John f Kennedy 1960 Campaign Part 2

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A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of


The John F. Kennedy 1960 Campaign

Part II: Speeches, Press Conferences,

and Debates


RESEARCH COLLECTIONS IN AMERICAN POLITICS Microforms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections

William Leuchtenburg General Editor


The John F. Kennedy 1960 Campaign Part II:

Speeches, Press Conferences, and Debates

A collection from the holdings of The John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts

Edited by Paul L. Kesaris

Associate Editor Robert E. Lester

Guide compiled by Douglas D. Newman


44 North Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The John F. Kennedy 1960 campaign [microform].

(Presidential campaigns) (Research collections in American politics)

"A collection from the holdings of the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts."

Accompanied by a printed reel guide, compiled by Douglas D. Newman.

Contents: pt. 1. Polls, issues, and strategy-- pt. 2. Speeches, press conferences, and debates.

1. Presidents-United States--Election--1960-- Sources. 2. United States--Politics and government- 1953-1961--Sources. 3. Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963. I. Kesaris, Paul. II. Newman, Douglas D., 1960- . III. John F. Kennedy Library. IV. Series. V. Series: Research collections in American politics. [E837.7] 324.973,0922 87-10497 ISBN0-89093-918-7 (microfilm: pt.2)

Copyright © 1986 by University Publications of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

ISBN 0-89093-918-7.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Note on Sources ¡v

Introduction v

Scope and Content Note xi

Reel Index

Reels 1-9 Speech Files, 1953-1960 1

Reel 10 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cent 28 Subjective Speech Files , 33

(Agriculture, Civil Rights, Crime and Legal Ethics)

Reel 11 Subjective Speech Files cont 34

(Defense and Disarmament, the Democratic Party, Economics, Education, Foreign Affairs, Immigration, Labor, Natural Resources, the Presidency)

Reel 12

Subjective Speech Files cont. 37 (Social Security and Depressed Areas, Urban Problems, General)

Algeria Speech File, 1957 37 Speeches, Statements, and Sections File 38 Press Secretary's Subject File 38 Addenda 39

Subject Index 41

Locale Index 71

NOTE ON SOURCES The documents in this publication are from the Senate Files and the 1960 Campaign Files of the

Pre-Presidential Papers located at the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts.

INTRODUCTION by Dr. Richard M. Fried

University of Illinois at Chicago

The 1960 presidential campaign has always held a fascination for historians, political scientists, and devotes of American politics: There are many reasons for this. The campaign projected on the screen of national politics the alluring figure of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. For some years JFK has had his critics, as he did in his lifetime. Yet even after allowances are made for the rosy tint of the recollections of members of JFK's circle, there remains about the Kennedy years a Camelotian afterglow.

The campaign had importance well beyond the simple fact that it (narrowly) resulted in victory for Kennedy. The rhetoric of the campaign in great degree established the agenda of the decade of the 1960s. This is not to say that Kennedy or anyone else explicitly articulated what was to come•no more than Franklin D. Roosevelt spelled out the New Deal in 1932. But all the issues are there to be seen in the debate, the speech texts and drafts, the position papers, the marginalia accompanying them, and the hurried chits of phone conversations that were churned out in the course of the 1960 campaign.

Nineteen sixty marked the culmination of an extensive debate over national purpose. Kennedy was not alone in raising the question of the direction America must take. In varying degrees, all the Democratic presidential aspirants•Hubert H. Humphrey, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Stuart Symington, and (in both his "non-campaign" rhetoric in 1960 and earlier in his 1956 campaign) Adlai E. Stevenson•raised questions relating to the American - agenda. So too did Richard M. Nixon, both in his dialogue with Kennedy and in the dialectic with Nelson Rockefeller, with whom Nixon agreed to the "Compact of Fifth Avenue" in order to head off a rival candidacy by the New York governor.

The defining of national purpose both informed and transcended simple partisan politics. Life magazine ran a series of articles that attempted to outline the nation's priorities. Eisenhower himself established a President's Commission on National Goals (administered by the American Assembly). The Republican party had its own Committee on Program and Policy, chaired by Charles Percy of Illinois. The Democratic Advisory Council, launched in the wake of the 1956 election, performed a similar function. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund launched a Special Studies Project in 1956 that resulted in a series of Rockefeller Panel reports. The preface to those reports articulates as well as any the heightened sense of urgent choice faced by the country as the 1960s dawned: "This project grew out of a belief that the United States, in the middle of the twentieth century, found itself in a critical situation requiring the urgent attention of thoughtful citizens."1

Virtually all this mounting of agendas implied a critical stance toward the Eisenhower years. Toward the end of the 1950s, there was a tendency in many quarters to dismiss Ike as a genial, grandfatherly, popular but bumbling, unassertive president of the "Whig" persuasion, who preferred to let issues fester or have others confront them, while he mouthed nondirectional pieties. In the then-current joke, the teller asked if one had heard about the Eisenhower doll•"you wind it up and it does nothing for eight years." As recent "Eisenhower revisionist" scholar- ship has indicated, this is an unfair portrayal. There was more to the Eisenhower years than limping syntax, golf, and inaction, but however unfair, it was that perception of the Eisenhower era that informed much of the debate leading up to the 1960 election.

Pointing towards 1960, the Democrats made much of the purported inactivism of the Eisenhower years. They had much on which to build. The 1950s had been prosperous (and with minimal inflation), but annual economic growth had been modest; the spotty economy had bumped along into three recessions and had not erased numerous pockets of poverty (soon to be exposed in the writings of Michael Harrington and Dwight Macdonald). Nikita Khrushchev had bragged of the Communist system's greater vitality. "We will bury you" was the loose translation of one famous challenge. "Growthsmanship" became a major issue in the 1960 campaign and was linked by the Democrats to broader cold war questions.

Not just the quantity but the quality of development became an issue. Intellectuals had questioned the rampant consumerism of the Eisenhower years and the impoverishment of the public sector. It was automobile tailfins and hula hoops, while public transit and other facilities were neglected. The Democrats around Kennedy embraced these issues. The historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., who would play a prominent role in the Kennedy campaign and administration, distinguished between quantitative and "qualitative liberalism," and suggested thatthe latter's time had arrived. He expressed concern at the existence of "public poverty in the midst of private plenty" and feared that, without change, "a future Gibbon will regard the Eisenhower-Nixon era as the downward turning point when he comes to write about the Decline and Fall of the American Republic." Schlesinger also saw a need to regenerate idealism in American foreign policy. "In the age of Eisenhower, American idealism is the product of advertising men, not the by-product of national purpose."2

The campaign was about idealism, but also, in the view of many, about survival. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik. They would continue to lead in the early phases of the space race. American efforts to score an extraterrestrial coup often blew up on the launching pad, prompting such caustic nicknames as "kerflopnik" or "kaputnik." The Democrats assailed the administration for its lagging efforts. One TV campaign spot picked up Kennedy's comment in Portland, Oregon: "Thefirst vehicle in space was Sputnik, not Vanguard. The first country to place its national emblem on the moon was Russia, not America. The first passengers to return from a trip through space were named Strelka and Belka, not Rover and Fido."3

Thus, in accusing the Eisenhower administration of permitting the Soviets to outstrip us in rocketry, the Democrats charged that there existed a "missile gap." The issue was not JFK's alone. Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson's Preparedness subcommittee had examined this and other defense problems. Another candidate, Senator Stuart Symington, who had once been secretary of the air force, also made defense a point of major concentration. The Democratic Advisory Committee, established after the 1956 election to provide a (liberal) "issues" focus for the Democratic party, produced position papers critical of the Eisenhower defense policies. Kennedy participated in this general Democratic chorus about "gaps," and his campaign marked a culmination of that trend. Wa|t W. Rostow, another campaign adviser (and subsequently National Security Adviser) feared that "without the national security issue•the issue of survival•[the Democrats' other domestic issues] will be Hamlet without the Prince. .. ."*•.

Another key concern in the 1960 campaign was the civil rights issue. The six years prior to 1960 had witnessed such;developments as the Brown decision; the Montgomery bus boycott and, in 1957, the garrisoning of Little Rock Central High School with federal troops; the Prayer Pilgrimage to Washington; and the first Civil Rights Act in over eighty years. In February 1960 the national sit-in movement was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, and. soon spread to numerous other locales.

As a congressman and senator, Kennedy had never been identified with the cause of civil rights. His Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Profiles in Courage, accepted the orthodox pro-Southern view of Radical Reconstruction. He had drawn close to some Southern politicians in his quest forthe nomination, and he had lined up with the South on two key votes on the 1957 Civil Rights Act (to send it to the Judiciary Committee and to provide for jury trials). Consequently his reputation needed bolstering among black voters. The Kennedy papers spell out his efforts to establish contact with the civil rights comrnunity ; they show the work on his behalf by his supporters, and they testify to his gradual education in the civil rights issue.

During the campaign, Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., was briefly arrested during an Atlanta sit-in; he was later sentenced to four months at hard labor in connection with an earlier motor vehicle violation. JFK's phone call to Coretta Scott King, and Bobby Kennedy's to the judge who sentenced Reverend King, had a dramatic effect in the black community. Kennedy succeeded in regaining many of the votes that had drifted into the Republican column during the Eisenhower years. At the same time, he managed to retain something of a reputation for moderation among many white Southerners.

In 1960 the issue that appeared to be the most intractable was, of course, Kennedy's Catholicism. This microfilm collection is particularly strong in this area. James Wine was hired from the staff of the National Council of Churches to handle the Catholic issue under the rubric of "Community Relations." His office answered up to a thousand letters a week on the Catholic issue. The Wine File (portions of which are included in this collection) is


thus a trove of valuable sources on the religious question. These vary from scurrilous and far-out tracts (about the phony Knights of Columbus Oath, goings-on in convents and so forth), to invocations of the Inquisition, to reasoned concern about the Church and such issues as birth control and aid to education. One writer asked JFK if he would "confess state secrets to a priest? (Russia could have trained a priest.)"6

Kennedy comported himself well in his formal responses to questions about his Catholicism. His performance before the Houston Ministerial Association in September was acclaimed as a masterpiece. House Speaker Sam Rayburn declared that "he ate 'em blood raw." But the Wine Files indicate that Kennedy had not convinced everyone. Indeed, his reasonableness on issues of church and state angered some Catholics. One co-religionist wrote that JFK's statement that no religious tenet could supersede his oath of office "seems to be the product of a mind with only a surface value or knowledge of the Catholic religion." (Jacqueline Kennedy had once termed it "unfair for Jack to be opposed because he is a Catholic. After all, he's such a poor Catholic.")7

There was, of course, another side of the issue. The Republicans had made inroads on the Catholic vote, especially among ethnic groups linked to "Captive Nations" under Communist rule. One attraction of Kennedy's candidacy was his purported ability to recapture these Catholic votes. There is a copy of the much-noted unsigned memorandum, "The Catholic Vote in 1952 and 1956," which argued that the Democratic party could ill afford to ignore the Catholic vote. It was written by Theodore B. Sorensen but then attributed to John Bailey of Connecticut to deflect the inevitable critics, who assailed it as a form of blackmail. Kennedy's campaign staff, conversant with the historical literature, was aware both that Catholicism in itself had not accounted for AI Smith's defeat in the 1928 election and that, because the country had changed and Kennedy was not Smith, the issue would not be as potent in 1960 as thirty-two years before.8

Through these documents the Kennedy campaign is accessible as perhaps no other presidential effort in our history. One can plot the campaign's progress geographically and politically. The speeches show where the candidate went and what he said. The plethora of public opinion polls offers a comprehensive sense of the impact of the campaign, as well as of the social and political context in which it took place. It is unlikely that a more complete record of the public pulse in an election year is to be found. At the same time, the Kennedy papers afford us an intimate look at the inside of the campaign. The numerous position papers and briefing papers show us the Kennedy campaigners' perspectives on the live questions of the day and demonstrate how these meshed into a unified campaign theme. They reveal the staff's reaction to (and anticipation of) thrust and counterthrust during the pre-convention competition and during the fall campaign.

Thus, the speeches. Going back to 1953, these chronicle Kennedy's evolution as a national figure. They range from a talk on federal flood insurance to JFK's much-heralded address on the Algerian crisis; from Jefferson- Jackson Day dinners to a speech honoring the Hungarian freedom fighters; from remarks up and down the valleys of West Virginia to the July 15,1960, speech accepting the presidential nomination, which implanted "the New Frontier" in the national lexicon. Cumulatively as well as individually, the speeches express the sense of crisis, of critical choice, that JFK tried to instill in his campaign. Five times in the campaign Kennedy referred to the Spartans' self-sacrifice at Thermopylae. The theme of sacrifice is central to the 1960 campaign (though, in one notable campaign memo, JFK was warned to avoid this theme in Kentucky, which already, according to the writer, lived close to the bone).

The polls are another rich source. Kennedy's chief pollster was Lou Harris. There is probably no richer lode for a national campaign. The polls permit at least a rough measurement of the extent to which Democratic rhetoric filtered down to the people. The evidence is mixed. Poll after poll turns up impressive numbers of people responding to traditional issues•the cost of living, farm prices, and so on. The need to "rebuild U.S. prestige" makes frequent appearances, too. What is interesting is the number of times the whole cluster of foreign policy issues cut in Nixon's, not Kennedy's, favor. Nonetheless, Lou Harris, caught up in the campaign's spirit, recom- mended hitting the standard "we can do better" thesis in such states. It is possible that the "New Frontier" theme was a preoccupation largely of the political elites whose rhetoric it colored.

The polls thus permit a judgment as to how much of the Kennedy aura that we associate with the 1960 campaign was present at the time and how much has been retroactively imposed upon it by the sense of loss that followed JFK's assassination. In a sense the 1960 campaign was a conventional one. As post-election vote analyses have shown, it is best understood as a "maintaining" election in the New Deal tradition. Still, the polls do indicate how attractive Kennedy's personality proved to be. Several times Harris compared Kennedy to FDR. Some polls emphasized the public perception that JFK "cares" or that there was "an aura of activity" and a sense of "excitement and verve" around him. The term "image" is used frankly (and a little self-consciously) throughout the summaries of campaign polls. And yet, the polls are also full of data pointing to voters' concern with more conventional issues like farm prices, taxes, and the cost of living.9


These microfilmed campaign files permit examination of the shaping of the major issues of 1960. But they also permit us to tease out less overt but still significant developments. For example, one leitmotif that can be traced through the panorama of the campaign was the shopping center. That especially American construct was the location for several Kennedy speeches; its appearance on his itineraries illustrates a major facet of social history. More than that, it became a symbolic issue•a minor but revealing one. It represented, of course, the apotheosis of consumerism that colored the fifties and, said Democrats in their "qualitative" mode, it exemplified the inadequacy of the Republican vision of the good society. The "Nixonpedia," the Democrats' collation of almost everything the Vice-President had said on virtually every issue, even picked up this theme. Nixon was quoted as saying, "If you think the United States has stood still, who built the largest shopping center in the world?" An appended comment noted that "the Russians have built the largest dams, the largest missile, the largest satellite, have the largest army•and these things are much more important for our future than shopping centers."10

Yet we can also find illustrations of the fact that the Kennedy campaign did not always march to the clarion call of "national purpose." One polling expert, balking at a principal campaign motif, offered the cautioning advice that "the 'sacrifice' theme could really lay an egg. .. ." Sometimes the campaign stressed JFK's war with Teamsters' leader Jimmy Hoffa. Then, too, the briefing papers for Kennedy's swing through southern Illinois include the terse instruction to stress the theme of "Strong America to Defeat Godless Communism."11

The campaign records illustrate an unusual amount of lofty rhetoric about grand themes. Kennedy was certainly not thé first candidate to have a "braintrust," but his may have been the most elaborate. Beginning with a Harvard-MIT nucleus (with help from Amherst and Williams), it encompassed other universities in state campaigns. These papers are full of materials attesting to Kennedy's efforts to woo the intellectuals. A key juncture in Kennedy's quest of the nomination and a death knell for the draft-Stevenson effort may have been his capture of the support of many of the country's noted intellectuals. Certainly that conquest was an important event in its own right.

The John F. Kennedy papers are not the only ones that afford glimpses into the 1960 campaign. At the Kennedy Library itself, one should also look at the papers of Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Sorensen, two key architects of the campaign. Several other collections also contain important materials on the election. Then there are the papers of all the other candidates as well. However, John F. Kennedy's papers do have much to offer. They are a vast storehouse of information about movers and shakers át national headquarters and about the high ideals that pervaded the rhetoric of the campaign. They also contain data about the concerns of the people at the opposite end of the line•the voters•and the degree to which the "New Frontier" themes percolated down to the grassroots. They thus offer a blend of the sacred and the profane, in short a panorama of American politics in the critical year of 1960..


Il Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports (Garden City, 1961), p. xv.

2. ¿chlesinger memorandum, "The Shape of National Politics to Come," May 12, 1959, Box 996, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers: Schlesinger, "The Big Decision: Private Indulgence or National Strength," n.d., ibid.

3. TV spot, "Defense #15," Box 5, Robert F. Kennedy Papers, John F. Kennedy Library. Excerpt is from Portland, Ore., speech of Sept. 7, 1960.

4. Rostow memorandum to Senator Kennedy, "A Democratic Strategy for 1960," Jan. 2,1960, Box 995, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers.

5. Carl M. Brauer, John F. Kennedy and the Second Reconstruction (New York, 1977), chs. 1 -2; Marjorie MacKenzie Lawson to JFK, Dec. 27, 1958, Box 991, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers.

6. Theodore C. Sorensen, Kennedy (New York, 1965), p. 175; letter to JFK, ca. Sept. 15,1960, Box 1014, John . F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers (Wine Files).

7. Sorensen, Kennedy, p. 193; letter to Kennedy, March 4,1959, Box 1000, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers; Garry Wills, The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power (Boston, 1982), p. 61.

8. "The Catholic Vote in 1952 and 1956" (Spring 1956), Box 996, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers; "Summary of Sorensen Talk" (Summer 1959), Box 1, Theodore C. Sorensen Papers, John F. Kennedy Library.


9. Harris polls #832 (New Jersey, Sept. 14,1960), p. 7, Box 12, Robert F. Kennedy Papers; #805 (New York, 'Oct. 25,1960), p. 12, Box 13, ibid. ; #810 (New York, Nov. 4,1960), p. 5, ibid. ; #802 (Pennsylvania, Sept. 13, 1960), p. 19, ibid.; Harris poll, Wisconsin primary (March 7, 1960), p. 16, ibid.

10. Nixonpedia section, "Analysis of Nixon's Statements," Sept. 14,1960, Box 11, Robert F. Kennedy Papers.

11. [George Belknap?] to Ralph Dungan, n.d. [1960], Box 16, ibid.; briefing sheets for Harrisburg, Marion, and Herrin, Illinois, n.d., Box 991, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers.

SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE Part II of The John F. Kennedy 1960 Campaign is drawn from two major groupings of records

within the Pre-Presidential Papers located at the John F. Kennedy Library. The first major grouping of records constitutes the Senate Files. From the Senate Files, University Publications of America (UPA) has included in this micropublication the Speech Files, 1953-1960, and the Algeria Speech Files, 1957.

The Speech Files, 1953-1960 (Boxes 893-914, Reels 1-10) contain the complete transcripts of speeches delivered by John F. Kennedy from 1953 to 1960, arranged chronologically. In addition to the actual transcripts, these files contain drafts of speeches with Kennedy's and Theodore Sorensen's comments and corrections, typescripts, reading copies, and press releases for speech appearances. These speech files chronicle Kennedy's evolution as a national figure and a presidential candidate. Speeches in these files range from Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners to a talk on federal flood insurance to a speech honoring Hungarian freedom fighters. UPA has published the Speech Files, 1953-1960, in their entirety. Only duplicate copies of speeches and correspondence have been deleted.

The Algeria Speech Files, 1957 (Box 919, Reel 12) contain a reprint of the controversial speech by Kennedy on the French handling of the civil war in Algeria. This speech provided Kennedy with one of his first major foreign policy stands. These files also contain correspondence from the Democratic National Committee, background materials from Theodore Sorensen and Norman Thomas, and a large amount of public opinion mail. They are published in their entirety, except for duplicates and the public opinion mail.

The second major grouping of records is the 1960 Campaign Files. From the Speeches, State- ments, and Sections Files, 1958-1960, UPA has included the Speech Files, 1958-1960, and the Kennedy Press Conferences, 1960, each filmed in its entirety except for duplicate material. In addition, UPA has filmed the complete Kennedy-Nixon debate materials from the Press Secretary's Subject Files of the 1960 Campaign Files.

The Speech Files, 1958-1960 (Boxes 1028-1032, Reels 10-12) include campaign speeches, statements, and excerpts that, at the Kennedy Library, are arranged both chronologically and by subject. UPA has chosen to present the subjective files in this micropublication, listed as the Subjective Speech Files in the Table of Contents and the Reel Index. Major subjects on which Kennedy, spoke include agriculture, civil rights, crime, defense, the Democratic Party, education, foreign affairs, immigration, labor, natural resources, the presidency, social security and depressed areas, and urban problems.

The Kennedy Press Conferences, 1960 (Boxes 1025-1027, Reel 12) are arranged chronolog- ically, and cover January through October of 1960. Included are transcripts of the press confer- ences, as well as supporting correspondence. Kennedy spoke on a variety of subjects at each press conference, so the researcher will find a wide range of material within each file.

The Kennedy-Nixon debates (Boxes 1051-1052, Reel 12) are arranged alphabetically by subject, and include the transcripts of the debates, internal communications, and correspondence dealing with the debates between Kennedy and his staff as well as his staff and the television networks.

Frame Subject

REEL INDEX The frame number on the left side of a page identifies where a specific file begins. When pertinent, the index

denotes the major substantive issues under the category of Major Subjects. Individuals who contributed significant correspondence, wrote particularly insightful material, or gave speeches are denoted under the category of Principal Correspondents or Principal Speakers. References to Senator Kennedy are to John F. Kennedy. More than one major topic in a speech is indicated in the quoted title by the use of a semicolon following the first (and subsequent) main topic(s). When possible, the town and state where the speaking occurred, as well as the date, are indicated.

As the Subjective Speech Files are all remarks of Senator Kennedy, his authorship is not indicated.

ReeM Speech Files, 1953-1960

Frame Subject Box 893 0001 Speeches, Sections, and Materials, 1953. 196pp.

Major Subjects: The Democratic Party; Soviet anti-Semitism; mental illness; home rule for the District of Columbia; immigration legislation; Ireland; federal budget; Social Security; New England economy; federal tax laws; Taft-Hartley law. Principal Correspondents: Sargent Shriver; Stuart Symington.

0197 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Boston College Varsity Club, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. "World Leadership." February 1, 1953. 11pp.

0208 Address of Senator Kennedy before the New England Luncheon of the National Democratic Women's Club of Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C. "The Democratic Party." February 12,1953, 6pp.

0214 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Young Democratic Club, Baltimore, Maryland. The Democratic Party." March 20, 1953. 34pp.

0248 Address of Senator Kennedy at the New York County Democratic Dinner, New York, New York. "The Democratic Party." April 15,1953. 37pp.

0285 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee Dinner, Bridgeport, Connecticut. The Democratic Party." April 24, 1953. .6pp.

0291 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Pawtuxet, Rhode Island. The Democratic Party." April 26,1953. 16pp.

0307 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Wilmington, Delaware. The Democratic Party." May 14, 1953. 5pp.

0312 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Graver Cleveland Dinner, Buffalo, New York. The Democratic Party." April 30, 1953. 13pp.

0325 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. The Economic Problems of New England: A Program for Congressional Action." May 18, 1953-May 20, 1953.176pp.

0501 Remarks in the United States Senate and House of Representatives by Senator Kennedy. "Lithuania's Independence Day." July 13, 1953. 26pp.

0527 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "Western Psychological Strategy toward the U.S.S.R." August 3,1953. 5pp.

Frame Subject

0532 Address of Senator Kennedy at American Legion National Headquarters, Indianapolis, Indiana. "National Security." October 16, 1953. 15pp.

0547 Address of Senator Kennedy at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts. The American Federal System." December 2, 1953. 28pp.

0575 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Massachusetts State CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) Convention, "Labor Law." December 3,1953. 14pp.

0589 Address of Senator Kennedy at the University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. "Canadian-American Relations." December 4, 1953. 19pp.

0608 Address of Senator Kennedy at Chattanooga, Tennessee. "Industrial Development and Migration." December 10, 1953. 5pp.

0613 Speeches, Sections, and Materials, 1954. 92pp. Major Subjects: Indo-China; the Democratic Party; unemployment compensation; national security; Social Security; Massachusetts government.

0705 Remarks of Senator Kennedy on the Floor of the United States Senate. "The St. Lawrence Seaway Bill." January 14,1954. 7pp.

0712 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Cathedral Club, Brooklyn, New York. "National Security." January 21, 1954. 15pp. ^

Box 894 0727 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Young Presidents Organization, Harvard Business School,

Cambridge, Massachusetts. "The American Economy." January 23,1954. 11pp. 0738 Address of Senator Kennedy to the American Federation of Labor (AFL) National Legislative Council.

"Industrial Migration." February 16, 1954. 12pp. 0750 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, New York, New York.

"Communist Oppression." March 17, 1954. 18pp. 0768 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "Indo-China." April 6, 1954. 25pp. 0793 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "Need for Saving the Boston Army Base

Pier." May 11, 1954.9pp. 0802 Address of Senator Kennedy before the American Whig-Cliosophic Society, Princeton University,

Princeton, New Jersey. "Eisenhower Administration Foreign Policy." May 11,1954. 35pp. 0837 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Vermont State Holy Name Rally at St. Michael's College,

Burlington, Vermont. "National Security." May 16, 1954. 9pp. 0846 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Executives" Club, Chicago, Illinois. "Indo-China." May 28,

1954.7pp. 0853 Address of Senator Kennedy before the U.S. Senate. "The Economic Problems of New England."

June 3, 1954. 4pp. 0857 Statement of Senator Kennedy before the U.S. Senate. "Amendment to Defense Department

Appropriation Bill." Junel 7, 1954. 4pp. 0861 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Massachusetts State Federation of Labor Convention,

"Economic Problems of New England." August 4, 1954. 16pp. 0877 St. Patrick's Day Speeches by Various Speakers. March 17, 1954. 134pp.

Major Subjects: National security; Ireland. Principal Speakers: Herbert Brownell, Jr.; James F. Byrnes; John J. Dougherty; John J. Hearne; Senator Kennedy; Thomas J. Lane; John T. Loughran; J. Howard McGrath; Fulton J. Sheen.

Reel 2 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 894 cont 0001 Speeches, Sections, and Materials, 1955. 3pp.

Major Subject Poland.

Frame Subject

0004 Address of Senator Kennedy at Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts. "Religion." June 3, 1953. 6pp.

0010 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Fall River Chapter of the National Association of Cost Accountants, Tiverton, Rhode Island. "Federal Flood Insurance." October 13, 1955. 11pp.

0021 Address of Senator Kennedy at the James J. Lyons Dinner, Yeshiva University, New York, New York. "New Albert Einstein College of Medicine." October 17, 1955. 7pp.

0028 Address of Senator Kennedy before a Meeting of Journalism Fraternity Sigma Delta Chi, Boston, Massachusetts. "A Senator's Relationship to His State and His Constituents." October 27, 1955. 12pp.

0040 Address of Senator Kennedy before Annual New England Air Reserve Review, South Weymouth Naval Air Station, South Weymouth, Massachusetts. "U.S.-Soviet Relations." October 28, 1955. 8pp.

0048 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Alumni Association of Boston College Business Administration, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. "Economic Problems in Massachusetts." October 29, 1955. 10pp.

0058 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee Hearings. "Federal Disaster Insurance." November 9, 1955. 20pp.

0078 Address of Senator Kennedy before the United Cerebral Palsy Convention, Boston, Massachusetts. "National Institutes of Health Task Force on Cerebral Palsy." November 11, 1955. 8pp.

0086 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation Convention, Worcester, Massachusetts. "Massachusetts Farm Platform." November 15, 1955. 12pp.

0098 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Rotary Clubs of Beverly, Danvers, Peabody, and Salem, Massachusetts. "The Port of Boston." November 17, 1955. 9pp.

0107 Address of Senator Kennedy at North Shore United Church Canvass Banquet, Massachusetts. "Role of Religion in the Founding of the American Nation and Government." November 17,1955. 6pp.

0113 Address of Senator Kennedy before Connecticut Valley Branch of the Foreign Policy Association, Springfield, Massachusetts. "Foreign Policy." November 22, 1955. 17pp.

0130 Speeches, Sections, and Materials, 1956. 5pp. Major Subject. Twin-City testimonial in honor of Senator Kennedy.

0135 Introduction for Harry Truman, January 9, 1956. 3pp. 0138 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Philadelphia Inquirer Book and Author Luncheon,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "U.S. Senate History." January 10,1956. 7pp. 0145 Address of Senator Kennedy at George Smathers Testimonial [Locale not legible]. January 19, 1956. 11pp. 0156 Address of Senator Kennedy before the National Women's Democratic Club, "The Democratic Party."

January 26, 1956. 42pp. 0198 Address of Senator Kennedy at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts. "The

Democratic Party." February 4, 1956. 6pp. 0204 Address of Senator Kennedy before Catholic Alumni Solidality, Boston, Massachusetts. "Legislation

Dealing with the Regulation of Natural Gas." February 5, 1956. 8pp. 0212 Address of Senator Kennedy at the National Book Awards, New York, New York. "The Politician and

the Author: A Plea for Greater Understanding." February 7, 1956. 44pp.

Box 895 0256 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Washington Post Book and Author Luncheon, Washington,

D.C. "Authors and Politicians." February 8, 1956. 20pp. 0276 Address of Senator Kennedy before the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc., Boston,

Massachusetts. "Religion in Politics." February 16, 1956. 15pp. 0291 Address of Senator Kennedy before the New York Herald Tribune Luncheon, New York, New York.

"Authors and Politicians." February 21, 1956. 14pp. 0305 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Women's National Press Club Luncheon, Washington, D.C.

"Authors and Politicians." February 23, 1956. 15pp. 0320 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Presentation to Cardinal Spellman of the Carver Gold Award, New

York, New York. "Discrimination." February 24, 1956. 7pp. 0327 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Hartford, Connecticut.

"Adlai Stevenson's Popularity in New England." February 25,1956. 5pp.

Frame Subject

0332 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. "Irish History." March 17, 1956. 34pp.

0366 Remarks of Senator Kennedy on S.J. Res. 31. "Electoral Vote Constitutional Amendment." March 20, 1956-March 21, 1956. 20pp.

0386 Address of Senator Kennedy at Town Hall Luncheon, Los Angeles, California.'Colonialism and American Foreign Policy." April 13,1956. 23pp.

0409 Address of Senator Kennedy at Dinner in Honor of Southern California Congressmen and Legislators, Los Angeles, California. "The Democratic Party." April 14, 1956. 22pp.

0431 Address of Senator Kennedy at "America Salutes Israel" Celebration, Yankee Stadium, New York, New York. April 29, 1956. 6pp.

0437 Address of Senator Kennedy at Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. "Foreign Policy." May 4, 1956. 9pp.

0446 Address of Senator Humphrey at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. "The Life of Louis Brandeis." May 13, 1956. 7pp.

0453 Address of Senator Kennedy before the American Friends of Vietnam, Washington, D.C. "America's Stake in Vietnam." June 1,1956. 18pp.

0471 Address of Senator Kennedy at Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri. "Nationalism." June 2, 1956. 10pp.

0481 Address of Senator Kennedy at Loras College Commencement, Dubuque, Iowa. "Religion." June 3, 1956.19pp.

0500 Introduction of Governor Abraham Ribicoff, Massachusetts State Democratic Convention, Worcester, Massachusetts. June 8, 1956. 4pp.

0504 Address of Senator Kennedy at Springfield College Commencement, Springfield, Massachusetts. The Future of Massachusetts." June 10,1956. 9pp.

0513 Address of Senator Kennedy at Boston College Commencement, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. "Participation in Government." June 13, 1956. 9pp.

0522 Address of Senator Kennedy at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. "The Intellectual and the Politician." June 14, 1956. 39pp.

0561 Address by Senator Kennedy at Harvard Alumni Association Annual Meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts. "The Intellectual and the Politician." June 14, 1956. 19pp.

0580 Address of Senator Kennedy at Northeastern University Commencement, Boston, Massachusetts. "The.Future of Massachusetts." June 17, 1956. 10pp.

0590 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Annual Convention of State Federation of Labor, Worcester, Massachusetts. "Economic Legislation." August 9, 1956. 9pp.

0599 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chicago, Illinois. "Nominating Adlai Stevenson for President of the United States." August 16, 1956. 5pp.

0604 Address of Senator Kennedy at the United Steelworkers Convention, Los Angeles, California. "Organized Labor and Politics." September 19, 1956. 44pp.

0648 . Address of Senator Kennedy, San Francisco, California. "The Democratic Party." September 21,1956. 19pp. .

0667 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council Luncheon, Los Angeles, California. "The Proper Role of Foreign Policy in the 1956 Political Campaign." September 21,1956. 13pp.

0680 Address of Senator Kennedy at Democratic Rally, Owensboro, Kentucky. "The Democratic Party." October 4, 1956. 20pp.

0700 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Young Democrats of North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. "The Democratic Party." October 5,1956. 7pp.

0707 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Western Pennsylvania Columbus Day Banquet, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Foreign Policy." October 14, 1956. 18pp.

0725 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Richmond, Virginia. "The Democratic Party." October 15, 1956. 16pp.

Frame Subject

Box 896 0741 Address of Senator Kennedy, Massachusetts. "New England's Economic Prospects." October 19,

1956. 10pp. 0751 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Annual Convention of Hampden County Teachers Association,

Springfield, Massachusetts. "Foreign Policy." October 19, 1956. 13pp. 0764 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Springfield Rotary Club, Springfield, Massachusetts.

"The New England Economy." October 19, 1956. 10pp. 0774 Address of Senator Kennedy, "Latin America." October 19, 1956. 8pp. 0782 Address of Senator Kennedy on Closed Circuit TV program, Southside Armory, Indianapolis, Indiana.

"The Democratic Party." October 20, 1956. 16pp. 0798 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Worcester County Teachers Association, Worcester,

Massachusetts. "Foreign Policy." November 2,1956. 15pp. 0813 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Tavern Club, Boston, Massachusetts. "Political Campaigns."

November 8, 1956. 17pp. 0830 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Dedication of Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts.

"Communism and Religion." November 10, 1956. 23pp. 0853 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Presentation to Him of the Cardinal Gibbons Award,

Washington, D.C. "Political Parties." November 10, 1956. 11pp. 0864 Address of Senator Kennedy at Dinner Honoring Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister,

Boston, Massachusetts. "Life of Golda Meir." November 25, 1956. 4pp. 0868 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Histadrut Zionist Organization, Baltimore, Maryland.

"The Middle East." November 27, 1956. 11pp. 0879 Address of Senator Kennedy at the American Farm Bureau Federation National Convention, Miami

Beach, Florida. "Farm Policy and the Farm Vote: Some Facts and Fallacies." December 12,1956. 7pp. 0886 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Irish Institute, New York, New York. "Irjsh History."

January 12, 1957. 12pp. 0898 Address of Senator Kennedy at the University of Illinois Senior Convocation, Champaign, Illinois.

"Politics: Our Most Neglected Profession." January 27, 1957. 25pp. 0923 Address of Senator Kennedy at Dinner Honoring Herbert Hoover, Washington, D.C. "The Second

Hoover Commission." February 4,1957. 5pp. 0928 Address of Senator Kennedy at Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Albany, Georgia. "Foreign

Policy." February 7, 1957. 23pp. 0951 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Annual Convention of American Association of School

Administrators and National School Board Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey. "The Education of an American Politician." February 19,1957. 21pp.

0972 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Receipt of the 1957 Patriotism Award, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana. "Careers in Politics." February 22, 1957. 33pp.

Reel 3 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 896 cont 0001 Address of Senator Kennedy at 34th Annual Jackson Day Banquet, Springfield, Missouri. "The

Democratic Party; Foreign Policy." February 23, 1957. 37pp. 0038 Address of Senator Kennedy at the 1957 Brotherhood Year Observance-The National Conference of

Christians and Jews, Cleveland, Ohio. "Comity and Common Sense in the Middle East." February 24, 1957.23pp.

0061 Address of Senator Kennedy at St. Patrick's Day Dinner, Baltimore, Maryland. "Irish History; Labor Racketeering." March 17, 1957. 22pp.

0083 Address of Senator Kennedy at Alabama League of Municipalities Banquet, Birmingham, Alabama. "Labor Racketeering." March 21, 1957. 23pp.

Frame Subject

0106 Address of Senator Kennedy before the New York Herald Tribune Forum for High Schools, New York, New York. "Foreign Policy in a Democracy." March 23, 1957. 8pp.

Box 897

0114 Address of Senator Kennedy at Democratic Dinner, Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Democratic Party; Foreign Policy." March 29, 1957. 26pp.

0140 Address of Senator Kennedy at Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Lynchburg, Virginia. "Labor Racketeering; Foreign Policy." April 4, 1957. 22pp.

0162 Address of Senator Kennedy before the National Screw Machine Products Association, Washington, D.C. "Small Business Tax Relief." April 10, 1957. 3pp.

0165 Address of Senator Kennedy at Universal Notre Dame Night Celebration, Washington, D.C. "Labor Racketeering." April 29, 1957. 18pp.

0183 Address of Senator Kennedy at the First General Session of the 45th Annual Meeting of the National Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C. "America's International Responsibilities." April 29, 1957. 21pp.

0204 Address of Senator Kennedy from the Special Committee on the Senate Reception Room. "Choice of Five Senators Whose Portraits Are to Be Placed in the Senate Reception Room." May 1, 1957. 82pp.

0286 Address of Senator Kennedy at Symposium of the Associated Harvard Clubs, Washington, D.C. "The Role of the University in Government." May 3, 1957. 6pp.

0292 Address of Senator Kennedy at the Annual Awards Dinner of the Overseas Press Club, New York, New York. "U.S. Policy towards Poland." May 6, 1957. 19pp.

0311 Address of Senator Kennedy at Delaware State Jefferson-Jackson Day Democratic Dinner, Wilmington, Delaware. "The Democratic Party." May 9, 1957. 28pp.

0339 Address of Senator Kennedy at Democratic Club Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. "Participation of Women in Politics." May 11,1957. 6pp.

0345 Address of Senator Kennedy at Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Omaha, Nebraska. The Democratic Party; U.S. Policy towards Poland." May 17, 1957. 29pp.

0374 Address of Senator Kennedy at University of Nebraska Convocation, Lincoln, Nebraska. "Careers in Politics." May 18, 1957. 20pp.

0394 Address of Senator Kennedy, New England Publishers Association Luncheon, Boston, Massachusetts. "Labor Racketeering." May 21, 1957. 21 pp.

0415 Address of Senator Kennedy, Annual Dinner and Reception, Democratic Party of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. The Democratic Party; U.S. Policy towards Poland." May 23, 1957. 23pp.

0438 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of South Carolina Commencement, Columbia, South Carolina. "Careers in Politics." May 31, 1957. 19pp.

0457 Address of Senator Kennedy, Syracuse University Commencement, Syracuse, New York. "Careers in Politics." June 3, 1957. 20pp.

0477 Address of Senator Kennedy, Arkansas Bar Association Annual Convention, Hot Springs, Arkansas. "Labor Racketeering." June 7, 1957. 23pp.

0500 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Southeastern Peanut Association, Atlanta, Georgia. "Farm Policy." June 10, 1957. 5pp.

0505 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Georgia Commencement, Athens, Georgia. "Career in Politics." June 10, 1957. 20pp.

0525 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Relief for Poland Dinner, Detroit, Michigan. "U.S. Policy toward Poland." June 13, 1957. 12pp.

0537 Address of Senator Kennedy, Massachusetts Bar Association Luncheon, Plymouth, Massachusetts. "Labor Racketeering." June 15, 1957. 13pp.

0550 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Rockland, Maine. The Democratic Party." June 15, 1957. 19pp.

Box 898 0569 Remarks of Senator Kennedy on the Senate Floor. The Struggle against Imperialism-Part II: Poland

and Eastern Europe." August 21, 1957. 58pp.

Frame Subject

0627 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wisconsin Democratic Dinner, Wisconsin. The Democratic Party." August 22, 1957. 23pp.

0650 Remarks of Senator Kennedy in the United States Senate. "Proposed Amendment of Constitution Relating to Election of President and Vice President." August 30, 1957. 3pp.

0653 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milton Seminary Benefactor's Day, Milton, Massachusetts. "Christian Missionaries." September 1,1957. 9pp.

0662 Address of Senator Kennedy, U.S. Conference of Mayors, New York, New York. "Our American Cities and Their Second Class Citizens." September 11, 1957. 40pp.

0702 Address of Senator Kennedy, lona College Convocation, New Rochelle, New York. "Honorary Degrees." September 19, 1957. 5pp.

0707 Address of Robert F. Kennedy, New York State Democratic Dinner, Albany, New York. "Labor Racketeering." September 19, 1957. 7pp.

0714 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of New Brunswick Convocation, Fredericton, New Brunswick. "U.S.-Canada Relations." October 8, 1957. 16pp.

0730 Address of Senator Kennedy, Economic Club Dinner, Chicago, Illinois. "Foreign Policy." October 9, 1957. 26pp.

0756 Address of Senator Kennedy, Teachers' Association Convention, Swampscott, Massachusetts. "Education in America." October 9, 1957. 11pp.

0767 Address of Senator Kennedy, Teachers' Association Convention, Baltimore, Maryland. "Education in America." October 10, 1957. 14pp.

0781 Address of Senator Kennedy, Massachusetts Town Clerks' Association Convention, Great Barrington, Massachusetts. "Urban Politics." October 10, 1957. 10pp.

0791 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Givers Fund Kick-Off Dinner, New Bedford, Massachusetts. "Philanthropy." October 13, 1957. 15pp.

0806 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. "Farm Policy." October 14, 1957. 25pp.

0831 Address of Robert F. Kennedy before the Inland Daily Press Association, Chicago, Illinois. "Labor Racketeering." October 15, 1957. 14pp.

0845 Address of Senator Kennedy, Young Democrats Dinner, Jackson, Mississippi. "The Democratic Party." October 17, 1957. 18pp.

0863 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Florida Blue Key Banquet, Gainesville, Florida. "Can We Compete with the Russians?" October 18, 1957. 15pp.

0878 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Florida Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity Breakfast, Gainesville, Florida. "Labor Racketeering." October 19, 1957. 18pp.

0896 Address of Senator Kennedy, Annual Freedom Award to the Hungarian Freedom Fighters, New York, New York. "Foreign Policy; Hungary." October 23, 1957. 9pp.

0905 Address of Senator Kennedy, Associated Industries of Massachusetts Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. "Labor Racketeering." October 24, 1957. 14pp.

0919 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Receipt of Yeshiva University's Charter Day Award of 1957, New York, New York! "Tribute to James J. Lyons; Background of Yeshiva University." October 27, 1957. 8pp.

0927 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic City Committee Annual Pre-Election Dinner, Easton, Pennsylvania. "The Democratic Party; Leadership in Foreign Affairs." October 30, 1957. 14pp.

0941 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department Second Constitutional Convention, Washington, D.C. "Labor Legislation." October 31,1957. 25pp.

0966 Address of Senator Kennedy, Oklahoma. "Farm Policy." November 1957. 7pp. 0973 Address of Senator Kennedy, Howard Crawley Memorial Lecture, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The New Dimensions of American Foreign Policy." November 1, 1957. 20pp.

Frame Subject

Reel 4 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 898 cont

0001 Address of Senator Kennedy, Kansas Democratic Club Banquet, Topeka, Kansas. The Democratic Party." November 6, 1957. 3pp.

0004 Address of Senator Kennedy, Oklahoma Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. "Science and Security." November 7, 1957.12pp.

0016 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Kansas Convocation, Lawrence, Kansas. "Careers in Politics." November 7, 1957. 10pp.

0026 Address of Senator Kennedy, Young Democratic Clubs of America Convention, Reno, Nevada. The Democratic Party." Novembers, 1957.10pp.

0036 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Jewish Congress National Congress Week, New York, New York. "U.S. Domestic Problems." November 17, 1957. 16pp.

0052 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Florida League of Municipalities, Daytona Beach, Florida. "Urban Politics; Labor Racketeering." November 18, 1957.18pp.

0070 Address of Senator Kennedy, Temple Emmanuel, New York, New York. "Foreign Policy." November 19, 1957. 9pp.

Box 899 0079 Address of Senator Kennedy, Texas State Teachers Association Convention, Dallas, Texas.

"American Education." November 28, 1957. 14pp. 0093 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Conference of Christians and Jews Dinner, Chicago, Illinois.

"Foreign Policy." December 3, 1957.14pp. 0107 Address of Senator Kennedy, Père Marquette Council of Knights of Columbus 60th Anniversary

Banquet, Boston, Massachusetts. "Can We Compete with the Russians?" January 12, 1958. 10pp. 0117 Address of Senator Kennedy, Annual Boy Scouts of America Luncheon, New York, New York.

"Foreign Policy." January 16, 1958. 14pp. 0131 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Women's Club of Richmond, Virginia. "Can We Compete with

the Russians?" January 20, 1958. 17pp. 0148 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Receipt of Honorary Degree from Saint Vincents College, Latrobe,

Pennsylvania. "Careers in Politics." February 4, 1958. 14pp. 0162 Address of Senator Kennedy, Testimonial Dinner Honoring Congressman Torbert H. MacDonald,

Maiden, Massachusetts. The Need for Political Leadership." February 8, 1958.19pp. 0181 Address of Senator Kennedy, B'nai Zion Golden Jubilee Banquet, New York, New York. "Israel:

A Miracle of Progress." February 9, 1958. 21 pp. 0202 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Receipt of Honorary Degree from La Salle College, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania. "Careers in Politics." February 11, 1958. 12pp. 0214 Address of Senator Kennedy before the John Carroll Society, Washington, D.C. "Foreign Policy."

February 13, 1958. 38pp. 0252 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fordham Law Alumni Association Luncheon, New York, New York.

"Labor Racketeering." February 15, 1958. 34pp. 0286 Address of Senator Kennedy, Loyola College Annual Alumni Banquet, Baltimore, Maryland.

"Education in the U.S. and USSR." February 18, 1958.13pp. 0299 Address of Senator Kennedy, Book and Authors" Club Luncheon, Cleveland, Ohio. "Intellectuals and

Politicians." February 20, 1958. 23pp. 0322 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Tucson, Arizona. The Democratic Party; U.S.

Economic Problems." February 22, 1958. 29pp. 0351 Address of Senator Kennedy, Social Science Foundation Lecture, Denver University, Denver,

Colorado. The Global Challenge We Face." February 24,1958. 44pp. 0395 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fifth National Conference on International Economic Aid and Social

Development, Washington, D.C. "U.S. Policy toward India." February 26, 1958. 18pp.

Frame Subject

Box 900 0413 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Nations Association of Maryland Dinner, Baltimore, Maryland.

"The United Nations." February 27, 1958. 27pp. 0440 Address of Senator Kennedy at FDR Memorial Dinner, Los Angeles, California. "The Democratic Party."

March 1, 1958. 12pp. 0452 Address of Senator Kennedy upon Receipt of Man of the Year Award by the Polish Daily News,

Chicago, Illinois. "U.S. Policy toward Poland." March 2, 1958. 8pp. 0460 Address of Senator Kennedy, WBC Second Conference in Public Service Programming, Baltimore,

Maryland. "The Challenge of Public Broadcasting." March 6, 1958. 29pp. 0489 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Bristol, Virginia. "The Democratic

Party." March 7, 1958. 12pp. 0501 Speech Sections, Spring 1958.

Major Subjects: Unemployment compensation; water power development; Social Security; health; national security.

0542 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO Unemployment Conference, Washington, D.C. "Unemployment Compensation." March 12, 1958. 9pp.

0551 Address of Senator Kennedy, Women's Democratic Club Luncheon, Washington, D.C. "The Democratic Party; Foreign Policy." March 13, 1958. 14pp.

0565 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Gridiron Club, Washington, D.C. "Leadership." March 15, 1958. 6pp.

0571 Address of Senator Kennedy, YMCA Annual Branch Dinner, Washington, D.C. "Juvenile Delinquency." March 19, 1958. 11pp.

0582 Address of Senator Kennedy, Harvard Club, Boston, Massachusetts. "Leadership." March 21, 1958.16pp.

0598 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Des Moines, Iowa. "The Democratic Party; Federal Farm Policy." March 22, 1958. 53pp.

0651 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "The Choice in Asia-Democratic Development in India." March 25, 1958. 19pp. [Filed out of chronological order.]

0670 Address of Senator Kennedy, Freedom House, Roxbury, Massachusetts. "Education in America; Freedom House." March 23, 1958. 19pp.

0689 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Indianapolis, Indiana. The Democratic Party; Federal Farm Policy." March 29, 1958. 27pp.

0716 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Bismarck, North Dakota. "The Democratic Party; Federal Farm Policy." April 11, 1958. 26pp.

0742 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Huron, South Dakota. "The Democratic Party; George McGovern; Federal Farm Policy." April 12, 1958. 36pp.

0778 Address of Senator Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Lecture, Dickinson, North Dakota. "Theodore Roosevelt; Careers in Politics." April 12, 1958. 24pp.

0802 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mississippi Economic Council Dinner, Jackson, Mississippi. "Recession and Inflation." April 16, 1958. 42pp.

0844 Address of Senator Kennedy, Eighth Annual Pittsburgh World Affairs Forum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "The Global Challenge We Face." April 18, 1958. 25pp.

0869 Introduction of Senator Mike Monroney, Boston, Massachusetts. April 19, 1958. 9pp. 0878 Report of the North Atlantic Regional Meeting of the National Citizens Council for Better Schools,

Washington, D.C. "The Role of the Federal Government in Public Education." April 21-April 22, 1958. 36pp.

0914 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mississippi Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota. "The Role of Politicians in History." April 25, 1958. 21pp.

0935 Address of Senator Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Dinner, Eugene, Oregon. "Franklin Delano Roosevelt." April 27,1958. 14pp.

0949 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Retail Workers, Washington, D.C. "Unemployment Compensation; Minimum Wage." April 29, 1958. 7pp.

Frame Subject

Reels Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 901 0001 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rockefeller Public Service Awards, Washington, D.C. "Continued Career

Training." April 30, 1958. 3pp. 0004 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "Unemployment Compensation."

May8, 1958. 5pp. 0009 Address of Senator Kennedy to Be Read by Congressman MacDonald, Fitchburgh, Massachusetts.

"The Democratic Party." May 10, 1958.10pp. 0019 Address of Senator Kennedy, Greater Washington Observance of Israel's Tenth Anniversary,

Washington, D.C. "The State of Israel." May 11, 1958. 19pp. 0038 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce, Wilkes-Barre,

Pennsylvania. "Recession and Unemployment Compensation." May 13, 1958. 6pp. 0044 Address of Senator Kennedy, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Convention, Atlantic City,

New Jersey. "Labor Racketeering." May 14, 1958. 30pp. 0074 Address of Senator Kennedy, 150th Anniversary of Archbishopric of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts.

"The Diocese of Boston." May 14, 1958. 60pp. 0134 Address of Senator Kennedy, Luncheon, Lawrence, Massachusetts. "Unemployment Compensation."

May 15, 1958.4pp. 0138 Address of Senator Kennedy, Boston College Seminar, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. "Air Travel

Facilities in Boston." May 15, 1958. 19pp.. 0157 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson^Jackson Day Dinner, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "The Democratic

Party; Liberalism." May 17, 1958. 41pp. 0198 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Eugene, Oregon. "The Democratic

Party; Liberalism." May 18, 1958. 14pp. 0212 Address of Senator Kennedy, Trinity College Commencement, Washington, D.C. "Careers in Politics."

June 2, 1958. 27pp. 0239 Address of Senator Kennedy, Association of Former Residents, Freedman Hospital, Howard University

Banquet, Washington, D.C. "Medical Facilities and Research." June 4,1958. 20pp. 0259 ' Address of Senator Kennedy, Manchester, New Hampshire. The Democratic Party." June 7,1958.

46pp. 0305 Address of Senator Kennedy, Smith College Commencement, Northampton, Massachusetts. "Careers

in Politics." June 8, 1958. 29pp. 0334 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson^Jackson Day Dinner, Morgantown, West Virginia. The

Democratic Party." June 11, 1958. 43pp. 0377 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Caspar, Wyoming. The Democratic Party;

Development of Water Power." June 14,1958. 54pp. 0431 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Billings, Montana. The Democratic Party; Federal

Farm Policy." June 15,1958. 52pp. 0483 Address of Senator Kennedy, Salem Homecoming Celebration, Salem, Massachusetts. "History of

Salem." June 20, 1958. 5pp. 0488 Address of Senator Kennedy, Tobacco Association of the United States and Leaf Tobacco

Association Joint Meeting, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. "Reciprocal Trade." June 23, 1958.16pp. 0504 Address of Senator Kennedy, Connecticut Democratic State Convention, Hartford, Connecticut. The

Democratic Party." June 27, 1958. 27pp. 0531 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "United States Military and Diplomatic

Policies-Preparing for the Gap." August 14, 1958. 6pp. 0537 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Bakery and Confectionary Workers International Union,

AFL- CIO Constitutional Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey. "Labor Racketeering." September 10,

1958. 5pp. 0542 Address of Senator Kennedy, U.S. Mayors Conference Luncheon, Miami Beach, Florida. "Time for an

Urban Magna Carta." September 11, 1958. 9pp.


Frame Subject

0551 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Steelworkers of America Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey. "Labor Racketeering." September 18, 1958. 19pp.

0570 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Region One Conference, Burlington, Vermont. "Rural Electrification." September 26, 1958. 8pp.

0578 Address of Senator Kennedy, Massachusetts Real Estate Association Banquet, Boston, Massachusetts. "Housing and Real Estate Legislation." October 3, 1958. 19pp.

0597 Address of Senator Kennedy, Annual National Corn Picking Contest, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Federal Farm Policy." October 17, 1958. 12pp.

0609 Address of Senator Kennedy, Massachusetts Federation of Labor Annual Samuel Gompers Memorial Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts. "Unemployment Compensation; Social Security; Labor Racketeering." October 25, 1958. 13pp.

Box 902

0622 Speeches, Alaska Tour, November 10, 1958-November 11, 1958. 27pp. Major Subjects: Water resource development; the Democratic Party.

0649 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Puerto Rico. "U.S.-Latin American Relations." November 15, 1958. 31pp.

0680 Address of Senator Kennedy, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. "The Democratic Party." December 16, 1958.21pp.

0701 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Charlotte, North Carolina. "Labor Racketeering." January 15, 1959. 43pp.

0744 Address of Senator Kennedy, Roosevelt Day Dinner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Liberalism." January 31,1959. 34pp.

0778 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Rural Electrification Cooperative Association, Washington, D.C. "Power Policy." February 11, 1959. 6pp.

0784 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "The Economic Gap." February 19, 1959. 5pp.

0789 Address of Senator Kennedy, Tennessee Rotary Club, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. "Nuclear Weapons." February 24, 1959. 8pp.

0797 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Nashville, Tennessee. "The Democratic Party." February 24, 1959. 35pp.

0832 Address of Senator Kennedy, Joint Session of the Tennessee Legislature, Nashville, Tennessee. "Leadership." February 25, 1959. 13pp.

0845 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department National Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C. "Labor Legislation." March 2, 1959. 27pp.

0872 Address of Senator Kennedy, Roosevelt Day Dinner, Medford, Oregon. "Water Resource Development." March 6, 1959. 2pp.

0874 Address of Senator Kennedy, Roosevelt Day Dinner, Salt Lake City, Utah. "The Democratic Party." March 6, 1959. 23pp.

0897 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Boise, Idaho. "Water Resource Development; The Democratic Party." March 7, 1959. 27pp.

0924 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Butte, Montana. "Unemployment Compensation." March 8, 1959. 4pp.

0928 Address of Senator Kennedy, Montana Legislature, Helena, Montana. "Leadership." March 8, 1959. 19pp.

0947 Address of Senator Kennedy, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick's Dinner, Providence, Rhode Island.."Irish History." March 17, 1959. 23pp.

0970 Address of Senator Kennedy, North Carolina Democratic Cjub Annual Dinner, Washington, D.C. "National Security." March 21, 1959. 32pp..


Frame Subject

Reel 6 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 902 cont 0001 Address ot Senator Kennedy, National Federation of Grain Cooperatives Annual Spring Conference,

Washington, D.C. "Federal Farm Policy." March 25, 1959. 22pp. 0023 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milwaukee Gridiron Dinner, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Free Press." April 9,

1959. 18pp. 0041 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Negro College Fund Convocation, Indianapolis, Indiana.

"American Education." April 12, 1959. 20pp. 0061 Address of Senator Kennedy, Meeting Opening National Library Week, Indianapolis, Indiana.

"The Public Library." April 13, 1959. 4pp. 0065 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Civil Liberties Clearing House Annual Conference, Washington,

D.C. "Civil Liberties." April 16, 1959.19pp. 0084 Address of Senator Kennedy, Cleveland Press Book and Author Luncheon, Cleveland, Ohio. "The

Public Library." April 16, 1959. 25pp. 0109 Address of Senator Kennedy before the American Women in Radio and TV, New York, New York.

"Women in Professions; Labor Racketeering." April 30, 1959. 51pp.

Box 903

0160 Address of Senator Kennedy before the California Legislature, Sacramento, California. "Leadership." May 1, 1959. 13pp.

0173 Address of Senator Kennedy, Press Club of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. "Labor Racketeering:" May 1,1959. 29pp.

0202 Address of Senator Kennedy, Committee for International Economic Growth Conference on India and the United States, Washington, D.C. "The Bases of U.S. Interest in India-Its New Dimensions." May 4, 1959.43pp.

0245 Introduction by Senator Kennedy of Lyndon B. Johnson, Truman Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts. May 8, 1959. 8pp.

0253 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fund-Raising Dinner, Welch, West Virginia. "Depressed Areas Legislation; Coal." May 9, 1959. 25pp.

0278 Address of Senator Kennedy, International Ladies Garment Workers Union Annual Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. "Labor Racketeering." May 15,1959. 39pp.

0317 Address of Senator Kennedy, Grover Cleveland Dinner, Buffalo, New York. "Labor Racketeering; The Democratic Party." May 21, 1959. 14pp.

0331 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Detroit, Michigan. Ten Revolutions of Our Time." May 23,1959. 33pp.

0364 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chicago Daily News Youth Achievement Awards Program, Chicago, Illinois. "Careers in Politics." May 24, 1959. 9pp.

0373 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers Convention, New York, New York. "Labor Racketeering; Immigration." June 3, 1959. 41 pp.

0414 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Garden City, New York. "The Democratic Party." June 6, 1959. 27pp.

0441 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chevy Chase High School, Bethesda, Maryland. "Careers in Politics." June 15, 1959. 17pp.

0458 Address of Senator Kennedy before the League of Municipalities, Ocean City, Maryland. "Urban Problems." June 16, 1959. 25pp.

0483 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fraternal Order of Eagles Convention, Seattle, Washington. "Unemployment Compensation; Social Security." June 20, 1959. 16pp.

0499 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Seattle, Washington. "The Democratic Party." June 20, 1959. 28pp.


Frame Subject

0527 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Yal^ima, Washington. "The Democratic Party; Water Resource Development." June 21, 1959. 29pp.

0556 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Bellaire, Ohio. "The Democratic Party." June 27,1959. 26pp.

Box 904 0582 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Society of African Culture Annual Conference, New York, New

York. "Africa." June 28, 1959. 44pp. 0626 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hawaii Tour, Hawaii. "The U.S. and Hawaü-and Our Future in Asia; The

Democratic Party." July 3, 1959-July 5, 1959. 39pp. 0665 Address of Senator Kennedy, Essex County Democratic Governor's Day Annual Picnic, Spring Lake,

New Jersey. "Urban Overpopulation." July 13, 1959. 8pp. 0673 Address of Senator Kennedy, District Attorneys' Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Labor and

Business Racketeering:" July 31, 1959. 9pp. 0682 Address of Senator Kennedy, Dave Epps Memorial Dinner, Portland, Oregon. "Geneva Conference on

Atomic Testing and Surprise Attack." August 1, 1959. 21 pp. 0703 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO Convention, Seaside, Oregon. "Labor Racketeering;

Unemployment Compensation; Care of the Aged." August 3,1959. 11 pp. 0714 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "The Power of Labor for the Good of

America." September 10,1959. 5pp. 0719 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO Convention of Building Trades, San Francisco, California.

"Labor Legislation." September 11, 1959. 111pp. 0830 Address of Senator Kennedy, Montgomery County Bar Association Dinner, Dayton, Ohio. "Labor

Racketeering; The Steel Strike and the Taft-Hartley Law." September 17,1959. 27pp. 0857 Speech Introductions by Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Athens, Ohio; Lucas County

Democratic Picnic, Toledo, Ohio. September 18, 1959-September 19, 1959. 3pp. 0860 Address of Senator Kennedy, Temple B'rith Kodesh Temple Club, Rochester, New York. "Israel--A

Land of Paradoxes." October 1, 1959. 9pp. 0869 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mayor Charles Boswell Dinner, Indianapolis, Indiana. "National

Security." October 2, 1959. 6pp. 0875 Address of Senator Kennedy, Washington County Democratic Dinner, Fayette City, Pennsylvania.

"The Steel Strike and the Taft-Hartley Law." October 9, 1959. 6pp. 0881 Address of Senator Kennedy, UAW Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey. "Economic Development."

October 12, 1959. 5pp. 0886 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO State Convention, Lincoln, Nebraska. "Labor Racketeering."

October 13, 1959. 16pp. 0902 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Radio and Television News Directors Association, New

Orleans, Louisiana. The Role of the Media." October 15, 1959. 7pp.

Box 905 0909 Address of Senator Kennedy, Pulaski Day, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "U.S. Policy toward Poland and

Other Captive Nations." October 17, 1959. 11 pp. 0920 Address of Senator Kennedy, Portland Realty Board Luncheon, Portland, Oregon. The Future of

Housing and Real Estate." October 21, 1959. 8pp. 0928 Address of Senator Kennedy, AI Smith Dinner, New York, New York. "A Tribute to AI Smith."

October 22, 1959. 16pp. 0944 Address of Senator Kennedy, Midwest Farm Conference, Springfield, Illinois. "Federal Farm Policy."

October 24, 1959. 7pp. 0951 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mills College, Oakland, California. "Mills College and the Loyalty Oath."

October 30, 1959. 5pp. 0956 Address of Senator Kennedy, UCLA Student Convocation, Los Angeles, California. "The Control of

Nuclear Weapons." November 2, 1959. 5pp.


Frame Subject

0961 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jeffersón-Jackson Day Dinner, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. "The Future of America; Depletion Tax Allowances." November 14,1959. 11 pp.

0972 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Annual Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "U.S.-Soviet Competition." November 14, 1959. 10pp.

0982 Address of Senator Kennedy, Maine Democratic Party Issues Conference Banquet, Augusta, Maine. "Electrical Energy in Maine." November 15, 1959. 4pp.

Reel? Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 905 cont 0001 Address of Senator Kennedy before the National Milk Producers Federation,.Washington, D.C.

"Federal Farm Policy; The Dairy Farmer«the Challenge Ahead." November 16,1959. 27pp. 0028 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Luncheon, Kansas City, Kansas. "U.S.-Soviet Competition."

November 19, 1959. 27pp. 0055 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Wichita, Kansas. "The 1960 Election-and 1968."

November 19, 1959. 5pp. 0060 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Reception, Dodge City, Kansas. "Federal Farm Policy."

November 20, 1959. 7pp. 0067 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Denver, Colorado. "U.S.-Soviet Competition; Water

and Power Development Memorandum." November 28, 1959. 13pp. 0080 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Reception, Boulder, Colorado. "Loyalty Oath."

November 28, 1959. 5pp. 0085 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Reception, Pueblo, Colorado. "Labor Legislation."

November 29, 1959. 16pp. 0101 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Grand Junction, Colorado. "Water Resource

Development." November 30, 1959. 23pp. 0124 Address of Senator Kennedy before the American Municipal Association, Denver, Colorado. "Urban

Problems." November 30, 1959. 6pp. 0130 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Allegheny County Bar Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

"Administrative Justice and Delay." December 10, 1959. 9pp. 0139 Statement of Senator Kennedy Announcing Candidacy for the Presidency of the U.S., January 2,

1960.2pp. 0141 Address of Senator Kennedy before the National Press Club, Washington, D.C. The Presidency in

1960." January 14, 1960. 4pp. 0145 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Kick-Off Dinner, Washington,

D.C. "The Presidency in 1960." January 23, 1960. 3pp. 0148 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Boston, Massachusetts. "Economic

Matters." January 24, 1960. 9pp. 0157 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Rotary Club, Nashua, New Hampshire. "The Presidential

Primary-and Your Vote." January 24, 1960. 7pp. 0164 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "Medical Care for Our Older Citizens."

January 26, 1960. 4pp. 0168 Address of Senator Kennedy, Victory in 1960 Luncheon, Salt Lake City, Utah. "A Program for Victory

in 1960." January 30, 1960. 16pp. 0184 Address of Senator Kennedy, Roosevelt Birthday Ball, Salt Lake City, Utah. "Overpopulation; Farm

Policy; Emerging Nations; National Security." January 30, 1960. 25pp.

Box 906 0209 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Nevada State Legislature, Carson City, Nevada. "Francis

Newlands; Leadership." February 1, 1960. 17pp.


Frame Subject

0226 Address of Senator Kennedy, International Institute of Gary Nationality Building Fund Committee Dinner, Gary, Indiana. "Eastern Europe--The Challenge to American Policy." February 4, 1960. 16pp.

0242 Statement of Senator Kennedy Announcing Candidacy in the West Virginia Presidential Primary, February 4, 1960. 8pp.

0250 Statement of Senator Kennedy Announcing Candidacy in the Indiana Presidential Primary, February 4, 1960. 19pp.

0269 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lake County Women's Club Breakfast, Gary, Indiana. "The Democratic Party." February 5, 1960. 11pp.

0280 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Luncheon, East Chicago, Illinois. The American Economy; Education." February 5,1960. 5pp.

0285 Address of Senator Kennedy, Terre Haute, Indiana. "The Presidential Primary--and Your Vote." February 6,1960. 19pp.

0304 Address of Senator Kennedy, Stutusman County Democratic Committee Dinner, Jamestown, North Dakota. "Federal Farm Policy." February 6, 1960. 8pp.

0312 Address of Senator Kennedy, Young Democrats Luncheon, Bismarck, North Dakota. "Rural Electrification." February 6, 1960. 6pp.

0318 Address of Senator Kennedy, Western Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. "Overpopulation; Water Policies; Forest Resources." February 7, 1960. 5pp.

0323 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic State Central Committee Luncheon, Roseburg, Oregon. "Better Housing for a Better America." February 9, 1960. 7pp.

0330 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Newport, Oregon. "High Interest Rates; Tight Money." February 10, 1960. 7pp.

0337 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Oregon Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. "The Presidential Primary-and Your Vote." February 10, 1960. 15pp.

0352 Address of Senator Kennedy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. "Eastern Europe." February 10, 1960. 6pp.

0358 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Club Dinner, Spokane, Washington. "U.S.-Soviet Competition." February 11, 1960. 8pp.

0366 Address of Senator Kennedy, California Democratic Clubs Convention, Fresno, California. "The Presidency in 1960; Foreign Policy." February 12, 1960. 33pp.

0399 Address of Senator Kennedy, Stanford University Convocation, Palo Alto, California. "Africa." February 12, 1960. 12pp.

0411 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic State Committee Dinner, New York, New York. "The Presidency in 1960." February 13,1960. 10pp.

0421 Address of Senator Kennedy, Whitewater College Convocation, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. "The Crisis in American Education; Africa." February 16, 1960. 20pp.

0441 Address of Senator Kennedy, Kenosha, Wisconsin. "Saving Our Older Citizens." February 16, 1960. 7pp.

0448 Opening Statement of Senator Kennedy, Wisconsin Presidential Primary Press Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. February 16, 1960. 3pp.

0451 , Address of Senator Kennedy, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. "A New Dairy Program for Wisconsin and the Nation." February 17, 1960. 17pp.

0468 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. "Water Pollution." February 17, 1960. 9pp. 0477 Address of Senator Kennedy, Oshkosh State College Convocation, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

"The President's South American Tour." February 18, 1960. 21pp. 0498 Address of Senator Kennedy, Green Bay, Wisconsin. "The Minimum Wage; Unemployment

Compensation." February 17, 1960. 4pp. 0502 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Hartford, Connecticut. "The Democratic

Party." February 20, 1960. 16pp. 0518 Address of Senator Kennedy, Madison, Wisconsin. "Wisconsin's Natural Resources." February 24,



Frame Subject

0521 Address of Senator Kennedy before the East Side Optimists, Madison, Wisconsin. "The Wisconsin Primary." February 24, 1960. 11pp.

0532 Address of Senator Kennedy, Antigo, Wisconsin. "Strengthening Rural Electrification Cooperatives." February 25, 1960. 4pp.

0536 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wausau, Wisconsin. "Our Unshared Abundance." February 25, 1960. 4pp.

0540 Address of Senator Kennedy, Medford, Wisconsin. "Wisconsin's Natural Resources." February 25, 1960. 14pp.

0554 Address of Senator Kennedy, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. "High Interest Rates; Tight Money." February 26, 1960. 4pp.

0558 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. "The Importance of Agricultural Research." February 26, 1960. 5pp.

0563 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "An Investment for Peace." February 29, 1960. 21pp.

Box 907 0584 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Hutchinson, Kansas. "U.S.-Soviet Competition."

March 4, 1960. 9pp. 0593 Address of Senator Kennedy, Saint Anselm's College, Manchester, New Hampshire. "Africa."

March 5, 1960. 7pp. 0600 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Nashua, New Hampshire. "U.S.-Soviet Competition."

March 5, 1960.9pp. 0609 Address of Senator Kennedy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. "The President's South

American Tour." March 6, 1960. 5pp. 0614 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. "India and

China." March 7, 1960. 32pp. ' 0646 Address of Senator Kennedy, Dover, New Hampshire. "The New Hampshire Primary." March 7, 1960.

6pp. 0652 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mauston, Wisconsin. "Defense." March 9,1960. 5pp. 0657 Address of Senator Kennedy, La Crosse, Wisconsin. "Relief for Economically Distressed Areas."

March 9, 1960. 13pp. 0670 Address of Senator Kennedy, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. "Farm Credit Policy." March 10, 1960. 4pp. 0674 Address of Senator Kennedy, Appleton, Wisconsin. "Natural Resource Conservation." March 11,

1960. 5pp. 0679 Address of Senator Kennedy, Shawano, Wisconsin. "A Plan of Action for the Dairy Industry."

March 11,1960. 4pp. 0683 Address of Senator Kennedy, Building and Construction Trades National Legislative Conference,

Washington, D.C. "The Need for New Housing; The American Economy." March 14,1960. 20pp. 0703 Address of Senator Kennedy, Madison, Wisconsin. "Disarmament." March 16,1960. 11pp. 0714 Address of Senator Kennedy, Superior, Wisconsin. "The Unemployed; The Underpaid; Older Citizens."

March 18, 1960. 5pp. 0719 Address of Senator Kennedy, Young Democrats State Convention Banquet, Racine, Wisconsin. "Food

for Peace." March 19, 1960. 4pp. 0723 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Protecting the Right to Vote." March 20,1960.

4pp. 0727 Address of Senator Kennedy, Marinette, Wisconsin. "Farm Credit Policy." March 20,1960. 4pp. 0731 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jewish Community Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Civil Rights for All

Americans; Israel." March 23, 1960. 37pp. 0768 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Our Stake in Berlin."

March 24, 1960. 15pp. 0783 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. "Disarmament; Cuba."

March 25,1960. 37pp.


Frame Subject

0820 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rural Electrification Administration County Meeting, Lancaster, Wisconsin. "The Fight to Continue Rural Electrification." March 25, 1960. 13pp.

0833 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Midwest Conference, Detroit, Michigan. "Federal Farm Policy; Disarmament; Foreign Policy." March 26, 1960. 11pp.

0844 Address of Senator Kennedy, UAW Rally in Support of Forand Bill, Detroit, Michigan. "Social Security." March 27,1960. 5pp.

0849 Address of Senator Kennedy, Manitowac, Wisconsin. "Penalty Tax on Farm Cooperatives." March 30,1960. 2pp.

0851 Address of Senator Kennedy, Dodgeville, Wisconsin. "The Fight against Crime." April 1, 1960. 3pp. 0854 Address of Senator Kennedy, Beloit, Wisconsin. "Unemployment Compensation; Social Security."

April 1, 1960. 6pp. 0860 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Our Goals in This Campaign." April 2, 1960. 12pp. 0872 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wisconsin Association of Student Councils, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Should Nuclear Tests Be Resumed?" April 2, 1960. 12pp.

Box 908 0884 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Labor~The Source of American Strength;

Eastern Europe." April 3, 1960. 27pp. 0911 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Lafayette, Indiana. "The Democratic

Party." April 7, 1960. 4pp. 0915 Address of Senator Kennedy, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. "Disarmament." April 7, 1960. 8pp. 0923 Address of Senator Kennedy, Farm Forum, Alexandria, Indiana. "Federal Farm Policy." April 7, 1960.

15pp. 0938 Address of Senator Kennedy, District Democratic Committee Dinner, South Bend, Indiana. "Federal

Farm Policy; Disarmament; Foreign Policy." April 8,1960. 5pp. 0943 Address of Senator Kennedy, Marshall County Junior and Senior High School Convocation, Plymouth,

Indiana. "Careers in Politics." April 8, 1960. 10pp. 0953 Address of Senator Kennedy, Saint Mary's College, South Bend, Indiana. The President's South

American Tour." April 8, 1960. 3pp. 0956 Address of Senator Kennedy, Phoenix, Arizona. "Natural Resource Development." April 9, 1960. 24pp. 0980 Address of Senator Kennedy, Yuma, Arizona. "High Interest Rates; Tight Money." April 9, 1960. 3pp. 0983 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Luncheon, Tucson, Arizona. "National Resource

Development." April 9, 1960. 8pp. 0991 Address of Senator Kennedy, Beckley, West Virginia. "A New Deal for West Virginia." April 11,1960.

3pp. 0994 Address of Senator Kennedy, Morgantown, West Virginia. "Coal By Wire-The Key to Coal's Future."

April 18, 1960. 4pp. 0998 Address of Senator Kennedy, Clarksburg, West Virginia. "Aid to the Unemployed and Retired." April 18,


Reel8 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 908 cont 0001 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fairmont, West Virginia. "A New Program for Coal." April 18, 1960. 5pp. 0006 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wheeling, West Virginia. "West Virginia-the State Which the Pentagon

Forgot." April 19, 1960. 4pp. 0010 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bethany College, Bethany, West Virginia. "The American Economy-Our

Unshared Abundance." April 19, 1960. 4pp. 0014 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mount Hope, West Virginia. "Food for West Virginia." April 20, 1960. 3pp. 0017 Address of Senator Kennedy, Huntington, West Virginia. "Aid to Depressed Areas." April 20, 1960.



Frame Subject

0020 Address of Senator Kennedy, Charleston, West Virginia. "A Program for West Virginia." April 20,1960. 13pp.

0033 Address of Senator Kennedy before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington, D.C. "The Religious Issue in American Politics." April 21, 1960. 10pp.

0043 Address of Senator Kennedy, South Eugene, Oregon. "Disarmament." April 22,1960. 7pp. 0050 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milwaukie High School, Milwaukie, Oregon. "American Education."

April 22, 1960. 3pp. 0053 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, North Clackamas, Oregon. "Small

Businesses." April 22, 1960. 3pp. 0056 Address of Senator Kennedy, Portland, Oregon. "Social Security; Programs for Older Citizens." April 23,

1960. 5pp. 0061 Address of Senator Kennedy, Logan, West Virginia. "Coal." April 25, 1960. 4pp. 0065 Address of Senator Kennedy, Williamston, West Virginia. "Programs for Older Citizens." April 25, 1960.

3pp. 0068 Address of Senator Kennedy, Glenwood Park, West Virginia. "Food for West Virginia." April 26, 1960.

3pp. 0071 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mullens, West Virginia. "Natural Resource Conservation and

Development." April 26,1960. 4pp. 0075 Address of Senator Kennedy, Amherstdale, West Virginia. "A National Fuels Policy." April 26, 1960.

6pp. 0081 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hinton, West Virginia. "Natural Resource Conservation and

Development." April 27,1960. 4pp. 0085 Address of Senator Kennedy, Athens, West Virginia. "The Task of Our Teacher College

Graduates." April 27, 1960. 24pp. 0109 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bluefield State College, Bluefield, West Virginia. "Disarmament." April 27,

1960.7pp. 0116 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Rally, Charles Town, West Virginia. "The Democratic Party."

Aprils, 1960. 6pp. 0122 Address of Senator Kennedy, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. "Disarmament." April 29,1960.

7PP- 0129 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, Richmond, Indiana. "U.S.-Soviet

Competition." April 29, 1960. 9pp. 0138 Address of Senator Kennedy, Howard County Court House, Kokomo, Indiana. "Food for Peace."

April 29, 1960. 5pp. 0143 Address of Senator Kennedy, "The Voice of Indiana." April 29, 1960. 10pp. 0153 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Rally, St. Âlbans, West Virginia. "Help for Our Older

Citizens." April 30, 1960. 10pp. 0163 Address of Senator Kennedy, South Charleston, West Virginia. "New Industry for West Virginia."

April 30, 1960. 5pp.

Box 909 0168 Address of Senator Kennedy, Parkersburg, West Virginia. "The West Virginia Primary." May 1, 1960. 5pp. 0173 Address of Senator Kennedy, Weirton, West Virginia. "Small Businesses." May 1, 1960. 11 pp. 0184 Address of Senator Kennedy, Welch, West Virginia. "Poverty in West Virginia." May 3, 1960. 2pp. 0186 Address of Senator Kennedy, West Virginia Presidential Primary TV Debate, Charleston, West

Virginia. "The West Virginia Primary." May 4,1960. 8pp. 0194 Address of Senator Kennedy, Athens, West Virginia. "The Crisis in American Education." May 4,1960.

4pp. 0198 Address of Senator Kennedy, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. "Youth Conservation Corps."

May 4,1960. 2pp. 0200 Address of Senator Kennedy, Alderson, West Virginia. "Industrial Development in West Virginia."

May 4, 1960. 2pp. 0202 Address of Senator Kennedy, Ronceverte, West Virginia. "Industrial Development in West Virginia."

May 4, 1960. 3pp.


Frame Subject

0205 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lewisburg, West Virginia. "Youth Conservation Corps." May 4, 1960. 3pp. 0208 Address of Senator Kennedy, Charleston, West Virginia. "The American Economy-Eight Years of

Retreat." May 4,1960. 8pp. 0216 Address of Senator Kennedy, Huntington, West Virginia. "Economic Problems in West Virginia." May 6,

1960. 6pp. 0222 Address of Senator Kennedy, Omaha, Nebraska. "The Presidential Primary-and Your Vote."

May 7, 1960. 17pp. 0239 Address of Senator Kennedy, Elkins, West Virginia. "Industrial Development in West Virginia." May 8,

1960.4pp. 0243 Address of Senator Kennedy, Clarksburg, West Virginia. "Industrial Development in West Virginia."

May 8, 1960. 9pp. 0252 Address of Senator Kennedy, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland. "Disarmament."

May 11, 1960. 7pp. 0259 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Democratic Women's Clubs of America Luncheon, Rockville,

Maryland. "American Education." May 12, 1960.11pp. 0270 Address of Senator Kennedy, Prince George's Democratic Club Dedication, "Civil Sen/ice Pay

Scale Increase." May 12, 1960. 2pp. 0272 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bronx Democratic Dinner, New York, New York. "1960 Presidential

Primaries." May 12, 1960. 3pp. 0275 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hagerstown, Maryland. "Industrial Development in Maryland."

May 13, 1960.3pp. 0278 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hood College, Frederick, Maryland. "India and China." May 13,1960. 5pp. 0283 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rally, Baltimore, Maryland. "The American Economy; The Democratic

Party; Housing." May 13, 1960. 20pp. 0303 Address of Senator Kennedy, Eastern Shore Youth Council Conference, Elkton, Maryland. "The

Education of an American Politician." May 14, 1960. 22pp. 0325 Address of Senator Kennedy, Easton, Maryland. "Federal Farm Policy." May 14, 1960. 2pp. 0327 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Maryland Rally, College Park, Maryland. "Federal Farm

Policy; Disarmament; Foreign Policy." May 14, 1960. 18pp. 0345 Address of Senator Kennedy, Salisbury, Maryland. "Programs for Older Citizens." May 14, 1960. 3pp. 0348 Address of Senator Kennedy, Cambridge, Maryland. "Water Pollution Control." May 14,1960. 2pp. 0350 Address of Senator Kennedy, Alben Barkley Democratic Club Banquet, Maryland. "The Democratic

Party." May 14, 1960. 3pp. 0353 Article from May 1960 Issue of The Progressive by James A. Wechsler, "The Liberal Retreat--and the

Need for Political Realignment." Comments Solicited from Senator Kennedy. 15pp. 0368 Address of Senator Kennedy, Young People for Kennedy Rally, Portland, Oregon. The Presidency."

May 15, 1960.4pp. 0372 Address of Senator Kennedy, The Dalles, Oregon. "The Oregon Presidential Primary." May 15, 1960.

7pp. 0379 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon. "Defense." May 16, 1960.

5pp. 0384 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hillsboro High School, Portland, Oregon. "The President's

Responsibility in Foreign Affairs." May 17, 1960. 7pp. 0391 Address of Senator Kennedy, Weyerhauser Lumber Company, Eugene, Oregon. "Labor Reform."

May 17, 1960.5pp. 0396 Address of Senator Kennedy, Spokane, Washington. "The Democratic Party." May 27, 1960.17pp. 0413 Address of Senator Kennedy, Testimonial Dinner for Governor Brown, Los Angeles, California. "The

Democratic Party." May 31,1960. 12pp. 0425 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Los Angeles, California. "Foreign Policy."

May 31, 1960.5pp. 0430 Address of Senator Kennedy, Testimonial Dinner for Governor Brown, San Francisco, California.

"Federal Farm Policy; Disarmament; Foreign Policy." June 1, 1960. 20pp.


Frame Subject

0450 Address of Senator Kennedy, New Mexico State Democratic Convention, New Mexico. "Foreign Policy." June 4, 1960. 4pp.

0454 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Minneapolis, Minnesota. "Liberalism." June 4, 1960. 8pp.

0462 Address of Senator Kennedy, AFL-CIO Convention, Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Automation; Programs for Older Citizens." June 7, 1960. 24pp.

0486 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "A Time of Decision-Where Do We Go from Here?" June 14, 1960. 40pp.

Box 910 0526 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Democratic Club Luncheon, New York, New York. "Urban

Problems." June 17, 1960. 6pp. 0532 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Aberdeen, South Dakota. "A Bill of Rights for

Agriculture." June 18, 1960. 5pp. 0537 Address of Senator Kennedy, Durango, Colorado. "Natural Resource Conservation and Development."

June 18, 1960. 8pp. 0545 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Legion State Convention, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

"Defense." June 19, 1960. 5pp. 0550 Address of Senator Kennedy, Quentin Burdick Birthday Dinner, Fargo, North Dakota. "Federal Farm

Policy." June 19, 1960. 6pp. 0556 Address of Senator Kennedy, Dinner in Honor of John Healey, Camden, New Jersey. "The Democratic

Party; Foreign Policy." June 22, 1960. 10pp. 0566 Address of Senator Kennedy, Essex County Democratic Dinner, Spring Lake, New Jersey. "The

Democratic Party." June 22, 1960. 13pp. 0579 Address of Senator Kennedy, First Congressional District Democratic Dinner, Camden, New Jersey.

"The President's Responsibility in Foreign Affairs." June 22, 1960. 2pp. 0581 Address of Senator Kennedy following a Meeting with the New York State Liberal Party,

"Liberalism." June 22, 1960. 3pp. 0584 Address of Senator Kennedy, Luncheon in Honor of African Diplomatic Corps, Washington, D.C.

"Africa." June 24, 1960. 5pp. 0589 Address of Senator Kennedy, Iowa. "Federal Farm Policy." June 26, 1960. 5pp. 0594 Address of Senator Kennedy, Montana Convention Banquet, Helena, Montana. "Natural Resource

. Conservation and Development." June 27, 1960. 7pp. 0601 Address of Senator Kennedy, NÀACP Rally, Los Angeles, California. "Civil Rights." July 10,1960. 4pp. 0605 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic National Committee Dinner, Los Angeles, California. The

Democratic Presidential Nominee." July 10, 1960. 3pp. 0608 Address of Senator. Kennedy upon Acceptance of the Democratic Presidential Nomination, Democratic

National Convention, Los Angeles, California. "The New Frontier." July 15,1960. 8pp. 0616 . Press Conference of Senator Kennedy, Overseas Press Club, New York, New York. "Immigration;

Captivé Nations." August 5, 1960. 7pp. 0623 Remarks in the United States Senate by Senator Kennedy. "Minimum Wage Bill." August 10,1960.

10pp. 0633 Address of Senator Kennedy, 25th Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act, Hyde Park,

New York. "Programs for Older Citizens." August 14,1960. 7pp. 0640 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mid-West Farm Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. "Federal Farm Policy."

August 21, 1960.9pp. 0649 Article from August 22, 1960 Issue of Life by Senator Kennedy. "We Must Climb to the Hilltop." 6pp. 0655 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Rally, Alexandria, Virginia. "The Democratic Party; Foreign

Policy." August 24, 1960. 10pp. 0665 Address of Senator Kennedy, VFW Convention, Detroit, Michigan. "Defense." August 26, 1960. 7pp. 0672 Address of Senator Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, New York, New York. The Middle East."

August 26, 1960. 10pp. 0682 Address of Senator Kennedy before the New York State AFL-CIO [in absentia]. "Social Security;

Minimum Wage." August 30,1960. 4pp.


Frame Subject

0686 Press Conference of Senator Kennedy, Portland, Maine. "The United Nations; Programs for Older Citizens; Foreign Policy." September 2, 1960. 17pp.

0703 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport Rally, Manchester, New Hampshire. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 2, 1960. 3pp.

0706 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport Rally, Presque Isle, Maine. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 2, 1960. 4pp.

0710 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bangor, Maine. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 2, 1960. 4pp.

0714 Address of Senator Kennedy, Portland, Maine. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 2, 1960. 7pp.

0721 Address of Senator Kennedy, San Francisco, California. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 3,1960. 5pp.

0726 Address of Senator Kennedy, Anchorage, Alaska. "Alaska." September 3, 1960. 4pp. 0730 Address of Senator Kennedy, Alaska State Fair, Palmer, Alaska. "Alaska." September 3, 1960. 16pp. 0746 Address of Senator Kennedy, Detroit, Michigan. "The Democratic Party." September 4,1960. 2pp. 0748 Address of Senator Kennedy, Michigan State Fair, Detroit, Michigan. "The Importance of the 1960

Presidential Election." September 5, 1960. 6pp. 0754 Address of Senator Kennedy, Cadillac Square, Detroit, Michigan. "Unemployment; Labor; Natural

Resources." September 5, 1960. 8pp. 0762 Address of Senator Kennedy, Picnic, Muskegon, Michigan. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

September 5, 1960. 3pp. 0765 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Muskegon, Michigan. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential

Election." Septembers, 1960. 2pp. 0767 Address of Senator Kennedy, Doo Drop Inn, Muskegon, Michigan. The Importance of the 1960

Presidential Election." September 5, 1960. 4pp. 0771 Remarks of Senator Kennedy to Alaskan Newspapers by Telephone. September 6, 1960. 2pp. 0773 Address of Senator Kennedy, Pocatello, Idaho. "Mining Legislation." September 6, 1960. 16pp. 0789 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lincoln Monument Rally, Spokane, Washington. "The Importance of the

1960 Presidential Election." September 6, 1960. 3pp. 0792 Address of Senator Kennedy, Seattle, Washington. "Defense." September 6, 1960. 16pp. 0808 Address of Senator Kennedy, Eugene, Oregon. "Education." September 7,1960. 9pp.

Box 911 0817 Address of Senator Kennedy, Salem, Oregon. "U.S.-Soviet Competition." September 7, 1960. 4pp. 0821 Address of Senator Kennedy, Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon, "Labor; Foreign Policy; Decline of

American Prestige Abroad." September 7, 1960. 16pp. 0837 Address of Senator Kennedy, Redding, California. "Natural Resource Conservation and Development."

Septembers, 1960. 12pp. 0849 Address of Senator Kennedy, Red Bluff, California. "Natural Resource Conservation and

Development." September 8, 1960. 3pp. 0852 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chico, California. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election."

September 8, 1960. 2pp. 0854 Address of Senator Kennedy, Marysville, California. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential

Election." September 8,1960. 3pp. 0857 Address of Senator Kennedy, Martinez, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." September 8,

1960. 3pp. 0860 Address of Senator Kennedy, Richmond, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

September 8, 1960. 2pp. 0862 Address of Senator Kennedy, Oakland, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." September 8,

1960. 12pp. 0874 Address of Senator Kennedy, Stockton, California. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election."

September 9, 1960. 2pp. 0876 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fresno, California. "Defense; Disarmament; Foreign Policy."

September 9, 1960. 7pp.


Frame Subject

0883 Address of Senator Kennedy, Merced, California. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 9, 1960. 3pp.

0886 Address of Senator Kennedy, Madera, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." September 9, 1960.2pp.

0888 Address of Senator Kennedy, Tulare, California. "The 1960 Presidential Election." September 9, 1960. 3pp.

0891 Address of Senator Kennedy, Turlock, California. "The 1960 Presidential Election." September 9, 1960. 3pp.

0894 Press Conference of Senator Kennedy, Lockheed Air Terminal, Burbank, California. "The Religious Issue; Civil Rights." September 9, 1960. 6pp.

0900 Address of Senator Kennedy, Burbank, California. "The 1960 Presidential Election." September 9, 1960.2pp.

0902 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Bakersfield, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." September.9, 1960. 3pp.

0905 Address of Senator Kennedy, Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, California. "Civil Rights; The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 9, 1960.15pp.

0920 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lindbergh Field, San Diego, California. "The 1960 Presidential Election." September 11,1960. 2pp.

0922 Address of Senator Kennedy, U.S. Grant Hotel, San Diego, California. "Defense." September 11, 1960. 7pp.

0929 Address of Senator Kennedy, El Paso, Texas. The Democratic Party." September 12, 1960. 3pp. 0932 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Lubbock, Texas. The Democratic Party." September 12, 1960.

4pp. 0936 Address of Senator Kennedy, The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas. "Latin America; The Democratic Party."

September 12, 1960. 7pp. 0943 Address of Senator Kennedy, The Coliseum, Houston, Texas. The Democratic Party." September 12,

1960.9pp. 0952 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, Rice Hotel,

Houston, Texas. The Religious Issue." September 12, 1960. 25pp.

Reel 9 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box 911 cont 0001 Address of Senator Kennedy, Dallas, Texas. "U.S.-Soviet Competition." September 13, 1960.10pp. 0011 Address of Senator Kennedy, Arkansas-Texas Fairgrounds, Texarkana, Texas. "Criticism of the

Republican Party; The Democratic Party." September 13, 1960. 6pp. 0017 News Release concerning the Kennedy Conference on New Jobs and New Growth, Charleston, West

Virginia. "Unemployment." September 12, 1960-September 13, 1960. 3pp. 0020 Address of Senator Kennedy, Citizens for Kennedy Rally, New York, New York. The Importance of

the 1960 Election; The Democratic Party." September 14, 1960. 5pp. 0025 Address of Senator Kennedy, Senior Citizens Rally, New York, New York. "Programs for Older

Citizens." September 14, 1960. 4pp. 0029 Address of Senator Kennedy, Women's Democratic Luncheon, New York, New York. "Defense;

Disarmament." September 14,1960. 5pp. 0034 Address of Senator Kennedy, I.A.M. Convention, St. Louis, Missouri. "Criticism of the

Republican Party; The Democratic Party." September 14, 1960. 6pp. 0040 Address of Senator Kennedy before the Liberal Party, New York, New York. "Liberalism."

September 14, 1960. 10pp. 0050 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jersey City, New Jersey. The Democratic Party." September 15,1960.



Frame Subject

0053 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bergen Mall, Paramus, New Jersey. "Defense; Foreign Policy." September 15, 1960. 10pp.

0063 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall, Patterson, New Jersey. "The Democratic Party." September 15, 1960. 3pp.

0066 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall, Newark, New Jersey. "Criticism of the Republican Party; The Democratic Party." September 15, 1960. 3pp.

0069 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall, New Brunswick, New Jersey. "The Democratic Party." September 15, 1960. 3pp.

0072 Address of Senator Kennedy, State Office Building, Trenton, New Jersey- "The Democratic Party." September 15, 1960. 3pp.

0075 Address of Senator Kennedy, Clifton, New Jersey. "The Democratic Party." September 15, 1960. 2pp. 0077 Address of Senator Kennedy, Zembo Mosque Temple, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. "The Democratic

Party." September 15, 1960. 6pp. 0083 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

September 16, 1960. 3pp. 0086 Address of Senator Kennedy, Reading, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Programs for

Older Citizens." September 16, 1960. 5pp. 0091 Address of Senator Kennedy, Columbia, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party." •

September 16, 1960. 3pp. 0094 Address of Senator Kennedy, York, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party." September 16,

1960. 3pp. 0097 Address of Senator Kennedy, Towson, Maryland. "The Democratic Party." September 16, 1960. 3pp. 0100 Address of Senator Kennedy, Pikesville Armory, Pikesville, Maryland. "Nikita Khrushchev's Visit to

the United Nations." September 16, 1960. 10pp. 0110 Address of Senator Kennedy, Eastern Carolina Stadium, Greenville, North Carolina. "The Democratic

Party." September 17, 1960. 4pp 0114 Address of Senator Kennedy, Tobacco Warehouse, Greenville, North Carolina. "The Democratic

Party." September 17,1960. 2pp. 0116 Address of Senator Kennedy, Greensboro, North Carolina. "The Democratic Party." September 17,

1960.5pp. 0121 Address of Senator Kennedy, Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina. "The Democratic Party; "The

Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 17, 1960. 6pp. 0127 Address of Senator Kennedy via Telephone to Asheville, North Carolina. "The Democratic Party."

September 17, 1960. 3pp. 0130 Address of Senator Kennedy, Raleigh, North Carolina. "The Democratic Party; Defense; Foreign

Policy." September 17, 1960. 14pp. 0144 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Chemical Workers Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

"Automation; Unemployment; The Democratic Party." September 19,1960. 5pp. 0149 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Steelworkers of America Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

"Criticism of the Republican Party; Unemployment." September 19, 1960.14pp. 0163 Address of Senator Kennedy, Civic Center, Charleston, West Virginia. "Economic Development for

West Virginia; The American Economy." September 19,1960. 10pp. 0173 Address of Senator Kennedy, Daniel Boone Hotel, Charleston, West Virginia. "The Democratic Party."

September 19, 1960. 2pp. 0175 CBS News Broadcast. "Presidential Countdown, Mr. Kennedy: A Profile." September 19,1960. 22pp. 0197 Address of Senator Kennedy, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. "Foreign Policy."

September 20, 1960. 7pp. 0204 Address of Senator Kennedy, Tri-Cities Airport, Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee. "The Democratic Party."

September 21,1960. 4pp. 0208 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport Rally, Knoxville, Tennessee. "The Democratic Party."

September 21,1960. 4pp. 0212 Address of Senator Kennedy, Memorial Auditorium Steps, Nashville, Tennessee. "The Democratic

Party." September 21,1960. 6pp.


Frame Subject '

0218 Address of Senator Kennedy, State Fair, Nashville, Tennessee. "Federal Farm Policy." September 21, 1960. 3pp.

0221 Address of Senator Kennedy, Riverside Drive Rally, Memphis, Tennessee. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 21,1960. 7pp.

0228 Address of Senator Kennedy, Municipal Auditorium, Sioux City, Iowa. "Federal Farm Policy." September 21, 1960. 6pp.

0234 Address of Senator Kennedy, Sioux City, Iowa. "Foreign Policy; The Democratic Party." September 22, 1960. 5pp.

0239 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport Rally, Fort Dodge, Iowa. "Federal Farm Policy." September 22, 1960.4pp.

0243 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Plowing Contest, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. "Federal Farm Policy." September 22, 1960. 14pp.

0257 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mitchell, South Dakota. "Federal Farm Policy." September 22,1960. 6pp. 0263 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport Rally, Fargo, North Dakota. "Federal Farm Policy; The

Democratic Party." September 22,1960. 5pp. 0268 Address of Senator Kennedy, Shrine Auditorium, Billings, Montana. "The American Economy; Natural

Resource Conservation and Development." September 22, 1960. 12pp. 0280 Address of Senator Kennedy, Cheyenne, Wyoming. "Foreign Policy; Natural Resource Conservation

and Development." September 23,1960. 6pp. 0286 Address of Senator Kennedy, Civic Center, Denver, Colorado. "The Democratic Party." September 23,

1960. 8pp. 0294 Address of Senator Kennedy, Denver Hilton Hotel, Denver, Colorado. "Criticism of the Republican

Party; The Democratic Party." September 23,1960. 5pp. 0299 Transcript of Westinghouse Broadcasting Company Program. "American Forum of the Air: Which Party

for the Independent Voter?" Interview with Charles A. Rhyne, Nixon-Lodge National Chairman, and Byron R. White, Kennedy-Johnson National Chairman. September 23,1960. 21pp.

0320 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah. "Religious Freedom; Foreign Policy." September 23, 1960. 14pp.

0334 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election; Foreign Policy." September 23, 1960. 6pp.

0340 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hotel Hollenden, Cleveland, Ohio. "The American Economy." September 25, 1960. 5pp.

0345 Address of Senator Kennedy, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Special Convention, Chicago, Illinois. The Democratic Party; The American Economy." September 26, 1960. 5pp.

Box 912 0350 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hellriegel's Inn, Painesville, Ohio. "The Democratic Party; The

Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 27, 1960. 4pp. 0354 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lorraine Stadium, Lorraine, Ohio. "The Democratic Party; Criticism of

the Republican Party." September 27, 1960. 4pp. 0358 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mansfield, Ohio. "Foreign Policy." September 27,1960. 4pp. 0362 Address of Senator Kennedy, Armory, Akron, Ohio. "Criticism of the Republican Party; The Democratic

Party." September 27,1960. 5pp. 0367 Address of Senator Kennedy, Municipal Auditorium, Canton, Ohio. "Criticism of the Republican Party;

Automation." September 27, 1960. 6pp. 0373 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Erie, Pennsylvania. "The Democratic Party." September 27,

1960.3pp. 0376 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lawrence Hotel, Erie, Pennsylvania. "The Democratic Party."

September 28, 1960. 4pp. 0380 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lawrence Hotel Rally, Erie, Pennsylvania. "The Democratic Party."

September 28, 1960. 4pp. 0384 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bell Aircraft Company, Niagara Falls, New York. "The Democratic Party;

Defense Contracts; Civil Rights." September 28, 1960. 5pp.


Frame Subject

0389 Address of Senator Kennedy, Treadway Inn, Niagara Falls, New York. "Criticism of the Republican Party; The Democratic Party." September 28, 1960. 4pp. N

0393 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lockport, New York. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 28, 1960. 6pp.

0399 Address of Senator Kennedy, North Tonawanda, New York. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 28, 1960. 4pp.

0403 Address of Senator Kennedy, War Memorial Building, Rochester, New York. "Foreign Policy." September 28, 1960. 6pp.

0409 Address of Senator Kennedy, Senior Citizens Meeting, Kleinhan's Music Hall, Buffalo, New York. "Programs for Older Citizens." September 28, 1960. 3pp.

0412 Address of Senator Kennedy, Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, New York. "Criticism of the Republican Party; The Democratic Party." September 28, 1960. 7pp.

0419 Address of Senator Kennedy, State Capitol, Albany, New York. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 29, 1960. 4pp.

0423 Address of Senator Kennedy, Troy, New York. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." September 29, 1960. 3pp.

0426 Address of Senator Kennedy, Schenectady, New York. "The American Economy." September 29, 1960.5pp.

0431 Address of Senator Kennedy, Amsterdam, New York. "The American Economy; Polluted Rivers; Minimum Wage." September 29, 1960. 5pp.

0436 Address of Senator Kennedy, Syracuse, New York. "Foreign Policy." September 29, 1960. 11pp. 0447 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall, Chicago, Illinois. "Eastern Europe." October 1, 1960. 3pp. 0450 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lake Meadow Shopping Center, Chicago, Illinois. "The American

Economy." October 1, 1960. 2pp. 0452 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Polish Congress, Chicago, Illinois. "U.S. Policy toward Poland

and Eastern Europe." October 1, 1960. 11pp. 0463 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bean Feed, Minneapolis, Minnesota. "Criticism of the Republican Party;

Federal Farm Policy." October 1, 1960. 17pp. 0480 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, St. Paul, Minnesota. "The Democratic Party." October 2, 1960.

2pp. 0482 Address of Senator Kennedy, St. Paul Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. "The Importance of the 1960

Presidential Election." October 2, 1960. 5pp. 0487 Address of Senator Kennedy, GTA Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota. "Federal Farm Policy."

October 2, 1960. 7pp. 0494 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota. "Criticism of the Republican

Party." October 2, 1960. 6pp. 0500 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hibbing, Minnesota. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 2,

1960.5pp. 0505 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chase Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 2, 1960. 11pp. 0516 Address of Senator Kennedy, Alton, Illinois. The Democratic Party." October 3, 1960. 3pp. 0519 Address of Senator Kennedy, Granite City, Illinois. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election."

Octobers, 1960. 4pp. 0523 Address of Senator Kennedy, 15th and Broadway, East St. Louis, Illinois. The Democratic Party."

October 3, 1960. 2pp. 0525 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Stockyards, East St. Louis, Illinois. "Federal Farm

Policy." Octobers, 1960. 3pp. 0528 Address of Senator Kennedy, Main Intersection, East St. Louis, Illinois. "The Democratic Party."

October 3, 1960. 3pp. 0531 Address of Senator Kennedy, Augustine's Restaurant, Belleville, Illinois. "Criticism of the,Republican

Party." October 3, 1960. 3pp. 0534 Address of Senator Kennedy, Belleville, Illinois. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election."

October 3, 1960. 4pp.


Frame Subject

0538 Address of Senator Kennedy, Stadium, Carbondale, Illinois. The Democratic Party; The American Economy; Foreign Policy." October 3, 1960. 6pp.

0544 Address of Senator Kennedy, Marion County Court House, Marion, Illinois. The Democratic Party." October 3, 1960. 4pp.

0548 Address of Senator Kennedy, Veterans Hospital, Marion, Illinois. "Veterans Hospitals." October 3, 1960. 2pp.

0550 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Marion, Illinois. "The Democratic Party." October 3, 1960. 2pp. 0552 Address of Senator Kennedy, Harrisburg, Illinois. "Federal Farm Policy; The American Economy."

October 3, 1960. 4pp. 0556 Address of Senator Kennedy, Venice, Illinois. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 3,1960. 3pp. 0559 Address of Senator Kennedy, Armory, Springfield, Illinois. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Federal

Farm Policy." October 3, 1960. 14pp. 0573 Address of Senator Kennedy, Evansville, Indiana. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 4,

1960.4pp. 0577 Address of Senator Kennedy, WTTV Telecast, Indianapolis, Indiana. "Foreign Policy; Federal Farm

Policy; Housing Programs." October 4,1960.15pp. 0592 Address of Senator Kennedy, Auditorium, Indianapolis, Indiana. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 4, 1960. 12pp. 0604 Address of Senator Kennedy, Pendleton, Indiana. "The American Economy." October 5, 1960. 2pp. 0606 Address of Senator Kennedy, Muncie, Indiana. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 5, 1960.

4pp. 0610 Address of Senator Kennedy, Muncie Gear Works, Muncie, Indiana. "The Democratic Party."

Octobers, 1960. 2pp. 0612 Address of Senator Kennedy, Anderson, Indiana. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election."

Octobers, 1960. 4pp. 0616 Address of Senator Kennedy, Court House, Terre Haute, Indiana. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

. Octobers, 1960. 4pp. 0620 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson Square, Louisville, Kentucky. The Importance of the 1960

..Presidential Election."October5,1960. 4pp. 0624 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fairgrounds, Louisville, Kentucky. "Federal Farm Policy; The American

Economy." October 5,1960. 17pp. 0641 Address of Senator Kennedy, Government Square, Cincinnati, Ohio. "Criticism of the Republican

Party; Foreign Policy." October 6,1960. 5pp. 0646 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Dinner, Cincinnati, Ohio. "Cuba." October 6,1960. 8pp. 0654 Address of Senator Kennedy, Howard University, Washington, D.C. "Civil Rights." October 7,1960.

8pp. 0662 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky. "Criticism of the

Republican Party." October 8, 1960. 6pp. 0668 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bowling Green, Kentucky. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Federal

Farm Policy; Africa." October 8,1960.12pp. 0680 Address of Senator Kennedy, Paducah, Kentucky. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election."

October 8, i960. 7pp. 0687 Address of Senator Kennedy, Youngstown, Ohio. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election;

The American Economy." October 9, 1960. 8pp. 0695 Address of Senator Kennedy, Girard, Ohio. The Democratic Party." October 9, 1960. 2pp. 0697 Address of Senator Kennedy, Warren, Ohio. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 9,1960. 5pp. 0702 Address of Senator Kennedy, Salem, Ohio. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 9,1960. 3pp. 0705 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Louisville, Kentucky. The Democratic Party." October 9,1960.

2pp. 0707 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Columbus, Georgia. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 10,

1960.3pp. 0710 Address of Senator Kennedy, The Little White House, Warm Springs, Georgia. "Franklin D. Roosevelt;

Health Care." October 10, 1960. 12pp.


Frame Subject

0722 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, La Grange, Georgia. "The Democratic Party." October 10, 1960. 2pp.

0724 Address of Senator Kennedy, State House, Columbia, South Carolina. "The Democratic Party; Federal Farm Policy." October 10, 1960. 11pp.

0735 Address of Senator Kennedy, Urban Affairs Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Urban Problems." October 10, 1960. 5pp.

Box 913 0740 Address of Senator Kennedy, Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican

Party." October 10,1960. 6pp. 0746 Address of Senator Kennedy, Associated Business Publications Conference, New York, New York.

"The American Economy." October 12, 1960. 35pp. 0781 Address of Senator Kennedy before the National Council of Women, Inc., New York, New York.

"Africa." October 12, 1960. 14pp. 0795 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic National and State Committees Dinner, New York, New York.

" National Security; China." October 12,1960. 6pp. 0801 Address of Senator Kennedy, National Conference on Constitutional Rights and American Freedom,

New York, New York. "Civil Rights." October 12, 1960. 6pp. 0807 Address of Senator Kennedy, Roosevelt Raceway, Mineóla, New York. "The Importance of the 1960

Presidential Election." October 12, 1960. 3pp. 0810 Address of Senator Kennedy, Public Rally, Hotel Theresa, New York, New York. "The Democratic

Party; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 12, 1960. 5pp. 0815 Address of Senator Kennedy, Harlem Rally, New York, New York. "Civil Rights; Criticism of the

Republican Party." October 12, 1960. 13pp. 0828 Address of Senator Kennedy, Railroad Station, Ann Arbor, Michigan. "Education; Health Care."

October 14, 1960. 6pp. 0834 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jackson, Michigan. "The Democratic Party; Criticism of the Republican

Party." October 14,1960. 5pp. 0839 Address of Senator Kennedy, Albion, Michigan. "The Democratic Party; Criticism of the Republican

Party." October 14,1960. 4pp. 0843 Address of Senator Kennedy, Marshall, Michigan. "The Democratic Party; Foreign Policy."

October 14, 1960. 4pp. 0847 Address of Senator Kennedy, Battle Creek, Michigan. "The Democratic Party; Criticism of the

Republican Party." October 14,1960. 5pp. 0852 Address of Senator Kennedy, Kalamazoo, Michigan. "Education; Foreign Policy." October 14, 1960.

4pp. 0856 Address of Senator Kennedy, Grand Rapids, Michigan. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential

Election." October 14, 1960.4pp. 0860 Address of Senator Kennedy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. "The American

Economy; Africa." October 14, 1960. 5pp. 0865 Address of Senator Kennedy, Owasso, Michigan. "The American Economy; The Democratic Party."

October 14, 1960. 3pp. 0868 Address of Senator Kennedy, Capitol Steps, Lansing, Michigan. "The Democratic Party; The American

Economy." October 14, 1960. 4pp. 0872 Address of Senator Kennedy, Saginaw, Michigan. "The Democratic Party; The American Economy."

October 14, 1960. 11pp. 0883 Address of Senator Kennedy to the Adult Education Association of the U.S.A., Denver, Colorado.

"Education." October 14, 1960. 3pp. 0886 Address of Senator Kennedy, Sharon Inn, Sharon, Pennsylvania. "The Democratic Party." October 15,

1960.2pp. 0888 Address of Senator Kennedy, Sharon, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 15,

1960. 6pp. 0894 Address of Senator Kennedy, New Castle, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 15, 1960.5pp.


Frame Subject

0899 Address of Senator Kennedy, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. The Democratic Party." October 15, 1960. 5pp.

0904 Address of Senator Kennedy, Butler, Pennsylvania. "The American Economy; Automation." October 15, 1960. 5pp.

0909 Address of Senator Kennedy, Kittanning, Pennsylvania. "The American Economy; Foreign Policy." October 15, 1960. 5pp.

0914 Address of Senator Kennedy, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Cuba." October 15, 1960. 11pp.

0925 Address of Senator Kennedy, Levittown, New Jersey. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 16, 1960. 5pp.

0930 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wilmington, Delaware. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 16, 1960.7pp.

0937 Address of Senator Kennedy, Montgomery Blair High School, Silver Spring, Maryland. "Education; Disarmament; Foreign Policy." October 16, 1960.17pp.

Reel 10 Speech Files, 1953-1960 cont.

Box913conL 0001 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jefferson-Jackson Day Brunch, Middletown, Ohio. "The Democratic

Party." October 17,1960. 4pp. 0005 Address of Senator Kennedy, Court House Steps, Dayton, Ohio. "The Importance of the 1960

Presidential Election." October 17, 1960. 5pp. 0010 Address of Senator Kennedy, Biltmore Hotel, Dayton, Ohio. The American Economy." October 17,

1960. 12pp. 0022 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fairborn, Ohio. The Democratic Party." October 17, 1960. 4pp. 0026 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. "Government Corruption."

October 17,1960. 15pp. 0041 Address of Senator Kennedy, London, Ohio. The Democratic Party." October 17, 1960. 5pp. 0046 Address of Senator Kennedy, Capitol Steps, Columbus, Ohio. The Democratic Party." October.17,

1960. 6pp. 0052 Address of Senator Kennedy, 163rd Street Shopping Center, North Miami Beach; Florida. "Criticism of

the Republican Party." October 18, 1960. 4pp. • 0056 Address of Senator Kennedy, Band Shell, Miami, Florida. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 18, 1960. 5pp. 0061 Address of Senator Kennedy, American Legion Convention, Miami, Florida. "Defense." October 18,

1960.23pp. 0084 Address of Senator Kennedy, Tampa, Florida. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election;

Criticism of the Republican Party." October 18,1960. 16pp. 0100 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jacksonville, Florida. The Democratic Party; Criticism of the

Republican Party." October 18,1960. 7pp. 0107 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall Steps, New York, New York. The Democratic Party."

• October 19, 1960.3pp. 0110 Address of Senator Kennedy, Yonkers, New York. The Democratic Party." October 19, 1960. 2pp. 0112 Address of Senator Kennedy, Union Hall, New York, New York. "Minimum Wage." October 19,1960. 4pp. 0116 Address of Senator Kennedy, AI Smith Memorial Dinner, New York, New York. "Criticism of the

Republican Party." October 19,1960. 8pp. 0124 Address of Senator Kennedy, Martin's Store, Fulton and Duffield Streets, Brooklyn, New York.

"Criticism of the Republican Party." October 20, 1960. 2pp. 0126 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fulton and Nostrand Streets, Brooklyn, New York.

"Civil Rights." October 20, 1960. 3pp.


Frame Subject

0129 Address of Senator Kennedy, Foster and Nostrand Streets, Brooklyn, New York. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 20, 1960. 2pp.

0131 Address of Senator Kennedy, Sears Roebuck, Brooklyn, New York. "The Democratic Party; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 20, 1960. 2pp.

0133 Address of Senator Kennedy, Utica Avenue and Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York. "The Democratic Party." October 20,1960. 2pp.

0135 Address of Senator Kennedy, Macy's, Brooklyn, New York. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 20, 1960. 2pp.

0137 Address of Senator Kennedy, Pat Clancy Dinner, Astor Hotel, New York, New York. "The Democratic Party." October 20, 1960. 4pp.

0141 Address of Senator Kennedy, Madison Square Garden, New York, New York. "Unemployment." October 20, 1960. 4pp.

0145 Address of Senator Kennedy, Crestwood, Missouri. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 22, 1960. 4pp.

0149 Address of Senator Kennedy, Jennings, Missouri. "The Democratic Party; The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 22, 1960. 6pp.

0155 Address of Senator Kennedy, Democratic Breakfast, St. Louis, Missouri. "The Democratic Party." October 22, 1960. 7pp.

0162 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lawrence Stadium, Wichita, Kansas. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Federal Farm Policy." October 22, 1960. 7pp.

0169 Address of Senator Kennedy, Shawnee Mission East High School, Kansas City, Kansas. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 22, 1960. 6pp.

0175 Address of Senator Kennedy, Truman Shopping Center, Grand View, Missouri. "Criticism of the Republican Party; The Democratic Party." October 22, 1960. 4pp.

0179 Address of Senator Kennedy, Auditorium, Kansas City, Missouri. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 22, 1960. 7pp.

Box 914

0186 Address of Senator Kennedy, Green Bay, Wisconsin. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 23, 1960. 5pp.

0191 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 23, 1960. 8pp.

0199 Address of Senator Kennedy, La Crosse, Wisconsin. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election; Federal Farm Policy." October 23, 1960. 11pp.

0210 Address of Senator Kennedy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Disarmament." October 23, 1960. 15pp.

0225 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rockford, Illinois. "The Democratic Party; Programs for Older Citizens." October 24, 1960. 11pp.

0236 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 24, 1960. 5pp.

0241 Address of Senator Kennedy, Courthouse Rally, Peoria, Illinois. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 24, 1960. 4pp.

0245 Address of Senator Kennedy, Caterpillar Plant, East Peoria, Illinois. "The Democratic Party." October 24, 1960. 2pp.

0247 Address of Senator Kennedy, New Field House, Moline, Illinois. "Education; Health Care; Federal Farm Policy." October 24, 1960. 6pp.

0253 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rock Island, Illinois. "Richard Nixon's Voting Record." October 24, 1960. 6pp.

0259 Address of Senator Kennedy, O'Hare Inn, Chicago, Illinois. The Democratic Party." October 25,1960. 6pp.

0265 Address of Senator Kennedy, Liberty Mall, Libertyville, Illinois. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25, 1960. 4pp.

0269 Address of Senator Kennedy, Barrington School, Barrington, Illinois. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25, 1960. 3pp.


Frame Subject

0272 Address of Senator Kennedy, Meadowdale Shopping Center, Carpentersville, Illinois. "Education." October 25, 1960. 8pp.

0280 Address of Senator Kennedy, Street Rally, Elgin, Illinois. The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25, 1960. 3pp.

0283 Address of Senator Kennedy, Baker Park, St. Charles, Illinois. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25, 1960. 3pp.

0286 Address of Senator Kennedy, Geneva, Illinois. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25, 1960. 3pp.

0289 Address of Senator Kennedy, Batavia, Illinois. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 25, 1960. 3pp.

0292 Address of Senator Kennedy, Aurora, Illinois. "The American Economy; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25, 1960. 4pp.

0296 Address of Senator Kennedy, Elmhurst, Illinois. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 25,1960. 4pp.

0300 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mount Clemens, Michigan. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 26, 1960. 6pp.

0306 Address of Senator Kennedy, Warren, Michigan. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 26, 1960.4pp.

0310 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rosedale, Michigan. "Education." October 26,1960. 3pp. 0313 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hamtramck, Michigan. The Decline of American Prestige Abroad."

October 26, 1960. 4pp. 0317 Address of Senator Kennedy, Michigan State Fair, Detroit, Michigan. The Decline of American

Prestige Abroad." October 26, 1960. 8pp. 0325 Address of Senator Kennedy, ILGWU Rally, New York, New York. The Decline of American Prestige

, Abroad; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 27, 1960. 6pp. 0331 Address of Senator Kennedy, Amalgamated Clothing Workers Rally, New York, New York. "Criticism of

the Republican Party." October 27, 1960. 4pp. 0335 Address of Senator Kennedy, Trade Union Council of Liberal Party, New York, New York. The

Decline of American Prestige Abroad; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 27,1960. 4pp. 0339 Address of Senator Kennedy, Stuyvesant Town Rally, Stuyvesant, New York. The Importance of the

1960 Presidential Election." October 27,1960. 3pp. 0342 Address of Senator Kennedy, New York University, New York, New York. The Decline of American

Prestige Abroad; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 27,1960. 5pp. 0347 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bay Parkway and 86th Street, Brooklyn, New York. "The Democratic

Party." October 27, 1960. 2pp. 0349 Address of Senator Kennedy, Banner Democratic Club, Brooklyn, New York. The Importance of the

1960 Presidential Election." October 27,1960. 3pp. 0352 Address of Senator Kennedy, Eastern Parkway Arena, Brooklyn, New York. The American Economy;

Criticism of the Republican Party." October 27, 1960. 8pp. 0360 Address of Senator Kennedy, Sunnyside Gardens, Queens, New York. The Decline of American

Prestige Abroad." October 27, 1960. 4pp. 0364 Address of Senator Kennedy, Staten Island, New York. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential

Election." October 27, 1960. 4pp. 0368 Address of Senator Kennedy, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The Decline of American

Prestige Abroad; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 28,1960. 9pp. 0377 Address of Senator Kennedy, Allentown, Pennsylvania. The Decline of American Prestige Abroad;

Criticism of the Republican Party." October 28, 1960. 4pp. 0381 Address of Senator Kennedy, Pottsville, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 28, 1960. 4pp. 0385 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hazelton, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 28, 1960. 3pp. 0388 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party."

October 28, 1960. 4pp.



Frame Subject

0392 Address of Senator Kennedy, Scranton, Pennsylvania. "The American Economy; Criticism of the j Republican Party." October 28,1960. 10pp.

0402 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lawrence Park Shopping Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 29, 1960. 4pp.

0406 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chester, Pennsylvania. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 29, 1960. 3pp.

0409 Address of Senator Kennedy, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 29, 1960. 4pp.

0413 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lord and Taylor Shopping Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 29, 1960. 5pp.

0418 Address of Senator Kennedy, Roosevelt Field, Morristown, Pennsylvania. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 29, 1960. 4pp.

0422 Address of Senator Kennedy, Snellenburg's Shopping Center, Willow Green, Pennsylvania. The Decline of American Prestige Abroad; Criticism of the Republican Party." October 29,1960. 4pp.

0426 Address of Senator Kennedy, Cheltenham Shopping Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 29, 1960. 4pp.

0430 Address of Senator Kennedy, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. "Overpopulation; Education; Automation." October 29, 1960. 9pp.

0439 Address of Senator Kennedy, Levittown Shopping Center, Levittown, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 30, 1960. 7pp.

0446 Address of Senator Kennedy, Penn Fruit Shopping Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 31,1960. 5pp.

0451 Address of Senator Kennedy, Rosen Apartments, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Housing; Civil Rights; Minimum Wage. " October 31,1960. 3pp.

0454 Address of Senator Kennedy, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "The American Economy; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 31,1960. 3pp.

0457 Address of Senator Kennedy, Citizens for Kennedy Rally, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The American Economy; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." October 31, 1960. 3pp.

0460 Address of Senator Kennedy, Bonds for Israel Dinner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Middle East." October 31, 1960. 3pp.

0463 Address of Senator Kennedy, Reyburn Plaza, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Criticism of the Republican Party." October 31,1960. 4pp.

0467 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Fund-Raising Dinner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." October 31, 1960. 6pp.

0473 Address of Senator Kennedy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. The American Economy; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." November 1, 1960. 7pp.

0480 Address of Senator Kenedy, Elks Auditorium, Los Angeles, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 1, 1960. 3pp.

0483 Address of Senator Kennedy, Garment Section, Los Angeles, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party; Programs for Older Citizens." November 1, 1960. 5pp.

0488 Address of Senator Kennedy, South Bay Shopping Center, Redondo Beach, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 1, 1960. 4pp.

0492 Address of Senator Kennedy, Douglas Plant, Long Beach, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 1, 1960. 3pp.

0495 Address of Senator Kennedy, East Los Angeles College Stadium, Los Angeles, California. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 1, 1960. 5pp.

0500 Address of Senator Kennedy, Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, California. "Education; Criticism of the Republican Party." November 2, 1960. 7pp.

0507 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, San Diego, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 2,1960. 2pp.

0509 Address of Senator Kennedy, Horton Plaza, San Diego, California. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 2,1960. 4pp.


Frame Subject

0513 Address of Senator Kennedy, Defremery Park, Oakland, California. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 2, 1960. 4pp.

0517 Address of Senator Kennedy, Cow Palace, San Francisco, California. "Disarmament." November 2, ' 1960.11pp. \

0528 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport, Phoenix, Arizona. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential \ Election." Novembers, 1960. 3pp. \

0531 Address of Senator Kennedy, Westward Ho Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona. "The Importance of the 1960 v Presidential Election." Novembers, 1960. 2pp.

0533 Address of Senator Kennedy, Street Rally, Phoenix, Arizona. "Criticism of the Republican Party." Novembers, 1960. 9pp.

0542 Address of Senator Kennedy, Albuquerque, New Mexico. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 3,1960. 8pp.

0550 Addresses of Senator Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, Amarillo, Texas. "Federal Farm Policy." November 3,1960. 8pp.

0558 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wichita Falls, Texas. The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 3, 1960. 5pp.

0563 Address of Senator Kennedy, Reding Shopping Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. "Richard Nixon's Record on Foreign Policy." November 3, 1960. 4pp.

0567 Address of Senator Kennedy, Municipal Auditorium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. "Criticism of the Republican Party; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad." November 3, 1960. 6pp.

0573 Address of Senator Kennedy, Airport Rally, Roanoke, Virginia. "The American Economy; Criticism of the Republican Party." November 4, 1960. 11pp.

0584 Address of Senator Kennedy, Toledo, Ohio. "The American Economy." November 4,1960. 7pp. 0591 Address of Senator Kennedy, Chicago Auditorium Rally, Chicago, Illinois. "Summation of the Kennedy

1960 Presidential Campaign." November 4, 1960.11 pp. 0602 Address of Senator Kennedy, Fordham Road and Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York. "The

Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 5, 1960. 2pp. 0604 Address of Senator Kennedy, Concourse Plaza Hotel, Bronx, New York. "The American Economy."

• November 5, 1960. 4pp. 0608 Address of Senator Kennedy, Queens County Women's Luncheon, Queens, New York."The

Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 5, 1960. 2pp. 0610 Address of Senator Kennedy, Boulevard Restaurant, Queens, New York. "The Importance of the 1960

. Presidential Election." November 5, 1960. 2pp. 0612 Address of Senator Kennedy, Wantaugh and Sunrise Avenues, Nassau County, New York. "The

Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 5,1960. 2pp. 0614 Address of Senator Kennedy, Elchester Apartments, Flushing, New York. "General Campaign

Speech." November 5, 1960. 2pp; 0616 Address of Senator Kennedy, 90th Street Rally, New York, New York. "General Campaign Speech."

Novembers, 1960. 2pp. 0618 Address of Senator Kennedy, State Democratic Committee Meeting, New York, New York. "General

Campaign Speech." Novembers, 1960. 2pp. 0620 Address of Senator Kennedy, Outside of Coliseum, New York, New York. "General Campaign Speech."

November 5,1960. 2pp. 0622 Address of Senator Kennedy, New York Coliseum, New York, New York. "The Presidency."

November 5,1960. 5pp. 0627 Address of Senator Kennedy, Street Rally, Waterbury, Connecticut. "General Campaign Speech."

November 6, 1960. 3pp. 0630 Address of Senator Kennedy, Street Rally, New Haven, Connecticut. "The American Economy; The

Decline of American Prestige Abroad." November 6, 1960; 3pp. 0633 Address of Senator Kennedy, Railroad Station Plaza, Bridgeport, Connecticut. "Criticism of the

Republican Party." November 6, 1960. 3pp. 0636 Address of Senator Kennedy, Long Island Arena, Comack, New York. "Criticism of the Republican

Party; Education." November 6, 1960. 9pp.


Frame Subject

\ "^-'-^ 0645 Address of Senator Kennedy, Mosque Theater, Newark, New Jersey. "Criticism of the Republican -\ "X. Party." November 6, 1960.3pp.

0648 Address of Senator Kennedy, Teaneck Armory, Teterboro, New Jersey. The American Economy; The 's Decline of American Prestige Abroad." November 6, 1960. 3pp.

0651 Address of Senator Kennedy, Journal Square, Jersey City, New Jersey. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 6, 1960. 3pp.

0654 Address of Senator Kennedy, Lewiston, Maine. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 6, 1960.4pp.

0658 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hillsgrove Airport, Providence, Rhode Island. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 7, 1960. 2pp.

0660 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall, Providence, Rhode Island. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 7,1960. 4pp.

0664 Address of Senator Kennedy, City Hall, Springfield, Massachusetts. "The American Economy; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad; Defense." November 7, 1960. 6pp.

0670 Address of Senator Kennedy, Hartford, Connecticut. "The American Economy; The Decline of American Prestige Abroad; Defense." November 7, 1960. 6pp.

0676 Address of Senator Kennedy, Park, Manchester, New Hampshire. "Criticism of the Republican Party." November 7,1960. 5pp.

0681 Television Program of Senator Kennedy, Manchester, New Hampshire. "Latin America; The Religious Issue; Federal Farm Policy; Education." November 7, 1960. 9pp.

0690 Address of Senator Kennedy, Boston Garden, Boston, Massachusetts. "The Importance of the 1960 Presidential Election." November 7, 1960. 4pp.

Subjective Speech Files


Box 1028 0694 "Agricultural Policy for the New Frontier." 12pp. 0706 "Agricultural Research." 21 pp. 0727 "The Benson Record." 8pp. 0735 "A Bill of Rights for Agriculture." 5pp. 0740 "Dairy Farmers." 14pp. 0754 "Farm Policy." 24pp. 0778 "Farm Record Highlights of Senator Kennedy." 3pp. 0781 "Farm Surplus." 12pp. 0793 "The Farmer's Cost Price Squeeze." 5pp. 0798 "Farmers for Kennedy-Johnson." Analysis of Kennedy Farm Policy. 16pp. 0814 "Farm Production Control: 5-Point Program." 6pp. 0820 "Food for Peace." 8pp. 0828 Kennedy's Record on Agriculture. 3pp. 0831 Midwest Farm Conference. 19pp. 0850 "Money and Farmers." 7pp. 0857 "Rural Electrification Administration Cooperatives." 19pp. 0876 "Six-Point Farm Program." 24pp. 0900 "The Strengthening of Farm Cooperatives." 4pp. 0904 Three-Point Farm Program." 7pp. 0911 "Youth for Our Farms." 10pp.

Civil Rights

0921 Jewish Community Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 5pp.

0926 "Job Discrimination." 4pp. 0930 Kennedy's Record on Civil Rights. 10pp.


Frame Subject

Civil Rights cont. ^"'~ f

0940 National Civil Liberties Clearing House Annual Conference. 11pp. y } 0951 "Protecting the Right to Vote." 4pp.

Crime and Legal Ethics

0955 "Administrative Justice and Delay." 10pp. 0965 "The Fight against Crime." 3pp. 0968 "Labor Management and Racketeering." 16pp.

Reel 11 Subjective Speech Files cont.

Defense and Disarmament Box 1028 cont 0001 "The Coming Dangers of Nuclear Waste." 8pp. 0009 Dave Epps Memorial Dinner, Portland, Oregon. 32pp. 0041 "Defense." 9pp. 0050 "Disarmament." 21 pp. 0071 "Disarmament Can Be Won." 18pp: 0089 "Eight Years of Defense Programs and Budgets." 6pp. 0095 "The Increasing Perils of Radioactivity." 6pp.

Box 1029

0101 "The Missile Gap." 6pp. 0107 "Nuclear Testing." 7pp. 0114 "The Other Geneva Conference." ippp. 0124 "Our Lag in Conventional Forces." 9pp. 0133 VFW Convention, Detroit, Michigan. August 26, 1960. 7pp.

The Democratic Party

0140 AI Smith Dinner, New York, New York. August 22,1959. 4pp. 0144 "Between Now and the Election." 7pp. 0151 Democratic Party Dinners. 9pp. 0160 "Heritage of Franklin Roosevelt." 21 pp. 0181 Jefferson^Jackson Day Dinner, Lafayette, Indiana. April 7, 1960. 4pp. 0185 "Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Franklin Roosevelt." 11 pp. 0196 National Press Club, Washington, D.C. January 14, 1960.17pp. 0213 "New Frontiers for Our Older Citizens." 3pp. 0216 "The 1960 Election and 1968." 5pp. 0221 The Democratic Party's 1960 Presidential Campaign Kick-Off Dinner. 3pp. 0224 "Our New Agenda for Action." 6pp. 0230 "Our Unfinished Agenda." 18pp. 0248 "The Prospects for 1960." 8pp. 0256 Roosevelt Day Dinner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. January 31, 1959. 32pp. . 0288 "The Spirit of 1960." 3pp. 0291 "A Time for Greatness." 5pp. 0296 "Voter Registration." 3pp.


0299 Associated Business Publications Conference, New York, New York. 3pp.


Frame Subject

Economics cont.

0302 "Depressed Areas Legislation." 3pp. 0305 "The Economic Gap." 5pp. 0310 "Forests Products Industry." 3pp. 0313 "Interest Rates and Tight Money." 17pp. 0330 "Our Gold Reserve and the Pursuit of Peace." 4pp. 0334 "Our Unshared Abundance." 13pp.


0347 "The Challenge topur Colleges." 10pp. 0357 "College Loyalty Oath." 17pp. 0374 "The Crisis in American Education." 11 pp. 0385 "The Education of an American Politician." 3pp. 0388 "The Loyalty Oath and Disclaimer Affidavit." 5pp. 0393 "The Task of Our Teacher College Graduates." 10pp. 0403 United Negro College Fund Convocation, Indianapolis, Indiana. April 12, 1959. 6pp.

Foreign Affairs Box 1030 0409 "Africa." 13pp. 0422 "Africa: The Coming Challenge." 5pp. 0427 "American Leadership for Peace in the Middle East." 3pp. 0430 "The Challenge Abroad." 7pp. 0437 "India and China." 26pp. 0463 "Israel: A Land of Paradoxes." 9pp. 0472 "Israel: A Miracle of Progress." 5pp. 0477 "The Issue beyond Berlin: Survival." 3pp. 0480 Kennedy's Record on Foreign Affairs. 3pp. 0483 "The Khrushchev Visit." 27pp. 0510 "The Meaning of a Democratic Victory." 8pp. 0518 "Mr. Khrushchev and the Captive Nations." 14pp. 0532 "A New Policy for Latin America." 5pp. 0537 "A New Attitude on Latin America." 10pp. 0547 "A New Look at the Middle East." 4pp. 0551 "Nuclear Testing." 9pp. 0560 "Our National Spirit and the World Community." 5pp. 0565 "Our Stake in Berlin." 7pp. 0572 "Poland." 4pp. 0576 "The President's South American Tour." 6pp. 0582 Kennedy's Position on Quemoy and Matsu. 6pp. 0588 Remarks at the Radio and Television News Directors Association Meeting, New Orleans,

Louisiana. October 15, 1959. 7pp. 0595 "The United States and Africa: A New Policy for a New Era." 10pp. 0605 "The United States and Hawaii-and Our Future in Asia." 6pp. 0611 The U-2 Incident. Letter from Senator Kennedy to the New York Herald Tribune. 2pp. 0613 "Where Do We Go from Here?" 5pp. 0618 Addendum to Excerpts from Remarks of Senator Kennedy regarding India and China; Africa;

Israel; Eastern Europe; Berlin; Latin America. 14pp.


0632 "Introduction of a Bill Allowing Immigration of Persons Having Tuberculosis." 2pp. 0634 Press Conference of Senator Kennedy. August 5, 1960. 7pp.


Frame Subject


0641 AFL-CIO Speeches. 24pp.

0665 "The Congress and Labor Reform." 5pp. 0670 "The Continuing Issue of Labor Reform." 22pp. 0692 "Fair Labor Standards." 9pp. 0701 "Labor: The Source of American Strength." 3pp. 0704 "The Labor Reform Bill." 35pp. 0739 "Meeting the Problems of Automation." 5pp. 0744 "Minimum Wage Bill." 4pp.

Box 1031 0748 "The Need for Action on Unemployment Compensation." 4pp. 0752 "The Need for Labor-Management Reform." 10pp. 0762 "The Power of Labor for the Good of America." 5pp. 0767 "The Steel Strike." 6pp. 0773 "The Steel Strike and the Taft-Hartley Law." 6pp. 0779 United Auto Workers Speeches. 8pp.

Natural Resources

0787 "Can We Afford to Waste Our Water?" 3pp. 0790 "Coal by Wire-The Key to Coal's Future." 4pp. 0794 "The Dream of Passamaquoddy." 4pp. 0798 "Forests and Fisheries Conservation." 8pp. 0806 "The Issue of Water." 11 pp. 0817 "A New Program for Coal." 5pp. 0822 Kennedy's Position on Oil Depletion Allowances. 2pp. 0824 "The Eisenhower Administration's Record of Failure." 13pp. 0837 "Resources Conservation and Development Program." 4pp. 0841 "Rural Electrification." 21pp. 0862 "Select Committee on Water Resources." 5pp. 0867 "Water Resources Development.^ 9pp. 0876 "West Virginia." 13pp. 0889 "Wisconsin." 5pp.

The Presidency

0894 "Age of Change and Challenge." 5pp. 0899 Announcement of Candidacy for the Presidency. 8pp. 0907 The Democratic Party Campaign Kick-Off Dinner. January 23, 1960. 3pp. 0910 Democratic Rally, Baltimore, Maryland. May 13, 1960. 4pp. 0914 "The Man in the White House." 4pp. 0918 "The Presidency in 1960." 12pp. 0930 "The Presidency in 1960: Foreign Policy." 10pp. 0940 "Presidential Leadership." 7pp. 0947 "Presidential Leadership and the Nation's Needs." 9pp. 0956 "The Presidential Primary-and Ypur Vote." 18pp. 0974 "The President's Responsibility in Foreign Affairs." 15pp. 0989 "A Program for Victory in 1960." 5pp. 0994 "The West Virginia Primary." 7pp. 1001 "The Wisconsin Primary." 4pp. 1005 "The Years the Locusts Have Eaten." 19pp.


Frame Subject

Reel 12 Subjective Speech Files cont. Social Security and Depressed Areas

Box 1032 0001 "Aid to Depressed Areas." 3pp. 0004 "Aid to the Unemployed and Retired." 3pp. 0007 "Better Homes for a Better America." 7pp. 0014 "Civil Service Salary Increases." 3pp. 0017 "Food for West Virginia." 5pp. 0022 "Introduction of Medical Care Bill." 7pp. 0029 Maryland Speeches. 8pp. 0037 "Medical Care for Our Older Citizens." 13pp. 0050 "New Frontiers for Our Older Citizens." 8pp. 0058 "New Industry for West Virginia." 6pp. 0064 "Relief for Economically Distressed Areas." 4pp. 0068 "Remembering Our Older Citizens." 3pp. 0071 "Those Who Have Too Little." 4pp. 0075 "Three Neglected Groups." 4pp. 0079 "Unemployment Compensation." 10pp. 0089 West Virginia Speeches. 10pp.

Urban Problems

0099 "The Great Unspoken Issue." 6pp. 0105 "Housing." 8pp. 0113 "Urban Problems." 34pp. 0147 "Water Pollution." 11pp.


0158 "Are We Up to the Task?" 5pp. 0163 Biography of Senator Kennedy. 3pp. 0166 "Hard Facts and the President's Complacent Words." 5pp. 0171 "The Heritage of Andrew Jackson." 3pp. 0174 Kennedy's Record on Veterans' Issues. 6pp. 0180 "The Need for New Ideas." 3pp. 0183 "The New Frontier." Remarks upon Acceptance of the Democratic Party Presidential

Nomination. 8pp. 0191 "New Ideas to Survive." 10pp. 0201 The Religious Issue in the Presidential Campaign. Various Quotations from Senator Kennedy.

3pp. 0204 "Seven Revolutions of Our Time." 6pp. 0210 "The Six Great Challenges of the Sixties." 5pp. 0215 "A Time of Decision." 14pp. 0229 "We Must Climb to the Hilltop." 5pp.

Algeria Speech File, 1957 Box 919 0234 Article reprinted in the Congressional Record. "Algeria: A Case Study in the Evolution of a Colonial

Problem," by Alvin Cottrell and James E. Dougherty. Originally appearing in United States Naval Institute Proceedings, July 1957. 16pp.


Frame Subject

0250 "The Algerian Crisis: A New Phase?" Article by Senator Kennedy appearing in America. October 5, 1957.7pp.

0257 Background Information on the Algerian Incident. Article from the Algérie Médicale with Photographs of Victims. 78pp.

0335 Correspondence from the French-American Committee to the Democratic National Committee and French-American Newspaper Articles regarding Algeria. 17pp.

[The text of Senator Kennedy's Algeria speech on July 2, 1957, as well as his response to criticism of the speech on July 8, 1957, can be found beginning at Frame 0850.]

Speeches, Statements, and Sections File Box 1025 0352 Press Conference of Senator Kennedy. January 2, 1960. 23pp.

Major Subjects: Announcement of candidacy for the presidency; presidential primaries; civil rights; defense; the religious issue.

Box 1026 0375 Senator Kennedy's Answers in Interview by P.L. Prattis, Editor, THe Pittsburgh Press. June 22, 1960.

11pp. Major Subject Civil rights.

Box 1027 0386 Press Conference of Senator Kennedy. August 30, 1960. 18pp.

Major Subjects: Defense; foreign policy. 0404 Press Conference of Senator Kennedy. September 1, 1960. 22pp.

Major Subject. Civil rights. 0426 Press Conferences of Senator Kennedy. September 2, 1960-September 16, 1960. 24pp.

Major Subjects: Foreign policy; the New England economy; voter registration. 0450 CBS News Broadcast, "Presidential Countdown, Mr. Kennedy: A Profile." September 19,1960. 22pp. 0472 Interview with Senator Kennedy and Family on "Person-To-Person" Program. September 30,1960. 11pp. 0483 NBC Memorandum on the Second Nixon-Kennedy Debate. Covers Format, Production, Security, Press

Arrangements, and Background. October 6, 1960. 9pp.

Press Secretary's Subject File Box 1051 0492 Various Correspondence and Remarks concerning Television Coverage of the Presidential Campaigns

and Debates. 34pp. 0526 Telegram from BBC Television to Kennedy Campaign Headquarters concerning Coverage of the

Kennedy Campaign. November 9, 1960. 2pp. 0528 Various Correspondence concerning Television Coverage of the Presidential Debates. 56pp. 0584 Index to Topics Discussed and List of Topics Not Discussed by Senator Kennedy during Four

Presidential Debates. 4pp. 0588 Transcript of the First Kennedy-Nixon Debate. September 26, 1960. 59pp.

Major Subject. Internal or domestic American matters.

Box 1052 0647 Transcript of the Second Kennedy-Nixon Debate. October 7, 1960. 69pp.

Major Subjects: Cuba; the U-2 incident; civil rights; the American economy. 0716 Transcript of the Third Kennedy-Nixon Debäte. October 13, 1960. 66pp.

Major Subjects: Defense; disarmament; the religious issue; labor; the American economy; American prestige.

0782 Transcript of the Fourth Kennedy-Nixon Debate. October 21,1960: 67pp. Major'Subject. Foreign policy.


Frame Subject


0850 Speech of Senator Kennedy before the U.S. Senate. "Imperialism-The Enemy of Freedom." July 2, 1957. 20pp.

0870 Speech of Senator Kennedy before the U.S. Senate. "Algeria: Answer to the French Minister. JulyS, 1957.2pp.


SUBJECT INDEX The following index is a guide to the major subjects of this collection. The first Arabic number after the entry

refers to the reel, and the Arabic number after the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular subject begins. Hence 3: 0934 directs the researcher to the subject that begins at Frame 0934 of Reel 3. By referring to the Reel Index that constitutes the initial section of this guide, the researcher can then find the main entry for the particular subject.

The Subject Index lists the places and organizations where, and for whom, John F. Kennedy delivered a speech or made remarks, as well as the subjects he dealt with on those occasions.

A separate Locale Index has been provided for the researcher who is interested in the places Kennedy gave his speeches. Place names that appear in this Subject Index are included because they were the subjects of some of Kennedy's speeches.

Administrative Justice delay 10:0955 delay-Allegheny County Bar Association,

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 7:0130 Adult Education Association of the U.S.A.

9:0883 AFL-CIO

speeches 11: 0641 see also American Federation of Labor

AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department legislative conference

Washington, D.C. 5:0845 AFL-CIO convention

Grand Rapids, Michigan 8:0462 Seaside, Oregon 6: 0703

AFL-CIO Convention of Building Trades San Francisco, California 6:0719

AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department second constitutional convention

Washington, D.C. 3:0941 AFL-CIO state convention

Lincoln, Nebraska 6:0886 AFL-CIO unemployment conference

Washington, D.C. 4:0542 Africa

11:0409,0422,0595,0618 African Diplomatic Corps luncheon,

Washington, D.C. 8:0584 American Society of African Culture

annual conference, New York, New York 6:0582

Bowling Green, Kentucky 9:0668 Michigan State University, East Lansing,

Michigan 9:0860 National Council of Women, Inc., New York,

New York 9:0781 Saint Anselm's College, Manchester, New

Hampshire 7:0593 Stanford University convocation, Palo Alto,

California 7:0399 Whitewater College convocation, Fort

Atkinson, Wisconsin 7:0421 African Diplomatic Corps Luncheon

Washington, D.C. 8:0584 Agricultural policy

see Farm policy Agricultural research

10:0706 Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 7:0558

Agriculture bill of rights for 10:0735

Air travel facilities in Boston-Boston College

seminar. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 5:0138

Alabama League of Municipalities Birmingham, Alabama 3:0083

Alaska statement to newspapers 8:0771

Alben Barkley Democratic Club banquet 8:0350


Algeria Congressional Record anide 12:0234 French-American newspaper articles

concerning 12:0335 response of criticism of speech 12:0870 speech 12:0850

Algerian crisis Algérie Médicale article 12:0257 America article 12:0250

Algérie Medícale Algerian crisis-article 12:0257

Allegheny County Bar Association Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 7:0130

Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America convention

Atlantic City, New Jersey 5:0044 Amalgamated Clothing Workers rally

New York, New York 10:0331 America

Algerian crisis-article 12:0250 American Association of School Administrators

Atlantic City, New Jersey 2: 0951 American Bakery and Confectionary Workers convention

Atlantic City, New Jersey 5: 0537 American Farm Bureau Federation

Miami Beach, Florida 2:0879 American federal system

Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 1:0547

American Federation of Labor National Legislative Council 1:0738 see also AFL-CIO

"American Forum of the Air: Which Party for the Independent Voter?"

Westinghouse Broadcasting Company program 9:0299

American Friends of Vietnam Washington, D.C. 2:0453

American Jewish Congress National Congress Week

New York, New York 4:0036 American Legion convention

Miami, Florida 10:0061 American Legion national headquarters

Indianapolis, Indiana 1:0532 American Legion state convention

Sioux Falls, South Dakota 8:0545 American Municipal Association

Denver, Colorado 7:0124 American Polish Congress

Chicago, Illinois 9: 0452 American prestige

decline abroad-Portland, Oregon 8:0821 American Relief for Poland dinner

Detroit, Michigan 3:0525

American Society of African Culture annual conference New York, New York 6:0582

American Society of Newspaper Editors Washington, D.C. 8:0033

American Whig-Cliosophlc Society Princeton University 1:0802

American Women in Radio and TV New York, New York 6:0109

"America Salutes Israel" celebration New York, New York 2: 0431

Amherst College Amherst, Massachusetts 2:0437

Anti-Semitism, Soviet 1:0001

Appropriation Bill defense 1:0857

Archbishopric of Boston Boston, Massachusetts 5:0074

Arkansas Bar Association convention Hot Springs, Arkansas 3:0477

Army base pier Boston, Massachusetts-U.S. Senate

1:0793 Associated Business Publications conference

New York, New York 9:0746; 11:0299 Associated Harvard Clubs symposium

Washington, D.C. 3:0286 Associated Industries of Massachusetts annual meeting

Boston, Massachusetts 3:0905 Assumption College

Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0004,0830 Atomic testing

Geneva conference-Dave Epps memorial dinner, Portland, Oregon 6:0682

Authors and politicians National Book Awards, New York, New York

2:0212 New York Herald Tribune luncheon 2:0291 Washington Post Book and Author

Luncheon 2:0256 Women's National Press Club luncheon

2:0305 Automation

11:0739 AFL-CIO convention 8:0462 Butler, Pennsylvania 9:0904 Canton, Ohio 9:0367 United Chemical Workers convention,

Atlantic City, New Jersey 9: 0144 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 10:0430

Ball State University Muncie, Indiana 7:0915

BBC (television) correspondence concerning Kennedy

campaign coverage 12:0526


Benson, Ezra Taft farm record 10:0727

Berlin 11:0477,0565,0618 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,

Wisconsin 7:0768 Bethany College

Bethany, West Virginia 8:0010 "Between Now and the Election"

Democratic Party 11:0144 Bill of Rights

agriculture 10:0735 Biography

Kennedy, John F. 12:0163 Bluefield State College

Bluefield, West Virginia 8:0109 B'nai Zlon Golden Jubilee banquet

New York, New York 4:0181 Bonds for Israel dinner

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0460 Book and Authors Club luncheon

Cleveland, Ohio 4:0299 Boston College

Business Administration Alumni Association 2:0048

seminar 5:0138 Varsity Club 1:0197

Boswell, Charles (Mayor) dinner-Indianapolis, Indiana 6:0869

Boy Scouts of America luncheon New York, New York 4:0117

Brandeis, Louis life of--Brandeis University, Waltham,

Massachusetts 2:0446 Brandéis University

Waltham, Massachusetts 2:0446 Bronx Democratic dinner

New York, New York 8: 0272

Brown, Edmund G. testimonial dinner for--Los Angeles,

California 8:0413 testimonial dinner for-San Francisco,

California 8:0430 Brownell, Herbert, Jr.

St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877 Budget

defense-Eisenhower, Dwight D. 11:0089 see also Federal budget

Building and Construction Trades national legislative conference

Washington, D.C. 7:0683 Burdick, Quentin

birthday dinner-Fargo, North Dakota 8:0550

Business, small Chamber of Commerce luncheon, North

Clackamas, Oregon 8:0053 Weirton, West Virginia 8:0173

Business racketeering see Racketeering, business

Byrnes, James F. St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877

California Democratic Clubs convention Fresno, California 7:0366

California legislature Sacramento, California 6:0160

Campaigns, political Tavern Club, Boston, Massachusetts

2:0813 television coverage 12:0492 television coverage-BBC correspondence

concerning 12:0526 Canada

relations with U.S.-University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada 1:0589

relations with U.S.-University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick 3:0714

Captive nations Khrushchev, Nikita and 11:0518 Overseas Press Club press conference,

New York, New York 8:0616 Pulaski Day, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0909

Cardinal Gibbons Award presentation Washington, D.C. 2:0853

Careers, political see Politics, careers in

Career training, continued Rockefeller Public Service Awards,

Washington, D.C. 5:0001 Carver Gold Award

presented to Cardinal Spellman 2:0320 Cathedral Club

Brooklyn, New York 1:0712 Catholic Alumni Solldality

Boston, Massachusetts 2:0204 CBS news broadcast

Kennedy, John F.-profile9:0175; 12:0450 Cerebral Palsy Task Force

National Institute of Health-United Cerebral Palsy convention, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0078

Chamber of Commerce luncheon North Clackamas, Oregon 8:0053

Chamber of Commerce dinner Albany, Georgia 2:0928 Charlotte, North Carolina 5:0701 Lynchburg, Virginia 3:0140


Chevy Chase High School Bethesda, Maryland 6:0441

Chicago Dally Mows Youth Achievement Awards Program-

Chicago, Illinois 6:0364 China

Democratic National and State Committees dinner, New York, New York 9:0795

India and 11:0437,0618 India and-Hood College, Frederick,

Maryland 8:0278 India and--University of New Hampshire,

Durham, New Hampshire 7:0614 Christian missionaries

Milton Seminary Benefactor's Day, Milton, Massachusetts 3:0653

CIO Convention Massachusetts 1:0575

Citizens for Kennedy rally New York, New York 9:0020 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0457

Civil liberties National Clearing House-annual

conference 10:0940 National Clearing House-annual

conference, Washington, D.C. 6:0065 Civil rights

Brooklyn, New York 10: 0126 Burbank, California 8:0894 Howard University, Washington, D.C.

9:0654 Jewish Community Center, Milwaukee,

Wisconsin 7:0731; 10:0921 Los Angeles, California 8:0905 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7: 0723 NAACP rally, Los Angeles, California

8:0601 National Conference on Constitutional

Rights and American Freedom, New York, New York 9:0801

New York, New York 9:0815 Niagara Falls, New York 9:0384 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0451 press conference 12:0352,0404 record 10:0930 transcript-second Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0647 Civil service

pay scale increase-Prince George's Democratic Club dedication 8:0270

pay scale increases 12:0014 Clancy, Pat

see Pat Clancy dinner Cleveland Press book and author luncheon

Cleveland, Ohio 6: 0084

Coal 11:0790,0817 Fairmond, West Virginia 8:0001 fund-raising dinner, Welch, West Virginia

8:0253 Logan, West Virginia 8:0061 Morgantown, West Virginia 7:0994

College degrees honorary-lona College, New Rochelle, New

York 3:0702 Colleges

loyalty oath 11:0357, 0388 Colleges, teacher

task of graduates 11:0393 Colonialism

and foreign policy-Town Hall luncheon, Los Angeles, California 2:0386

Committee for International Economic Growth conference on India and the United States-

Washington, D.C. 6:0202 Communism

and religion-Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts 2: 0830

Communist oppression Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, New York,

New York 1:0750 Congressional Record

Algeria-article on 12:0234 Congressmen

Southern California-dinner honoring 2:0409

Conservation Youth Corps-Lewisburg, West Virginia

8:0205 Youth Corps-White Sulphur Springs, West

Virginia 8: 0198 see also Natural resources-conservation

and development Conventional defense

lag in 11:0124 Cook County Democratic Party

annual dinner-Chicago, Illinois 3: 0415 Cooperatives

farm 10:0900 Rural Electrification Administration

10:0857 Constitutional amendments

electoral vote 2:0366 Corruption

government-Wiffenburg College, Springfield, Ohio 10:0026

Cottrell, Alvin Algeria- Congressional Record article



Credit, farm see Farm credit

Crime 10:0965 Dodgeville, Wisconsin 7:0851

Cuba Democratic dinner, Cincinnati, Ohio

9:0646 Johnstown, Pennsylvania 9:0914 transcript-second Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0647 University of Wisconsin, Madison,

Wisconsin 7:0783 Dairy farming

see Farming, dairy Dartmouth College

Hanover, New Hampshire 7:0609 Debates

Kennedy-Nixon-index to topics discussed 12:0584

Kennedy-Nixon-list of topics not discussed 12:0584

Kennedy-Nixon--NBC memorandum concerning 12:0483

Kennedy-Nixon-transcript of first 12:0588 Kennedy-Nixon-transcript of fourth

12:0782 Kennedy-Nixon-transcript of second

12:0647 Kennedy-Nixon-transcript of third 12:0716 television coverage of 12:0492,0528

Defense 11:0041 American Legion convention, Miami, Florida

10:0061 American Legion state convention, Sioux

Falls, South Dakota 8:0545 Appropriation Bill 1:0857 contracts 8:0006; 9:0384 conventional forces-lag in 11:0124 Eisenhower, Dwight D.-programs and

budgets 11:0089 Fresno, California 8:0876 Hartford, Connecticut 10:0670 Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon

8:0379 Mauston, Wisconsin 7:0652 Paramus, New Jersey 9:0053 press conference 12:0352,0386 Raleigh, North Carolina 9:0130 San Diego, California 8:09.22 Seattle, Washington 8:0792 Springfield, Massachusetts 10:0664 transcript of third Kennedy-Nixon debate


U.S. Senate 5:0531 ; 7:0563 VFW convention, Detroit, Michigan 8:0665;

11:0133 Women's Democratic luncheon, New York,

New York 9:0029 Democratic breakfast

St. Louis, Missouri 10: 0155 Democratic City Committee annual pre-election dinner

Easton, Pensylvania 3:0927 Democratic Club dinner

Spokane, Washington 7:0358 Democratic dinner

Aberdeen, South Dakota 8:0532 Albuquerque, New Mexico 3:0114 Athens, Ohio 6:0857 Billings, Montana 5:0431 Caspar, Wyoming 5:0377 Cincinnati, Ohio 9:0646 Denver, Colorado 7:0067 Garden City, New York 6:0414 Grand Junction, Colorado 7:0101 Hutchinson, Kansas 7:0584 Los Angeles, California 8:0425 Nashua, New Hampshire 7:0600 Nashville, Tennessee 5:0797 Newport, Oregon 7:0330 New York, New York 1:0248 Puerto Rico 5:0649 Seattle, Washington 6:0499 Tucson, Arizona 4:0322 Wichita, Kansas 7:0055 Yakima, Washington 6:0527

Democratic luncheon East Chicago, Illinois 7:0280 Kansas City, Kansas 7:0028 Tucson, Arizona 7:0983

Democratic Midwest conference Detroit, Michigan 7: 0833

Democratic National and State Committees dinner New York, New York 9:0795

Democratic National Committee correspondence concerning Algeria

12:0335 Democratic National Committee dinner

Los Angeles, California 8:0605 Democratic National Convention

Democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech 8:0608

Democratic Party 1:0613;11:0144 Akron, Ohio 9:0362 Alaska tour 5:0622 Alben Barkley Democratic Club banquet



Albion, Michigan 9:0839 Alton, Illinois 9:0516 Asheville, North Carolina via telephone

9:0127 Baltimore, Maryland 8: 0283 Battle Creek, Michigan 9:0847 Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 9: 0899 "Between Now and the Election" 11:0144 Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee 9:0204 Brooklyn, New York 10:0131,0133, 0347 Buffalo, New York 9:0412 Carbondale, Illinois 9: 0538 Charleston, West Virginia 9:0173 Charlotte, North Carolina 9:0121 Chicago, Illinois 10:0259 Citizens for Kennedy rally 9:0020 Pat Clancy dinner-New York, New York

10:0137 Clifton, New Jersey 9:0075 Columbia, South Carolina 9:0724 Columbus, Ohio 10:0046 Cook County, annual dinner, Chicago,

Illinois 3:0415 Democratic breakfast, St. Louis, Missouri

10:0155 Democratic City Committee annual pre-

election dinner, Easton, Pennsylvania 3:0927

Democratic State Convention, Hartford, Connecticut 5:0504

Democratic Town Committee dinner, Bridgeport, Connecticut 1:0285

Democratic Women's Club, Washington, D.C. 1:0208

Denver, Colorado 9: 0286, 0294 Detroit, Michigan 8:0746 dinner honoring Southern California

congressmen and legislators 2:0409 East Peoria, Illinois 10:0245 East St. Louis, Illinois 9:0523,0528 El Paso, Texas 8:0929 Erie, Pennsylvania 9:0373, 0376,0380 Essex County Democratic dinner, Spring

Lake, New Jersey 8:0566 Fairborn, Ohio 10:0022 Fargo, North Dakota 9:0263 FDR memorial dinner, Los Angeles,

California 4:0440 Girard, Ohio 6:0695 Grand View, Missouri 10:0175 Greensboro, North Carolina 9:0116 Greenville, North Carolina 9:0110, 0114 Grover Cleveland dinner, Buffalo, New York


Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 9:0077 Healey, John-dinner honoring 8:0556 Houston, Texas 8:0943 I.A.M. convention, St. Louis, Missouri

9:0034 Jackson, Michigan 9:0834 Jackson Day banquet, Springfield,

Missouri 3:0001 Jacksonville, Florida 10:0100 Jefferson-Jackson Day brunch,

Middletown, Ohio 10:0001 Jennings, Missouri 10:0149 Jersey City, New Jersey 9:0050 Junior Chamber of Commerce dinner,

Richmond, Virginia 2:0725 Kansas Democratic Club banquet, Topeka,

Kansas 4:0001 Knoxville, Tennessee 9:0208 La Grange, Georgia 9:0722 Lake County Women's Club breakfast,

Gary, Indiana 7:0269 Lansing, Michigan 9:0868 London, Ohio 10:0041 Lorraine, Ohio 9:0354 Louisville, Kentucky 9:0705 Lubbock, Texas 8:0932 Manchester, New Hampshire 5:0259 Marion, Illinois 9:0544,0550 Marshall, Michigan 9:0843 Muncie, Indiana 9:0610 Nashville, Tennessee 9:0212 National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

11:0196 National Women's Democratic Club

2:0156 New Brunswick, New Jersey 9:0069 New York, New York 9:0810; 10:0107 Niagara Falls, New York 9:0384, 0389 "Our New Agenda for Action" 11:0224 "Our Unfinished Agenda" 11:0230 Owasso, Michigan 9:0865 Painesville, Ohio 9:0350 Paterson, New Jersey 9:0063 presidential campaign kick-off dinner

11:0221 "Prospects for 1960" 11:0248 Raleigh, North Carolina 9:0130 rally-Alexandria, Virginia 8:0655 rally-Charles Town, West Virginia 8:0116 rally-Owensboro, Kentucky 2:0680 Rockford, Illinois 10:0225 Roosevelt Day dinner, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 11:0256 Roosevelt Day dinner, Salt.Lake City, Utah



Saginaw, Michigan 9:0872 St. Paul, Minnesota 9: 0480 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 5: 0680 San Anton io, Texas 8:0936 San Francisco, California 2:0648 Sharon, Pennsylvania 9:0886 Sioux City, Iowa 9:0234 Smith, Al-dinner honoring, New York, New

York 11:0140 "Spirit of 1960" 11:0288 Spokane, Washington 8:0396 television address 2:0782 testimonial dinner for Brown, Edmund G.--

LosAngeles, California 8:0413 Texarkana, Texas 9:0011 "A Time for Greatness" 11:0291 Towson, Maryland 9:0097 Trenton, New Jersey 9:0072 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and

Joiners of America convention, Chicago, Illinois 9:0345

United Chemical Workers convention Atlantic City, New Jersey 9:0144

Wisconsin Democratic dinner 3:0627 Women's Democratic Club luncheon,

Washington, D.C. 4:0551 Yonkers, New York 10:0110 Young Democratic Club, Baltimore,

Maryland 1:0214 Young Democratic Clubs of America

convention, Reno, Nevada 4:0026 Young Democrats dinner, Jackson,

Mississippi 3:0845 Young Democrats of North Carolina,

Winston-Salem, North Carolina 2:0700 see also Democratic dinner; Jefferson-

Jackson Day dinner Democratic Party of Wisconsin

annual convention 6:0972 Democratic Party presidential campaign kick-off dinner

Washington, D.C. 7:0145 Democratic rally

Alexandria, Virginia 8:0655 Charles Town, West Virginia 8:0116 Owensboro, Kentucky 2:0680 St. Albans, West Virginia 8:0153

Democratic reception Boulder, Colorado 7:0080 Dodge City, Kansas 7:0060 Pueblo, Colorado 7:0085

Democratic State Central Committee luncheon Roseburg, Oregon 7:0323

Democratic State Committee dinner New York, New York 7:0411

Democratic State Convention Hartford, Connecticut 5:0504

Democratic Town Committee dinner Bridgeport, Connecticut 1:0285

Democratic Women's Club Washington, D.C. 1:0208

Denver University Social Science Foundation lecture Denver, Colorado 4:0351

Depletion allowances Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Oklahoma

City, Oklahoma 6:0961 oil 11:0822

Depressed areas fund-raising dinner, Welch, West Virginia

6:0253 legislation 11:0302 relief for 12:0001,0064 relief for--Huntington, West Virginia 8:0017 relief for-La Crosse, Wisconsin 7:0657

Diocese of Boston Archbishopric of Boston, Boston,

Massachusetts 5:0074 Disarmament

11:0050, 0071 Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

7:0915 Bluefield State College, Bluefield, West

Virginia 8:0109 Democratic Midwest conference, Detroit,

Michigan 7:0833 District Democratic Committee dinner,

South Bend, Indiana 7:0938 Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana

8:0122 Fresno, California 8:0876 Madison, Wisconsin 7:0703 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 10:0210 San Francisco, California 10:0517 Silver Spring, Maryland 9:0937 South Eugene, Oregon 8:0043 testimonial dinner for Brown, Edmund G.--

San Francisco, California 8:0430 transcript of third Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0716 University of Maryland Rally, College Park,

Maryland 8:0327 University of Wisconsin, Madison,

Wisconsin 7:0783 Washington College, Chestertown,

Maryland 8:0252 Women's Democratic luncheon, New York,

New York 9:0029 Disaster Insurance

federal-Senate Banking and Currency Committee hearings 2:0058


Discrimination Carver Gold Award presentation 2:0320 job 10:0926

District Attorneys' Convention Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0673

District Democratic Committee dinner South Bend, Indiana 7:0938

District of Columbia home rule 1:0001

Domestic problems American Jewish Congress National

Congress Week, New York, New York 4:0036

transcript of first Kennedy-Nixon debate 12:0588

Dougherty, James E. Algeria- Congressional Record article

12:0234 Dougherty, John J.

St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877 Earham College

Richmond, Indiana 8:0122 Eastern Europe

11:0618 American Polish Congress, Chicago,

Illinois 9:0452 Chicago, Illinois 9:0447 International Institute of Gary Nationality

Building Fund Committee dinner, Gary, Indiana 7:0226

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0884 Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

7:0352 U.S. Senate 3:0569

Eastern Shore Youth Council conference Elkton, Maryland 8:0303

East Side Optimists Madison, Wisconsin 7:0521

Economic Club dinner Chicago, Illinois 3: 0730

Economic development UAW convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey

6:0881 Economic legislation

State Federation of Labor convention, Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0590

Economy, Massachusetts Boston College Business Administration

Alumni Association, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0048

Economy, New England 1:0001,0853; 2:0741 Massachusetts Federation of Labor 1:0861

Springfield Rotary Club, Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0764

U.S. Senate 1:0325 Economy, U.S.

11: 0305, 0334 Amsterdam, New York 9:0431 Associated Business Publicatbns

conference, New York, New York 9:0746

Aurora, Illinois 10:0292 Baltimore, Maryland 8:0283 Bethany College, Bethany, West Virginia

8:0010 Billings, Montana 9:0268 Bronx, New York 10:0604 Brooklyn, New York 10:0352 Building and Construction Trades national

legislative conference, Washington, D.C. 7:0683

Butler, Pennsylvania 9:0904 Carbondale, Illinois 9:0538 Charleston, West Virginia 8:0208; 9:0163 Chicago, Illinois 9:0450 Citizens for Kennedy rally, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 10:0457 Cleveland, Ohio 9:0340 Dayton, Ohio 10:0010 Democratic dinner, Tucson, Arizona

4:0322 Democratic luncheon, East Chicago, Illinois

7:0280 Harrisburg, Illinois 9:0552 Hartford, Connecticut 10:0670 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Boston,

Massachusetts 7:0148 Kittanning, Pennsylvania 9:0909 Lansing, Michigan 9: 0868 Louisville, Kentucky 9:0624 Michigan State University, East Lansing,

Michigan 9: 0860 New Haven, Connecticut 10:0630 Owasso, Michigan 9:0865 Pendleton, Indiana 9:0604 Roanoke, Virginia 10:0573 Saginaw, Michigan 9:0872 Schenectady, New York 9:0426 Scranton, Pennsylvania 10:0392 Springfield, Massachusetts 10:0664 Temple University, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 10:0454 Teterboro, New Jersey 10:0648 tight money 11:0313 tight money-Democratic dinner, Newport,

Oregon 7:0330


tight money--Eau Claire, Wisconsin 7:0554 tight money--Yuma, Arizona 7:0980 Toledo, Ohio 10:0584 transcript of second Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0647 transcript of third Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0716 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and

Joiners of America convention, Chicago, Illinois 9:0345

U.S. Senate 5:0784 University of Southern California, Los

Angeles, California 10:0473 Wausau, Wisconsin 7:0536 Young Presidents Organization, Harvard

Business School 1: 0727 Economy, West Virginia

Charleston 9:0163 Huntington 8:0216

Education 11:0374 Adult Education Association of the U.S.A.

9:0883 Ann Arbor, Michigan 9:0828 Athens, West Virginia 8:0194 Carpentersville, Illinois 10:0272 colleges 11: 0347 Comack, New York 10:0636 Democratic luncheon. East Chicago,

Illinois 7:0280 Eugene, Oregon 8:0808 Freedom House, Roxbury, Massachusetts

4:0670 government role in-National Citizens

Council for Better Schools, North Atlantic Regional Meeting, Washington, D.C. 4:0878

in the Soviet Union-Loyola College annual alumni banquet, Baltimore, Maryland 4:0286

Kalamazoo, Michigan 9:0852 Los Angeles, California 10:0500 Loyola College annual alumni banquet,

Baltimore, Maryland 4:0286 Milwaukie High School, Milwaukie, Oregon

8:0050 Moline, Illinois 10:0247 of politicians 11:0385 of politicians-American Association of

School Administrators, Atlantic City, NewJersey2:0951

of politicians-Eastern Shore Youth Council conference, Elkton, Maryland 8: 0303

of politicians-National School Board Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey 2:0951

Rosedale, Michigan 10:0310 Silver Spring, Maryland 9:0937 Teachers' Association convention,

Baltimore, Maryland 3:0767 Teachers' Association convention,

Swanipscott, Massachusetts 3:0756 television program, Manchester, New

Hampshire 10:0681 Texas State Teachers Association

convention, Dallas, Texas 4:0079 United Democratic Women's Clubs of

America luncheon, Rockville, Maryland 8:0259

United Negro College Fund convocation, Indianapolis, Indiana 6:0041

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 10:0430 Whitewater College convocation, Fort

Atkinson, Wisconsin 7:0421 Einstein, Albert

College of Medicine-Yeshiva University, New York 2:0021

Eisenhower, Dwight D. defense programs and budgets 11:0089 natural resource record 11:0824 South American tour 11:0576 South American tour-Dartmouth College,

Hanover, New Hampshire 7:0609 South American tour-Oshkosh State

College convocation, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 7:0477

South American tour-Saint Mary's College, South Bend, Indiana 7:0953

Electoral vote constitutional amendment 2:0366

Electrical energy in Maine-Maine Democratic Party Issues

conference banquet, Augusta, Maine 6:0982

Electrification, rural 11:0841 Antigo, Wisconsin 7:0532 cooperatives 10:0857 National Rural Electric Cooperative

Association conference, Burlington, Vermont 5:0570

Rural Electrification Administration county meeting, Lancaster, Wisconsin 7:0820

Young Democrats luncheon, Bismarck, North Dakota 7:0312


Emerging nations Roosevelt birthday ball, Salt Lake City,

Utah 7:0184 Epps, Dave

memorial dinner-Portland, Oregon 6:0682; 11:0009

Essex County Democratic dinner Spring Lake, New Jersey 8:0566

Essex County Democratic Governors Day annual picnic

Spring Lake, New Jersey 6:0665 Europe

see Eastern Europe or specific cities or states

Executives' Club Chicago, Illinois 1:0846

Farm conference Midwest 10:0831

Farm cooperatives 10:0900 penalty tax on-Manitowac, Wisconsin

7:0849 Farm credit

Marinette, Wisconsin 7:0727 Stevens Point, Wisconsin 7:0670

Farmers cost price squeeze 10:0793 for Kennedy-Johnson 10:0793 "money and" 10:0850

Farm Forum Alexandria, Indiana 7:0923

Farming, dairy 10:0740 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 7:0451 National Milk Producers Federation,

Washington, D.C. 7:0001 Shawano, Wisconsin 7: 0679

Farm policy 3:0966;10:0694,0754 Amarillo, Texas 10:0550 American Farm Bureau Federation, Miami

Beach, Fbrida 2:0879 Bowling Green, Kentucky 9:0668 Burdick, Quentin-birthday dinner, Fargo,

North Dakota 8: 0550 Columbia, South Carolina 9:0724 Democratic dinner, Aberdeen, South

Dakota 8:0532 Democratic dinner, Billings, Montana

5:0431 Democratic Midwest conference, Detroit,

Michigan 7:0833 Democratic reception, Dodge City, Kansas


District Democratic Committee dinner, South Bend, Indiana 7:0938

Easton, Maryland 8:0325 East St. Louis, Illinois 9:0525 Fargo, North Dakota 9:0263 Farm Forum, Alexandria, Indiana 7:0923 Fort Dodge, Iowa 9:0239 GTA Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota

9:0487. Harrisburg, Illinois 9:0552 Iowa 8:0589 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Bismarck,

North Dakota 4:0716 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Des Moines,

Iowa 4: 0598 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Huron,

South Dakota 4:0742 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner,

Indianapolis, Indiana 4:0689 La Crosse, Wisconsin 10:0199 Louisville, Kentucky 9:0624 Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation

convention, Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0086

Midwest Farm Conference, Des Moines, Iowa 8:0640

Midwest Farm Conference, Springfield, Illinois 6: 0944

Mitchell, South Dakota 9: 0257 Moline, Illinois 10:0247 Nashville, Tennessee 9:0218 National Association of County Agricultural

Agents meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 3:0806

National Corn Picking Contest, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 5:0597

National Federation of Grain Cooperatives annual spring conference, Washington, D.C. 6:0001

Roosevelt birthday ball, Salt Lake City, Utah 7:0184

Sioux City, Iowa 9:0228,0234 Sioux Falls, South Dakota 9:0243 Southeastern Peanut Association, Atlanta,

Georgia 3:0500 Stutusman County Democratic Committee

dinner, Jamestown, North Dakota 7:0304

television program, Manchester, New Hampshire 10:0681

testimonial dinner for Brown, Edmund G., . San Francisco, California 8:0430

University of Maryland rally, College Park, Maryland 8: 0327


WTTV telecast, Indianapolis, Indiana 9:0577

Wichita, Kansas 10:0162 Farm production control

five-point program 10:0814 Farm program

three-point 10:0904 six-point 10:0876

Farm record 10:0778,0828 Benson, Ezra Taft 10:0727

Farm surplus 10:0781

Farm vote American Farm Bureau Federation, Miami

Beach, Florida 2:0879 Federal budget

1:0001 Federal disaster Insurance

see Insurance Federal flood Insurance

see Insurance First Congressional District Democratic dinner

Camden, New Jersey 8:0579 Flood insurance

see Insurance Florida Blue Key banquet

Gainesville, Florida 3:0863 Florida League of Municipalities

Daytona Beach, Florida 4:0052 "Food for Peace"

10:0814 Food programs

Glenwood Park, West Virginia 8:0068 Mount Hope, West Virginia 8:0014 West Virginia 12:0017

Forand Bill UAW rally in support of-Detroit, Michigan

7:0844 Fordham Law Alumni Association luncheon

New York, New York 4:0252 Foreign policy

11:0430,0480 Algeria 12:0850 American Whig-Clbsophic Society,

Princeton University 1:0802 Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts

2:0437 annual freedom award to the Hungarian

freedom fighters, New York, New York 3:0896

Boy Scouts of America luncheon, New York, New York, 4:0117

California Democratic Clubs convention, Fresno, California 7:0366

Carbondale, Illinois 9:0538 Chamber of Commerce dinner, Albany,

Georgia 2:0928 Chamber of Commerce dinner, Lynchburg,

Virginia 3:0140 Cheyenne, Wyoming 9:0280 Cincinnati, Ohio 9:0641 colonialism and-Town Hall luncheon, Los

Angeles, California 2: 0386 Democratic City Committee annual pre-

election dinner, Easton, Pennsylvania 3:0927

Democratic dinner, Albuquerque, New Mexico 3:0114

Democratic dinner, Los Angeles, California 8:0425

Democratic Midwest conference, Detroit, Michigan 7: 0833

Democratic rally, Alexandria, Virginia 8:0655

District Democratic Committee dinner, South Bend, Indiana 7:0938

Economic Club dinner, Chicago, Illinois 3:0730

First Congressional District Democratic dinner, Camden, New Jersey 8:0579

Foreign Policy Association, Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0113

Fresno, California 8:0876 Hampden County Teachers Association,

Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0751 Healy, John-dinner honoring 8:0556 Hillsboro High School, Portland, Oregon

8:0384 Jackson Day banquet, Springfield,

Missouri 3:0001 John Carroll Society, Washington, D.C.

4:0214 Kalamazoo, Michigan 9:0852 Kittanning, Pennsylvania 9:0909 Mansfield, Ohio 9:0358 Marshall, Michigan 9:0843 New Mexico State Democratic convention

8:0450 National Conference of Christians and Jews

dinner, Chicago, Illinois 4:0093 New York Herald Tribune forum for high

schools 3:0106 Nixon, Richard M. record-Oklahoma City,

Oklahoma 10:0563 Paramus, New Jersey 9:0053 Portland, Oregon 8:0821 presidency and 11:0930,0974 press conference 12:0386, 0426


press conference, Portland, Maine 8:0686 Radio and Television News Directors

Association meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana 11:0588

Raleigh, North Carolina 9:0130 Rochester, New York 9: 0403 Salt Lake City, Utah 9:0320, 0334 Silver Spring, Maryland 9: 0937 Syracuse, New York 9: 0436 Temple Emmanuel, New York, New York

4:0070 testimonial dinner for Brown, Edmund G.,

San Francisco, California 8:0430 transcript of fourth Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0782 University of Maryland rally. College Park,

Maryland 8:0327 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 3:0973 U.S. Senate 5:0531 ; 8:0486 Washington, D.C. 9:0197 Western Pennsylvania Columbus Day

banquet, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2:0707

"Where Do We Go from Here?" 11:0613 Women's Democratic Club luncheon,

Washington, D.C. 4:0551 Worcester County Teachers Association,

Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0798 World Affairs Council luncheon, Los

Angeles, California 2:0667 WTTV telecast, Indianapolis, Indiana

9:0577 Foreign Policy Association

Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0113 Forests

products-industry 11:0310 resources-western conference,

Albuquerque, New Mexico 7:0318 Fraternal Order of Eagles convention

Seattle, Washington 6: 0483 Freedom

of the press-Milwaukee Gridiron dinner, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0023

Freedom House Roxbury, Massachusetts 4:0610

French-American Committee correspondence concerning Algeria

12:0335 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick's dinner

Providence, Rhode Island 5:0947 New York, New York 1:0750

Fuels policy Amherstdale, West Virginia 8:0075

Fund-raising dinner Welch, West Virginia 6:0253

Geneva Conference atomic testing-Dave Epps memorial dinner,

Portland, Oregon 6:0682 "The Other" 11:0114

Gold reserve 11:0330

Government corruption-Wittenburg College, Springfield,

Ohio 10:0026 Massachusetts 1:0613 participation in-Boston College, Chestnut

Hill, Massachusetts 2:0513 role in education-National Citizens Council

for Better Schools, North Atlantic regional meeting, Washington, D.C. 4:0878

role of universities in-Associated Harvard Clubs symposium, Washington, D.C. 3:0286

Greater Houston Ministerial Association Houston, Texas 8:0952

Gridiron Club Washington, D.C. 4:0565

Grover Cleveland dinner Buffalo, New York 1:0312; 6:0317

GTA Convention St. Paul, Minnesota 9:0487

Hampden County Teachers Association Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0751

Harvard Alumni Association meeting Cambridge, Massachusetts 2:0561

Harvard Business School Young Presidents Organization 1:0727

Harvard Club Boston, Massachusetts 4:0582

Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 2:0522

Hawaii and the United States 11:0605 and the United States-Hawaii tour 6:0626

Hesley, John dinner honoring 8:0556

Health care 4:0501; 12:0022 Ann Arbor, Michigan 9:0828 Moline, Illinois 10:0247 Warm Springs, Georgian: 0710

Hearne, John J. St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877

High schools New York Herald Tribuneiorum for 3:0106

Hillsboro High School Portland, Oregon 8:0384


Histadrut Zionist Organization Baltimore, Maryland 2:0868

History Ireland-Friendly Sons of St. Patrick's

dinner, Providence, Rhode Island 5:0947

Ireland-Irish Fellowship Club, Chicago, Illinois 2:0332

Ireland-Irish Institute, New York, New York 2:0886

lreland~St. Patrick's Day dinner, Baltimore, Maryland 3:0061

U.S. Senate-Philadelphia Inquirerbook and author luncheon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2:0138

Hood College Frederick, Maryland 8:0278

Hoover, Herbert dinner honoring-Washington, D.C. 2:0923

Hoover Commission second-dinner honoring Herbert Hoover,

Washington, D.C. 2:0923 Hospitals

veterans-Marion, Illinois 9:0548 Housing

12:0007,0105 Baltimore, Maryland 8:0283 Building and Construction Trades national

legislative conference, Washington, D.C. 7:0683

Democratic State Central Committee luncheon, Roseburg, Oregon 7:0323

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0451 WTTV telecast, Indianapolis, Indiana

9:0577 Housing legislation

Massachusetts Real Estate Association banquet, Boston, Massachusetts 5:0578

Howard County, Indiana, Court House 8:0138

Howard University Washington, D.C. 5:0239; 9:0654

Hungarian freedom fighters annual freedom award-New York, New

York 3:0896 Hungary

annual freedom award to the Hungarian freedom fighters, New York, New York 3:0896

Hunger worldwide-Young Democrats state

convention banquet, Racine, Wisconsin 7:0719

I.A.M. convention St. Louis, Missouri 9:0034

ILGWU rally New York, New York 10:0325

Immigration legislation 1:0001 Overseas Press Club press conference,

New York, New York 8:0616 of persons having tuberculosis-bill allowing

11:0632 press conference 11:0634

India China and 11:0437, 0618 China and-Hood College, Frederick,

Maryland 8:0278 China and-University of New Hampshire,

Durham, New Hampshire 7:0614 Committee for International Economic

Growth conference, on India and the United States, Washington, D.C. 6:0202

International Economic Aid and Social Development conference, Washington, D.C. 4:0395

U.S. Senate 4:0651 Indo-China

1:0613 Executives Club, Chicago, Illinois 1:0846 U.S. Senate 1:0768

Industrial development Alderson, West Virginia 8:0200 Chattanooga, Tennessee 1:0608 Clarksburg, West Virginia 8:0243 Elkins, West Virginia 8:0239 Hagerstown, Maryland 8:0275 Ronceverte, West Virginia 8:0202 South Charleston, West Virginia 8:0163 West Virginia 12:0058

Industrial migration American Federation of Labor Natbnal

Legislative Council 1:0738 Chattanooga, Tennessee 1:0608

Industries forest products 11:0310

Inflation Mississippi Economic Council dinner,

Jackson, Mississippi 4:0802 Inland Daily Press Association

Chicago, Illinois-address of Robert F. Kennedy 3:0831

Insurance federal disaster-Senate Banking and

Currency Committee hearings 2:0058


federal flood-National Association of Cost Accountants, Tiverton, Rhode Island 2:0010

Intellectuals and politicians-Book and Authors Club

luncheon, Cleveland, Ohio 4:0299 and politicians-Harvard Alumni Association

meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts "2:0561

and politicians-Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2:0522

Interest rates 11:0313 Democratic dinner, Newport, Oregon

7:0330 Eaù Claire, Wisconsin 7:0554 Yuma, Arizona 7:0980

International Economic Aid and Social Development conference

Washington, D.C. 4:0395 International Institute of Gary Nationality Building Fund Committee dinner

Gary, Indiana 7:0226 International Ladies Garment Workers Union annual convention

Miami Beach, Florida 6:0278 International responsibilities

United States-National Chamber of Commerce meeting, Washington, D.C. 3:0183

Interview "Person-to-Person" program-Kennedy

family 12:0472 Pittsburgh Press-civil rights 12:0375

lona College New Rochelle, New York 3:0702

Ireland history 1:0001, 0877 history-Friendly Sons of St. Patrick's

dinner, Providence, Rhode Island 5:0947

history-Irish Fellowship Club, Chicago, Illinois 2:0332

history-Irish Institute, New York, New York 2:0886

history-St. Patrick's Day dinner, Baltimore, Maryland 3:0061

Irish Fellowship Club Chicago, Illinois 2:0332

Irish Institute New York, New York 2:0886

Israel 11:0463,0472,0618 American Salutes Israel celebration, New

York, New York 2:0431

B'nai Zion Golden Jubilee banquet, New York, New York 4:0181

Jewish Community Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0731

Temple B'rith Kodesh Temple Club, Rochester, New York 6:0860

tenth anniversary observance, Washington, D.C. 5:0019

Jackson, Andrew 11:0185; 12:0171

Jackson Day banquet Springfield, Missouri 3:0001

Jefferson, Thomas 11:0185

Jefferson-Jackson Day brunch Middletown, Ohio 10:0001

Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner Bellaire, Ohio 6:0556 Bismarck, North Dakota 4:0716 Boise, Idaho 5:0897 Boston, Massachusetts 2:0198; 7:0148 Bristol, Virginia 4:0489 Butte, Montana 5:0924 Des Moines, Iowa 4:0598 Detroit, Michigan 6:0331 Eugene, Oregon 5:0198 Hartford, Connecticut 2:0327; 7:0502 Huron, South Dakota 4:0742 Indianapolis, Indiana 4:0689 Lafayette, Indiana 7:0911 ; 11:0181 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 5:0157 Minneapolis, Minnesota 8:0454 Morgantown, West Virginia 5:0334 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4: 0004;

6:0961 Omaha, Nebraska 3:0345 Pawtuxet, Rhode Island 1: 0291 Richmond, Indiana 8:0129 Rockland, Maine 3:0550 Wilmington, Delaware 1:0307; 3:0311

Jewish Community Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0731 ; 10:0921

Job discrimination 10:0926

John Carroll Society Washington, D.C. 4: 0214

Johnson, Lyndon B. address-Amarillo, Texas 10:0550 introduction of-Truman dinner, Boston,

Massachusettts 6:0245 Junior Chamber of Commerce dinner

Richmond, Virginia 2:0725 Juvenile delinquency

YMCA annual branch dinner, Washington, D.C. 4:0571


Kansas Democratic Club banquet Topeka, Kansas 4:0001

Kennedy, John F. Algerian crisis-America article 12:0250 biography of 12:0163 L/fearticle--"We Must Climb to the Hilltop"

8:0649 profile-CBS news broadcast 9:0175;

12:0450 Kennedy, Robert F.

labor racketeering-Inland Daily Press Association, Chicago, Illinois 3:0831

labor racketeering-New York State Democratic dinner, Albany, New York 3:0707

Kennedy Conference on New Jobs and New Growth

Charleston, West Virginia-news release 9:0017

Kennedy-Nixon debates first-transcript 12:0588 fourth-transcript 12:0782 index to topics discussed 12:0584 list of topics not discussed 12:0584 second-NBC memorandum concerning

12:0483 second-transcript 12:0647 third-transcript 12:0716

Khrushchev, Nikita captive nations and 11:0518 United Nations visit-Pikesville, Maryland

9:0100 United States visit 11:0483

Knights of Columbus Père Marquette Council 60th anniversary

banquet-Boston, Massachusetts 4:0107

Labor Detroit, Michigan 8:0754 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0884 and politics-United Steelworkers

convention, Los Angeles, California 2:0604

Portland, Oregon 8:0821 U.S. Senate 6:0714

Labor law Massachusetts CIO convention 1:0575

Labor legislation 11:0704 AFL-CIÓ Building and Construction Trades

Department legislative conference, Washington, D.C. 5:0845

AFL-CIO Convention of Building Trades, San Francisco, California 6:0719

AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department second constitutional convention, Washington, D.C. 3:0941

Democratic reception, Pueblo, Colorado 7:0085

Labor racketeering see Racketeering, labor

Labor reform 11: 0665, 0670, 0692, 0701, 0704, 0752 Weyerhauser Lumber Company, Eugene,

Oregon 8: 0391 Lake County Women's Club breakfast

Gary, Indiana 7:0269 Lane, Thomas J.

St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877 LaSalle College

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 4:0202 Latin America

2:0774; 11:0532, 0537, 0618 Democratic dinner, Puerto Rico 5:0649 San Antonio, Texas 8:0936 television program, Manchester, New

Hampshire 10:0681 Leadership

California legislature, Sacramento, California 6:0160

Gridiron Club, Washington, D.C. 4:0565 Harvard Club, Boston, Massachusetts

4:0582 Montana legislature 5:0928 Nevada State legislature, Carson City,

Nevada 7:0209 Tennessee legislature joint session,

Nashville, Tennessee 5:0832 testimonial dinner honoring Torbert H.

MacDonald, Maiden, Massachusetts 4:0162

Leaf Tobacco Association and Tobacco Association of the United

States-White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia 5:0488

League of Municipalities Ocean City, Maryland 6:0458

Legislation depressed areas 11:0302 depressed areas-fund-raising dinner,

Welch, West Virginia 6: 0253 economic-State Federation of Labor

convention, Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0590

housing-Massachusetts Real Estate Association banquet, Boston, Massachusetts 5:0578

immigration 1: 0001


labor 11:0704 labor--AFL-CIO Building and Construction

Trades Department legislative conference, Washington, D.C. 5:0845

labor--AFL-CIO Convention of Building Trades, San Francisco, California 6:0719

labor--AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department second constitutional convention, Washington, D.C. 3: 0941

labor-Democratic reception, Pueblo, Colorado 7:0085

minimum wage 11:0744 mining-Pocatello, Idaho 8:0773 natural gas regulation-Catholic Alumni

Solidality, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0204

real estate-Massachusetts Real Estate Association banquet, Boston, Massachusetts 5:0578

St. Lawrence Seaway-U.S. Senate 1:0705 Legislators

Southern California-dinner honoring 2:0409

Lewis and Clark College Portland, Oregon 8:0379

Liberalism article in The Progressive by Wechsler,

James A. 8:0353 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Eugene,

Oregon 5:0198 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Milwaukee,

Wisconsins: 0157 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner,

Minneapolis, Minnesota 8:0454 Liberal Party meeting, New York, New York

9:0040 New York State Liberal Party meeting

8:0581 Roosevelt Day dinner, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 5:0744 Liberal Party

meeting-New York, New York 9:0040 trade union council-New York, New York

10:0335 Libraries

public-Cleveland Press book and author luncheon, Cleveland, Ohio 6:0084

public-opening National Library Week, Indianapolis, Indiana 6:0061

Life Kennedy, John F. article-'We Must Climb

to the Hilltop" 8:0649 Lincoln Monument rally

Spokane, Washington 8:0789

Lithuania Independence Day-U.S. House of

Representatives 1:0501 Independence Day-U.S. Senate 1:0501

Loras College Dubuque, Iowa 2:0481

Loughran, John T. St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877

Loyalty oath colleges 11:0357,0388 Democratic reception, Boulder, Colorado

7:0080 Mills College, Oakland, California 6:0951

Loyola College annual alumni banquet Baltimore, Maryland 4:0286

Lucas County Democratic picnic Toledo, Ohio 6:0857

Lyons, James J. tribute-Yeshiva University, New York, New

York 3:0919 MacDonald, Torbert H.

testimonial dinner honoring-Malden, Massachusetts 4:0162

McGovern, George Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Huron,

South Dakota 4:0742 McGrath, J. Howard

St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877 Maine Democratic Party Issues Conference banquet

Augusta, Maine 6:0982 Marshall County Junior and Senior High School convocation

Plymouth, Indiana 7:0943 Massachusetts

economy-Boston College Business Administration Alumni Association, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0048

farm platform-Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation convention, Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0086

future of-Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0504,0580

government 1:0613 Massachusetts Bar Association luncheon

Plymouth, Massachusetts 3:0537 Massachusetts CIO convention

1:0575 Massachusetts Democratic Club meeting

3:0339 Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation convention

Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0086 Massachusetts Federation of Labor

1:0861 dinner-Boston, Massachusetts 5:0609


Massachusetts Real Estate Association banquet Boston, Massachusetts 5:0578

Massachusetts Town Clerks Association convention

Great Barrington, Massachusetts 3:0781 Matsu

11:0582 Media

role of--Radio and Television News Directors Association, New Orleans, Louisiana 6:0902

Medical care older citizens--U.S. Senate 7:0164

Medical research Howard University, Washington, D.C.

5:0239 Medicine

Albert Einstein College of-Yeshiva University, New York, New York 2:0021

Meir, Golda dinner in honor of, Boston, Massachusetts

2:0864 Mental Illness

1:0001 Michigan State Fair

Detroit, Michigan 8:0748 Michigan State University

East Lansing, Michigan 9:0860 Middle East

11:0427,0547 Bonds for Israel dinner, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 10: 0460 Histadrut Zionist Organization, Baltimore,

Maryland 2:0868 National Conference of Christians and

Jews, Cleveland, Ohio 3:0038 Zionists of America Convention, New York,

New York 8: 0672 Midwest Farm Conference

10:0831 Des Moines, Iowa 8:0640 Springfield, Illinois 6:0944

Mills College Oakland, California 6:0951

Milton Seminary Benefactor's Day Milton, Massachusetts 3:0653

Milwaukee Gridiron dinner Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0023

Milwaukie High School Milwaukie, Oregon 8:0050

Minimum wage 11:0744 Amsterdam, New York 9:0431 Green Bay, Wisconsin 7:0498 New York, New York 10:0112

New York State AFL-CIO 8:0682 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0451 retail workers, Washington, D.C. 4:0949 U.S. Senate 8:0623

Mining legislation-Pocatello, Idaho 8: 0773

Missionaries Christian-Milton Seminary Benefactor's

Day, Milton, Massachusetts 3:0653 Mississippi Economic Council dinner

Jackson, Mississippi 4:0802 Mississippi Valley Historical Association annual meeting

Minneapolis, Minnesota 4:0914 Missile gap

11:0101 "Money and Farmers"

10:0850 Monroney, Mike (Senator)

introduction of--Boston, Massachusetts 4:0869

Montand convention banquet Helena, Montana 8:0594

Montana legislature 5:0928

Montgomery County Bar Association dinner Dayton, Ohio 6:0830

NAACP rally Los Angeles, California 8:0601

National Association of Cost Accountants Tiverton, Rhode Island 2:0010

National Association of County Agricultural Agents meeting

Boston, Massachusetts 3:0806 National Book Awards

New York, New York 2:0212 National Chamber of Commerce meeting

Washington, D.C. 3:0183 National Citizens Council for Better Schools

North Atlantic regional meeting- Washington, D.C. 4:0878

National Civil Liberties Clearinghouse annual conference 6:0065; 10:0940

National Conference of Christians and Jews Boston, Massachusetts 2:0276 Chicago, Illinois 4:0093 Cleveland, Ohio 3:0038

National Conference on Constitutional Rights and American Freedom

New York, New York 9:0801 National Corn Picking Contest

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 5:0597 National Council of Women, Inc.

New York, New York 9:0781 National Democratic Club luncheon

New York, New York 8: 0526


National Federation of Grain Cooperatives annual spring conférence-Washington,

D.C. 6:0001 National Institutes of Health

cerebral palsy task force-United Cerebral Palsy convention, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0078

Nationalism Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri

2:0471 National Legislative Council

American Federation of Labor 1:0738 National Library Week

opening-Indianapolis, Indiana 6:0061 National Milk Producers Federation

Washington, D.C. 7:0001 National Press Club

Washington, D.C. 7:0141 ; 11:0196 National Rural Electric Cooperative Association conference

Burlington, Vermont 5: 0570 National Rural Electrification Cooperative Association

Washington, D.C. 5:0778 National School Board Association

Atlantic City, New Jersey 2:0951 National Screw Machine Products Association

Washington, D.C. 3:0162 National security

1:0613, 0877; 4:0501 American Legion National Headquarters,

Indianapolis, Indiana 1: 0532 Cathedral Club, Brooklyn, New York 1:0712 Democratic National and State Committees

dinner, New York, New York 9:0795 Mayor Charles Boswell dinner, Indianapolis,

Indiana 6: 0869 North Carolina Democratic Club annual

dinner, Washington, D.C. 5:0970 Roosevelt birthday ball, Salt Lake City,

Utah 7:0184 St. Michael's College, Burlington, Vermont

1:0837 science and-Jefferson-Jackson Day

dinner, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4:0004

National Women's Democratic Club Democratic Party 2:0156

Nations, captive see Captive nations

Natural gas regulation legislation-Catholic Alumni

Solidality, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0204

Natural resources Detroit, Michigan 8:0754 Eisenhower, Dwight D.-record 11:0824 Madison, Wisconsin 7:0518 Medford, Wisconsin 7:0540 West Virginia 11:0876 Wisconsin 11:0889

Natural resources-conservation and development


Appleton, Wisconsin 7:0674 Billings, Montana 9:0268 Cheyenne, Wyoming 9:0280 Democratic luncheon, Tucson, Arizona

7:0983 Durango, Colorado 8:0537 Hinton, West Virginia 8:0081 Montana convention banquet, Helena,

Montana 8:0594 Mullens, West Virginia 8:0071 Phoenix, Arizona 7:0956 Red Bluff, California 8:0849 Redding, California 8:0837

NBC memorandum-second Nixon-Kennedy

debate 12: 0483 Nevada State legislature

Carson City, Nevada 7:0209 New England

economy 1:0001, 0325,0853,0861 ; 2:0741,0764

New England Publishers Association luncheon Boston, Massachusetts 3:0394

"The New Frontier" Democratic presidential nomination

acceptance speech 12:0183 New Hampshire

presidential primary-Dover, New Hampshire 7:0646

Newlands, Francis Nevada State legislature, Carson City,

Nevada 7:0209 New Mexico State Democratic convention

8:0450 Newspapers

Alaskan-statement to 8:0771 News release

concerning Kennedy Conference on New Jobs and New Growth-Charleston, West Virginia 9:0017

New York Herald Tribune forum for high schools 3:0106 luncheon 2:0291

New York State AFL-CIO 8:0682


New York State Democratic dinner Albany, New York-address of Kennedy,

Robert F. 3:0707 New York State Liberal Party meeting

8:0581 New York University

New York, New York 10:0342 Nixon, Richard M.

foreign policy record-Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 10:0563

voting record-Rock Island, Illinois 10:0253 see also Kennedy-Nixon debates

Nixon-Kennedy debates see Kennedy-Nixon debates

North Carolina Democratic Club annual dinner Washington, D.C. 5:0970

Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts 1:0547; 2: 0580

North Shore United Church 2:0107

Notre Dame University South Bend, Indiana 2:0972

Nuclear waste 11:0001

Nuclear weapons control of~UCLA student convocation

6:0956 Tennessee Rotary Club, Oak Ridge,

Tennessee 5:0789 testing 11:0107,0551 testing-Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0872

Oil depletion allowances 11:0822

Older citizens, medical care U.S. Senate 7:0164

Older citizens, programs for 11:0213; 12:0037,0050,0068 AFL-CIO convention. Grand Rapids,

Michigan 8:0462 AFL-CIO convention. Seaside, Oregon

6:0703 Democratic rally, St. Albans, West Virginia

8:0153 Kenosha, Wisconsin 7:0441 Los Angeles, California 10:0483 Portland, Oregon 8:0056 press conference-Portland, Maine 8:0686 Reading, Pennsylvania 9:0086 Rockford, Illinois 10:0225 Salisbury, Maryland 8:0345 senior citizens meeting, Buffalo, New York

9:0409 senior citizens rally, New York, New York


Social Security Act (25th anniversary of signing), Hyde Park, New York 8:0633

Superior, Wisconsin 7:0714 Williamston, West Virginia 8:0065

Oregon Chamber of Commerce 7:0337

Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 7:0352

Oshkosh State College convocation Oshkosh, Wisconsin 7:0477

"Our New Agenda for Action" Democratic Party 11:0224

"Our Unfinished Agenda" Democratic Party 11: 0230

Overpopulation Roosevelt birthday ball, Salt Lake City,

Utah 7:0184 urban-Essex County Democratic

Governor's Day annual picnic, Spring Lake, New Jersey 6:0665

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 10:0430 western conference, Albuquerque, New

Mexico 7:0318 Overseas Press Club

. awards dinner-New York, New York 3:0292 press conference-New York, New York

8:0616 Pat Clancy dinner

New York, New York 10:0137 Peace

see "Food for Peace" "Person-to-Person" program

interview with Kennedy family 12:0472 Philadelphia Inqulrerbook and author luncheon

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2:0138 Philanthropy

United Givers Fund kick-off dinner, New Bedford, Massachusetts 3:0791

Pier Boston, Massachusetts army base-U.S.

Senate 1:0793 Pittsburgh Press

interview-civil rights 12:0375 Poland

2:0001 ; 11:0572 American Polish Congress, Chicago, Illinois

9:0452 American Relief for Poland dinner, Detroit,

Michigan 3:0525 Cook County Democratic Party annual

dinner, Chicago, Illinois 3:0415 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Omaha,

Nebraska 3:0345 Overseas Press Club awards dinner,

New York, New York 3:0292


Polish Daily News Man of the Year award ceremony, Chicago, Illinois 4:0452

Pulaski Day, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0909 U.S. Senate 3:0569

Polish Daily News Man of the Year award ceremony-Chicago,

Illinois 4:0452 Political campaigns

Tavern Club, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0813

Political parties Cardinal Gibbons Award presentation

2:0853 Politicians

education of 11:0385 education of-American Association of

School Administrators, Atlantic City, NewJersey2:0951

education of-Eastern Shore Youth Council conference, Elkton, Maryland 8: 0303

education of-National School Board Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey 2:0951

intellectuals and-Book and Authors Club luncheon, Cleveland, Ohio 4:0299

intellectuals and-Harvard Alumni Association meeting, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2:0561

intellectuals and-Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2: 0522

role in history-Mississippi Valley Historical Association annual meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota 4:0914

Politicians and authors see Authors and politicians

Politics labor and-United Steelworkers convention,

Los Angeles, California 2: 0604 religion to-National Conference of

Christians and Jews, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0276

women in-Democratic Club meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 3:0339

Politics, careers in Chevy Chase High School, Bethesda,

Maryland 6:0441 Chicago Daily News Youth Achievement

awards program, Chicago, Illinois 6:0364

La Salle College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 4:0202

Marshall County Junior and Senior High School convocation, Plymouth, Indiana 7:0943

Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana 2:0972

Saint Vincent's College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania 4:0148

Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 5:0305

Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 3:0457

Theodore Roosevelt Centennial lecture, Dickinson, North Dakota 4:0778

Trinity College, Washington, D.C. 5:0212 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

3:0505 University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois

2:0898 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

4:0016 University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

3:0374 University of South Carolina, Columbia,

South Carolina 3:0438 Pollution, water

12:0147 Amsterdam, New York 9:0431 Cambridge, Maryland 8:0348 Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin 7:0468

Port of Boston Rotary Club, Beverly, Massachusetts

2:0098 Rotary Club, Danvers, Massachusetts

2:0098 Rotary Club, Peabody, Massachusetts

2:0098 Rotary Club, Salem, Massachusetts

2: 0098 Portland Realty Board luncheon

6:0920 Poverty

in West Virginia-Welch, West Virginia 8:0184

Power policy National Rural Electrification Cooperative

Association, Washington, D.C. 5:0778 Presidency

11: 0894, 0914, 0918, 0940, 0947, 0989, 1005

announcement of candidacy 7:0139; 11:0899

announcement of candidacy-press conference 12: 0352

California Democratic Clubs convention, Fresno, California 7:0366

Democratic Party presidential campaign kick-off dinner 7:0145


Democratic state committee dinner, New York, New York 7:0411

New York, New York 10:0622 Young People for Kennedy rally, Portland

Oregon 8:0368 Presidential campaign

Democratic Party kick-off dinner 11: 0221 general speech-Flushing, New York

10:0614 general speech-New York, New York

12:0616,0620 general speech-state Democratic

committee meeting, New York, New York 10:0618

general speech-Waterbury, Connecticut 10:0627

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0860 television coverage-BBC correspondence

concerning 12:0526 Presidential election

constitutional amendment-U.S. Senate 3:0650

Victory in 1960 luncheon, Salt Lake City, Utah 7:0168

Presidential election, Importance of 1960 Albany, New York 9:0419 Anderson, Indiana 9:0612 Bangor, Maine 8:0710 Batavia, Illinois 10:0289 Belleville, Illinois 9:0534 Boston, Massachusetts 10:0690 Bronx, New York 10:0602 Brooklyn, New York 10:0129,0349 Burbank, California 8:0900 Charlotte, North Carolina 9:0121 Chester, Pennsylvania 10:0406 Chico, California 8:0852 Citizens for Kennedy rally, New York,

New York 9:0020 city fund-raising dinner, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 10:0467 Crestwood, Missouri 10:0145 Dayton, Ohio 10: 0005 Grand Rapids, Michigan 9:0856 Granite City, Illinois 9:0519 Green Bay, Wisconsin 10:0186 Jennings, Missouri 10:0149 Jersey City, New Jersey 10:0651 La Crosse, Wisconsin 10:0199 Levittown, New Jersey 9:0925 Lincoln Monument rally, Spokane,

Washington 8:0789 Lockport, New York 9:0393 Los Angeles, California 8:0905; 10:0495

Louisville, Kentucky 9:0620 Madison, Wisconsin 10: 0191 Manchester, New Hampshire 8:0703 Marysville, California 8:0854 Memphis, Tennessee 9:0221 Merced, California 8:0883 Michigan State Fair, Detroit, Michigan ' 8:0748 Mineóla, New York 9:0807 Morristown, Pennsylvania 10:0418 Muskegon, Michigan 8:0765, 0767 Nassau County, New York 10:0612 North Tonawanda, New York 9:0399 Oakland, California 10:0513 Paducah, Kentucky 9:0680 Painesville, Ohio 9:0350 Peoria, Illinois 10:0241 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0413, 0426 Phoenix, Arizona 10:0528, 0531 Portland, Maine 8:0714 Presque Isle, Maine 8:0706 Queens, New York 10:0610 Queens County women's luncheon,

Queens, New York 10:0608 St. Pauls, Minnesota 9:0482 Salt Lake City, Utah 9:0320,0334 San Diego, California 8:0920 San Francisco, California 8:0721 Staten Island, New York 10:0364 Stockton, California 8:0874 Stuyvesant town rally 10:0339 Tampa, Florida 10:0084 Troy, New York 9:0423 Tulare, California 8:0888 Turtock, California 8:0891 Upper Darby, Pennsylvania 10:0409 Wichita Falls, Texas 10:0558 Youngstown, Ohio 9:0687

Presidential nomination acceptance speech-Democratic National

, Convention 8:0608 Stevenson, Adlai-Chicago, Illinois 2: 0599

Presidential primaries 11:0956 Bronx Democratic dinner, New York, New

York 8:0272 The Dalles, Oregon 8:0372 Dover, New Hampshire 7:0646 East Side Optimists, Madison, Wisconsin 7:0521 Indiana-announcement of candidacy

7:0250 Omaha, Nebraska 8:0222 Oregon Chamber of Commerce 7:0337 Parkersburg, West Virginia 8: 0168


presidential primary TV debate, Charleston, West VirginiaS: 0186

press conference 12:0352 Rotary Club, Nashua, New Hampshire

7:0157 television debate-Charleston, West

Virginia 8:0186 Terre Haute, Indiana 7:0285 West Virginia 11:0994 West Virginia-announcement of candidacy

7:0242 Wisconsin 11:1001

Press freedom-Milwaukee Gridiron dinner,

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0023 Press Club of Greater Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California 6:0173 Press conferences

civil rights 12:0352, 0404 defense 12:0352,0386 foreign policy 12:0386, 0426 immigration 11: 0634 Overseas Press Club, New York,

New York 8:0616 Portland, Maine 8:0686 presidential candidacy announcement

12:0352 presidential primaries 12:0352 religious issue 12:0352 voter registration 12:0426

Prestige, U.S. decline abroad Allentown, Pennsylvania 10:0377 Aurora, Illinois 10:0292 Barrington, Illinois 10:0269 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 10:0368 Citizens for Kennedy rally, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania 10:0457 Detroit, Michigan 10:0317 Elgin, Illinois 10:0280 Elmhurst, Illinois 10:0296 Geneva, Illinois 10:0286 Hamtramck, Michigan 10:0313 Hartford, Connecticut 10:0670 ILGWU rally, New York, New York 10:0325 Liberty ville, Illinois 10:0265 Mount Clemens, Michigan 10:0300 New Haven, Connecticut 10:0630 New York University, New York, New York

10:0342 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 10: 0567 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0402 Queens, New York 10:0360 St. Charles, Illinois 10:0283 Springfield, Massachusetts 10:0664

Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0454

Teterboro, New Jersey 10: 0648 Trade Union Council of the Liberal Party,

New York, New York 10:0335 University of Southern California, Los

Angeles, California 10:0473 Willow Green, Pennsylvania 10:0422

Primaries see Presidential primaries

Prince George's Democratic Club dedication 8:0270

Princeton University American Whig-Cliosophic Society 1:0802

Professionals Women-American Women in Radio and TV,

New York, New York 6:0109 The Progressive

article by Wechsler, James A.-liberalism 8:0353

"Prospects for 1960" Democratic Party 11:0248

Public broadcasting WBC Second Conference in Public Service

Programming, Baltimore, Maryland 4:0460

Public libraries Cleveland Press book and author luncheon,

Cleveland, Ohio 6:0084 meeting opening National Library Week,

Indianapolis, Indiana 6:0061 Pulaski Day

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0909 Queens County women's luncheon

Queens, New York 10: 0608 Quemoy

11:0582 Racketeering, business

District Attorneys' convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6:0673

Racketeering, labor 10:0968 AFL-CIO convention, Seaside, Oregon

6:0703 AFL-CIO state convention, Lincoln,

Nebraska 6:0886 Alabama League of Municipalities,

Birmingham, Alabama 3:0083 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America

convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey 5:0044

American Bakery and Confectionary Workers convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey 5:0537


American Women in Radio and TV, New York, New York 6: 0109

Arkansas Bar Association convention, Hot Springs, Arkansas 3:0477

Associated Industries of Massachusetts annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 3:0905

Chamber of Commerce dinner, Charlotte, North Carolina 5: 0701

Chamber of Commerce dinner, Lynchburg, Virginia3:0140

district attorneys'convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 6: 0673

Florida League of Municipalities, Daytona Beach, Florida 4:0052

Fordham Law Alumni Association luncheon, New York, New York 4:0252

Graver Cleveland dinner, Buffalo, New York 6:0317

Inland Daily Press Association, Chicago, Illinois-address of Kennedy, Robert F. 3:0831

International Ladies Garment Workers Union annual convention, Miami Beach, Florida 6:0278

Massachusetts Bar Association luncheon, Plymouth, Massachusetts 3:0537

Massachusetts Federation of Labor dinner, Boston, Massachusetts 5:0609

Montgomery County Bar Association dinner, Dayton, Ohio 6:0830

New England Publishers Association luncheon, Boston, Massachusetts 3:0394

New York State Democratic dinner, Albany, New York-address of Kennedy, Robert F. 3:0707

Press Club of Greater Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 6:0173

St. Patrick's Day dinner, Baltimore, Maryland 3:0061

United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers convention, New York, New York 6:0373

United Steelworkers of America convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey 5:0551

Universal Notre Dame Night celebration, Washington, D.C. 3:0165

University of Florida Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, Gainesville, Florida 3:0878

Radioactivity 11:0095

Radio and Television News Directors Association New Orleans, Louisiana 6:0902; 11:0588

Real estate future of-Portland Realty Board luncheon

6:0920 Real estate legislation

Massachusetts Real Estate Association banquet, Boston, Massachusetts 5:0578

Recession Mississippi Economic Council dinner,

Jackson, Mississippi 4:0802 Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce,

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 5:0038 Reciprocal trade

Tobacco Association of the United States and Leaf Tobacco Association joint meeting, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia 5: 0488

Religion Assumption College, Worcester,

Massachusetts 2:0004 and communism-Assumption College,

Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0830 Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa 2: 0481 in politics-National Conference of

Christians and Jews, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0276

role in founding of America-North Shore United Church 2:0107

Religious freedom Salt Lake City, Utah 9:0320

Religious issue 12:0201 American Society of Newspaper Editors,

Washington, D.C. 8:0033 Burbank, California 8:0894 Greater Houston Ministerial Association,

Houston, Texas 8:0952 press conference 12:0352 television program, Manchester, New

Hampshire 10:0681 transcript of third Kennedy-Nixon debate

12:0716 Republican Party, criticism of

Akron, Ohio 9:0362 Albion, Michigan 9:0839 Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:0542 Allentown, Pennsylvania 10:0377 Amalgamated Clothing Workers Rally,

New York, New York 10:0331 Bakersfield, California 8:0902 Battle Creek, Michigan 9:0847 Belleville, Illinois 9:0531 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 10:0368 Bowling Green, Kentucky 9:0668 Bridgeport, Connecticut 10:0633


Brooklyn, New York 10:0124,0131,0135, 0352

Buffalo, New York 9:0412 Canton, Ohio 9:0367 Cincinnati, Ohio 9:0641 Columbia, Pennsylvania 9:0091 Columbus, Georgia 9:0707 Comack, New York .10:0636 Denver, Colorado 9:0294 Evansville, Indiana 9: 0573 Grand View, Missouri 10:0175 Hazelton, Pennsylvania 10:0385 Hibbing, Minnesota 9: 0500 I.A.M. Convention, St. Louis, Missouri

9:0034 ILGWU rally, New York, New York

10:0325 Indianapolis, Indiana 9:0592 Jackson, Michigan 9:0834 Jacksonville, Florida 10:0100 Johnstown, Pennsylvania 9:0914 Kansas City, Kansas 10:0169 Kansas City, Missouri 10:0179 Lebanon, Pennsylvania 9:0083 Levittown, Pennsylvania 10:0439 Lewistown, Maine 10:0654

• Long Beach, California 10:0492 Lorraine, Ohio 9:0354 Los Angeles, California 10:0480, 0483,

0500 Madera, California 8:0886 Manchester, New Hampshire 10:0676 Martinez, California 8: 0857 Miami, Florida 10:0056 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 10:0210 Minneapolis, Minnesota 9:0463 Munde, Indiana 9:0606 Muskegon, Michigan 8:0762 Newark, New Jersey 9:0066; 10:0645 New Castle, Pennsylvania 9:0894 New York, New York 9:0810,0815 New York University, New York, New York

10:0342 Niagara Falls, New York 9:0389 North Miami Beach, Florida 10:0052 Oakland, California 8:0862 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 10: 0567 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0446,0463 Phoenix, Arizona 10:0533 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 9:0740 Pottsville, Pennsylvania 10:0381 Providence, Rhode Island 10:0658,0660 Reading, Pennsylvania 9:0086 Redondo Beach, California 10:0488 Richmond, California 8:0860

Roanoke, Virginia 10:0573 St. Louis, Missouri 9:0505 Salem, Ohio 9:0702 San Diego, California 10:0507, 0509 Scranton, Pennsylvania 10:0392 Sharon, Pennsylvania 9:0888 Smith, Al-memorial dinner, New York, New

York 10:0116 Springfield, Illinois 9: 0559 Tampa, Florida 10:0084 Terre Haute, Indiana 9:0616 Texarkana, Texas 9:0011 Trade Union Council of the Liberal Party,

New York, New York 10:0335 United Steelworkers of America

Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey 9:0149

University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois 10:0236

University of Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky 9:0662

University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota 9:0494

Venice, Illinois 9:0556 Warren, Michigan 10:0306 Warren, Ohio 6:0697 Wichita, Kansas 10:0162 Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 10:0388 Willow Green, Pennsylvania 10:0422 Wilmington, Delaware 9:0930 York, Pennsylvania 9:0094

Research agricultural-Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

7:0558 Retall workers

Washington, D.C. 4:0949 Rhyne, Charles A.

Nixon-Lodge national chairman-interview 9:0299

Rlblcoff, Abraham introduction of--state Democratic

convention, Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0500

Rockefeller Public Service Awards Washington, D.C. 5:0001

Rockhurst College Kansas City, Missouri 2:0471

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 11:0160,0185 memorial dinner-Eugene, Oregon 4:0935 memorial dinner-Los Angeles, California

4:0440 Warm Springs, Georgia 9:0710


Roosevelt, Theodore centennial lecture-Dickinson, North

Dakota 4:0778 Roosevelt birthday ball

Salt Lake City, Utah 7:0184 Roosevelt Day dinner

Medford, Oregon 5:0872 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 5:0744;

11:0256 Salt Lake City, Utah 5:0874

Rural electrification 11:0841 Antigo, Wisconsin 7:0532 National Rural Electric Cooperative

Association conference, Burlington, Vermont 5:0570

Rural Electrification Administration county meeting, Lancaster, Wisconsin 7:0820

Young Democrats luncheon, Bismarck, North Dakota 7:0312

Rural Electrification Administration . cooperatives 10:0857

Rural Electrification Administration county meeting Lancaster, Wisconsin 7:0820

Saint Anselm's College Manchester, New Hampshire 7:0593

St. Lawrence Seaway legislation--U.S. Senate 1:0705

Saint Mary's College South Bend, Indiana 7:0953

St. Michael's College Burlington, Vermont 1:0837

St. Patrick's Day speeches-various persons 1:0877

St. Patrick's Day dinner Baltimore, Maryland 3:0061

Saint Vincents College Latrobe, Pennsylvania 4:0148

Science and national security-Jefferson-Jackson

Day dinner, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4:0004

Senate Banking and Currency Committee hearings 2:0058

Senators relationship with their constituents-Sigma

Delta Chi, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0028

relationship with their states-Sigma Delta Chi, Boston, Massachusetts 2:0028

Senior citizens meeting-Buffalo, New York 9:0409 rally-New York, New York 9:0025 see also Older citizens, medical care; Older citizens,

programs for

Sheen, Fulton J. St. Patrick's Day speech 1:0877

Shriver, Sargent 1:0001

Sigma Delta Chi Boston, Massachusetts 2:0028

Small business Chamber of Commerce luncheon, North

Clackamas, Oregon 8:0053 tax relief-National Screw Machine

Products Association, Wasington, D.C.3:0162

Weirton, West Virginia 8:0173 Smathers, George

testimonial 2:0145 Smith, AI

memorial dinner-New York, New York 6:0928; 10:0116; 11:0140

Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts 5:0305

Social security 1:0001; 4:0501 Beloit, Wisconsin 7:0854 Fraternal Order of Eagles convention,

Seattle, Washington 6:0483 Massachusetts Federation of Labor

dinner, Boston, Massachusetts 5:0609 New York State AFL-CIO 8:0682 Portland, Oregon 8:0056 UAW rally in support of Forand Bill, Detroit,

Michigan 7:0844 Social Security Act

25th anniversary of signing, Hyde Park, New York 8:0633

South America see Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Southeastern Peanut Association Atlanta, Georgia 3:0500

South Weymouth Naval Air Station 2:0040

Soviet Union anti-Semitism 1:0001 relations with U.S.-South Weymouth Naval

Air Station 2:0040 Western psychological strategy toward-

U.S. Senate 1:0527 Soviet Union competition with U.S.

Dallas, Texas 9:0001 Democratic Club dinner, Spokane,

Washington 7:0358 Democratic dinner, Denver, Colorado

7:0067 Democratic dinner, Hutchinson, Kansas



Democratic dinner, Nashua, New Hampshire 7:0600

Democratic luncheon, Kansas City, Kansas 7:0028

Democratic Party of Wisconsin-annual convention 6: 0972

Florida Blue Key banquet, Gainesville, Florida 3:0863

Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Richmond, Indiana 8: 0129

Knights of Columbus Père Marquette Council 60th anniversary banquet, Boston, Massachusetts 4:0107

Salem, Oregon 8:0817 Women's Club, Richmond, Virginia

4:0131 Speeches, general

12: 0158, 0166, 0180, 0191, 0204-0229 Spellman, Cardinal

presented Carver Gold Award 2:0320 "Spirit of 1960"

Democratic Party 11:0288 Springfield College

Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0504 Springfield Rotary Club

Springfield, Massachusetts 2:0764 Stanford University convocation

Palo Alto, California 7:0399 State Democratic Committee meeting

New York, New York 10:0618 State Democratic Convention

Worcester, Massachusetts 2: 0500 State Federation of Labor convention

Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0590 Steel strike

11:0767 Taft-Hartley Law and 11:0773 Taft Hartley Law and-Montgomery County

Bar Association dinner, Dayton, Ohio 6:0830

Taft-Hartley Law and~Washington County Democratic dinner, Fayette City, Pennsylvania 6:0875

Stevenson, Adlai popularity in New England-Jefferson-

Jackson Day dinner, Hartford, Connecticut 2:0327

presidential nomination-Chicago, Illinois 2:0599

Stutusman County Democratic Committee dinner Jamestown, North Dakota 7:0304

Stuyvesant town rally 10:0339

Symington, Stuart 1:0001

Syracuse University Syracuse, New York 3:0457

Taft-Hartley Law 1:0001 see also Steel strike

Tavern club Boston, Massachusetts 2:0813

Taxes depletion allowances-Jefferson-Jackson

Day dinner, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 6:0961

legislation 1:0001 penalty on farm cooperatives-Manitowac,

Wisconsin 7:0849 Tax relief

small business-National Screw Machine Products Association, Washington, D.C.3:0162

Teachers' Association Convention Baltimore, Maryland 3:0767 Swampscott, Massachusetts 3:0756

Teacher colleges task of graduates 11:0393 task of graduates-Athens, West Virginia

8:0085 Television address

Democratic Party 2:0782 Manchester, New Hampshire 10:0681

Television coverage presidential campaigns and debates

12:0492,0526,0528 Temple B'rith Kodesh Temple Club

Rochester, New York 6:0860 Temple Emmanuel

New York, New York 4: 0070 Temple University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10:0454 "Ten Revolutions of Our Time"

Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Detroit, Michigan 6:0331

Tennessee legislature joint session-Nashville, Tennessee

5:0832 Tennessee Rotary Club

Oak Ridge, Tennessee 5:0789 Testimonial

Smathers, George 2:0145 Texas State Teachers Association convention

Dallas, Texas 4:0079 "A Time for Greatness"

Democratic Party 11: 0291 Tobacco Association of the United States

and Leaf Tobacco Association joint meeting-White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia 5: 0488


Town Hall luncheon Los Angeles, California 2:0386

Trade Union Council Liberal Party-New York, New York

10:0335 Trinity College

Washington, D.C. 5:0212 Truman, Harry

introduction for 2:0135 Truman dinner

Boston, Massachusetts 6:0245 Tuberculosis

bill allowing immigration of persons having 11:0632

UCLA student convocation 6:0956

Unemployment 1:0613; 4:0501 ; 11:0748; 12:0004, 0079 AFL-CIO convention, Seaside, Oregon

6:0703 AFL-CIO unemployment conference,

Washington, D.C. 4:0542 Beloit, Wisconsin 7: 0854 Clarksburg, West Virginia 7:0998 Detroit, Michigan 8:0754 Fraternal Order of Eagles convention,

Seattle, Washington 6:0483 Green Bay, Wisconsin 7:0498 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Butte,

Montana 5:0924 Kennedy Conference on New Jobs and

New Growth, Charleston, West Virginia-news release concerning 9:0017

Lawrence, Massachusetts 5:0134 Massachusetts Federation of Labor dinner,

Boston, Massachusetts 5:0609 New York, New York 10:0141 retail workers, Washington, D.C. 4:0949 Superior, Wisconsin 7:0714 United Chemical Workers convention,

Atlantic City, New Jersey 9:0144 United Steelworkers of America

convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey 9:0149

U.S. Senate 5:0004 Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce,

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 5:0038 United Auto Workers (UAW)

convention-Atlantic City, New Jersey 6:0881

rally-support of Forand Bill, Detroit, Michigan 7:0844

speeches 11:0779

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America convention

Chicago, Illinois 9:0345 United Cerebral Palsy convention

Boston, Massachusetts 2:0078 United Chemical Workers convention

Atlantic City, New Jersey 9:0144 United Democratic Women's Clubs of America luncheon

Rockville, Maryland 8:0259 United Givers Fund kick-off dinner

New Bedford, Massachusetts 3:0791 United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers convention

New York, New York 6:0373 United Nations

Khrushchev, Nikita visit-Pikesville, Maryland 9:0100

press conference, Portland, Maine 8:0686 United Nations Association of Maryland

dinner, Baltimore, Maryland 4:0413 United Nations Association of Maryland dinner

Baltimore, Maryland 4:0413 United Negro College Fund convocation

Indianapolis, Indiana 6:0041 ; 11:0403 United Steelworkers convention

Los Angeles, California 2:0604 United Steelworkers of America convention

Atlantic City, New Jersey 5:0551 ; 9:0149 Universal Notre Dame Night celebration

Washington, D.C. 3:0165 Universities

role in government-Associated Harvard Clubs symposium, Washington, D.C. 3:0286

University of Florida Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity Gainesville, Florida 3:0878

University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 3:0505

University of Illinois Champaign, Illinois 2:0898 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois 10:0236

University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 4:0016

University of Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky 9:0662

University of Maryland rally College Park, Maryland 8:0327

University of Minnesota Duluth, Minnesota 9:0494

University of Montreal Montreal, Canada 1:0589

University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska 3:0374

University of New Brunswick Fredericton, New Brunswick 3:0714


University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire 7:0614

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3:0973

University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 3:0438

University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 10:0473

University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 7:0783; 10:0191 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0768

Urban Affairs Conference Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 9:0735

Urban overpopulation Essex County Democratic Governor's Day

annual picnic, Spring Lake, New Jersey 6:0665

Urban politics Florida League of Municipalities, Daytona

Beach, Florida 4:0052 Massachusetts Town Clerks' Association

convention, Great Barrington, Massachusetts 3:0781

Urban problems 12:0099,0113 American Municipal Association, Denver,

Colorado 7:0124 League of Municipalities, Ocean City,

Maryland 6:0458 National Democratic Club luncheon,

New York, New York 8:0526 Urban Affairs Conference, Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania 9:0735 U.S. Conference of Mayors, New York,

New York 3:0662 U.S. Mayors Conference luncheon, Miami

Beach, Fbrida 5: 0542 U.S.

future of-Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 6: 0961.

Hawaii and 11:0605 Hawaii and-Hawaii tour 6:0626 international responsibilities-National

Chamber of Commerce meeting, Washington, DC.3:0183

relations with Canada-University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada 1:0589

relations with Canada-University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick 3:0714

relations with Soviet Union-South Weymouth Naval Air Station 2:0040

role of religbn in founding-North Shore United Church 2:0107

U.S., prestige of see Prestige, U.S. decline abroad

U.S. and Soviet Union see Soviet Union, competition with U.S.

U.S. Conference of Mayors New York, New York 3:0662

U.S. economy see Economy, U.S.

U.S. House of Representatives Lithuania-Independence Day 1:0501

U.S. Mayors Conference luncheon Miami Beach, Fbrida 5:0542

U.S. Senate Algeria 12:0850 Boston, Massachusetts army base pier

1:0793 defense 5:0531; 7:0563 Eastern Europe 3:0569 economy-New England 1:0325 economy-U.S. 5:0784 foreign policy 5:0531 ; 8:0486 history-Philadelphia Inquirerbook and

author luncheon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2: 0138

India 4:0651 Indo-China 1:0768 labor6: 0714 Lithuania-Independence Day 1:0501 medical care for older citizens 7:0164 minimum wage 8:0623 Poland 3:0569 presidential elections-constitutional

amendment 3:0650 reception room-choice of senatorial

portraits 3: 0204 St. Lawrence Seaway legislation

1:0705 unemployment compensation 5:0004 Western psychobgical strategy toward

Soviet Union 1:0527 U-2 incident

11:0611 transcript of second Kennedy-Nixon

debate 12:0647 Veterans

hospitals-Marion, Illinois 9:0548 issues 12:0174

VFW convention Detroit, Michigan 8:0665; 11:0133

Victory In 1960 luncheon Salt Lake City, Utah 7:0168

Vietnam American Friends of Vietnam, Washington,

D.C. 2:0453


Voter registration 11:0296 press conference 12:0426

Voting record Nixon, Richard M.~Rock Island, Illinois

10:0253 Voting rights

10:0951 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0723

Washington College Chestertown, Maryland 8:0252

Washington County Democratic dinner Fayette City, Pennsylvania 6:0875

Washington Post book and author luncheon 2:0256

Water pollution see Pollution, water

Water resources 11:0787,0806,0862,0867

Water resources, development of 4:0501 Alaska tour 5:0622 Democratic dinner, Caspar, Wyoming

5:0377 Democratic dinner, Denver, Colorado

7:0067 Democratic dinner, Grand Juction,

Colorado 7:0101 Democratic dinner, Yakima, Washington

6:0527 Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, Boise,

Idaho 5:0697 Roosevelt Day dinner, Medford, Oregon

5:0872 Western Conference, Albuquerque, New

Mexico 7:0318 Weapons, nuclear

see Nuclear weapons Wechsler, James A.

article in T/jeP/ogress/Ve-liberalism 8:0353

"We Must Climb to the Hilltop" Life article by Kennedy, John F. 8:0649

Western Pennsylvania Columbus Day banquet Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2:0707

Westinghouse Broadcasting Company (WBC) "American Forum of the Air: Which Party for

the Independent Voter?" 9:0299 second conference in public service

programming-Baltimore, Maryland 4:0460

West Virginia defense contracts 8:0006 economy 8:0216; 9:0163 industrial development 8:0163,0200,

0202, 0239, 0243; 12: 0058

natural resources 11:0876 presidential primary 7:0242; 8:0168, 0186;

11:0994 programs for 7:0991 ; 8:0020

Weyerhauser Lumber Company Eugene, Oregon 8:0391

"Where Do We Go from Here?" foreign policy 11:0613

White, Byron R. Kennedy-Johnson National Chairman-

interview 9:0299 Whitewater College convocation

Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 7:0421 Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 5:0038 Wisconsin

natural resources 7:0518,0540; 11:0889 presidential primary 7:0521 ; 11:1001

Wisconsin Association of Student Councils Milwaukee, Wisconsin 7:0872

Wisconsin Democratic dinner 3:0627

Wisconsin presidential primary press conference Madison, Wisconsin 7:0448

Wittenburg College Springfield, Ohio 10:0026

Women in politics-Democratic Club meeting,

Massachusetts 3:0339 professionals-American Women in Radio

and TV, New York, New York 6:0109 Women's Club

Richmond, Virginia 4:0131 Women's Democratic Club luncheon

Washington, D.C. 4:0551 Women's Democratic luncheon

New York, New York 9:0029 Women's National Press Club luncheon

2:0305 Worcester County Teachers Association

Worcester, Massachusetts 2:0798 World Affairs Council luncheon

Los Angeles, California 2:0667 World Affairs Forum

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 4:0844 World hunger

Young Democrats state convention banquet, Racine, Wisconsin 7:0719

World leadership Boston College Varsity Club, Boston,

Massachusetts 1:0197 WTTV telecast

Indianapolis, Indiana 9:0577 Yeshiva University

New York, New York 2:0021 ; 3:0919


YMCA annual branch dinner Washington, D.C. 4:0571

Young Democratic Club Baltimore, Maryland 1:0214

Young Democratic Clubs of America convention Reno, Nevada 4:0026

Young Democrats dinner Jackson, Mississippi 3:0845

Young Democrats luncheon Bismarck, North Dakota 7:0312

Young Democrats of North Carolina Winston-Salem, North Carolina 2: 0700

Young Democrats state convention banquet Racine, Wisconsin 7:0719

Young People for Kennedy rally Portland, Oregon 8:0368

Young Presidents Organization Harvard Business School 1:0727

Youth Conservation Corps Lewisburg, West Virginia 8:0205 White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

8:0198 Zionists of America convention

New York, New York 8:0672



The folbwing index is a guide to the states, cities, counties, and other locales where Senator John F. Kennedy gave speeches, remarks, introductions, etc., as listed in the Reel Index of this guide. The researcher can locate the specific speech given by using the reel and frame number reference after each entry. The number preceding the colon refers to the reel number, while the number following the colon is the frame number. Hence 3:0934 leads the researcher to Reel 3, Frame 0934, where the subject begins.

Alabama Birmingham 3:0083

Alaska Anchorage 8:0726 Palmer 8:0730

Arizona Phoenix 7:0956; 10:0528, 0531,0533 Tucson 4:0322; 7:0983 Yuma 7:0980

Arkansas Hot Springs 3:0477

California Bakersfield 8:0902 Burbank 8:0894, 0900 Chico 8:0852 Fresno 7:0366; 8:0876 Long Beach 10:0492 Los Angeles 2:0386,0604,0667; 4:0440;

6:0173,0956; 8:0413,0425, 0601, 0605, 0608, 0905; 10: 0473, 0480, 0483, 0495, 0500

Madera 8:0886 Martinez 8:0857 Marysville 8:0854 Merced 8:0883 Oakland 6:0951 ; 8:0862; 10:0513 Palo Alto 7:0399 Richmond 8:0860 Red Bluff 8:0849 Redding 8:0837 Redondo Beach 10:0488 Sacramento 6:0160 San Diego 8:0920, 0922; 10:0507, 0509 San Francisco 2:0648; 6:0719; 8:0430,

0721; 10:0517 Stockton 8:0874

Tulare 8:0888 Turlock8:0891

Canada Fredericton, New Brunswick 3:0714 Montreal 1:0589

Colorado Boulder 7:0080 Denver 4:0351 ; 7:0067, 0124; 9:0286,

0294, 0883 Durango 8:0537 Grand Junction 7:0101 Pueblo 7:0085

Connecticut Bridgeport 1:0285; 10:0633 Hartford 2:0327; 5:0504; 7:0502; 10:0670 New Haven 10:0630 Waterbury10:0627

Delaware Wilmington 1:0307; 3:0311 ; 9:0930

District of Columbia 1:0208; 2:0256,0453, 0853, 0923;

3:0162, 0165, 0183, 0286, 0305, 0941 ; 4:0214, 0395, 0542, 0551, 0565, 0571, 0878, 0949; 5: 0001, 0019, 0212, 0239, 0778, 0845, 0970; 6: 0001, 0065, 0202; 7:0001, 0141, 0145, 0683; 8:0033, 0584; 9: 0197, 0654; 11: 0196

Florida Daytona Beach 4:0052 Gainesville 3:0863,0878 Jacksonville 10:0100 Miami 10:0056, 0061 Miami Beach 2:0879; 5:0542; 6:0278 North Miami Beach 10:0052 Tampa 10:0084


Georgia Albany 2:0928 Athens 3:0505 Atlanta 3:0500 Columbus 9:0707 La Grange 9: 0722 Warm Springs 9:0710

Hawaii 6:0626

Idaho Boise 5:0897 Pocatello 8:0773

Illinois Alton 9: 0516 Aurora 10:0292 Barrington 10:0269 Batavia 10: 0289 Belleville 9:0531, 0534 Carbondale 9:0538 Carpentersville 10:0272 Champaign 2:0898; 10:0236 Chicago 1:0846; 2:0332,0599; 3:0415,

0730; 4:0093,0452; 6:0364; 9:0345, 0447, 0450, 0452; 10: 0259, 0591

East Chicago 7:0280 East Peoria 10:0245 East St. Louis 9:0523,0525,0528 Elgin 10:0280 Elmhurst10:0296 Geneva 10:0286 Granite City 9:0519 Harnsburg9:0552 Libertyville 10:0265 Marion 9:0544,0548, 0550 Molinel 0:0247 Peoria 10:0241 Rockford 10:0225 Rock Island 10:0253 St. Charles 10:0283 Springfield 6: 0944; 9:0559 Venice 9:0556

Indiana Alexandria 7:0923 Anderson 9:0612 Evansville 9: 0573 Gary 7:0226, 0269 Indianapolis 1:0532; 2: 0782; 4:0689;

6:0041, 0061, 0869; 9:0577, 0592; 11:0403

Kokomo8:0138 Lafayette 7:0911; 11: 0181 Muncie 7:0915; 9:0606; 9:0610 Pendleton 9:0604 Plymouth 7:0943 Richmond 8:0122,0129

South Bend 2: 0972; 7:0938,0953 Terre Haute 7:0285; 9: 0616

Iowa 8:0589 Cedar Rapids 5:0597 Des Moines 4: 0598; 8:0640 Dubuque 2:0481 Fort Dodge 9:0239 Sioux City 9:0228, 0234

Kansas Dodge City 7:0060 Hutchinson 7: 0584 Kansas City 7:0028; 10:0169 Lawrence 4: 0016 Topeka4:0001 Wichita 7:0055; 10:0162

Kentucky Bowling Green 9:0668 Louisville 9:0620,0622, 0624,0705 Owensboro 2:0680 Paducah 9:0680

Louisiana New Orleans 6:0902; 11:0588

Maine Augusta 6:0982 Bangor8:0710 Lewiston 10:0654 Portland 8: 0686, 0714 Presque Isle 8:0706 Rockland 3:0550

Maryland 8:0350 Baltimore 1:0214; 2:0868; 3:0061,0767;

4:0286, 0413, 0460; 8:0283; 11:0910 Bethesda 6: 0441 Cambridge 8:0348 Chestertown 8:0252 College Park 8:0327 Easton 8:0325 Elkton 8:0303 Frederick 8:0278 Hagerstown 8:0275 Ocean City 6:0458 Pikesville9:0100 Rockville 8:0259 Salisbury 8:0345 Silver Spring 9: 0937 Towson 9:0097

Massachusetts 2:0107,0741 Amherst 2:0437 Beverly 2:0098 Boston 1:0197, 0547; 2:0028,0078,0098,

0198, 0204, 0276, 0513, 0580, 0813, 0864; 3: 0339, 0394, 0806, 0905;


4:0107,0582,0869; 5:0074, 0578, 0609; 6:0245; 7:0148; 10:0690

Cambridge 1: 0727; 2:0522, 0561 Chestnut Hill 1:0197; 2:0048,0513;

5:0138 Danvers 2:0098 Frtchburgh 5:0009 Great Barrington 3:0781 Lawrence 5:0134 Maiden 4:0162 Milton 3:0653 New Bedford 3:0791 Northampton 5:0305 Peabody2:0098 Plymouth 3:0537 Roxbury 4:0670 Salem 2:0098,0483 South Wey mouth 2:0040 Springfield 2:0113,0504,0751,0764;

10:0664 Swampscott3:0756 Waltham 2:0446 Worcester 2:0004,0086,0500,0590,:

0798, 0830 Michigan

Albion 9:0839 Ann Arbor 9:0828 Battle Creek 9:0847 Detroit 3:0525; 6:0331 ; 7:0833, 0844;

8:0665, 0746, 0748, 0754; 10:0317; 11:0133

East Lansing 9:0860 Hamtramck10:0313 Grand Rapids 8:0462; 9:0856 Jackson 9: 0834 Kalamazoo 9:0852 Lansing 9:0868 Marshall 9:0843 Muskegon 8:0762, 0765, 0767 Mount Clemens 10:0300 Owasso 9:0865 Rosedale10:0310 Saginaw 9:0872 Warren 10:0306

Minnesota Duluth9:0494 Hibbing 9:0500 Minneapolis 4:0914; 8:0454; 9:0463 St. Paul 9:0480,0482,0487

Mississippi Jackson 3:0845; 4:0802

Missouri Crestwood10:0145 Grand View 10:0175 Jennings 10:0149

Kansas City 2:0471; 10:0179 - ••• • St. Louis 9:0034,0505; 10:0155 Springfield 3:0001

Montana Billings 5:0431; 9:0268 Butte 5:0924 Helena 5:0928; 8:0594

Nebraska Lincoln 3:0374; 6:0886 Omaha 3:0345; 8:0222

Nevada Reno 4:0026

New Hampshire Dover 7:0646 Durham 7:0614 Hanover 7:0609 Manchester 5:0259; 7:0593; 8:0703;

10:0676,0681 Nashua 7:0157,0600

New Jersey Atlantic City 2:0951 ; 5:0044, 0537, 0551 ;

6:0881;9:0144,0149 Camden 8:0556, 0579 Clifton 9:0075 Jersey City 9:0050; 10:0651 Levittown 9:0925 Newark 9:0066; 10:0645 New Brunswick 9:0069 Paramus 9:0053 Paterson 9:0063 Princeton 1:0802 Spring Lake 6:0665; 8:0566 Teterboro 10: 0648 Trenton 9:0072

New Mexico 8:0450 Albuquerque 3:0114; 7:0318; 10:0542 '

New York > Albany 9: 0419 Amsterdam 9:0431 Bronx 10:0602, 0604 Brooklyn 10:0124-0135,0347-0352 Buffalo 1:0312; 6:0317; 9:0409,0412 - Comack10:0636 Flushing 10:0614 Garden City 6:0414 Hyde Park 8:0633 Lockport 9:0393

1 Mineóla 9:0807 Nassau County 10:0612 New York 1:0248,0750; 2:0021, 0212,

0291, 0320, 0431, 0886; 3:0106, 0292, 0662,0702,0896,0919; 4:0036, 0070, 0117, 0181, 0252; 6: 0109, 0373, 0582, 0860,0928; 7:0411 ; 8:0272, 0526,


0672; 9:0020, 0025, 0029, 0040, 0746, 0781, 0795, 0801, 0810, 0815; 10:0107,0112,0116,0137,0141, 0325, 0331, 0342, 0608, 0616, 0618, 0620, 0622; 11:0140, 0229

Niagara Falls 9:0384, 0389 North Tonawanda 9:0399 Queens 10:0360,0610 Rochester 9:0403 Schenectady 9:0426 Staten Island 10:0364 Stuyvesant 9:0339 Syracuse 3:0457; 9: 0436 Troy 9:0423 Yonkers10:0110

North Carolina Asheville9:0127 Charlotte 5:0701; 9:0121 Greensboro 9:0116 Greenville 9:0110, 0114 Raleigh 9:0130 Winston-Salem 2:0700

North Dakota Bismarck 4:0716; 7:0312 Dickinson 4:0778 Fargo 8:0550; 9:0263 Jamestown 7:0304

Ohio Akron 9:0362 Athens 6:0857 Bellaire 6:0556 Canton 9:0367 Cincinnati 9:0641,0646 Cleveland 3:0038; 4: 0299; 6:0084;

9:0340 .Columbus 10:0046

Dayton 6:0830; 10:0005, 0010 Fairborn 10:0022 Girard 6:0695 London 10:0041 Lorraine 9:0354 Mansfield 9: 0358 Middletown 10:0001 Painesville 9:0350 Salem 9:0702 Springfield 10:0026 Toledo 6:0857; 10:0584 Warren 6:0697 Youngstown 9:0687

Oklahoma 3:0966 Oklahoma City 4:0004; 6:0961.; 10:0563,


Oregon Corvallis 7:0352 The Dalles 8: 0372 Eugene.4:0935; 5:0198; 8:0391,0808 Medford 5:0872 Milwaukie 8:0050 Newport 7:0330 North Clackamas 8:0053 Portland 6:0682; 7:0337; 8:0056, 0368,

0379,0384,0821 ; 11:0009 Roseburg 7:0323 Salem 8:0817 Seaside 6:0703 South Eugene 8:0043

Pennsylvania Alléntown 10:0377 Beaver Falls 9:0899 Bethlehem 10:0368 Butler 9:0904 Chester 10:0406 Columbia 9:0091 Easton 3:0927 Erie 9:0373, 0376,0380 Fayette City 6:0875 Harrisburg 9:0077 Hazelton 10:0385 Johnstown 9:0914 Kittanning 9:0909 Latrobe4:0148 Lebanon 9:0083 Levittown 10:0439 Morristown 10:0418 New Castle 9:0894 Philadelphia 2:0138; 3:0973; 4:0202;

5:0744; 10:0402, 0413, 0426, 0446, 0451, 0454, 0457, 0460, 0463, 0467; 11:0256

Pittsburgh 2:0707; 4:0844; 7:0130; 9:0735, 0740

Pottsville10:0381 Reading 9:0086 Scranton10:0392 Sharon 9:0886, 0888 Upper Darby 10:0409 Valley Forge 10:0430 Wilkes-Barre 5:0038; 10:0388 Willow Green 10:0422 York 9:0094

Puerto Rico 5:0649

Rhode Island Pawtuxet 1:0291 Providence 5:0947; 10: 0658, 0660 Tiverton2:0010


South Carolina Columb¡a3:0438; 9:0724

South Dakota Aberdeen 8:0532 Huron 4:0742 Mitchell 9:0257 Sioux Falls 8:0545; 9:0243

Tennessee Bristol 9:0204 Chattanooga 1:0608 Knoxville 9:0208 Memphis 9:0221 Nashville 5:0797,0832; 9:0212, 0218 Oak Ridge 5:0789

Texas Dallas 4:0079; 9:0001 El Paso 8:0929 Houston 8:0943, 0952 Lubbock 8:0932 San Antonio 8:0936 Texarkana 9:0011 Wichita Falls 10:0558

Utah Salt Lake City 5:0874; 7:0168, 0184;

9:0320,0334 Vermont

Burlington 1:0837; 5:0570 Virginia

Alexandria 8:0655 Bristol 4:0489; 9:0204 Lynchburg 3:0140 Richmond 2:0725; 4:0131 Roanoke10:0573

Virgin Islands St. Thomas 5:0680

Washington Seattle 6:0483, 0499; 8:0792 Spokane 7:0358; 8:0396, 0789 Yakima 6:0527

Washington, D.C. see District of Columbia

West Virginia Alderson 8:0200 Amherstdale 8:0075 Athens 8:0085,0194 Beckley 7:0991 Bethany 8:0010 Bluefield8:0109 Charleston 8:0020,0186, 0208; 9:0017,

0163,0173 Charles Town 8:0116 Clarksburg 7:0998; 8:0243

Elkins8:0239 Fairmont 8:0001 Glenwood Park 8:0068 Hinton8:0081 Huntington 8: 0017,0216 Lewisburg 8:0205 Logan 8:0061 Morgantown 5:0334; 7:0994 Mount Hope 8:0014 Mullens 8: 0071 Parkersburg8:0168 Ronceverte8:0202 St.Albans8:0153 South Charleston 8:0163 Weirton8:0173 Welch 6:0253; 8:0184 Wheeling 8:0006 White Sulphur Springs 5:0488; 8:0198 Williamston 8:0065

Wisconsin 3:0627 Antigo 7:0532 Appleton 7:0674 Beaver Dam 7:0451 Bebit 7:0854 Chippewa Falls 7:0558 Dodgeville 7:0851 Eau Claire 7:0554 Fond Du Lac 7:0468 Fort Atkinson 7:0421 Green Bay 7:0498; 10:0186 Kenosha 7:0441 La Crosse 7:0657; 10:0199 Lancaster 7:0820 Madison 7:0448,0518, 0521, 0703,0783;

10:0191 Manitowac 7:0849 Marinette 7:0727 Mauston 7:0652 Medford 7:0540 Milwaukee 5:0157; 6:0023,0673,0909,

0972; 7: 0723, 0731, 0768, 0860, 0872, 0884; 10:0210, 0921

Oshkosh 7:0477 Racine 7:0719 Shawano 7:0679 Stevens Point 7:0670 Superior 7:0714 Wausau 7:0536

Wyoming Caspar 5:0377 Cheyenne 9:0280



The Diaries of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1961

The John F. Kennedy 1960 Campaign

Papers of the Nixon White House

Papers of the Republican Party

The Papers of Zebu Ion Vance

Political Activities of the Johnson White House, 1963-1969

President Eisenhower's Meetings with Legislative Leaders, 1953-1961


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