
1748 - 1832

Born on February 15th 1748 Studied at Queen’s College in Oxford in 1760, and after he

studied law at Lincoln’s Inn.In 1776 Bentham published his first

book A Fragment on Government.Bentham defined his theory of utilitarianism

in his book The Introduction to the Principled of Morals and Legislation published in 1789


Bentham died on June 6th 1832Bentham directed that his body was to be mummified and put in a wooden cabinet called an Auto-icon.

Biography Cont’d

Historical Context

King George IIIReigned from 25th of October 1760 to 29th of January 1820

“What ought a person to do?”


Natural Law or Positive Law

“Every law is an infraction of liberty”

“Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign monster; pain

and pleasure”

How has utilitarianism affected the law system?

If abortion was made illegal how would it affect society?

If marijuana was made legal how would it affect society?

Does it secure the happiness of the majority of the people?

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