JS Loading strategies

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Faster web sites attract more users, engage them longer, and decrease the abandon rate drastically.In the quest for making a website faster, a solid loading strategy is an important vector. Dynamic injections, controlling early user interactions, parallel downloads, preloading, and iframe-loader are all well established strategies that you can use to improve performance. Knowing them iscritical for success, specially for complex web applications.Things you will learn from this presentation:a) Why picking up the right loading strategy is important.b) Different strategies that you can use today.c) Different tools under the YUI umbrella that you can use today.


YUI 3 Loading Strategies

Caridy Patino / @caridyFrontend EngineerYahoo! SearchYUI Evangelist



Put Scripts at Bottom

Minimize HTTP Requests

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

JS Loader Frameworks changed the game

YUI LABjs HeadJS ControlJS

RequireJS Load.jsYepNope.js $script.js

LazyLoad curl.js DeferJS jquery.defer.js jQl

DominateJS JSLBootstrap StealJS

bdLoad NBL.jshttps://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Aqln2akPWiMIdERkY3J2OXdOUVJDTkNSQ2ZsV3hoWVE#gid=0

dd, substitute and slider

tabview, oop, event, node, widget, etc

yui seed


Static Combo Strategy

Data-driven initialization routine

Using app-rollout files

Using app-rollout files

Rollout vs Loader

Rollout Composition




A big app-rollout takes more time to download and can potentially freeze the browser

Simple rollout

Interactivity Core & Lazy Components

Defining the interactivity core is


Core and Lazy Components

core rollout

lazy components

Parallel Download Strategy

Get app-rollout early without compromising domready and onload

“Ideal Solution”

Parallel Download: Challenges

• Produce a VERY tiny non-blocking bootstrap

• Avoid blocking onload with app-rollout

• Split the app-rollout into multiple and balanced files

Event Binder Strategy

Time to Interactivity

Time to Interactivity

Users should be able to interact with the page at any time

Catch and hold some events until the handler become available

But, doing so without increasing the complexity of the application


Event Binder: Features

- Event-driven Module Loading

- Early Event Binding

Event-driven Module Loading

Regular YUI 3 Module

Event-driven Module Loading

Early Event Binding

Early Event Binding

iFrame Strategy

Plug & Play Widgets

A Plug & Play Widget is an independent piece of software that can run on any page

Widgets: Challenges

- Inject the widget without degrading the host page

- Keep the widget JavaScript in a sandbox

- Keep the widget CSS in a sandbox

A YUI instance can be tailored to work off a different document


Injecting a widget using an iframe


Preload Strategy


Preload: Features

- Store static JS assets in cache without executing them

- Store static CSS assets in cache without including them

Stay ahead of the users without increasing the complexity of the app


… some more thoughts

- Optimize only if it doesn’t add complexity to your app

- Granularity is good for optimization - Rollouts can help you to control the loading process

- Focus on the bottle necks that affect the majority of your users

- Work on the user perception


Caridy Patinohttp://github.com/caridyhttp://twitter.com/caridy

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