Keep It Simple

Post on 13-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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Keep It Simple

By: Anshu E-Mail: dreampinch@gmail.comBlog:

In this beautiful world almost all precious things, which are the necessity for life, are easily available and are free of cost.

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Such as:

Without sole body is of no use, so God gifted it with Soul.

Without air we cannot breathe, so God spread it around us.

Without water we cannot survive after few hours, so God provided it after some efforts.

Without food we will not be able to persist for much time, so God gave us the opportunity to earn it with hard work.

Point is that the more basic we think the easier would be the life. The same rule implies to the dream chasing. More simple you think, more easily you will chase the dream.

Are you the victim of ‘Less or no resources’?

It’s quite understood that people do not have all those resources, which could help them to pursue their dream. But it would be pretty unfair to your dream that you are not chasing it, just because of fewer resources or no resources.

So today we will try to dig out and try to understand that how you can chase the dream, even if you have the challenge of lack of resources.

Let’s participate in a small but brain storming activity (Don’t worry you could take ample time to think over it say one to two days or a week but accomplish it in a specific time don’t linger on it for long, else it will lose its worth.

Step 1: write your dream in one line Example: I want to start my own blog.

Step 2: Write all the specification regarding your dreamExample: I want to start a Blog, which will motivate people to achieve their goal. My blog’s speciality would be its pinch stories, which will knock people’s heart to be passionate about their dream.

Step 3: Write down each and every resource which you may need to accomplish your goal

Example: I would need writing classes to hone my writing style.I would require some reading resources to enhance

my writing.I would need Blog addressI would need a computer system/ LaptopI would need internet connectionI would have to do marketing for my blog so that it

would reach to its audience.

Step 4: Pin point basic and high notes of the required resources. I mean any resource, which we can find with either basic cost or high cost.

Example:To improve my writing skills I can practice through writing my thoughts, which I want to say to the world. I can enhance skills through reading books. It’s a basic profile resource because I can accomplish my work without investing much money but it would require more efforts. Or I can join writing skill improving classes. It would be a high profile way. In this method, I would require more money but would need to invest less time and less effort.

Basic: Regarding reading resources I can use newspaper, magazines, can go to library.

High: I can purchase many books for the specific requirement.

Basic: I can start blog using many free of cost blog hosting websites such as wordpress, tumbler, etc

High: I can purchase my own domain

Basic: I can purchase second hand computer with less advance technology because I would need it only for writing purpose.

High: I can purchase laptop or all-in-one of latest technology

Basic: I can use internet of less data usageHigh: I can use unlimited data internet pack

Basic: I can use my facebook account and twitter account to promote my blog

High: I can use social media marketing to promote the blog.

Step 5: Do analysis of your resource list’s basic and high notes and decide what would suits to your current available or manageable resource list. Lets say, I have limited money with me so I would do this:

Example: I have the amount in which i would be able to have unlimited internet pack and my own name domain but i will be able to manage second hand computer instead of the one of latest technology. Rest of the resources, I will be able to manage using unlimited data. Such as, I can learn writing skills using internet. I can practise over there. I can ask feedback over the internet and can do basic marketing.

Step 6:1.) At the end, find out what you have in your hand. 2.) From the unavailable resources list, can you borrow or

rent anything from your friend or anyone. 3.) Now work out that what you could do with the

available things.  This one would be your most important challenge for you

to chase your dream so you have to have courage, energy to reach the end rather than just quitting.

It’s always easy to blame the life, to blame the circumstances or to blame the people around you that you didn’t become able to achieve the things which you always wanted in life.

You can have hundreds of odd reasons to not become able to achieve dream but only one reason to achieve it is – you want it, at any cost (any cost does not means the odd ways to achieve the dream, I mean you can’t say a dream chasing of money via robbing the bank, funny but true.)

So board on the ship and drive it. It’s your journey.

Thank You

By: Anshu E-Mail: dreampinch@gmail.comBlog:

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