JETAA Canada Conference Summary Report

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JETAA Canada Conference Summary Report


2012 JETAA Canada Conference Summary Report for JETAABC

Prepared by Megumi Johns & Kim McNelly, JETAABC

2012 JETAA Canada Conference



1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 PARTICIPANTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

3 SUMMARY OF KEY SESSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 CONSULATE GENERAL OF JAPAN, CALGARY ............................................................................................. 5

3.2 CLAIR, JAPAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT CENTRE, NEW YORK .............................................................. 5

3.2.1 Funding & Activities ..................................................................................................................................... 5

3.2.2 Overview of JETAA USA Projects ............................................................................................................ 6

3.3 MUNICIPAL TWINNING RELATIONSHIPS ................................................................................................... 6

3.4 CHAPTER REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................... 8

3.4.1 Toronto ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

3.4.2 Quebec/Atlantic.............................................................................................................................................. 8

3.4.3 Ottawa ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

3.4.4 Manitoba/Saskatchewan ............................................................................................................................ 9

3.4.5 BC/Yukon ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

3.4.6 Southern Alberta ............................................................................................................................................ 9

3.5 NATIONAL ACTION PLAN BRAINSTORMING ......................................................................................... 10

3.6 JET PROGRAM UPDATES .................................................................................................................................. 12

3.7 BYLAWS DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................ 13

3.8 PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATIONS ............................................................................................................... 14

3.9 SERVICES FOR RETURNING JETS ................................................................................................................. 15

4 CLOSING REMARKS ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


1 OVERVIEW The 2012 JETAA Canada Conference was held in Calgary, June 8-10 and was hosted by

JETAA Southern Alberta. Delegates from JETAA Atlantic/Quebec, Toronto, Ottawa,

Manitoba/Saskatchewan, and BC/Yukon, staff from CLAIR, and Japanese consulate

staff participated in a weekend of sharing, learning, and brainstorming. This year's

keynote presentation focused on sister cities and strengthening relationships between

Canadian and Japanese communities.


2.1 JETAA1

Greg Joughin, JETAA Canada

Kim McNelly, JETAABC/Yukon

Megumi Johns, JETAABC/Yukon

Carrie Fischer, JETAA Southern Alberta

Jennifer Kennedy, JETAA Southern Alberta

John Nguyen, JETAA Southern Alberta

Troy McTavish, JETAA Southern Alberta

Lina Perez, JETAA Southern Alberta

Rigor Maglaya, JETAA Manitoba/Saskatchewan

1 JETAA Northern Alberta did not send a delegate and was therefore unrepresented at the conference.

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


Jamiena Shah, JETAA Toronto

Nadine Bukhman, JETAA Toronto

Alex Svetlovsky, JETAA Ottawa

Lisa Mallin, JETAA Ottawa

Melissa Dubuc, JETAA Quebec/Atlantic

Nha-Thy Vo, JETAA Quebec/Atlantic

Stephanie White, JET Programme Coordinator, Embassy of Japan, Ottawa

Erynne Sjoblom, Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Association (Keynote speaker)

2.2 Consulate General of Japan, Calgary

Susumu Fukuda, Consul General

Naoki Sasahara, Consul of Information and Cultural Affairs

Robin Verrall, JET Coordinator

2.3 CLAIR , Japan Local Government Centre, New York

Hotaka Kawasaki, Counsellor, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Kaneshi Satoko, Assistant Director, Okinawa Prefecture

Matthew Gillam, Senior Researcher

2012 JETAA Canada Conference



Presentations and workshops over the course of the conference focused on sharing

information, ideas, and experiences for supporting the JET Program and departing

participants and for creating a strong and supportive network of alumni. Collaborative

discussions started JETAA Canada on the path to exploring new ideas for the national

action plan and updating the bylaws.


Priorities of JETAA:

1. Support of new JETs

Interviews, info sessions, orientations/training

Would like to see JETAA reaching out to furthest reaches of provinces

2. Involvement with local Canadian-Japanese communities


3.2.1 Funding & Activities

No major funding changes from last year (see

detailed packet of funding info)

Think about terminology of events for alums

and CLAIR, respectively

Must give notice/get approval to hold CLAIR

funded events in March.

Contact Kaneshi-san, CLAIR New York.

Costs of food/drink for appropriate events

should be shared

Suggestions for future JETAA activities:

CLAIR wants to raise awareness in local (Japanese)

governments about how JETAA is serving them


Getting involved with local Japanese-

Canadian communities

Promoting local Japanese products, especially Tohoku products to

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


demonstrate direct benefit to local Japanese governments.

Contact CLAIR NY, Chamber of Commerce, or business associations for info on

promoting potential tourism products,

Keep in touch with our local JET placement governmental offices (ie. City halls)

so Mayors see the function and value of JETAA.

Sending CLAIR pictures and information about our events so they can show local

governments what we are doing of direct benefit to them.

Be cultural ambassadors who receive/welcome Japanese dignitaries who visit BC

(contact our consulate about being informed).

3.2.2 Overview of JETAA USA Projects

9 chapters raised around $87,000 for Tohoku relief efforts (other chapters raised

money separately; JETAA-NY qualified as a non-profit and organized/led the


Adoption of a set of national bylaws, good to look at for our own bylaw


New bylaws include a National Board of Advisors, 2-year term of service,

support body for Country Representatives and chapters.

3.3 MUNICIPAL TWINNING RELATIONSHIPS Erynne Sjoblom, Executive Visionary,

Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Association


“Twinning” vs. “Sister Cities”… pretty

much the same thing, include official

signing of an agreement of friendship and

planned activities between the two

municipalities which is passed by both town


CLAIR has a list of sister relationships

between Japanese and Canadian

municipalities and can help us in setting up

new ones

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


Ways to help set up/maintain/support Twinnings:

Make bilingual information about twin cities readily available

Potential activities: ePals, classroom exchanges, governmental official

exchanges, language learning, hire a Japanese ALT/CIR, homestays

Support for Japanese immigrants

Host exchange students

Keep in touch with your Board of Education

BC-specific information:

Vancouver-Yokohama sister city relationship, but possibly easier to work with

smaller surrounding communities

North Vancouver-Chiba City twinning strong

Get involved with Japanese immigration associations?

Individual JETS get/stay in contact with JET area government?

Existing BC organizations:

B.C. Twinning Website has BC-ASIA Twinning Toolkit (80 p.)

The Canada-Japanese Society of British Columbia

(seems business-oriented, good to contact for networking events?)

How to get more information about Sister Cities/Twinnings:

Ask CLAIR: NY (has list of all Canadian-Japanese paired cities)

Contact City Hall/Mayor‟s office about Sister City Relationship history and

activities (or try Sister Cities International website)

2012 JETAA Canada Conference



3.4.1 Toronto

Many events and collaboration with community Japanese organizations

o Board member participates in quarterly meetings of heads of Canada-Japan


conversation partnerings

J-Walking Tour of Japanese areas of interest in downtown Toronto

Chapter bylaws work, including defining subchapters and creating “Community

Coordinator” position (previous Chair will hold it) to help facilitate increased

collaboration with other organizations

Question for us—Do we want to revise some of our officers‟ titles?

I.e., “Social Chair””??“ to reflect CLAIR‟s expectations for events?

3.4.2 Quebec/Atlantic

Language classes

o May-late July, for alums and departing JETs: 6 hours/week, class

includes cultural aspects

o Fall-winter, JLPT focus

Organized family-inclusive event at a film festival to include older alums

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


3.4.3 Ottawa

Maintaining connections with JETs in Japan

Letter-to-self written at newbie orientation, mailed to them around Christmas

with a letter from an alum, stickers, etc.

Sushi and wine networking event at Art Gallery, $10 tickets

Newsletter includes articles by current Ottawa JETs

Natsu matsuri

o Taiko, martial art presentations, bon odori

o Getting people to come out to events: offer free food!

o Gave away 375+ “JETAA dogs” (think JapanDog), hot dogs with Japanese

flavorings, at a summer Japanese festival. Team of 25 volunteers.

BANNER to advertise group—free with deal from, ask Ottawa for

their design if we‟re interested (in GoogleDocs)

3.4.4 Manitoba/Saskatchewan

Building alum network and website

3.4.5 BC/Yukon

Changing Tides fundraiser and PhoTohoku

Sempai List - matches departing JETs with a JETAABC alum who lived within

100km of the town they are going to, in order to give the departing JET details

and local knowledge about the area they are going to.

Assorted cultural/awareness-raising events (taiko, obi-weaving, Dragonboating,

etc.), professional workshops (volunteering with Japanese organizations, etc.),

and Japanese classes

3.4.6 Southern Alberta

Japanese goods garage sale (alums‟ stuff) and BBQ, in park

o Attracted families, recruited new board member

2012 JETAA Canada Conference



All present chapters interested, can come on board as their contracts expire

Looking into myhosting (Canadian-based VPS hosting), $18.95/month

($14/month in the first year), so only a few dollars per chapter, includes phone

tech support

2. National/International Database of JET alums

Chapters interested but concerned about where data would be stored

Each chapter would still maintain individual membership lists that could be

synced with the national/international list.

Looking into two options: SalesForce and SugarCRM, Ottawa (Alex) will look

into details and make a demo database for our perusal.

Might be a good way of finding out about returning JETs before November;

we can ask AJET to solicit departing JETs to sign up.

3. Becoming a Non-Profit Corporation (NPC) in Canada

NPCs are NOT the same as charities. NPCs report every year, but charities are

required to perform very strict reports which are essentially impossible for us.

Costs-> ~$200 to file then $30/year for paperwork, can apply for funds


Advantages of NPCs:

o Legal protection (corporation responsible, not individuals) available for

special discounts, grants (w/extensive reporting), etc.

Some chapters looking into individually becoming national NPCs because the

process is streamlined and easier than in their own provinces.

JETAA-Ottawa currently waiting to hear back about application on provincial

NPO status.

4. National JETAA newsletter/magazine?

Chapters want to help increase awareness about what we‟re doing

Can contribute to (world-wide readership)

CLAIR: New York will forward info about our events to Japanese

municipalities if we send them our newsletter

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


5. Japanese classes—garnering interest and maintaining momentum?

Emphasize value, not cost (I.e., “An equivalent course would cost $____.”)

Instead of holding a cheque, ask for cash. Students get $10 back at each class

they attend.

Funding through MOFA vs. Not funding through MOFA

*no non-alums allowed

*can open up classes to general public (up numbers)

*need evaluations (not necessarily JLPT), i.e., “test” at beginning and end of


6. How can we easily promote Japanese municipalities in our provinces?

Adapt existing events, such as making a

networking event with sushi and sake

have Tohoku sake

Contact consulate or CLAIR about how

to import local Japanese products

Connect with departing JETs/AJET, help

them set up sister city relationships?

7. Competitive Project/Essay

Chapters are interested in putting

together a lesson plan for Canadian

ALTs. The subject of the lesson would

be for students to write an essay or create

a project with the theme of “Why I like Studying About Canada” or “Why JET

is important,” etc.

The ALT will submit the essays/projects (scans/images? To whom?), and the

winning student/class will get a Canada-specific prize (Canadian flag, stickers,

maple-syrup sweets, etc).

The word can be spread through departing JETs and getting in touch with


To be discussed during the next skype chat:

Thoughts about taking the Sempai List national

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


National Web-hosting/JETAA List

Competitive Project

How bigger chapters can help smaller ones (ex. how to create a successful


3.6 JET PROGRAM UPDATES Stephanie White, JET Coordinator, Embassy of Japan, Ottawa

Canadian applications to the JET program increased this year (all other

countries decreased)…. Why?

o 620 applicants heard about JET through alums

o Alums‟ presence in media (fundraising for Tohoku)

o Increased use of social media

New JET Programme slogan: “Live, Work, and Learn in Japan”

Contact Stephanie for brochures, advertisements, etc.

What can JET Coordinators do to help JETAA Chapters?

Help advertise events

Contact current JETs

Bridge communication between Embassy and JETAA

Inform JETAA of returning JETs

Help answer questions about MOFA


Keep JETAA informed about changes

to program

What can we do to help JET Coordinators?

CC them in e-mails about local events

and national e-mails

Add Stephanie to mailing list??

Stay active on JET website forums

Share resources with other chapters (ex. pre-departure handbooks)

Link to on our chapter website

“Like” and re-tweet events

Make national JETAA database and keep it up to date

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


Tell them about successful events and send photos

Tell them what we want on the alumni section of the (above) website

Calendar which would have events of all chapters?

JETAA and JET Canada to share a calendar or be hosted on same site?

3.7 BYLAWS DISCUSSION Voted to change the time zone to “pacific” rather than


Voted to remove all references to “”

Need to add a charter/purpose of JETAA Canada

What to do if no one wants to be Canada Rep?


Have the rep increase their term to 2 years. The more

preferred option was to have the chapter in charge of

the national conference take over some of the role for a while. Need to specify

duties of Canada Rep. Need to discuss what happens if you need to remove a


Think about splitting the bylaws into two documents: elections guidelines

and bylaws

Moving forward:

Will be splitting the bylaws into sections and have

each treated separately for changes and voting.

Each chapter will have a color code and every

change must be documented.

Voted on having a 45 day window to review


Chapters need to notify Greg that they have read

the changes and or feedback.

Since reaching unanimity is difficult it was decided

that only a 2/3 majority of active chapters is needed

to ratify changes to the bylaws (with current numbers, 5 chapters required to

pass changes).

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


Greg will communicate timelines to the chapters during the next chat.

Next chat scheduled for Wednesday July 4th.


Interesting ideas other chapters have implemented:

Send out survey to departing JETs before

planning conference. Find out „hot topics‟ of what

they‟d especially like to learn about. If possible,

cater to their skills and needs—i.e., “How to

Teach/Make Lesson Plans” VS. “How JET is

different from other teaching experiences.”

At End of “How to Teach” PDO Day, departing

JETs teach a short lesson for other JETs and alums,

who give feedback

Japanese classes for departing JETs, mid-May

through departure

o include cultural workshops such as omiyage, etc.

Send Canadian omiyage package to JETs who sign up for alum list?

o Can they sign up for the alum list if they aren‟t alums yet?! ..newsletter

list, maybe? Membership VS. Newsletter list??

What to pack VS. What not to pack workshop (2 regions, warm and cold)

o Another chapter has all attending alums bring in “Good-to-pack” and

“Bad-to-pack” items

Invite parents of departing JETs, maybe have a special session for them where

they can ask alums questions, have their anxiety soothed by someone who was


o Parents of JET alums speaking to parents of departing JETs even better

Mock class at PDO in which departing JETs are students of relatively obscure

foreign language (NOT Japanese, French, Chinese)

Idea: Canada-wide PDO booklet??

o departure area changes things slightly, although sharing materials is good

2012 JETAA Canada Conference


3.9 SERVICES FOR RETURNING JETS Interesting ideas other chapters have implemented:

Pub night shortly after departure—„chat up‟ returning JETs, feel out their career

interests. FOLLOW UP WITH a “Sushi and Sake networking event” with $10

tabe-nomi-hodai. Sell tickets to people in professions that returning JETs are

interested in.

Formal welcome-back at embassy COMBINED with resume-building workshop

Resume-building workshop specific to returning JETs and their different fields,

felt-out through surveys

Need to consider ways to reach/locate returnees who don‟t officially belong to

our chapters (moved from elsewhere or returned at a later date).

4 CLOSING REMARKS Who is hosting the next Canada Conference?

o CLAIR needs to know by Feb.

o Greg will chat with geographically-logical

chapters (heading East with Man-Sask

likely out of the running due to low board

member numbers, so Northern Alberta,

Ottawa, and Quebec-Atlantic will be

consulted as candidates).

For conference continuity and to help out

smaller chapters put on the conference, perhaps

starting a Google or Word Doc like “Helpful

Hints if You‟re Putting on The Canada

Conference”? …can include feedback from

current conference.

Previous hosts will help guide a new host-

chapter through many of the difficulties, but this

can be an evolving supplementary guide.

Money issues to not be included.

Next Chapter Skype Chat: Wednesday, June

27th, 6PM Pacific Time

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