JTNews | February 8, 2013

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JTNews | The Voice of Jewish Washington for February 8, 2013


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From Tel Aviv to Chicago to Seattle One night of Israeli dance Page 32


Page 14

2 opinion JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

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A light unto the nations v2.0Rabbi HaRRy Zeitlin Congregation beth Ha’Ari

Judaism has contributed a great deal to world civiliza-tion. We introduced the con-cept of ethical monotheism and were among the first peo-ples to encourage universal literacy. Our tradition speaks of freedom and liberty for all — not just for an elite — a society based on law rather than power. We have much to be proud of.

But have we run out of gas? Does our tradition today offer anything more than a private and temporary “shelter in the storm” from an increasingly material-ori-ented, crisis-torn world? Does anything in our millennia-long story makes a differ-ence anymore? Is our charge to “be a light unto the nations” now obsolete?

Or is the best yet to come?Perhaps our least appreciated resource

(outside, of course, of yeshiva enclaves) is our Talmudic tradition. Among the many ways we can describe it, it is a two-millennia cooperative art project, a living system that continues to develop. It’s also a systematic unfolding of the Infi-nite into the physical world of boundar-ies and limits. It serves as the foundation,

source material, and method-ology for deriving halachah — defined as “a going” (i.e., a path toward spiritual develop-ment) — ritual and liturgical law, as well as Jewish civil and communal law. The detailed descriptions and analyses of the written Torah text and of the Temple services have inspired us and fired both our imaginations and our yearn-

ing, contributing greatly to our miraculous and unique survival as a homeless people.

But is that really all it is?Beyond the various “internal” (lim-

ited to religious/ritual/halachic) benefits Talmud study provides, the process itself is unique, powerful and multi-layered. Transcending all specific subjects, it trains our minds to think in very advanced ways. As we zero in on a point, we suddenly find ourselves examining other phenomena, which might share only one non-obvious similarity to our original subject. Some-times we’ll return to the main point, other times we’ll continue exploring and exam-ining a chain of associations. We examine everything from multiple points of view, both in isolation and in relation to other

ideas and opinions. Sometimes we’ll solve the puzzle, but other times we’ll just leave the question for the time being, marking it as, indeed, difficult — kushiya (“that’s a hard one”) or teiku (“we’ll wait for Elijah the Prophet announcing the imminent arrival of Messiah to explain”).

If we take a step back, something even more curious emerges. Although the Talmud is based on questions and answers, it soon becomes apparent the answers were known before the discussion even begins. For example, the very beginning of the Oral Torah, the first chapter of the first tractate, Berachot, begins by asking from what time can we begin to say the eve-ning Shema. Obviously, the rabbis of the Mishna davened every day of their lives, as did their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They knew exactly when to say the Shema.

This is our first clue something much more important is going on — we’re being taught and drilled in advanced thinking. Daily Talmud study resembles nothing so closely as daily gym workouts or daily musical scale practice. Intense immer-sion in Talmud study, in addition to the religious and even the spiritual benefits, develops our minds to work linearly and

laterally, empirically and intuitively, seri-ally and associatively, all at the same time!

Although the Gemara (Berachot 6b) defines its actual benefit as learning how to reason, I have no quarrel with those who want to limit their study to questions of halachah, nor with those who study in order to, in indescribable but actual ways, merge their intellect with the Divine Intel-lect in order to deepen their relation-ship with God. But I want to propose an entirely additional direction.

Our world is a mess! Between almost universal economic meltdown, endless environmental disasters, continual wars and culture clashes, starvation, resurgent disease and probably more people living under slavery than at any time in the past, we’re all in a heap of trouble! To add even more urgency, our former problem-solv-ing strategies no longer seem effective.

One reason for this crisis, I propose, is our exclusive reliance on science, based entirely on empiricism. Even ever-advanc-ing computing power doesn’t really help, since it’s the same binary-only fallacy, just at much higher speed.

Let’s introduce rigorous Talmud study

X PAge 31

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.jtnews.net . jtnews


“People make their own decisions — they’re adults — but the reality is that people don’t have information to make decisions.”— Author Doron Kornbluth, a rabbi from Jerusalem who spoke in Seattle last month about the growing trend of cremation among Jews. See the story on page 7.

Solidarity with Palestinian non-violent resistanceeitan isaacson and Wendy elisHeva someRson special to JTnews

On Sun., Jan. 13, the Seattle chap-ter of Jewish Voice for Peace, with Stu-dents United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), co-hosted a talk by Iyad Burnat. Burnat is the head of the Bil’in Popular Committee and a leader in the village’s non-violent popular resistance movement.

Since 2005, residents of the Pales-tinian village of Bil’in in the West Bank have held weekly unarmed demonstra-tions against the building of the Israeli wall through the community’s agricultural lands and the encroachment of illegal set-tlements. The demonstrators are joined by Israeli and international peace activists, and have maintained a commitment to non-violent methods of resistance in spite of armed, military opposition that has resulted in many injuries and some deaths. These demonstrations are the subject of the recent documentary “5 Broken Cam-eras,” the Oscar-nominated film directed by Iyad’s brother, Emad Burnat.

Hen Mazzig, the Israeli representative for the Pacific Northwest chapter of Stand-WithUs, claims that when he was work-ing for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Ramallah five years ago, he met Iyad, who acted violently toward him. There is no way of verifying the accuracy of this claim, but we recommend that you watch “5 Broken Cameras.” The film shows Iyad and the other demonstrators — week after week — peacefully protesting to gain their land back. You will also see a great deal of violence and aggression on the part of the IDF, who arrest and wound Iyad, his brother Emad, and many others, as well as kill one of their close friends.

The village of Bil’in has been subject to a military occupation for decades before Mazzig joined the IDF, and there are no signs of this changing anytime in the future, long after Mazzig’s involvement. As people without citizenship who were born into an illegal occupation of their land, Iyad and his community understand that the wholesale theft and destruction of their ancestral olive orchards will not be stemmed by asking politely, silent vigils, or by “talking with each other,” as Mazzig suggests.

Instead, with their weekly demonstra-tions, the people of Bil’in have aligned themselves with other historic non-violent struggles for justice, including the Civil Rights movement in the U.S. and the strug-gle to end apartheid in South Africa. The Oscar nomination of “5 Broken Cameras,” which documents the Bil’in community’s struggle to regain their land, demonstrates the growing international attention the protests in Bil’in are attracting.

Mazzig presents his role in the IDF as a level-headed mediator. As a pro-Israeli

occupation organization, StandWithUs is trying to put a human face on a brutal mil-itary occupation in order to make it pal-atable to Americans who care about civil rights. In reality, Mazzig and the IDF’s Civil Administration unit are facilitating a very lucrative (and illegal, according to international law) real-estate grab of pri-vate Palestinian land, and the continued permanent colonization of the West Bank.

During Iyad’s presentation of video footage shot by his brother, people in attendance at our event were not laughing at IDF soldiers. Instead, we were watching in shocked silence as IDF soldiers brutal-ized and attacked not only the protesters, but all the villagers in Bil’in: They arrested Palestinian children in the middle of the night, took over Palestinian houses, and arrested more than half the men in the vil-lage on trumped-up charges.

After Burnat’s presentation, Hen Mazzig asked his question, and a young man, unknown to JVP or SUPER, started yelling at him. JVP and SUPER supporters immediately tried to calm the young man down. We all knew Iyad could handle the question, and we encourage dialogue at our events. The young man eventually ran across the room, and the other Israeli man (identified by Mazzig) hit him on the head with a camera.

Both the man with the camera and the younger man showed blatant disregard for the speaker and his message of non-vio-lent protest. By yelling and engaging in a physical confrontation, both men caused a violent disruption, which upset the audi-ence who had come to learn from Burnat and the long-standing commitment to unarmed resistance shown by the people of Bil’in. We took immediate action to de-escalate the situation and to ensure the safety of all attendees.

JVP and SUPER strongly condemn all violence, including the verbal and physi-cal assault that occurred at the event. Our intent is to create a safe space for dialogue and education, and we regret that violence occurred at our event.

The disruption only underscored the vital importance of Burnat’s message. As the presentation so compellingly showed, we believe that steadfast non-violent resis-tance in the face of the daily violence of the Israeli occupation will ultimately pave the way for justice. We are committed to ensuring that violence does not occur at any future events, and we ask all who attend our events to conduct themselves peacefully.

Eitan Isaacson and Wendy Elisheva Somerson are members of the Seattle chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace.

A sixth broken cameraHen maZZig special to JTnews

I had been in Seattle and the U.S. only a few days when I heard that Palestin-ian Iyad Burnat, brother of the filmmaker of the Oscar-nominated feature docu-mentary, “5 Broken Cameras,” would be speaking about the “non-violent” nature of Palestinian demonstrations. I knew I had to attend the event.

I had met Iyad five years earlier when I was a young Israeli soldier, an 18-year- old who had just started my service in the Israeli Defense Forces. The IDF knew there would be a demonstration against Israel’s security fence near Ramallah, a Palestinian city in the West Bank. The IDF wanted someone who spoke Arabic to mediate between the demonstrators and the IDF soldiers and minimize the chances of any physical altercations. Since I speak Arabic, I was chosen for this task.

As soon as I arrived at the Palestinian town, I encountered Iyad Burnat, who was leading the demonstration. I tried to speak with him again and again, and ask him to stop what was becoming a violent riot. I told him there are other ways to protest and that talking with each other would work better than clashing with the IDF. In response, he shoved me to the ground and the crowd cheered. Soon after, the Palestinian demonstrators began hurling rocks and stones. One broke the jaw of a friend of mine, a fellow IDF soldier. He was forced to stay in the hospital for three weeks until he recovered.

Now, five years later, on January 13, 2013, I saw Iyad again at his presentation in Seattle. I was unfamiliar with the spon-soring groups, Jewish Voice for Peace and Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), but thought they might want the audience to hear what I had to say, even if they disagreed with me.

I sat quietly while Iyad talked. His pre-sentation was full of lies, demonization of Israel and of Israel’s army, false accusa-tions, and deception. Hard as it was to do, I listened politely to his hate speech. It was even harder to sit still through his pictures and video clips of soldiers being pushed and injured, accompanied by overly dra-matic music common in action and horror films. It hurt me to hear the audience laugh every time an Israeli soldier fell down, and to see that the film had been edited to make it seem that the IDF abused the demon-strators. From personal experience, I knew the provocations and violence that forced the IDF to act were omitted.

When Iyad opened the floor to ques-tions, I waited patiently for others to speak. I stood and asked Iyad if he recognized me. As I expected, he said he did not. I told Iyad and the audience about the first time we met and how he had shoved me and how his demonstrators had broken the jaw of a fellow soldier who was my friend.

I told them about another similar “non-violent” demonstration when Palestinians threw rocks and severely injured a young soldier who lost his eye. I asked Iyad, “How can you call these non-violent protests?”

I then brought out my photo of one of Iyad’s demonstrations, which showed five masked Palestinians with big rocks in their hands, preparing to hurl them at Israeli soldiers.

When I was in mid-sentence, a young man in the audience, probably in his early 20s and wearing a “Free Palestine” t-shirt, began screaming at me. When I had spoken about the injured Israeli soldiers, he shouted, “Good. I’m glad. They deserved it.” Then he began yelling, “Get this f---ing, f---ing Zionist out of here.” Another Israeli in the audience stood up and told him to let me speak. But the young man continued his vulgar tirade, demanding that “Zionists” be removed from the room. I attempted to calm him, reassuring him that I had come to start a dialogue and that there was no need for such hostility.

But the angry man started aggressively charging toward me. I simply turned and left the room. I was determined not to let him get into physical contact with me.

The other Israeli man later told me that unfortunately, the confrontation did not end after I left.

When I left, he also started to leave. A woman reached out to him and said in Hebrew, “Please don’t leave. I’m scared, but I want to ask a question.”

The Israeli waited while she asked her question. Apparently, as Iyad attempted to answer, the aggressive man moved toward the Israeli, and while facing the woman who had asked the question, made threat-ening gestures, moving his hand across his neck as if slitting someone’s throat. Then he charged across the room toward the Israeli as though preparing to attack him. With no way to protect himself or the woman who asked the question or another sympathetic attendee, the Israeli swung the camera he was holding to ward off the attacker. In the course of the confrontation, the Israeli man’s camera broke, resulting in what he called “the sixth broken camera.”

This event was my introduction to the battle against Israel and its supporters in the U.S. I was shocked and saddened by the hatred and lies of anti-Israel propagandists in the U.S. and by the aggressive effort to silence me, my perspective, and the facts.

The Burnats and their film are indeed about “broken cameras,” but their cam-eras were not broken by the IDF. They manipulated reality to create a fractured vision that omits all context and is no more than raw anti-Israel propaganda.

Hen Mazzig is the shaliach for StandWithUs Northwest.

4 communiTy news JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

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Summit residents write their livesemily K. alHadeff Associate editor, JTnews

On January 27, eight residents of the Summit at First Hill celebrated the launch of their literary anthology with the com-munity. “Stories from the Summit” con-sists of memoirs as well as two pieces of short fiction, and is the culmination of a writing course taught by community edu-cators Carol Starin and Cindy Muscatel in 2012.

Muscatel, who has been teaching writ-ing to seniors since 1991, was impressed with the group.

“There were good writers here,” she said.

“They have really wonderful and mean-ingful stories to tell,” Starin added. Both women agreed that the students turned out to be their teachers.

The stories capture experiences of bygone times, foreign worlds, and sweet romantic encounters that turned into life-

long partnerships. “My Two Lives,” by Ada Ash, 97, opens with her memory of marauding Cossacks and the sound of the bombs of the Russian Revolution and the First World War. In “The Life and Death of a Shabbos Chicken,” Ernie Mednick, who was born in 1918 in southern Utah, poignantly describes bringing a chicken to the butcher as a young boy. Adele Sharaga depicts her grandfather’s disobedience in spurning his arranged marriage for the girl of his dreams in the 1800s.

Sharaga gets the last word in the book: “My advice to those who are thinking about writing a memoir — don’t wait until you’re 91,” she said. “There’s too much to write and nobody to ask.”

Copies of “Stories from the Summit” are available by contacting Summit activ-ities coordinator Beth Cordova at 206-652-4444.

emily K. AlHAdeff

The authors of the anthology “Stories from the Summit,” and their two instructors, Carol Starin and Cindy Muscatel, fourth and fifth from the right.

■ Making it Normal, Making it Safe: Women’s Voices from a West Bank SettlementWednesday, February 13, 1:30–2:30 p.m.

Hannah Mayne, a doctoral student in anthropology at the University of Florida, will present ethnographic vignettes about women in established Jewish settlements, and their interpretations of economic, cul-tural, and religious issues. The findings make the conflict far more complicated than previously thought. This is the first in a series of lunchtime learning with scholars from around the country.

The second, on Thurs., Feb. 21, Arie Dubnov will speak on “What is Jewish (If Anything) About Sir Isaiah Berlin’s Politi-cal Philosophy?”

At the University of Washington, Thompson Hall Room 317, Seattle. For more information, contact Lauren Spo-kane at laurenjs@uw.edu or 206-543-0138, or visit stroumjewishstudies.org/events.

Coming up

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.jtnews.net . jtnews

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JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and accurate coverage of local, national and international news, opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to di-verse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we carry out our mission.

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JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are $56.50 for one year, $96.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.

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Board of directorsPeter Horvitz, Chair*; Jerry Anches§; Sarah Boden; Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Ron Leibsohn; Stan Mark; Leland Rockoff; Cantor David Serkin-Poole* Nancy Greer, Interim CEO and President, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Shelley Bensussen, Federation Board Chair

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lADiNo leSSoNby isaac aZose

La repuesta en su ora, vale un million.A timely answer is worth a million (dollars).

From The Jewish Transcript, February 11, 1976.In his first stint as prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin spent four days in Washing-

ton, D.C. to meet with dignitaries and government officials that included Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, left, and President Gerald Ford. Rabin, center, was hosted by his country’s ambassador to the U.S., Simcha Dinitz, right.

Like wine? Try some of oursWe will be joining with Royal Wine Distributors to conduct our annual Passover wine

tasting on Feb. 19 and we’d like to invite a few of our readers to join us. Please send an email to associateeditor@jtnews.net explaining your knowledge about or experience with fine wines, and we will choose from those responses. We look forward to hearing from you!

CorrectionIn the “Remember When” photo from the Jan. 25, 2013 issue, the associated caption

stated the former Temple B’nai Torah building had been sold to the group Toward Tradi-tion. The building was in fact sold to a Mercer Island church, which allowed Temple B’nai Torah to make use of the facility until its Bellevue building was completed.

JTNews regrets the error.

The fruits of learning together 6On Tu B’Shevat, elementary school children from five Jewish day schools got together to learn, celebrate, and eat fruit.

Full circle 7Fifteen years after meeting Rabbi Doron Kornbluth on a teen trip to Israel, Emily K. Alhadeff sat down with him in Seattle to talk about his latest research on burial and cremation.

We were there 12Author Ellen Cassedy talks about her journey to her ancestral Lithuania, and what she hopes posterity will take away from her book about it.

No doctors, no lawyers 28The Seattle Jewish film festival turned 18 and moved out of its parents’ house this year. What does the beloved festival have in store when it opens March 2?

From the rooftops 30In anticipation of Izhak Perlman’s upcoming performance, a fascinating history of the fiddle.

Very, very artistic 32A Chicago dance troupe with Israeli influence visits Seattle and promises an eclectic, forward-thinking performance.

MoreM.o.T.: For the love of turkey 8Crossword 8Israel: To Your Health: Making brain waves 9Community Calendar 10Jewish and Veggie: Apple-tizers 13Wedding Celebrations 14The Arts 27The Shouk Classifieds 27

6 communiTy news JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

March 8 Friday evening at 6:00pm: “They’ve let my people go! Now what?”

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Jewish kids and special fruit unite: SHA hosts interschool Tu B’Shevat celebrationgWen davis special to JTnews

Kids like pomegranates. Especially Rosie, a 4th-grade student at the Men-achem Mendel Seattle Cheder. So when MMSC teamed up with Seattle Hebrew Academy and three other Seattle Jewish day schools to celebrate Tu B’Shevat — the Jewish New Year for trees — Rosie was excited.

“But I like all the fruits,” she made clear.

On January 24, SHA hosted the inter-school 4th- and 5th-grade Tu B’Shevat cel-ebration with MMSC, Torah Day School, the Jewish Day School of Metropolitan Seattle, and the Seattle Jewish Commu-nity School.

Students engaged in a host of inter-active activities throughout the morning to learn about the holiday. They went on nature walks, played Tu B’Shevat Jeop-ardy, made Tu B’Shevat table centerpieces, and played Tu B’Shevat Pictionary on a smart board. Students also learned about Israel, the blessings said over fruit, the environment, and about the holiday itself.

Tu B’Shevat, the 15th of the month of Shevat on the Jewish calendar, marks the “new year” for the trees. The holiday falls at this time of year because the earli-est blooming trees in Israel emerge from

winter hibernation and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. Furthermore, in ancient

times the date was important for deter-mining the age of trees so as to calculate

the proper time of tithing produce. The Torah references seven fruits,

or species, special to Israel: Wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. Therefore, it is cus-tomary on Tu B’Shevat to eat these fruits.

At lunchtime, the students par-ticipated in a Tu B’Shevat seder, with

opportunities to sample the seven special fruits. They also ate ice cream and sang songs together. While Tu B’Shevat is a somewhat obscure holiday, the concept of a spiritual seder around the seven species was begun by Kabbalists in the 16th cen-tury and has become a popular custom.

School staffers said the goal was for Jewish kids in Seattle to make friends with each other, regardless of their respec-tive schools. SHA acquired the money for these events by securing a grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Since then, the schools plan to continue inter-school events. Earlier in the year, students met for an outdoor education week.

“There’s nothing better than bringing Jewish children together. It’s a wonderful thing,” said Chaya Elishevitz, programs coordinator at MMSC. “It was a very well-organized and well-done event. It’s a special experience to see the Jewish schools come together. It’s cool for the kids.”

The students said they appreciated the day, too, because it expanded their aware-ness.

“Basically, it shows what other schools are like and what’s good about other schools,” said Sam, a 4th-grade student at SJCS.gAbRielle Azose/sJCs

gwen dAvis

Above, Seattle Hebrew Academy student Sammy makes shish-kabobs with Susan De Jaén Matalon, SHA’s kindergarten-e ighth grade o f f ice manager for the citywide Tu B’Shevat seder.

Students from all of the day schools made Tu B’Shevat projects, such as flower pots, at the event.

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews communiTy news 7

For comments or questions you can contact QFC Associate Communications Manager Ken Banks at ken.banks@qfci.com or phone 425-462-2205.

Go Red for WomenFebruary 1, 2013, marked the 10th anniversary of National Wear

Red Day®, an event that was inspired to help raise awareness of the shocking frequency of heart disease in women. That first National Wear Red Day® in 2003 subsequently motivated the American Heart Association to create Go Red for Women, a social initiative intended to increase awareness, educate and inspire women to take action in the fight against heart disease. Funds raised for this initiative are also used to support scientific research and develop new tools and treatments in the fight against heart disease. Go Red for Women is QFC’s Charity of the Month for February.

Here are some sobering facts provided by the American Heart Association. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in the U.S. It accounts for 1 of every 3 women’s deaths. 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors that can lead to heart disease. Since 1984, more women than men have died each year from heart disease. Heart disease can affect women of all ages, even women who lead healthy lifestyles, if they have other risk factors. 64 percent of women who die suddenly from coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms. Despite those statistics, only about 20% of women believe that heart disease is the greatest health threat they face.

Go Red for Women and the American Heart Association are combatting heart disease through awareness and education and by motivating women to take action. Awareness includes understanding the symptoms of a heart attack, which can be different in women than in men. Women’s symptoms can include shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. Other symptoms women should look out for are dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen and extreme fatigue.

Knowing those symptoms is important, but wouldn’t it be even better to avoid those symptoms? And that means taking actions to reduce the risk of ever having a heart attack. Some of the actions the American Heart Association recommends are: not smoking, managing your blood sugar, getting your blood pressure under control,

lowering your cholesterol, knowing your family history of heart disease, staying active, losing weight and eating healthfully.

Eating healthfully will have multiple benefits. A diet rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains can be a great defense against the onset of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. The AHA recommends that an adult consuming 2,000 calories daily should aim for:

Fruits and vegetables: At least 4.5 cups a day.Fish (preferably oily fish, like salmon): At least two 3.5-ounce servings a week.Fiber-rich whole grains: At least three 1-ounce servings a day.Nuts, legumes and seeds: At least 4 servings a week, opting for unsalted varieties

whenever possible.If you would like to support QFC’s Charity of the Month, Go Red for Women, please

hand a donation card to your checker, or drop your spare change in the checkstand coin jar. Thank you for supporting this great cause.

Matters of life and deathemily K. alHadeff Associate editor, JTnews

In 1998, Doron Kornbluth and his wife, Sarah Tikvah, hosted several members of my NFTY teen tour group for Shabbat. I never forgot that spiritually enlightening weekend or their hospitality.

Fast forward to last month, when I saw an announcement for a talk by one Doron Kornbluth at the Hillel at the University of Washington and at the West Seattle Torah Learning Center on his latest research and book, “Cremation or Burial: A Jewish Per-spective.” Over lunch at Island Crust Café , Doron and I reconnected, and he filled me in on the unappetizing details of why more and more Jews are making un-Jewish end-of-life choices.JTNews: What got you onto cremation and burial as a topic?Doron Kornbluth: You have this major uptick in cremation rates, nationally and amongst the Jewish community. I was just really bothered by it. People make their own decisions — they’re adults — but the real-ity is that people don’t have information to make decisions. There are a lot of miscon-ceptions out there. So I started researching it. JT: Describe the Jewish practice of burial.DK: For thousands of years Jews have always insisted on burial. A Roman his-torian, Tacitus, when he was describing the Jews to his Roman compatriots, one

of the few defining characteristics that he said was, “Jews bury, rather than burn, the dead.” Even 2,000 years ago it stuck out. The Romans cremated. The Greeks cre-mated. All these guys cremated. It’s not a new idea; it’s actually an old idea. Jews always stuck out for burial.JT: So what has happened?DK: In the last 30 years, cremation rates nationally among non-Jews have gone up. The same with Jews. And in the last four years, it’s gone up dramatically.

Imagine if you’re a Jewish person and you’re looking at the planet, looking at America, and you see that every year 5 percent less of the Jewish community is celebrating Hanukkah. Last year it was 100 percent, 95, 90, and you know that within a few years if you don’t do any-thing about it, soon it’s just going to be the strictly Orthodox who celebrate Hanuk-kah. What would you do? How would you feel? I think if you were a caring Jew you’d be concerned about that.

The reality is that it is happening, but it’s happening with different parts of Juda-ism. It’s happening to Jewish burial. It used to be a given, but because of a lack of education and understanding, it is not a given at all. JT: What are some factors causing this dramatic rise in cremation?

DK: When it comes to why people are cremating, cost is definitely a big factor. There’s another reason: Mobility. Meaning, it used to be that people for gener-ations would be in the same town. Today, you have grandparents in one city, parents in a different city, kids in another city.

People also think it’s better for the environment, but it’s not. Environmen-talists are not in favor of cremation. [This misconception is due to a 1950s campaign against burial because of the pollution caused by metal caskets and embalming.] What does Jewish tradition say? No metal casket, no embalming. Jewish burials are actually a model of environmentalism.

Plants, animals, birds — what do they do? They grow, and they die, and their bodies go back into the earth. So the natural way is actually burial. It’s the way of every living thing. When you’re putting it into a modern oven — and by the way, it’s essen-tially an Auschwitz oven, it hasn’t changed — you’re firing it up — that’s artificial. JT: What is the significance of burying the dead in Judaism?DK: Israel has released hundreds of ter-rorists many times in the last 20 years just for bodies of the dead. Every Jew deserves a proper burial.

Most Jews have heard of the idea of tearing kriyah [tearing a garment as a sign of mourning]. You tear kriyah because you are express-ing that life is not going

on. There’s a loss. Something’s broken. In burial, the earth itself is tearing kriyah. Isn’t it a beautiful symbolism? The earth is open-ing up. You’re making a tear in the earth.

Not only is the cremation rate very, very high, but funeral services are on the way out. We don’t want to deal with it. Woody Allen once said, “I don’t want to receive immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying.”

People don’t want to talk about it, but Judaism’s point is, “No, we don’t do that.”

The tradition is to bury within a com-munity cemetery, emphasizing that we’re part of a community. We live there together forever. The word “cem-etery” comes from the Greek for “sleep-ing place.” That’s why a grave looks like a bed. Because it’s a quiet, subtle promise of rebirth. It’s kind of a beautiful idea.

“Cremation or Burial: A Jewish View,” as well as Doron Kornbluth’s three other books on being, dating, and raising children Jewish, are available at www.doronkornbluth.com. Read an extended version of this story at www.jtnews.net.

CouRTesy doRon KoRnbluTH

8 m.o.T.: member of The Tribe JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

We love our music and we love our fooddiana bRement JTnews Columnist

1 When you see “The Music Man” at Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theater

(starting Feb. 7), keep your eye on 9-year-old Jasmine Harrick. The North Seattle resident plays Gracie Shinn in her first professional stage production. Getting the part first involved an open audi-tion with 400 other kids, plus two callbacks, a process that took so long she was sure she wouldn’t get the role.

“I was really surprised,” she says.

Jasmine started acting lessons when she was 5 and this is the third musical she’s appeared in. She played Annie in drama school Broadway Bound’s production last year, and this past summer her whole family — mom Deb, dad Tod, and sister Eliana — were in Kitsap Forest Theater’s production of “Fiddler on the Roof.”

As the representative Jews in the cast, “we were the ‘rabbinical’ consults” for the director, Deb says.

Jasmine’s favorite parts of “Music Man” so far are the dances for “Shapoopie” and “76 Trombones,” and her favorite song is “Iowa Stubborn” (me, too!). Jas, as her family calls her, took up tap dancing this year, and in her free time she enjoys climbing “just about anything,” and, she adds, “I really love art.”

As a homeschooled student, Jasmine has an easier time fitting her schoolwork into the demanding rehearsal schedule than the other kids in the production, including Josh Feinsilber, who was fea-tured in this column in November.

The Harricks are members of Temple Beth Am, but as Deb teaches at Kadima, the sisters go to religion school there.

“We have a rich Jewish life in our home,” says Mom, and, no surprise, “we’re always singing.”

2 I ended my inter-view with Adam Gold craving Thanksgiving

dinner with all the fixin’s.The long-time Woodinville

resident  and I talked turkey, specifically about Gobble, his all-turkey-all-the-time res-taurant in the Woodgate Mall there. Gobble opened just in time for Thanksgiving last year, and though you can always get turkey with trim-mings, Adam says it’s about more than just that holiday.

“For those who aren’t into [Thanksgiv-

ing], we’re doing a whole Italian thing,” he told me the week we spoke. “Yesterday we did a turkey cacciatore,” and a turkey osso bucco sold out quickly.

It’s all, he says, “about the bird.” Whole Foster Farms birds, provided by Costco, are slow roasted on-site daily and are the basis of most of what is served there, which depends on the day and either Adam’s or the chef’s whim. Diners order at the coun-ter, watch their meals prepared, then sit at communal farmhouse-style tables. Turkey sandwiches are a permanent fixture, and Adam spoke glowingly of the turkey potpie made on premises, and the delectable des-serts, including chocolate cake, bread pud-ding and, of course, pumpkin pie.

Adam does like to cook — view his YouTube cooking videos at the restaurant site www.gobblerestaurant.com — but he’s discovered that restaurant ownership is about much more than food. The day we spoke he was working on an employee manual, “86 pages of bureaucratic fun,” he says. The experience has been “an adven-ture and an education.”

The Southern California native moved to the Northwest about 30 years ago because he liked the seasonal weather. A former marketing executive, he worked in

M.o.T.Member of the Tribe

X PAge 29

Jeff CARpenTeR

Nine-year-old Jasmine Harrick, sitting front and center, is part of the cast of the 5th Avenue Theatre’s production of “Music Man.”

Reach Out Across the Worldby Mike Selinker

© 2012 Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe, 1538 12th Avenue, Seattle. All rights reserved. Puzzle created by Lone Shark Games, Inc. Edited by Mike Selinker and Mark L. Gottlieb.

Answers on page 13

“When you come near a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it!” said the scholar Maimonides. The sister city effort proclaims peace between cities in far-off lands, opening trade and building bridges. Seattle has 21 sister cities around the world, of which nine are located in this puzzle. They’re just waiting for you to visit them.

ACROSS1 O, GQ, or YM4 In Hollywood, they often have hearts of gold11 Injured, as a knee14 Hi-tech address15 Defeat in a joust16 On the Beach actress Gardner17 To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper18 Kenyan sister city of Seattle19 Crackpot20 B’day, for one22 “Indubitably!”23 Soup server25 French sister city of Seattle27 Irish sister city of Seattle28 Israeli sister city of Seattle32 Like 1933 Gold Double Eagle coins35 Member of the Mongol Empire36 March Madness org.40 ___ You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret41 “God bless us, every one!” proclaimer43 Move like a bunny44 Oft-repeated lyric in “My Boyfriend’s Back”46 Weapon carried by many on Bilbo’s

“unexpected journey”47 Perform acts of penance49 Succeeds51 Moves from residential to commercial, say53 With 3-Down, first American to orbit Earth54 Yin’s reflection55 Burn Notice network57 Israeli legislature61 NFL players such as 64-Across64 He set records for yards, completions,

touchdowns, and retirement announcements66 With 21-Down, Beatles song and album title67 River through 25-Across69 With The, satiric news source70 Go gray71 Desi who loved Lucy72 SNL offering73 Reason for a day dream?74 Harasses

DOWN1 Animated film featuring a dragon voiced by

Eddie Murphy2 Concert venue3 See 53-Across4 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled

Vehicle, for short5 Singer Yoko6 George Takei’s catchphrase7 Japanese sister city of Seattle8 Mesozoic and Paleozoic, for two9 Type of Internet feed10 Experimental habitat created by the US

Navy11 Like TV shows from the ’50s12 Stalactite : cave :: ___ : mouth13 “Ahoy!” addressee21 See 66-Across24 Computer pioneer Turing26 Acronym used by alien seekers27 ___ Halliwell, aka Ginger Spice29 Charged30 “Mr. Roboto” band31 Flame war participant, perhaps32 Chicago mayor Emanuel33 pr2, for a circle34 Icelandic sister city of Seattle37 Chinese sister city of Seattle38 Top-notch39 Rise of the Planet of the ___41 Uzbek sister city of Seattle42 Mexican sister city of Seattle45 Zodiac lion48 Measure of bricks?50 Traveler’s stopover52 Feature of a hurricane or a potato55 Acronym used by alien seekers56 Comic ___ (oft-ridiculed typeface)58 Pizzazz59 Maker of the Genesis60 Pace62 They may be strapless or wireless63 “___ who?!”65 King at Versailles68 “If you ___ loved one…”

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews israel: To your healTh 9

pick up your

BallardBallard Branch LibraryCaffe FioreQFC

downtown BellevueBellevue Public LibraryBlazing BagelsNewport Way Public LibraryTop Pot DoughnutsWhole Foods Market

Capitol HillThe Bagel DeliCafé Victrola (15th Avenue E)Café Victrola (Pike Street)Central Co-opCouncil HouseHorizon HouseJewish Family ServiceMiller Community CenterSeattle Hebrew AcademySeattle Public Library,

Henry BranchThe Summit at First HillTemple De Hirsch SinaiTop Pot Doughnuts

Crossroads& overlakeCrossroads MallJewish Day SchoolTemple B’nai Torah

eastgate/FaCtoriaGoldberg’s Famous DeliQFC FactoriaTemple De Hirsch Sinai

edmondsEdmonds Bookshop

everettEverett Public Library (both branches) Temple Beth Or

FremontFremont PCCSeattle Public Library

greenlake, greenwood & nortHCouth Buzzard BooksForza Coffee CompanyGreenlake LibraryGreenwood LibraryMockingbird Books

issaquaHIssaquah Public LibraryPCC MarketQFC (Gilman Blvd.)QFC (Klahanie)Zeek’s Pizza

lake Forest park& BotHellLake Forest Park Public LibraryThird Place Books

madison park & madronaSally Goldmark LibrarySeattle Public Library,

Montlake Branch

merCer islandAlbertsonsAlpenlandCommunity Center at

MercerviewCong. Herzl-Ner TamidEinstein Bros BagelsFreshy’s Seafood MarketIsland BooksIsland Crust CaféMercer Island Public LibraryNW Yeshiva High SchoolQFC (north and south)Stopsky’s DelicatessenStroum JCC

suggest a loCation wHere you’d like to

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jewisH news HereJTnews

montlake & nortHendBagel OasisCongregation Beth ShalomEinstein Bros Bagels, U-VillageEmanuel CongregationGrateful Bread BakeryGreat Harvest Bread Co.Metropolitan MarketNorth End JCCRavenna Eckstein Community CenterRavenna Third Place BooksSeattle Jewish Community SchoolSeattle Public Library, NE BranchTemple Beth AmUW ChabadUW HillelView Ridge PCCYMCAWhole Foods Market

queen anne,magnolia / interBayBamboo GardenBayview Retirement CommunityEinstein Bros Bagels Seattle Public Library,

Queen Anne BranchWhole Foods Market

redmond & kirklandBlazing BagelsKirkland Public LibraryPark Place BooksQFC (Park Place)Redmond Public LibraryTrilogy Residences

seward park &ColumBia CityBikur Cholim-Machzikay HadathCaffe VitaCongregation Ezra BessarothGeraldine’s CounterKline Galland HomePCCQFC- RainierSeattle KollelSephardic Bikur HolimTorah Day School

sHorelineShoreline Public Library

soutH lake unionWhole Foods Market

vasHon islandVashon Public Library

wallingFordEssential Baking Co.Seattle Public LibraryQFCWallingford Center

west seattleHusky DeliKol HaNeshamah Seattle Public Library

woodinvilleWoodinville Public Library

New technology makes waves in brain researchJanis siegel JTnews Columnist

Former Israeli Prime Min-ister Ariel Sharon has been in a vegetative state since his second stroke and subsequent brain hemorrhage in 2006. Recently, however, brain researchers in Israel identified considerable activity in the political and military icon’s brain after a two-hour brain scan with the most sophisti-cated MRI available to them, the Philips INGENIA 3.OT, which the company claims is the first digital broadband MRI system delivering some of the best imaging avail-able today.

After being shown pictures of his family, hearing the sound of his son’s voice, and being exposed to other sensory stimulation, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Brain Imaging Research Center at the Soroka University Medical Center determined that Sharon’s brain showed activity in each of the cor-responding regions specific to the stimuli, signaling to researchers that the informa-tion was being processed correctly.

Although many in the region and around the world are skeptical that evi-dence of brain waves might eventually lead to Sharon regaining full consciousness, Dr. Ilan Shelef, the director of medical imag-ing at Soroka, said that this technology will benefit many others in the years to come.

“This is a dream come true,” said Shelef. “The unique location of the MRI here at Soroka University Medical Center enables us to [make] clinical research and basic sci-ence research. We really hope that many researchers will come out to the Negev.”

The state-of-the-art scanner features “dStream architecture” that gives research-ers an excellent digital signal producing high-quality images. The speed and acces-sibility built into the technology also make the process shorter for most patients and easier for the technicians.

However, it is the scanner’s capabil-ity to vividly display the brain’s activity in isolated centers that has already pro-vided new information about autism for Dr. Galia Avidan, in the department of psychology at BGU’s Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, and part of the research team experimenting with the new tech-nology.

Avidan said she is becoming increas-ingly persuaded that these kinds of condi-tions are actually a wiring or connectivity problem in the neural pathways of the brain.

“What we found is that for an individ-ual with autism, who has difficulty extract-ing the emotional response in the person they are looking at, it turns out that they hardly look at the eyes of the person stand-ing in front of them,” said Avidan. “They prefer scanning other features, such as

the mouth, or even features around the hairline.”

Avidan’s team also stud-ied people who have difficulty reading other people’s expres-sions or “face reading and face processing.” Although these subjects showed normal activity in the posterior por-tion of the brain, which rec-ognizes faces, the activity in the anterior part of the brain was compromised, where the processing network is located.

“We try to understand how different areas of the brain process complex infor-mation,” said Avidan. “We scan subjects while they view different images and we examine the brain activation for these dif-ferent stimuli.”

Dr. Martin Monti, a professor in the departments of psychology and neuro-surgery at the University of California, Los Angeles, created the innovative study methodology.

Among the many tests performed on the former prime minister, the most encouraging being Sharon’s responses to external stimuli, researchers were less enthusiastic about the possibility that he is aware of what he is seeing, hearing, and feeling.

“Information from the external world is being transferred to the appropriate parts of Sharon’s brain,” Monti told BGU staff. “However, the evidence does not as clearly indicate whether he is consciously perceiving this information.”

Other team members included Prof. Alon Friedman and Tzvi Ganel of the BGU Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, and Erez Freud, a doctoral candidate in BGU’s department of psychology.

BGU researchers have high hopes for the future of the MRI, its capabilities, and its applications in Israel and around the world.

“Knowing what sensory channels are intact in these patients is crucial for the family and the treating team to stimulate and interact with them,” Friedman told BGU staff.

Avidan believes it could lead to new therapies that could ultimately result in bringing families closer to their affected family member.

“We hope that by understanding the way the brain encodes and represents visual information and by understand-ing the psychological basis for visual per-ception,” said Avidan, “we may be able to create specific training regimes and spe-cific rehabilitation programs.”

Longtime JTNews correspondent and freelance journalist Janis Siegel has covered international health research for SELF magazine and campaigns for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

ISraEl:To Your Health

10 communiTy calendar JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

GREATER SEATTLEChabad House 206/527-14114541 19th Ave. NE Bet Alef (Meditative) 206/527-93991111 Harvard Ave., Seattle Congregation Kol Ami (Reform) 425/844-160416530 Avondale Rd. NE, Woodinville Cong. Beis Menachem (Traditional Hassidic)1837 156th Ave. NE, Bellevue 425/957-7860Congregation Beth Shalom (Conservative)6800 35th Ave. NE 206/524-0075Cong. Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath (Orthodox)5145 S Morgan St. 206/721-0970Capitol Hill Minyan-BCMH (Orthodox) 1501 17th Ave. E 206/721-0970Congregation Eitz Or (Jewish Renewal)Call for locations 206/467-2617Cong. Ezra Bessaroth (Sephardic Orthodox)5217 S Brandon St. 206/722-5500Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch(Orthodox/Chabad)6250 43rd Ave. NE 206/527-1411Congregation Shevet Achim (Orthodox) 5017 90th Ave. SE (at NW Yeshiva HS) Mercer Island 206/275-1539Congregation Tikvah Chadashah (LGBTQ) 206/355-1414Emanuel Congregation (Modern Orthodox)3412 NE 65th St. 206/525-1055Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation (Conservative) 206/232-85553700 E Mercer Way, Mercer IslandHillel (Multi-denominational)4745 17th Ave. NE 206/527-1997Kadima (Reconstructionist) 206/547-391412353 8th Ave. NE, Seattle

Congregation Emanu-El (Reform)P O Box 30234 509/835-5050 www.spokaneemanu-el.orgTemple Beth Shalom (Conservative)1322 E 30th Ave. 509/747-3304

TAcomAChabad-Lubavitch of Pierce County 2146 N Mildred St.. 253/565-8770Temple Beth El (Reform) 253/564-71015975 S 12th St.

TRi ciTiESCongregation Beth Sholom (Conservative)312 Thayer Drive, Richland 509/375-4740

VAncouVERChabad-Lubavitch of Clark County9604 NE 126th Ave., Suite 2320 360/993-5222 Rabbi@ChabadClarkCounty.com www.chabadclarkcounty.comCongregation Kol Ami 360/574-5169www.jewishvancouverusa.org

VAShon iSLAndHavurat Ee Shalom 206/567-160815401 Westside Highway P O Box 89, Vashon Island, WA 98070

WALLA WALLACongregation Beth Israel 509/522-2511

WEnATchEEGreater Wenatchee Jewish Community509/662-3333 or 206/782-1044

WhidbEy iSLAndJewish Community of Whidbey Island 360/331-2190

yAkimATemple Shalom (Reform) 509/453-89881517 Browne Ave. yakimatemple@gmail.com

Kavana Cooperative kavanaseattle@gmail.com K’hal Ateres Zekainim (Orthodox) 206/722-1464at Kline Galland Home, 7500 Seward Park Ave. SMitriyah (Progressive, Unaffiliated)www.mitriyah.com 206/651-5891 Secular Jewish Circle of Puget Sound (Humanist)www.secularjewishcircle.org 206/528-1944 Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Orthodox)6500 52nd Ave. S 206/723-3028The Summit at First Hill (Orthodox)1200 University St. 206/652-4444Temple Beth Am (Reform) 206/525-09152632 NE 80th St. Temple B’nai Torah (Reform) 425/603-967715727 NE 4th St., Bellevue Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Reform)Seattle, 1441 16th Ave. 206/323-8486Bellevue, 3850 156th Ave. SE

SOuTH KING COuNTyBet Chaverim (Reform) 206/577-040325701 14th Place S, Des Moines

WEST SEATTLE Kol HaNeshamah (Reform) 206/935-1590Alki UCC, 6115 SW Hinds St.Torah Learning Center (Orthodox) 5121 SW Olga St. 206/643-5353


Temple Beth Israel 360/533-57551819 Sumner at Martin

bAinbRidGE iSLAnd Congregation Kol Shalom (Reform) 9010 Miller Road NE 206/855-0885 Chavurat Shir Hayam 206/842-8453

bELLinGhAmChabad Jewish Center of Whatcom County102 Highland Dr. 360/393-3845Congregation Beth Israel (Reform) 2200 Broadway 360/733-8890

bREmERTonCongregation Beth Hatikvah 360/373-988411th and Veneta

EVERETT / LynnWoodChabad Jewish Center of Snohomish County19626 76th Ave. W, Lynnwood 425/640-2811Temple Beth Or (Reform) 425/259-71253215 Lombard St., Everett

FoRT LEWiSJewish Chapel 253/967-6590Liggett Avenue and 12th

iSSAquAhChabad of the Central Cascades24121 SE Black Nugget Rd. 425/427-1654

oLympiAChabad Jewish Discovery Center 1611 Legion Way SE 360/584-4306Congregation B’nai Torah (Conservative) 3437 Libby Rd. 360/943-7354Temple Beth Hatfiloh (Reconstructionist)201 8th Ave. SE 360/754-8519

poRT AnGELES And SEquimCongregation B’nai Shalom 360/452-2471

poRT ToWnSEndCongregation Bet Shira 360/379-3042

puLLmAn, WA And moScoW, idJewish Community of the Palouse 509/334-7868 or 208/882-1280

SpokAnEChabad of Spokane County 4116 E 37th Ave. 509/443-0770

where to worship

Candlelighting timesfebruary 8 ...................... 5:03 p.m.february 15 .....................5:14 p.m.february 22 .................... 5:25 p.m.march 1 .......................... 5:35 p.m.

fRiday 8 febRuaRy8–10 p.m. — Annex Theatre presents ‘undo’

Bret Fetzer at info@annextheatre.org or 206-728-0933 or www.annextheatre.org/ 2013-season/main-stage/undoRachel and Joe Pfeiffer are getting divorced and everyone they know is invited. Guilt, grief, desire, and booze collide in this darkly comedic new play. $5-$20, all Thursdays by donation. Runs through Feb. 16. At the Annex Theatre, 1100 E Pike St., Seattle.10:30 a.m. — pJ library storytime at sJCs

Amy at amyhp@jewishinseattle.orgThe PJ Library welcomes Shoshana Stombaugh as guest musician and storyteller. Songs and a story, activities and playgroup fun. At the Seattle Jewish Community School, 12351 Eighth Ave. NE, Seattle.

satuRday 9 febRuaRy6:30–8:30 p.m. — pajama Havdallah goes up, up, and Away

Irit Eliav at IritEliav@bethshalomseattle.org

or 206-524-0075Service, Jewish art projects, cookies, and Jewish music. Special guests from Mad Science Shows will teach about the principles of air and pressure. Free. RSVP requested. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

sunday 10 febRuaRy9:45 a.m.–12 p.m. — Herzl-ner Tamid legacy brunch

Nadine Strauss at Nadine@h-nt.org or 206-232-8555 or h-nt.orgAnnual fundraiser brunch, featuring guest speaker Chef Emily Moore. Tickets start at $18. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.5:30–9 p.m. — sJCs gala 2013

Karen Friedman at development@sjcs.net or www.sjcs.netSeattle Jewish Community School Gala 2013, honoring alumni parents Howard and Eileen Klein. Dinner, live auction and program start at 6:45 p.m. At SJCS, 12351 Eighth Ave. NE, Seattle.7–8:30 p.m. — new voices in world Jewish music: galeet dardashti

Lauren Spokane at jewishst@uw.edu or 206-543-0138 or stroumjewishstudies.orgThrough conversations and live performances, three music artists will showcase their Sephardic roots from medieval Spain to Greece, Iran, Turkey, and Jerusalem. Next up: Galeet Dardashti. Free. At UW School of Music, Brechemin Auditorium, Seattle.

tuesday 12 febRuaRy10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. — stories in stone: urban geology

Ellen Hendin at endlessopps@jfsseattle.org or 206-861-3183 or www.jfsseattle.orgDavid Williams, writer and geologist, examines the rocks and stones you pass daily and makes connections between local buildings, structures, and the stone they’re made from. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave., Seattle.

Wednesday 13 febRuaRy1:30–2:30 p.m. — lunchtime learning series presents: Hannah mayne

Lauren Spokane at laurenjs@uw.edu or 206-543-0138 or stroumjewishstudies.org/events“Making it Normal, Making it Safe: Women’s Voices from a West Bank Settlement.” Mayne, a doctoral student at the University of Florida, will read a few ethnographic vignettes and issues these conversations reveal. At the University of Washington, Thompson Hall Room 317, Seattle.7–9 p.m. — we Are Here: memories of the lithuanian Holocaust

Mary Kozy at genmail@marykozy.net or www.jgsws.org/meetings.phpAuthor Ellen Cassedy will share how a journey to the old world changed her views of the past, the future, and herself. Free to JGSWS members; $5/non-members. At the Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

7:30 p.m. — Hadassah book exchange Meryl Alcabes at Beersheva.Hadassah@

gmail.com or 206-723-1558Trade used books for something new to read. Meet and mingle with other Hadassah members and help support the medical clown program at Hadassah Hospital. At the home of Cathy Godwin (RSVP for address), Seattle.

tHuRsday 14 febRuaRy12 p.m. — new york Trip shabbaton

Ari Hoffman at thehoffather@gmail.com or SeattleNCSY.comJoin JSU, Jewish High, and NCSY from all over the Northwest on a tour of NYC. $599, including airfare. Limited space available.

sunday 17 febRuaRy6–8 p.m. — bCmH on wheels

Julie Greene at julie@bcmhseattle.org or 206-721-0970Rollerskate with BCMH and benefit the Seattle Hebrew Academy’s 8th grade Israel trip. $5. At Bellevue Skate King, 2301 140th Ave. NE, Bellevue.

tuesday 19 febRuaRy12–1:30 p.m. — Tour of mcCaw Hall

Ellen Hendin at endlessopps@jfsseattle.org or 206-861-3183 or www.jfsseattle.orgExplore McCaw Hall’s public spaces with a staff member and learn its history and construction makeover. At McCaw Hall, Seattle Center.

For a complete listing of events, or to add your event to the JTNews calendar, visit calendar.jtnews.net. Calendar events must be submitted no later than 10 days before publication.

the calendarto Jewish Washington @jewishcal

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews communiTy calendar 11

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University of Washington Grad

7–9 p.m. — Caring for Aging parents: A Teamwork Approach

Leonid Orlov at familylife@jfsseattle.org or 206-861-8784 or www.jfsseattle.orgLearn how to keep relationships strong as families care for a frail or ailing older person. $15 at door; $10 in advance; $25 family of 3 or more. Scholarships available. At Jewish Family Service, 1601 16th Ave., Seattle.

Wednesday 20 febRuaRy7–9 p.m. — israel matters 2.0: The forbid-den Conversation

Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg at 425-603-9677 or www.templebnaitorah.orgPanelists Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg, Inbar Gazit, and Nance Morris Adler discuss religion and gender equality in modern Israeli society. $5 suggested donation. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.

tHuRsday 21 febRuaRy10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. — The gates founda-tion’s pacific northwest initiative

Ellen Hendin at endlessopps@jfsseattle.org or 206-323-8486 or www.jfsseattle.orgDavid Bley of the Gates Foundation will describe strategies to help vulnerable children and families. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave., Seattle.

1:30–2:30 p.m. — lunchtime learning series presents Arie dubnov

laurenjs@uw.edu or 206-543-0138 or stroumjewishstudies.org/eventsDubnov’s recent book, “Isaiah Berlin: The Journey of a Jewish Liberal,” offers an intellectual biography of the philosopher, political thinker, and historian of ideas. At the University of Washington, Thompson Hall Room 317, Seattle.

satuRday 23 febRuaRy7–11 p.m. — erev purim

Carol Benedick at carolbenedick@bethshalomseattle.org or 206-524-0075 or bethshalomseattle.orgMegillah reading for all. Klez Katz. Shushan Masquerade Ball. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.7:10 p.m. — bCmH purim party

Julie Greene at julie@bcmhseattle.org or 206-721-0970Purim bash with live band, food, moon bounce and a costume contest for adults and kids with prizes. Free. At BCMH, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle.

sunday 24 febRuaRy9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — purim

Carol Benedick at carolbenedick@bethshalomseattle.org or 206-524-0075 or bethshalomseattle.orgMegillah reading. Purim Katan (for families with

children ages 0-5). Purim carnival. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.12–3 p.m. — sJCC Annual purim Carnival

Zach Duitch at ZachD@sjcc.org or 206-232-7115 or www.sjcc.orgCarnival games, prizes, dancing, and music. Purchase tickets for carnival games. Free. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.3–5 p.m. — purim Celebration for people of All Abilities

Marjorie Schnyder at familylife@jfsseattle.org or 206-861-3146 or www.jfsseattle.orgAccessible community-wide celebration with music, activities and a special Purim spiel. All ages welcome. Contact by Feb. 17 to discuss special accommodations. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — under the sea purim Carnival

Rachel Nemhauser at rnemhauser@templebnaitorah.org or 425-603-9677 or www.templebnaitorah.orgCelebrate Purim dressed as your favorite sea creature. For ages 3-12. Free. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.

monday 25 febRuaRy7:30–9 p.m. — in-depth study of narratives that Repeat in the bible

Rabbi Jill Levy at rabbi.levy@h-nt.org or 206-232-8555 or www.h-nt.org/ our-congregation/learning/adult-lifelongMany Torah stories are told more than once. Explore examples and reflect on how this phenomenon affects your relationship with Jewish text and tradition. Bring a Tanach. $36. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

12 The arTs JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

exploring the Lithuanian Holocaust with author ellen Cassedydiana bRement JTnews Columnist

In the year since her book, “We are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust” (University of Nebraska), came out, Ellen Cassedy has traveled around the country to speak about the summer she spent studying Yiddish in Lithuania and what she learned about how Lithuanians are trying to come to grips with what happened to their Jewish citizens during World War II.

“It’s been quite an adventure,” says the author. “I’ve been so moved by people who have opened themselves up to this material. Just reading about the Holocaust is hard and painful.”

Cassedy will speak in the Seattle area twice next week. On Mon., Feb. 11, she will appear at a gathering of the Jewish Genea-logical Society of Washington State. On Feb. 12, she speaks at the University Bookstore.

Cassedy journeyed to Lithuania, where her family had its roots, to take an inten-

sive course in Yiddish. Just before she left, her uncle made a startling revelation to her about his time in the ghetto, which changed her perspective on the Holo-caust.

Living in Vilna, once known as “Jerusalem of the north,” she began to ask Lithuanians about their per-spectives on what happened during the war. She learned that moral definitions are not always drawn as clearly as most of us believe.

“My book asks people to look with respect at people who a lot of us in the Jewish community in the United States have thought of as being on the other side,” she said.

The author continued her language studies, and her often-humorous attempts to master the extremely com-plicated grammar of Yid-dish are laid out side by side with her conversations with Lithuanians, including an elderly man who wanted to talk to a Jew before he died.

Complicating the issue is that many Lithuanians see themselves as victims, too — both of the Nazis and the Soviets. Many are com-pletely ignorant of what happened to the Jewish pop-ulation, a testament to how isolated the cultures were

from one another. There is much denial, and there were many righteous gentiles.

Cassedy explores the moral gray area of what gentile Lithuanians did and did not do during the war.

“If it’s a choice between protecting your own family versus reaching out across a cultural divide to stand up for another part of a population,” observed Cassedy, we are naïve if we think we would automatically rescue someone else at our own risk.

“It’s a question we all have to ask our-selves,” she said.

By writing this book and speaking about it, she said “what I do today is make sure I don’t have to make that decision.” She said she hopes for a world “where people can stand up in the face of injustice without jeopardizing ourselves.”

Cassedy doesn’t challenge Lithuanians. She asks some gentle questions and observes “some brave souls” — a minority of Lithu-anians who pose these questions “to their fellow Lithuanians.” In that country, cur-rently dominated by right-wing nationalist politics, Cassedy feels it’s important to talk to those who are engaged in what she called “good-hearted…fragile initiatives” of get-ting their society to talk about the Holocaust.

iF You goEllen Cassedy will address the Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State on Mon., Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. at the Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. Free for members/$5 nonmem-bers. On Tues., Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. she will speak at the University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE, Seattle. Free.


Author ellen Cassedy wrote about her exper ience in Lithuania to learn about the fate of the country’s Jews during and after World War II.

X PAge 31

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews Jewish and veggie 13





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Dress up your Pink Lady for a Purim party treatmicHael natKin JTnews Columnist

This is one of my favorite appetizers to serve for a party; they are a cinch to make and will surprise your guests with the unexpected combination of caramelized apple, blue cheese, and tarragon. The key is to use a good, crisp-cook-ing apple and then really car-amelize it deeply, like you see in the picture. Using both a quickly made tarragon oil and the fresh leaves is a good trick to amp up the flavor.

I prefer a creamy blue cheese that will get a little melty on the warm apples, such as Blue de Causses, but any blue cheese will work. Instead of tar-ragon, you could also use basil or even arugula.

If you have any fancy finishing salts (which you can find at high-end food retailers), this is the perfect dish to use them on. A few grains will sit beautifully on top of the apples and add a bit of extra crunch and interest.

Caramelized Apple and Blue Cheese Crostini

Makes 16 crostiniTime: 20 minutes

1/2 cup loosely packed fresh tarragon leaves

2 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oilKosher salt16 thin slices of crusty baguette1 Tbs. unsalted butter2 small apples such as Pink Lady, cut into 16 wedgesTiny pinch of cayenne pepperFreshly ground black pepper1/4 cup blue cheese (such as Blue de Causses or Gorgonzola dolce), at room temperatureFlaky sea salt (such as Maldon, a.k.a. the world’s greatest salt) or large-crystal sea salt (such as red Hawaiian salt)

• Preheat oven or toaster oven to 400º.• Set aside 32 nice looking tarragon

leaves. In a mortar and pestle or mini food processor, roughly purée the re-maining tarragon with the olive oil.

• Brush the baguette slices with the tarragon oil, reserving the crushed tarragon. Toast in the oven (on a bak-ing sheet) or toaster oven until golden brown and crispy, about 5 minutes.

• Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook the apples in a single layer, working in batches if needed, until both sides are golden brown and somewhat tender, about 5 minutes. Season with a pinch of cayenne pepper and several grinds of

black pepper.• To serve, arrange two

slices of cooked apple on each crostini. Top with 1/2 teaspoon of the blue cheese, a speck of the crushed tarragon, two whole tarragon leaves, and a few grains of sea salt.

Local food writer and chef Michael Natkin is the author of the recently released cookbook, “Herbivoracious, A Flavor Revolution with 150 Vibrant and Original Vegetarian Recipes,” based on his food blog, herbivoracious.com.

Jewish and Veggie

miCHAel nATKin

dani weiss photography

BIG CELEBRATIONS ARE ALL ABOUT THE SMALLEST DETAILS.Celebrate your family’s honored traditions at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront Hotel.

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friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews wedding celebraTions 15

With our stylish new Living Room, event spaces and TRACE restaurant called out as a “Best Hotel Restaurant” in 2012 by Food & Wine Magazine, W Seattle offers chef-inspired menus and kosher-style catering for your wedding, rehearsal dinner,

reception or final hurrah.

We know all the ways to create nuptial moments that you’ll never forget; the options to individualize are endless. A dreamy dessert or custom cake from “The Sweet Side” or maybe a specialty cocktail and martini bar.

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16 wedding celebraTions JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

Create a lifetime of memories at Seattle Art Museum. When you host your wedding celebration at one of SAM’s three stunning locations, you offer your guests an extraordinary experience: from light-filled contemporary spaces, to historic Art Deco architecture, to breathtaking views of Seattle’s waterfront. Let our imaginative team inspire you and assist with creating a truly unique and artful event.


facilities@seattleartmuseum.org Photo: John & Joseph Photography Inc.

Bear Creek Country ClubLocated amid the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, Bear

Creek’s lovely wooded setting is the idyllic location for your outdoor wedding. Close to Seattle yet far from the hectic pace of the city, Bear Creek is one of the most unique places to get married in Washington. Whether you are planning an intimate affair or a gala for 200 guests, you will have all the elements you need to make your special day perfect. From its stunning ballroom to the tented terrace that overlooks the golf course, the pristine wooded location is ideal for a romantic wedding ceremony and abundant photo opportunities. Your wedding can be customized with rows of white wedding chairs, a floral archway, and a white aisle runner. Inside the newly renovated clubhouse, you’ll find ban-quet rooms that feature breathtaking panoramic views of the reflecting lakes and illuminated fountains. At 13737 202nd Ave. NE, Woodinville, WA 98077. Contact Elise Roberts at 425-883-4770, ext. 231 or EventDirector@bearcreekcc.com.

Ben Bridge JewelerIn 1912 a personal jeweler opened a

family-run store in downtown Seattle. Over a hundred years later, Ben Bridge Jeweler is still a family-run business, but one that has grown to more than 70 stores. Today, Ben’s grand-sons Ed and Jon Bridge manage the company. They attribute Ben Bridge’s longevity and suc-cess to the company’s commitment to quality and customer service.

“We want our customers to feel confident with every selection,” explains Ed Bridge. “That’s why Ben Bridge has more Certified Gemologists than any other jeweler in the country.”

Even after 100 years, Ben Bridge is still growing. This includes opening multiple stores dedicated to the wildly popular jewelry line, Pandora. As they look to the next 100 years, the Bridge family knows one thing will never change: Ben Bridge is dedicated to being your personal jeweler.

Find locations at www.benbridge.com.

The Burke MuseumEnvision your wedding dancing among dinosaurs? Or surrounded by beautiful gemstones

and works of art from around the globe? For those looking for an elegant event with a twist, the Burke Museum is the perfect place for unique and memorable weddings. Located on the

beautiful University of Washington campus, the Burke offers a wide array of outdoor photo opportunities, from totem poles to cherry blossoms and historic build-ings on the Quad. The lobby and other event spaces

feature beautiful, quirky, and fascinating treasures. Whatever your vision and budget, the Burke Museum provides a variety of reception spaces that will have your guests talking about your big day for years to come. For more information, contact them today at useburke@uw.edu, 206-221-7083, or visit their website at www.burkemuseum.org/rentals.

Dani Weiss PhotographyDani Weiss has traveled the world perfecting her skills as a photographer and build-

ing a portfolio of her specialty: people and places. Portraits, wed-dings, B’nai Mitzvah, anniversaries, and family reunions are captured by Dani in a true-to-life documen-tary style. Dani has been a profes-sional photographer since 1987. In addition to family celebrations pho-tography, she shoots portraits and works freelance for several publica-tions. Dani recently won the JTNews Best of Everything Readers’ Choice survey for the 6th year in a row and has won the Brides Choice Award on Wedding Wire two years in a row. She holds a degree in fash-ion and commercial photography as well as photojournalism. She is currently involved with the Seattle Professional Photographers’ Associ-ation and the Greater Seattle Busi-ness Association.

Contact her at 206-760-3336 or www.daniweissphotography.com.


friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews wedding celebraTions 17

EventDirector@bearcreekcc.com Elise, 425.883.4770 ext. 231

13737 202nd Avenue NE, Woodinville www.bearcreekcc.com

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Distinctive Design FloristDistinctive Design Florist is a Seattle-based floral and event design service that creates

exquisite floral designs for weddings, parties and corporate events. It is their one-of-a-kind design to fit the client’s vision, style, and special day that keeps them coming back for more!

Distinctive Design delivers beauty and ser-vice beyond flowers. They also offer a wide selection of rental and decor accessories for table centerpieces, ceremonies, receptions and parties. They are able to meet all of your event requirements — just ask, and they will make it happen!

A family-owned and operated business, Distinctive Design has a combined total of 50-plus years in the floral industry. This busi-ness was conceived in 2000 with the goal of using years of experience and creativity to exceed clients’ dreams and visions in creating a memorable occasion.

Contact 206-714-6776 or anna.b1@earthlink.net, or visit www.DistinctiveDesignFlorist.com.

Emmanuel’s Fine Rug & Upholstery SpecialistsThey’ve been cleaning rugs, carpets, furniture and fine Orientals for more than 103 years.

You can count on them! Highest-quality carpet cleaning, custom in-plant rug washing, rug repair and blind and upholstery cleaning. They specialize in Oriental care, repair and mend-ing and restoration. Emmanuel’s is the place to go for consigned new and antique Orien-tals, rug sales and appraisals, as well as on-site carpet cleaning and maintenance. Fifteen percent off all in-home services and 30 percent off all cash-and-carry cleaning services. Gift certificates available. For more information call 206-322-2200, fax 325-3841, or visit www.emmanuelsrug.com.

Fireworks GalleriesThank you all very much for, once again, naming Fireworks Galleries best independent gift

store! Their goal is to offer items that will delight. Whatever your occasion, or if you are simply treating yourself, Fireworks aims to provide you with a treat that is unexpected and inspira-tional. They are constantly seeking out new Judaica that reflects their quirky yet sophisticated nature and have some new menorah offerings as well as mezuzot. They have had couples register for their impending weddings and later gushed over their Judaica gifts from Fireworks.

Their wedding gifts are not limited to Judaica! Included in their wide array of offerings are shadowbox picture frames, which are also a big hit. As pictured in this issue of JTNews (on page 22), these lovely picture frames offer sentiments that come from the heart. Come visit them at one of their five locations in Seattle or Bellevue. Or, if you have a ticket to fly, you can visit them at one of their two locations in the Central Terminal of SeaTac. Friend Fireworks on Facebook and let them know what you have brought home from Fireworks! If you have ques-tions, give them a jingle at 425-688-0933 or visit them online at www.fireworksgallery.net.

Hotel 1000Hotel 1000 in downtown Seattle opened in June 2006

and features 120 luxury guest rooms, BOKA Restaurant + BAR, Spaahh and The Golf Club. At Hotel 1000, genuine and per-sonalized service, leading-edge technology and intimate yet spectacular accommodations redefine the luxury experience. Hotel 1000 offers distinctive amenities, anticipative service, and a customized experience tailored to any occasion.

Located at 1000 First Ave. at the corner of Madison Street, Hotel 1000 is steps from the waterfront along Elliott Bay, and conveniently centered between Pike Place Market, Seattle Art Museum, the business district, and lively and historic Pioneer Square.

Call 206-957-1000.


18 wedding celebraTions JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

Imagine your special day aboard a beautifully appointed yacht, with ever-changing views of Seattle’s skyline, surrounded by sparkling water and the scenic shorelines of

Lake Union and Lake Washington. Waterways Cruises offers full service catering, event planning, a variety of wedding packages and elegant venues for receptions, rehearsal

dinners, post-wedding brunch and other bridal events.


SAY “I DO” AT THE ZOO!Seattle’s most cherished community resource is the perfect setting for wedding ceremonies, receptions and rehearsal dinners.

For event planning call 206.548.2590 or email groupsales@zoo.org


Photos: Matt Shumate Photography (top left & top center); Lancer Catering (top right); Winnie Forbes Photography (center); Dennis Conner, WPZ (bottom)

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Kaspars Special Events and CateringYou will remember your special day for the rest of your life, so choosing the right partners

to help you is an important decision. The team at Kaspars Special Events and Catering, with more than 22 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, will support you through the entire planning process, including venue selection, menu creation, ceremony, and recep-tion planning, ensuring you are stress-free.

Family owned and operated, Kaspars’ passion is to provide creative, fresh cuisine and superior service at a reasonable price. They cater to groups of all sizes, both within Kaspars as well as at off-site locations, including private homes. Whether you are entertaining a few or a few hundred guests, the elements for success are the same: Superb fare, impeccable ser-vice, the proper ambience, and the right caterer! Kaspars Special Events and Catering has it all. Visit www.kaspars.com or call 206-298-0123 or fax 206-298-0146.

Larkspur Landing Bellevue“We like to think of our guests as friends visiting from out of town.”Give your guests a suite experience at Larkspur Landing’s all-suite hotel in Bellevue. Their

hotel is conveniently located near local synagogues and provides an ideal place to stay for families visiting from out of town for Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, or other social events. Let your guests enjoy their comfortable FeatherBorne beds, complimentary healthy-start breakfast each morning, and full in-room kitch-ens. Group rates are available. Contact sales and catering coordinator Megan Frodge at 425-201-1262 or mfrodge@larkspurhotels.com.

Law Office of Ralph MaimonRalph Maimon has practiced in greater Seattle for 40 years, graduating from Garfield

and the University of Washington (BA Political Science and Law School). Now, in the conve-nient Eastlake neighborhood, he helps clients in a myriad of legal areas including preparing wills, trusts, and financial and health care powers of attorney. Without proper estate plan-ning, an estate will be distributed according to statutes, likely to be contrary to what the client wants. He collaborates with financial planners and tax accountants to make sure your estate plan is effective and a “good fit.”

Law office of Ralph Maimon, P.S., 2825 Eastlake Avenue E, Suite 120, Seattle, WA 98102. Contact 206-323-0911, 206-323-0915 (fax) or rmaimon@maimonlaw.com.

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friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews wedding celebraTions 19

A WEDDING LIKE NO OTHER.With a gorgeous location and 10,000 sq ft of beautiful reception space, we’d be honored to host your perfect wedding. Relax and enjoy a day you’ll never forget, while our event professionals see to every detail.

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Marianna TrioFor all your special occasions, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and all your other simchas.

Jewish and world music. Traditional and contemporary. Dance and concert. Many years of experience in all types of music. For more information about their music trio, please call 206-715-8796 or visit www.mariannagroup.com.

Pedersen’sThe Event Rental ExpertsStylish party rentals including: •Specialtylinen •Glassware •Tables •China •Cutlery •Chaircovers •Designerchairs •Cateringequipment •Uniquetabletopitems4500 4th Ave. S, Seattle. Call 206-749-5400 or visit www.pedersens.com.

PogachaPogacha of Issaquah is a casual fine-dining restau-

rant nestled in Issaquah with easy access from I-90. They pride themselves on their fresh, delicious food, excep-tional service, and friendly neighborhood atmosphere. Pogacha has two private dining rooms and full-service catering, and they are delighted to provide personalized event planning with their friendly Pogacha touch.

They offer Northwest cuisine with an Adriatic flair. All of the food is made from scratch, using only the freshest ingredients. For questions or information, contact event dining manager Sarah Barnes at 425-392-5550 (office), 425-269-2616 (cell) or sarah@pogacha.com. For catering contact Justin McMartin at 425-894-7441.

Racheli Ronen — John L.Scott Real EstatePersonalized service is just a phone call away.Racheli knows the importance of feeling at home. She is an expert in relocation and will

help make the move as seamless as possible. As your realtor and trusted advisor, she will be there every step of the way to find your dream home.

Whether you are buying your first home, selling your home or looking for an investment property or rental property, Racheli Ronen is committed to providing you with superior service to reach your goals! Your choice for realtor and trusted advisor, call or email Racheli Ronen today for more information at 425-908-0375 or rachelironen@johnlscott.com.

Redmond Marriott TowncenterLocated among the gorgeous scenery of Redmond, the Redmond Marriott Towncenter has

everything to celebrate the perfect Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Surround your loved one and all your special guests in the welcoming warmth of its beautifully decorated reception areas. With

more than 10,000 square feet of flexible space, you’ll have the ideal venue to host an intimate affair for your closest family and friends to a grand gath-ering for everyone to enjoy. Allow their Marriott-cer-tified event professionals to help you create the day, from the décor to finding the right photographer to

setting the menu to your exact desires. They’ll be on hand to make sure every detail is cov-ered and everything runs exactly as you wish. Sit back, relax and let them set the stage for a day your loved one, and all your special guests, will treasure forever. Mazel tov!

Call 425-498-4040 or visit redmondmarriott.com today.

Distinctive DesignFloristBased in Seattle

425.825.9187 www.DistinctiveDesignFlorist.com Contact for all inquiries and a complimentary consultation




20 wedding celebraTions JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013


Dine and dance with friends and family surrounded by traditional elegance and our signature, personalized service. Every desired detail, from catering to cake to cocktails, expertly handled at your request. The memories of a lifetime guaranteed with your wedding celebration at the Washington Athletic Club.

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Shawn’s KugelThe Northwest’s Premier Music EnsembleWeddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Special EventsContact: Shawn Weaver

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One of Seattle’s Best Klezmer Bands

Seattle Art MuseumLove is an art… Planning the perfect event is, too.Planning a summer wedding? Create a lifetime of

memories at Seattle Art Museum by hosting your event at one of SAM’s three unique locations: Seattle Art Museum Downtown, Seattle Asian Art Museum in Volunteer Park, or the Olympic Sculpture Park on the Seattle waterfront. Easily transformed to reflect your personality and vision, SAM’s exquisite views and stunning interiors will make your next event a masterpiece.

As the exclusive caterer of the Seattle Art Museum, TASTE Events will work with you to design a custom menu, serving fresh, local and sustainably farmed ingredients. Let their cre-ative team inspire you and assist with creating a truly unique and artful event.

For more information contact SAM’s facilities marketing manager at 206-654-3140 or email facilities@seattleartmuseum.org.

Seattle Marriott Waterfront HotelLocated on the picturesque Seattle Waterfront in the heart of Emerald city, the Seattle Mar-

riott Waterfront Hotel is the ideal location to celebrate your special day. Take advantage of their outdoor patio for ceremonies and receptions, per-fect for 150, or celebrate in style in the elegant state-of-the-art ballroom with seating for up to 500 guests. Their experienced staff is committed to authenticity, working with their certified Marriott wedding professionals to plan every detail, from securing the perfect photographer to developing and executing your menu. And, since they’re located just two blocks from Pike Place Market, they have the resources to deliver a carefully crafted farm-to-table culinary experience. In addition, they can accommo-date all kosher needs. So, sit back, relax and let them provide everything to set the stage for

a memorable event that reflects your taste and honors your tradition.Catering sales department: Contact the sales administrative assistant at 206-256-1022

or Jennifer.Stiles@marriott.com.

The RuinsThe Ruins is a private dining club in Lower Queen Anne with catering available to the

public. The founder and creator, Joe McDonnal, built a mansion inside of a warehouse with a small garden area and four beautifully appointed rooms. The rooms used collectively can accom-modate up to 150 for a seated dinner or 250 for a stand-up cocktail reception. From beginning to

end, their professional staff and beautiful venue will offer you and your guests a truly unique and memorable experience. Contact The Ruins at 206-285-RUIN or visit www.theruins.net.

Shawn’s KugelShawn’s Kugel is one of the best Klezmer bands in the Pacific Northwest. They specialize

in getting guests to participate in folk dancing and horas at weddings, B’nai Mitzvah, and other lifecycle events. Shawn’s Kugel has released four CDs, with the latest being “Odyssey.”

Check out Shawn’s Kugel on MySpace, CD Baby, or iTunes to hear some songs and learn more about this Northwest treasure. Contact 206-523-9298 or shawnsax@jps.net or visit pweb.jps.net/~shawnsax.  

Sheraton Seattle Hotel Discover true comfort as if you were at home. Sheraton Seattle Hotel will make any

event you’re envisioning a reality. A multiple winner of the prestigious Gold Key and Pin-nacle awards, the hotel offers comprehensive meeting and destination planning along with


friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews wedding celebraTions 21

750 17th Ave NW, Issaquah, WA 98027Phone: 425.837.3367 Fax:425.837.3338


he Tibbetts Creek Manor is a

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lar. Their custom designs reflect the uniqueness of your event, your style and your personali-ties. Tap into their creativity for your ideal invitation suite. Mention this ad and receive a 10 percent discount. Contact 206-388-8817 or info@sparkll.com.

Tibbetts Creek ManorThe Tibbetts Creek Manor is a 7,000-square-foot,

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Conveniently located in downtown Issaquah, the Tibbetts Creek Manor can easily accom-

modate your indoor and outdoor event. Accommodating 130 guests in the interior and up to 175 guests utilizing the outdoor floral garden and white-tented deck, the Manor offers the privacy and space options you seek!Phone: 425-837-3367 • Fax: 425-837-3338 •  tibbetts@ci.issaquah.wa.us www.issaquaheventsites.com

Tulalip Resort CasinoTulalip Resort Casino, a AAA four-diamond resort just outside of Seattle, is not just a

luxury resort experience. It’s a cultural journey, from the hand-carved, 25-foot house posts that greet guests to the art-work of native coastal Salish people that adorn the walls of the guest and meeting rooms. The property’s 12-story hotel features 370 spacious and elegantly appointed guest-rooms and suites that welcome guests with majestic floor-to-ceiling windows, gorgeous Italian tile, and sleek granite countertops. Standard ameni-ties include 47” HD televisions, premium pillowtop beds, full-sized makeup vanities, large


CouRTesy TulAlip ResoRT CAsino

22 wedding celebraTions JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

walk-in showers with three body sprays, 24-hour room service, and complimentary local calls and Wi-Fi. Tulalip Resort Casino offers extraordinary value to meeting planners with more than 30,000 square feet of flexible meeting space. Options range from the 15,000-square-foot Orca Ballroom to several breakout rooms. Each meeting space is equipped with compli-mentary Wi-Fi, high-lumen LCD projectors, and drop-down screens.

Tulalip Resort Casino, 10200 Quil Ceda Blvd., Tulalip, WA 98271. Contact 360-716-6570, 360-716-6509 (fax), or sales@tulalipresort.com, or visit www.tulalipresort.com.

W SeattleW Seattle vows to make your day the ultimate celebration with

an array of packages to commemorate a proposal, wedding, honeymoon or anniversary. Situated in the heart of downtown Seattle, the stylish and contemporary 26-floor W Seattle offers 415 deluxe guestrooms, including nine suites, and features Bliss Spa Sink-side Six bath and body products, signature pillowtop beds, goose-down duvets, and a plush window banquette per-fectly framed to reflect city views. As a perfect backdrop to your nuptials, the hotel recently underwent an exciting renovation of its Living Room, event spaces and added a new restaurant and bar, TRACE, for a fresh, urban dining experience. Plan your wedding day at W Seattle and you’ll receive bonus SPG Points (Starwood Preferred Guest) to use toward a romantic rendezvous from more than 1,000 hotels and resorts worldwide. Please contact W Seattle’s wedding specialist, Kristin Newton, catering sales manager, at kristin.newton@whotels.com or 206-264-6113.

Weddings at the WACElegant. Personalized. Timeless.Plan your all-inclusive wedding at the Washington Athletic Club, a historic landmark in the

heart of downtown Seattle. Contemporary elegance and tradition define the Club.The WAC provides everything you need for a seamless day of romance, celebration and

tradition. The Crystal Ballroom can accommodate up to 200 guests, while other rooms offer more-intimate settings for smaller groups. Whether you want guests to dance all night or enjoy an elegant dinner, or both, they can turn an event into a distinctive experience.

A full-service day spa and 109-room inn offer room for all your guests. Make it a weekend and stay in one of their seven suites. Enjoy water and city views

on your first night of marriage. Wedding packages are available and personalized with your contract. Evening parking included for guests in the WAC garage. Make the Washington Athletic Club the choice for your special day. It would be their pleasure to assist you. For more information please contact catering@wac.net or 206-464-3050.

Waterways Cruises and EventsWaterways Cruises and Events will make your special occasion an unforgettable North-

west experience — with the Seattle skyline and views of Lake Washington and Lake Union as the perfect backdrop for your celebration. Add exquisite cuisine prepared by their culinary team, professional event-planning services, and your personalized touches for lasting memo-ries of your special event.



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24 JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013


To merchants who have accepted Visa and MasterCard at any time since January 1, 2004:

Notice of a 6+ billion dollar class action settlement.

Notice of a class action settlement authorized by the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York.

This notice is authorized by the Court to inform you about an agreement to settle a class action lawsuit that may affect you. The lawsuit claims that Visa and MasterCard, separately, and together with banks, violated antitrust laws and caused merchants to pay excessive fees for accepting Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards, including by:

Agreeing to set, apply, and enforce rules about merchant fees (called default interchange fees);

Limiting what merchants could do to encourage their customers to use other forms of payment through, for example, charging customers an extra fee or offering discounts; and

Continuing that conduct after Visa and MasterCard changed their corporate structures.

The defendants say they have done nothing wrong. They say that their business practices are legal and the result of competition, and have benefitted merchants and consumers. The Court has not decided who is right because the parties agreed to a settlement. On November 27, 2012, the Court gave preliminary approval to this settlement.

THE SETTLEMENT Under the settlement, Visa, MasterCard, and the bank defendants have agreed to make payments to two settlement funds:

The first is a “Cash Fund” – a $6.05 billion fund that will pay valid claims of merchants that accepted Visa or MasterCard credit or debit cards at any time between January 1, 2004 and November 28, 2012.

The second is an “Interchange Fund” – estimated to be approximately $1.2 billion – that will be based on a portion of the interchange fees attributable to certain merchants that accept Visa or MasterCard credit cards for an eight-month “Interchange Period.”

Additionally, the settlement changes some of the Visa and MasterCard rules applicable to merchants who accept their cards.

This settlement creates two classes:

A Cash Settlement Class (Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class), which includes all persons, businesses, and other entities that accepted any Visa or MasterCard cards in the U.S. at any time from January 1, 2004 to November 28, 2012, and

A Rule Changes Settlement Class (Rule 23(b)(2) Settlement Class), which includes all persons, businesses, and entities that as of November 28, 2012 or in the future accept any Visa or MasterCard cards in the U.S.


Every merchant in the Cash Settlement Class that files a valid claim will get money from the $6.05 billion Cash Fund, subject to a deduction (not to exceed 25% of the fund) to account for merchants who exclude themselves from the Cash Settlement Class. The value of each claim, where possible, will be based on the actual or estimated interchange fees attributable to the merchant’s MasterCard and Visa payment card transactions from January 1, 2004 to November 28, 2012. Payments to merchants who file valid claims for a portion of the Cash Fund will be based on:

The money available to pay all claims,

The total dollar value of all valid claims filed,

The deduction described above not to exceed 25% of the Cash Settlement Fund, and

The cost of settlement administration and notice, money awarded to the class representatives, and attorneys’ fees and expenses all as approved by the Court.

In addition, merchants in the Cash Settlement Class that accept Visa and MasterCard during the eight-month Interchange Period and file a valid claim will get money from the separate Interchange Fund, estimated to be approximately $1.2 billion. The value of each claim, where possible, will be based on an estimate of one-tenth of 1% of the merchant’s Visa and MasterCard credit card dollar sales volume during that period. Payments to merchants who file valid claims for a portion of the Interchange Fund will be based on:

The money available to pay all claims,

The total dollar value of all valid claims filed, and

The cost of settlement administration and notice, and any attorneys’ fees and expenses that may be approved by the Court.

Attorneys’ fees and expenses and money awarded to the class representatives: For work done through final approval of the settlement by the district court, Class Counsel will ask the Court for attorneys’ fees in an amount that is a reasonable proportion of the Cash Settlement Fund, not to exceed 11.5% of the Cash Settlement Fund of $6.05 billion and 11.5% of the Interchange Fund estimated to be $1.2 billion to compensate all of the lawyers and their law firms that have worked on the class case. For additional work to administer the settlement, distribute both funds, and through any appeals, Class Counsel may seek reimbursement at their normal hourly rates, not to exceed an additional 1% of the Cash Settlement Fund of $6.05 billion and an additional 1% of the Interchange Fund estimated to be $1.2 billion. Class Counsel will also request reimbursement of their expenses (not including the administrative costs of settlement or notice), not to exceed $40 million and up to $200,000 per Class Plaintiff in service awards for their efforts on behalf of the classes.

www.PaymentCardSett lement.com

Si desea leer este aviso en español, llámenos o visite nuestro sitio web.


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HOW TO ASK FOR PAYMENTTo receive payment, merchants must fill out a claim form. If the Court finally approves the settlement, and you do not exclude yourself from the Cash Settlement Class, you will receive a claim form in the mail or by email. Or you may ask for one at: www.PaymentCardSettlement.com, or call: 1-800-625-6440.

OTHER BENEFITS FOR MERCHANTS Merchants will benefit from changes to certain MasterCard and Visa rules, which will allow merchants to, among other things:

Charge customers an extra fee if they pay with Visa or MasterCard credit cards,

Offer discounts to customers who do not pay with Visa or MasterCard credit or debit cards, and

Form buying groups that meet certain criteria to negotiate with Visa and MasterCard.

Merchants that operate multiple businesses under different trade names or banners will also be able to accept Visa or MasterCard at fewer than all of the merchant’s trade names and banners.

LEGAL RIGHTS AND OPTIONS Merchants who are included in this lawsuit have the legal rights and options explained below. You may:

You will receive a claim form in the mail or email or file online at: www.PaymentCardSettlement.com.

from the Cash Settlement Class (Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class). If you exclude yourself, you can sue the Defendants for damages based on alleged conduct occurring on or before November 27, 2012 on your own at your own expense, if you want to. If you exclude yourself, you will not get any money from this settlement. If you are a merchant and wish to exclude yourself, you must make a written request, place it in an envelope, and mail it with postage prepaid and postmarked no later than to Class Administrator, Payment Card Interchange Fee Settlement, P.O. Box 2530, Portland, OR 97208-2530. The written request must be signed by a person authorized to do so and provide all of the following information: (1) the words “In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation,” (2) your full name, address, telephone number, and taxpayer identification number, (3) the merchant that wishes to be excluded from the Cash Settlement Class (Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class), and what position or authority you have to exclude the merchant, and (4) the business names, brand names, and addresses of any stores or sales locations whose sales the merchant desires to be excluded. Note:

(Rule 23(b)(2) Settlement Class).

. The deadline to object is: . To learn how to object, see: www.PaymentCardSettlement.com or call 1-800-625-6440. Note: If you exclude yourself from the Cash Settlement Class you cannot object to the terms of that portion of the settlement.

For more information about these rights and options, visit: www.PaymentCardSettlement.com.


Members of the Rule Changes Settlement Class are bound by the terms of this settlement. Members of the Cash Settlement Class, who do not exclude themselves by the deadline, are bound by the terms of this settlement whether or not they file a claim for payment. Members of both classes release all claims against all released parties listed in the Settlement Agreement. The settlement will resolve and release any claims by merchants against Visa, MasterCard or other defendants that were or could have been alleged in the lawsuit, including any claims based on interchange or other fees, no-surcharge rules, no-discounting rules, honor-all-cards rules and other rules. The settlement will also resolve any merchant claims based upon the future effect of any Visa or MasterCard rules, as of November 27, 2012 and not to be modified pursuant to the settlement, the modified rules provided for in the settlement, or any other rules substantially similar to any such rules. The releases will not bar claims involving certain specified standard commercial disputes arising in the ordinary course of business.

For more information on the release, see the settlement agreement at: www.PaymentCardSettlement.com.


On September 12, 2013, there will be a Court hearing to decide whether to approve the proposed settlement, class counsels’ requests for attorneys’ fees and expenses, and awards for the class representatives. The hearing will take place at:

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York225 Cadman PlazaBrooklyn, NY 11201

You do not have to go to the court hearing or hire an attorney. But you can if you want to, at your own cost. The Court has appointed the law firms of Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi LLP, Berger & Montague, PC, and Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP to represent the Class (“Class Counsel”).

QUESTIONS?For more information about this case (In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation, MDL 1720), you may:

Call toll-free: 1-800-625-6440Visit: www.PaymentCardSettlement.com Write to the Class Administrator:

Payment Card Interchange Fee SettlementP.O. Box 2530Portland, OR 97208-2530

Email: info@PaymentCardSettlement.com

Please check www.PaymentCardSettlement.com for any updates relating to the settlement or the settlement approval process.


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Look for our annual Professional Directory to Jewish Washington

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☎✉ rahamrick@hamrickinvestment.com��www.hamrickinvestment.com

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Funeral/Burial Services

Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery☎☎ 206-524-0075

☎✉ info@bethshalomseattle.orgThis beautiful new cemetery is available to the Jewish community and is located just north of Seattle.

Hills of Eternity CemeteryOwned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai ☎☎ 206-323-8486

Serving the greater Seattle Jewish com-munity. Jewish cemetery open to all pre-need and at-need services. Affordable rates • Planning assistance.Queen Anne, Seattle

Seattle Jewish Chapel☎☎ 206-725-3067

☎✉ seattlejewishchapel@gmail.comTraditional burial services provided at all area cemeteries. Burial plots available for purchase at Bikur Cholim and Machzikay Hadath cemeteries.

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Kline Galland Hospice☎☎ 206-805-1930

☎✉ gwen@klinegalland.org��www.klinegallandhospice.org

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2-08 2013

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews The arTs 27

Saturday, February 23 at 2 p.m.Madeleine Albright: ‘Prague Winter’LectureMadeleine K. Albright served from 1997 to 2001 as the 64th Secretary of State of the United States and was the first woman

to hold that office. Now a chair of global strategy firm Albright Stonebridge Group, Albright has also written a new book, “Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War, 1937-1948.” In this historical account, she sheds light on events that helped shaped her early life. Before Albright turned 12, her life was shaken by the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia — her birth country — along with the Battle of Britain, the near-total destruction of European Jewry, the Allied victory in World War II, the rise of Communism, and the onset of the Cold War. Through Albright’s experiences, and those of her family, “Prague Winter” provides a harrowing yet inspiring lens through which to view the most turbulent years in modern history. At Town Hall, Great Hall, 1119 Eighth Ave., Seattle. Admission is free; no tickets required.

Sunday, February 10 at 7 p.m.New Voices in World Jewish Music: Galeet DardashtiConcertThe University of Washington

Stroum Jewish Studies Department presents the second of three New Voices in World Jewish Music concert-talks. Descended from great musicians, Middle Eastern vocalist and composer Galeet Dardashti is the first woman to continue her family’s tradition of distinguished Persian and Jewish musicianship. She will talk with Jessika Kenney, vocalist, composer, and Cornish College of the Arts faculty member. At the UW School of Music, Brechemin Audito-rium, Seattle. The concert is free, but you must reserve your ticket through eventbrite.com. The last concert sold out, so book early. For more de-tails, contact Lauren Spokane at jewishst@uw.edu or 206-543-0138 or visit jewdub.org/newvoices.

Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 9 at 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.Todd GlassComedyTodd Glass is a veteran entertainer who has earned

the unanimous respect of his peers, praised by superstars like Sarah Silverman and Louis CK and beloved by “hip” comedy fans. He had guest appearances on such shows as ABC’s “Home Improvement,” NBC’s “Friends,” and HBO’s “Mr. Show.” His podcast, “The Todd Glass Show,” is one of the most chaotic, consistently funny listens on the Internet. At the Tacoma Comedy Club, 933 Market St., Ta-coma. Ticket prices vary from $10 to 15 and can be purchased at tacomacomedyclub.com/shows.cfm. Doors open at 7 p.m. for the 8 p.m. show and at 10 p.m. for the 10:30 show.


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The film festival at 18: All grown upJoel magalnicK editor, JTnews

If the first 17 years of the Seattle Jewish Film Festival were its childhood, its 18th “chai” year is the time for it to spread its wings.

“We sort of feel a little bit like a teen-ager going off to college,” said festival director Pamela Lavitt. “We were raised by [the American Jewish Committee], we got our foundation, our values, and a lot of purpose from that…parenting relation-ship. Now it’s sort of taking that next step out of the home.”

That next step is the festival’s move this past fall from the AJC to its new home within the Stroum Jewish Community Center.

Aside from an unusually Francophile-heavy lineup, most attendees won’t see a huge difference from past festivals — films will again be screened March 2–10, mainly at the SIFF Cinema Uptown and AMC’s Pacific Place — but people paying atten-tion will see new integration with many of the other programs the JCC already offers.

Part of growing up is the gift of reflec-tion: The arts theme the festival has embraced, “Not a Lawyer, Not a Doctor? Jews in the Arts,” is just self-deprecat-ing enough to channel the festival’s inner Woody Allen, and Lavitt hopes those selections can be a draw for people both in and outside of the Jewish community.

The lineup includes a step inside the studio of renowned graphic novelist Art

Spiegelman in Clara Kuperberg and Joelle Oosterlinck’s documentary “The Art of Spiegelman.” Michael Kantor’s “Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy” tells the stories of popular luminaries such as composer Irving Berlin, which Lavitt calls “star-studded and schmaltz in one fell swoop.” That film, incidentally, takes advantage of the festival’s new home: It screens in the Stroum JCC’s Mercer Island auditorium at noon on March 6.

In what could be a controversial but eye-opening selec-tion, the story of dis-graced Polish-French filmmaker Roman Polanski is told in “Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir.” The director fled the U.S. in 1977 after being convicted of statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl, yet not many people know about his having lived in the Krakow ghetto or the hardships he suffered as a child.

The film “really humanizes his life a great deal, and I think people will find it gripping,” Lavitt said. “Some may come for the train wreck effect, others might find that he’s a fascinating human being and has endured a great deal.”

One feature that should have wide family appeal is the film version of French cartoonist Joann Sfar’s “The Rabbi’s Cat.” The adaptation of Sfar’s two graphic novels based in pre-war Algeria, which show that Jewish community from the eyes of a talk-ing cat, should be appropriate for kids age 9 and up. And yes, it’s animated, so no live cats were injured in the making of this pro-duction.

Sfar actually appears twice in the film festival: The documentary “Joann

Sfar Draws from Memory” looks into the prolific 41-year-old artist’s inspi-ration and the 150 graphic novels he has written.

Opening-day film “Hava Nagila” is a documentary about just that: The popular dance that flares up at every Jewish wed-ding and Bar Mitz-

vah, and has been sung by the likes of Harry Belafonte, Elvis Presley, and…wait for it…Leonard Nimoy. The screening coincides with the annual Matzoh Momma Sunday brunch, so come hungry and wear com-fortable shoes, as there will be dancing. Local klezmer band The Klez Katz will per-form on-site before the show for a hora to

snake all the way through the Pacific Place theater.

“It is going to be quite the event,” Lavitt said.

While the festival’s original parent, AJC, has let its child leave the nest, the human-rights organization still plays a role with its annual Bridge Series. This year, “Bottle in the Gaza Sea” depicts a budding but uncomfortable friendship between an Israeli teen and a Gazan Pal-estinian, while the Spanish film “Angel of Budapest” tells the story of Spanish diplo-mat Ángel Sanz Briz, who did for Hungar-ian Jews during the Holocaust what Oskar Schindler did for Polish Jews. Both that film’s producer, José Manuel Lorenzo, and Luis Fernando Esteban, honorary consul of Spain, will speak at the screening.

If there’s a highlight to the festival, it will be closing night. For the first time in its 18 years, the festival will have a free community-wide screening. “The Words,” starring Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana, was produced by homegrown up-and-comer Michael Benaroya. Benaroya, 31, whose most recent film “Kill Your Dar-lings” premiered last month at the Sun-dance Film Festival, will receive the SJFF’s “Reel Difference” award for his already-expansive accomplishments in film.

“This is truly the combination of com-munity building, celebrating and arts fes-tival,” Lavitt said.

iF You goThe Seattle Jewish Film Festival runs March 2–10 at SIFF Cinema Uptown, AMC Pacific Place, and the Stroum Jewish Community Center. Ticketing, schedule and location information will be available online at www.seattlejewishfilmfestival.org as of Feb. 8.

friday, february 8, 2013 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews camps 29

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KATHeRine w. KeHRli

Adam gold and the object of his expertise: Turkey.

the television industry on production and market research and “spent a lot of time on airplanes.” After working for the Food Network, “I got tired of telling people what to cook and tried to do it myself,” he says, and gave catering a shot.

“People would say, ‘You ought to open a restaurant,’” so he did.

When he’s not working at “the store,” he does enjoy cooking for family and friends, and spending time with his kids,

ages 20, 16 and 13. And no, they don’t work at the restaurant.

3 At Congregation Beth Shalom a few weeks ago I found myself talk-ing to two people about whom I

had made errors in this column. The first has already been corrected on the con-tents page of a previous issue, but wine-maker Stan Zeitz pointed out that I’d made him a World War II, rather than a Viet-nam War, veteran. “I’m not that old!” he said. And I meant no slight to his wife, Nancy, and his daughter, Deb Lawson, or any other friends or family members, all of whom spend many hours helping when the grapes come in!

W M.o.T. PAge 8

summer camps

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What’s so Jewish about a fiddler?(Or, why we snap up tickets when Izhak Perlman comes to town)

gigi yellen-KoHn JTnews CorrespondentWhat’s so Jewish about the fiddle?

Okay, the violin. You do know that even classical players of this little box are known to call it a fiddle, right?

Of course, the title of the Broadway show about the one on a roof has been embedded in contemporary Jewish con-sciousness for 50 years. You’ve probably seen Marc Chagall’s cockeyed, colorful image of that fiddler. Why did the creators of a show about Sholem Aleichem’s decid-edly non-fiddle-playing farm papa, Tevye, choose to evoke that image? Well, I’ll tell you: Tradition.

“It was a lot easier to schlep a fiddle than a string bass or cello,” says Temple Beth Am’s music director Wendy Marcus. A career klezmer fiddler and Yiddish cul-ture maven, she’s quick to point to the obvious: During our long years in Eastern Europe, we often had to move. Quickly. With big families and little baggage.

Opportunities for shtetl dwellers to attend, say, a concert by a piano virtuoso with a resident orchestra? Pretty unavail-

able. But a traveling klezmer band could show up, wedding or no wedding, play, and move on. Hard to carry a piano around with a band like that, although the fid-dler might show up with a keyboard player strong enough to hold up an accordion.

So while Bach composed and per-formed at magnificent organs installed in imposing buildings, and Mozart developed his genius at delicate harpsichords avail-able in every royal patron’s household, the fiddlers whose names we will never know developed certain music to delight people longing for the comfort of a home.

Portability is one thing. The comfort of familiarity is another. The sound of the violin is the closest instrumental sound to the human voice, as both Marcus and my own music theory teacher, Sandra Layman, remind me. Steeped in fiddle playing from klezmer to Romanian, Greek, Turkish and Hungarian, Layman’s album “Little Black-bird” still startles me with how these four little strings can imitate the expressions of the human vocal cords.

“The violin can get close to the krechts,” that catch in the throat that American country music also uses, “and microtones of the voice,” says Layman.

“Of course,” she adds, “the voice was especially important because of its preem-inence in synagogue services. Oh, and the voice is usually portable, too.”

As Marcus puts it, “The voice and the violin — so alike and so revered in the Jewish tradition — infuse the heart with fire and magic.”

Well, yes, and even with humor. Once upon a time, no less an American Jewish musical wit than George Gershwin had fun with the predominance of Jews among the star violinists of his time. In a 1921 song called “Mischa Jascha Toscha Sascha,” George and lyricist brother Ira tossed off lines like, “We’re not highbrows, we’re not lowbrows…we’re He-brows from the start.”

Those lines got laughs at parties — par-ticular the heady ones attended by these very virtuosos — Mischa Elman, Jascha Heifetz, Toscha Seidel, and Sascha Jacob-son — all Russian-born marquee names of the day. (Hear it in a classic recording by a cheekily named group, “The Funny-boners,” on a CD set called “From Avenue A to the Great White Way: Yiddish and

American popular songs, 1914-1950.”)Which brings us, once again, to Itzhak

Perlman, playing Benaroya Hall on Feb. 19, with just about 200 tickets left to go toward a sellout of a hall that holds 2,481 people. And it’s not even with the whole Seattle Symphony: It’s a recital! Just one fiddler with one pianist. Despite Perlman’s delight in his late-career “roots music” experiments with the Klezmatics, Andy Statman, and the Klezmer Conservatory Band — the “In the Fiddler’s House” proj-ects — Perlman in recital remains close to his own personal musical roots. He’ll play Beethoven, Franck, and a phenomenal vir-tuoso showpiece by Fritz Kreisler, the guy the Gershwins’ song calls “Dear Old Fritz.”

And not to be forgotten is this: Perl-man is a sabra, born in 1945 in Tel Aviv. One of the great Jewish heroes of the baby boomer generation, he’s teaching, con-ducting, and performing not just great music, but a great message. A mensch like this sings out to the world in a voice that feels like the best, and most comforting, of the land that we call home.

iF You goItzhak Perlman performs with Rohan De Silva on Tues., Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., Seattle. Visit www.seattlesymphony.org for tickets.



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to our finest science, economics, law and government students, Jewish or not, with or without religious belief, to learn and master this powerful tool. I’m not talk-ing about a superficial overview or an aca-demic survey class. The goal is not to be able to talk about “Talmudic methods,” but rather to acquire an entirely new modal-ity of thinking, a true working knowledge.

Let’s also try to engage our finest yeshiva scholars, with lifetimes spent already honing these skills, in real-world issues. Not only would that be a significant step in healing divisions within our people, it just might, from an unexpected direction, rekindle the fire that will allow us, once again, to become that “light unto the nations.”

Rabbi Harry Zeitlin’s Torah thoughts can be found at rabbizeitlin.wordpress.com.

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Her message to genealogy groups is not different than her message to the general public, said the author.

“I talk about how my own genealogy journey morphed…in this larger explora-tion and I draw ties to what we’re after as genealogists and what I discovered,” she said. It “gives you respect of the lives of ordinary people.”

For some, “the enormity of the Holo-caust and the right-wing nationalism that you find in Lithuania today...is overwhelm-ing,” Cassedy said, and she respects those who speak out about the issue. However, she prefers to “shine a spotlight on the good things that are happening there,” she said, and “ask people to be sophisticated enough to see that things are complicated.”

Learn more at www.ellencassedy.com.

W CASSeDy PAge 12


32 The arTs JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, february 8, 2013

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Hubbard Street dances on Pine StreetcHaRlene KaHn JTnews Correspondent

Two world-acclaimed dance compa-nies will link Chicago to Israel to Seattle for one night this February. On Satur-day, February 9 at the Paramount The-ater, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, the American contemporary dance company celebrating its 35th year, will perform two works by the Israeli choreographers Ohad Naharin and Sharon Eyal, both of Batsheva Dance Company.

Easily considered a rock star in his native country and in the world of contem-porary dance, Naharin has been a dancer, the creative director and the choreogra-pher for the famed Tel Aviv-based dance company since 1974. Besides his commis-sions for Hubbard Street, Naharin’s work is in the repertoires of major European, Canadian and American contemporary dance companies, including Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, Lyon Opera Ballet, Frank-furt Ballet, Nederlands Dans Theater, Les Grand Ballets Canadiens de Montréal, and Le Ballet du Grand Theatre de Geneve.

Sharon Eyal has been the house cho-reographer for Batsheva Dance Company since 2005; the Jerusalem native danced with the company from 1990 to 2008. Eyal additionally collaborates with music pro-ducer Gai Behar. Together they created works for Company E, Tanzcompagnie Oldenburg, and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago.

Each of the two dance pieces on the touring repertoire was created specifi-cally for Hubbard Street’s repertory and touring company, which, like Batsheva, brings forth new works that typically stretch the audience — perhaps as much as the dancers themselves. Hubbard Street is known for an emphasis on Pilobolus-style movement, agile physicality, and for commissioning choreography from inter-nationally recognized artists outside the

company. Though designed by two Israelis affil-

iated with the same contemporary dance company, “the two pieces [we are pre-senting in Seattle] are very different from one another,” said Hubbard Street dancer Penny Saunders via phone from Chicago. “They are enthralling...Batsheva Dance Company is known consistently for push-ing the envelope.”

Saunders has been a member of Hub-

bard Street’s touring company since 2004. “[This is] the first time we focused on

this area of the world,” she said of Israel’s company. “We just recognized they were doing incredible work.”

The first piece, “THREE TO MAX,” is a collage of past works created by Naharin over the past decade. The Hubbard Street website cites Naharin’s “Gaga” method of movement. Part of the method involves covering studio mirrors to let dancers observe and analyze multiple moves at once.

“We are aware of the connection between effort and pleasure,” Naharin explained.

In conjunction with her co-creator Behar, Eyal developed “Too Beaucoup,” meaning “too, too much,” which aims to manipulate and replicate precise, robotic movement that offers a sense of watching a 3-D video.

Saunders said the dance company “has a lot of moving parts: The school side, intensive programs, the dance hub [which includes] the main touring company and the junior company Hubbard Street Dance 2, the education outreach, and the school shows.”

Some of the outreach includes being active in Chicago Public Schools and bringing in youth dancers.

“Younger dancers are a catalyst,” Saun-ders said.

The Seattle performance is supported in part by the Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest. The Jewish com-munity in Chicago has already seen these works, Saunders said, including the city’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, a former dance student who will be honored by Hubbard Street Dance Chicago this spring for his support of the arts.

Next on its West Coast tour the com-pany performs at Portland’s Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall on February 13. The close-knit, 18-member dance com-pany tours year-round; the West Coast tour started in Scottsdale and performed in Berkeley and Arcata, Calif. prior to Seattle.

“Art and dance are necessary for life and give richness,” Saunders said. “Come with an open mind. The specific per-formance will be eclectic, engaging and forward thinking. Viewers are bound to be surprised.”

iF You goHubbard Street Dance Chicago performs on Sat., Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. at the Paramount Theatre, 911 Pine St., Seattle. Tickets cost $25-$40. Visit www.stgpresents.org for tickets and information.

Todd RosenbeRg

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago in Sharon eyal’s Too Beaucoup.

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