Just over three percent of Swaziland’s gross … · Web viewBecause HIV is so severe (26% prevalence of HIV/AIDS (2017), many children are orphans (45 percent of children are orphaned

Post on 17-Jul-2019






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Case study: Food shortage in Eswatini ( Swaziland)

● In 2012 31% of under-fives in Swaziland were suffering from malnutrition. ● Malnutrition in Swaziland is responsible for 8 percent of child mortality. ● Because of an unorganized health system, 69 percent of child malnutrition cases go untreated● In Swaziland, about 31% of the under-five children are stunted in growth, 6% are underweight and

2% are wasted (2017)● 26% prevalence of HIV/AIDS (2017)● The Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) survey found that the effects of malnutrition in Swaziland

have stunted about 40% of adults. Because the effects of malnutrition can be seen throughout the lifetime of a Swazi, this creates a domino effect in the country.

● 2015/16 El Niño-induced drought in Swaziland indicates the total lost revenue due to the drought in 2016 as US$296 million (E3.8 billion).

● Just over three percent of Swaziland’s gross domestic product (GDP) was lost due to child

undernutrition in 2009

● With a population of 1.1 million people, 52 percent of whom are under the age of 20, ● Life expectancy is 49 years● Swaziland ranks 148 out of 188 in the 2016 Human Development Index. Despite its status as a

lower middle-income country, 63 percent of Swazis live below the national poverty line.

SEPTEMBER 2017:● 350,000 people are affected by the prolonged drought predominantly in Shiselweni and

Lubombo regions.● 308,059 people remain food insecure,● 1,410 children are affected by severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 7,050 by moderate acute

malnutrition (MAM).

Problems● 2015/16 El Niño-induced drought in Swaziland ● World Food Programme declared Swaziland as a Level 3 emergency (highest level) in 2016● No rain/ erratic rain when it is expected/ needed in the growing season● 2 failed harvests in succession (2016)● Swaziland still not producing enough corn to feed its population

● 63% of Swazis live below the poverty line and have no money to invest in better methods or irrigation. high prices of food and agricultural inputs – such as seeds and fertilizers

● Because HIV is so severe (26% prevalence of HIV/AIDS (2017), many children are orphans (45 percent of children are orphaned or vulnerable)

● About 77 percent of Swazis rely on subsistence farming for their livelihoods. ● High dependence on rain-fed maize production● high rates of HIV and AIDS among wage earners ● Animal diseases have also weakened herds.● In november and december of 2000 there was an outbreak of foot and mouth disease● Soil erosion which makes the land unusable

Solutions➔ Government investment into dams and canals to help extend irrigation in the middle and low

velds. ➔ Subsidised farming inputs like seeds and fertilizer would help overcome the lack of capital.

Especially for farmers of smaller areas.➔ There have also been programs set up for education and training for farmers. An example would

be a residential training course at the veterinarian and farmer training center at Mpisi. The organisation behind this has established units to teach farmers about fattening of cattle , dairy production, and also pig, broiler and egg production.

➔ The UNICEF fund The Power of Nutrition, which hopes to raise $1 billion to tackle children’s nutrition, Swaziland would be able to receive the funding essential for the nutritional overhaul & includes trying to break the cycle of undernourished girls, who become undernourished mothers and give birth to undernourished babies.

➔ World Food Programme has projects feeding over 55,000 vulnerable children and focuses on nutrition for HIV patients


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