Kairos Newsletter

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Kairos Prison Ministry Australia is a Christian ministry reaching out to incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them; to bring sustainable meaning and hope in the place of loneliness, isolation and despair.


Dear Friend,

Rev Martin Luther King once referred to Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and

supposed that those who passed by held one selfish concern: “If I stop and help that

man, what will happen to me?”

Rev King exhorted people to ask a different question: “If I don’t stop and help this

man, what will happen to him?”

This is the heart of the true disciple of Jesus… building relationships for the sake of

‘the other’ rather than simply meeting our own needs. This unstoppable power of love

is what fuels friends like you to respond to Jesus’ invocation: “I was in prison and you

visited me.”

Your efforts to ‘stop’ and care for prisoners and former inmates through your gifts,

prayers and time are making a powerful difference to what happens to them. You can

read one example of this on page 3 in the story of Glen and Kiran.

We’ll never know what would have happened to Glen if he had never come into

contact with Kairos. I’m just glad we were able to be there when he needed us, and to

play a part in helping him discover a new life that is filled with hope for the future.

That is our hope for every prisoner and former prisoner that we care for through

Kairos Prison Ministries Australia - to help them find new life in Jesus Christ. And we

have you to thank for helping to make this possible!

I trust you will be encouraged by Peter’s report on page 1 about his experience at

Mobilong, and also to read on page 2 about how your Easter cards brought incredible

joy to the men and women we serve.

As always, I am deeply grateful for your partnership in this ministry. I pray that you

also will experience the abundant life that Jesus promises!

Your brother in Christ,

Tony Carter <><

CEO, Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Letter from Tony

Peter Lyndon-James is an ex-inmate who has found new life in Jesus Christ. Today he is sharing it with others through Prison Ministry in Western Australia.Peter recently visited Mobilong Correctional Centre in South Australia as an observing chaplain during a Kairos course. He shares how Kairos is bringing new life not only to inmates, but also to those who serve them as volunteers.

“What I experienced over the four-day Kairos Short Course was life-changing,” Peter began. “From the moment I arrived I was welcomed with open arms, love… and lots of food!

Every member of the Kairos team was like the Body of Christ in action. The way they came together with such unity regardless of church backgrounds was a gift to experience. I thank the Lord for such wonderful people!I know for many of the boys from Mobilong, it was an experience they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Most of the boys have never experienced so much love.There are so many positives that Kairos has to offer to all who participate from both sides of the fence,” Peter continued. “We all have something to give from our lives that would help ...

freedom( (June 2009


new life


PO Box 73, Northmead NSW 2152 Australia

Phone: (02) 9683 6096 / Fax: (02) 9683 0296

Email: info@kairos.org.au www.kairos.org.au

in this issue/

Tony Carter Ex-Inmate Shares

Through Kairos

There are so many positives that Kairos has to offer to all who participate from both sides

of the fence...

‘ Easter Cards Delight Prisoners / Kairos Embraces Change / Life and Love Restored / The Reality of New Life / Letter from Tony


continued on page 2...

Pat Benefield is an active member of the Kairos community who has served on a number of teams, both Kairos Inside and Kairos Outside.  During the team formation process for Kairos Outside North Coast #1 Pat felt motivated to register as a guest on the Kairos Outside Mens Pilot weekend.

Here Pat tells of his excitement and joy in experiencing this brand new course…

I was apprehensive and to be honest told myself that because of my prior involvement with Kairos, I didn’t really need to go. Now that I have attended I know I definitely needed to go.

Kairos Outside Men’s Pilot at Tocal was a life changing experience for me. No Gimmicks. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of so many caring, gentle, loving and humble Spirit-filled men, team and guests alike. I’m sure it was the Holy Spirit working through the team and the programme that created such a genuine Christian community and swept away all barriers, awkwardness and apprehension very early on. We were lead on a journey of self discovery in an environment that was a safe place to take a risk, take our masks off and share personal and intimate things.

With vulnerability no longer an issue we were free to deal with men’s business, from the inside out – from our hearts to our heads. We spent a lot of time on relationships and how God wants to have a relationship with us and it is only by surrendering our lives to God that that becomes possible. By living with that conviction we have a better chance of building honest and lasting relationships with the people we love and work and play with.

I have never before been in a place in the company of other men that was so loving and caring, so gentle yet so strong, so emotionally sensitive yet authentically manly and masculine. It was as if Jesus used the team as His instruments to lead us all into that beautiful place where we were able to feel warmth, strength, gentleness and power of the love of our Heavenly Father, that beautiful love that in His eyes empowers authentic manhood.

I know that I have left the weekend rich in the knowledge that I am not alone. Besides Jesus I have a whole bunch of blokes, team and fellow guests, who are only a phone call away. I have left equipped with realistic goals that we have consciously chosen to achieve by each of us keeping in touch. I have left motivated to make the changes to move from worldly living into kingdom living in the world. Enriched and refreshed with the experience of having felt the touch of Jesus and excited with the prospect of learning of the dreamings Jesus has for me.

The past incarceration of a family member has impacted on me and my family’s life in a ripple like effect, like tossing a stone in the pond, the ripples do impact negatively on many lives, family and community. I reckon Kairos Outside Men’s is so unique, so special in the way it targets men, that when added to the armoury of already established Kairos Ministries will be like tossing a boulder into that pond. The ripple effects for good will

reverberate through out Australia and the world and impact on so many lives.

The great ministry of servanthood that is Kairos will now be even better equipped to bring about healing and the peace that can only come from experiencing Jesus' love and forgiveness in such a personal way.

Pat Benefield

Guest Kairos Outside Men’s Pilot Tocal, May 8-10 2009

STOP PRESS!Pilot Kairos Outside Program a Blessing for All

Kairos Launches New Website!

The ripple effects for good will reverberate throughout Australia and the world and

impact on so many lives.


Last month, Kairos launched our new website... and we want to invite you to stop by for a visit!

In addition to a new, more user-friendly and eye-pleasing layout, we’ve added functions that allow you to easily donate online, check out our latest news bulletins and you can even see the many volunteer opportunities available to you.

So please stop by www.kairos.org.au any time. And thanks for your continued support of our prison ministry outreach!

Our team first came to know Glen when he attended a Kairos program in Junee prison. At the time Glen was not quite ready to surrender his life to Christ… but the Lord certainly had a plan for him!

Glen’s wife, Kiran, divorced him while he was in prison. But Glen still loved Kiran, so when he was released, he searched for her until he found her. Eventually they were reunited.

Glen persuaded Kiran to attend Kairos Outside – a weekend program of encouragement and support for former prisoners and their families. During that very weekend, Kiran decided to give her life to Christ.

Some time later, Glen and Kiran attended a Kairos Outside reunion.

It was there that Don, a former prisoner from Long Bay, was finally able to lead Glen to the Lord. There was much rejoicing in heaven and on earth that night!

After that, Glen asked Kiran to marry him again… and she said yes!

Glen and Kiran were re-married on the 1st November at Normanhurst by Peter Francis. The wedding was hosted by Deanne and David Chapman and Kairos Outside provided the wedding cake.

It was a truly special occasion and

served as a reminder that our God is the God of the impossible… and He is able to bring new life in the most surprising ways!

new lifeEx-Inmate SharesThrough Kairos


continued from page 1...

2 4

Life and LoveEaster Cards Delight PrisonersWe are thrilled to report that Kairos received hundreds of Easter cards and notes of encouragement from friends like you to share with the men and women we serve!

Your messages were pinned up in the chapels of several gaols and countless prisoners have spent time reading them. Many have been deeply moved by your thoughtful words and prayers for them.

This practical demonstration of your love served as a reminder of what Easter is really all about. So thank you for being a part of this special writing campaign!

Please pray that those who need encouragement will find strength as they read these messages and put their trust in Jesus Christ.

Since Kairos began in 1995, our chaplains and volunteers

have been able to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with

thousands of men and women in more than 18 Australian prisons.

To our great delight, countless prisoners have discovered new spiritual

life in Jesus Christ. And we have been encouraged to see many of them

released from prison to begin a new life filled with purpose and vision

for the future.

Along with the many victories we have enjoyed, we have also faced our

share of disappointments. For different reasons, there are several prisons

that are no longer open to us, such as Parramatta, Long Bay, Manus,

Mulawa, Cessnock and Silverwater.

While it is disappointing to see the years of ministry draw to a close in

these facilities, we do know we have been faithful to our calling while

the opportunity was available. For that we can rejoice, and feel assured

that our efforts for the Lord are never wasted.

The Lord is always preparing us for the next piece in His jigsaw puzzle,

so I encourage you to continue standing with us in prayer as we seek the

Lord’s direction for the future. We need to keep our spiritual eyes and

ears open, ready to pitch our tents in response to new opportunities!

In the meantime, we will continue serving in the prisons that are open

to us. Thank you all for your love and valuable friendship. Good things

lie ahead – most especially those resounding words "Well done, good

and faithful servant."

...another person, and that was brought out during the course in a special way.You could not do a Kairos course and not grow spiritually. For me, it was a special time of healing, bonding, drawing near to God and growing spiritually. To be able to take that growth back into my home church is very empowering.

“I’d like to thank everyone who was involved,” Peter concluded. “Those who served as volunteers, prepared the food, spent time in prayer, gave financially… and especially to the guests from Mobilong who attended.”

“I can’t help but feel that I received far more than I gave!”It’s the gifts and prayers from friends like you that help make stories like Peter’s possible. So thank you for sowing into the ministry of Kairos so faithfully. We’re deeply grateful for you!

Kairos Embraces


The Reality of New LifeBy Peter Francis, Kairos Spiritual Director

The Lord is always preparing us for

the next piece in His jigsaw puzzleYou could not do a Kairos

course and not grow spiritually.

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).We live, with or without Jesus. So what is this life that John talks of for believers? Paul tells us that “just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4).

The Greek word for this life, this new life, is Zoe. It refers particularly to life as God has it. This is the life the Father has in Himself; it is the life He gave to the incarnate Jesus Christ to have in Himself (John 5:26), and it is the life that the Son showed to the world (1 John 1:2).

Those who live without Jesus are separated from this life as a consequence of sin. But Christians, by their faith in Jesus, are enabled to partake of this life, this new life, and enjoy it to the full.

God assures us of eternal life (John 3:16). But we must know that, because of our relationship with Jesus, we can presently own and participate in this eternal life.

New life is a life blessed by God. It is not necessarily witnessed by favourable circumstances in life, or by worldly success. Rather it is the presence of God indwelling us, which will show in how we respond to unfavourable situations and events.

Let’s not forget that Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

The warning is there, and it is clear. Our new life will not be trouble-free. But we are assured the peace of Jesus (an exquisite state of mind beyond all human understanding), and the presence and power of Almighty God within us.

Do you have this new life? Are you living in the reality of it?

If not, then take hold of it. Simply come before God and ask for it. Say, “Father, I claim the life that is mine in Jesus (John 10:10), and I ask You to lead me into living that life here and now.”

Let’s go forward in unity and strength, secure in our new life, filled with the peace of Jesus and expectant of the glory of God to shine forth in our everyday life.

Glen & Kiran on their wedding day.

Jesus said, 'I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this

world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.'

(John 16:33)

Our team first came to know Glen when he attended a Kairos program in Junee prison. At the time Glen was not quite ready to surrender his life to Christ… but the Lord certainly had a plan for him!

Glen’s wife, Kiran, divorced him while he was in prison. But Glen still loved Kiran, so when he was released, he searched for her until he found her. Eventually they were reunited.

Glen persuaded Kiran to attend Kairos Outside – a weekend program of encouragement and support for former prisoners and their families. During that very weekend, Kiran decided to give her life to Christ.

Some time later, Glen and Kiran attended a Kairos Outside reunion.

It was there that Don, a former prisoner from Long Bay, was finally able to lead Glen to the Lord. There was much rejoicing in heaven and on earth that night!

After that, Glen asked Kiran to marry him again… and she said yes!

Glen and Kiran were re-married on the 1st November at Normanhurst by Peter Francis. The wedding was hosted by Deanne and David Chapman and Kairos Outside provided the wedding cake.

It was a truly special occasion and

served as a reminder that our God is the God of the impossible… and He is able to bring new life in the most surprising ways!

new lifeEx-Inmate SharesThrough Kairos


continued from page 1...

2 4

Life and LoveEaster Cards Delight PrisonersWe are thrilled to report that Kairos received hundreds of Easter cards and notes of encouragement from friends like you to share with the men and women we serve!

Your messages were pinned up in the chapels of several gaols and countless prisoners have spent time reading them. Many have been deeply moved by your thoughtful words and prayers for them.

This practical demonstration of your love served as a reminder of what Easter is really all about. So thank you for being a part of this special writing campaign!

Please pray that those who need encouragement will find strength as they read these messages and put their trust in Jesus Christ.

Since Kairos began in 1995, our chaplains and volunteers

have been able to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with

thousands of men and women in more than 18 Australian prisons.

To our great delight, countless prisoners have discovered new spiritual

life in Jesus Christ. And we have been encouraged to see many of them

released from prison to begin a new life filled with purpose and vision

for the future.

Along with the many victories we have enjoyed, we have also faced our

share of disappointments. For different reasons, there are several prisons

that are no longer open to us, such as Parramatta, Long Bay, Manus,

Mulawa, Cessnock and Silverwater.

While it is disappointing to see the years of ministry draw to a close in

these facilities, we do know we have been faithful to our calling while

the opportunity was available. For that we can rejoice, and feel assured

that our efforts for the Lord are never wasted.

The Lord is always preparing us for the next piece in His jigsaw puzzle,

so I encourage you to continue standing with us in prayer as we seek the

Lord’s direction for the future. We need to keep our spiritual eyes and

ears open, ready to pitch our tents in response to new opportunities!

In the meantime, we will continue serving in the prisons that are open

to us. Thank you all for your love and valuable friendship. Good things

lie ahead – most especially those resounding words "Well done, good

and faithful servant."

...another person, and that was brought out during the course in a special way.You could not do a Kairos course and not grow spiritually. For me, it was a special time of healing, bonding, drawing near to God and growing spiritually. To be able to take that growth back into my home church is very empowering.

“I’d like to thank everyone who was involved,” Peter concluded. “Those who served as volunteers, prepared the food, spent time in prayer, gave financially… and especially to the guests from Mobilong who attended.”

“I can’t help but feel that I received far more than I gave!”It’s the gifts and prayers from friends like you that help make stories like Peter’s possible. So thank you for sowing into the ministry of Kairos so faithfully. We’re deeply grateful for you!

Kairos Embraces


The Reality of New LifeBy Peter Francis, Kairos Spiritual Director

The Lord is always preparing us for

the next piece in His jigsaw puzzleYou could not do a Kairos

course and not grow spiritually.

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).We live, with or without Jesus. So what is this life that John talks of for believers? Paul tells us that “just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4).

The Greek word for this life, this new life, is Zoe. It refers particularly to life as God has it. This is the life the Father has in Himself; it is the life He gave to the incarnate Jesus Christ to have in Himself (John 5:26), and it is the life that the Son showed to the world (1 John 1:2).

Those who live without Jesus are separated from this life as a consequence of sin. But Christians, by their faith in Jesus, are enabled to partake of this life, this new life, and enjoy it to the full.

God assures us of eternal life (John 3:16). But we must know that, because of our relationship with Jesus, we can presently own and participate in this eternal life.

New life is a life blessed by God. It is not necessarily witnessed by favourable circumstances in life, or by worldly success. Rather it is the presence of God indwelling us, which will show in how we respond to unfavourable situations and events.

Let’s not forget that Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

The warning is there, and it is clear. Our new life will not be trouble-free. But we are assured the peace of Jesus (an exquisite state of mind beyond all human understanding), and the presence and power of Almighty God within us.

Do you have this new life? Are you living in the reality of it?

If not, then take hold of it. Simply come before God and ask for it. Say, “Father, I claim the life that is mine in Jesus (John 10:10), and I ask You to lead me into living that life here and now.”

Let’s go forward in unity and strength, secure in our new life, filled with the peace of Jesus and expectant of the glory of God to shine forth in our everyday life.

Glen & Kiran on their wedding day.

Jesus said, 'I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this

world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.'

(John 16:33)

Our team first came to know Glen when he attended a Kairos program in Junee prison. At the time Glen was not quite ready to surrender his life to Christ… but the Lord certainly had a plan for him!

Glen’s wife, Kiran, divorced him while he was in prison. But Glen still loved Kiran, so when he was released, he searched for her until he found her. Eventually they were reunited.

Glen persuaded Kiran to attend Kairos Outside – a weekend program of encouragement and support for former prisoners and their families. During that very weekend, Kiran decided to give her life to Christ.

Some time later, Glen and Kiran attended a Kairos Outside reunion.

It was there that Don, a former prisoner from Long Bay, was finally able to lead Glen to the Lord. There was much rejoicing in heaven and on earth that night!

After that, Glen asked Kiran to marry him again… and she said yes!

Glen and Kiran were re-married on the 1st November at Normanhurst by Peter Francis. The wedding was hosted by Deanne and David Chapman and Kairos Outside provided the wedding cake.

It was a truly special occasion and

served as a reminder that our God is the God of the impossible… and He is able to bring new life in the most surprising ways!

new lifeEx-Inmate SharesThrough Kairos


continued from page 1...

2 4

Life and LoveEaster Cards Delight PrisonersWe are thrilled to report that Kairos received hundreds of Easter cards and notes of encouragement from friends like you to share with the men and women we serve!

Your messages were pinned up in the chapels of several gaols and countless prisoners have spent time reading them. Many have been deeply moved by your thoughtful words and prayers for them.

This practical demonstration of your love served as a reminder of what Easter is really all about. So thank you for being a part of this special writing campaign!

Please pray that those who need encouragement will find strength as they read these messages and put their trust in Jesus Christ.

Since Kairos began in 1995, our chaplains and volunteers

have been able to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ with

thousands of men and women in more than 18 Australian prisons.

To our great delight, countless prisoners have discovered new spiritual

life in Jesus Christ. And we have been encouraged to see many of them

released from prison to begin a new life filled with purpose and vision

for the future.

Along with the many victories we have enjoyed, we have also faced our

share of disappointments. For different reasons, there are several prisons

that are no longer open to us, such as Parramatta, Long Bay, Manus,

Mulawa, Cessnock and Silverwater.

While it is disappointing to see the years of ministry draw to a close in

these facilities, we do know we have been faithful to our calling while

the opportunity was available. For that we can rejoice, and feel assured

that our efforts for the Lord are never wasted.

The Lord is always preparing us for the next piece in His jigsaw puzzle,

so I encourage you to continue standing with us in prayer as we seek the

Lord’s direction for the future. We need to keep our spiritual eyes and

ears open, ready to pitch our tents in response to new opportunities!

In the meantime, we will continue serving in the prisons that are open

to us. Thank you all for your love and valuable friendship. Good things

lie ahead – most especially those resounding words "Well done, good

and faithful servant."

...another person, and that was brought out during the course in a special way.You could not do a Kairos course and not grow spiritually. For me, it was a special time of healing, bonding, drawing near to God and growing spiritually. To be able to take that growth back into my home church is very empowering.

“I’d like to thank everyone who was involved,” Peter concluded. “Those who served as volunteers, prepared the food, spent time in prayer, gave financially… and especially to the guests from Mobilong who attended.”

“I can’t help but feel that I received far more than I gave!”It’s the gifts and prayers from friends like you that help make stories like Peter’s possible. So thank you for sowing into the ministry of Kairos so faithfully. We’re deeply grateful for you!

Kairos Embraces


The Reality of New LifeBy Peter Francis, Kairos Spiritual Director

The Lord is always preparing us for

the next piece in His jigsaw puzzleYou could not do a Kairos

course and not grow spiritually.

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).We live, with or without Jesus. So what is this life that John talks of for believers? Paul tells us that “just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4).

The Greek word for this life, this new life, is Zoe. It refers particularly to life as God has it. This is the life the Father has in Himself; it is the life He gave to the incarnate Jesus Christ to have in Himself (John 5:26), and it is the life that the Son showed to the world (1 John 1:2).

Those who live without Jesus are separated from this life as a consequence of sin. But Christians, by their faith in Jesus, are enabled to partake of this life, this new life, and enjoy it to the full.

God assures us of eternal life (John 3:16). But we must know that, because of our relationship with Jesus, we can presently own and participate in this eternal life.

New life is a life blessed by God. It is not necessarily witnessed by favourable circumstances in life, or by worldly success. Rather it is the presence of God indwelling us, which will show in how we respond to unfavourable situations and events.

Let’s not forget that Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

The warning is there, and it is clear. Our new life will not be trouble-free. But we are assured the peace of Jesus (an exquisite state of mind beyond all human understanding), and the presence and power of Almighty God within us.

Do you have this new life? Are you living in the reality of it?

If not, then take hold of it. Simply come before God and ask for it. Say, “Father, I claim the life that is mine in Jesus (John 10:10), and I ask You to lead me into living that life here and now.”

Let’s go forward in unity and strength, secure in our new life, filled with the peace of Jesus and expectant of the glory of God to shine forth in our everyday life.

Glen & Kiran on their wedding day.

Jesus said, 'I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this

world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.'

(John 16:33)

Dear Friend,

Rev Martin Luther King once referred to Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and

supposed that those who passed by held one selfish concern: “If I stop and help that

man, what will happen to me?”

Rev King exhorted people to ask a different question: “If I don’t stop and help this

man, what will happen to him?”

This is the heart of the true disciple of Jesus… building relationships for the sake of

‘the other’ rather than simply meeting our own needs. This unstoppable power of love

is what fuels friends like you to respond to Jesus’ invocation: “I was in prison and you

visited me.”

Your efforts to ‘stop’ and care for prisoners and former inmates through your gifts,

prayers and time are making a powerful difference to what happens to them. You can

read one example of this on page 3 in the story of Glen and Kiran.

We’ll never know what would have happened to Glen if he had never come into

contact with Kairos. I’m just glad we were able to be there when he needed us, and to

play a part in helping him discover a new life that is filled with hope for the future.

That is our hope for every prisoner and former prisoner that we care for through

Kairos Prison Ministries Australia - to help them find new life in Jesus Christ. And we

have you to thank for helping to make this possible!

I trust you will be encouraged by Peter’s report on page 1 about his experience at

Mobilong, and also to read on page 2 about how your Easter cards brought incredible

joy to the men and women we serve.

As always, I am deeply grateful for your partnership in this ministry. I pray that you

also will experience the abundant life that Jesus promises!

Your brother in Christ,

Tony Carter <><

CEO, Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Letter from Tony

Peter Lyndon-James is an ex-inmate who has found new life in Jesus Christ. Today he is sharing it with others through Prison Ministry in Western Australia.Peter recently visited Mobilong Correctional Centre in South Australia as an observing chaplain during a Kairos course. He shares how Kairos is bringing new life not only to inmates, but also to those who serve them as volunteers.

“What I experienced over the four-day Kairos Short Course was life-changing,” Peter began. “From the moment I arrived I was welcomed with open arms, love… and lots of food!

Every member of the Kairos team was like the Body of Christ in action. The way they came together with such unity regardless of church backgrounds was a gift to experience. I thank the Lord for such wonderful people!I know for many of the boys from Mobilong, it was an experience they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Most of the boys have never experienced so much love.There are so many positives that Kairos has to offer to all who participate from both sides of the fence,” Peter continued. “We all have something to give from our lives that would help ...

freedom( (June 2009


new life


PO Box 73, Northmead NSW 2152 Australia

Phone: (02) 9683 6096 / Fax: (02) 9683 0296

Email: info@kairos.org.au www.kairos.org.au

in this issue/

Tony Carter Ex-Inmate Shares

Through Kairos

There are so many positives that Kairos has to offer to all who participate from both sides

of the fence...

‘ Easter Cards Delight Prisoners / Kairos Embraces Change / Life and Love Restored / The Reality of New Life / Letter from Tony


continued on page 2...

Pat Benefield is an active member of the Kairos community who has served on a number of teams, both Kairos Inside and Kairos Outside.  During the team formation process for Kairos Outside North Coast #1 Pat felt motivated to register as a guest on the Kairos Outside Mens Pilot weekend.

Here Pat tells of his excitement and joy in experiencing this brand new course…

I was apprehensive and to be honest told myself that because of my prior involvement with Kairos, I didn’t really need to go. Now that I have attended I know I definitely needed to go.

Kairos Outside Men’s Pilot at Tocal was a life changing experience for me. No Gimmicks. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of so many caring, gentle, loving and humble Spirit-filled men, team and guests alike. I’m sure it was the Holy Spirit working through the team and the programme that created such a genuine Christian community and swept away all barriers, awkwardness and apprehension very early on. We were lead on a journey of self discovery in an environment that was a safe place to take a risk, take our masks off and share personal and intimate things.

With vulnerability no longer an issue we were free to deal with men’s business, from the inside out – from our hearts to our heads. We spent a lot of time on relationships and how God wants to have a relationship with us and it is only by surrendering our lives to God that that becomes possible. By living with that conviction we have a better chance of building honest and lasting relationships with the people we love and work and play with.

I have never before been in a place in the company of other men that was so loving and caring, so gentle yet so strong, so emotionally sensitive yet authentically manly and masculine. It was as if Jesus used the team as His instruments to lead us all into that beautiful place where we were able to feel warmth, strength, gentleness and power of the love of our Heavenly Father, that beautiful love that in His eyes empowers authentic manhood.

I know that I have left the weekend rich in the knowledge that I am not alone. Besides Jesus I have a whole bunch of blokes, team and fellow guests, who are only a phone call away. I have left equipped with realistic goals that we have consciously chosen to achieve by each of us keeping in touch. I have left motivated to make the changes to move from worldly living into kingdom living in the world. Enriched and refreshed with the experience of having felt the touch of Jesus and excited with the prospect of learning of the dreamings Jesus has for me.

The past incarceration of a family member has impacted on me and my family’s life in a ripple like effect, like tossing a stone in the pond, the ripples do impact negatively on many lives, family and community. I reckon Kairos Outside Men’s is so unique, so special in the way it targets men, that when added to the armoury of already established Kairos Ministries will be like tossing a boulder into that pond. The ripple effects for good will

reverberate through out Australia and the world and impact on so many lives.

The great ministry of servanthood that is Kairos will now be even better equipped to bring about healing and the peace that can only come from experiencing Jesus' love and forgiveness in such a personal way.

Pat Benefield

Guest Kairos Outside Men’s Pilot Tocal, May 8-10 2009

STOP PRESS!Pilot Kairos Outside Program a Blessing for All

Kairos Launches New Website!

The ripple effects for good will reverberate throughout Australia and the world and

impact on so many lives.


Last month, Kairos launched our new website... and we want to invite you to stop by for a visit!

In addition to a new, more user-friendly and eye-pleasing layout, we’ve added functions that allow you to easily donate online, check out our latest news bulletins and you can even see the many volunteer opportunities available to you.

So please stop by www.kairos.org.au any time. And thanks for your continued support of our prison ministry outreach!

Dear Friend,

Rev Martin Luther King once referred to Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and

supposed that those who passed by held one selfish concern: “If I stop and help that

man, what will happen to me?”

Rev King exhorted people to ask a different question: “If I don’t stop and help this

man, what will happen to him?”

This is the heart of the true disciple of Jesus… building relationships for the sake of

‘the other’ rather than simply meeting our own needs. This unstoppable power of love

is what fuels friends like you to respond to Jesus’ invocation: “I was in prison and you

visited me.”

Your efforts to ‘stop’ and care for prisoners and former inmates through your gifts,

prayers and time are making a powerful difference to what happens to them. You can

read one example of this on page 3 in the story of Glen and Kiran.

We’ll never know what would have happened to Glen if he had never come into

contact with Kairos. I’m just glad we were able to be there when he needed us, and to

play a part in helping him discover a new life that is filled with hope for the future.

That is our hope for every prisoner and former prisoner that we care for through

Kairos Prison Ministries Australia - to help them find new life in Jesus Christ. And we

have you to thank for helping to make this possible!

I trust you will be encouraged by Peter’s report on page 1 about his experience at

Mobilong, and also to read on page 2 about how your Easter cards brought incredible

joy to the men and women we serve.

As always, I am deeply grateful for your partnership in this ministry. I pray that you

also will experience the abundant life that Jesus promises!

Your brother in Christ,

Tony Carter <><

CEO, Kairos Prison Ministry Australia

Letter from Tony

Peter Lyndon-James is an ex-inmate who has found new life in Jesus Christ. Today he is sharing it with others through Prison Ministry in Western Australia.Peter recently visited Mobilong Correctional Centre in South Australia as an observing chaplain during a Kairos course. He shares how Kairos is bringing new life not only to inmates, but also to those who serve them as volunteers.

“What I experienced over the four-day Kairos Short Course was life-changing,” Peter began. “From the moment I arrived I was welcomed with open arms, love… and lots of food!

Every member of the Kairos team was like the Body of Christ in action. The way they came together with such unity regardless of church backgrounds was a gift to experience. I thank the Lord for such wonderful people!I know for many of the boys from Mobilong, it was an experience they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Most of the boys have never experienced so much love.There are so many positives that Kairos has to offer to all who participate from both sides of the fence,” Peter continued. “We all have something to give from our lives that would help ...

freedom( (June 2009


new life


PO Box 73, Northmead NSW 2152 Australia

Phone: (02) 9683 6096 / Fax: (02) 9683 0296

Email: info@kairos.org.au www.kairos.org.au

in this issue/

Tony Carter Ex-Inmate Shares

Through Kairos

There are so many positives that Kairos has to offer to all who participate from both sides

of the fence...

‘ Easter Cards Delight Prisoners / Kairos Embraces Change / Life and Love Restored / The Reality of New Life / Letter from Tony


continued on page 2...

Pat Benefield is an active member of the Kairos community who has served on a number of teams, both Kairos Inside and Kairos Outside.  During the team formation process for Kairos Outside North Coast #1 Pat felt motivated to register as a guest on the Kairos Outside Mens Pilot weekend.

Here Pat tells of his excitement and joy in experiencing this brand new course…

I was apprehensive and to be honest told myself that because of my prior involvement with Kairos, I didn’t really need to go. Now that I have attended I know I definitely needed to go.

Kairos Outside Men’s Pilot at Tocal was a life changing experience for me. No Gimmicks. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of so many caring, gentle, loving and humble Spirit-filled men, team and guests alike. I’m sure it was the Holy Spirit working through the team and the programme that created such a genuine Christian community and swept away all barriers, awkwardness and apprehension very early on. We were lead on a journey of self discovery in an environment that was a safe place to take a risk, take our masks off and share personal and intimate things.

With vulnerability no longer an issue we were free to deal with men’s business, from the inside out – from our hearts to our heads. We spent a lot of time on relationships and how God wants to have a relationship with us and it is only by surrendering our lives to God that that becomes possible. By living with that conviction we have a better chance of building honest and lasting relationships with the people we love and work and play with.

I have never before been in a place in the company of other men that was so loving and caring, so gentle yet so strong, so emotionally sensitive yet authentically manly and masculine. It was as if Jesus used the team as His instruments to lead us all into that beautiful place where we were able to feel warmth, strength, gentleness and power of the love of our Heavenly Father, that beautiful love that in His eyes empowers authentic manhood.

I know that I have left the weekend rich in the knowledge that I am not alone. Besides Jesus I have a whole bunch of blokes, team and fellow guests, who are only a phone call away. I have left equipped with realistic goals that we have consciously chosen to achieve by each of us keeping in touch. I have left motivated to make the changes to move from worldly living into kingdom living in the world. Enriched and refreshed with the experience of having felt the touch of Jesus and excited with the prospect of learning of the dreamings Jesus has for me.

The past incarceration of a family member has impacted on me and my family’s life in a ripple like effect, like tossing a stone in the pond, the ripples do impact negatively on many lives, family and community. I reckon Kairos Outside Men’s is so unique, so special in the way it targets men, that when added to the armoury of already established Kairos Ministries will be like tossing a boulder into that pond. The ripple effects for good will

reverberate through out Australia and the world and impact on so many lives.

The great ministry of servanthood that is Kairos will now be even better equipped to bring about healing and the peace that can only come from experiencing Jesus' love and forgiveness in such a personal way.

Pat Benefield

Guest Kairos Outside Men’s Pilot Tocal, May 8-10 2009

STOP PRESS!Pilot Kairos Outside Program a Blessing for All

Kairos Launches New Website!

The ripple effects for good will reverberate throughout Australia and the world and

impact on so many lives.


Last month, Kairos launched our new website... and we want to invite you to stop by for a visit!

In addition to a new, more user-friendly and eye-pleasing layout, we’ve added functions that allow you to easily donate online, check out our latest news bulletins and you can even see the many volunteer opportunities available to you.

So please stop by www.kairos.org.au any time. And thanks for your continued support of our prison ministry outreach!

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