Jesus Christ Risen! is - The Good News Magazine€¦ · 2 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020 For advertising information, contact Antonio Wegner, Publisher at 507.461.2836 or email:

Post on 21-Oct-2020






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    APRIL/MAY 2020 Volume 7, Issue 11

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    Jesus Christ is Risen!

  • 2 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

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  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 3

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    With the gym closed andmore free time around thehouse, here are some ways toimprove yourself during thistime away.Diet: Take some time to makebetter food choices. Not beingso rushed throughout the dayprovides a perfect time to learncooking techniques.Cardiovascular health: Nothaving access to weights canput a damper on strength train-ing. Take this time to put more

    focus on a cardiovascular level.Simply going for walks or jogs isan easy way for improvement.Switch it up by doing sprintsand interval training.At home workouts: Their is avast amount of online resourcesfor at home workouts, find onesthat suite your needs. Followour Facebook page for freeworkouts and challenges (withlocal prizes)Mental Health: Take time foryour mental health by keepingin touch with friends and family.Take up relaxing exercises suchas meditation or yoga.Online Trainer: To support ourstaff, we also are offering athome workout programs cus-tom fit for your goals. Online orphone consults are also avail-able at discounted prices. Formore info and pricing, shoot usan emailWe miss all of our members,

    and look forward to the day wecan open our doors again. Forquestions or exercise advice,email us at

    Ways toImproveYourselfDuring thisTime Away

  • 4 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

    I’m justa VesselBy Mike Parry

    It’s always exciting when youcan see a person using theirGod given talents to make adifference in the world. This isjust the case with this story. I’dlike to introduce you to PeggyLarkin and let her tell her story.“My first exposure to art be-sides the traditional crayon waswhen I was 4. I grew up inBlooming Prairie MN. I am theyoungest of 7 children. My sisterwho is 12 years older took meto an early childhood develop-ment class at her high school.We did finger painting and Ican still remember the coldfeeling of the paint on my fin-gers and the smell. As the paintsquished between my fingers Iwas thinking, "I want to do thisfor my life!" My parents were ex-tremely supportive! My dadwould buy rolls of paper fromthe butcher shop because Iwould go through so muchpaper. I would do scenes onthe rolls of paper 8 ft long. Mom& Dad were friends with thelocal truck stop owners andthey would display my 8 ftpieces of art at the truck stop. Iwas around 8 and hadmy ownart exhibits! In my mind it wasan art exhibit anyway! As I gotolder I would do art on any-thing I could get my hands on.When I was 13 my parents gotme my first canvases, moreprofessional paints andbrushes. They would let mepaint murals on the living room

    wall at that age. Now that Ilook back at that, I realize whata gift that was. Not many par-ents would let a child do that. Icould always feel that I was notalone during my love of paint-ing. I could feel God guidingme as I grew more confident inmy pieces. I just turned 50.Each decade I brought Jesusmore to the front of each paint-ing. I pray over each piece.When I begin painting it's likeI'm not even doing it. When I’mdone, I step back and look atthe image as if I'm seeing it thefirst time. I will comment on itlike I have never seen it! I’ll say,"I like how the colors blend rightthere!" Or, "the petals of theflower look so transparent!" I'min awe of Gods work! The onlyway I can explain how it feels is,it's like the movie Ratatouille.Where the chef can't cook andall his movement are controlledby a rat hidden under his chefhat. The rat is controlling everymovement of his arms, rightdown to the slightest sprinkle ofsalt. It all comes together tocreate this amazing dish! That'swhat it feels like to have God inthe center of each painting. Hedoes it, I'm just a vessel! I've hadpeople tell me that it's like mypaintings are alive! My most re-cent painting was of an al-mond tree I painted in mybathroom. I had wanted to dothis for 4 years. I've had time toreflect more than usual and I al-ways knew I wanted an olivetree, but God put it in my heartstronger than ever over the last

    few weeks. The olive tree is asymbol of longevity, persever-ance, peace, healthiness,growth, and lots more and ithas the ability to survive indroughts and it can even ger-minate in soils that may lookunfavorable for normal plants. Ithought it fitting for the timeswe are living in. I pray overeach project and God is rightthere using my hands to createwhat he wants! So today Hecreated this! Hope it brings yousome hope and the knowingthat He loves you, even thoughthe storms! My hope is that youcome to know Jesus on a per-sonal level. For you to knowthat you are never alone. Hewill guide you through life,whether your painting, cook-ing, spending time with yourfamily, or whatever your life

    looks like. I can paint anythingMike!”If you’d like to touch base

    with this amazing artist she canbe reached via e-mail or byphone at 507-456-5430.

  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 5

    Do you have a story idea? Contact Antonio:

    Phone 507.461.2836 Email:

    212 15th Ave. NE, Suite 2020, Waseca, MN

    Our Life’sRipplesBy Mike Parry

    With all that’s happening inour world today I’ve findingmyself experiencing things thatbring me back in time. TheShelter at Home Executive

    Order is a good thing. SocialDistancing is a good thing atthis time. Before you groan,bear with me. Here’s what I’mseeing. More people walking.I’ve seen more neighbors walk-ing during the last couple ofweeks than all of last summer.One on one side of the street,another on the other. Talkingwhile walking. Waving at on-coming cars as if to say, “We’refine you stay safe.” Familieswalking together with their pets.Talking & Laughing. It remindsme of when I was growing up,our nightly walks in the neigh-borhood stopping at the curbto say Hi to neighbors sitting outin their front lawn. Just theother day, our neighbor hadher fire pit in her driveway withneighbors sitting around it. Yes,

    all practicing social distancingas they communed together.I’m seeing families standingoutside windows talking withGrandpa and Grandma’s.Holding signs of Love made bythe grandchildren. Bigsmiles…REALLY Big Smiles! Loveshows no barriers. It penetratesthe toughest of times.I’m seeing people “pay it for-ward” buying food for anotherwho they don’t even know.Businesses preparing Free foodfor anyone in need or that justneeds a bright spot in their day.I’m hearing of neighborsgoing out of their way to checkon their neighbors. Gettingthem essentials as we all makeout way through this life chang-ing event.

    I’ve been told of folks prayingfor the first time for people theydon’t even know. I’m seeingmore prayers and prayinghands than ever before on allsocial media. People openlysharing their faith with others.When I talk with folks I bumpinto, I hear them mention Godmore than ever before in ourconversations. How aboutyou? Where are you at in all ofthis going on in the worldtoday? Share with me Hopeand Faith are essential ele-ments to our recovery. Whenthis is all over my prayer is thatwe all continue to show ourfaith openly.

  • 6 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

    12But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead… 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18

    Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

    – 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-19

    The debate, back at the time of the writing of the letter to the Corinthians, was whether it was possible to rise from the dead. Apparently, there were those who taught that an actual, physical resurrection, was not possible and we should not look forward to our own. After all, who among us has ever witnessed a physical resurrection? Spiritual resurrection is good enough.

    The times have not changed as much as we would like to think. Many people today don’t believe that rising physically from the dead is possible, except perhaps as some sort of fictitious brain-eating zombie.. Apparently, there was a group within the church teaching that resurrection was impossible, and they were spiritualizing salvation into some great “moral lesson”, or into an unobservable event in the realm of the spirit, which ultimately means the realm of make-believe.

    This is not a debate in the unbelieving world. They do not believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and if they entertained the idea that He might have, they would think it was merely one of those cosmic oddities. This message from Apostle Paul, was written for Christians who were hearing these things and were troubled by the sort of Easter cheer that says, “Well, if they found the bones of Jesus, it wouldn’t really affect my faith.”

    The Apostle Paul testifies that the Christian faith is NOTHING without the resurrection. Your resurrection is just as important as Christ Jesus’, because if you cannot rise from the grave, meaning that resurrection is simply impossible, then Christ Jesus could not, either, and if Christ Jesus did not actually, physically rise from His tomb, then the Christian faith is a meaningless fiction… fake news, and you are no better off than those who have no faith at all!

    If indeed, Jesus Christ has not been raised from the dead, preached Paul, then everyone is still lost in sin and doomed to eternal destruction. But Paul joyfully adds, “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep.” He is Risen! That is the meaning of the Easter celebration. This is the heart of the Christian Faith. Without the resurrection, there is nothing.

    Jesus Christ is risen! Just as sin and death came by a man, Adam, so also by a man (the second Adam) came righteousness and resurrection of the dead, namely, Jesus Christ. Resurrection to life is guaranteed to all who believe in Him.

    Our resurrection is as certain as the resurrected Jesus Christ, and that is historical fact! This then, is the most vital singular truth of the Christian Faith. There are many things we can point to and say that they are true, that they must be true, even that they are vitally important, but this is the truth to which your salvation is inseparably linked and that is the point of the resurrection!

    He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!

  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 7


    A NewNormal

    By Jill Courtney,Director

    to share. Our teachers havealso started virtual professionallearning communities to helpthem navigate new distancelearning challenges. We reallymiss seeing each other and our

    students every day. We lookforward to being togetherwhen this pandemic haspassed. Please continue tostay home so we can get backto our old normal.We still have openings for the

    fall of 2020. You can enroll on-line through our For anyquestions, please

    A month ago we didn’t evenknow what distance learningwas. Over the past four weekswe have jumped in head first. Ihave never been more proudof my staff members. Ourteachers and paras havestepped up to help with EVERY-THING that has been asked ofthem! They are adjusting to dis-tance learning and making itwork! Just as we individualizelearning for our students, theyare individuating distancelearning to make it work foreach family. Our teacherscheck in with their students ona daily basis either throughGoogle Classroom, phonecalls, or text messages. Thepast two weeks we have hadvirtual dress up days with ourstaff and students. We have alltransitioned to working fromhome and making it work forour families! We have a virtualstaff meeting each week to dis-cuss any updates that we need

    Virtual staff meeting

    5th graders on Google Meet

    Marlys Garness is a retired resident of Waseca. She is a former Elementary Musicteacher and Activity Director for Long Term Care Facilities. She enjoys writing abouther memories, every day experiences in her life, and her own thoughts about living a

    worthwhile life in an ever changing and challenging world. Her writings are her legacy toher grandchildren. If you would like to see more of Marlys’ writings, you may go online You may also contact her at

  • 8 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

    Please contact Matt Hauge, Head PGA Golf Professional at if you have any question s.Visit our website at

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    Gail Johnson, the Royal VillaDirector, grew up in New Rich-land with her two sisters andshe is frequently heard saying“This is my town and I love it!”Anyone who knows her wouldagree. Gail said summers werespent out at St. Olaf lake swim-ming, and when winter arrived,she was quick to get the iceskates out and skate at thelocal rink many nights until thetown curfew forced her to callit a day. She recalled the timeshe passed her drivers license

    test and that provided her theopportunity to “drag mainstreet” and congregate at thebowling alley or teen rec cen-ter (in the old Creamery build-ing) which had live bands, apool table, and other gamesfor the local teens. She alsospent time making a few dol-lars working at the electronicsstore in town along with theconcession stand at St. Olaflake. When she graduated, shedecided she would apply withthe E. F. Johnson company inWaseca. She enjoyed her timeat E.F. Johnson’s and had theopportunity to work in severalareas from Shipping to Dataentry to training workers onusing the computer systems.She told me the computer sys-tems were new technologyand the areas she was workingin saw frequent computer pro-grams change. This kept herbusy training other workers onthe constantly evolving com-puter upgrades. After 25 yearswith the E.F. Johnson companyshe decided to change profes-sions and attained her insur-ance licensing along with oneof her daughters and in 2000

    Gail Johnson,Royal VillaExecutiveDirectorBy Gary Korogi

    Gail Johnson

    the opportunity to become theExecutive Director came up.Being the Executive Directorprovides her with a lot of varietyin her day-to-day schedule. Shehas a lot of responsibilities withthe Royal Villa operations andshe really went on to say thebest part of the job are the ten-ants and the interactions withthe tenants.She married Merrill in 1973,and they raised two daughters.The family loved the outdoorsand together they spent manysummers on camping trips. Mer-rill purchased a classic 1960Pontiac Catalina Sport Coupeand Gail reminisced of the bigrear fins and how it felt like youwere riding on a cloud. Sheand Merrill joined up with a col-lector automobile club and en-joyed many summer drivesthroughout Southern Minnesotawith the classic.As Gail looks back on her 20years with the Royal Villa, she isproud to have been a part of itand looks forward to the futureas she says “ a lot has changedsince I started and a lot of thechange has been good” Shecelebrates her 20th anniversary

    this June. When she is not busyyou can catch her out on St.Olaf fishing for crappies as shecontinues to love her time out-doors and at her favorite sum-mertime hang out. If you seeher at the lake or on the streetcongratulate her for her 20years of dedicated service tothe Royal Villa.

  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 9

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  • 10 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 11

    Grant D. KochOwner

    Waseca, MN 56093(641) 590-1293

  • 12 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

    BySuzanne Barbknecht

    FurnaceAir Conditioner

    “Waseca’s Full Service Contractor”



    Today, I’d like to share a storyabout a friend of mine. Well, it’ssort of about her. More so it’sabout God and what He cando through a life surrenderedto Him. I sense through this Hewants to fan our faith, demolishour fears, and stir up courageto take a step forward into thethings He’s calling each one ofus to.So with that said, I’d like youto meet Jenn.I’ve known Jenn for almostfive years. Wemet because mypastor said to me one day, “Imet someone today I think youmight want to know.” He wasreferring to Jenn. And he wasright. I’m honored to know herand link arms with her bothhere in Bemidji and across theworld.In so many ways, Jenn is likeany one of us. A fellow humanbeing who wants her life andtime on earth to matter. Isn’tthat just like you and me? Wewere created on purpose, forpurpose.Jenn is passionate. She’s cre-ative. She’s funny - she defi-nitely makes me laugh. She’s apowerful communicator. She’sdetermined. She’s a lot ofgreat things, really.But the story of hope andtransformation I’m sharingtoday isn’t dependent uponthose things.Jenn loves Jesus. And she has

    opened her heart and life toHim and she is willing to gowhen He says go. Move whenHe says move. Stay when Hesays stay. She is filled and em-powered by the Holy Spirit andis led of Him.It’s Jesus and His power atwork through someone whohas laid down their life for Himthat makes what I’m about toshare an inspiring reality andobtainable for any one of us.Ten years ago while workingone day with her home clean-ing business, a friend calledand told her she was going toAfrica. Jenn replied, “Good foryou!” A bit unsure why this wasbeing shared with her, she toldher friend she needed to getback to work. She was in themiddle of a job.They said good-bye. A few moments later herfriend called back and said, “Ithink God wants you to go,too.”Going to Africa had neverbeen on Jenn’s heart.She laughed, brushed it off,and hung up the phone. Rightafterwards, she entered a roomin the house she was cleaningand she experienced a vivid vi-sion from God of her in Africa.She had never encounteredGod like this before. It took herby complete surprise.Long story short, after this en-counter from and with God, itwas clear to her...she wasgoing.She traveled to Kenya thatsame year (2010). She returnedto Africa in 2012, this time to aremote village called Buki-bokolo on a mountain inUganda because someonesaid there was a man therenamed Moses they felt sheshould meet. Meeting Mosesand spending time in the vil-lage on this trip was a turningpoint into where things aretoday.While holding a young childon her lap as she spoke withMoses, the director of Hands ofAction Uganda, and otherleaders of the village, she wastold that if she returned in ayear the precious child sittingon her lap - as well as many ofthe other children of the village- would likely not be there any-more. Either because theywould die from starvation ortheir family would sell them as achild slave in a large city.

    In a moment and projectedfuture that appeared com-pletely hopeless, something(aka Holy Spirit) rose up in Jenn.She was determined therewas a solution. She asked whatwould change the outcome ofthese dear one’s lives.The local villagers smiled andtold her they dreamed of hav-ing a school and feeding pro-gram right there in the villagefor the poorest, most vulnera-ble children on that mountain-side. If they could feed andeducate these children, theybelieved it could change theirentire future.She returned to her home inBemidji and started research-ing organizations, possible

    grants, and other avenues topartner with in establishing aschool in Bukibokolo. Everyseemingly open door closed infront of her. Mainly because allthe organizations would notpartner if it meant that Jesuswas the foundation. This was anon-negotiable in her heart.Jesus needed to be the foun-dation.Then one day she heard theLord tell her she was to start thisschool. A new open door. Notthe door she expected, how-ever.Now, I mentioned earlier,Jenn is amazing. I love her topieces. She has manystrengths.

    A beautiful bridge between Bemidji and Bududa

    (continued on page 13)

  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 13

    (continued from page 12)

    She’s an entrepreneur atheart. She was a social workerat the timeBut hear me out here, startinga school in a remote village onthe other side of the world wasnot on her resume. This was abrand new venture. An “I’m inover my head here, God” kindof venture. An “If God doesn’tshow up and move mightilyand lead every single step ofthis all, this isn’t going to work”kind of venture. An “I give youmy whole-hearted Yes, Jesus,I’m all in and will go where youlead” kind of venture.And she said “Yes.” Whole-heartedly.Hands of Action Internationalwas birthed.This gets me thinking…How often do we discreditwhat God could do through usbased on what’s on or not onour resume? How often do werely upon our own strengths,giftings, talents, and experi-ences to safely go about ourlives? How often do we get inover our heads and take bigrisks as He leads us? Whatcould our lives and world beginto look like if we did that withevery breath we breathe?What is He inviting you to giveyour whole-hearted “Yes” to?Before you read on, I imploreyou to pause for a bit and listento what God might be sayingto you this day.Okay, back to the story.God began to bring togetherthe pieces needed to take thefirst step forward.Really, that’s all we can do.Take the first step. And trustGod to lead all the ones to fol-low.With this first step, the schoolstarted under a tree with 189students back in 2012.In the past 8 years, the school

    has grown to around 900 stu-dents, and continues to growand flourish. There are nowbrand new secondary schoolbuildings for their oldest stu-dents (high school age equiva-lent in America) as well as theprimary school ( pre-school andelementary equivalent in Amer-ica) and the ministry is lookingat adding on even more asthings continue to grow.Children who were once athigh risk of death or child slav-ery are now growing physically,spiritually (Jesus is the center ofthis school), emotionally, men-tally...they are growing and be-coming healthier in every way,truly.Along with the education,there is an established feedingprogram and child sponsorshipprogram. Children in the schoolget one nourishing meal a day.For many, this is the only mealthey eat each day.There are around 225 of these900 students who are currentlysponsored. We praise andthank God for these sponsor-ships! All the while praying andbelieving and recognizing thegreater need to be met byhaving each student and worldchanger sponsored.In the midst of some miracu-lous turn-arounds inthis village, are there still in-tense challenges and needs?Oh my goodness, yes. If youcould sit down with Jenn orMoses and just hear the dailydemands and barriers thatface this ministry, you’d beamazed. But you’d also heartestimony after testimony aftertestimony of Godmiraculouslyproviding, giving wisdom stepby step, and faithfully being theWay-Maker that He is.If He hadn’t been the oneleading all of this, there is noway things would be wherethey are today. He is faithful be-yond measure.I have had the honor of goingtwice to this village - the firsttime was summer of 2016 andagain just this last January. Ican tell you first hand the testi-monies of God at work in thisplace. I can tell you first handthe poverty there is like noneI’ve ever seen. I can tell you firsthand there is a desperationand crying out to God amongthose following Jesus that stirsme to my knees. I can tell you

    first hand the impact this schoolis having on these lives and thevillage as a whole. I can tell youfirst hand the transformationand hope that is given throughthe child sponsorship program. Ican tell you first hand thesepeople are beautiful beyondmeasure and that God is raisingup a mighty army there for HisKingdom purposes.And all of this stemmed froma “Yes” in someone’s spirit. AndHe’s looking for our “Yes” to seethe mighty, world-changingventures He is calling you into tocome to fruition. He wants towork through us!I genuinely and purely ask my-self and us of all, are we willingto be the one to go into thedark, hopeless places and re-lease the Kingdom of Heavento see His plans and purposesestablished in the earth?Friends, I’m stirred up. For sucha time as this.We have the opportunity righthere, right now for some radicaltransformation. Yes, right in theface of the mountains we arefacing in this world. Right in thetension and chaos. God isdoing something. And Hewants to do it through us. HisChurch. His Bride.His laid down lovers.Okay, let’s all take a deepbreath.And let it out.Something powerful andworld-changing is happening inour midst. He promises to neverleave or forsake us. Let’s prayertogether:Jesus, you are my King. You

    are my Lord. You are Savior.You laid down your life for meto have life everlasting. Today, Isurrender to You. I trust You. Irest in You. I find my security inYou and You alone. And I sayyes to You and what You’vecalled me to. Here I am, Lord.Send me.If you’d like to learn moreabout Hands of Action Interna-tional or sow into this ministryand these lives, visit are many precious chil-dren yet to be sponsored. Andright now, in the midst of Covid-19, there are drastic restrictionsin Uganda which have im-pacted the school and feedingprogram dramatically. Many ofthese students are not eatingbecause schools areshut down and serving food isillegal right now and peoplecan be charged with at-tempted murder charges ifthey do not comply. Hands ofAction International has anemergency feeding programstrategy in place that complieswith their government restric-tions.You can learn more aboutgiving into that as well as Heleads you on the website.Suzanne Barbknecht - daughter ofGod, writer, photographer, worshipleader, pastor, missionary to theNorthland - originally from the fertilefarm land of Waseca, now resides inthe Northwoods of Bemidji and is pas-sionate about living a lifestyle of hopewhile inspiring others in the same.Connect more at www.ignited-h o p e . c o m ,, or

    Moses and Jenn

  • 14 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020


    By Mike Good

    In the immortal words of BobDylan - "the times, they are a-changin’.” Over the course ofthe last month, we have seenlife change dramatically as aresult of COVID-19. Hopefully,by the time this edition is pub-lished, things have calmed andwe have returned to our old“normal”.However, the last month hasbeen anything but normal andhas forced us all to engage innew behaviors, take new ac-tions and develop new rou-tines. We have been facedwith situations and concernsthat, thankfully, our generationhas not had to experience untilnow. We have been intro-duced to precautionary meas-ures like the widespreadclosing of public venues,schools and churches. Wehave dealt with postpone-ments of major sporting events,concerts and professional con-ferences. We have learnednew terms like “containmentareas”, “pandemic mitigation”and “social distancing”.

    With all of these concernsover the last month, many of usare left with feelings of uncer-tainty, confusion and anxiety.For some of us, these feelingsoften result in a focus on nega-tivity; it’s no secret that nega-tive thoughts have a rippleeffect - negativity begets neg-ativity. Lucky for us, the contraryis true. Focusing on positivethoughts and emotions canalso have a ripple effect, albeita ripple effect in a far morehealthy direction - positivitybegets positivity. By intention-ally cultivating a mindset ofgratitude and appreciating thelittle things in life, we can liter-ally rewire the brain to auto-matically notice andacknowledge positive emo-tions and thoughts.So, how do we do it? Beloware a couple of things you cantry when building a consciousmindset of gratitude.First, start a journal. One of thesimplest and most effectiveways to cultivate a mindset ofgratitude is to take five minuteseach day and write three ordi-nary things for which you aregrateful. This journaling activityhas the opportunity to dramat-ically change your ability to finda new appreciation for the or-dinary moments in life. As oneof my favorite authors, BrenéBrown, points out, “Joy comesto us in the ordinary moments.We risk missing out when weget too busy chasing down theextraordinary.”Second, find a “gratitudebuddy”. Having someone to gothrough a journey of gratitudewith you and to hold you ac-countable for cultivating agrateful mindset can reaphuge benefits. Your gratitudebuddy can be your spouse,your child, a friend, a co-worker. Set aside a fewminuteseach day to have a conversa-tion about the things for whichyou are grateful. Sharing

    thoughts of gratitude withsomeone can strengthen yourmindset as well as open youreyes to other perspectives.Third, pick a word of the day.Each day, simply pick some-thing for which you are gratefuland focus on it for the remain-der of the day.Recently, as part of The Grati-tude Spark community onFacebook, members shared asingle word of positivity orsomething for which they aregrateful with the group. This al-lowed us all to collectivelyfocus on positivity (rememberpositivity begets positivity) andalso be mindful about newthings we could focus on eachday.The image above shows someof the words of positivity thatthe community shared whichmight be helpful for you as youpick your word of the day.Yes, COVID-19 is scary. But by

    focusing one day at a time, ap-preciating the little things andcultivating a mindset of grati-tude, it will help you stay in themoment and not be over-whelmed.Stay grateful so that you canstay healthy!Mike Good, creator of The Grati-tude Spark, resides in Chaska, MN.He is passionate about living lifethrough the lens of gratitude andhelping individuals and organiza-tions spark incredible positivechange through the power of agrateful mindset. If you're interestedin learning more about the powerof gratitude and how it can help tospark a change in your life and inthe lives of those around you, feelfree to contact Mike via email Youcan also check us out online onInstagram at @thegratitudespark orjoin our Facebook communitycalled the "The Gratitude Spark".

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  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 15

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    GardeningTips forApril

    By Melinda Myers

    Flowers & Ornamental GrassesRemove any remaining wintermulch as your plants begin togrow and the weather consis-tently hovers near freezing.Remove any stems and seed-pods left standing for winter in-terest. Stack out of sight toallow any hibernating pollina-tors and beneficial insects achance to exit. Then chop and

    compost in mid summer.Reduce season long care byremoving weeds as soon asthey appear.Take a soil test in new andstruggling gardens as soon asthe snow melts and soil thaws.Begin soil preparation whensoil is slightly moist, but not wetto avoid damaging soil.Incorporate a low nitrogen,slow release fertilizer, like Milor-ganite, into the soil prior toplanting. This provides the nutri-ents your plants need for thefirst few months of the growingseason.Prune Russian sage back to 4to 6 inches above the soil.Move dormant container gar-dens out of winter storagewhen the temperatures consis-tently hover around freezing.Divide overgrown and floppysummer and fall bloomingperennials as shoots emergefrom the soil.Mark the location of lateemerging perennials, like but-terfly weed and hardy hibiscus,to avoid damaging or acci-dently weeding them out.

    (continued on page 16)



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  • 16 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

    Spread several inches ofcompost over the soil surfaceof existing perennial gardensevery two to three years.Lightly rake the compost intothe soil surface.Those in colder climates canfinish planting tender bulbs,such as dahlias, caladiums,cannas, and elephant ears in-doors for earlier flowering andfoliage outdoors this summer.Start zinnias, marigolds, calen-dula and cockscomb indoorsin early April in colder climates.Plant field grown or bare roottrees, shrubs and perennials assoon as plants are available.Plant pansies, dusty miller,snapdragons and other coolseason annuals outdoors whenthey are available at the localgarden center.Harden off transplants beforemoving them to their perma-nent spot in the garden.Those in milder climates canplant cleome and gloriosadaisy seeds two weeks beforethe last frost. Wait for the dan-ger of frost to pass and soil towarm to plant cosmos, gom-phrena, marigold, portulaca,sunflower, zinnia and otherwarm season flowers seeds.Thin out and compost ormove excess volunteerseedlings to new garden beds.Deadhead faded flowers onearly bloomers like snapdrag-ons to encourage another flushof flowers.Those in milder climates canbegin planting gladiolus cormsmid spring through mid July forcontinuous bloom.Pinch mums and asters backto 6 inches now through earlyJuly. Remove the top fewinches of bee balm, autumnjoy sedum, Joe-pye weed andother late summer and fallbloomers that tend to flopwhen gardening in milder cli-mates.Divide overgrown thyme,chives and tarragon when new

    growth emerges.Put plant supports in place asperennials that require stakingemerge from the ground toprevent them from flopping.Remove brown buds that failto open and other botrytisblight damage on peonies androses.Monitor and manage insectpests when populations aresmall for more effective control.Continue monitoring for andprotecting plants from animaldamage. Tender spring growthmakes good meals for rabbitsand deer.

    Fruits, Vegetables & HerbsTest the soil when creatingnew gardens, managing strug-gling planting beds or rejuve-nating older plantings.Start new garden beds or pre-pare existing gardens when thesoil is moist, but not wet toavoid damaging the soil.Remove any remaining mulchfrom strawberries, tenderperennials and bulbs as tem-peratures hover around freez-ing or the covered plants beginto grow.Move above ground plantersout of winter storage. Wait forthe temperatures to hoveraround freezing if the plantshave begun to grow.Remove dead stems andshape lavender, sage andthyme plants as needed. Thosein colder climates may need towait for new growth to begin.Begin weeding as soon asthey appear. Young weeds areeasier to pull.Colder climate gardeners cansow tomato, pepper and egg-plant seeds indoors accordingto seed packet directions.Midwest gardeners can beginplanting broccoli, Brusselssprouts and other cool seasontransplants in the garden.Those in milder climates canplant tomato, pepper, egg-plant, melon, and summersquash in the garden after thelast freeze and night tempera-tures remain in the 50’s.Harden off transplants beforemoving them to their perma-nent spot in the garden.Protect transplants from cut-worm damage.Gardeners in colder regionscan sow seeds of beets, car-rots, chard, kohlrabi, greens,onion sets, parsnips, peas,radishes, spinach, turnips and

    other cool season crops directlyin the garden.Thin plantings of beets, car-rots, Swiss chard and turnips.Enjoy the harvested greenswhile leaving sufficient spacefor the remaining plants toreach full size.Southern gardeners can plantbeans, corn, cucumber andsouthern pea seeds directly inthe garden after the danger offrost has passed and soil haswarmed.Plant asparagus roots andrhubarb divisions or plants inproperly prepared soil.Fertilize existing asparagusand rhubarb plantings asneeded with a low nitrogen,slow release fertilizer like Milor-ganite.Apply fertilizer to young garlicplants when 6 inches tall.Start planting earlier with thehelp of new and old season-ex-tending techniques. Cloches,

    hot caps, cold frames andfloating row covers protectyoung transplants from springfrosts.Harvest established aspara-gus plantings when spears are6 to 8 inches long for a total ofsix to eight weeks.Pull or cut the leafstalks fromestablished rhubarb plantswhen 12 to 15 inches tall, thickand crisp for eight to ten weeks.Remove the wide leaf (its toxic)and only use the stalk.Remove and destroy adultand immature (larvae) Mexi-can bean beetles when foundin southern gardens.Flea beetles attack a varietyof young vegetable plants.Healthy plants usually outgrowthe damage.Continue monitoring for andprotecting plants from animaldamage. Tender spring growthmakes good meals for rabbitsand deer.

    GardeningTips forApril

    (continued from page 15)


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  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 17

    Sudoku Answers

    Office: 1-507-465-8376Rick Bohlen: 507-402-6766

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    Bohlen Plumbing, Heating and AC Inc.324 N. BroadwayNew Richland, MN 56072

    As massage practitioners,touch is vital! As we find our-selves “socially distanced”from our clients, our vocation,and the world, we are tryingto find ways to stay in touch.This is true for most.Why is touch so important?Human beings especiallyneed the gift of touch. Wehumans have developedcomplex languages, culturesand emotional expressionthrough physical contact.Over the last several years,the common usage of“screen time”, has perhapsparticipated in the down-ward spiral of a lack ofhuman touch.And along comes COVID-19. We find ourselves in-structed and actuallyrequired to avoid touch. Sci-ence has shown touch de-creases disease andstrengthens the immune sys-tem. Let us say that again…STRENGTHENS THE IMMUNESYSTEM. According to re-search conducted at the Uni-versity of NorthCarolina…”the gentle pres-

    sure on the sternum andemotional charge this cre-ates activates the solar plexuschakra. This stimulates thethymus gland, which regu-lates and balances thebody’s production of whiteblood cells which keeps youhealthy and disease free”.How can we “touch” whenwe can’t touch? The phoneis a tool – call someone, es-pecially those who live aloneand isolation is their norm. Thevoice connects us to eachother through the vibration ofsound, in a way that a textmessage cannot.Write a letter, touching

    someone with your words.Use a pen and paper – thereis energy transmitted from thewriter to the paper that can’thappen when using a ma-chine.If you are sequestered withother humans, make sure totouch each other. A hug, apat on the back, eye con-tact, kind loving words, are allways to communicate posi-tive energy and boost thatimmune system.We all have a personal vi-bration. When we think ofsomeone we affect their vi-bration with the energy of ourthoughts. It is important toconsciously master ourthoughts. As found inProverbs 23:7, “as a manthinks, so is he”.As for us at Healing Hands,we are trying to stay in touchthrough daily guidedmedita-tion on our Facebook page.We personally spend time inprayer andmeditation silentlyblessing our friends, family,clients and the world.

    Know that we are still“IN TOUCH”!

    ALL IS WELLBy Jane Dunnand Linda Grant


    KeepMovingWith Us!

    During a time like this, it's SOimportant for you to stay active

    to keep your immune systemstrong and your mindset posi-tive! We saw such incrediblemomentum happening withour members’ fitness goals inthe first few months of the yearand we will continue to re-motely support you and yourhealth & fitness goals through-out this temporary closure.Memberships may be frozen,but we still encourage you tocontact us with your questionson fitness, nutrition, wellness,motivational roadblocks to

    your goals, etc. We are regu-larly checking email, voicemailsand messages on weekdays.We truly want to stay con-nected to you and help youkeep your momentum going!- Several of you are alreadyparticipating (and rocking!) theEat Clean Challenge, Hydra-tion Challenge &Workout Chal-lenge and more are headedyour way!- Join our complimentary LIVEhome workouts and “watchparties” on our Facebook page(led by our Minnesota-basedAF corporate personal trainers)and co-hosted by us, on week-days at 8:30am. Modificationsare provided for most fitnessabilities.- Watch for specialized work-outs co-designed by SpecialOlympics Trainers & also work-outs designed for Seniors! If thescheduled times don’t work foryou, you can find the workoutson our Facebook Page, Any-time Fitness Instagram TV, or ourYoutube channel. We also planto continue to post some of ourown workouts, too! ;)- Personal Training Clients areable to continue working withFernando on LIVE virtual train-

    ing - one-on-one and grouptraining sessions! We can useequipment you have, or house-hold items.- The Anytime Fitness App®If you have not taken advan-tage of it already, rememberthat you have valuable accessto the Anytime Fitness App in-cluded with your membership!There are over 50 at-home ornon-equipment / bodyweightworkouts you can utilize tokeepmoving during the Stay atHome Order. The Anytime Fit-ness App provides valuablecoaching (with our localtrainer), access to over 1,000workouts, and guidance intimes when a visit to your gym isnot an option. If you do nothave the Anytime FitnessApp, you can download it fromthe Apple or Android appstores. NOTE: You'll need thenumber on the back of yourkey fob to activate. Contact usif you need help getting startedwith it!We realize that this is tough onmany people in many differentways. We hope that the fitness& wellness support we are ableto provide will help youweather the storm. We will bewaiving any late payments andremoving late fees for memberswho were at past due status onMarch 17th, to give everyone afresh start when we reopen.Thank you so much for your

    membership and support. Wetruly are so grateful for ourmembers who make it possiblefor us to operate as a smallbusiness in Waseca.Can’t wait until we are greet-

    ing you all face-to-face againat the club!

  • 18 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

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  • April/May 2020 • Good News Magazine 19

    Assisted Living • Memory Care • Independent Living • Care Suites • 200 22nd Ave., Waseca

    Say Hello to Elsie Feeler This month of April 2020 brings us to introduce another of our

    newer residents, Elsie Feeler. Elsie was born into the Buell family in October of 1936. She

    was delivered in the family home in Saline, Kansas, and grew up with two brothers and three sisters. She attended school in Saline until her family moved to the country, then she went to country school. The family moved to Winfield, Kansas while she was in high school, where she finished 11th grade. She acquired her GED later, because she met a man named Howard Feeler, and proceeded to get hitched at the young age of 16. They raised their two children here and there because Howard was in construction and they moved around a lot. Eventually they settled in Clinton, Iowa.

    Elsie enjoyed time with family & friends going to the movies, playing cards, and participating in the Eastern Star social order. Elsie also enjoyed gardening, canning her produce, and crocheting while Howard drove them places.

    At 80, Elsie landed in the hospital and her daughter thought she should move in with her family in Waseca. Elsie gave her house to her local church to use for women in need and became a Minnesota resident. After having a few too many falls, her daughter thought she should move into assisted living and chose Colony Court. They had heard it was a nice place. “I like it” says Elsie.

    We like you too, Elsie, and Welcome!

    April Resident Profile

    By Jim Millerphone or video technology de-vice – i.e. smartphone, tablet orcomputer.Telehealth services allowMedicare beneficiaries to takecare of ongoing medical prob-lems as well as new concerns,while following public healthadvice to stay home during thecoronavirus outbreak.Medicare patients withchronic health conditions nowdon’t have to postpone a reg-ular follow-up visit with the doc-tor to keep safe. They can do itvia Skype or FaceTime. Andpeople concerned they mayhave the virus could see theirdoctor or nurse practitioner vir-tually to find out how to gettested. Nursing home residentswill also be able to have tele-health consultations with theirdoctors.If your mom isn’t familiar orcomfortable with technology,you or another relative or friendcan assist her. You may needto go over to her house to helpher do this. Bring your smart-phone, tablet or laptop – butremember, don’t visit if you’refeeling sick.Risk of serious illness from thecoronavirus is much greater forolder people and those withunderlying health problemssuch as lung conditions, dia-betes or heart problems. Manyseniors are also managingchronic health issues that putthem at heightened risk.Until recently, telehealth cov-erage under original Medicarehas been limited to beneficiar-ies only in rural areas, and pa-tients often need to go to

    Medicare ExpandsTelehealth Services

    to Help KeepSeniors Safe at


    Dear Savvy Senior,Does Medicare cover tele-

    health services? My 71-year-old mother has chronic type 2diabetes but is very concernedabout going to the doctor forfear of exposing herself tocoronavirus. What can you tellus?

    --Avoiding the Doctor

    Dear Avoiding,Yes! Due to the coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic,Medicare recently announcedthat it will be expanding cover-age for telehealth services tohelp keep vulnerable seniorssafe at home. Here’s what youand your mom should know.

    Telehealth ServicesIf you’re not familiar with tele-health or telemedicine serv-ices, they are full visits with ahealth care provider who isn’tat your location using tele-

    specially designated sites fortheir visits.The expanded telehealthcoverage, which will remain ineffect during the coronavirusoutbreak, now allows doctorsand hospitals to bill Medicarefor visits via telemedicine thatpreviously had to take place inperson, at a medical office orfacility.If your mom happens to gether Medicare benefits througha private Medicare Advan-tage plan, they will also be ex-panding their telehealthservices. For coverage details,contact her plan directly.Other Medicare CoverageIn addition to the expandedtelehealth services, Medicarewill also be covering all coron-avirus testing costs to see yourmom has been infected, andmedically necessary hospital-izations, so if her doctor recom-mends that she remain inquarantine at the hospitalrather than self-isolating athome, she will not have to payfor these costs.And if your mom has aMedicare Part D prescriptiondrug plan, it will cover thecoronavirus vaccine when itbecomes available and willwaive prescription refill limits soshe can have extra medica-tion on hand during the pan-demic.For more information on howMedicare is covering the


    coronavirus. And for the latestinformation on the coron-

    avirus, visit

  • 20 Good News Magazine • April/May 2020

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