Joe Piazza Life Style Change and Detox Poster

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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GET INSPIRED! READ JOE'S STORY! I have always been overweight, and like anyone conscious of their image and their health, I must have tried every diet trick or program in the book. I would lose a little, gain it all back and somehow woke up one morning weighing 270 pounds. This was a year ago.


be inspired!Suivez l’exemple de Joe Piazza!

Alain Bonnamie TrainerJoe Piazza


I have always been overweight, and like anyone conscious of their image and their health, I must have tried every diet trick or program in the book. I would lose a little, gain it all back and somehow

woke up one morning weighing 270 pounds. This was a year ago.What served as my turning point, happened 8 months ago when I picked up ‘Biggest Losers’ Jillian Michaels’ book; “Maximize Your Metabolism”. It opened my eyes to all the misconceptions we have about what we eat, basic health and nutrition, and what Industry tells us to eat and consume. My whole world was turned upside down when I realized everything I

thought I knew about healthy eating was all wrong.So rather than go on yet another diet, I decided a complete lifestyle overhaul was needed.

Armed with my newfound knowledge, I built a simple 6 step Lifestyle Change Program.1. If it doesn’t have a Mother (free

range), or come from the Ground (organic), I don’t put it into my body

2. Regular Exercise3. Handle/Eliminate Stress4. Balance Work with Play5. It’s O.K to cheat 20% of the time6. Knowledge is Power –

Never stop Learning!

Where Jillian impacted me the most, was in her explanation of how different toxins are present in not only our food, but our homes, and that they contribute to weight gain. This prompted a holistic approach to toxin removal; starting with my home. I removed all Teflon and plastic products, chemical cleaning products i.e. detergents, toothpastes, soaps, etc. and replaced them with 100% natural alternatives. Next I outfitted my entire house with a water filter designed to provide every working tap with truly clean water. Most people only filter their drinking water; however we absorb more chlorine and harmful fluorides through our skin when we shower.When it came to my body; I started investing in only organic and free range foods, taking health supplements (vitamins, probiotics) and working lemon water (helps detox your body and shed the pounds) and coconut oil (helps maintain cholesterol, minimize stress and increase metabolism), into my daily routine.

I eat meat (with the fat!) but try to avoid anything made from grains and all dairy. Our bodies are

made up of proteins, water and fat, so doesn’t it make sense that we replenish it with the same things?What people often overlook is stress. It is a huge contributor to weight gain, but relief for me came in the form of exercise.

Alex recommended I try yoga, and WOW, talk about stress relief! It proved a challenge for me at first; I am unable to move my feet and suffer from weak knees, as a result of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which is a condition I have had since I was 13, and causes the muscles in my legs to be very weak. I would often have impulses to quit, because I was discouraged or frustrated at my lack of progress and from not having the right support system. However, I have always felt very welcome and at home with the support and encouragement I have received from the various teachers at Studio Breathe. Despite each yogi’s differing style, they have each brought me a spiritual grounding that I know I, and believe many people, are missing from their day to day. I am at a point now, where I look forward to going to yoga 2-3 times a week.

“After seeing initial results, I re-designed the way I eat to fit my lifestyle and now follow a high fat diet that is fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds heavy.”

“I decided not to join any old gym, as I had tried to many times before with no results, and instead opted for Studio Breathe that had an interesting offering of classes.”

Constant learning is so important in helping you find what exercises are best for you- like, initially I was unaware that being on a treadmill for an hour, actually decreases your metabolism and for someone looking to lose weight, works contrary to your goals. The solution that has worked best for me is a mix of both Anaerobic and aerobic activities, because they work together to build muscle and burn fat.Kickboxing (with Alain), is the perfect mix of both in my opinion. Because of his style and joie de vivre for what he does, the hour twice a week flies by, and has made me become quite the boxer. Since joining, I have never purposely missed a class; it’s that fulfilling to me. It has given me not only the strength, but the confidence

that I lost long ago. I feel healthier, stronger and happier now than ever before.It has been 8 months; and this has been a complete life overhaul for me.

I have learnt a lot and continue to do so and love to share my knowledge about nutrition and health, so for anyone interested in learning more, send me an email at:

Good Luck and Have Fun!Joey Piazza

“I have welcomed the fresh start and flourished, losing 45 pounds and now can’t imagine life without Studio Breathe.”

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