Journaling with Jesus

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Perhaps you have desired a more dynamic, personal relationship with Jesus. This book will take you through the steps of how to journal, but you will develop your own special style. Discover golden nuggets of truth that appear to be written to you only. Create a record that documents your life’s up and downs, display how God has been with you during those times; leading you, inspiring you, answering your prayers and giving you encouragement for your future. Journaling is a tremendous way to care for your emotional health and soul, increase your peace, build contentment and establish a legacy for your family. Of course, the best benefit of journaling is a deeper, richer walk with Jesus. You may become so energized by the journaling experience it will turn into a life-long habit.



How to Revolutionize Your Devotional Life Through the Discipline of Journaling

Laurie Snyman, LMSW

Journaling with Jesus

© 2011 by Laurie Snyman, Lansing, Michigan

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or

transmitted by recording or photocopy without written permission of the author.

Photos by Melissa S. DiLernia,, Fenton, MI

Layout and Design by Jim Winslow,, Grand Rapids, MI

Printed in the USA

Journaling with Jesus


Chapter Subject Page

One Be Still While Journaling 11

Two Getting Smart While Journaling 17

Three Benefits of Journaling 19

Four Secure in His Love with Journaling 25

Five The Difference Between a Diary and Journaling 27

Six Keep Your Journal Safe 31

Seven Persistence in Journaling 33

Eight Journaling Can Change You 39

Nine A Journaling Plan 47

Ten Equip Yourself for Journaling 51

Eleven Discerning The Voice of God 55

Twelve Prayer and Journaling 59

Thirteen The Bible and Journaling 65

Fourteen Writing in a Journal 69

Fifteen Leaving a Legacy for Your Family 75

Final Notes God Makes You Beautiful 79

Journaling with Jesus


Chapter One

Have you ever wondered why some people talk about their religious experience with God in loving, passionate ways when your own experience is as cold as a wintertime walk in bare feet? Why do certain people seem so excited about God? Have you wondered, ‘what is wrong with me?’ Most Christians desire a closer walk with God. For me, I didn’t start to discover that warm experience for myself until I started journaling. I’m excited to share the concept of journaling with you. You can revolutionize your devotional life through the discipline of journaling.

BE STILLI am afraid of silence. It seems I constantly turn on background noise on constantly while at home or in my car with a radio on or iPod. Right now, as I am writing, I am listening to a sermon. The idea of being quiet seems more like a idle state of mind. I have always tried to avoid inactivity, fearful I will get more behind. I feel uncomfortable if I am not in a state of perpetual motion. I have often forgotten that getting to know God means closing my mouth, stopping the background noise and being still. Sometimes I just have to shut my mouth (when my mouth is open, it feels most comfy to me) and simply sit before God. I had to make an intentional effort to change this. But, what a great benefit it has been to my spiritual walk with God. In Psalm 46:10, God bids me to, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ I need to do what God wants and not what my human feelings tell me to do. Perhaps you, too, feel best when you are active or talking. But as that text reads, being still will give you an opportunity to learn of God and His individual plan for your life.


In a world littered with technology, noise and constant movement, stillness can seem like a forgotten pastime. In the busyness of life, one of the ways that you can take time to simply be with God is through the process of journaling. It is a discipline you can attempt. If you would just try it, journaling can allow you to reflect and connect with Christ in an intimate and personal way. It can be an exciting tool to grow your personal relationship with Jesus that, perhaps like me, you may have always wanted.

Journaling, by its very nature, provides a written record of a set period of time in your life. Through the good and bad times of your life, journaling can be useful. It allows you to experience God within all aspects of your life: the past and the present, and your hopes and dreams. Journaling can be an effective way to track your growth in Christ as you see areas of maturity and areas of hidden immaturity, sin struggles and repetitive habits that you have yet to allow Christ to redeem. And, you don’t have to share them with a human who can exploit you or tell your secrets. You get to share this with your Creator who has your back.

Journaling allows you to review your walk and see your growth. You need reassurance you are moving forward. It keep us from getting discouraged, something that happens to many Christians. It provides a written record of our days, months and years, revealing intimate aspects of your relationship with God and those around us. It is an opportunity to record your prayer requests and His answers, and feel joy as you become aware of how God is working in your life. Your faith can’t help but grow, like mine, when you see how God has been taking care of you.

Keeping a journal has been one of the most satisfying and

Journaling with Jesus


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