John Kester Final Mechanics Pitch

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Spirit FormThere is life after death.

Created By: John Kester

Mechanic Info• Platform: Xbox360, PS3, Steam

• Number of Players: 1, single player

• Controls: Keyboard, 12 button controller

• Perspective: 2D

Summary of the Mechanic• If the player dies they are taken to a parallel world where

there will be different challenges. Some tasks can only be accomplished in either the physical or the spirit world as they can only be seen or interacted with in a certain form. For example there may be an object that can resurrect the player to the physical world but can only be seen and interacted with in the spirit world.

• This mechanic is unique because: This is unique because if the player dies they don’t lose a life and restart at a checkpoint but instead the game keeps going and the player faces a different set of challenges.

Mechanic #1: Spirit FormThe player’s progress forward is blocked. The enemy above shoots and kills the player.

Mechanic #1: Spirit FormAs the player dies they are given a spirit form. Although they cannot affect the physical world directly they can still see

everything that is happening. The player can now walk through the thin barrier that was once blocking their path and see an object that did not appear in the physical world.

Mechanic #1: Spirit FormThe player can interact with this object that only appears in the spirit world.

Mechanic #1: Spirit FormThe player is returned to the physical world and can continue forward in their objective. The

object seen in the spirit world once again disappears.

Self CloningWhen one character just isn’t enough.

Mechanic Info• Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, Steam

• Number of Players: 1, Single Player

• Controls: Keyboard, 12 button controller

• Perspective: 2D

Summary of the Mechanic• The player can create different clones of their character for

different uses to accomplish their objective. However the clones come at a cost to the player’s life.

• This mechanic is unique because: Each clone that is created takes a small part of the player’s life. It is up to the player to decide if the risk of creating a clone is worth the cost of having a smaller amount of life. The life taken from the player will be used as the clone’s life.

Mechanic #2: Self CloningThe player reaches a section where it is required to simultaneously push down on two

pressure plates.

Mechanic #2: Self CloningPlayer moves to the desired spot of where to create clone. The created clone takes part of

the player’s life.

Mechanic #2: Self CloningThe puzzle can now be completed with both the clone and the player standing on the

pressure plates.

Level RotationThe floor is now the ceiling.

Mechanic Info• Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, Steam

• Number of Players: 1, single player

• Controls: Keyboard, 12 button controller

• Perspective: 2D

Summary of the Mechanic• The player can use the controls to rotate the entire level

clockwise or counter clockwise. Doing so will open up new areas and strategies for the player to explore to reach their goal.

• This mechanic is unique because: The player can rotate the level at anytime. The player, enemies, and objects in the environment will still be effected by gravity and by doing so will allow the player to find different ways to complete the level.

Mechanic #3: Level RotationThe player is stuck with a box blocking their path forward.

Mechanic #3: Level RotationThe player decides to rotate the level clockwise. Gravity forces both the box and the player

off the platform.

Mechanic #3: Level RotationThe player is no longer blocked and can continue forward in the level.

Environment RotationThis would work better facing this way.

Mechanic Info• Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, Steam

• Number of Players: 1, single player

• Controls: Keyboard and mouse, 12 button controller

• Perspective: 3D

Summary of the Mechanic• The player can find certain objects within the environment

that can be rotated in different directions to create barriers or to gain access to different areas of the level.

• This mechanic is unique because: The player will have to be very mindful of their surroundings. The environment becomes a bigger factor of gameplay instead of simply being visual pieces found in other games.

Mechanic #4: Environment RotationThe player sees a gap that they must eventually cross. There is an object floating in the

middle of the gap that the player highlights.

Mechanic #4: Environment RotationThe player decides to first rotate the object horizontally.

Mechanic #4: Environment RotationThe player then decides to rotate the environment vertically and creates a bridge. The

player can now cross the gap to continue.

PerspectiveThis looks completely different from this angle.

Mechanic Info• Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, Steam

• Number of Players: 1

• Controls: Keyboard and mouse, 12 button controller

• Perspective: 2.5D

Summary of the Mechanic• The player will rotates the camera horizontally around the

area the player is currently occupying in a 360 degree view. As the player rotates the camera parts of the environment may line up differently creating alternate pathways for the player to explore

• This mechanic is unique because: The player isn’t limited to one perspective the entire game. The game is third person but instead of the camera rotating around the player the camera is rotating around the level. Pieces of the environment that are physically far away can appear very close at a certain angle and the player always interacts with the level from the camera’s perspective.

Mechanic #5: PerspectiveThe player sees an object on top of a platform but cannot currently reach it.

Mechanic #5: PerspectiveThe player rotates the camera around the area. The two platforms although physically far

apart appear to be moving closer together.

Mechanic #5: PerspectiveThe two platforms now appear to be right next to one another. The player interacts with the

level through the camera’s perspective and can now reach the object.

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