Jesus Calling Bible Christmas Devotional - Week 1: Trust

Post on 16-Mar-2016






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This four week Jesus Calling Bible Christmas-inspired email devotional will encourage you to:Explore your trust in God,Be aware of His presence,Rest in the season's peacefulness, andGive thanks for the birth of the Babe.This devotional is adapted from the Jesus Calling Devotional Bible.


TheJesus Calling BibleChristmas Devotional

Week 1: Trust

Four-week Jesus Calling BibleChristmas-inspired email devotional.

The Jesus Calling Devotional Bible puts readers in touch with

God and His answers for their life situations. Missionary Sarah

Young had been journaling her prayers for years when she began

"listening" for what Jesus was saying to her within the words of

Scripture. In this Bible, 260 scenarios pose life struggles to which

Sarah Young gives answers from her Savior--words that Jesus

has lovingly laid on her heart--words that have comforted and in-

spired Sarah and many others around the world.spired Sarah and many others around the world.

asmstrihs CihTPresencesHiineaceEnjoy P

Week One: Trust Introduction to Week One

Christmas time always has called for trust. From the time God made His first

promise of the Savior's arrival (Genesis 3:15), to the prophet Isaiah's amazing prophecies

of the Lord's birth (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7), to the remarkable visit of the Magi to worship the

young king (Matthew 2), trust has remained a key part of anticipating Christmas and

getting our hearts ready to receive the Son of God. Far more than looking forward to

presents and trees and carols and sleigh bells, Christmas means trusting that God has our

best interests in mind and always will do what love requires, even if it means sending His

own dear Son from the glories of heaven to the mess that earth too often is.

And that is why trust in God still takes center stage as Christmas approaches this

year. Just because the calendar winds down to December 25 doesn't mean that "life" on

our messy planet gets any less messy. In fact, sometimes it seems to grow even more

untidy, more frenzied, more chaotic. In a world like that, Rudolph may provide some nice

memories—but trust in God provides the anchor in the storm that can keep us all safe and

upright, regardless of the waves that surge our way.


Day One: Trust as an Adventure

Read Genesis 3:13-15; see also Acts 15:13-18; Psalm 118:24; 1 Peter 2:21.


Father, I woke up this morning with a new idea in mind: I want today to be

different. So often it seems as though my first waking thought is either, Grr! I didn’t get

enough sleep or I don’t have enough time to get everything done today. And right away,

my day starts on a negative note. There’s no way that this is what You intended for me.

So, Father, I want to approach today differently. I want to lay my negative mind-set at the

foot of the cross and start fresh with You.

I know I can’t do this on my own. I need You, God. I need to view life as You

view it and try singing a different song—one of praise, belief, trust, and worship. It

would be so great to begin my day excited about the possibilities that each moment holds.

Please help me to do this. Help me to live the next twenty-four hours with a spirit of


— Gene


Try to view each day as an adventure, carefully planned out by your Guide.

Instead of staring into the day that is ahead of you, attempting to program it according to

your will, be attentive to Me and to all I have prepared for you. Thank Me for this day of

life, recognizing that it is a precious, unrepeatable gift. Trust that I am with you each

moment, whether you sense My Presence or not. A thankful, trusting attitude helps you to


see events in your life from My perspective. A life lived close to Me will never be dull or

predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises! Resist your tendency to search for the

easiest route through the day. Be willing to follow wherever I lead. No matter how steep

or treacherous the path before you, the safest place to be is by My side.

(From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)


To what "adventure" might God be calling you this Christmas season? What is He

doing in your life right now that seems a little different, a little out of the ordinary, maybe

even a little surprising? Make this a matter of prayer and ask the Lord what new thing He

might want to do in your life this Christmas.


Day Two: Trusting in His Sheltering Presence

Read Genesis 49:8-10; see also Psalm 90:1; 91:1, 2; 36:7; 118:8, 9; Proverbs 11:28.


You are a mighty and awesome God with all-surpassing power. I know that. I

believe that! I remember the stories of how You kept the lions from harming Daniel, and

how the flames in the blazing furnace didn’t touch Shadrach, Meshach, or Abednego.

And how could I ever forget the way you gave David the strength and courage to fight

Goliath? But sometimes, Lord, I wonder. When I see all of the evil in the world and the

innocent people who are often hurt by it, I wonder. When I hear about car accidents, or a

fire that destroyed a family home, or a father of six who lost his job, I wonder. I wonder

if I should live more carefully. I wonder if I should save more money or look for a better

job. I wonder if I can really trust You. I wonder if You will protect me.

I’m scared, Lord. Sometimes I stay home instead of venturing out because I’m

afraid of what might happen. I’ve missed many adventures for this reason, and yet I keep

catching myself reacting out of fear instead of faith. I long to be confident that You are

watching over me. I want to rest in Your loving embrace and feel safe in Your Presence. I

desire to live boldly for You. Please help me understand how.

— Marlon


Rest in the assurance of My sheltering Presence that keeps you safe. Let My

promises of protection strengthen and comfort you—like huge heavenly bells pealing out


ancient, changeless truth. I want you to take refuge in My Shaddai-shadow more and

more, by placing your trust fully in Me. It is tempting to take shelter in people, money,

success, good health. These are blessings from Me, but you must not rely on them. Any

or all of them could vanish instantly. The unending protection I offer—refuge in the

shadow of My wings—is available to both high and low among men.

In addition, I freely give you the priceless gift of My unfailing Love! Since I offer

you so much, it makes sense to put your trust in Me above all else. Listen to the

psalmist’s proclamation: "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is

better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes." Solomon, the wisest of all men,

wrote: "He who trusts in his riches will fall." Whenever you start to feel anxious, let these

feelings serve as a warning that you’re putting your trust in the wrong place. You need to

stop listening to your worry-thoughts, and instead tell yourself the truth—that I am totally

trustworthy. Then turn your attention to Me, saying: “Lord, You’re my refuge. I trust in

You and I’m safe!”

(From Jesus Lives by Sarah Young)


In this season of joy when we remember the long-ago coming of the Messiah,

Jesus, what elements of our modern-day celebration make it tough for you to put your

trust in God alone? Wondering how you'll pay for all the gifts you want to buy? Dealing

with the frenetic schedule of the holiday season? Whatever those difficulties might be,

name them specifically—and then bring each one to the Lord, trusting that He will make

this Christmas one to remember . . . for all the right reasons.


Day Three: A Lamp to Trust

Read Jeremiah 33:15-16; see also Ephesians 5:15, 16; Psalm 119:105.


Thank You, Lord God, for these precious minutes of peace and quiet that You

have provided. The week has been crazy and busy thus far; and with the weight of stress

on my mind, there is nothing I need more at this time than a quiet moment in Your

presence. When life’s problems surround me, I’m prone to neglect You and rely on my

own instincts—only later to discover the extent of my foolishness. You’d think I’d have

learned by now what a waste of time my fretting is, how pointless my “wisdom” is.

But I’m still on the learning curve, Lord! That’s why I am so marvelously grateful

for Your patience with me. I stumble in my walk with You, yet You never turn away. I

go astray again and again, yet You remain right beside me. You are a God who is worthy

of all my confidence. Give me a desire to know You and Your Word so thoroughly that I

may always trust Your plans for me. And from here on out, would You please persuade

me to come to You early on? I never need to worry when I am in Your hands.

— Julie


Relax in My healing, holy Presence. Allow Me to transform you through this time

alone with Me. As your thoughts center more and more on Me, trust displaces fear and

worry. Your mind is somewhat like a seesaw. As your trust in Me goes up, fear and

worry automatically go down. Time spent with Me not only increases your trust; it also


helps you discern what is important and what is not. Energy and time are precious,

limited entities. Therefore, you need to use them wisely, focusing on what is truly

important. As you walk close to Me, saturating your mind with Scripture, I will show you

how to spend your time and energy. My Word is a lamp to your feet; My Presence is a

Light for your path.

(From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)


Take a little time to remind yourself how God has come through for you in

Christmas seasons' past. What answered prayers can you remember? Perhaps it was a

healed relationship, or some funds arriving just in time, or a safe trip despite terrible

weather. Whatever it might be, thank God for it again—and use the memories to quell

any worry you might be feeling this yuletide season.


Day Four: Trust Him at All Times

Read Proverbs 3:5-6; see also Deuteronomy 33:27; Jeremiah 29:13, 14; Matthew 1:18-



Lord, it has been one of those weeks. The car has been making a funny noise, and

the mechanic is claiming that only a costly repair can fix it. My daughter needs dental

work that will run into the thousands. The athletic director has asked me to help organize

a team fund-raiser, my boss moved a project deadline up two weeks, and my in-laws

announced they’ll be visiting for three days starting tomorrow. Overwhelmed? Yes. So

much so that I just want to curl up in bed until next week. Or next year.

I know, God, that You have blessed me richly. I know that You provide for my

needs. I have a car, after all. I have healthy children. The school places confidence in me,

my boss relies on me, and my in-laws enjoy visiting. Why then, does my trust waver

when demands pile up? Why is it so difficult to peel my eyes away from my

circumstances and rest on Your promises?

Renew my faith, Lord. Pull my focus from the swirling whirlwind of chaos to the

calm of Your presence. I need to know that I can come to You for peace in the midst of

the craziness and trust that You’ll bring me through.

— Nathan



I am taking care of you. Trust Me at all times. Trust Me in all circumstances.

Trust Me with all your heart. When you are weary and everything seems to be going

wrong, you can still utter these four words: “I trust You, Jesus.” By doing so, you release

matters into My control, and you fall back into the security of My everlasting arms.

Before you arise from your bed in the morning, I have already arranged the events of

your day. Every day provides many opportunities for you to learn My ways and grow

closer to Me. Signs of My Presence brighten even the dullest day when you have eyes

that really see. Search for Me as for hidden treasure. I will be found by you.

(From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)


Put yourself in Joseph's shoes for a moment. Mary, your fiancée, has come to you

bearing news that she's pregnant. You know you're not the father, and Mary claims the

child is the offspring of the Holy Spirit. You love her, but her story is so . . . utterly

unbelievable. And then God shows up in the night and instructs you to marry the girl and

give her son the name "Jesus." It's a moment of truth, a moment of trust. If you obey,

surely you will hear the whispered gossip of those who also disbelieve Mary's story.

What makes you trust God and obey? What consequences might you have to endure for

your obedience? And how can these insights help you today, in your real life?


Day Five: Trust and Love Go Hand in Hand

Read Isaiah 55:3-5; see also Psalm 28:7; 18:1, 2; Isaiah 55:9.


I thought I loved You, Lord, but I’m feeling threatened by the upheavals where I

work and the loss of family members I leaned on for support. When I committed my life

to You, I felt such joy in serving You. I had faith in Your goodness and mercy. So I can’t

understand why all these bad things are happening to me now. How can I trust You,

much less praise You, when my world is falling apart? I feel surrounded by bad news

from every quarter. Who will be laid off tomorrow? What loved one will succumb to


I try to keep busy so that I won’t have time to think, but I’m tired and I can’t seem

to find the peace You promise in Your Word. Maybe it’s because I use “activity,” not just

as a shield against discouragement, but as a way to hide from You. I have to admit, I do

flee from the discipline of spending time alone with You each day. I’m afraid to face You

when I feel so out of sync with Your will for me.

— Dane


I am your Strength and your Shield. I continually work—sometimes in wondrous

ways—to help and protect you. As you put your trust in Me, your heart can leap for Joy!

Trusting Me and loving Me go hand in hand. When I search the hearts of My children,

what I focus on most of all is the measure of love and trust within them. If you say you


love Me but you do not really trust Me—to take care of you and your loved ones,

providing what is best in your lives—then your words ring hollow.

To trust Me wholeheartedly, you must rest in My sovereignty: My absolute

control over the universe. When circumstances seem to be spinning out of control, it’s

essential to believe I know what I am doing. I orchestrate every event of your life—

including suffering and loss—to benefit you in this world and the next. While you are in

the throes of adversity, your greatest challenge is to keep trusting that I am both

sovereign and good. Do not expect to understand My ways. For as the heavens are higher

than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours. The best response is simply to thank

Me, believing I can bring much good out of the unwanted circumstances. This act of faith

will encourage you and glorify Me. I rejoice when My struggling children give thanks to

Me in song.

(From Jesus Lives by Sarah Young)


Christmas is a great time for singing, because so many treasured and meaningful

carols have been created through the years, just for the season. Regardless of how you're

feeling, take a quarter hour or so and sing some of your favorites. Let “Silent Night,” or

“Angels We Have Heard on High,” or “O Holy Night,” or any other favorite carol direct

your voice and your thoughts to the God who asks you to trust Him.


Day Six: Stay in Touch

Read Job 19:25-27; see also Matthew 2:13-23; Psalm 18:33; Habakkuk 3:17–19.


Dearest Jesus, You know I want to do so much for You and for those I love. But

things just keep going wrong, and I cannot seem to stem the tide of failure. I am clumsy

and slow. My efforts seem to cause damage rather than relieve pain. The words I say in

comfort come out flat, lacking consolation. The service I render feels inadequate—a

single drop of rain in a desert of need. What I lack in skill, I try to make up for in effort,

in the hopes that expending twice as much time and energy will bring many more results.

Yet the needs remain and no one is satisfied. It is frustrating to feel so ineffective when

my greatest desire is to help others.

When will I see something positive for my efforts, Lord? You know my heart.

You know my desire to serve You. And You know how hard it is to see things falling

apart around me. I long for my life to be marked by successes rather than by failures.

— Ava


When things seem to be going all wrong, stop and affirm your trust in Me. Calmly

bring these matters to Me, and leave them in My capable hands. Then, simply do the next

thing. Stay in touch with Me through thankful, trusting prayers, resting in My sovereign

control. Rejoice in Me—exult in the God of your salvation! As you trust in Me, I make


your feet like the feet of a deer. I enable you to walk and make progress upon your high

places of trouble, suffering, or responsibility.

(From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)


If you had created the universe, would you have sent Your Son into a warped and

sinful world . . . as a helpless infant? Would you have given Him into the care of a

desperately poor teenager and her peasant fiancé? Would you have forced this young

couple to take a long and uncomfortable trip just before her delivery date? Would you

have allowed a murderous king to attempt an assassination of Your Son? Yet our loving

God allowed all these things. Why do you suppose He did so? What was the point?


Day Seven: Ascents and Descents on the High Road

Read Matthew 2:1-12; see also 1 Samuel 24:8-13; John 21:19; 2 Corinthians 4:17;

Habakkuk 3:19.


I have enjoyed my journey with You, Lord! You have been so good—teaching,

guiding, nudging me in the right direction, even sometimes pulling me along. I know

there have been times when I raced ahead of You because I thought I knew a better way.

Imagine that! But I always got lost. And there were times when I foolishly ran away from

You, only to hit a lot of dead ends. I’m not always a good follower. But You, Lord, are

the best Leader!

You have patiently waited for me. You have been faithful to forgive my foolish

wanderings. You have blessed all of my efforts and given me a wonderful family and

circle of friends. You have placed me in a church that honors and glorifies Your name.

And every time it looked to me like things had gone wrong, in the end You showed me a

better plan. I know I have a long way to go on this journey. Remind me every day, Lord,

that Your way is best. I want to always trust and follow Your lead.

— Andrew


I am leading you along the high road, but there are descents as well as ascents. In

the distance you see snow-covered peaks glistening in brilliant sunlight. Your longing to

reach those peaks is good, but you must not take shortcuts. Your assignment is to follow


Me, allowing Me to direct your path. Let the heights beckon you onward, but stay close

to Me. Learn to trust Me when things go “wrong.” Disruptions to your routine highlight

your dependence on Me. Trusting acceptance of trials brings blessings that far outweigh

them all.

Walk hand in hand with Me through this day. I have lovingly planned every inch

of the way. Trust does not falter when the path becomes rocky and steep. Breathe deep

draughts of My Presence, and hold tightly to My hand. Together we can make it!

(From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)


As you look toward Christmas day, what single event or challenge or relationship

in the days ahead seems to call most for you to place your trust in God? How can placing

your full trust in your Lord make this Christmas into something extraordinary?

Four-week Jesus Calling BibleChristmas-inspired email devotional.

The Jesus Calling Devotional Bible puts readers in touch with

God and His answers for their life situations. Missionary Sarah

Young had been journaling her prayers for years when she began

"listening" for what Jesus was saying to her within the words of

Scripture. In this Bible, 260 scenarios pose life struggles to which

Sarah Young gives answers from her Savior--words that Jesus

has lovingly laid on her heart--words that have comforted and in-

spired Sarah and many others around the world.spired Sarah and many others around the world.

asmstrihs CihTPresencesHiineaceEnjoy P

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