
Personal Picture

Hello, my name is Raymond Johnson.

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For years I have seen my friend and family destroy their body and kill their spirits by having to work 9 to 5 for pennies.

Personal Picture

I want the generations after me in my family to be able to fail, and not hit rock bottom; where they have to make decisions like do they want to eat, or put gas in their car.

Personal Picture

My brand mantra is, “Rude Boi Advocate:” This is a combination of the name of my recording label, Rude Boi Records, and Advocate; which means to speak, or write in favor of something.

Personal Picture

My recording label is called “Rude Boi Records”. I spell the name with an “i” because I am about self-preservation. To spell it with a “y” would mean I question myself.

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My target audience are people that lack motivation from the ages of 18 to 45. By telling them my story I hope to help them find ways to tell their stories.

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They say that good things come to those who wait, and that great things take time.

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Change does not happen without taking chances. With big risk comes big rewards.

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Failure is not an option. I will succeed by any means necessary for a better future for the generations after me.

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Never stop dreaming.

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Set goals for yourself, and with hard work you can achieve them. Nothing in life worth having every came easy.

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You have to keep the faith. If you look at the places you have been, and the things you have already overcome, new challenges will not seems so bad. You are stronger then you think you are.

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I have a deep passion for music and learning.I make music that I feel and love to share with the world.

WallpapersHD for iPhone, iPod, iPad by StuckPixel, INC.WallpapersHD for iPhone, iPod, iPad by StuckPixel, INC.

I have a long way to go before I achieve the goals that I set for myself. As long as I relax, and keep fighting forward I will accomplish my goals. The image is a relaxing.

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You cannot keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. If you want change, first you must change your methods.

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Move to the beat of your own drummer. Live life the way you choose.

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My music is my therapy. I want the world to hear my story. The picture is used as a relaxing image.


This is a quote that I made myself, and it drives me to work harder when I feel everything is overwhelming. The image is another relaxing image, and the sunset represents an ending to the journey.

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Never give up. Great things take time.

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The more you achieve in life, the more people will feel you left them behind if they are not doing the same as you.

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Failure is not an option. Never give up on your dreams.

Personal Picture

This is where I am from, Roanoke, Virginia. This is also the reason everyone calls me, VA. There were very little things that a young black man could do to succeed without having to work under someone.

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WallpapersHD for iPhone, iPod, iPad by StuckPixel, INC.

When everything is to much this is a reminder of what I should always do.

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Have faith and believe in yourself. You must always keep pushing forward.

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