
Jimi Hendrix -Valley of Neptune


• The setting of the advert is meant to be on the planet neptune which refers back to the album title.

• It also represents his out of this world music style which is known to be phsychedelic, drug fuelled and mystical along with the era in which he released his music, the swinging 60s. The hippie movement was in full swing at this time and his album cover/ advert reflects the culture of this movement known also for drugs, peace and love.

• This poster is very colourfull as would have been the clothes at this time


• The cowboy hat is a synergistic element of his image along with the goatie. This means that as soon as they see them they will instantly asociate them with Hendrix and his music

• We cannot see what he is wearing in this photo. This is designed to make it seem that he as at one with nature, again refering back to the hippie movement of the 60s.

The font of the main titles of the album is in a mystical/ hippie style which reflects his style of music

The institutional information keeps with the colour scheme of the main titles but some is in different font

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