Jeopardy Chapter 26 · Jeopardy Chapter 26 Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Post on 31-Jul-2020






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Jeopardy Chapter 26

Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Sec. 3 Sec. 3

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

What event on Sept. 1st, 1939 led

Great Britain and France to declare

war on Germany?

$100 Answer from H1

Germany invaded Poland

$200 Question from H1

What was the political movement

that emphasized obedience to the

state through extreme patriotism,

and nationalism?

$200 Answer from H1


$300 Question from H1

What Dec. 7th 1941 event led to the

United States to officially enter

World War II?

$300 Answer from H1

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the

U.S. Naval base in Hawaii.

$400 Question from H1

Why did Churchill want the Allies to

wait for their invasion of Europe?

$400 Answer from H1

He thought that the Allies were

unprepared for such an invasion.

$500 Question from H1

What was the outcome of the

struggle between the British

and Germans in North Africa at

El Alamein?

$500 Answer from H1

The British stopped the

German advance and then

forced them to retreat.

$100 Question from H2

How were the Allies able to defeat

the Italians so easily?

$100 Answer from H2

The Italians had turned on Mussolini.

The new government did not want to

fight and surrendered to the Allies in

September, 1943.

$200 Question from H2

What is the term for the genocide

during WWII where Russian, Polish,

Gypsies, Jews and other groups

were systematically killed or

enslaved by Hitler’s forces?

$200 Answer from H2

The Holocaust

$300 Question from H2

The May 1943 victory in this

region helped the Allies to set-up

bases and invade Italy and

southern Europe.

$300 Answer from H2

Allied victory in North Africa

$400 Question from H2

What alliance were the countries of

Germany, Italy, and Japan called

during World War II?

$400 Answer from H2

the Axis Powers

$500 Question from H2

What was the alliance of France,

England, Russia, and the U.S. called

during World War II?

$500 Answer from H2

Allies Alliance

$100 Question from H3

Who was the leader of Italy’s

fascist party and eventually

made himself dictator?

$100 Answer from H3

Benito Mussolini

$200 Question from H3

Who was the leader of Germany’s

fascist party?

$200 Answer from H3

Adolf Hitler

$300 Question from H3

Who was the communist dictator of

the Soviet Union?

$300 Answer from H3

Joseph Stalin

$400 Question from H3

The supreme commander of the

Allied military forces on D-Day

$400 Answer from H3

Dwight D. Eisenhower

$500 Question from H3

Who was Britain’s Prime Minister

during the time that Hitler was

attacking Britain?

$500 Answer from H3

Winston Churchill

$100 Question from H4

Who was the U.S. President at the

beginning of World War II?

$100 Answer from H4

Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)

$200 Question from H4

Who was the U.S. President during

the end of World War II?

$200 Answer from H4

Harry S. Truman

$300 Question from H4

Cut off from their food and supplies,

many starved or froze to death in this

turning point in the European theater

of war…

$300 Answer from H4

The German defeat at


$400 Question from H4

Hitler’s “Final Solution” was to…

$400 Answer from H4

Murder all Jews under

German occupied territory

$500 Question from H4

Originally code-named Operation

Overlord, this June 6, 1944 event

was the Allied invasion to take back

France from German control.

$500 Answer from H4


$100 Question from H5

What was the name given to the

final German counterattack in

late 1944 on the western front?

$100 Answer from H5

Battle of the Bulge

$200 Question from H5

The "Big Three" Allied leaders who

met at the Yalta Conference in

February 1945 were…

$200 Answer from H5

Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin

$300 Question from H5

___________, or V-E Day,

was declared May 8th 1945

when Germany surrendered

to the Allies.

$300 Answer from H5

Victory in Europe .

$400 Question from H5

Why did the Allies need the

Suez Canal?

$400 Answer from H5

It was the shortest sea route

to Asia and the Middle

Eastern oil fields.

$500 Question from H5What does this answer refer to?

Some countries wanted to expand

and take over other territories and

countries. Other countries would get

territorial and this created tension

between the countries. As expansion

attempts continued, attacks were

made until there was a war between

the world (by entangling alliances).

$500 Answer from H5

How imperialism

caused the World Wars

and economic crisis of


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