 18

Generating ideas from physical principles

State possible physical principles that can govern the product function.

If a known physical effect can be described by a known equation with independent variables, then these variables can be changed to generate different concepts.

Change in length of a rod due to temperature change

Change in length = α (change in temp.) length

Dynamic force applied to a member

Force = (mass) (acceleration)

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 19

Generating ideas from physical principles


Capacitive Parallel-plate system for sensing.

C = A ε / d

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 20

Generating ideas using classifying schemes

• MotionType – Stationary, translational, rotationalNature – Uniform, non-uniform, oscillating

Planar, three dimensionalNumber – one, several, composite motion

• Basic material propertiesState – Solid, liquid, gaseousBehavior – Rigid, elastic, viscousForm – Solid bodies, powder, grains

Classifying schemes are categories of high-level physical principles or geometry. They help in developing concepts that may not have been considered in a purely intuitive approach.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 21

Generating ideas using classifying schemes

• Basic structural propertiesJoints – rigid, rotational, slidingAlignment – horizontal, vertical, angled, trussLoading conditions – tension, compression, bending, torsion

• GeometrySize – small, large, narrow, tall, lowShape – cylindrical, cone, cube, spherePosition – Axial, radial, tangential, vertical

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 22

Generating ideas using classifying schemesTo use a classification scheme, the design team should focus on the primary product functions.

Example: Storing Energy

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 23

Generating concepts by implementing the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS).

The theory was developed by discovering that patterns exist in patents. Originally by Altshuller in late 1940s and revised by Domb and Slocum, 1998.

After studying millions of patents, it was discovered that patents fall into five categories.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 24

Generating concepts by implementing the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS)

• “Identifying conflicts and solving them with known physical principles.”

• “Identifying new principles.”

• “Identifying new product functions and solving them with known or new principles.”

The last three categories represent designs that include inventive solutions.

• “Basic parametric advancement.”• “Change or rearrangement in configuration.”

The first two are considered “routine design”, they do not exhibit significant innovations.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 25

Generalized Engineering Parameters for Describing Product Matrices

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TIPS’ Design Principles

There are 40 “design principles”

Principle of segmentation: Divide the object into independent parts that are easy to disassemble, increase the degree of segmentation as much as possible

Principle of removal: Remove the necessary or disturbing part from the object.

Principle of local quality: Change the object’s or environment’s structure from homogeneous to non-homogenous. Let different parts of the object carry different functions.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 27

TIPS’ Design Principles

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TIPS’ Design Principles

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 29

Relationship Matrix

The tables relate generalized engr. parameters to generalized solution principles. Each column and row represents generalized engr. Parameters, and the cell contents represents the suggested generalized solution principles.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 30

Relationship Matrix

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 31

Example using TIPS

From table of engineering parameters, the conflict is with regard to force (#10) verses weight of moving object (#1).

Consider the evolution of the iron product for smoothing wrinkles from clothing.

An important function of an iron is to transfer force to the clothing to remove wrinkles. It is equally important that it should reduce the force on the user (comfortable use).

The conflict is that we want a heavy iron to remove wrinkles but we do not want a heavy iron due to the impact on ergonomics.

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 32

Example using TIPSUsing the relationship matrix table, TIPS principles “8, 1, 18, and 37” apply to the problem.

8 118 37

Engineering parameter, #10 (force)Engineering parameter, #1 (weight)

Ken Youssefi UC Berkeley, ME Dept 33

Example using TIPS

Principle #8 – consider adding a counterweight

Principle #1 – divide the design into independent parts

Principle #37 – consider thermal expansion

Principle # 18 – consider adding vibration to the concept

#8 suggests a levered counter weight.

#1 suggests a foot-operated sandwich iron

#37 suggests adding water spray

#18 - mechanical vibration may be added with an eccentric weight that would increase the force into the clothing, while reducing the carrying weight of he iron.

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Summary of the TIPS Approach

• Determine the conflict(s) in the design problem.• Determine the generalized engineering parameters.• Determine the intersection in the TIPS table for

the numbers of the engineering parameters.• Read the principles that apply to help solve the

problem.• Use the design principles to develop creative

solutions to the conflict.

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Functional DecompositionDesign an easily removable device that can keep water and mud off the rider of a mountain bike without interfering with the bike’s operation.

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Functional Decomposition

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Developing Concept for each


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Combine Solutions for each Function into Concept Variants

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Combine Solutions for each Function into Concept Variants

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Combine Solutions for each Function into Concept Variants

Standard fender

All variations are about attaching the fender to the bike

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