Kardinya Primary School Journal

Post on 12-Jul-2022






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A Ochiltree Way, Kardinya WA 6163 T 08 9312 4900 E kardinya.ps@education.wa.edu.au W kardinyaps.wa.edu.au

Cont. Page 2.

Kardinya Primary School


Date: Friday 20 November 2020

From the Principal

Hello Everyone,

It has been exciting to see the work begin on the new playground. I

hope you have checked out the progress. It will be a fantastic addition

to our school play options. I would like to thank the P&C for the

fundraising drive and all the families that supported the fundraising.

The playground is scheduled to be completed before the end of term,

so everyone will get the opportunity for a play. At the assembly

yesterday, I announced a challenge to all classes to select the first class

to have a scheduled play time.

Interschool Athletics Carnival

What a wonderful time we had at the Interschool Athletics Carnival!

You might like to check out the Kardinya PS Facebook page for the

video of the moment the students worked out that Kardinya PS had

won the meritorious Trophy. It was a moment of pure joy! The

strength of our team was the team sports. The teams were very

dedicated to training at lunch times and before school with Mr Green

and their dedication showed on the field. Well done to the students

and staff that contributed to such a fantastic day. You all represented

Kardinya PS well.

Year 6 Graduation

Soon our Year 6 students will be graduating from Primary School. As

announced on CONNECT, there are 4 tickets available per student to

attend the Graduation Ceremony. The link for the registration is on

the CONNECT notice. We surveyed the students about how they

would like to celebrate their graduation and the students

overwhelmingly voted to play sport and watch a movie. As a result,

the Year 6 students will be attending the traditional end of year

excursion. We are including some extras for Year 6 students to make

the excursion special. A Dinner Dance is being organised by some

parents, which is another traditional celebration at Kardinya PS. This

is an optional private activity and I would like to thank the parents for

organising this event for the students to enjoy.

Massed Choir Festival Sing Day Although the Massed Choir Festival

had to be cancelled this year, it did not

stop schools to continue learning and

preparing the songs for a Massed

Choir Festival Sing Day on the steps of

the Perth Concert Hall. It was fabulous

to have at least one massed sing event

to lift the spirits of our students in this

difficult year we’ve had. We were

amongst 37 schools who participated

at this 2-day event this week. A fun

day, yet prestigious event, showcasing

the excellence of music in our primary


Cheryl Fourie – Music Teacher

Sustainability News Congratulations to all of our recent

Trash Free Tuesday/Thursday raffle

competition winners. We hope you

enjoy using your new beeswax wrap!

Thank you again to everyone who

participated and are helping to reduce

our schools waste.

Many thanks.

The Sustainability Team

PBS – Positive Behaviour Support

After consultation with staff, students and parents the PBS team have finalized our Behaviour Matrix. These will be the expected behaviours that will be taught, acknowledged and reinforced across the school community from the start of the 2021 school year. The PBS team would like to thank everyone for their input. We can’t wait to get this initiative rolling and look forward to a positive ‘vibe’ around the school.

Kate Robinson Team Leader

Cont. from Page 1.

National Parent Opinion Survey

Every year, at this time, we survey families using the National Parent Opinion Survey. Thank you to the 34

people who have already completed the survey. Your opinion is important to us and we use this survey to

make changes so we can be the best school possible. The details of how to access the survey were sent to

every parent with an email registered with the school. If you don’t have an email registered with us, please

contact the office so we can get a copy of the survey to you. I thank you in advance for taking the time to

complete the survey. Please remember that you are welcome to contact the school at any time of the year

with relevant, constructive feedback.

Thank you for the many wonderful ways you support Kardinya Primary School.




Together we promote “Learning for Life”

Congratulations to our Merit Certificate Winners

Locklan Kneebone Brock McIntyre

Harper Bamford Jacob Kneebone

Seren Cooper Joshua Moon

Amber King Guiney Pollie

Cooper Willetts-Buswell Jonah Lee

Meharpreet Kaur Xavier Wong

Nicky Tran Lachlan Tones

Ari Flintoff Hayden Hampton

John Albina Liam Laboudeuse

Sophia Birse Luke Eames

Meghna Anbuman Max Beach

Kim Nguyen Nazima Kua

Caroline Charles Emme McMurray

Interschool Athletics What a fabulous day we had at the W.A. Athletics Stadium competing against other schools in several athletics events.

At times running into a strong wind or drizzling rain, all students put in their best effort to help our team and do

themselves proud. To run on a professional running track in a purpose built stadium was a real thrill. Our team game

results were first class, winning five of the eight events and finishing second in two. Congratulations to all the students

who made up the athletics team and put in some dedicated practice before school and during their lunchtime to achieve

these results.

At the end of the day it was with great excitement that Kardinya P.S. was announced as

the winner of the meritorious shield, which takes into account school enrolments and

past performances for the last three years. Ruben and Ruby accepted the shield to the

rapturous applause from the grandstand.

A special congratulations to our two medallion winners.

YEAR 5 GIRL - 2nd Rishanna V

YEAR 6 BOY - 3rd Ruben R

A reminder to all students to return the sport shirts to Mr Green if you have not already done so.


Richmond 278 Kardinya 305

Attadale 259 Bicton 303

Bicton 228 Richmond 294

Brentwood 209 Brentwood 279

Kardinya 207 Attadale 265

Booragoon 185 Booragoon 243

Bateman 130 Bateman 226

Phil Green - P.E. Teacher

The Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal

It is a known fact that one of the best ways to feel good about yourself is to help others.

The Smith Family's Toy and Book Appeal aims to bring a little joy to children in need this

holiday season. The Smith Family supports the education of more than 56,000 young Australians in need on our

flagship Learning for Life program, but some of our families need extra help to get through the holiday season. That’s

where you come in!

Each child will receive a gift pack containing what we call a main gift, a filler gift and a

book. Although gift packs are provided for children up to 12 years, the Smith Family struggle to

receive a wide range of gifts for older children aged 6 to 12. As a school we would like to collect

toys and books for children in this age so we can help to inspire even more beaming smiles this


If you would like to be a part of this great cause, please send in gifts or toys to the D Block wet area where we will have

a large box ready for your items. Gift suggestions are included below but just a reminder that gifts must be new (not

second hand) and are to be left unwrapped!

Why not get your child to choose something for a child their age and gender, something that they

themselves may like to play with, or read. All gifts should be handed in no later than Friday 4th

December so they can be delivered to the appropriate drop off location the following week.

Gift Ideas include: books, board games, lego sets, puzzles, lunch boxes, sports equipment, arts and crafts sets, card

games, dolls, single figurines, vortex, models, etc. All items should be ready to go so avoid items that need batteries or

include batteries with the item.

Thanks everyone, I am looking forward to delivering some gifts that will help support those families that are doing it

tough, particularly after the year that has been.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Kate Robinson

Colour Blindness Colour blindness means that a person cannot distinguish some colours or see the colours differently to other people. Very few people who are colour blind are ‘blind’ to all colours. Commonly, the colours seen differently are greens, yellows, oranges and reds. An information leaflet on colour blindness will be distributed to all Pre-primary students in term 4. For all other families please take the time to read the information provided via the electronic link here: healthy WA website. If you have any concerns, colour vision testing can be performed by some general practitioners, eye specialists or optometrists. Thank you. School Nurse

Jump Jam

Jump Jam is an aerobics program for kids. Our crew learnt new routines regularly following the set

choreography from Brett Fairweather, the founder of Jump Jam. At Kardinya Primary School we run Jump

Jam in the mornings before the bell goes to get students warmed up for the day. Each day three of the crew

take to the stage to lead everyone in three or four routines that we have learnt. For the crew it is all about

team work and having fun.

This is our second year of running Jump Jam and this year we entered the Jump Jam Competition. In an

ordinary year our team would have gone to a large venue and competed against a number of other teams

and be judged in person but because of COVID 19 this wasn’t able to happen. Instead we had to video

ourselves and upload our recording to enter and be judged remotely.

We have been practising our chosen song (A Little Party Never Killed Nobody) for weeks, trying to get the

moves all in sync and the timing correct. We forwarded our first videoed effort off to the judging team for

some feedback. Our moves were ok but we needed to add some chants and calls – this was actually pretty

challenging and at first we felt a bit silly doing them, however, as we did it more often it became much more


On Monday the 9th November we had our final practice and

Miss Wallace recorded us for the real competition – this

was where we finally got to wear our new Jump Jam

competition shirts for the first time. Now we are nervously

awaiting the results – fingers crossed we go ok.

Jump Jam is a great way to have fun and improve your

fitness. I would recommend trying out for the 2021 Jump

Jam crew in the next few weeks and getting to school by

8.25am to join in with us. (Parents are also welcome).

Ella Keinick – Jump Jam Team Captain

P&C News Bike Raffle

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Charlotte McInnes in Kindy, for being the lucky winner of the bike raffle. We hope you enjoy your new ride. End-Of-Year-Party DATE: FRIDAY 11th of DECEMBER Venue: KPS Oval Time: 3.05-5.30pm What to bring: Picnic rug and BYO water pistols Enjoy an afternoon with the Kardinya Primary Community out on the school oval. Bring along a picnic rug and your own water pistols for a water fight involving everyone! There will be a few blow up bunkers to hide behind, whilst trying to stay dry. We also have an ice cream van, coffee van, sausage sizzle and Jolly Jar stall lined up, so remember to bring along some cash too. Jolly Jars To help us celebrate our end-of-year party, we would love contributions toward our ever-popular Jolly Jar stall. HOW TO MAKE A JOLLY JAR:

1. Find an empty jar 2. Make sure its been thoroughly cleaned 3. Fill it with new or wrapped treats and goodies 4. Decorate it 5. Deliver it to C4 (Kindy) by Wednesday 9th of November

Some idea to go inside your jolly jar: wrapped sweets or chocolates and lollies(must be wrapped for hygiene purposes) toys, new hair clips, new hair scrunchies, packets of plant seeds, Christmas treats, Christmas baubles, lollipops, children’s jewellery, craft items.

Thank you.

Kirsty Wallace P&C Vice President



Nov 25 Pre Primary (2021) Parent Session Dec 9 Year One (2021) Parent Session

Dec 10 Book Awards Assembly Dec 11 P&C End of Year Party

Dec 15 Year Six Graduation Dec 16 End of Year Excursion (Yrs 4-6)

Dec 17 Students Finish Dec 18 Staff Finish

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