JS-IL Keynote: MongoDB 2.6, Mongoose 4.0, and Beyond

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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MongoDB 2.6, Mongoose 4.0, and Beyond

NodeJS and MongoDB meets ES6 and Browserify

Valeri KarpovSoftware Engineer, MongoDBwww.thecodebarbarian.com




Who Am I?

•CI/NodeJS Engineer at MongoDB

•Maintainer of mongoose ODM

•Former CTO, LevelUp

•MEAN stack apps: Ascot Project, Bookalokal


Talk Overview

•Exciting developments in JavaScript:• ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) is coming

• Browserify is changing the way we use NodeJS

• Compiles NodeJS code into browser-friendly form

•Mongoose 4.0 (ETA September) + ES6 + Browserify

•Also highlight some new features in MongoDB 2.6


What is Mongoose?

•Elegant ODM for MongoDB and NodeJS

•ActiveRecord-like Models per MongoDB collection

•Syntactic sugar for queries: chaining, fluent syntax• ex: .find().where('answer').equals(42)

•Join-like functionality via populate()

•Promises/A+ conformant promises

•Community authored (same author as socket.io)


Part I: ES6 Generators and mongoose


Generators in ECMAScript 6

•ES6 will include a yield keyword

•Write async code with less pyramid of doom

•NodeJS 0.11.x, use node --harmony


Using Generators in ECMAScript 6

•Still need library, such as Q or co

•Special syntax for a function that can yield:• function*() {}


Attaining Harmony with Generators

•yield enables try/catch for async code

•Elegant replacement for async.parallel()


Using yield with mongoose

•MongoDB 2.6 text search (mongoose >= 3.8.9)


Batch save in mongoose

•Without yield:


Batch save in mongoose with yield


Part II: Mongoose in the Browser


Browserify-friendly Schemas

•The dream: same schema in browser and server

•Simplicity: one schema, one language, one validation function


The Dream Made Real


The Dream Made Real, Part II


From Humble Beginnings


Browserify Schema Status

•Very very rough proof of concept, not alpha-ready

•Branch on Github

•Also supports ES6 generators :)



•JavaScript has a very exciting future

•ES6 Generators make async code human-readable

•Browserify makes code sharing a reality

•Mongoose will take advantage of this tech

•My talk at 11:45: 1 hour to build a MEAN stack app with mongoose and browserify


Thanks for Listening!

•Slides on:• Twitter: @code_barbarian

• Slideshare: slideshare.net/vkarpov15

•Mongoose on Github

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