
World Travel

Can you name these cities in Asia? Have you been to any of them?

Which Asian cities have you visited?

• Jaepyo Song

Have you been to a tropical paradise?

Would you like to go to the Maldives, the Seychelles, or Bora Bora? Have you ever been somewhere like these places?

Have you been to Europe?Paris, London, and Rome are wonderful travel destinations. Have you been to these cities? Have you been anywhere else in Europe?

Visiting the U.S.A

Have you been to the U.S.A.? Where would you most like to go?

Which places or landmarks in Japan do you think people from other countries should visit?


A Memorable Experience…What is the best, worst, scariest, funniest, or most memorable travel experience you have ever had?

What happened???

#1 Number ONE #1

Where is best or most amazing place you have ever been? Why was that place so wonderful? Describe your experience…

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