JFK presentation

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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JFK 50th Anniversary of Assassination


Lt. John F. Kennedy, 1942

The President and Mrs. Kennedy in Love Field, Dallas, TX.

Kennedy’s Limousine arrives at Dealey Plaza, 12:30 p.m.

• Seated in rear: Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy• Seated in Front: Mr. & Mrs. John Connally

Gunfire sounded as the car passed the Texas School Book Depository

• Gunfire struck the President in the neck and head. Gov. Connally was also struck.

Walter Cronkite, CBS Anchor, Nov. 22, 1963

Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President on Air Force One

Snapshot of Lee Harvey Oswald

(c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved

Lee Harvey Oswald, a recently hired employee of Lee Harvey Oswald, a recently hired employee of the Texas Book Depository, was arrested for the the Texas Book Depository, was arrested for the

assassination of President Kennedyassassination of President Kennedy

Jack Ruby, a night club owner in Dallas, killed Oswald on Nov. 24 in what many believe was a


• Oswald’s assassination while being transferred to county jail in Dallas. It was aired on live TV.

Why did Jack Ruby kill Oswald?

The Warren Commission was formed to investigate the assassination of JFK

By-stander Abraham Zapruder captured the assassination of

President Kennedy on his camcorder

• Abraham Zapruder (right) describes to WFAA-TV's Jay Watson the President's head wound on live television hours after the assassination

Film: JFK

• Starring Kevin Costner and directed by Olive Stone, the 1991 film JFK revived America’s interest in the Kennedy Assassination.

What conspiracies have you heard about Kennedy’s Assassination?

Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald

November 22, 1963

Snapshot of Lee Harvey Oswald(c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved

The Kennedys waving to people of Dallas, Texas moments before the President was shot.

(c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved

• The U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (1978) re-opened the investigation of President Kennedy’s assassination and concluded that the President was very likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

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