Judaism: Beliefs and Rites of Passage August 27, 2013.

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Judaism: Beliefs and

Rites of Passage

August 27, 2013


1.) There is 1 God who created the universe.

2.) He revealed the Torah to Moses as a guide

to life.

3.) Still waiting for the Messiah

It’s more about practices…what one needs to do in order to follow God’s commandments.

Major Sects:There are varying degrees of

observance in every religion:




Orthodox Judaism

Shirts are frayed at the bottom to show humility.

Outside- fedora Inside- yarmulke

Main Texts:

Torah – first 5 books of Old Testament• History

Talmud – 6200 pages long; contains the divinely inspired words from rabbis • Laws and customs

Important Holidays

Yom Kippur “Day of Atonement” Fri-Sat (9/13-9/14 this year) Fasting and prayer, attend synagogue 1.) No eating/drinking 2.) No wearing leather shoes 3.) No bathing/washing 4.) No lotions/perfumes 5.) No marital relations Why? Uncomfortable body = uncomfortable soul = able to relate to

other’s pain more easily


Passover• Commemorates Jews’ liberation from slavery

in Egypt

• 10th plague – death of 1st born in Egypt

• Jews slaughtered a lamb and spread the blood over their doors so the Lord would “pass over” them.

The Sabbath The main Jewish observance is keeping

the Sabbath.• sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.

• Friday evening= Sabbath meal

• Saturday morning= service at synagogue

Rites of Passage1.) Circumcision (Bris)

- “welcome to Jewish community”/naming

-performed on 8th day of life

-Mohel performs the procedure

-followed by eating and gifts

Rites of Passage2.) Bar or Bat Mitzvah

(13) (14-16)

-“son or daughter of the commandment”

-Year 12- meetings with rabbi

-involves reading a portion of the Torah and commenting upon it.

Rites of Passage3.) Marriage

-Very important! A commandment for Jewish people.

-For Orthodox Jews, marrying outside the faith would be forbidden.

-Traditions: chuppah, breaking the glass, dancing to Hava Nagila

Rites of Passage4.) Death

-Perform a Kaddish (mourning prayer)

-The Jewish are buried within 24 hrs of death (don’t believe in embalming)

-Periods of Mourning

Periods of Mourning Aninut (from death to burial)

• Immediate family does not receive visitors Shiva (first seven days)

• Mourners remain at home, very subdued, people bring in food

Sheloshim (days 7-30)• Less intense, mourners may return to work.

Still subdued (no shaving, cutting hair, parties)

Jewish Diet: Kashrut According to the Torah (Leviticus, chapter 11),

only certain kinds of animals are considered inherently kosher. For land animals, any creature that both chews its cud and has split hooves is kosher. For sea creatures, any fish that has both fins and scales is acceptable, and for birds, only those birds approved by the Torah (or others that later authorities have judged to be like them, a list that excludes scavengers and birds of prey).

Jewish Diet: Kashrut Kosher (Good, Clean) Animals with split

hoofs that chew their cud

Fish with fins and scales

Most birds (non-scavengers)

Treyf (Bad, Unclean) Pigs Vultures Catfish Shellfish (lobster,

crab, oysters, shrimp)


Jewish Diet: Kashrut Also, very important to keep meat and

dairy separate Orthodox Jewish kitchens would have 2

sets of dishes Preparation must also be kosher

• Ex: Hebrew Nation hotdogs

Kosher delis

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