Kaloyan Mladenov - Portfolio

Post on 19-Mar-2017






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Domus Ark. Projects

Bredagergården Carlsberg Maltmagasinet

VandCenter Syd

KEA – Cph. Projects

Other projects

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Grønby Strand

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Carlsberg Halmlagret

BREDAGERGÅRDEN> Renovation of a residence building

> Internship project

Address : Bredagervej, 2770 Kastrup

Client: Tårnbyhuse

Architect: Domus Ark.

Function: Recidencial building

Gross floor area: 5090 sqm - 64 apartements

Build in: 1948

Project webpage: www.domus.dk/node/272

Responsible for: Building Sections / Roof detail drawings /

Ventilation fire protection

Software use: AutoCad

Domus has developed master plan for the future

renovation of Bredagergården in Kastrup. Project consists

of 2 block with 70 apartments built in 1948.

The overall proposal is to create broader spectrum of

apartment selection, that suit a variety of different social

groups. By merging existing apartments, creating new in

the attic space and installing elevators the project is

aiming to provide remedy for the different residents. The

renovated building will consist of senior dwellings and

apartments with availability for the disabled, as well as a

range of modern units suitable for families.

All ground floor apartments have access to privet gardens.

Both of the buildings are going to be equiped with new

kitchens, bathrooms, balconies and new instalations incl.

new ventilation system.

Existing Ground floor plan

Future Ground floor plan

Section A-A – existing building Section A-A – future building

Roof detail – bathroom/corridor Roof detail – Fire escape window

Roof detail – Roof window Vent. fire protection box – plan drawing

Grønby Strand> Renovation of residential buildings

> Internship at Domus

Address : Brøndy, Denmark

Function: Recidencial complex

Architect: Domus Ark.

Area: 300 000 sqm recidendial area /

35 ha surrounding area

Webpage: http://www.domus.dk/node/271

> Responsible for: Assisting in the

creation of the physical model

Brøndby Strand is the biggest renovation

project in Denmark. The leading architects in

the project are Domus Ark. For detailed

information about the project visit

Domus Ark. web page.

My part in this project was to help develop

the physical model of the building from foam

boards. In this project I learnt how to make a

foam model and use a foam cutter.

Carlsberg Maltmagasinet> Renovation of a storage building

> 5ft Semester project

Address : Ny Carlsbergvej 103, Frederiksberg, Denmark

Client: Carlsberg Byen P/S

Function: Multi – purpouse building

(Shopping center, Restaurant, office space, library)

Gross floor area: 2830 sqm

Build in: 1881

> Individual part: Underpinning of the foundation /

Ventilation estimation and drawings

> Software used: Revit Architecture

The aim of the project is to refurbish an existing storage

building into sustainable multi – purpose commercial

building, while preserving the spirit of the building. The

building is located in Carlsberg area and is listed.

The task was to plan, design and manage an energy

refurbishment making the property suitable for

assignment and at the same time minimizing future

energy consumption (e.g. energy consumption for

heating, hot water, lightning etc.).

AtriumRoof space

Function diagram – Ground floor

Function diagram – 2nd floor

Longitudinal Section

Cross Section

Underpinning of foundation

New foundation-existing wall

New foundation-existing internal wall


VandCenter Syd> Multi-functional office building

> 4th Semester Project

Address : Skt. Jørgensgade 213, 5000 Odense C, Danmark

Client: VandCenter Syd

Architect: Vandkunsten

Function: Multi-functional office building

Gross floor area: 1745 sqm

> Individual part: Concrete wall elements / Green Roof

The building is designed as an extension to an existing garage

structure . The new building together with the existing

buildings will form the new space for Vandcenter Syds

activities – water supply and wastewater management

company owned by Odense and North Fyn municipalities.

The building is divided by its functions: 1st floor is prepared

for administration functions with access to access to covered

roof terrace. Skylight on the roof lit the pathway on 1st floor,

thus delivering daylight to all the rooms on 1st floor. Ground

floor serves functions for kitchen and dining area, bath and

changing rooms as well as team meeting rooms. The building

is surrounded by water channel and in the building are

incorporated different water motives like wavy suspended

ceiling and water wall.

Cross Section

First floor – Function diagramGround floor – Function diagram

Green Roof – Exterior wall detail Suspended Ceiling detail /canteen/

Foundation –water channel detail Column – Wall element detail

Halmlagret> Proposal for renovation of existing

buildings and its surroundings

> 5th semester /design consultancy/

Address : Carlsberg Area, Denmark

Function: Cultural hall / new urban area

Stages : Concept

> Individual part: 3D model of the landscape

Halmlagret is an existing building in Carlsberg

area, that served many different purposes

during the years – bottle cleaning facility,

stable and in recent years are party venue.

The aim of this project was to renovate the

existing building and create an space for

different cultural events. We decided to take

it further by creating an modern extension to

the excising building and developing the

landscape into attractive public space. We

created a concert stage, skate park, open-air

fitness and coffe shop.

The project was diveloped with social and

environment sustainability in mind, since the

area is part of the future carbon neutral

development of the Carlsberg Area.

DAH> Roll house

> 2nd Semester Project

Address : Herlev, Denmark

Client: DAH (Danish-Australian Housing)

Architects: Johnny Svendborg Architects

Function: Sigle Family Houses

Plot area: 10,000 sqm

Single house size : 180 sqm

> Individual part: Revir model / Ground floor slab details /

1st floor slab details / Roof details / Technical instalations

Project aim was to adapt the same building design to too

different geographical regions – Herlev, Denmark and

Hunters Bay, Australia. Original architectural design

was created by Svendborg architects. The project consists of

midium sized houses, ment for families with 2 children.

The main focuses in both project are sustainablitity and

buildability ( differencies in the biulding technics and codes

in Denmark and Australia).

The materials used for the houses in Denmark are bricks /

standard brick and concrete blocks/ for the ground floor

structure and wood with zink cladding on 1st floor. The

internal garage from the oridinal design was removed to

create more usable internal space.

Ground floor 1st floor wooden structure

Cross Section

Floor slab – balcony detail

Floor slab – internal loadbearing wall detail

Roof detail between two houses

Internal wall foundation between 2 houses

Malmo Infill> Proposal for infill in Malmo, Sweden

> 5th semester /design consultancy/

Address : Malmo, Sweden

Function: Recidence Building

Stages : Concept

> Individual part: 3D model / sustainability

The project is located in Malmo, Sweden and

was part of a 3 week Design consultancy course

at KEA.

We were given a empty plot and the task was to

come with a concept for a building. We

designed an zig-zag shaped building with focus

on sustainability and diversity.

The building consists of six stories, 5 of which

are residential and the ground floor is with

commercial purpose (Café/restaurant, Shops).

5th floor plan

1st and 3rd floor plan

> Name: Kaloyan Sergeev Mladenov

> Born: 1992/ 08/ 27

> Address: Rebæk Søpark 5 -418

2650 Hvidovre, Denmark

> Tlf.:+45/50 24 73 70

> E-mail: mladenovkaloyan@gmail.com

> Who am I ? < > Experiences <

> Course Details <KEAAutodesk Revit 3DProduction Process ManagementDesign Architectural PrinciplesDesign MEPDesign Structural PrinciplesProduction Building MaterialsProduction Structural MethodsBusiness Project LawBusiness AdministrationGeneral Applied ScienceGeneral Advanced CommunicationGeneral Organization CollaborationGeneral Applied Math'sProduction Construction ManagementRegistration Building RecordRegistration Surveying Setting outDesign Consultancy

I am an young person, who recently graduated

KEA – Copenhagen and currently is looking for an employment at Architecture or Construction office.

I am diligent, motivated and communicative individual with strong eye for details and with great will to excel in the profession of Architectural Technologist.

I speak English, Spanish and Bulgarian fluently;

Danish and Russian at a beginner level.

> Skills <

Digital Skills

Revit Architecture (advance)

Autocad (advance)

Google SketchUP (competent)

MS office (competent)

Adobe Indesign (basic)

Adobe Illustrator (basic)

Manual Skills

Craftsman skills

Model making

2014 > Domus Arkitekter, Copenhagen Arch. Technologist (Bygningskonstruktør), Student assistant / Intern Responsible for the delivery of: 3D Revit models / 2D CAD technical drawings / Construction technical details/ model making/ on-site visits and registration of buildings.

2014 > WakeUp hotel, CopenhagenHousekeepingRoom cleaning

2013 > ACB Engineering, BulgariaConstruction WorkerAd – hock onsite tasks

> Education <2011-15 > KEA – København Erhvervsakademi, Copenhagen, DenmarkProf. Bach of Arch. Technology and Constr. Management/ Bygningskonstruktør

2012-13 > Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain / Erasmus – Arquitectura Tecnica / Bygningskonstruktør/

2006-11 > 164.''Miguel de Cervantes'',Spanish Language School, Bulgaria

1999-06 > 133. ''Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin'', Russian Language School, Bulgaria

> References < Henrik Hansted Jensen – Architect / Adm. Director

at Domus Ark. – Tlf.: +45/ 2040 3090

Gretar Sigthorsson – Bygningskonstruktør

at Domus Ark. – Tlf.: +45/ 4222 9925

Thank you for your attention

Kaloyan Sergeev Mladenov

e-mail: mladenovkaloyan@gmail.com

mobile: 0045/50247370

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