Kabukiza.tech 1 LT - ScalikeJDBC-Async & Skinny Framework #kbkz_tech

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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- ScalikeJDBC & ScalikeJDBC Async introduction - Skinny Framework introduction


JDBC-like non-blocking DB Access in Scala@seratchKazuhiro Sera Kabukiza.tech

is a workshop which is presented by Dwangoat Kabukiza tower


- DB Access library in Scala- “Never stuck when using at work“- SQL, flexibility, expandability, speedy bug fixes and releases- Cool enough though it’s less well-known than Slick or Squeryl.

DSL Example

import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ val memberId = 123 val member = DB readOnly { implicit session => withSQL { select.from(Member as m) .where.eq(m.id, memberId).and.isNull(m.deletedAt) }.map(Member(m)).single.apply() }

SQL Interpolation

import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._ val memberId = 123 val member = DB readOnly { implicit session => sql”””select id, name from member where id = ${memberId} and deleted_at is null””” .map(Member(m)).single.apply() }

Get things done

- Easy to understand, few pitfalls- No need to google framework specific knowledges- Easy to find the first developer who use it correctly (required background is only Scala basics and SQL)

Productive- Mostly type-safe DSL- Source code generator from existing tables via sbt plugin- Logging slow queries, it’s also possible to send data to external services (e.g. Fluentd)- AutoRollback testing support for specs2、ScalaTest


- ScalikeJDBC compatible API, but it doesn’t use JDBC internally- Inspired by Activate ‘s async API support (2013/7)- Though some introduction examples are already reported, this library is still in the alpha stage.

How?- Just wrapped postgresql-async/mysql-async by @mauricio- Netty based database driver which is not compatible with JDBC- ConnectionPool with queue- Transaction = begin/commit in a non-shared connection

Mostly same!

import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._, async._ val memberId = 123 val member = AsyncDB withPool { implicit session => withSQL { select.from(Member as m) .where.eq(m.id, memberId).and.isNull(m.deletedAt) }.map(Member(m)).single.future() }

Transactions with for comprehensions

val name = “Typesafe” val programmers = Seq(“Alice”, “Bob”, “Chris”) val resultFuture = AsyncDB localTx { implicit tx => for { company <- Company.create(name) employees <- company.hireAll(programmers) } yield () }


- Since you need to work with many Future[Option[_]] and Future[List[_]], for comprehensions are suitable- Play2’s Action can receive Future values, pretty good chemistry

One more thing

This is a Lightning talk, but I have “One more thing”.

Really Must?Indeed, some kinds of applications need non-

blocking DB access.However, many smaller

applications actually exist.

Most cases?

- “Our application is built with Servlet & JDBC. No problem.”- “C10K? It’s not my problem.”- “Just need simple admin CRUD app.”- “Good at Java, but Java in 2013??”

Rails? Reasonable choice for front end apps.

I myself am working with API servers in Java and Rails front end at the office.

Oops, most of you here would like to write Scala apps, right?


If you’re not a Groovy lover...Oops, most of you here prefer Scala than

Groovy, right?

Play2? I understand Play2 makes Reactive/real-

time app development productive.Indeed, looks like Rails app but Play2 is

neither new Rails nor new Play1.

Skinny!Small & full-stack web app framework in

Scala is still absent. So I just started

developing Scala on Rails which is named “Skinny Framework”!

Built with Scalatra + ScalikeJDBC + more, API is highly inspired by Rails.


ORM Example case class Developer(id: Long, groupId: Opion[Long], group: Option[Group] = None, skills: Seq[Skill] = Nil) object Developer extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Developer] { belongsTo[Group](Group, (d, g) => d.copy(group = g)).byDefault hasManyThrough[Skill](DeveloperSkill, Skill, (d, skills) => d.coply(skills = skills)) def extract ... }

Developer.findAll() Developer.findById(123) Developer.createWithAttributes(params.permit(“id”, “groupId”)) Developer.updateById(123).withAttributes(attrs) Developer.deleteById(123)


- There is no async JDBC- ScalikeJDBC introduction- ScalikeJDBC-Async introduction- Skinny Framework introduction

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