Jewish Practices and Beliefs

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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Jewish Practices and Beliefs . Torah. Torah –not arbitrary list of rules ** God’s revelation of self – what he expects in response to his covenant love ** Studying Torah is a form of worship – lifelong tasks for practicing Jews - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Jewish Practices and Beliefs


Torah –not arbitrary list of rules

** God’s revelation of self – what he expects in response to his covenant love **

Studying Torah is a form of worship – lifelong tasks for practicing Jews

The Jews attempted to live Torah-law perfectly – in belief that they will then be the blessed, special, forever protected favorite people


-house of prayer (prayer always best in a quorum of 10 adult men…)

-house of study (observant Jew – study of sacred texts is a life-long task)

-place of discussion for legal settlements

Sabbath: Day of Rest

precious gift from God, a day of great joy eagerly awaited throughout the week,

a time when we can set aside all of our weekday concerns and devote ourselves to higher pursuits.

** The most important ritual observance in Judaism **

(radical concept in ancient times, when only the wealthy ruling class rested…)

Pilgrimage Holy Days


Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year

-no work, much of day in synagogue

-eat apples with honey – symbol of wish for a sweet year

-“tashlikh” – casting off – walk to flowing water, empty pockets (small pieces of bread)casting off sins…

 Theological significance?

Restore covenantal relationships

Days of Awe – 10 days starting with Rosh Hashanah & ending with Yom Kippur

-time to consider the sins of previous year and repent before Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur – “Day of Atonement”-day set aside to “afflict the soul” to atone for the sins of the past year-complete Sabbath – no work whatsoever-complete 25 hour fast-wear white – symbolizing our sins to be white/pure as snow


-festival of rededication of lights – 8 day

-ran out of non-defiled oil for Lampstand… miraculously 8 days lasted…)

Faith in G-d’s miraculous and active work in in history and lives of faithful

Shavu’ot, Festival of Weeks, Pentecost -agriculturally commemorates time when the first fruits harvested are brought to Temple-historically celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai-from 2nd day of Passover to Day before Shavu’ot – 49 days – 7 weeks



Sukkot – Festival of Booths (7 days)-commemorates 40 years in desert, wandering, living in temporary shelters-Fall harvest celebration – pilgrims to Jerusalem built huts of branches (to recall time spent in wilderness), approached Temple in procession with branches raised…  

Ideas of Messiah in Judaism


Basic & fundamental part of traditional Judaism is belief in the eventual coming of the Messiah. (Concept introduced during age of the prophets)

Term “meshiach” – literally means “the anointed one”

-refers to ancient practice of anointing kings with oil as they took the throne

“Meshiach” will be anointed as king in the “End of Days”

Messiah will be:

-great political leader descended from King David

-well-versed in Jewish law & observant of its commandments

-charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example

-great military leader who will win battles for Israel

-great judge, who makes righteous decisions

-human being – 100%

Messiah will:

-bring political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing them back to Israel & will restore Jerusalem

-establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government – both for Jews & gentiles

-rebuild Temple and re-establish its worship

-restore the religious court system & will establish Jewish law as rule of the land

Messianic Passages-Isaiah 2, 11, 42, 59:20-Jeremiah 23, 30, 33, 48:47; 49:39-Ezekiel 38:16-Hosea 3:4-5-Micah 4-Zephaniah 3:9-Zechariah 14:9-Daniel 10:14 

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