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Southwestern College Winfield, Kansas 67 156

Vol. 2, No. 3 May, 1974

Annual Spring Meeting Kansas Ornithological Society April 27, 1974

The Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society was held a t Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, on April 27, 1974. President Max C. Thompson opened the morning session by introducing Dr. John Breukelman. Dr. Breukelman gave the welcoming address and President Thompson responded for the Society.

Dr. Dwight Platt, Chairman of the Paper Session introduced papers by:

Thomas Shane, H a r r i s t and Tree Sparrow Associations. Marvin D. Schwilling, Expansion of the Cattle Egret in Kansas. Orville 0. Rice, Henslowts Sparrows nesting in Shawnee County. John L. Zimmerman, Rare and endangered species of birds in Kansas. Panel Discussion: Rare and endangered bird habitat in Kansas with

with Dr. Theodore M. Sperry, Dr. Charles A. Ely, Max C. Thompson and Lynn Burris , Jr.

Margaret Schulenberg, Black-headed Grosbeak wintering near Emporia.

The business meeting was called to order by President Max C. Thompson. The minutes of the 1973 Spring Meeting were read by the Secretary, Jean Schulenberg, and approved. Treasurer Eugene R. Lewis reported a balance of $1060.55 in the checking account and $1850.99 in the savings account. Richard F. Johnston and John Breukelman were appointed to audit the books. The membership was informed that the t r easure r has been bonded.

Dr. Charles A. Ely, Editor of the Bulletin announced that the June issue will feature Mrs . Ivan Boyd's History of the Kansas Ornithological Society and that he has enough material for forthcoming i s sues. He also announced the appointment of Thomas Shane a s News Letter Editor.

Stanley Roth, Chairman of the Conservation Committee stated he has been receiv- ing material from the Army Corps of Engineers on their proposed projects in Kansas and that the committee i s closely following these projects.

Max C. Thompson reported for the Check List Committee that the KOS Check List will need to be revised to include recent AOU nomenclature changes.

The Nominating Ccmmittee, Eulalia Lewis, John L. Zimmerman and Walter E. Boles offered the following slate of officers for the coming year .

President Dwight Plat t - Newton Vice President Jean Schulenberg - Admire Recording Secretary Sandra Williamson - Manhattan Member ship Secretary Amelia Betts - Baldwin City Treasurer Eugene Lewis - Topeka

Board of Directors

2 yea r s 2 years 1 year

1 year (continuing)

Stephen Fretwell - Manhattan John Breukelman - Emporia Thomas Shane - Junction City ( to fill

unexpired t e r m of Marjorie Marshall) Mary Louise Myers - Shawnee

President Thompson asked Marvin Schwilling and Dale Taylor to serve on the Resolutions Committee.

Amelia Betts, Membership Secretary, announced that Dr. Raymond F. Miller of Baldwin City, author of the se r i e s Biographies of People for Whom Birds Were Named, was unable to be present. His books were offered for sale by the Baldwin Bird Club. The Society has 327 members to date in 1974 and a total of 15 Life Members. Three new Life Members were Dorothy m a r t , Chandler F. Robbins and Richard Schmidt.

President Max C. Thompson proposed an amendment to the KOS Constitution recommended by the Board of Directors a t the winter meeting. It would change Article 7, section 5 regarding the signing of checks and eliminate the present voucher system.

The meeting was adjourned until the afternoon session.

At the afternoon session papers were presented by:

Richard F. Johnston, Dispersal capabilities of Ho,use Sparrows. Dale Taylor, Competition between Tree Swallows and Mountain

Bluebirds in Yellow stone National Park . John Breukelman, Bird Watching in Mexico. Celia White, Egg varience in some Common Tern colonies. Stanley Roth, Colonies of Great Blue Herons in Kansas 1973. Eugene R. Lewis, Some bird census techniques. Alan Stickel, Bird species a t Quivera National Wildlife Refuge. Calvin L. Cink, Censusing Screech Owls in northeastern Kansas Dr. Charles A. Ely, Mexican Birds.

Max C. Thompson presided a t the afternoon business meeting.

Dr. John B r e k e l m a n reported the auditing committee had found the books to be in order. A tentative invitation to hold the 1975 Spring Meeting in Junction City was extended by Celia White. Richard Garret moved to accept the offer. Dr. Dwight Platt seconded and the motion carr ied. Dates of the Fal l Meeting to be held September 2 1 and 22 in conjunction with the Oklahoma Ornithological Society at Cheyenne Bottoms were announced.

Eulalia Lewis presented the slate of officers for election. A motion to approve the slate was made by Charles Franklin. It was seconded and the Society voted in favor of the candidates.

President Thompson brought the proposed change in the Constitution before the membership. Article 7, section 5 would be changed to read: The Treasure r shall be the custodian of all funds belonging to the Society and he shall pay out and expend the same by check which shall be counter-signed by the President o r the Secretary. Orville Rice suggested that the amendment include bonding the Treasurer . He made a motion to approve the amendment t o read: The Treasure r shall be custodi- an of a l l funds belonging to the Society and he shall pay out and expend the same by check which shall be counter-signed by the President o r the Secretary. The Treasurer shall be bonded. The motion was seconded and passed.

The meeting of the Beard of Directors with the Forestry, Fish and Game Commis- sion last May was discussed. It was the Societyqs intention to work with the Commission to include research and protection of non-game species in the state. President Thompson felt that a combinatian of several agencies into a Natural Resources Board may be in the future.

KOS is a tax exempt organization and a clerical problem regarding the Society's tax status has been resolved.

President Thompscn reported on the April. 7, 1974, meeting of the Board a t the Dingus Natural Area near Mound City, Kansas. 168 ac r e s of mixed oakhickory forest has been donated by Wilson and Eunice Dingias to the Nature Conservancy. KOS has the option of leasing or acquiring the land from Nature Conservancy. The Board recommends that the Society lease the area for a period of 5 years with Bob Weese and Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Concannon of Mound City to serve a s a Management Committee. Orville Rice moved to impower the Board to work out a 5-year lease agreement. The motion was seconded and carr ied.

At the Winter Board Meeting it was decided to establish a Merit Award for Outstanding Service to the Society. Members may nominate recipients to be voted by the Board. The f i rs t awards would be presented at the evening banquet.

The meeting was adjourned.

At the banquet the Resolutions Committee extended the Society's thanks and appreciation to Convention Chairman Walter E. Boles and h is committee for the excellent arrangements and facilities a t Kansas State Teachers College. The f i r st Merit Awards for Outstanding Service to the Society were given to Amelia Betts and Marvin Schwilling. The evening program, a film entitled The Sounds of Silence by Dave Reed, was a moving tribute in sound and color photography to our wilderness.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean H. Schulenberg Recording Secretary

The following i s a l is t of birds seen a t the annual meeting field trip. They number 130: Pied-billed Grebe, D o h le-crested Cormorant, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Little Blue Heron, Canada Goose, Mallard, Gadwall, Blue-winged Teal, Widgeon, Shoveler, Wood Duck, Lesser Scaup, Ruddy Duck, Turkey Vulture, Mississippi Kite, Red-tailed Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Sparrow Hawk, Greater P ra i r i e Chicken, Bobwhite, Ring-necked Pheasant, Sora, Coot, Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer, Golden Plover, Common Snipe, Upland Plover, Spotted Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, Greater Y ellowlegs, Lesser Y ellowlegs, Pectoral Sandpiper, Baird' s Sand- piper, Least Sandpiper, Long-billed Dowitcher, Stilt Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sand- piper, Wilson's Phalarope, Ring-billed Gull, Franklin's Gull, F o r s t e r ' s Tern, Rock Dove, Mourning Dove, Bar red Owl, Poor -will, Chimney Swift, Belted Kingfisher, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Red-headed Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, E. Kingbird, W. Kingbird, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher, E. Phoebe, Olive-sided Flycat- cher, Horned Lark, Tree Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow, Barn Swallow, Purple Martin, Blue Jay, Common Crow, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, House Wren, Carolins Wren, Long-billed Marsh Wren, Short-billed Marsh Wren, Mockingbird, Catbird, Brown Thrasher , Robin, Wood Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Gray- cheeked Thrush, E. Bluebird. Blue - gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby -crowned Kinglet, Loggerhead Shrike, Starling, Warbling Vireo, Black and White Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Parula Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Myrtle Warbler, Palm Warbler, N. Waterthrush, Yellowthroat, House Sparrow, E. Meadowlark, W. Meadowlark, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Redwinged Blackbird, Orchard Oriole, Balti- more Oriole, Common Grackle, Brown-headed Cowbird, Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Painted Bunting, Dickcissel, Pine Siskin, Am. Goldfinch, Rufous- sided Towhee, Savannah Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, LeConte' s Sparrow, Henslow's Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Har r i s Spar row, White-crowned Sparrow, White -throated Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Lincoln' s Spar row, Swamp Spar row. The Fox Sparrow appeared on the list for the f i r s t t ime. Three species were listed f o r the second time: Pileated Woodpecker, Olive- sided Flycatcher, Short -billed Marsh Wren. Henslow's Sparrow was listed f o r the f i r s t time in 22 years-- the third time ever.

Amelia J . Betts


Baldwin City Lawrence (Cont. )

Miss Amelia Bet ts Dr . and M r s . Will iam Balfour 1505 Universi ty Dr .

Mrs . I. L . Boyd Box 182 Caro l F rench ~ l d o m

25 15 Alabama St. Mr. Ivan Boyd Baker Universi ty Helen Chewning

1510 Stra t ford Road John Burns Box 171 Calvin L. Cink

Museum of Natural His to ry Universi ty of Kansas Mrs . Ches t e r Gates

Box 24 M r s . Donald Conrad 1506 Cre scen t Road Mi s s Kathar ine Kelley

R. F. Miller RR 1

Robert K. M. Davidson 6 Colonial Court

Bonner Springs Ruth Fauhl 1923 Ohio

Kenneth F. She r r aden 69 ~ s h w o o d Lane Andrew M. Finfrock

528 Kansas Edeer ton

Mr . Henry F i tch R F D 3, Box 142 Mrs . F r a n c i s McKaughan

Garnet t Mr. and Mrs . Richard G a r r e t t 2018 Vermont

Mrs . W. R. Stockebrand #1 Easy S t ree t Mrs . Robert Gi lmore

3424 Dora1 Ct. Lawrence

E. R. Hal l KU Museum Natural His to ry Mr s . Laure l Anderson

207 Br i s to l T e r r Meadow Brook Apts M r s . Mary Hall

1637 W 9th St. Wendy Balfour 1505 Universi ty Dr. Rober ta Senner Hofer

2301 Barke l Ca ro l F rench Bloom 25 15 Alabama St. Mr . & M r s . Joseph R. Horgan

1627 W. 20th St. T e r r a c e

KOS Membership List - Page 2

Lawrence (Cont. ) Watson L i b r a r y Universi ty of Kansas

Dr . Phil ip Humphrey KU Museum of Natural His to ry Gary Worthen

KU Museum of Natural His tory R. F. Johnston KU Museum of Natural His to ry K. L e e Z i m m e r m a n

200 Nebraska St. Mr. & M r s . F r i t z Koch 534A Lawrence Ave. Kansas Ornithological Soc. L ib ra ry

Museum of Natural His to ry Universi ty of Kansas Mr. & Mrs . Vin Leibengood

206 North Regency P l ace Leavenworth

Miss Ethel Mart in Rt. 2, Box 305 Miss Dorothy E h a r t

Rt. 1, Box 111 M r s . Robert Mengel Route 4 J e r o m e D. Robins

Biology Dept. Saint Mary College David M. Mor t imer

Museum of Natural His to ry University of Kansas Mound City

Mrs . J . H. Nelson 935 Avalon Road

Mr . & Mrs . T.T. Concannon

Mr . & Mrs . Wilson Dingus Box 283 J a m e s P a r k e r , J r .

KU Museum of Natural His to ry Olathe

Mrs . J a m e s Peoples 903 W 20th T e r r a c e Ray Wackly

205 S. Walnut Stanley Roth, Jr. 532 Oklahoma Osawatomie

K r i s Sper ry 15 15 Pinewood

Ba rba ra P r e s s g r o v e 1158 5th

Rober t J. Squier 322-R Compton Sq.


Roy S. Edwards e t a1 Route 1 -Box 158 Homer Stephens

KU Botany Dept. Welda

M r s . B.L. Tr i l l ich , Jr . 621 E. 15th St. William R. Breche isen

R-1, BOX 110

KOS Membership L i s t - Page 3

Kansas Citv Blaine

Mrs . Mabel Willis Mar t in E. Mills 609 Minnesota Ave.

Blue R a ~ i d s Bernice Tatum 1105 Lowell Mr . & M r s . Daniel Hunt

Mi s s Geneva Mc F a r l a n d 1919 Olathe Blvd.

Fos to r i a

Mrs . Eunice Webs te r Box 5 Shawnee Miss ion

Michael P e r r y 5816 Hadley


Mrs . V. P. Al lber t R F D 1 F r a n k T h r o m

7723 Hardy Over land P a r k Junction Citv

Phi l ip Kaul MD 5310 Miss ion WDs Road

M r s . E. R. Dailey 536 W. 7th St.

Mrs . Dwight Mulford 623 1 Glenfield Dr ive

B a r b a r a E l l i s 1613 Eisenhower Dr .

Donald A. Nepstad, DDS 2100 W. 49th St.

Capt. Stephen W. Hickok 523 W. E l m St.

Mrs . Edward W. McNitt 10130 Pawnee Lane Leawood

Rober t Lashe l le 105 W Four th

Thomas G. Shane 713 W. 8th Sebast ian T. Patti

6528 Wenona T e r r a c e Mr . & M r s . Ralph White 318 W. 13th St. Ka ther ine Wahl

2100 W. 71st T e r r . P r a i r i e Village Manhattan

Mrs . J. R. M y e r s 4900 Quivera Lane Shawnee

W. P e r r y Conway 1409 Normandy #213

Marge ry Davidson 1600 Humboldt St. Mrs . Roder ick Whitt ier

8415 Riley Stephen F re twe l l Division of Biology K a n s a s Sta te Universi ty

J a m e s H. Bradley R. F. D. 2, Box 31

KOS Membership L is t - Page 4

Topeka Manhattan (Cont. )

Miss Kather ine Geyer 222 S Delaware

John R. L a Shelle 401 Tyle r

W. T. Gie r 2904 Pr ince ton

Andrew L. B a r b e r 1127 MacVicar Ave.

Mrs . W. H. Gie r 1123 Vat t ier

Louise B a r r y 122 1 Watson

J a m e s K. Blakely 12 17 Wes te rn

Ba rba ra Johnson 745 Canfield Dr.

Lloyd Hulber t 2323 Bailey Drive

Elizabeth C la rk 1 12 2 Randolph Ave .

M r s . Arnold La t s cha r RFD 4

Rober t Glaz ie r 1425 112 Boswell

W. R. Moses 314 Denison Ave.

Lucile Holcombe 1708 Webster

Mrs . W. R. Moses 3 14 Denison Ave.

Mr. & M r s . Eugene Lewis 1285 MacVicar

Mary Stewart 1832 Ranser Rd.

Phi l ip Menninger 1930 Webster

Don Sullivan 1430 Fa i rch i ld #2

Mr. & M r s . N. H. Mil ler 1352 High

Sondra Will iamson 3 16 Denison

George Montgomery 1 144 Wayne

Don Wi s sman 3 13 Fo rdham

Edna Neher 1835 Wayne St.

Dr. John Z i m m e r m a n Kansas State uni/ersi ty

Mr. & Mrs . Roder ick Runyan 2002 Birchwood Lane

Watervil le M r s . Will iam White Route 9

Mr s . Ivan H e r r m a n n Route 2 Ar l ine Delker

2520 Michigan

Westmoreland H a r r y Conwell Jr. 82 5 Lane - Apt 27 South M r s . Rowena P l u m m e r

KOS Membership List - Page 5

Topeka (Cont. ) Humboldt

Mrs. Robert Docking Cedar Crest

Mr . Thomas Cannon Box 182

Phyllis Henney 931 High

Mrs. W. H. Cannon Box 182

Kelly Irwin 2218 W. 2nd


Mrs. Ida Faddis 311 N. Third St. Woods

927 Medford Mr. Spencer Card R R 3 E. Maurice Nuss

6 16 Jefferson Pittsbure:

Mrs. John Schuler RFD 5 Mrs. Bessie Boso

Rt 2, Box 120 Mr s . June Mc Callum 16 10 Brooklyn J . C. Johnson, J r .

KSC Biology Department Benson Powell, MD 28 16 Mulvane Henry G. Spencer, Ser Lib Exc

Por ter Library Kansas State College of Pittsburg Orville 0. Rice

1627 West 28th St. Theodore M. Sperry 1413 South College Kansas Historical Soc.

Library Exc. 120 W. 10th

Kansas State Library Third Floor, State House

Mr. Walter Boles 2007 Briarcliff Lane

Bill Duke 3401 West 29th

Mr. John Breukelman 1715 E. Wilman

Richard Lockhart 2713 W. 33rd

Central Serials Dept. W. A. White Library K.S. T.C.

V i r g i l I?. Basgall 4443 N. W. Lookout Court Mrs. Alfred Ericson

1406 College Drive Baxter Springs

Lawrence V . Herbert 312 E. 13th Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Qualls

Rt. 1, Box 304

KOS Membership List - Page 6

Clif ton

Marv in Kuehn 1720 Thompson

L o r e n a C o m b s Box 174

M r s . L e s t e r E. L a i r d 12 16 Sunnyslope St.


M a r k Brown Mr. & M r s . Gi lbe r t L e i s m a n K a n s a s State T e a c h e r ' s Col lege Biology Dept.

M r s . Avi s L. J a c k s o n Box 103

Edward Ryan 1820 Can te rbury Road


M r . Wint Smith Richard Schmidt 1410 Neosho St. A r k a n s a s City

Kathleen M. T a b o r 2 178 Morningside

David Seibel 601 N. 3 r d St.

A d m i r e N. H. White, J r . Box 475

M r . & M r s . E.F. Schulenberg R F D 1 M a r g a r e t Schulenbe r g R F D 1

Coldwate r

M r s . M a r i e Swisher Box 266

B u r l ington H a l s t e a d

Madge Hi lb ish M r s . Walton Goode 626 Main St . M r s . Ivan Rhoads

Peabody H a r p e r

D o M. G r e e n e DVM Box 73

No H e n r y W. P e l z l 1801 S. P i n e

Concordia Kingman

Eugene Leon 9 11 Republican

Will is Ha l l Route 2

Newton B a r n e s

J a y P. Newton, Jr. 1212 G r o v e

' M r s . D w e r l Vogler

F r e d Vogle r

KOS Membership List - Page 7

Newton (Cont. )

Stephen W. Cape1 623 West 11th

Mrs. W. S. Ba r r 1421 E. F i r s t

Jane Hershberger 18 Circle Drive

Mrs. Hazel Land 6 14 Millington

Tim Her shbe r ge r 18 Circle Drive

Mrs. Nellie Smith 1130 Mansfield St.

Dwight Platt RFD 2

Ross 0. Williams 1428 E. Third

Miss Lucile Thomas 724 W. 5th

Dr. Robert B. Wimmer Southwe s tern College

North Newton Southwe s tern College Memorial Library

Robert W. Regier Box 314 Max Thompson

Southwe s tern College Oxford

Mrs. Ross Williams 1428 E. Third Mr. Wallace Champeny

Penalosa Donna Wilt 418 Andrews

Byron Walker Kingman Came Area Wichita

Potwin Wichita Public Library 223 S. Main

Clare E. Redding Box 138 Richard H. Barnes

326 N. St. Paul Walton

Walter J . Broderson 2262 N. Richmond Mrs. Nada Voth

A R. R. 1, BOX 33 Larry Gray 1728 Nottingham Ct. Wellington

Mrs. Roland Turner 121 E. 21st St.

Mrs. J. Walker Butin 38 Mission Road

Mr. Jeff Cox 83 15 Willowbrook

KOS Membership L is t - Page 8

Wichita (Cont. ) Salina

Robert M. Kruge r 6602 E. H a r r y , Apt 122

J ack Wals t rom 2092 Edward

Lelde V. Riekstins 6602 E. H a r r y , Apt. 1209


Mrs . Pau l Volkland Box 63 Georgia B. Vaughan

1212 S. F e r n Chapman

Rober t Vaughan 1212 S. F e r n M r s . Neil Detrich

Mr. & Mrs . Cha r l e s Cookson 8737 S. Hydraulic

McPhe r son

Mrs . Haro ld Beam 321 Cha r l e s L . M. Divinia

115 S. Batt in D r . Floyd M. Sheets Rt. 1, Box 1 J a m e s B. F i s h e r

141 S. Old Manor Virginia H a r r i s 1400 E. Euclid H. Tom Gray, M. D.

205 S. Old Manor Allen W. John 208 W. 1s t Roy W. Harding

2048 S. Old Manor M r s . Floyd M. Sheets R.F.D. 1, Box 1 Mar jor ie Mar shal l

656 S. Roosevelt Kent D. Stuckey Rt. 1, Box 81 Cra ig Winter

329 West 1 l t h Minneapolis

Coffeyville Mary VanMete r 308 E. 5th Jill Cla rk

13 E. New Hutchinson

Longton M r s . Ivan Schrock 611 W. 25th Mrs . H. L. Albright

Box 258 Buhler

Niotaze Stan Senner 221 Avenue B Miss Sa ra Pa t t e r son

KOS Membership List - Page 9

Chase Sterl ing (Cont. )

Dale L. Taylor Sterl ing College

Mrs. Owen Pau l

Ellinwood Hays

Frank Rob1 Box 338 Keith E. Bai rd I1

R2-Wooster P l ace Grea t Bend

Mr. Cha r l e s Ely F o r t Hays Kansas State College Mrs . Mar ie Brehmer

3200 F o r e s t Ave. Jeff Ha r t 304 Ash Thaine Di rks

RR 1 Richard A. Hill 208 112 W. 25th Mrs. Raymond Dodd

1407 Twelfth Douglas E. Johnson 410 W. 8th Edmund Martinez

5851 Hemlock Dr. M r s . Haro ld G. K r a u s Rt. 2 Box 30 Mr. & Mrs . L. 0. Nossaman

1507 Adams F o r syth L i b r a r y Pe r iod i ca l s F o r t Hays Kansas State College Marvin Schwilling

Cheyenne Bottoms Refuge Victor Moss 618 E a s t Fifth #40

L a r r y Scher ich Box 404

Marvin Rolfs 211 W 24th

L a r r y Todd 211 Ash

La C r o s s e

Mrs . Char les Bankston Box 518 Cra ig Winter

411 E. 19th Mr. Cha r l e s Bankston Box 518 Bill Wisner

701 Walnut

Mr. Evere t t Ranberger Box 90 Harold Wisher

7 0 1 Walnut

Sterl ing E l l i s

Alan D. Stickel 402 E. Main Richard Weber

203 West 13th

KOS Membersh ip L i s t - P a g e 10

Colbv Maine

Will iam C. P i p e r 430 Smith Dr .


Olin S. Pet t ingi l l , Jr. H oxi e

C u t l e r Mr. C h a r l e s A. Neal

Dr . H u b e r t F r i n g s 22 L i t t l e Mach ias Rd. Quinter

Wilfred Meie r 3 12 Gran t

New J e r s e y

F r a n k l i n L a k e s We s k a n

New J e r s e y Audubon Society Exc 790 Ewing Ave. Mr. Russe l l H a r o l d

Dodge City New Brunswick

M r s . J o a n Chal lans 2415 H a r t

Rev. B e r t r a m G. M u r r a y , Jr. Depar tmen t of Science R u t g e r s Univers i ty

J o y c e Davis 2309 First Ave. * New York

M r s . Haze l Moore 19 13 Sixth St.

New Y o r k

Sydney A n d e r s o n A m e r . Mus. N a t u r a l H i s t o r y C e n t r a l P a r k W at 79th St.

M i s s D o r a Rennick 241 1 H a r t

M r s . Donald Shult z 2500 H a r t

I thaca

Ol in Pet t ingi l l , Jr. L a b of O r n . Corne l l Un ive r s i ty


Galen L. P i t t m a n Pennsvlvania

Bucklin P i t t s b u r g h

Rober t B a r n h a r d t C a r n e g i e Museum L i b r a r y 4400 F o r b e s Ave. Scott Ci ty

G. B e r n a r d V a n Cleve 304 S. Winebiddle St.

M r s . Edith Haver f i e ld 213 E. Fi f th St.

M r s . F r e d Young 505 Col lege

KOS Member ship Lis t - Page 11

South Carolina Delaware


Clemson University Director of L ib ra ry

David M. Niles Del.Museum of Natural His tory

Flor ida Washington, D. C.

Vero Beach Dr. Alexander Wetmore Smith sonian Institution

Dr. Herbe r t W. Kale I1 Entomological Re s . C t r . Box 308


Laure l Tennessee

Erwin Klaas Patuxent Research Refuge


Richard Gillermarl Box 1358, Sta. B. Chandler S. Robbins

7902 Brooklyn Bridge Rd. Mississ ippi

Columbia State College

David W. Holmes 9635 White Acre Rd. B-4 J e r o m e Jackson

Dept. Zoology Mississ ippi State University No,rth Carolina

Ohio Henderson

Mrs. E r i c C. Flannagan S r . 2 15 Young Ave.


Abbot S. Gaunt Ohio State Univ. Dept. of Zoology 1735 Neil Ave.


Mr. Paul Stewart Rev 203 Mooreland Dr. Bluffton

Harvey C. Hieber t 117 S. Spring


N. C. State University Library Ser ia l s Dept. Box 5007


Battle Creek

Allen Wenke 43 9 4 South Minge s

KOS Member ship List - Page 12

Michigan (Cont. )

Battle Creek (Cont. ) Rockhill

Mrs. Louise E. Wenke 4394 South Minges

Mr. Ted' Anderson 9 55 3 Plainfield Drive

Iowa - Independence

Ottumwa Mr. Charles Franklin, J r . 641 Proctor Place

Judge Charles C. Ayres, J r . 922 N. Green Warrensburg

Mrs. Charles C. Ayres, J r . 922 N. Green

Central Missouri State College Library -Periodicals Dept .

Burlington Kansas City

Kansas City Public Library 311 E. 12th St.

Peter Lowther 309 Whitewood

Linda Hall Library 5109 Cherry St.

Peter Petersen, J r . Exc 235 McClellan Blvd. Esther Oconnor

4829 Holmes Minne s ota

Paul Ward 4901 Main Minneapolis

Mr, Robert Janssen Exc Minnesota Ornithologi~te, Union Jamee, Ford Bell Mus. of Nat. His.

Mre, Robert. Isenber ger 645 W. 61 Terrace

Gordon Sauer, MD 6400 Prospect South Dakota

Y ankton Harry L, Gregory 9505 Bennington

Paul Finninge r 903 Douglas $5 Joann S, Garrett

10542 Mersington Illinoi r

Maryville Dakalb -

David A. Eaaterla Dept, of Biology Northwest Missouri St. Univ.

Pariodicals Swen I?', Parron Library Northern Illinois Univer rity

KOS Membership L i s t - Page 13

Missouri (Cont. )


I. C. Adams 214 N. 8th



Mr. Rushton Cortelyou 5 109 Underwood Ave .

Oklahoma (Cont . ) Bart le svil le

Mrs. John Messer ley 344 S. E. E lmhurs t


Dr. W. A. C a r t e r Dept. of Biology E a s t Central State College

Texas Beatr ice

Arlington Miss Vera Anderson Box 172 Dr. Robert Neil1

1000 Car l a Ct. Benedict

Midland Lee Mor r i s RR 1, Box 26


Mr. Kent Fiala Exc Nebraska Ornithologists Union Univ. of Nebraska State Museum



Wayne G. Delavan 10 15 Walnut



George Sutton Stovall Museum University of Oklahoma


Paul Nighswonger Northwestern State College

Mr . J a m e s Henderson Box 5132

Mrs . Harold Will iams 3307 Neely


Commerce Citv

Ronald Jay Maul Route I , Box 15

F o r t Collins

Mr . Roger Boyd 622 S. Taft Hill Rd.

Colorado State University L ib ra ry

David Lupton Exc Colorado s t a t e Univ L i b r a r i e s Ser ia l Section


KOS Membership Lis t - Page 14

California Poland

Los Angeles

Occidental College L ib ra ry 1600 Campus Road



Mrs. Helen Whorton 1020 Green S t ree t #809


Camano Island

Mrs . C a r l S. Holmes 938 West Camano Drive

C a r l S. Holmes 938 West Camano Drive

Section of Doc. & Exchange Institute of Ecology PAS. Dziekanow K. War szawz

Dr. W. Rydzewski Exch Zoological Institute Sienkiewicza 2 1 50-335 Wroclaw

South Afr ica

"The Library , Exch. ' ' South Afr ican Ornithological Soc. c / o P e r c y Fi tzpatr ick Inst of Af O r Rondebosch, C. P.




Canada Mrs . C. S. Hobson 7 Westwood Road

University of Alber ta L ibra ry-Per iod ica l s Edmonton, Alber ta

Mr. Jon Barlow 100 Queens P a r k Museum Toronto 5, Ontar io

McGill Univ. L ib ra ry Ser ia l s Dept. 3459 Mc Tavish St. Montreal 112 Quey

J a m e s Rising University of Toronto, Dept. Zool. Toronto 5, Ontar io

Dr. Robert M. Mengel Museum of Natural His tory University of Kansas

Mrs . Alvin H. Schild 1730 Illinois


Major John H. Getwood 630- c 13th St. T e r r a c e

Junction Citv

Mrs. Mary L. Swihart 728 West Chestnut

C O N S T I T U T I O N AND BY - L A W S (Articles of Incorporation)



The name of this organization shall be the Kansas Ornithological Society, Inc., and its emblem shall be the Horned Lark. It shall operate a s a non-profit organization.


The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the study of ornithology, to advance the members in ornithological science, to promote conservation, and to publish ornithological papers in the K. 0. So Bulletin. Upon dissolution of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Inc. the assets will be distributed for a n exempt purpose specified in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, a s amended, which the Board of Directors, at the time of dissolution will determine.


Section 1. Membership shall be open to all persons interested in ornithology whose names may be proposed by an active member.

Section 2 . Applicants may become members upon formal recommendation by a member to a (any) member of the<Board of Directors and payment of dues.


Section 1. The Society shall hold at least one regular meeting each year at the time and place voted in the prkvious regular meeting or determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 2 . The exact date and place of any regular meeting may be changed at the discretion of the President, upon notice given in writing by mail to each member not less than ten days prior to such meeting.

Section 3. Special meetings may in like manner be called at such other times and places a s may be directed by the President.


Section 1. The governing body shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the immediate Past President, the following officers elected at regular annual meet- ings f rom the membership of the society: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer , Bulletin Editor and Four Directors-at-large and the following appointive officers: Editor of the News Letter, and chairman of standing committees on Conservation, Membership, Publicity, and the Kansas Checklist. Of the four Directors-at-large, two shall be elected each year to serve two years, due consideration being given to obtain representatives from areas not otherwise represented on the Board.


Section 2 . The annual meeting of the Board shall be held in connection with the annual meeting of the Society. Four Board members shall constitute a quorum. At other times the Board may consider matters pertaining to the Society by mail.

Section 3. The President of the Society shall be Chairman of the Board during his term of office and a member of the Board until replaced by the next retiring President.

Section 4. The Secretary of the Society shall also serve a s Secretary of the Board.

Section 5. The Board shall have the power to act on all matters pertaining to the Society, except a s otherwise provided by this Constitution. The Board i s directed and empowered to consider, adopt, and put into effect practicable ways and means by which the Society may further the objectives for which it i s founded.

Section 6. The Board shall not amend the Constitution of the Society or change the annual dues of the members, or incur financial obligations beyond the actual content of the Treasury.

Section 7. The proceedings of the Board, including the financial t rans- actions, shall be reported at each annual meeting of the Society by the Secretary.


Section 1. The officers of the Society shall consist of the following: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and such other officers a s from time to time may be deemed desirable.

Section 2 . The officers of the Society shall be elected for a t e rm of one year and shall function until the end of the regular annual meeting in which their respective successors have been installed.

Section 3 . The election of officers shall be held at the regular meeting each year. Nomination of the various officers herein provided may be submitted at the appointed time by a committee named for that purpose by the President. Nominations shall also be in order from the floor. Voting shall be by secret ballot if more than one candidate is nominated for a given office. A majority of those present and voting shall be required to elect all officers of the Society.

Section 4. The President and Vice-President may not be elected to their offices for more than two consecutive years. The other officers may succeed

themselves indefinitely.



Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings and he shall be empowered to call special meetings. The President shall appoint standing committees on Conservation, Membership, Publicity and the Kansas Checklist and such other ad hoc committees a s he may deem necessary to serve during his t e rm of office. He shall be ex-officio member of al l committees and shall perform such other duties a s may properly come within h i s province. He shall be a member of the Board and during h i s t e rm of office a s President, shall act a s Chairman of the Board.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in h is absence o r in the event of h is inability to perform such duties. He shall ca r ry out orders a s directed by the President. The Vice-President shall act a s chairman of the Program Committee during h i s t e rm of office. He shall be a member of the Board.

Section 3. The Secretary shall keep complete and accurate minutes of al l meetings and shall be in charge of the records, papers, and property belong- ing to the Society, except a s otherwise specified. He shall countersign checks in the absence of the President. He shall, a s directed by the President, c a r ry on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Society. The Secretary shall be a member of the Board and act a s Secretary of the Board.

Section 4. The Membership Secretary shall prepare and preserve a record of al l members and their attendance a t each meeting and make such records available to the Secretary. He shall issue membership receipts, dues reminders, member ship applications and invitations, and advise the Editor of membership changes. He shall be a member of the Board.

Section 5. The Treasure r shall be the custodian of all funds belonging to the Society and he shall pay out and expend the same by check which shall be counter-signed by the President o r the Secretary. The Treasure r shall be bonded. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Board.

Section 6. The Editor shall be charged with the organizing, editing, and publishing of the K.O. S. Bulletin and such newsletters o r other printed matter a s shall be approved by the Board of Directors. He may appoint such Associate and Assistant Editors a s shall be necessary to aid in the performance of h is duties. The Library and a l l scientific papers belonging to the Society shall be deposited in the Dyche Reading Room, Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Said publications will be available on loan to the Society mem- bers . The Editors of the K.O.S. Bulletin and of the News Letter shall be members of the Board.



Section 1. Each member of the Society shall be required to pay annual dues in such amount a s the Society may from time to time fix by resolution, or a life membership of $100.00 payable in a lump sum o r $25.00 for four consecutive years . Annual dues of the Society shall run for the calendar year and shall be due on January 1 of each year. All membership dues shall be paid directly to the Treasurer , who shall notify the Membership Secretary of the date and amount of each receipt.

Section 2. Active members may attain the status of "sustaining" members by the payment of dues a t a greater annual rate such a s the Society may fix by r e solution.

Section 3. No resolution changing the annual dues shall be adopted except by a two-thirds vote of al l members present and voting a t a regular meeting immediately following not l e s s than ten days' notice of such proposal given in writing by mail to each member.

Section 4. The annual membership dues for regular members shall be $3.00 (all of which goes for subscription to the K. 0. S. Bulletin), for sustaining members - $6.00 (of which $3.00 goes for subscription to the Bulletin), and for student members (to include only Grade and High School Students) - $1.00.

Section 5. The dues of new members paid during the last four months of any calendar year shall be applied to membership for the following year .


Section 1. A local chapter of the Kansas Ornithological Society may be formed a t any institution, city, town, o r other place upon application of five or more active members of the Society. Such chapters may elect their own local officers, a s s e s s additional dues, and conduct their own meetings. Such chapters may be known by the name of their own selection plus the designation "Chapter of the Kansas Ornithological Society, Incorporated. ' I

Section 2. The function of such local chapters shall be to provide a rallying point for monthly meetings and local field t r ips.


Section 1. The Kansas Ornithological Society, Incorporated may consider or seek affiliation with other organizations having similar goals, for the purpose of strengthening the Society o r furthering ornithological development o r publication.

Section 2 . Active affiliation with another organization may become binding

only after being approved by a two-thirds vote of a l l members present and voting a t a regular meeting.


Section 3. No affiliation can be considered binding to the Kansas Ornitho- logical Society, Incorporated i f that affiliation in any way res t r i c t s the autonomy of the Society, interferes with the purpose of the Society a s stated in Article 11, limits the membership of the Society, o r i n any other way runs counter to provi- sion of the constitution and by-laws of the Society.


Section 1. The Society may adopt such By-Laws a s may be deemed proper for i ts guidance by a two-thirds vote of all those present and voting a t any regular meeting.

Section 2. Due notice of such proposed By-Laws shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member a t least ten days prior to the next regular meeting.

Section 3 . By-Laws may be submitted by any member of the Society. They shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors which shall proceed a s directed in Section 2 of this Article.


Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution or to the By-Laws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote of all those present and voting.

Section 2. Due notice of such proposed amendments shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member a t least ten days prior to the next regular meeting.

Section 3 . An Amendment to the Constitution o r to the By-Laws may be submitted by any member of the Society. It shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, which shall proceed i n accord with Section 2 of this Article.

Revised and amended 27 April, 1974.

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